The Human Organism Reviewer

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Responsiveness - ability to sense and respond to

The Human Organism environmental changes & includes both internal and
CHAPTER 1 external environments
Anatomy - investigates body structure Growth - can increase in size , size of cells, groups
of cells, extracellular materials
- means to dissect
Development - changes in form and size & changes
Physiology - investigates processes and functions
in cell structure and function from generalized to
Human Physiology - studies the human organism specialized—differentiation
Systemic Physiology - studies body organ-systems Reproduction - formation of new cells or new
organisms generation of new individuals and tissue
Cellular Physiology - studies body cells
Importance of Anatomy and Physiology
Homeostasis - maintenance of constant internal
Understand how the body: environment despite fluctuations in the external or
internal environment
responds to stimuli environmental changes
Variables - measures of body properties that may
environmental cues diseases and injury change in value
Types of Anatomy Negative feedback is the main mechanism used
Systemic - studies body organ-systems homeostatic regulation.

Regional - studies body regions (medical schools) The components of feedback:

Surface - studies external features, for example, 1.Receptor - detects changes in variable
bone projections 2.Control center - receives receptor signal,
Anatomical imaging - using technologies (x-rays, establishes set point , sends signal to effector
ultrasound, MRI) 3.Effector - directly causes change in variable
Structural and Functional Organization Positive feedback mechanisms occur when the
Six levels from chemical to organism: initial stimulus further stimulates the response.

1.Chemical - smallest level, atoms, chemical Terminology and the Body Plan
bonds, molecules Anatomical position - person standing erect with
2.Cellular - cells: basic units of life, compartments face and palms forward
and organelles e.g.: mitochondria, nucleus Superior: above
3.Tissues: - group of cells with similar structure and Inferior: below
function plus extracellular substances they release
Anterior: front (also: ventral)
four broad types: Epithelial, Connective. Muscular,
and Nervous Posterior: back (also: dorsal)

4. Organs - two or more tissue types acting together Medial: close to midline
to perform function(s) e.g.: stomach, heart, liver,
Lateral: away from midline
ovary, bladder, kidney
Proximal: close to point of attachment
5. Organ-System- group of organs contributing to
some function e.g.: digestive system, reproductive Distal: far from point of attachment
Superficial: structure close to the surface
6. Organism - all organ systems working together,
Deep: structure toward the interior of the body
includes associated microorganisms such as
intestinal bacteria Sagittal plane -separates the body into right and
left parts
Characteristics of Life
Median plane - sagittal plane along the midline that
Organization - functional interrelationships
divides body into equal left and right halves
between parts
Transverse plan - horizontal plane that separates
Metabolism - sum of all chemical and physical
the body into superior and inferior parts.
changes sustaining an organism & ability to acquire
and use energy in support of these changes Frontal plane - avertical plane that separates the
body into anterior and posterior parts
Body Regions
Upper limbs - upper arm, forearm, wrist, hand
Lower limbs - thigh, lower leg, ankle, foot
Central region - head, neck, trunk
Body Cavities
Thoracic cavity - space within chest wall and
-contains heart, lungs, thymus gland, esophagus,
Mediastinum - space between lungs
•contains heart, thymus gland, esophagus, trachea
Abdominal cavity - space between diaphragm and
-contains stomach, intestines, liver, spleen,
pancreas, kidneys
Pelvic cavity - space within pelvis
-contains urinary bladder, reproductive organs, part
of large intestine
Serous Membranes
Line trunk cavities, cover organs
Structure - visceral serous membrane covers organs
-parietal serous membrane is the outer membrane
-cavity -a fluid-filled space between the membranes
Pericardium and Pericardial Cavity
Visceral pericardium covers heart
Parietal pericardium thick, fibrous
Pericardial cavity reduces friction
Pleura and Pleural Cavity
Visceral pleura covers lungs
Parietal pleura lines inner wall of thorax
Pleural cavity - reduces friction and adheres lungs
to thoracic wall
Peritoneum and Peritoneal Cavity
Visceral peritoneum - Covers, anchors organs
-Double layers called mesenteries
Parietal peritoneum - lines inner wall of
abdominopelvic cavity
Peritoneal cavity reduces friction

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