NUMBERS - PPT Gen Aptitude - 1st Yr SRM

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 NATURAL NUMBERS: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …………..}

 WHOLE NUMBERS: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …………..}

 RATIONAL NUMBERS: Numbers are in the form of p/q ( q is not equal to 0)

Examples: 4, 2/5, 1/3, 22/7, …….

 IRRATIONAL NUMBERS: Numbers which are not rational but can be

represented by points on the number line.
 Examples: √2, ∏, e, ……
Alternate definition:
Terminating decimals and recurring decimals are both rational numbers.
Any non-terminating, non-recurring decimal is an irrational number.

 REAL NUMBERS: Both rational and irrational numbers are real numbers.

 SET OF INTEGERS: All negative integers, zero and all positive integers.

 PRIME NIMBERS: Numbers with exactly 2 factors are prime numbers. Or

numbers which are divisible by 1 and itself are prime numbers .
Examples: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61,
67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97,…..

COMPOSITE NUMBERS: Numbers with more than 2 factors.

Examples: 4, 6, 8,……

 Co primes / Relative primes: If the HCF of 2 numbers is 1, the numbers are

called co primes or relative primes.
 Examples: (8, 9), (9, 10), (2, 3),……

 Twin primes: Primes which are differ by 2 are twin primes.

 Examples: (3, 5), (5, 7)……

1. Sum of first n natural numbers= 1+2+3+……..+n =[ n(n+1)]/2

2. Sum of the squares of first n natural numbers= 12+22+32+……..+n2 = [n(n+1)


3. Sum of the cubes of first n natural numbers= 13+23+33+……..+n3 =


4. Sum of even numbers = n (n+1), where n is number of even numbers.

5. Sum of odd numbers = n2, where n is number of odd numbers.


1. What is the sum of first 80 natural numbers?

a) 3140 b) 3240 c) 3340 d) 3440

Sol: Sum = [n (n+1)]/2 = (80) (80+1)/2 =3240

2. What is the sum of the squares of first 20 even natural numbers?

a) 9480 b) 10480 c) 11480 d) 12480

Sol: 22+42+62+82+……. + 402 = 22 (12+22+32+……..+202)

= 4 x [n (n+1)(2n+1)]/6
= 4 x (20 x 21 x 41)/6 = 11480

3. A wants to type first 1000 natural numbers. How many times he has to press the
buttons of a computer key board?
a) 2893 b) 2987 c) 3000 d) 2500

Sol: For 1 to 9, number of times to be pressed = 9

For 10 to 99, number of times to be pressed = 90 x 2 = 180
For 100 to 999, number of times to be pressed = 900 x 3 = 2700
For 1000, number of times to be pressed = 4
Hence total = 9+180+2700+4 = 2893
4. A printer numbers the pages of a book starting with 1 and uses 3089 digits in
all. How many pages does the book have?
a) 1040 b) 1048 c) 1049 d) 1050

Sol: For pages 1 to 9, number of digits used = 9

For pages 10 to 99, number of digits used = 90 x 2 = 180
For pages 100 to 999, number of digits used = 900 x 3 = 2700
So far the digits used = 9+180+2700 = 2889
The remaining digits = 3089 – 2889 = 200, with these next 50 pages can be
So total = 999+ 50 = 1049.

5. One page is torn from a booklet whose pages are numbered in the usual
manner starting from the first page 1. The sum of the numbers on the
remaining pages is 195. The torn page contains which of the following
a) 5, 6 b) 7, 8 c) 9, 10 d) 11, 12

Sol: Here, basically, our sum of first n natural numbers should be slightly greater
than 195.
By trial and error, if n = 10, then [n (n+1)]/2 = (10 x 11)/2 = 55
if n = 15, then [n (n+1)]/2 = (15 x 16)/2 = 120
if n = 20, then [n (n+1)]/2 = (20 x 21)/2 = 210
So, 210 – 195=15.That is the torn page contains pages 7 and 8


