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Cradle of Civilization

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Cradle of

Group Two
Any location where civilization is thought to have emerged
independently is referred to as a civilization. There was no
single "cradle" of civilization, according to modern
understanding; instead, numerous cradles of civilization
emerged independently. Because it was the first place

where complex urban centers formed, Mesopotamia, the

region between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers (in
modern-day Iraq), is sometimes referred to as the cradle
of civilization. Scholars have described civilization in
terms of writing, cities, a class-based society, agriculture,
animal husbandry, public structures, metallurgy, and
monumental architecture, among other things. The term
"cradle of civilization" has been used to describe a
number of cultures and regions, including the Ancient
Near Eastern Chalcolithic (Ubaid period) and Fertile
Crescent, Ancient India, and Ancient China. It's also been
applied to ancient Anatolia, the Levant, and the Iranian
plateau, and it's been used to refer to culture's
forerunners, such as Ancient Greece, which is considered
the forerunner of Western civilisation.


Mesoamerican Civilization
Mesoamerican Civilization

Mesoamerica refers to a geographical and
cultural area which extends from central Mexico
down through Central America, including the
territory which is now made up of the countries
of Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador.
It is therefore seen as partly in North America,
and encompassing a large part of Central
Joseph Teodoro P. Peña

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 01

Intellectual Revolution
Geography and People:
The first great American civilization

Region includes Central Mexico through Central America

The people farmed and grew corn, beans, squash,

sweet potatoes, peppers and tomatoes

Farmers also domesticated animals

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 02

Intellectual Revolution

The intellectual revolution in Mesoamerica

revolves on the study of heavenly and
celestial bodies and agriculture in each

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 03

The Olmec Empire (1400-500 BC)

It is the first Mesoamerican

Civilization which is
developed in the tropical
rain forests of Mexico’s gulf
coast. They invented a
calendar and system of
writing made up of carved
inscriptions. They were
strongly devoted to religion
and priests were highly
Olmec Civilization respected.

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 04

Mayan Empire (AD 300-900)

Complex agricultural society in

which they established large city
sales. Most people were farmers.
Men farmed while the women
turned the crops into food.
Farmers paid taxes in food stuffs to
support the city state.
Religion was very significant and
priests were well respected. Priest
were the only who could conduct
ceremonies and rituals that the
Mayas believes would ensure
Mayan Civilization bountiful harvests and victories in

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 05

Mayan Empire (AD 300-900)

They incorporated their

advanced understanding of
Mayan Social
astronomy into their temples
and other religious structures.
Mayan is known for measuring
o Ruling Chief
time using two complicated
calendar systems. It is useful o Nobles (Military and
for their life especially in Government Officials)
planning activities and o Merchants and Artisans
observing religious rituals and o Farmers
cultural celebration.

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 06

Aztec Empire (1200)

Settled into Mexico in the late

1200 and established their
capital in Tenochtitlan. Fierce
warriors using military conquest
and alliance to build a huge
empire- Aztec Empire became
very wealthy from collecting
taxes from conquered people. By
1500’s, the empire covered most
of Mexico and included
approximately 30 million people.
Aztec Civilization

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 07

Aztecs Social

o Aztec were ruled by a

single emperor chosen
Priests were highly
by a council of priests respected individuals.
and nobles Chief god was the sun
o Nobility god. To please their
o Traders (also acted as gods, the Aztecs
military scouts) offered thousands of
o Farmers
o Slaves Aztec
human sacrifices.

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 08

Incas Empire (1400’s)

In 1400’s the Incas emerged from

the Andes Mountains and
conquered a large area that
extend over 2500 miles down the
Pacific Coast. The Incas were
ruled by an emperor who held
absolute power and also acted as
chief religious leader and the son
of the Sun God. Its Capital was
located at Cuzco. The government
controlled the lives of the people
within their empire, everyone has
Couriers in the Inca
to speak the Incan language and
Empire worship Incan Gods.

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 09

Incas Empire (1400’s)

Worshipped many gods
related to the forces of nature.
Sun God was the most
important. Priest were very
powerful members of society

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 10

Key Figures
1 2
Archeologists have Mesoamerican farmers formed terraces along
dated human the slopes of mountain valleys. These terraces
presence in along the slopes of mountain valleys. These
Mesoamerica to terraces were made of stone walls, while
possibly as early as others were created by cutting down large
21,000 BCE. By 11,000 trees, and mounding soil around them. Plots of The Terrace Farming
BCE hunters and mud and soil was placed on top of layers of
farmers occupied thick water vegetation known as chinampas
most of the new world. were also created Mesoamerican natives were
The key figures in the also the first to use the irrigation technique.
Mesoamerican They were considered as one of the key figure
revolution were of this revolution because farmers are the one
farmers and that is in charge on the development of
astronomers. agriculture on the intellectual revolution of
Mesoamerican. The Floating Garden
of the Aztecs

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 11

Key Figures
Aside from agriculture, Mesoamericans were
known to be the first one to create the
calendars. They used three calendars, all of
which worked extensively in groups of 20. The
civil calendar of Haab, had 18 months of 20 days
each, for a total of 30 days for each cycle; the
Tzolkin calendar contained 20 months of 13
days each for 260 days in each finished cycle
and was used primarily for ceremonial
purposes. Combined, they helped in the
creation of complicated long calendar that Mesoamerican Calendar
tracks both planetary movements and the
movements of constellations (Pacheco, 2003).

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 12

Scientific Developments
Medicine, science, art, and philosophy were all vital to the
three civilizations, but astronomy and architecture took
precedence. The Aztecs, Maya, and Inca all created
monumental architecture, which refers to structures of
enormous size and scale.
The Maya civilization achieved the most advances in science
and technology in Mesoamerica. The position-value number
system with zero, the construction of the most accurate known
calendar, the discovery of rubber, and the corbelled arch were
among its innovations.
Astronomy was one of the major achievements of the Mayans.
They were aware of the number of days in a year as well as the
fall and spring equinoxes. The Mayans constructed their
metropolis around the Kukulan pyramid. This is where they
showed off their stargazing skills.
By: Fionna A. Magdurulang Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 13
Scientific Developments
The Mayan Architecture

They incorporated their advanced The El Castillo pyramid at Chichen Itza is

understanding of astronomy into their situated is situated at the location of the
temples and religious structures Sun during the spring and fall equinoxes

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 14

Scientific Developments

The Aztec

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 15

Scientific Developments
Mesoamericans were known to be the They used three calendars: The Aztec
first one to create the calendars. calendar, the civil calendar or the Haab,
and the Tzolkin calendar.

