A Conceptual Framework of Online Shopping Intention and E - Purchase Habit

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Volume : 6 | Issue : 2 | February - 2017 ISSN - 2250-1991 | IF : 5.215 | IC Value : 79.


Original Research Paper Management



Doctoral Scholar, PG & Research Department of Management, Hindusthan

S. Jothilatha College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore – India
Professor , PG & Research Department of Management, Hindusthan College of
Dr. D. Kalpana Arts & Science, Coimbatore – India
The study of this paper is to furnish a theoretical explanation for the online shopping intention, which brings a relation with e-

purchase habit. It steps ahead in the present line of online grati cation, research on e-commerce mediated rating and reviews. In
this research article a conceptual framework is assumed to drive the accuracies of the observation by hypothesizing the
relationship between the variables. Strati ed Random Sampling Technique is employed in this research to pick out the potential
unbiased respondents. Finally the paper reveals the preferential in uences of online shopping intention, rating and reviews are
ascertained to be the most pretermitted to e-purchase habit.

KEYWORDS Online Grati cation, Online Shopping Intention, Rating & Reviews and e-purchase habit.

1. INTRODUCTION 2. To evaluate the mediating effects of Rating & Reviews on Online

In the modern revolution of e-commerce the consumer's criteria is Grati cation towards Online Shopping Intention.
ascertaining their relative importance, the e-tailers are looking for
measures to improve their speci c needs of online customers 1.4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY
(Pappas, Pateli, Giannakos, and Chrissikopoulos, 2014). In the This research consign to the contemporary literature concerned to
recent research study establish that increase in customer online online shopping grati cation. This study also furnishes a
shopping grati cation leads to higher degree of purchase theoretical explanation for the online shopping intention, which
intention (Kulviwat, Guo, 2009; Mohammed, 2014). In spite of brings forth electronic purchase habit. This study is a minuscule-
having some auditory information in many webpage, the primary step ahead in the present line of research on e-commerce
centripetal experience on the web, especially in a shopping mediated rating and reviews. Eventually, this study imparts to the
context, is still the audiovisual experience (Schlosser, 2006; existing literature by hypothesizing the relationship between these
Hamilton and Thompson, 2007; Racela, 2015). Online shoppers regarded variables.
circuitously go through products on webpage, banking on the
selective information furnished by e-tailers (Yang and Lester, 2003; 2. LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESES
Yang and Wu, 2006; Bhatnagar, 2007; Swinyard and Smith, 2.1 Online Shopping Intention
2011). Hahn and Kim (2009) examined the determents of consumer trust
and perceived internet con dence on online shopping intention
1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT through the online multi-channel retailer. A paper-based survey
The indications are mostly to overcome the attention of researcher was conducted among the students of a large US Midwestern
interested in the dynamics of online shopping grati cation. A few University. The data were collected from 261 participants. The
numbers of studies that have highlighted the substantial proposed hypotheses were tested using structural equation
antecedents and consequences of online shopping intention with modeling hypotheses were used for analysis and determined that
regard to electronic purchase habit (Yuldinawati and Ayuningsar, consumers trust in an online retailer to be a signi cant predictor of
2016). The close attention of the online grati cation is mediated perceived internet con dence and purchase intention via the
by rating & reviews towards online shopping intention; it is very online retailer. The outcome elicited that as a part of multi-channel
puzzling to know how only very few studies have concentrated in strategy to provide consistent service and enhance online
this domain. The nature of the association between the variables shopping intention.
leading to online grati cation and online shopping intention, by
enlarge to electronic purchase habit is not found to be explicitly Chuang and Fan (2011) explored the impact of online trust in the
determined. This present study would throwaway light on these relationship between e-retailer quality - system quality,
substantial classical but less researched variables. information quality, and service quality towards customer's online
purchase intention. It revealed that both system quality and service
1.2 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY quality positively estimated online trust of e-retailer directly, and it
The primary purpose of this study is to develop a more indirectly estimated customers' online shopping intention.
understanding of online shopping grati cation, which in turn
leading to online shopping intention and electronic purchase Dharmawirya and Smith (2012) investigated the key factors that
habit. The mediating effect of rating and reviews on online make customers willingness to repurchase through online
grati cation towards online shopping intention is also assessed in shopping to measure repurchase intentions by proposing a
this study. It is staggering to know how no researcher has drawn modi ed conceptual framework. A random sampling technique
attention with regard to the rating & reviews mediated electronic was adopted. The results suggested that Performance Expectancy
purchase habit. This study addresses the existing gaps in the and Facilitating Conditions to be the two most authoritative
literature, examines recommendations from previous researches, variables that ascertain the online shopping intention of
and diversi es the investigation of online grati cation towards customers.
online shopping habit.
Lee and Wang (2013) assumed the stimulus-organism-response
1.3 OBJECTIVES framework to exemplify how store layout design and atmosphere
1. To investigate the role of Online Grati cation towards Online in uence consumers' online shopping intention on the website.
Shopping Intention and e-Purchase Habit. The ndings of this study showed that store layout design had a