1. By 2: Check the last digit

By 4: Check the last 2 digit number
By 8: Check the last 3 digit number
By 16: Check the last 4 digit number, etc

2. By 3: Check the sum of the digits

By 9: Check the sum of the digits

3. BY 5: Last digit should be 0 or 5

4. BY 11: A number is divisible by 11, if the difference between the sum of the
digits in odd places and the sum of the digits in even places is 0 or a multiple of
5. In case of composite numbers:
a) Divisible by 6: Check with 2 and 3
b) D Divisible by 12: Check with 3 and 4
c) Divisible by 18: Check with 2 and 9
d) Divisible by 24: Check with 8 and 3
That is, for composite numbers we need to check with co prime pair


6. If 6896x45 is divisible by 9 then x is -

a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7

Sol: Here sum of the digits = 38+x, so x= 7

7. If 481A769B is divisible by 5, 6 and 9 then A+B is -

a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3

Sol: Given, 481A769B is divisible by 5 and 6, implies B = 0

By 9, sum of the digits = 35+ A, so A = 1 and A+B = 1

8. An 8 digit number 4252746B leaves a remainder 0 when divided by 3. How

many values are possible for B?
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6

Sol: Sum of the digits of 4252746B = 30+B

So, B can take 0, 3, 6 and 9, that is 4 values.

9. What is the remainder when the 100 digit number starting with 1, writing the
consecutive natural numbers next to it, is divided by 5?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) 0

Sol: Here we need to know the last digit of this 100 digit number.
The 100 digit number is 1234…..9101112…….545 (that is 9 single digit
numbers, then 45 two digit numbers, 10 to 54 and then 5)
So the remainder is 0
10 If the 8 digit number 5668x25y is divisible by 48, find the least value of x+y
a) 10 b) 9 c) 8 d) 7
Sol: Divisibility by 48 means we need to check with 3 and 16.
Sum of the digits of 5668x25y = 32+(x + y)
Among the options if (x + y) is 7 or 10 then only it is divisible by 3.
Divisibility by 16 means we need to check last 4 digit number and for 8 we
have to check the last 3 digit number.
25y is divisible by 8, implies y = 6
If x= 1, then the 4 digit number 1256 is not divisible by 16.
Hence the value of (x+y) is 10


Def: A decimal in which a digit or a set of digits is repeated continuously is called a

recurring decimal. Examples are given below
a) 1/3 = 0.333333…. = 0.3 (read highlighted 3 as bar 3, to denote repetition)
b) 1/7 = 0.142857142857142857 = 0. 142857

Let us see how to convert a recurring decimal in to fraction

a) Let x = 0.3333333…… (1)
10 x = 3.333333…….(2)
(2) – (1) gives 9x = 3, implies x = 1/3

b) Let x = 0.454545…….. (1)

100 x = 45.454545…… (2)
(2) – (1) gives 99x = 45, implies x = 45/99= 5/11


11. The value of 0.057057057057……. is -

a) 57/99 b) 57/999 c) 57/990 d) 57/909

Sol: Let x = of 0.057057057057…….(1)

1000 x = 057.057057…………..(2)
(2) – (1) gives 999x = 057, implies x = 57/999

Short cut: Take the repeated digits once in the numerator and the number of
9’s corresponding to the number of repeated digits in the denominator.
That is = 057/999 = 57/999
12. The value of 0.1254545454………. is (that is 0.1254)
a) 1242/(9900) b) 621/(2950) c) 207/(1650) d) 69/(550)

Sol: Answer = (1254 – 12)/(9900) = 1242/(9900)

(Numerator: Take the whole number and subtract the non recurring part.)
(Denominator: Number of 9’s corresponding to the number of repeated digits,
followed by number of 0’s corresponding to the number of non repeated digits )

13. The recurring decimal representation 1.27272727……….. is -

a) 13/11 b) 14/11 c) 127/99 d) 137/99

Sol: Answer= 1+ (27/99) = 126/99 =14/11


1. Factors of 6 are 1, 2, 3, and 6

2. Factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12
3. Factors of 16 are 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16
4. Factors of 25 are 1, 5 and 25

1. Prime numbers contain exactly 2 factors.
2. Squares of primes contain exactly 3 factors.
3. Any perfect square contains odd number of factors.