An Aztec Calendar
that consisted of a
365-day agricultural
calendar and 260-
day sacred calendar

Aztec Calendar
Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 16
Scientific Developments

The civil
calendar or the
Haab, had 18
months of 20
days each, for a
total of 30 days
for each cycle.

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 17

Scientific Developments

Tzolkin calendar
contained 20 months of
13 days each for 260
days in each finished
cycle and was used
primarily for
ceremonial purposes.
Mayan Tzolkin Calendar

The three calendars (Aztec, Haab, and Tzolkin), when combined, they helped in the
creation of complicated long calendar that tracks both planetary movement and the
movement of constellations.
Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 18
Scientific Developments
Cotton plants and rubber trees were
used in making culturally significant
The The products such as textiles and rubber
Cotton Rubber balls, respectively. Creation of
Plant Tree textiles with vibrant colors was
created from domestication of
Cotton. These textiles are evidence
of the Mesoamerican people’s
fascination with adornment and the
cultural value they placed on
appearance. Rubber balls, on the
other hand, were used in the
performance games. This was
related to the myths of the
Mesoamerican due to ritual
significance (Filloy Nadal 2011).
Textile made from cotton Rubber Ball

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 19

Scientific Developments

Mayans built hydraulic systems with They built looms for

sophisticated waterways to supply
water to different communities. weaving cloth

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 20

Scientific Developments

Various cultivation
techniques were done by
Mesoamerican farmers to
combat the lack of usable
land, poor soil condition.
Combinations of crop
rotation and slash-and-burn
technique to retain as many
nutrients as possible was
Mesoamericans - the Aztecs, doing their
agricultural technique)

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 21

Society Transformation
The position taken here is that true cities
developed in Mesoamerica only where
distinctive urban ecologies allowed
large, dense populations to be supplied
with food and other necessities,
overriding the strong energetic
constraints imposed by simple
technology and transport.
For example, Teotihuacan depended
heavily on its local irrigation system, and
Tenochtitlan benefited from the
enormous productivity of chinampa
(drained field) agriculture and effective
Their irrigation system, chinampas, and the use of canoe transport on the surrounding lake
canoe transport today (Webster and Evans p.628).

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 22

Society Transformation

In both cases, the resulting

dense urban populations
generated new economic
institutions, such as huge
markets, as well as the
demographic base to expand
their political and economic
influence, which in turn
allowed for the acquisition of
taxes and tribute over very Huge Market of Mexico, a
wide regions. Mesoamerican country today

Cradle of Civilization | Mesoamerica 23


African Civilization
African Intellectual Revolution
The last quarter of the 19th century witnessed the
outward and inordinate expression of European’s quest
for territorial occupation of Africa in order to massively
control and brutally exploit African resources for their
benefits. To achieve their selfish economic and political
interests, the rapacious colonizers deliberately distorted
and grossly misinterpreted African historical accounts.
Apparently, History was used as a tool to becloud
realities and make Africans to look docile and timid. A
daunting challenge faced by Africans and African
historians was to counter these misleading lies which
formed the basis of colonialism and create a new image
for Africa.

By: Christa Angelick V. Malinao Cradle of Civilization | Africa 24

Intellectual Revolution
Africa became to be known as the cradle of civilization
because it is the first state systems that were built
along the Nile River. The applied sciences in
agricultural, economy, metallurgical sciences, textile
and engineering productions, ancients natural
remedies and field sciences dominated across the

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 25

8500 BC – 6500 BC

In the Sahara Desert region, the

people develop the use of pottery
Sahara Desert and use it for tools and dishes.

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 26

3100 BC
Egypt is consolidated into one
political entity under the pharaoh,
Narmer, who is the principal
administrator of the Kingdom.
This is regarded as the First
Dynasty. Bureaucracies become
more centralized under the
pharaoh’s administration, run by
viziers, tax collectors, generals,
artists and technicians. They
engaged in tax collecting and the
organizing of labor for major
public works such as the building
of irrigation systems and

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 27

3000 BC

Egyptian hieroglyphs were the

formal writing system used in
Ancient Egypt. Hieroglyphs
combined logographic, syllabic
and alphabetic elements

By this time, the earliest forms of

literacy in the world, hieroglyphic
writings of ancient Egypt are

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 28

2950 BC 300 CE

The first stone pyramid in Egypt is

The state of Aksum in Eritrea and Ethiopia
built by an architect, Imhotep. It begins minting its own Aksumite currency.
was built at Saqqara, for the Third The region was deeply involved in the
Dynasty’s King Djoser. It was trade network between India and the
made by building several layers Mediterranean. The region exported ivory,
of stone on top of each other. gold and agricultural products.

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 29

400 CE – 500 CE

The Khoisan speaking people’s

language and customs is
absorbed into those of the
Bantu speakers. The group is
made up of two culturally
different people’s, the Khoi and
the San. The amXhosa, the
southernmost group of the
Bantu speakers, took certain
linguistic traits from the

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 30


African’s Steam Boat Machine Gun

Improvement of medicines and inventions, such as the machine gun and the steam boat,
opens for the European conquest of the interior of the African continent. In 1884, the Berlin
Conference is held to divide Africa between the various colonial empires. This begins the
scramble for Africa, a decade of rapid conquest by various European powers of the African
continent. Ethiopia is the only part of Africa which remains independent.
Cradle of Civilization | Africa 31
1963 1994

The Organization of African Unity is

created. The aims of the organization
were to fight against colonialism, South Africa has its first democratic
keep territorial integrity and better elections, ending white minority rule,
the lives of Africans in general. It was and becoming the last nation in Africa
also an organization aimed at creating to throw off its colonial shackles. The
broader unity within the African first black president of the republic,
continent. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, is elected.