Volume : 6 | Issue : 2 | February - 2017 ISSN - 2250-1991 | IF : 5.215 | IC Value : 79.96
positive in uence on purchase intention and signi cant impact on framework ―“KALJO Online Shopping Intention Model” is tested
emotional arousal and attitude toward the website. Moreover, by evaluating the implication of the paths using Structural
atmosphere was found to have more authoritative effect on Equation Modeling (SEM) with Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
emotional arousal than store layout design.
2.2 e -Purchase Habit H1: Online Shopping Intention will signi cantly in uence e -
The online shopping habit effects on online shopping intention are Purchase Habit
two-fold: mediated through rating and reviews; and controlled by The in uence of Online Shopping Intention on e-Purchase Habit is
the relationship between online shopping orientation and assessed using Linear Regression. In the Online Shopping Intention
perceptual uency towards online grati cation (Close, 2012; Gao, is considered as independent variable and e-Purchase Habit is
2005; Hunter and Tan, 2004; Molenaar, 2010; Sinha, 2000). considered as dependent variable. The results revealed that the
Triandis (1971; 1980) refers habit as a situation-behaviour regression score 'R' is at 46.8%, R Square score is at 21.9%, and
sequences that have become automaton that the individual is adjusted R Square score is at 21.8%. It is empathized from the R
usually not conscious of these chronological successions. Square score that the weighted combination of Online Shopping
Electronic purchase habit is a behavioural tendency ensuing from Intention justi es 21.9% of the variance of e-Purchase Habit. It is
prior shopping experience, which establishes behavioural also observed from the effects of the correlation coef cients that
inclination to ingeminate previous action, formulated through Online Shopping Intention is signi cant with e-Purchase Habit.
frequent performance in a stable context (Gefen, 2003; Ouellete
and Wood, 1998). H2: Rating & Reviews on Online Grati cation will not signi cantly
in uence Online
The e-purchase habit can be regarded as an automatic behavioural Shopping Intention
response actuated by a situational stimulus without being The role of Online Grati cation (independent variable) on Online
preceded by a cognitive analysis process in which an individual is Shopping Intention (dependent variable) is determined via Rating
not necessarily aware of the behaviour nor is required to devote & Reviews (mediator) is examined utilizing the mediating effect in
thought or rational evaluations prior to engaging in such IBM AMOS V.20 software. It can be ascertained that there is a
behaviour (Aarts, Verplanken, and Knippenberg, 1998; Ouellete & signi cant relationship between Rating & Reviews and Online
Wood, 1998). Moreover, habitual behaviours necessitate minimal Grati cation; Rating & Reviews Online Shopping Intention.
conscious thoughts endowing shoppers to economize their Moreover, it can also be inferred from the path diagram that Rating
circumscribed mental resources (Aarts and Dijksterhuis, 2000; & Reviews does not signi cantly mediate Online Grati cation
Bargh and Ferguson, 2000). In the context of online shopping, towards Online Shopping Intention.
shoppers with online shopping habits would turn to the online Table 1: Impact of Online Shopping Intention will
behavioural response instead of a physical outlet mechanically signi cantly in uence e-Purchase Habit – Model Summary
without further thoughtfulness when they experience shopping
Mode R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the
needs, which automatically allow habitual behaviours to be
performed easily and quickly (Bhattacherjee, 2001; Bhattacherjee l Square Estimate
and Sanford, 2009; Triandis, 1971; Quinn & Wood, 2005). 1 0.578a 0.419 0.418 0.84229
a. Predictors:( Constant), Shopping Convenience, Product
2.3 Conceptual Framework – “KALJO Online Shopping Intention Range, Ease of Shopping
It is observed from Table 1 that the regression value 'R' is at 57.8%,
the R Square value is at 41.9%, and the adjusted R Square value is
at 41.8%. From the R Square value, it can be interpreted that the
weighted combination of Online Shopping Intention justi es
41.9% of the variance of e-Purchase Habit. It is observed from the
effects of the correlation coef cients in Online Shopping Intention
is signi cant with e-Purchase Habit.

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework – “KALJO Online Shopping 5. CONCLUSION & SUGGESTIONS

Intention Model” E-tailing, have emphasized the urging need for a better
apprehension of e-purchase habit and its principal antecedents, in
3. RESEARCH METHOD particular online shopping intention. With regard to excogitating
In this article, an epigrammatic approach is assumed to explore the the referents of online shopping intention and e-purchase habit
accuracies of the observation by empirical evidence through the among the IT professionals, this research anomaly conduces
hypothetico-deductive method (Jankowicz, 2005; Sekaran, 2000). surmountable discernments from online grati cation by
The research instrument used to collect the primary data is a considering rating & reviews as mediating factor. The
modi ed-standardized questionnaire. The Online Grati cation insigni cance of Online Grati cation towards Online Shopping
items are adopted and modi ed from the scale developed by Intention and e-Purchase Habit evidence the fact that mere Online
Chen, Gillenson, and Sherrell (2002); the level of agreement with Grati cation does not bestow Online Shopping Intention or e-
each item is measured using a ve-point Likert Scale. Purchase Habit. The suggested conceptual research model,
“KALJO Online Shopping Intention Model” that incorporates all
The knowledge about the economic geography, Coimbatore City the ascertained attributes and sub-scales is statistically analyzed
is selected as the area of the study during the period of six months, and af rmed using SEM. The study extends managerial
from March to August 2016. The sample units studied for this implications for policy makers, consultants, and e-tailers to
research are the software professionals working for leading IT comprehend the e-purchase habit and enhance online
Company. As accorded with the manager of the IT Company, the grati cation. This study groundbreaker in compounding the
identity of the organization is not disclosed, but preserved understanding of the online shoppers' behavior through
con dential. Strati ed Random Sampling Technique is employed empathizing the role of online grati cation among the e-shoppers.
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