Anger Management
Anger Management
Anger Management
Suppress it
Express it
Express it
Learning how to have control over any emotion, anger or otherwise, starts
with simply recognizing that you're having that feeling, and that you don't
need to pretend you're not
A common strategy for managing anger is to distract one's mind from the
situation. Try taking long deep breaths (Pranayam), physical exercise or
Manager Vs Leaders
The main difference between leaders and managers is that leaders have
people follow them while managers have people who work for them.
Manager Leader
Manager is a person who is leader is someone who control or
responsible for managing an influence people
Does different things Do things differently
Prefers impersonal reln.with Know Employee personally-and
employee their strength and weakness
Initiates structure in workplace Leader disrupts the structure
Conventional ways Prefer experimentation
Plans to win the match-Present Plans to win tournament- Future
goals targets goals
Initiating structure
Consideration Structure
The model says that task-oriented leaders usually view their LPCs more
negatively, resulting in a lower score.
Readiness Theory