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 32

Key Figures
Muhammad Abduh
was an Egyptian Islamic scholar,
jurist, theologian and writer. He
is regarded as the founder of
Islamic Modernism. One of his
notable ideas is the
Modernization of Islam. He also
promoted and started notable
movements such as modernism,
pan-islamism, islamism, and anti-

By: Loyd R. Tolentino Cradle of Civilization | Africa 33

Key Figures
Sameera Moussa
is known to be the Mother of
Atomic Energy. She was the first
female Egyptian nuclear physicist.
She hoped her work would one
day lead to affordable medical
treatments and the peaceful use of
atomic energy. She has also
authored multiple articles that
communicate the theory behind
nuclear energy, its impact, and
safety of their use in simpler

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 34

Key Figures
Kenneth Onwuka Dike
known as the as 'the father of
modern African historiography'.
He transformed the research
curriculum, pushing the
department in the direction of a
more Africanist perspective and
applying a multidisciplinary
approach to the study of Africa’s
past. He saw it as his role to train a
new generation of African
students who would go on to
research African history
professionally, as he was doing.

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 35

Key Figures
Rachid Yazami
is a Moroccan scientist, engineer,
and inventor. He is best known for
his critical role in the
development of the graphite
anode (negative pole) for lithium-
ion batteries and his research on
fluoride ion batteries. He also the
first scientist to introduced the
discovery of the establishment of
the reversible intercalation of
lithium into graphite in an
electrochemical cell using a
polymer electrolyte.

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 36

Key Figures
Osman Aden Abdulle
was a geneticist who studied
the Somali blood type and
ethnogenecies. Him and his
colleagues discovered a new
RH gene complex producing
the rare Cx (RH9) antigen in
the Somali population. They
later introduced its concept to
the public and general society.

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 37

Key Figures
Christiaan Neethling
was a South African cardiac
surgeon who performed the
world's first human-to-human
heart transplant operation. He
paved the way for the medical
credibility and effectiveness of
cardiac operations.

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 38

Key Figures
Melaku Worede
is a geneticist and agronomist
of Ethiopian origin renowned
for building one of the finest
seed conservation centers in
the world, employing science
to benefit poor farmers, and
saving Africa's seeds from

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 39

Key Figures
Ali Said Faqi
is a Somali scientist specializing in
toxicology and a diplomat. A leading
researcher in his field, he has
numerous scientific papers and also
authored a book entitled A
Comprehensive Guide to Toxicology
in Preclinical Drug Development. As a
Toxicologist, his scientific
contributions mainly focused on
saving lives and support people's
health worldwide.

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 40

Scientific Developments
Africa is known to be the oldest civilization known in the history
of humankind, its history of science and technology is rich and
diverse. Africa became to be known as the "cradle of civilization"
because it is the first state systems that were built along the Nile
The ancient African civilization were first to dwell with applied
sciences in agricultural economy, metallurgical science, textile
and engineering production, ancient natural remedies, and field
of science dominated across region. They have mastered the art
of nature; they are the first shamans to practice natural medicine
using natural remedies.
One of the most powerful empire was built in the regions of
Africa, the Ancient Egypt it is the oldest known civilization that
live up to date sustained life and agriculture of the ancient Egypt,
and until now water still flows River is important in civilization.

By: Kent Xavier P. Neri Cradle of Civilization | Africa 41

Scientific Developments

Scientific practices are

very evident during the
ancient Egyptian
civilization the example is
mummification. It is
preservation of body
using salt and some
chemical that may help
preserve body. Mummification

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 42

Scientific Developments

Pyramids did not only serve

as tombs but served as
representation of the
innovative infrastructure of
the state. They developed
mathematics, particular to
measurement mathematics,
which harnessed their way
of living.

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 43

Scientific Developments

Egyptians also
combined mathematics
and astronomy where
they able to make 24-
hour division in one day,
and also used this to
create the first solar
calendar to feature a
Egyptians Solar
365-day ratio in one year.

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 44

Scientific Developments

They also developed

methods in engineering
like methods in surveying
of lands along the Nile
River, creation of dams,
canals and even the
immigration system that
supposed the life and
allowed the flourish of
Nile River agriculture of state.

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 45

Scientific Developments

Egyptians also developed

writing system called
Hieroglyph, it is the oldest
writing system. It was
developed around 3150 BC.
During old kingdom and
was used to inscribe on the
walls, pots and other clay
products. Hieroglyph

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 46

Scientific Developments

Later on the hieroglyph was

written on papyrus.
Papyrus, which somehow
similar to papers were
derived from the papyrus
plant which are very richly
glowing along Nile river.
This writing system was
more modern way of
keeping records and was
Papyrus used to sustain culture.

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 47

Scientific Developments

Leather Tanning Dyed Cloting of Egyptians

Other chemical principles were applied in ancient Egypt like leather

tanning and cloth dyeing. These are for their art and science of
Cradle of Civilization | Africa 48
Scientific Developments

They also developed

distillation systems that
come from the process
of fermentation of
beverages and brewing
of beers in different
regions of Africa.
Distillation System

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 49

Society Transformation

STS would not have reached its current peak of development and success
without Africa as its cradle of civilization. It transforms society in a more
advanced and modernized society that benefits every individual by
influencing the people through the body of knowledge that Africa
enormously contributed. The African Intellectual Revolution introduced a lot
of contributions in the society in terms of its religious aspect, medical
strategies, cultural practices, and such scientific inventions. It welcomed us
to more opportunities of learning and discoveries towards greater economic
and societal state.
Loyd R. Tolentino

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 50

Society Transformation

“African intellectual revolution is the first societal revolution

since it is the cradle of civilization. Their civilization has
enormously contributed to the body of knowledge, their long
and best cultural contributions in linguistic, mathematics,
science, and Technology has largely influence a lot of
succeeding civilization and various civilization all around the
Kent Xavier P. Neri

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 51

Society Transformation

African intellectual revolution is the first societal
revolution since it is the cradle of civilization. Their
civilization has enormously contributed to the body of
knowledge, their long and best cultural contributions in
linguistic, mathematics, science, and Technology has
largely influence a lot of succeeding civilization and
various civilization all around the world.
Christa Angelick V. Malinao

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 52


Asian Civilization
Asian Intellectual Revolution

The revolution itself taught

Asian countries about
freedom and independent
nationhood along the
improvement brought by it
By: Christa Angelick V. Malinao

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 53

Asian Intellectual Revolution

The twentieth century was

an age of revolution in
Science and much of Asia. One factor
technology in promoting radical
change in many Asian
Asia is varied nations was the pressure
depending on the of Euro-American
country and time imperialism, starting in
19th century

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 54

Asian Intellectual Revolution

The twentieth century was As England, then France,

an age of revolution in Germany, and the United
much of Asia. One factor States industrialized in
promoting radical the
change in many Asian nineteenth century, their
nations was the pressure
global reach expanded
of Euro-American
imperialism, starting in
along with their demand
the for a variety of raw
19th century materials.

