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Q.1 Create a curriculum plan by combining inductive and deductive methods.


Course plan (deduction and induction) Teacher's name:

Subject: English

Grade semester: X / II

Level: Low to Intermediate

Grammar item: Conditional statement

Meeting: 4th meeting

Standard ability: Communication in the UK. My oily fat level. Basic ability: understand words and
remove forearms

A kind of. Please organize the form of the conditional statement. "

Use conditional statement type 3

NS. Understand the meaning of "conditional statement type 3"

Q.2 Please explain each item.


Personal project

So far, personal projects have been one of the most important elements in Noke's approach to activity.
It provides an opportunity for individuals or students

Show independence and originality and plan acid tissue. , "Complete the project within the prescribed
time limit and practice the medicines taught. During a personal project, students can show it their" ...
personal ".

Inspiration for this project. In general, personal projects "meet accurate tkhni2al features and

Clearly identifiable goal-One PrQ'3 relay consists of one or more sub-items. Indie, aqua, project
general \ dresses or

Priority Sector> Economic dual continent or social needs issue in the New York program.

Steps included in a personal project

Focus on the following steps: During a personal project:

Project overview
Watch the taxi) Uprising¶ Students prepare for a given job or activity

Method and time, schedule. Initial evaluation

Bing students evaluate task requirements (before performing frequently)

Age of activity':' Prerequisites for it. For example, analyze the materials, people, and resources needed
to complete a particular task.

Application / implementation

At this stage, the project is actually implemented or executed

Complete a specific task or specified activity.


At this stage, the student organizes a project evaluation. Through this evaluation, the degree of
completion of a particular task or specified activity is analyzed.


Finally, the success or failure of the task or activity is determined. At every step, the role of teacher
becomes a supporting guide and facilitator

About the completion of the project.

Detailed explanation

The main component of this course is to do

You can select a project or suggest a project to complete individually or in pairs. Pro Jet Will

Requires effort proportional to quantity

All members of the Rupee project team receive special protection at the Ames level

Items are trusted as a sequence of cuff shades. You do not have to complete the phase in the next
phase. In many cases,

Work in multiple stages at the same time. For example, you might be working on a tool. Enter the first
prototype during the search and search

Original carp

Describe the gif plan for adjusting these requirements in a suggestion on about one page. Yours

Represents a user interface design. And code design, you can.

-Kg5 production (that is, deliverables).

· Planes (extendable if time permits. Clearly mark and prioritize these as extensions.
Annotated bibliography

Check out the literature that describes other ways to solve the problem. Summarize each related
article within a certain period of time. Please explain the similarities and differences between the
methods used in the related work and your methods. Include a complete reference to all cited articles.
Annotated references are converted to

The literature review will be part of the final treatise. Correct spelling and grammar are important, so
check them before submitting anything.

Revised proposal

We will change the proposal according to the teacher's comments. In addition, use what you have
learned in the literature search to fine-tune your approach. Introduce the plan to the class for 5

Progress report

The age report summarizes your progress (including images) so far. Give the class an S-low summary.
Feel free to contact us about coatings |% for

Feedback on how to deal with the remaining issues.


Prepare and present a 20-minute introduction

Must be professional enough, can be tetryl, fern Method, prepared slides, short presentation or video
(if applicable)

Pack and release all colic and splashing babies. You’re final

For release,

Write NXR)'Word Cal Belapur, which describes your project in an ebony style, may be accepted with
prior approval).

Incitement planning includes summarization, referrals, and related work

, (Adapted to this). Implementations, results, future directions and references. Essays must include
numbers and images as grabs] 3unO Fount is included in all submissions, so & h: inda »] Ingin.
Please check theca) before Gee.

Date of expiry

All t) date. Thus, like any other project, this project mimics working in the real world. Stages can be
submitted within one week of the deadline, but a 20% performance penalty will be imposed. The
stage will not be accepted for more than a week.

Q.3 Please tell me the structure of the class discussion.

Class discussion

Discussions are based on the expression and exchange of oral or written ideas to achieve specific
goals and objectives. Class discussions are an important educational strategy as they relate to
participatory citizenship, critical thinking, and the development of classroom communities. Class
discussions help learners observe, evaluate, and share their knowledge of spa imfixes.

