Capgemini Recruitment For 2021 Batch: Game Based Aptitude Pattern

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Capgemini Recruitment | Game Explore 'Capgemini'

Based Aptitude Questions

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Published on 24 Aug 2020

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Are you a 2021 Passout aspiring to ace
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Recruit ment Pat t ern, t here is a new sect ion int roduced named Game Based Aptitude Test. solut ion, in-sync wit h t he lat est Capgemini
Recruit ment Pat t ern

Capgemini Recruitment for 2021 Batch: Game Based Aptitude


Here is t he pat t ern of t he Capgemini Game Based Apt it ude Test .

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Capgemini Recruitment Game Based Aptitude: Questions and


Here are some quest ions and answers t hat will help you underst and how t he Game Based
Apt it ude Test works.

Q1. Which operat or is needed?

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Answer: 2341
From t he given row,
Posit ion 1 is occupied by a circle
Posit ion 2 is occupied by a plus sign
Posit ion 3 is occupied by a rhombus
Posit ion 4 is occupied by a t riangle
Aft er 2413,
Posit ion 1 is occupied by a Plus sign
Posit ion 2 is occupied by a Triangle
Posit ion 3 is occupied by a Circle
Posit ion 4 is occupied by a Rhombus
In t he final row, t he order is triangle, circle, rhombus, plus sign which can be t ranslat ed as

Q2. Pick t he one t hat doesn’t fit t he group.

Answer: E
In each st ep, t he shaded square moves 1 posit ion in ant iclockwise direct ion along t he sides of
t he out er square. In figure E, t he shaded square should be along t he t op edge of t he out er
square. But it was given along t he bot t om edge of t he out er square and hence t he odd man.

Q3.  Find t he missing part .

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Each row/ column should have all t he five shapes (t riangle, plus sign, square, circle, st ar).
If we consider row 2, a st ar can be fixed only at grid 23. So, a plus sign can be fixed at t he first
column of t he second row. So, t he quest ion should be replaced by a plus sign.

Q4. Ent er t he unique digit s t hat sat isfy t he given equat ion.

Answer: 6 × 7 + 3 = 20

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Element s along t he diagonal are similar.

Q6.  Ident ify t he pat t ern in which t he quest ion grids are coloured and following t he same
pat t ern colour t he given grids.

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Grids wit h element s in t he range of 0 t o 4 are coloured green. Grids wit h element s in t he range
of 5 t o 9 are coloured grey.

Q7. Pick t he odd one.

Answer: B
A vert ical line, a plus sign and a cross mark repeat in cycle.

Q8. Move t he red ball t o t he hole (marked black) in t he given grid.

Answer & Explanation:

The required moves are:
i) Purple block and t he ball – 2 posit ions left ward
ii) Green block – 2 posit ions upward
ii) Brown block – 1 posit ion right ward and 1 posit ion upward
iii) Yellow block – 1 posit ion downward and 1 posit ion right ward
Aft er t hese movement s, t he grid changes as:
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Now, t he red ball can be t aken t o t he dest inat ion wit hout obst acles.

Q9. Find t he missing part .

Answer: C
Considering column wise,
Figure 1 + Figure 2 = Figure 3
The non-overlapping part s bet ween figures 1 and 2 are shaded in yellow. The overlapping part s
are shaded in blue.

Q10. Ent er t he unique digit s t hat sat isfy t he given equat ion.

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1÷3×6=2 (ht t ps:// ment -game-apt it ude/)


Q11. Ident ify t he order of rearrangement .

Answer: 3241
From t he given row,
Posit ion 1 is occupied by a square
Posit ion 2 is occupied by a t riangle
Posit ion 3 is occupied by a plus sign
Posit ion 4 is occupied by a circle
In t he final row, t he order is plus sign, triangle, circle, square which can be t ranslat ed as

Q12. Pick t he one t hat doesn’t fit t he group.

Answer: (Vth figure)

In t he given series of IX figures (say I t o IX), each figure cont ains 5 horizont al lines (say 1 t o 5).
Exact ly one of t he lines is broken in t he order of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3,2, 1 from figures I t o IX
respect ively. But t his order is missed in t he Vth figure. Hence is t he odd man.

Q13. Pick t he one t hat doesn’t fit t he group.

Answer: III rd figure

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In each of t he given IX figures t here are t wo shapes, out of which, one is shaded and t he ot her
is unshaded. But only in t he t hird figure, t he t wo shapes overlap each ot her. Hence is t he odd

Q14. Find t he missing part .


Each row/ column should have all t he four shapes (t riangle, plus sign, square, circle).
If we consider column 4, grid 14 should be occupied by a circle. So, t he grid 13 will be
occupied by a plus sign.
Q15. Ent er t he unique digit s t hat sat isfy t he given equat ion.
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Answer: 3 × 4 + 8 = 20 (ht t ps:// ment -game-apt it ude/)



Rule followed by grids given in t he quest ion: Row 1 and Row 3 are ident ical.

Q17. Ident ify t he pat t ern in which t he quest ion grids are coloured and following t he same
pat t ern colour t he given grids.
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The grids wit h 4 ‘Z’s are coloured yellow and t he remaining grids are coloured black. 


Answer: 3241
From t he given row,
Posit ion 1 is occupied by a plus sign
Posit ion 2 is occupied by a circle
Posit ion 3 is occupied by a t riangle
Posit ion 4 is occupied by a rhombus Login (ht t ps:// ment -game-apt it ude/)
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Aft er t he operat or 4312 t he order changes as: Rhombus, Triangle, Plus sign, Circle ment -game-apt it ude/)

From t his order t o get t he given final order of Plus sign, Triangle, Circle, Rhombus, t he required
operat or is 3241.

Q19. Move t he red ball t o t he hole (marked black) in t he given grid.

Answer & Explanation:

The required moves are:
i) Blue block – 1 posit ion upward
ii) Purple block – 1 posit ion left ward and 1 posit ion upward
iii) Breen block – 1 posit ion upward and 1 posit ion left ward
Aft er t hese movement s, t he grid changes as:

Now, t he red ball can be t aken t o t he dest inat ion wit hout obst acles.
Q20. Ent er t he unique digit s t hat sat isfy t he given equat ion.
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Answer: 3 × 8 + 6 = 30

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Q21. Remember t he order in which t he dot s appear on a grid. In bet ween t he grids some
quest ions are t o be answered whet her t he given pict ures are symmet rical or not . At last t he
dot s are t o be marked as per t he order.

Q22. Pick t he one t hat doesn’t fit t he group.

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From t he right end, t he number of plus signs inside a box increases by 1 in each consecut ive
figures. But t he order is missed at t he fift h figure and hence is t he odd one.

Q23. Ident ify t he pat t ern in which t he quest ion grids are coloured and following t he same
pat t ern colour t he given grids.


The grids wit h only numbers are marked grey while t he grids wit h bot h numbers and alphabet s
are marked green.

Q24. Find t he missing part .

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To find t he part t o be filled on grid 12, let us first consider ot her grids relat ed t o it .
Grid 51 – Square;
Grid 21 – Triangle;
Grid 11 – Circle;
Grid 45 – Triangle;
Grid 15 – St ar;
So, grid 12 will be occupied by a t riangle.
(As a t riangle can’t be fit t ed on grid 13 or 14)

Q25. Find t he missing part .


Each row and column should have exact ly one cross mark. As t he pat t ern already exist s on t he
quest ion figure, t he missing part should not cont ain any cross marks.

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