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 55

Asian Intellectual Revolution

A belief in the superiority

of Western values The Asian
combined with economic experience of
technological innovations in imperialism and
shipbuilding, weaponry, revolution was as
and communications to
create a potent mix varied as Asia
that would challenge Asian itself
societies in many ways.

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 56

Key Figures
Mao Zedong
was a Chinese communist revolutionary
who was the founding father of the
People's Republic of China (PRC). He
played an important role in enforcing
planned economy in China, constructing
the first Constitution of the People's
Republic of China, launching the
industrialization program, and initiating
the "Two Bombs, One Satellite" project
which was an early nuclear and space
project of the People's Republic of China.

By: Loyd R. Tolentino

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 57
Key Figures
Joseph Needham
was a British biochemist, historian and
sinologist known for his scientific
research and writing on the history of
Chinese science and technology.
Joseph Needham’s Science and
Civilization in China project played a
central role in “catalyzing” research in
the Asian sciences.

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 58

Key Figures
Kotaro Shimomura
was a Japanese chemical engineer known for
many famous inventions. Shimomura was one
of the earliest workers on ammonium
sulphate to produce it on a large scale and
put it on the market as a fertilizer in the days
when its superiority to sodium nitrate in
Japanese soils was not very well recognized.
He was also the first to put up a plant to
extract benzene from coke-oven gas, when it
was thought that it would not sell.

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 59

Key Figures
Chen Duxiu
he established the monthly (“Youth Magazine”) in
Shanghai, later renamed (“New Youth”). In its
pages he proposed that the youth of China
undertake a vast intellectual, literary, and cultural
revolution to rejuvenate the nation.They attacked
traditional Confucian ideas and exalted Western
ideas, particularly science and democracy. Chen
proposed a new naturalistic vernacular writing
style (baihua), replacing the difficult 2,000-year-
old classical style (wenyan).

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 60

Key Figures
Katsuko Saruhashi
is a Japanese geochemist. She developed
the first method and tools for measuring
carbon dioxide in seawater, which became
known as Saruhashi’s Table. Her work
showed that the Pacific Ocean releases
twice as much carbon dioxide as it absorbs,
indicating that global warming could not be
substantially mitigated by seawater’s
capacity to absorb carbon dioxide.

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 61

Key Figures

Anna Mani
was an Indian meteorologist
who contributed significantly to
the understanding of solar
radiation, ozone and wind
energy by developing a wide
range of measurement tools.

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 62

Key Figures

Tetsuzo Akutsu
a Japanese surgeon who
designed prosthetic hearts. He
successfully introduced and
built the first artificial heart
capable of keeping an animal

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 63

Key Figures

Michiyo Tsujimura
the scientist who discovered vitamin
C in green tea. He was a Japanese
agricultural scientist and biochemist
recognized for her research of green
tea components. This discovery led to
an increase in the popularity of green
tea and consequently, a boost in green
tea export from Japan to North
America in the early 1900s.

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 64

Key Figures

Gregorio Y. Zara
was a Filipino engineer and physicist
best remembered for inventing the
first two-way video telephone. He is
known to be the father of
videoconferencing. He also
discovered and introduced a law of
electrical kinetic resistance known as
the Zara effect.

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 65

Scientific Developments

Asian civilization and

Culture Also adopted
some variety of
African plants,
including coffee, palm
oil, African rice, and
other agricultural

By: Kent Xavier Neri

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 66

Scientific Developments

The Xia Dynasty

Supported the
different astronomical
researches to create
more Accurate

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 67

Scientific Developments

 they measured the length of

solar year
 coming up with 365.25 days
 predicted eclipses
In 400-0  recorded supernovas and
BCE  and even founded a bureau of
 they also determine the 26,000
cycle of precision of equinoxes

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 68

Scientific Developments

In 8th century, the Chinese civilization

started cultivating rice and in 1012, the song
state introduces the new early-ripening and
Winter-ripening of rice. It is an agricultural
technique from the Champa Kingdom now
known as Vietnam. It allows rice to be
produce faster with less water.

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 69

Scientific Developments
These are some Asian inventions;

Rice Field plow or water lifting

devices Wheel Barrow

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 70

Scientific Developments

Silk Production

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 71

Scientific Developments

Umbrella Gun Powder

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 72

Scientific Developments

Porcelain Fishing Reel

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 73

Scientific Developments

Earthquake Monitor Paper Money Suspension Bridges, etc.

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 74

Scientific Developments

and this time, the urbanization

skyrocketed because science
and technology is very
supported this time

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 75

Scientific Developments

The ancient Chinese civilization

and the state supported the arts Chinese
and sciences, this allowed them Clock
to have a rich account of science
and arts, they made the clocks,
mechanical models of heavenly
Bodies, giants machine Chinese
replicated to heavenly bodies Mechanical
and in 9th century, they invented model of
the gunpowder, but later body
harnessed it to its potentials.

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 76

Scientific Developments

In 117 BCE, they have been working on iron

products but during the song dynasty, 1078 Great
they produced 125,000 tons of iron. They
were able to do it by knowing properties of
Wall of
the iron and coal. The most known China
infrastructure of china is great wall, but the
most economical, social, and technical
infrastructure of empire was "Grand Canal"
completed in 1327 that was stretched
throughout china, allowing the production
and trading faster. The Grand Canal also
represented the powerful Chinese State's
ability to engineer. They connected the Canal of
smaller waterways to main River, opening up China
where goods and people could travel.