Example: Prime factorization of 400 is?

400 = 4 x 100 = 4 x 10 x 10 = (2x2) (2x5)(2x5)=2 4 x 52
Here 2, 5 are prime factors of 400.

If N is a composite number such that N = ap x bq x cr………where a, b, c… are prime

factors of N and p, q, r…… are positive integers.

a) Then number of factors on N = (p+1) (q+1) (r+1) ……

b) Number of ways of writing N as product of 2 factors

= (1/2) [(p+1) (q+1) (r+1)….]
c) Sum of all the factors = [ap+1 – 1] / (a-1) x [bq+1 – 1] / (b-1) x ……….


14. Find the number of factors 1225

a) 5 b) 6 c) 8 d) 9

Sol: 1225 = 25 x 49 = 52 x 72,

Number of factors = (p+1) (q+1) (r+1) ……
= (2+1) (2+1) = 9

15. Find the number of factors 19404, excluding 1 & the number itself?
a) 52 b) 54 c) 58 d) 59

Sol: 19404 = 11 x 1764 = 11 x 9 x 196 = 111 x 32 x 22 x 72

Therefore number of factors = 2 x 3 x 3 x4 = 54
Answer = 54 – 2 = 52.

16. In how many ways can 3420 be written be written as product of 2 factors?
a) 12 b) 14 c) 18 d) 36

Sol: 3420 = 10 x 342 = 10 x 9 x 38 = (2x5) (3x3) (2x19) =22 x 32 x 51 x 191

Answer = (1/2) [(p+1) (q+1) (r+1)….]
= (1/2) [3 x 3 x 2 x 2 ] = 18

17. Find the number of odd & even number of factors of 1680?
a) 8, 32 b) 8, 9 c) 10, 9 d) none

Sol: 1680 = 10 x 168 = 10 x 4 x 42 = (2x5)(2x2)(2x3x7) = 24 x 51 x31 x 71

a) Number of odd factors = All the factors of (5 1 x31 x 71) = 2x2x2 = 8

b) 24 x 51 x31 x 71 = 2 [23 x 51 x31 x 71]

Number of even factors = All the factors of [2 3 x 51 x31 x 71] = 4x2x2x2 = 32

18. Find the number of factors of 243243 which are multiples of 21?
a) 20 b) 23 c) 25 d) none

Sol: 243243 = 243 (1001) = 35 x 11 x 13 x7 = 21[34 x 11 x 13] =5 x 2 x 2 = 20

19. Find the sum of all the factors of 120?

a) 240 b) 280 c) 360 d) 400

Sol: 120 = 40 x 3 = 8 x 5 x 3 = 23 x 51 x 31
Sum of all the factors = [ ap+1 – 1] / (a-1) x [bq+1 – 1] / (b-1) x ……….

= (2 4 – 1)/(2-1) x (52 – 1)/(5-1) x (32 – 1)/(3-1)

= 360

20. What is the smallest number that should multiply 840 to make it a
perfect square and 2940 to make it a perfect cube respectively?
a) 200, 3100 b) 210, 3150 c) 210, 3250 d) None
1. To make it a perfect square, make the powers of prime factors a multiple of 2
2. To make it a perfect cube, make the powers of prime factors a multiple of 3

a) 840 = 23 x 51 x 31 x 71, answer = 2 x 5 x 3 x 7 = 210

b) 2940 = 22 x 51 x72 x 31 , answer = 2 x 52 x 7 x 32 = 3150


a) LCM is the least common multiple

Ex: LCM 0f 6, 8
Multiples of 6 = 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48………
Multiples of 8 = 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48 ………………..
Common multiples of 6, 8 = 24, 48 ……………
In these least one = 24. That is LCM of 6, 8 = 24
b) HCF is the highest common factor
Ex: HCF 12, 18
Factors of 12 = 1, 2, 3, 6 and 12
Factors of 18 = 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 18
Common factors are 1, 2, 3 and 6
So the highest common factor is 6. That is HCF of 12, 18 = 6