Theme. This also gives students the feeling of going from NH to NH pie

Angle, suggest new ideas and ideas, and improve your expressiveness with Ommuq Eat1on (Larson
and Keiper, 2000).

"There are several definitions of classroom deterrence. To $, Jones et al. (19-4, P. activity People talk
to S'in oatmeal

Information about one

Subject or question or seek, perhaps targeted e

I have an "active" venue as a means of attracting students

Wange of cooperation and prospects. "

Desian above emphasizes discussion methods to encourage students

Create a positive learning environment and learn slowly. Nostrand, Gamoran, Kachru, gist (192® p.)
6) pointed out that quality discussions took place.

"Baja / c does not use jwé, which means that students and teachers take turns.

Carat frills]. Being a noqya1 star in classroom discourse, students are not forced to evaluate their
grandfather before responding to themselves

Is the student Sanad MA a teacher instead of evaluating a Still dent? Enolase. .is inantdom is a
familiar person. "

Structure of class discussion

Maril Chid (any Pp.133-134) detailed the structure of the movement of the vehicle in front. The
seminar should be a small group of people trying

Complete the task. Therefore, if each student in the group is aware of different types of activities and
responsibilities, the class can perform the tasks more effectively and to facilitate the discussion. In
class discussions, everyone takes their own actions. Some students like to lead, others try to keep

The group is focused on task discussions and some people take action to stop the group

Think too seriously. Here are some of the different tasks that students typically perform in a
discussion group:

Task function
These features are related to the completion of a particular discussion topic. Students typically
perform the following:

· People seeking information and opinions: Look for facts, opinions, ideas, suggestions, and relevant
information that will be useful in group discussions.

“Beginner: Suggest goals and tasks to take action within the group. Instructor: Plan how to proceed
and focus on the tasks to complete.

・ Summarizer: A collection of related ideas eikons Estates

And I will summarize the main points of the discussion.

・ Coordinator: ^ v'atio2s Show the relationship between daimyo and coordinate activities together. "

And members.

· Diagnosis: Find the root cause of difficulty in working effectively and find ways to solve team

The goal.

Work from a group. Reality Tester: Checks and evaluates the practicality and usability of ideas

Alternative: just) ns and apply to real-world situations to understand how they work.

· E iuat6r: Cobblers work with teams to make decisions and achieve results

· E iuat6r: Cobblers work with teams to make decisions and achieve results

And members.

· Diagnosis: Find the root cause of difficulty in working effectively and find ways to solve team

The goal.

Work from a group. Reality Tester: Checks and evaluates the practicality and usability of ideas

Alternative: just) ns and apply to real-world situations to understand how they work.

These features are "related" to interpersonal and interpersonal communication.

Careful. l] Negotiation ag association process. These tasks have been completed

Encourage participation: Carefully encourage everyone to participate in 6Parlicipate, recoil Iotation

for contributions, and show acceptance

And ideas) other people, friendly and team sensitive

Mediators and compromisers: Convince members to analyze

They constructively express their disagreements, look for common causes of conflict, and try to adjust
for them.

· Stress relief: Relieve tension and increase the enjoyment of group members by joking, suggesting
breaks, and suggesting interesting ways of group work.

・ Communication Assistant: Shows excellent communication skills so that each member can
understand what other members say.

Emotional Atmosphere Evaluator: Ask members what they think about the group's work style, what
they think about each other, and share their views on both.

· Process Observer: Do you observe the process of work of the team? Then use the observations to
verify the effectiveness of the group.

· Standard setters: Expressing group standards and goals and informing members of work direction
and progress is a crazy “promotion”.

Openly accept goals, and Galp's specifications and procedures.

・ Active listener: Listen and act as an interested auger) or other

Members are ready to accept the ideas of others and join the team if there is no disagreement.

· Trust Builder: Accepts and supports members of the Opinion Leader Group. This increases the risk
($ king and encouragement)

Also the order of group singers. Resolve conflicts and increase the group's teeth.

