Topic Outline - Emtech

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August 30 – September 4, 1 Introduction to Information Communication  compare and contrast the nuances of varied
2021 Technology online platforms, sites, and content to best
 Web 1.0 achieve specific class objectives or address
 Web 2.0 situational challenges
 Web 3.0
September 6 – 11, 2021 2 Netiquettes  apply online safety, security, ethics, and
 Online Safety and Security etiquette standards and practice in the use of
 Internet Threats ICTs as it would relate to their specific
 Copy Right Infringement professional tracks
 Online Research
 use the Internet as a tool for credible research
and information gathering to best achieve
specific class objectives or address situational
September 13 – 18, 2021 3 Advance Word Processing Skills  uses common productivity tools effectively by
 Mail Merge and Label Generation maximizing advanced application techniques.
 Integrating Image and External Material
 Image Placement
September 20 – 25, 2021 4 Advance Spreadsheet Skills  creates an original or derivative ICT content to
 Analyzing data using Microsoft Excel effectively communicate or present data or
Advance Presentation Skills information related to specific professional
 Creating an effective presentation tracks.
 Hyperlink
 Embedding Object in Microsoft
September 27 – October 2, 5 Imaging and Design for Online Environment  evaluate existing websites and online resources
2021  Basic Principles in Graphics and Layout based on the principles of layout, graphic, and
 Creating Infographics visual message design.
 Online image file format  use image manipulation techniques on existing
 PhotoScape
 Photobucket images to change or enhance their current state
to communicate a message for a specific
 create an original or derivative ICT content to
effectively communicate a visual message in
an online environment related to specific
professional tracks
October 4 – 9, 2021 6 Online Platform for ICT Content Development  evaluate existing online creation tools,
 Online Platform platforms and applications in developing ICT
 WordPress content for specific professional tracks
Basic Web Page Creation  apply web design principles and elements
 Creating a website using MS Word using online creation tools, platforms, and
 Creating a website using Jimdo applications to communicate a message for a
specific purpose in specific professional tracks
 create an original or derivative ICT content
using online creation tools, platforms, and
applications to effectively communicate
messages related to specific professional track
October 11 – 16, 2021 7 Collaborative ICT Development  the learners evaluate the quality, value, and
 Web Portals appropriateness of peer’s existing or previously
 Online Collaborative Tools developed ICT content in relation to the theme
 Using Trello for online collaborative tools or intended audience/ viewer of an ICT project
October 18 – 23, 2021 8  share and showcase existing or previously
developed material in the form of a
collaboratively designed newsletter or blog site
intended for a specific audience or viewer
October 25 – 30, 2021 9 Examination/ Final PETA

November 1 – 6, 2021 1 Interactive Multimedia  The learners explore the principles of
 Multimedia Content interactivity and rich content in the context of
 Inserting YouTube videos in your blog Web 2.0 and the participation of the user in the
post online experience

November 8 – 13, 2021 2 ICT as Platform for Change  share anecdotes of how he/she has used ICTs
 Role of ICT in recent history to be part of a social movement, change, or
 cause to illustrate aspects of digital citizenship
November 15 – 20, 2021 3 ICT Project for Social Change  define and identify relevant promotional tools,
November 22 – 27, 2021 4  Creating a Concept paper namely, advertising, sales promotion, personal
 Simplified ICT project process overview selling, public relations, and direct marketing
to create awareness and persuade the target
market to buy the product or patronize the
 analyze how target or intended users and
audiences are expected to respond to the
proposed ICT Project for Social Change on the
basis of content, value, and user experience
integrate rich multimedia content in design and
development to best enhance the user
experience and deliver content of an ICT
Project for Social Change
 develop a working prototype of an ICT Project
for Social Change

November 29 – December 5 ICT Project Publication and Statistics  demonstrate how online ICT Projects for
4, 2021  Monitoring Sites statistics in different Social Change are uploaded, managed, and
December 6 – 11, 2021 6 platform promoted for maximum audience impact.
 generate a technical report interpreting data
analytics, e.g., Google, Facebook, or similar
traffic data on the general aspects of search
visibility, reach, and virality
December 13 – 18, 2021 7 ICT Project Maintenance  generate a report on the performance of their
 Google form ICT Project for Social Change on the basis of
 Analyzing your Google form result data gathered from available monitoring tools
and evaluating techniques
January 3 – 8, 2022 8 The Disadvantage of ICT  create a reflexive piece or output using an ICT
 Cybercrimes tool, platform, or application of choice on the
 Combatting Cybercrime learning experience undergone during the
January 10 – 15, 2022 9 Examination/ Final PETA

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