Learning Area Grade Level Quarter Date I. Lesson Title Ii. Most Essential Learning Competencies (Melcs) Iii. Content/Core Content

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Electrical Installation and

Learning Area Grade Level G11

W5 Quarter
Fourth Date

I. LESSON TITLE Layout and Install Cable Tray/Cable Bridge

II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Prepare Tools/equipment and Materials Needed for the Installation of Cable
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) Bridge in Line with Job Requirements
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Cable Tray/ Cable Bridge


I. Introduction (Time Frame: 30 minutes

This lesson covers of the knowledge and skills of lay outing and installing cable tray and cable bridges. It contains the
information of the uses and types of cable tray and fittings

Learning Task 1:
A. Direction: On your answer sheet, write the letter of the correct answer that describes each item.

1. It is used in application with intermediate to long support span.

a. solid Bottom
b. channel
c. ladder
d. wire Mesh

2. It features a one piece or solid bottom. It is used for installation featuring small amounts of cable supported on short to
medium span.
a. wire Mesh
b. ladder
c. trough
d. channel

3. It is used for light – duty application where quick installation is desired.

a. single Rail
b. wire Mesh
c. channel
d. solid bottom

4. Generally used for low voltage, telecommunication and fiber optic application.
a. wire Mesh
b. ladder
c. channel
d. trough

5. It is the fitting used when tray split in three separate directions?

a. L – junction
b. drop
c. 4-way junction
d. T – junction
D. Development (Time Frame: 1 hour
Discussion of the lesson:
What is Cable tray?
A cable tray is “a unit or assembly of units of sections and associated fittings
forming a rigid structural system used to securely fasten or support cables and race
ways”. Cable trays are used to hold up and distribute cables.
A. Uses of Cable Tray
Conductors support method somewhat like race way, under prescribed conditions.
Cable trays support the cable the way that roadway bridges support traffic.
A bridge is a structure that provides safe passage for traffic across open spans.
Cable tray is the bridge that allows for safe transport of wires Photo credits to: (Azares, Efren F. and Recana, Cirilo B. 2008.pp 3-10
across open spans.
Therefore, the cable tray is the structural component of a
building's electrical system.
B. Types of Cable Tray
1. Through type (or expanded metal – type) Tray – provides a sturdy, flexible
system for supporting feeder cables particularly where routing of the runs is
devious or where provision for change or modification in circuiting is
important. Typical Model of Trough Cable Tray

2. Ladder type tray – is used for supporting interlocked – armor cable feeder in many
Photo credits to: (Azares, Efren F. and Recana, Cirilo B. 2008.pp 3-10

3. Solid Bottom – typically used in application that generates moderate heat.

Solid Bottom Cable Tray

Photo credits to: (Azares, Efren F. and Recana, Cirilo B. 2008.pp 3-10

4. 4. Channel – features a one piece ventilated or solid bottom. Used for

installations featuring small amounts of cable supported on short to medium spans.
Channel Cable Tray

Photo credits to: (Azares, Efren F. and Recana, Cirilo B. 2008.pp 3-10

5. Single rail aluminum – for light duty application where quick installation is desired.
Single Rail Cable Tray

6. Wire mesh – for low voltage, telecommunication, and fiber optic cables supported on short span.
Wire Mesh Cable Tray
Photo credits to: (Azares, Efren F. and Recana, Cirilo B. 2008.pp 3-10

C. Types of Cable Tray Fittings

Cable tray advantages include wiring system design flexibility, simplicity, and
lower installation cost. In plants where equipment is added, taken away, or is moved,
cable trays provide a flexible advantage. Cable trays can typically adapt to complex
configurations with a simple set of tools. The cost of material procurement for cable
tray systems is not necessarily lower than that of conduit systems in all cases.
However, compared to labor cost of conduit installation, cable trays present significant
There are five basic cable tray types:
1. Straight -is used to tap two ends of cable tray to extend its length.