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 77

Scientific Developments

During this time, the traditional

Chinese medicine Also flourished. Traditional
Their Oriental medicines practices Chinese
were influenced by the elements Medicines
of fire, water, metal, earth, wood
and the Yin-Yang Balance. Another
country in Asia showed rich
culture is India, they have a very
complicated metaphysical
understanding on the inseparable
knowledge and religious Chinese
traditions, focused on the Yin-Yang

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 78

Scientific Developments

Indians has very high

regard on "VEDA" which is The Indian
also known as Knowledge.
civilization also
They were concerned on
math and astronomy but largely contributed
mostly concerned with in understanding
rituals. medicine.

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 79

Scientific Developments

During Gupta Dynast in India, they

studied the science of life, Ayurveda,
which included also in the five elemental
theory of matter. In the ancient China. The
Ayurveda, the science of life, largely
concerns healthful living in general, it
includes how to prevent disease and
influence hygiene and diet, almost similar
to ancient Chinese medicine. They
studied anatomy and etiology, that causes
different Diseases. They focused on the
Diseases, mental illness, organ diseases,
surgery, poisons and antidotes. They Indian Ayurveda
developed Understanding of five karmas
or action to remove toxins. and Anatomy

Cradle of Civilization | Asia 80

Society Transformation

Asia has always had numerous contributions that emerged througout the
decades. These contributions manage to transform society by introducing
technological advancements and scientifc acomplishments that exalted
society into complete modernization. According to an article, China and
India have also once again become major contributors to the field of science
and technology. Japan is also recognized for their electronics and mobile
products. To be more concise, this cradle of civilization generated societal
elavation through their scientific inventions and technological contributions.

Loyd R. Tolentino

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 81

Society Transformation

“Generally, Asian intellectual revolution has made a

margin on the large contribution of the ancient
Asian civilization. The large continent has
contributed a lot in the field of science, technology,
engineering, culture, arts and religion.

Kent Xavier P. Neri

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 82

Society Transformation

Asia is the biggest continent in the world and the home of many ancient
civilizations. It is a host to many cultural, economic, scientific, and political
activities of all ages. In the field of science, technology and mathematics, great
civilizations have stood out: India, China, and the Middle East civilizations.
These civilizations were incomparable in terms of their contributions to the
development of knowledge during their time. At present, probably the most
notable country in Asia in terms of its technological and scientific achievement
is Japan, which is particularly known for its electronics and automobile
products. In recent years, China and India have also once again become major
contributors to science and technology.

Christa Angelick V. Malinao

Cradle of Civilization | Africa 83

Middle East

Middle East Civilization

Middle East Civilization

“Home to one of the Cradles of Civilization, the

Middle East—interchangeable with the Near
East—has seen many of the world’s oldest
cultures and civilizations. This history started
from the earliest human settlements, continuing
through several major pre- and post-Islamic
Empires through to the nation-states of the
Middle East today.
Kiara Lyn L. Du

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 84

Middle East Intellectual
The Middle East civilization has a very rich
culture and tradition, they also have an
enormous contribution to science and
technology. The revolutions in the Middle
East were a product of the development and
growth of individual nationalism,
imperialism, for the efforts to westernize and
modernize Middle Eastern societies, and to
push the declining power of the Ottoman
Empire in the Arab region.
By: Emmanuel M. Matining Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 85
Middle East Intellectual Revolution

The Middle East intellectual revolution has a

revolutionized mathematics, astronomy, medicinal
science, and engineering, up to date, their
sophistication to the field is very evident. The
colorful science and technology, paired with their
rich culture and religion revolutionized the way we
view science and arts.

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 86

Middle East Intellectual Revolution

The middle east was the first to practice Islamicate scholars are people influenced
by Islamic civilization regardless of their
intensive year-round agriculture and
religious views. They gave us mathematical
currency-mediated trade as opposed to terms like algebra, azimuth, algorithms, and
barter. It also gave the rest of the world many more. Their culture flourished during
the first writing system, invented the the time of Abbasid Calipate (750-1517),
potter’s wheel and then the vehicular where it served as a crossroad trading
and mill wheel, created the first Zones for Persia, India, Byzantine cultures,
generalized governments and law and various religions, and many languages
codes, served as birthplace to the first flourished in the civilization. The blended
city-states and mathematics. However, culture by the civilization and various belief
systems made the early Islamic science
its empires also introduced rigid social
very inclusive. They have a very high
stratification, slavery, and organized literacy rate, furthermore, they are adherent
warfare (Wawro, 2008). to treat others equally.

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 87

Middle East Intellectual Revolution

The invention of writing was Writing was preceded by the

considered as one of the most invention of clay cylinder seals,
important inventions between on which little pictures of
the advent of agriculture and objects could be recorded. The
the age of the steam engine. earliest writing simply evolved
The creation was based on the from pictures baked on clay
new needs for commercial, tablets, which were turned into
property, and political records symbols and gradually
including a celebration of the transformed into phonetic
deeds of proud local kings. elements (Mitchell, 2012).

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 88

Key Figures
1098 – 1291: The Crusades
Pope Urban II
Born 1035, France. Died 1099, Rome. Became Pope
in 1088. Initiator of the Crusades. Called for a
Crusade to reconquer the Christian Holy Lands in
1095 at the Council of Clermont in France. Also
sought to unify the Western Latin and eastern
Greek Catholic churches, pursuing the unity of all
Christendom. The First Crusade succeeded in the
seizure of Jerusalem in 1099, but Urban’s effort to
unify the two branches of the Church failed.

By: Kiara Lyn L. Du

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 89
Key Figures
Born 1137 or 1138 in Tikrit, Mesopotamia, (now Iraq). Died 1193,
Damascus. Although born a Kurd he became the greatest of
Arab leaders, uniting the lands of Egypt and Syria in the 12th
century. He led Arab armies in a successful campaign against
the European Crusaders in late 12th century. Saladin ended the
88-year European hold on Jerusalem, after destroying the
Christian army in the Battle of Hattin, in 1187. Saladin earned a
reputation as a generous and virtuous leader. He often sought
compromise rather than employing the use of force. He was
dedicated to the cause of Islam and fought the Europeans under
the banner of jihad, or Holy War. He negotiated the withdrawal
of Christian Crusader forces under Richard the Lionheart in
1192. Saladin is celebrated as a hero today throughout the Arab

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 90

Key Figures
Richard the Lionheart
Born 1157 Oxford, England; died 1199, Aquitaine, France. Son of
Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine. Became Duke of Aquitaine
and Poitiers, and King of England. A hero of romantic legend for
his leadership of the Third Crusade, he arrived in the Holy Land
in 1191 and achieved a series of quick victories over the forces
of Saladin in the coastal cities of the eastern Mediterranean. But
he failed to conquer Jerusalem. Richard halted his assault on
that city in 1192 and negotiated a peace and his own
He was imprisoned in Austria on his way home from the
Crusades. Released for a huge ransom, he returned to England
and spent the last five years of his life fighting to consolidate his
kingdoms in Britain and France.

