Lost Books 2 - The Cannibal Tome
Lost Books 2 - The Cannibal Tome
Lost Books 2 - The Cannibal Tome
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Lost Books 11: The Cannibal Tome
Carefully planned rumors hinted at its continue to circulate about its continued
existence in the Kings castle for years before existence. It is eagerly sought out by many
Vazag allowed it to be ‘stolen’ from his tower, wizards, and rumors that a new arcanist has
fully intending for it to fall into the hands of acquired the Cannibal Tome circulate every few
those that opposed him once they knew his years.
secrets were available. Vazag was transformed into a unique form of
While many of Athemore’s wizards had a ghoulish undead by rituals he had conducted
chance to study the tome over the three decades prior to his death, disappearing into a hidden lair
that followed, few of them learned the true deep beneath the earth. Those few scholars who
nature of the book they acquired. Vazag had are aware of his continued existence believe that
bound a spirit from the netherworld in the flayed he retains the ability to call the tome to his
pages, giving it a malevolent sentience that had hidden lair at will, routinely scouring it for any
to be mastered before it would yield any of the new knowledge before returning it to the world
lore it contained. Many wizards left it in their above.
library for weeks, waging a battle of wills
against the Tome in order to unlock its secrets. Knowledge Checks
Many were left physically exhausted by the
struggle, often falling asleep at their desks or Characters with the Bardic Lore ability or
spending days in their beds after the ordeal. Knowledge (arcana) may be familiar with Vazag
The physical effort of unlocking the tome and the rumors that surround his tome. The first
ensured that many wizards were too tired to time such a character hears about the Cannibal
notice when their other spellbooks went missing. Tome or the name Vazag or have them make a
Those that did often blamed thieving apprentices check and consult the following table.
or their own forgetfulness, rather than the open DC 15: The Cannibal Tome is the work of
Tome that lay on their desks. Very few were the Mage King Vazag who ruled the kingdom of
alert enough to discover the true nature of Athemore over a thousand years ago. It is said to
Vazag’s possessed book, and fewer still saw it record a copy of every spell that has ever been
grow fangs along its graven covers and devour written.
nearby spellbooks to absorb their knowledge. DC 20: The tome takes its name from
By the time they realized what had happened, Vazag’s dietary habits, as well as the dominant
many had lost valuable sections of their libraries theme that appears in many of the spells he
to the Cannibal Tome and Vazag had used his created. Among the unique spells that appear in
magic to call the book back to his tower and the tome are a number of Vazag’s own creations,
unlocked the secretsit had devoured. created to allow him the ability to steal or
As the book was passed from collection to manipulate the life force of others.
collection, gathering even more spells than DC 25: The Cannibal Tome possesses a
Vazag had thought possible, the alien will that crude sentience that guards its contents
possessed it grew ever more powerful. It jealously. Only those who possess the willpower
eventually gathered enough strength to resist the to dominate the Tome can hope to learn more
considerable willpower of its creator, and the than a fraction or its lore.
bloody revolution that Vazag had long feared DC 30: The Cannibal Tome was a weapon as
came while he himself was weakened by an well as a tool, and it has the ability to devour
obsessive battle to unlock the secrets of his any spellbook left close by and steal the spells
creation. contained within for its own pages.
Both Tome and creator survived the
destruction of Vazag’s crown. The Tome
disappeared into the collection of one of the
wizards that lead the result, and legends
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Lost Books 11: The Cannibal Tome
New Spells
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Lost Books 11: The Cannibal Tome
If a target struck by the ray fails a Will save, dim light. The light moves with you, always
the knowledge and ability to cast the forgotten hovering one foot above you.
spell is immediately transferred to you. You can Any undead creature within the illumination
cannibalize both arcane and divine spells in this of a corpse light resembles a living creature in
way, although you must possess an Intelligence every way. Intelligent creatures get a single Will
of at least 11 to receive stolen arcane spells and save to see through the effect. If it fails, the
a Wisdom score of at least 11 to receive stolen subject cannot discern the undead nature of
divine spells. You must meet the spells material, those illuminated by any means. Even when
somatic and verbal components as usual. extraordinary or supernatural sensory
The level of the spell cannibalized depends capabilities are used, such as scent or a detect
on the difference between your caster level and undead spell, the undead creatures remain
the caster level of the creature struck. If the hidden behind a veneer of living flesh.