Photo credits to: (Azares, Efren F. and Recana, Cirilo B. 2008.pp 3-10
2. L -Junction is a cable tray fitting which is commonly used when the junction is made at the corner or to make right
angle turn.
Photo credits to: (Azares, Efren F. and Recana, Cirilo B. 2008.pp 3-10

3. T Junction is a type of fitting which is used to adoptcable tray in straight and tee joining.

Photo credits to: (Azares, Efren F. and Recana, Cirilo B. 2008.pp 3-10

4. 4 – way Junction is a type of fitting

Photo credits to: (Azares, Efren F. and Recana, Cirilo B. 2008.pp 3-10

5. Reducer- is a type of fitting which is used to adopt cable tray when it changes in size

Photo credits to: (Azares, Efren F. and Recana, Cirilo B. 2008.pp 3-10

Learning Task 2:
A. Direction: Read the given choices below. Encircle the letter that corresponds to the type of cable tray.
1. It is used for low voltage, telecommunication, and fiber optic cables supported on short span
a. channel b. wire mesh c. Single rail aluminum d. Solid Bottom
2. It features a one piece ventilated or solid bottom. Used for installations featuring small amounts of cable supported on
short to medium spans.
a. wire mesh b. Ladder type tray c. channel d. Single rail aluminum
3. It is typically used in application that generates moderate heat.
a. Single rail aluminum b. Ladder type tray c. wire mesh d. solid bottom
4. It provides a sturdy, flexible system for supporting feeder cables particularly where routing of the runs is
devious or where provision for change or modification in circuiting is important.
a. Ladder type tray b. solid bottom c. channel d. Through type (or expanded metal – type) Tray
5. It is a type of cable tray for light duty application where quick installation is desired.
a. Single rail aluminum b. wire mesh c Ladder type tray d. channel

B. State your answer to the following questions.

1. What are the specific uses of cable trays in the structural component of a building.
2. Explain the importance of having cable tray in the structural component of a building

E. Engagement ( 1 hour)
Learning Task 3:

Direction: In a separate sheet of paper. Draw the Different types of cable tray and types of cable tray fittings. Put a label
under each type.

Rubrics for the Illustration

Creativity 10 points
Organization 10 points
Conciseness 10 points
Measurement 10 points
Presentation 10 points
Total 50 points
Assimilation (Time Frame: 30 minutes )
The different types of cable tray, types of cable tray fittings and the basic type of cable tray are needed for a thorough
knowledge and identification to achieve the accuracy, adaptability and the durability in the installation of cable tray/ cable

V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: 30 minutes )

(Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6)
Learning Task 4:

Direction. Read carefully the statement. Write T If the statement is TRUE. Write F if the statement is FALSE. Write your answer on
the space provided before the number.
______1. Cable trays can typically adapt to complex configurations with a simple set of tools. The cost of material
procurement for cable tray systems is not necessarily lower than that of conduit systems in all cases.

______2. Cable tray advantages include wiring system design flexibility, simplicity, and Higher installation cost.
_____3. L Junction is a cable tray fitting which is commonly used when the junction is made at the corner or to make right
angle turn.
_____4. Reducer is a type of fitting which is used to adopt cable tray when it changes in color.

______5. A bridge is a structure that provides safe passage for traffic across open spans.

VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: _________)

• Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it
in the column for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson.
✓ - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to
do/perform this task.
Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP
Number 1 Number 3
Number 2 Number 4

VII. REFERENCES 1. Philippine Electrical Code; Year 2000 Edition; Volume I by the Institute of Integrated Electrical
Engineers of the Philippines. First Printing June 2002.
2.Azares, Efren F. and Recana, Cirilo B. Practical Electricity III; Adriana Publishing: 1999.
3.Agpaoa, Feleciano. Interior and Exterior Wiring Troubleshooting; National Bookstore: 1991.
4. (Azares,Efren F. and Recana,Cirilo B. 2008.pp 3-10).
Prepared by: Florentino P. Alangan Jr. Checked by: Christian M. Niebres
SDO-Santa Rosa City Diosdado D. Villeta
Edwina C. Nabo

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