Kinley (201 Ingas suggests different ways to create class discussions)

Here students enjoy nitro feudalism and safety to represent them. These are shown below. ""

Angry JM> the tables and chairs in the circle are kind

Lpfurred's Cassone Arrangement for the discussion group. Students do

Discomfort "Sit in row M" Alginic acid is too strong for 4j $ -ciassroo8 because it takes up too much
space. When you draw a circle, the room feels

K "less G] Luteda There may be more conversation

Because they can see each other's faces.

"Kayapte", (Rinpoche needs to establish rules before creating ckssro0myscussiorl "everyone thinks

I pay tribute.

· Opinion handling: teachers need to attach great importance to wrong answers

Be careful. Students who give the wrong answer should not be publicly opposed in front of the class.
It can cause anxiety and fear among students

Please give the wrong answer. If the student gives the wrong answer or does not understand the
material, the student may be asked to reconsider. You can also send these questions to the group. This

The questioning process helps him rethink his position, help other confused students, and give their
peers the opportunity to answer correctly.

• Remembering student names: It is important for teachers to encourage students to learn each other's
names. First few days

In class, if students know their name and share some interesting things in the class, this gives them the
opportunity to build trust for follow-up class discussions. Teacher can

Take advantage of his role to help students remember their name by playing the game. In this game,
students try to match their name with §Fla] INF.

Grouping: Grouping is another important factor in facilitating discussions. It's easier for small groups.
'In a small group of U1Y

All students can get a mini> w

Sinai] Group has "responsibility"

・ Student Participation: Allows students to participate in discussions. Some student’s µ3 Jery are
open and willing to share their views,

A few. Gradients are very shy and I don't want to share my opinion with others. The teacher's hut
lifted Triestinos to encourage student participation. The timetable is also very important. Local Niello.
"International events can attract the attention of students.

Zone time to discuss these. Event. It’s because they’re students

Q.4 Aim for some critical thinking goals for collaborative learning activities.


Collaborative learning goals

Collaborative learning is the use of small groups to teach so that students can work together to
maximize their learning with each other (with Johnson).

Johnson, 1993, p. 9) In addition, these are the principles and techniques that help students collaborate
more effectively (Jacobs, Power. & Loch, 2002, pI). According to UNESCO 2003: Collaborative
learning is a learning process

Two or more students study together. Students, Workers $ All groups of participants with different
abilities Amgen

Various learning activities to acquire teacher's doped material and to build knowledge of substantive
problems. CVS
: Ant (1996) distinguishes the neckline ratio an40 \ Peration with the following words:

Lifestyle and

Natural social relationships in which participants speak tensely b. Learning takes place through
conversations of time. "When

Gokhale (1995) defines collaborative learning as "a teaching method that enables students to work
hard for a common academic goal."

A group of Sf P% RJCs who changed their minds with Oxford as a self-community of cultural
collectives "(Rheingold, 1994),

Say! ) "Groups are more natural, because in real life students spend most of their time talking to
others. When talking to a large number of people

People, that sisal is the formal situation of snoring they are spending time preparing, we:'Lira wants to
say (Quang, 2007, pl00). Group work

Helps student Qena work together and develop interpersonal skills when students work with other
uncooperative students

Their friends, they learn how to work with a wider range of people,

Available to all members. Learn community benefits, abundant ideas, informal discussions,
understanding of knowledge exchange of learning content, and develop members' social and social
activities in group learning

Improves emotional and learning support for members of the learning community and reduces
dropout rates in distance learning environments. Advanced learning motivation and personal
recognition of responsibility for successful learning, development of group learning? Experience for
mutual connection as well as total personal experience

The nature of the knowledge building process: & Bing,

Give meaning to society as experiential learning a healthy way of collaborative learning is based on
design anal

Freeze social communication in class. Build a normal sequence of steps

There are prohibited behaviors at all stations. It mops

For example, "Montsec Ent," which teaches Qin design, supports activities such as making Heineken
rats and bed sheets.