target’s spellcaster level is higher than yours, If a creature hidden beneath the pale
you cannot choose steal spells higher than 3rd illumination of the corpse light is also caught in
level using the cannibalizing ray. If the target’s bright illumination from another source, the
spellcaster level is equal to or lower than yours, corpse light’s protection is immediately
you can choose to steal spells of 5th level or suppressed as long as the undead creature is
lower. The stolen spell is determined at random within the radius of the other illumination
from those the target has currently memorized. source. If the other light source is snuffed or
You suffer a –2 penalty to Intelligence and removed while they are still within the radius of
Charisma while you carry the stolen spell, as the corpse light, the undead creature
your brain struggles to adapt to the overload of immediately takes on the veneer of life once
magic. Stolen spells must be cast within one more.
hour of being cannibalized, otherwise they fade Material Component: A black candle made
from memory naturally. Since the knowledge with tallow containing fragments of bone.
used to cast the spell is not your own, stolen
spells cannot be scribed into a spellbook. Ghoulform
Cannibalizing ray has no effect on Transmutation
spontaneous spellcasters. Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Material Component: A sharpened tooth Components: V, S, M
taken from a sorcerer’s corpse. Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Corpse Light Target: You
Necromancy [Light] Duration: 1 round/level
Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1 Saving Throw: None
Components: V, S, M Spell Resistance: No
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal You fuse yourself with the ravenous,
Effect: 20 ft. radius centered on you cannibalistic hunger that drives ghouls to their
Duration: 1 minute/level endless gluttony. Your tongue lengthens and
Saving Throw: Will negates extends past a mouth full of sharp teeth, while
Spell Resistance: Yes your fingers narrow and grow jagged claws used
to rip meat free from the bone.
This spell causes a dim orb of light to appear For the duration of the spell your super-
above your head, casting a green-tinged glow natural hunger gives you a +2 enhancement
that illuminates everything in a 20 ft. radius with bonus to your Strength, while the leathery flesh
that stretches over your bones gives a +1 natural
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armor bonus to Armor Class. You gain a bite Ravening Curse
attack and two claw attacks each round instead Enchantment (Evil)
of your usual attacks. Your bite attack inflicts Level: Sor/Wiz 8
1d6 points of damage on a successful strike (1d8 Components: V, S, M/DF
if you are Large, or 1d4 if you are Small). Your Casting Time: 1 standard action
claws in inflict 1d3 points of damage (1d4 if you Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
are Large, or 1d2 if you are Small). Area: All creatures in a 15-ft. radius burst
Both your claws and your bite are natural Duration: 1 minute/level
weapons, so you are considered armed when
Saving Throw: Will negates
attacking with them, and they can be affected by
Spell Resistance: Yes
spells and effects that enhance or improve
natural weapons. You make your bite attack at
The targets of this spell are overcome with an
your highest base attack roll, and you apply your
insatiable hunger for raw and bloody meat. They
full Strength bonus to the damage. Your claws
immediately attack the nearest living creature
are treated as secondary attacks.
not affected by this spell. Once their target
While under the effects of this spell you are
creature is killed, they tear and gnaw at the
unable to think of anything but your unending
hunger for flesh. You cannot use any Charisma,
After the victim’s flesh is consumed (1 round
Dexterity or Intelligence based skills (except for
for a Fine or Tiny creature, 1 minute for a Small
Balance, Escape Artist and Intimidate), the
creature, 10 minutes for a Medium creature, 30
Concentration skill, nor can you cast spells or
minutes for a Large creature, 3 hours for a Huge
activate magic items that require a command
creature, 6 hours for a Gargantuan creature, and
word, a spell trigger, or spell completion to
1 day for a Colossal creature), they move onto
function. You can use any feat you have except
the next living humanoid. For each creature
Combat Expertise, item creation feats and
consuming a victim and every size category
metamagic feats.
larger than medium a feasting creature
Material Component: Preserved flesh taken
possesses, the time required to devour the body
from the stomach of a ghoul.
is cut in half. For every size category below
small a creature possesses, the time required to
devour the body is doubled.