1 . Product of 2 numbers = LCM X HCF

2. LCM of fractions = (LCM of numerators)/(HCF of denominators)

3. HCF of fractions = (HCF of numerators)/(LCM of denominators)


21. Find the respective LCM and HCF of the following

(i) 42, 72, 90
a) 1200, 4 b) 7200, 16 c) 2520, 6 d) 1000, 35

(ii) ½, 2/3, ¾, 4/5

a) 12, 1/60 b) 24, 1/30 c) 1/24, 30 d) 24, 30

Sol: (i) 42, 72, 90, HCF = 6 & LCM = 2520

(ii) ½, 2/3, ¾, 4/5,

a) LCM = (LCM of 1, 2, 3 ,4)/(HCF of 2, 3, 4, 5) = 12/1 = 12
b) HCF = (HCF of 1, 2, 3 ,4)/(LCM of 2, 3, 4, 5) = 1/60

22. The HCF of 2 numbers is 16 and their LCM is 160. If one of the numbers is 32,
what is the other?
a) 60 b) 80 c) 40 d) 20
Sol: We have, Product of 2 numbers = LCM X HCF
32 * x = 16 * 160, implies x = 80
23. Find the least number which when divided by 48 and 72 leaves a remainder of 9 in
each case and is greater than 9?
a) 144 b) 152 c) 151 d) 153
Sol: Required number = LCM of (48, 72) +9
= 144 + 9 = 153

24. What is least 4 digit number which when divided by 3, 4, 5 and 6 leaves
remainder of 2 in each case?
a) 1012 b) 1022 c) 1122 d) 1222
Sol: Required number will be of the form = k [LCM of (3, 4, 5, 6)] + 2
= 60k +2
When k = 17, we get the least 4 digit number, which is 1020 +2 = 1022

25. Find the smallest number which when divided by 3,5,7,9 and 11 leaves respective
remainder of 2,4,6,8 and 10?
a) 2265 b) 2275 c) 2274 d) 3464
Sol: Here the difference between the divisor and the remainder is 1
Required number = LCM of (3, 5, 7, 9 and 11) – 1
= 3365 – 1
= 3364

26. Find the smallest number which leaves a remainder of 7 when divided by 11 and
leaves a remainder of 12 when divided by 13?
a) 51 b) 62 c) 72 d) 36
Sol: Using the division algorithm (N = dq +r) we can write the number as
N = 11a + 7 = 13b + 12
11a = 13b + 5
Now find the least value of ‘b’ so that ‘a’ is an integer.
We can easily see that when b = 3, ‘a’ is an integer.
So the required number = 13b +12 = 51

27. Find the smallest and largest 3 digit number which when divided by 22, 33 and 55
leave a remainder of 5 in each case?
a) 330, 990 b) 345, 980 c) 335, 995 d) 325, 925
Sol: Number form = k (LCM of 22, 33 and 55) + 5
= 330k +5
For smallest 3 digit number, put k = 1, N = 335
For greatest 3 digit number, put k = 3, N = 995
28. Find the smallest and the largest 4 digit number which when decreased by 12 is
exactly divisible by 16, 24 and 40?
a) 1208, 9848 b) 1200, 9840 c) 1212, 9852 d) 1188, 9828
Sol: Number form = k (LCM of 16, 24 and 40) + 12
= 240k +12
For smallest 4 digit number, put k = 17, N = 1212
For greatest 4 digit number, put k = 41, N = 9852