It cannot be used to provide a set of warnings because there is a specific icebound object \'c. The
structure is almost reusable

In any subject, Raul varies across a wide range of grade levels and courses).
Use technoinga "acquisition environment to support collaborative learning inefficiencies, mediation
and support groups

j9teraction ^ sun cooperation 1eq, rejog copy text. The CSCL system uses technology to control and
monitor injections. Regulate tasks, rules, roles,

This leads to improved learning efficiency of activities and increased motivation for "piercing"-

Researchers and practitioners in many fields such as cognitive science, science, and computer
engineering have begun research on CSCL, which is a new interdisciplinary field. Co-op learning is
based on the theory of constructivism. That is, knowledge is generated in society by the housing
community. If everyone joins these communities, everyone can get this awareness. Residents share
their thoughts and experiences,

In the practice of thinking, information, and exchanging this idea

They start thinking about what is important and acceptable

Other members of the group, and the entire group. The main ability of students to collaborate and
acquire is the skill of listening to others.

People: Respect their views, understand alternative views, and do not rule out personality while
retaining relevant members of the community.

If the students cooperate in a fun and harmonious manner. Anxiety is definitely forgotten. Co-op
learning creates a special learning environment that is open to useful information, exchange of ideas,
and trust.

Idea establishment, sharing and ongoing cooperation process 4. Study together and join different
groups and teams. This is the reason for z9uinition

The "learning community" is often mixed with "learning teams," "partnerships," and "mentors." The
main differences in learning

From other internet communities (geographical communities).

The practitioner community, non-voting community, j engoument community, etc.) Are shameless
and specific educational goals.

Some scrim shanks only allow crawls, online courses, or "virtual colleges". Learner oriented

Methods, processes, and internals in a holistic democratic learning environment; Move 1 eµuing and
project-based learning take the lead

Basic components,

For cooperation. To be successful, Terra Weber needs to clearly build five basic components for each
role. The movie and the most important part

It is impossible to succeed unless everyone succeeds. Students need to be aware that every menstrual
effort benefits an individual, but all other group members do.

Good. Student? Vested interests in each other's achievements lead them to share
Resources to help each other's learning efforts, help each other, provide mutual support, and celebrate
mutual success. Is active interdependence the core of cooperation?

The second basic element of co-op learning is preferably to facilitate face-to-face interaction. Once
teachers have established positive interdependencies, students need to maximize their opportunities to
promote each other's success in the following ways:

Help, help, support, encourage and admire each other's efforts

Learning. Cognitive activity and interpersonal dynamics only occur

When students participate in promoting each other's learning. Facilitating interactions involves
verbally explaining how to solve problems, discussing the nature of the concepts learned, informing
classmates, and connecting present and past learning. Increase.

The third basic element of co-op learning is personal responsibility. The purpose of the co-op learning
group is to make each member a stronger individual. Students will study together to help them
achieve better personal grades with sub-items. Personal responsibility @iists

"Jigs are inter-session and group skills. In collaborative learning, the groom needs to learn

Academic subjects matte4taWwork) and

Skills required as a team member (teamwork). This allows for collaborative learning here. Yogh) is
more complex than competitive or individualistic learning.

Asking socially immature people to group and work together shows that they can do it effectively.
Skills such as

Leader! Sh6 determines 41. Communication and conflict

Management! Professor Luster's knowledge is as rich as his academic skills. , Jere are 1Nl, NY
success] this product teaches students social strategies

Skills (see Johnson% ci Junger 1991. 1993: and Johnson and F. Johnson 1991).

Set goals and maintain effective work relationships. The team needs to explain what is useless on the
miRbase <grill and decide what to do.

Continue or change the operation.

By learning how to organize the five basic elements into educational activities, you can gain true
expertise in the use of collaborative learning (Johnson and Johnson1989a). In addition, these key
components need to be carefully constructed at all levels of collaboration, including research groups,
classes, educational teams, schools, and districts.

Q.5 Please write a note about the following points.

A kind of. Course introduction

Kiriakou (1998) emphasized that the curriculum display consists of learning experiences set by
teachers to achieve their learning goals. Basically, in the beginning

Understand new material and simulate tasks that learners complete during the practice phase. There
are many educational strategies, i2% as

Therefore, there is now a wide range of learning. 'A, the caller can be set to achieve the best results. In
addition, teachers reluctantly encourage and hope to teach using the "exudation" method of losers.

Their lesson plan. According to Kelley Q01 (), the taxi demo includes input, modeling and checking.