An affected creature that cannot locate a
target makes a full move in a randomly chosen
direction each round, seeking prey. Victims of
this spell do not attack one another unless all
other sources of prey are exhausted. You have
no control over the creatures affected, even to
stop them from attacking you.
Creatures affected by this spell gain the
benefits and penalties of the rage spell, except
that the effects last for the entire duration of the
ravening curse.
Arcane Material Component: A tooth from a
ghoul and a vial of unholy water.
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Vazag’s Snapping Ward inflicting 1d6 points of damage per round. If the
Abjuration target takes additional wounds from a slashing
Level: Sor/Wiz 4 or piercing weapons during the spells duration,
Components: V, S, M new teeth form and the subject takes an
Casting Time: 1 standard action additional 1d4 points of damage from the blow.
Range: Personal Unwounded creatures take no damage from
Target: You this spell, although the devouring wounds can be
Duration: 1 round/level triggered if they take any damage before the
Saving Throw: None spell’s duration is complete.
Material Component: The tooth of a Medium
Spell Resistance: No
or larger carnivore.
A swirling cloud of teeth floats around your
body, never more than two feet of you. When Vazag’s Feeding Grasp
other creatures move within 10 feet several sets Transmutation
of teeth form into crude sets of fangs, snapping Level: Sor/Wiz 4
in the direction of anyone in your vicinity. The Components: V, S, M
fangs are harmless until a creature attempts to Casting Time: 1 standard action
touch or strike you, when they lash out and Range: Touch
attempt to savage the offending limb. Target: Living creature touched
The snapping ward attacks any creature that Duration: 1 round/level
touches you or strikes at you with their body or a Saving Throw: None
hand-held weapon, making a melee attack using Spell Resistance: No
your base attack bonus that inflicts 1d8 points of
damage per hit, + 1 point for every three caster A pair of mouths filled with needle sharp fangs
levels you possess. appear on the subjects palms. For the duration of
A snapping ward can make up to one attack the spell their touch deals 1d6 + Strength
for every three caster levels you possess each modifier points of damage on a successful attack
round, but will strike at an attacking creature roll.
only once. Creatures wielding weapons with The fangs are treated as primary natural
exceptional reach, such as longspears, are not weapons. The subject can make an attack with
subject to this attack if they attack you. one palm or a full attack with two fanged bites at
Focus: A big filled with a hundred sharp their normal attack bonus, replacing their normal
teeth, each taken from a different animal. attack routine. They take no penalties for two-
weapon fighting, and neither attack is a
Vazag’s Devouring Wound secondary attack. If the subjects base attack
Necromancy bonus is +6 or higher, they do not gain any
Level: Sor/Wiz 2 additional attacks – they simply have two claw
Components: V, S, M attacks at their normal attack bonus.
Casting Time: 1 standard action If the subject succeeds in making a successful
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) attack with both fangs, their powerful bite
Target: 1 living creature latches onto the opponent’s body and
automatically inflicts bite damage each round.
Duration: 1 round/level
The subject and their opponent are considered
Saving Throw: Will negates
grappled when this occurs. An subject attached
Spell Resistance: Yes
via the fangs can be struck with a weapon or
grappled. To remove the fangs, an opponent
The subject’s wounds immediately grow sharp
teeth and begin devouring the surrounding flesh,
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must achieve a pin against the subject. The
subject can end the grapple at any time.
Material Component: The teeth and paws of
a ferret.
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Lost Books 11: The Cannibal Tome
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Page 11
Lost Books 11: The Cannibal Tome
Creature Collection III: Savage Bestiary Copyright 2003, White Wolf
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Art courtesy of Jupiterimages.
Strange Lands: Lost Tribes of the Scarred Lands Copyright 2004, White Wolf
Publishing, Inc.
All text in this book is designated open game
content. You may not distribute this PDF
Rise of the Ghouls is copyright © 2005 Adam Winds without the permission of the author.
Lost Books 11: The Cannibal Tome is © 2005 Peter M. Ball
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