29. Six bells ring together at 11am and after that they ring at intervals of 5, 10, 15, 25,
30 seconds. How many times will they ring together from 11.00 am to 12.30
pm on the same day?
a) 18 b) 19 c) 20 d) 17
Sol: LCM of (5, 10, 15, 25, 30) = 300 seconds = 5 minutes
So, answer = (90/5) + 1 = 19

30. Find the greatest number which when 110 and 99 are divided it leaves a remainder
of 2 and 3 respectively?
a) 24 b) 6 c) 12 d) 36
Sol: Required number = HCF of [(110 – 2), (99 – 3)
= HCF of (108, 96)
= 12

31. Find the largest number which when 145, 121, 97 are divided the remainders are
a) 48 b) 12 c) 36 d) 24
Sol: Required number = HCF of [(145 – 121), (121 – 97)]
= HCF of (24, 24)
= 24

32. What is the greatest length x such that 3½ m and 8¾ m are integral
multiples of x?
a)1 ½ m b) 1 1/3 m c) 1 ¼ m d) 1 ¾ m
Sol: 3½ = 7/2
8¾ = 35/4
HCF of fractions = (HCF of numerators)/(LCM of denominators)
= (HCF of 7, 35)/(LCM of 2, 4)
= 7/4

33. Find the highest power of 2 in 100!

Sol: 100/2 = 50 + 25 + 12 + 6 + 3 + 1 = 97

34. Find the highest power of 3 in 100!

Sol: 100/3 = 33 + 11 + 3 + 1 = 48

35. Find the highest power of 6 in 100!

Sol: Highest power of 6 in 100!

= smaller of [highest power of 2 in 100!, highest power of 3 in 100!]
= smaller of (97, 48)
= 48

36. Find the highest power of 24 in 500!

a) 166 b) 165 c) 164 d) 163

Sol: 24 = 8 x 3 = 23 x 3.
In 500!,number of 8’s are lesser compare to number of 3’s. So we need to find
only number of 8’s
Number of 2’s in 500!, 500/2 = 250+125+62+31+15+7+3+1 = 494
Therefore number of 8’s in 500! = 494/3 =164

37. Find the number of zeros at the end of 200!

a) 48 b) 49 c) 50 d) 51

Sol: With a combination of 2 and 5 we get 1 zero.

For number of zero’s at the end of any factorial, in general, we find the number of
200/5 = 40 + 8 + 1=49
38. Find the number of zeros at the end of (150)! x (80)!
a) 50 b) 55 c) 56 d) 58
Sol: 150/5 = 30 + 6 + 1 = 37
80/5 = 16 +3 = 19
Answer = 37 + 19 =56

39. Find the number of zeros in the product 1 x 5 x 10 x 15 x 20 x 25 x…….x 60

a) 10 b) 12 c) 14 d) 15

1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
5’s 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
2’s 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 2

Number of 5’s in the product = 14 & number of 2’s = 10

Therefore number of zero’s = smaller of (14, 10) = 10


a) Let us look at the powers of 2

21 ends with 2
22 ends with 4
23 ends with 8
24 ends with 6
25 ends with 2
26 ends with 4
27 ends with 8
28 ends with 6

b) Let us look at the powers of 3

31 ends with 3
32 ends with 9
33 ends with 7
34 ends with 1
35 ends with 3
36 ends with 9
37 ends with 7
38 ends with 1
We can notice that the last digits repeat after every 4 steps for both 2 and 3.
In other words whenever the power is a multiple of 4, the last digit of the number will
be same as the last digit of 24 and for powers of 3 it is 34.

a) Last digit of (even number)4k = 6
b) Last digit of (odd number)4k = 1
c) If the number ends with 0 and raised to any power, the last digit = 0
d) If the number ends with 5 and raised to any power, the last digit = 5


40. Find the last digit of 299

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6

Sol: 299 = 296 x 23 = 4 x 8 = 2 (296 is in 24k form, the last digit is 6 & 23 ends with 8)