Input: Teachers provide information and students acquire knowledge and skills through lectures. Film,
tape, VI

Teachers use this to give students an example of "waiting" as a result of their work.

An important aspect. "Amishi" is explained by labeling, classification and comparison. Students said,
"Application level (problem solving, comparison,

To summarize. Etc.)

Check "Understanding 4". Determine if the student "understood". It's a pound ... Sentra] Students
practice doing this right

Students understand the tent maker's ingot scissors before they start practicing.

If you have. ,. Question \, Tata, Incomprehensible like a pig, Concept / Skill s6ou] d, Begging for
facts, Being tough again before the inn.

Explore beyond simple memories. Or you need Te higher "1evel to guarantee the memory network

Bind and transfer. Bloom's classification of educational goals offers the question of stratification and
accumulation. With this

Taxonomy @. Teachers can build problems at the closest level

Development, eels ready for students to deal with. Questions range from the lowest to the highest of
the six levels of cognitive domain of educational goal classification (knowledge, understanding,
application, analysis, integration, and assessment). In the process of speech, questioning skills are
essential for active student participation and long-term learning.

Components of Presentation Skills: According to Kiriakou (1998), teacher attitudes are considered an
important component of classroom presentations. Below are some elements of classroom presentation
skills that teachers should have.

Have got. They are:

-Voice: The teacher speaks clearly and firmly, and if you want to emphasize something, you need to
change the volume and pitch. Make it easier for all students to hear the teacher's voice, but be careful
not to yell or speak so that the teacher's voice does not annoy the students.

Tone: Many teachers confuse tone with tone. The tone is "cost" night sound and behavior. One is the
sq. § ident tone.
・ Vocabulary: In the lecture, the teacher's tone is far away

Use as many unfamiliar or jargon terms as you can. LE \ re required

Introducing technical and jargon, E

Humor: Tech Smith makes sense. Humor helps create a learning environment for students. Humor

As you know, teaching can bring boring materials to life and reduce minimal content. -Thinking ",
teachers dominate, students

Such Luciano may be harmful. I want a teacher

Tide shows that he takes his work seriously, so they take it seriously.

An active teacher who walks around the room and connects

All higs on the board, or all higs sitting in his chair, prey on comfortable images in the classroom.

On the other hand. Personal space too close to the student is not go0 [j octet' ・ etch "Josh tries to
teach from behind

A room where students practice. Teachers can easily see if someone has a problem without getting
their attention. As the teacher approaches the workstation, questions such as "How are you doing?"
Can scare the student.

• Below are tips for teachers from Flagler and Hamlin (2009) that can make your presentation more
effective and engaging for your students.

・ Teachers need to understand the material. He needs to master the content. Most problems can be
mitigated with proper preparation.

• Teachers need to be interested in the topics taught. He is particularly interested in this topic and
must try to find something most unique

It is important to show your enthusiasm and interest. An avid teacher will get an enthusiastic

・ Teachers also need to understand the audience. Who will he give as a gift? How involved is his
audience in this topic? How complex is his audience on this topic? Does he want to be them Note that
the teacher speaks in a more natural way wad i1E "Does Goq4 always cheer?

Understand the main points and fire with us Oting, anecdotes.

Etc. Keep it simple and focus on the right parts of Nadji Alize

Introductory, text, speech content including c

Point. Teachers need to make sure they are appropriate and support him

With his introduction. He should do his best to make the practice as realistic as possible with notes,
the teacher will soon] \. It turns out that her Waipiro no longer needs them, and his introduction
・ L) Joc Sharnaexprbutterf1ies ° Teacher should not be fooled by everyone

In a sense nervous: Some people hide it more than others. Prepare for a snowman walking event.
Teachers need adequate food, clothing, housing and transportation.

• Teachers should strive to make their smiles, speaking styles and gestures as natural as possible. The
important thing is qtr. Remember that the more you practice, the more effective it will be.

It's easy for a while.

・ Please do not apologize. Teachers should not make excuses to look down on themselves at the
beginning or end of a speech. Instead, he needs to stand up. Please enthusiastically convey his speech.
Do not drag.