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 91

Key Figures
1453 – 1683: The Ottoman Empire
Mehmed II (the Conqueror)
Born 1432, Thrace. Died 1481 near Constantinople. Sultan of the
Ottoman Empire twice, from 1444 to 1446, and from 1451 to
1481. During his second reign he captured Constantinople,
ending the Byzantine Empire, and establishing the Ottoman
state as a major power on the Mediterranean. He also
consolidated Ottoman hold over all of Anatolia (modern-day
Turkey) and over key territories in the Balkans. Mehmed also
reorganized the Ottoman government and began the
codification of law. He proved to be tolerant of European
scholarship and faith and gathered a large library of Latin and
Greek texts in his palace. During his reign, he encouraged
advances in the study of mathematics and astronomy.

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 92

Key Figures
Suleiman I (the Magnificent)
Born 1494 or 1495, died 1566 in Hungary. Ruling the Ottoman
Empire as Sultan from 1520 to 1566, he expanded the empire to
nearly its farthest reaches. He seized Belgrade in 1521 and
much of Hungary by 1526. Suleiman set siege to Vienna in 1529,
but was not successful in seizing the Habsburg city.
He waged a naval war in the Mediterranean against the forces of
the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. Suleiman also fought three
campaigns against the Persians, to the east of the Ottoman
He was a builder, known for his construction of mosques,
bridges and other public works in both Europe and the Arab

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 93

Key Figures
Charles V
Born 1500 Ghent; died 1558, Spain. Ruled as King of Spain,
leader of the Habsburg Empire in the Netherlands and Austria,
and Holy Roman Emperor, 1519 to 1556. Grandson of the
Spanish monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, who expelled all
Arabs and Jews from Spain in 1492, the same year they financed
Columbus’s first expedition to the New World.
Fought many European wars to hold onto his empire, and also
faced intensifying pressure from the Ottoman Empire after
Suleiman the Magnificent became Sultan. Charles raised a large
army to defend the first Ottoman siege of Vienna. He abdicated
the Spanish throne in favor of his son Philip (the Second).

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 94

Key Figures
1783 – 1912: Europe Carves up the Middle East
Napoleon Bonaparte
Born 1769 Corsica; died 1821, St. Helena Island. Emperor of France 1804
to 1815. One of the most celebrated and hated figures of European
history, he was the first great general of the army of republican France.
Napoleon launched an attack on Egypt in 1798, but was quickly defeated
by British naval forces under Lord Nelson.
Napoleon beat a hasty retreat to France, but his short-lived seizure of
Arab land initiated the century-long European carve-up of much of the
Arab Middle East.
He became supreme leader of France in 1799 and was crowned Emperor
in 1804. Napoleon invaded Russia in 1812 and suffered a massive defeat.
He abdicated the throne in 1814, but returned from exile on the island of
Elba in 1815. Finally defeated at Waterloo, 1815, he was exiled to St.
Helena on the west coast of Africa, where he died.

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 95

Key Figures

Ferdinand de Lesseps
French engineer (1805-1894). As a French diplomat assigned to
Alexandria in Egypt, he first considered building a canal from the
Mediterranean to the Red Sea across the Isthmus of Suez. He was
able to secure political and financial backing for this project through
friendships with the Khedive of Egypt and the Empress of France. De
Lesseps gained the concession to build the canal in 1854, and it was
completed and opened in 1869.
He then set out to build the Panama Canal but underestimated the
costs of the project, the engineering problems, and the hardships of
work in the Central American jungle. His company went bankrupt
and he was implicated in financial scandal.

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 96

Key Figures

Charles Gordon
British general (1833-1885). Served in the British army with
distinction during the Crimean War and afterward in China.
He entered the service of the Khedive of Egypt and served
as administrator of Sudan from 1874 to 1880. Gordon
returned to Sudan in 1884 with a mission to stamp out a local
conflict known as the Mahdi’s Revolt, an Islamic movement
resisting British control. Underestimating the strength of his
adversary, Gordon refused to withdraw from Khartoum and
found himself surrounded. After a 10-month siege, Gordon
and many of his men were slaughtered. Britain did not
finally put down the Mahdi Revolt for another 14 years.

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 97

Key Figures
1914 – 1936: World War I and its Aftermath
Georges Picot and Sir Mark Sykes
British and French diplomats who signed a secret agreement in Georges
1916 dividing up the Middle Eastern territories of the Ottoman Picot
Empire when World War I was over. France was to acquire
Lebanon, Syria and Mosul (part of northern Iraq today). Britain
was to receive northern Palestine, Jordan and Iraq. The rest of
Palestine was to be administered internationally.
The agreement clashed with promises to the Arabs made by T.
E. Lawrence and other British officials, and was superceded by Sir
British conquests before the war ended in 1918. The secret Mark
terms of the agreement were made public by the Russian
Bolsheviks in 1918. Sykes

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 98

Key Figures
T.E. Lawrence
“Lawrence of Arabia” (1888-1935). Famed British Arabist.
Traveled to Jedda in Arabia in 1916 to organize an Arab
revolt against the Ottoman Empire. He allied Britain with the
Hashemite clan in control of Mecca. Lawrence led an Arab
army to seize Damascus in 1918.
He believed that Britain broke its promises to the Arab
cause. Lawrence opposed the French occupation of Syria
and British methods during its occupation of Iraq. His
account of the Arab Revolt during World War I was published
as The Seven Pillars of Wisdom and remains in print today.
His story was made into an Oscar-winning movie, Lawrence
of Arabia, directed by David Lean in 1962.