41. Find the units digit of 14124 x 29123

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6

Sol: 14124 = 4124 = (even number)(4k) form, so last digit is 6

29123 = 9123 = 9120 x 93 = 1 x 9 = 9
In the product last digit = 6 x 9 = 4

42. Find the units digit of (518)163 + (142)157

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6

Sol: (518)163 = 8163 = 8160 x 83 = 6 x 2 = 2

(142)157 = 2157 = 2156 x 21 = 6 x 2 = 2
So unit digit = 2 + 2 = 4

43. Find the units digit of (1567)143 x (1239)197 x (2566)1027

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6

Sol: (1567)143 = 73 = 3
(1239)197 = 91 = 9
(2566)1027= 6
Answer = 3 x 9 x 6 = 6

44. Find the remainder when 255 is divided by 9?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Sol: We need to find the remainder when 255 is divided by 9.
Check which power of 2 leaves a remainder of +1 or – 1 when divided by 9.
Clearly it is 23 (since 8 by 9 the remainder is -1)
So 255 = (23)18 x 21 = (- 1)18 x 2 = 1 x 2 = 2

45. Find the remainder when 3147 is divided by 11?

a) 8 b) 9 c) 7 d) None

Sol: Check which power of 3 leaves a remainder of +1 or – 1 when divided by 11.

Clearly it is 35 (since 35/11 = 243/11, implies remainder = 1)
So 3147 = (35)29 x 32 = (1)29 x 9 = 1 x 9 = 9

46. Find the remainder when 386 is divided by 8?

a) 1 b) 6 c) 7 d) 2

Sol: Check which power of 3 leaves a remainder of +1 or – 1 when divided by 8.

Clearly it is 34 (since 34/8 = 81/8, implies remainder = 1)
So 386 = (34)20 x 32 = (1)20 x 9 = 1 x 9 = 9
When 9 is divided by 8 the remainder is 1

47. Find the remainder when (1251 x 1252 x 1253) is divided by 11?
a) 6 b) 9 c) 8 d) 7

Sol: we have to find the remainder when (1251 x 1252 x 1253) is divided by 11?
Now Remainder of [(1251)/11] = 8
Remainder of [(1252)/11] = 9
Remainder of [(1253)/11] = 10
Therefore Remainder of [(8 x 9 x 10)/11] = (-3) x (-2) x (-1) = 6


48. A number when divided by 161 leaves a remainder of 57. Find the remainder
when the same number is divided by 7?
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3
Sol: A number when divided by 161 leaves a remainder of 57.
Using the division algorithm we can write the number as, N = 161q + 57
Now R (N/7) = R [(161q +57)]/7 = 1 (since 161 is divisible by 7 & when 57 is
divided by 7, the remainder is 1)

49. A number when divided by a certain divisor leaves a remainder of 19. When twice
the number is divided by the same divisor, the remainder is 7. Find the divisor?
a) 14 b) 21 c) 31 d) cannot be determined
Sol: A number when divided by a certain divisor leaves a remainder of 19.
Using the division algorithm we can write the number as, N = d x q + 19
Now twice the number, 2N = 2 d x q + 38
Given, R (2N)/d = 7
That is R (2 d x q + 38)/d = 7, implies d must be 31

50. A number when divided by a certain divisor leaves a remainder of 11.When the
Square of the same number is divided by the same divisor the remainder is 1. How
many values are possible for the divisor?
a) 10 b) 11 c) 12 d) None
Sol: Given, a number N, when divided by a certain divisor d leaves a remainder of 11.
Using the division algorithm we can write the number as, N = d x q + 11
Now square of the number, N2 = d2q2 +22 x d x q + 121
Here d2q2 is divisible by d and (22 x d x q) is also divisible by d.
That means R (121/d) = 1, means 120 is divisible by d
That means d can be any factor of 120, greater than 11.
Therefore d can be 12, 15, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60 and 120.
So, 8 values are possible for d.

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