Then sit down and let others decide how well he did. Please do not accept his apology.

・ Skills are required to make a good speech. Most importantly, teachers must be well prepared and
practiced. Observe others. Observe what they are doing well and what teachers think they can

Answers to the steps to prepare a course for your special needs

Course planning is one of the most important advertisements, and Darcy's body cavity is one of the
main responsibilities in organizing learning. Fletcher + regulator

His student studies. Definitely catalyzing o

'H has rules and conditions, according to a conscientious teacher's shoji

Available status. Managua plague

Best Help II] whatever his course (easy or difficult), he is doing his job.

No matter how good a teacher is, he plans his course.

No one can go beyond work and revisit without preparation. This field is

Infineon One "his work. The teacher planned his year Do you want to start with the designation? The
main functional teacher also needs to write his daily plan

Gee described Estevez and tph inures & for each period. Ryo cadmium and trim¶

Various suitable evaluation methods. All teachers need to be aware of the difference between
planning and lesson planning (daily planning)

For levels and executions, a daily plan is created for a period of time,

The annual plan covers the entire academic year or semester.

From the point of view of purpose, the annual plan is general

Daily plans include norms, teacher psychological preparation (understanding his subject),
psychological preparation (preparation for new experiences for his students) and materials
(audiovisual equipment, classroom discoveries, etc.) and his Characterized by written preparation.
Each period must be unique

Lesson Preparation: If the same lesson preparation is taught in multiple classes on different days, the
teacher must indicate the date. If the scientific standards of the class are different or vary from person
to person, the lesson preparation is related to Lamer himself and the teacher should prepare the lesson
for each class according to different standards. Organize the course, logically arrange the various

The courses are closely related and clear. Do I have to do the preparatory work for free? Grammar or
misspelling. The handwriting should be good and clear. Teachers need to carry textbooks in case of
urgent need

He shouldn't read it in an obvious way, he tilted his head when needed. Difficult to process. In the
daily decline and flow

Planning leads to logical science and proper preparation. 'Preparation for the Dion course must
include other goals and topics

Materials and Questions to Discuss *: The purpose and questions must be included in the preparation
for the rare exam.

Recommendations made by the superintendent in the interview record-Ask him to implement to

improve and develop iterations to facilitate the school's completed follow-up process

Two heads with a headache. Read freely, benefit a lot and help teachers continue learning

Specializing in vulcanization to enrich his experience.

L! 'Teacher Qistic> face ©''GQ »》 Prepare the course steps according to your personal needs. These
"ink" flow steps:

5 resolutions? “Courses may be offered in one class or extended to one class, depending on the nature
of the subject.

Activity. Tuberculosis lessons need to outline who does what in each section

Preparation: At the beginning of the course, the teacher should outline the goals and activities of the
day to the students so they can understand what will happen. He

It is necessary to help them focus by eliciting their existing knowledge of the topic of the day.
Teachers need to: 'Get knowledge using discussions or homework reviews. ・ Understand the topics
discussed in the exchange activities by discussing what the students are doing and what they want to
do. Demonstration Modeling: Teachers need to move from the preparatory stage to demonstrating
learning strategies related to course content. If the strategy helps students absorb the content of the
course, please introduce the strategy first. The presentation provides input to the course and allows
students to do it

For their learning. Input is from the insCod free course textbook. An important part of the speech
Students practice a form that has been replaced by an instructor with structured output. Performance
accuracy is very important.

My teaspoon. From teachers as presenters to students completing aw signing tasks. Student work

A pair of topic-based tasks or sma1 \ egos with specific results.

You may need to close the information gap to complete the task. When students have problems,
teachers organize groups and act as resources. They want to solve the problem themselves. Practical
assessment activities; once everyone has completed the hands-on tasks, reconvene the class to review
the course. Ask students to give an example

Materials introduced in the first half of the course. "It provides an opportunity to label the use of §
poison relations and style issues.

Teachers oversee the understanding and learning of individual students. "It offers off-quarter courses.
Extended: Extended activities enable students

To apply knowledge, they acquire knowledge outside the classroom. Extended activities include
extracurricular observation assignments. In this task, the teacher asks the students to find some
examples, use strategies, and report.

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