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 99

Key Figures
Edmund Allenby
British general (1861-1936). After service in the British army
in France during the war, he was given command of British
forces in Palestine. Allenby captured Jerusalem in 1917. He
began a major offensive into Syria in September 1918,
supported by T.E. Lawrence’s Arab force. Lawrence beat
Allenby to Damascus.
Allenby’s victories superseded the Sykes-Picot Agreement
of 1916, which had determined how Britain and France
would divide up the conquered territories of the Ottoman
Empire after the war. Allenby’s name remains the name of a
key bridge and crossing point over the Jordan River
between Jordan and Israel.

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 100

Key Figures
1945 – 1973: The Rise of the U.S. in the Middle East
King Abdul Aziz al Saud
1880-1953. Founder and first king of Saudi Arabia. Kept his tribes and his forces
largely sidelined during World War I, when the British supported an Arab Revolt
and other Arabian leaders against the Ottoman Empire. In the early 1920s, he
began to expand territory in the Arabian Peninsula under his control. In 1924, in
alliance with conservative religious forces known as the Ikhwan, Abdul Aziz
invaded Mecca and seized the territory in Arabia known as the Hejaz. Britain, the
nominal imperial power in the peninsula, eventually accepted his expansionist
raids, and in 1932, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia became independent with Abdul
Aziz its monarch. In 1933 Abdul Aziz signed the first contract – with the American
oil company Socal – to explore for oil in Saudi Arabia. Oil was discovered five
years later and would result after World War II in enormous inflows of cash to the
desert kingdom. The first step toward diplomatic alliance with the United States
occurred in 1945 just as the war was ending, when Abdul Aziz met with President
Roosevelt on a ship in the Red Sea.

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 101

Key Figures
Mohammed Mossadegh
1880-1967. Iranian political leader and prime minister. Educated in
Switzerland before World War I, he became a member of Iran’s elite.
Mossadegh held many government positions, including provincial
governor and foreign minister, but opposed election of Reza Khan as
Shah in 1925. Mossadegh emerged during World War II as an
outspoken supporter of Iranian nationalism. He called for
nationalization of British oil assets in Iran. By 1951, Mossadegh
became so popular that then Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was
forced to appoint him prime minister.
Oil nationalization prompted a profound crisis in Iran, with opposition
coming from Britain and the United States. In 1953 the Shah tried to
remove him, but street demonstrations forced the Shah to leave Iran.
Just days later, a joint American-British-supported coup toppled
Mossadegh and restored the Shah to the throne. Mossadegh was
imprisoned for three years, and spent the rest of his life under house

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 102

Key Figures
Gamal Abdel Nasser
1918-1970. Nationalist leader of Egypt. As an Egyptian military
officer, he fought in the 1948 war that saw Israel become an
independent nation in much of what had been British-controlled
Palestine. In 1952, Nasser and other officers staged a bloodless coup,
overthrowing King Farouk.
Nasser emerged as supreme Egyptian leader in 1954. He
nationalized the Suez Canal in 1956, prompting a joint
British/French/Israeli military action to reseize it. U.S. President
Eisenhower opposed that action, and the military effort quickly
In 1958, Nasser combined Egypt and Syria into the United Arab
Republic, an experiment in Arab nationalism that ended three years
later, when Syria withdrew. In alliance with Syria and Jordan, Nasser
fought Israel in 1967 only to suffer a devastating defeat in six days.
He died of a heart attack three years later.

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 103

Scientific Developments
Cutting-edge science in the Middle East

Science and technology developed in the Islamic world

considerably more than they did in the West after the
advent of Islam in the seventh century C.E. Muslim
monarchs supported greater scientific inquiry in a
variety of areas, including mathematics, astronomy,
medicine, pharmacology, optics, chemistry, botany,
philosophy, and physics, through encouraging the
translation of Greek philosophy and science texts.
Muslim scholars introduced the use of zero, quadratic
equation solutions, and even the Arabic word "algebra"
in mathematics. Muslim astronomers calculated the
diameter of the Earth after realizing it was round. 600
years before Galileo was accused of heresy for claiming
An engraving of Muslim pioneer that the Earth orbited the Sun, Ibn Al-Haytham (965-
astronomer Ibn al-Haytham (965-1040) 1040) explored momentum, gravity, and optics.

By: Emmanuel M. Matining Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 104

Scientific Developments

One of the most important fields of study

was medicine. While Europeans continued
to use leeches on their patients, Muslim Much of the information
doctors were removing cataracts and
treating kidney and gallstones surgically.
gained by Muslims and
Ibn Sina (also known as Avicenna in the passed down to Europeans
West, 980-1037) wrote al-Qanun fi al-Tibb,
or the Canons of Medicine, a seminal work was crucial in bringing
that was the first to recognize tuberculosis Europe out of the Dark
as contagious, identify meningitis, and
describe all of the minute parts of the eye. Ages and into the
The Canons had been translated into Latin
by the 12th century, and European
medicine relied on it until the 1700s.

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 105

Scientific Developments
The technological advance of the West

During the 16th century, Ottoman

astronomer Taqi al-Din produced
astronomical tables that were thought to
An engraving be at least as precise as those of fellow
of Muslim 16th-century astronomer Tycho Brahe of
pioneer Denmark, whose observations of the
Ibn al-
planets formed the basis for Kepler's
Haytham Laws of planetary motion. However, only
(965-1040) a century later, the Ottomans and their
Muslim counterparts in Mughal India
and the Persian Safavid Empire stopped
funding scientific study and innovation.

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 106

Scientific Developments
When Middle Eastern states like Egypt, Iran, and the
This change was caused in part by the Ottoman Empire chose to build modern
empires' shifting priorities and infrastructure, such as railroads and telegraph lines,
educational systems. Similarly, to the work had to be contracted out to foreign
companies by the 19th century. Concessions — the
earlier centuries in Europe, parties right to build and profit from infrastructure
seeking to maintain the status quo development projects — were offered to European
became more dominant than those firms by cash-strapped Middle Eastern
governments. As a result of these opportunities,
calling for growth and European countries were interested in influencing
experimentation. Meanwhile, Europe's Middle Eastern regimes in order to obtain contracts
scientific and industrial revolutions and preserve their interests. The West's
technological and industrial capabilities boosted its
began to give the West a military and political and economic power in the region in this
economic edge over the Islamic way. However, technological dependency on the
world, building on the earlier West was regarded as a danger to the Islamic
accomplishments of Muslim scientists. world's independence, and hatred of Western power
began to grow.

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 107

Scientific Developments
Technological advances in the modern Middle East

From ancient Iranian qanats

(underground canals that
carried water from the
mountains to the arid plain) to
current dam systems on the
Nile and Euphrates Rivers,
some of the Middle East's
most significant technological
Workmen in this undated photo use a achievements have been
water screw to help in irrigating fields in related to the use of water.
Egypt's Nile Delta

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 108

Scientific Developments
The Aswan Dam, completed in 1898, was the first
significant modern dam project, successfully
damming the Nile River. With Soviet assistance,
the Aswan Dam was expanded in the 1960s.
Unfortunately, while these Nile dams-controlled
water flow to agriculture, provided essential
energy, and protected Egypt from years of
drought, they also introduced environmental
issues that have put a cloud over their overall
effectiveness. Since the Nile no longer floods, the
rich silt that used to fertilize Egyptian fields is
instead accumulating in Lake Nasser behind the
Aswan Dam. As a result, farmers downstream are
Begun in 1898, Egypt's Aswan Dam was obliged to use large quantities of artificial
expanded with Soviet support in the fertilizers, which run off into the Nile and
1960s. contaminate it.

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 109

Scientific Developments

The region's overall aridity has In today's Middle East, scientific

prompted some of the region's discovery and technology
wealthier nations to look for technical application vary significantly.
ways to meet their water needs. They've Israel's current technological
honed their skills in water desalination, leadership and close economic
water recycling, and solar energy
ties with the West contrast sharply
thanks to a consistent investment in
research. Oil-poor countries in the area, with its Arab neighbors. For
like as Egypt, cannot afford such example, Israel is a world leader
sophisticated technology and must rely in the development of computer
on more conventional water sources. voice-recognition software.

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 110

Scientific Developments
Access to technology

Access to technology, like in other parts of

the world, reflects the diversity in lifestyles
across the region. Some people are
completely unaware of the Internet, while
others rely on it to make a living. Despite
this, the Middle East is being transformed by
low-cost, portable technology.
In the Middle East, cellular phones, for
example, are becoming increasingly
popular, enabling phone connection in both
rural settlements and congested
A young woman pauses from shopping to metropolitan areas. Wireless service avoids
talk on a cellular telephone in a Kuwaiti the time-consuming and costly task of
shop, c. 2000. putting out and maintaining telephone wires.

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 111

Scientific Developments

People in the Middle East who previously However, in other countries, the
only had access to government-controlled government is the only Internet
media now have access to new and varied
sources of information due to satellite
provider, and the content
television news programs like Al-Jazeera. provided may be censored.
It's possible that the Internet will have a Oil-poor countries lack the
similar effect. financial means to take use of
People who cannot afford to buy a computer these new technologies. Both
can access news and information through
Internet cafés that have sprouted up in economic resources and political
major cities and regional centers around openness affect one's capacity to
the Middle East. acquire new technologies.

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 112

Society Transformation

Science and technology enhance the capabilities of states and societies to obtain and transform
resources necessary for their development and advancement. On the other hand, lack of scientific
knowledge and access to technology not only affects a country’s level of development but also
jeopardises its national security. In an anarchic international system, security interdependence
implies that the security of a state is closely tied to the security of the other states and especially its
neighbours. Since national securities are interdependent, the security or insecurity of a state may
have a considerable impact not only on the security of its immediate neighbours but also on the
security of the whole region in which it is geographically embedded (regional security).
The Egyptians excelled in such applied sciences as medicine, engineering, and surveying; in
Mesopotamia greater progress was made in astronomy and mathematics. The development of
astronomy seems to have been greatly accelerated by that of astrology, which took the lead among the
quasi-sciences involved in divination.

Kiara Lyn L. Du

Cradle of Civilization | Middle East 113

Alibin, Azel Ann. “Mesoamerican Intellectual Revolution.” Mesoamerican Intellectual Revolution, Scrbd, 27 July
2019, https://www.scribd.com/document/419926419/Mesoamerican-Intellectual-
Revolution?fbclid=IwAR2gt2FDkoP7CjwCSn8EjdE3A1Yy-iqBBlwUH7IxEuLYv3lt0cq37sQQ1vc. Accessed 26
September 2021.
Davis, Ben. “What is the greatest contribution of Mesoamerica?” How did Mesoamerica develop?,
Mvorganizing.org, 7 September 2020, https://www.mvorganizing.org/how-did-mesoamerica-develop/.
Accessed 25 September 2021.
Estardo, Anna Maria Gracia I. “intellectual revolutions that defined society.” bsp-sts pt2, Slideshare, 2 July 2018,
https://www.slideshare.net/annaestardo/bspsts-pt2. Accessed 25 September 2021.
Webster, David, and Susan Toby Evans. Mesoamerican Civilization. Pennsylvania, The Pennsylvania State
University. Webster_Evans_MesoAmerican,
https://anth.la.psu.edu/documents/Webster_Evans_MesoAmerican.pdf. Accessed 25 September 2021.
Intellectual Revolutions that Defined Society.
(Science, Technology and Society p.40-42)
Awortu, B.E, et al. “African Intellectual Revolution In the 20th Century: A Review of Kenneth Onwuka Dike’s
Contributions to African History.” International Journal of African and Asian Studies, vol. 13, 2015. African
Intellectual Revolution In the 20th Century - iiste.org,
https://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JAAS/article/view/25618. Accessed 25 September 2021.

Bettmann/Corbis, Burstein Collection/Corbis, Library of Congress, Michael Nicholson/Corbis, National
Presented by:
Kiara Lyn L. Du
Christa Angelick V. Malinao
Fionna A. Magdurulang
Emmanuel M. Matining
Kent Xavier P. Neri Submitted to:
Joseph Teodoro P. Peña
Loyd R. Tolentino Ms. Grace
BAComm 1-A Camille Nabos
Subject Teacher
Arranged by: Science Technology
Fionna A. Magdurulang and Society

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