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Sistema de Información Científica

Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal

Pérez-López, Ma. Elena; González-Elizondo, Ma. del Socorro; López-González, Celia;

Martínez-Prado, Adriana; Cuevas-Rodríguez, Germán

Aquatic macrophytes tolerance to domestic wastewater and their efficiency in artificial

wetlands under greenhouse conditions
Hidrobiológica, Vol. 19, Núm. 3, 2009, pp. 233-244
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa

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ISSN (Versión impresa): 0188-8897
[email protected]
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa

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Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Hidrobiológica 2009, 19 (3): 233-244

Aquatic macrophytes tolerance to domestic wastewater and their efficiency

in artificial wetlands under greenhouse conditions

Tolerancia de macrófitas acuáticas a aguas residuales domésticas y su eficiencia

en humedales artificiales en condiciones de invernadero

Ma. Elena Pérez-López1, Ma. del Socorro González-Elizondo1,

Celia López-González1, Adriana Martínez-Prado2
and Germán Cuevas-Rodríguez3

Environmental Department, CIIDIR-IPN Unidad Durango. Instituto Politécnico Nacional,Sigma s/n,
Fracc. 20 de Nov. II, Durango, Durango 34220, México
Chemical Engineering Department, Instituto Tecnológico de Durango, Blvd. Felipe Pescador
1830 Ote. Durango, Durango, 34080, México
3 Department of Water Quality, CIMAV-Chihuahua, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 120,

Chihuahua, Chihuahua, 31109, México

e-mail: [email protected]

Pérez-López M. E., M.S. González-Elizondo, C. López-González, A. Martínez-Prado and G. Cuevas-Rodríguez. 2009. Aquatic macrophytes tolerance to domestic wastewater and
their efficiency in artificial wetlands under greenhouse conditions. Hidrobiológica 19 (3): 233-244.

Aquatic and semi-aquatic plant species of three different water qualities were inventoried, two of the El Tunal river
and one of one of its tributaries, considering its content of dissolved oxygen, soluble phosphates, nitrate, ammonia,
fecal coliforms, total suspended solids, and measurements of pH and electrical conductivity. A MANOVA/ANOVA
demonstrated significant differences among parameters and sites. Twenty-eight species were identified; from
them: Schoenoplectus americanus, S. tabernaemontani and Eleocharis densa were selected. All three were grown
successfully under greenhouse conditions. Adaptation to local wastewater was evaluated using 5 micro-units: one
control with wastewater (WW), another with gravel (G), and three sub-surface flow wetlands, one for each of the
three selected plants, in duplicate. For ammonia and phosphate concentration, the systems with gravel removed 96
- 98%, and 99 - 100%, respectively. Fecal coliforms content was reduced about the same in all systems, 98.5 - 98.7%. No
significant differences were found in removal of fecal coliforms and ammonia across time or among species. Removal
of ions (98% in 48 h) was due mainly to the gravel used as support, for its ionic exchange capacity. Nonetheless, the
three selected species are considered as appropriate for wetland construction because they are native, abundant,
tolerant to local conditions, easy to propagate and establish, and highly tolerant to wastewater in their place of origin.
Its dense growing habit would represent also a refuge for wildlife, another goal for constructing a wetland in the

Key words: Artificial wetlands, Eleocharis densa. Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani, Schoenoplectus americanus
234 Pérez-López M., et al.

Se inventariaron las especies de plantas acuáticas y semi-acuáticas de tres calidades de agua: dos provenientes del
río El Tunal y otra de uno de sus tributarios, considerando su contenido de oxígeno disuelto, fosfato soluble, nitrato,
amoniaco, coliformes fecales, sólidos suspendidos totales y sus valores en pH y conductividad eléctrica. Un MANOVA/
ANOVA demostró diferencias significativas entre parámetros y sitios. Se identificaron veintiocho especies de plantas
con diferentes tolerancias, de las cuales se seleccionaron Schoenoplectus americanus S. tabernaemontani, y
Eleocharis densa. Las tres especies se propagaron satisfactoriamente bajo condiciones de invernadero. Su adaptación
al agua residual de la localidad fue evaluada en 5 micro-unidades: un control con agua residual (WW), otro con grava
(G) y tres humedales de flujo sub-superficial, uno para cada una de las tres especies de plantas seleccionadas, todas
por duplicado. Para amoniaco y fosfatos, los sistemas con grava y plantas removieron entre 96 y 98% y entre 99 y
100%, respectivamente. Los contenidos de coliformes fecales disminuyeron uniformemente en todos los sistemas,
entre 98.5 y 98.7%. El soporte (grava triturada) fue el principal responsable de la remoción de amoniaco y fosfatos
(98% en 48 horas), debido a su capacidad de intercambio iónico. Se considera que las tres especies son apropiadas
para la construcción de humedales porque tienen facilidad para propagarse y establecerse, son nativas, abundantes
y tolerantes a las condiciones locales y al agua residual de la región. El humedal en el área representaría también un
refugio para la vida silvestre.

Palabras clave: Humedales artificiales, Eleocharis densa, Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani, Schoenoplectus


INTRODUCTION ting systems, and may be used in combinations (Martínez-Cruz

et al., 2006). Wetlands are systems where water treatment takes
Water quality is a relative term, referring to the degree of change
place by the combined action of plants (mono o poly-culture),
in water composition as a result of the addition or removal of
microorganisms, and substratum (Mitsch & Gosselink, 2000).
substances produced by natural processes and human activities.
Artificial wetlands are built to remove specific contaminants and
As such, it is a neutral term, water cannot be classified as good
they are generally part of the secondary or tertiary treatment in
or bad without prior reference to the use for which it is destined.
wastewater treatment systems.
Thus, quality measures and standards vary according to the use
to be given to the water (e.g. human consumption, recreation, In Mexico, constructed wetland treatment has been used in
agricultural or industrial use, as a measure of environmental few places, with good results as reported by Martínez-Cruz et al.
quality, etc.; Chapman, 1992; Canter, 1998). (2006) and Ramos-Espinosa et al. (2007). In the state of Durango,
stabilization ponds are used in some municipalities for treatment
In Mexico, as in other parts of the world, the main source of
of domestic wastewaters. In these places, water is used for agri-
pollution of surface water is organic wastes, generally as a result
cultural irrigation or is discharged back into surface water bodies
of dumping untreated or semi-treated domestic wastewater into
(rivers or lagoons). Wetland technologies have not been used in
aquatic systems. In many Mexican urban areas, the users of
Durango so far, mostly because there is little basic information to
water use do not comply with the regulations established in the
assess their applicability.
environmental law (SEMARNAT, 1996). When that happens and
there is not enough water to dilute the pollutants, the organic An important consideration when designing an artificial
matters in the wastewater create septic areas. wetland is the selection of plants (macrophytes). The kind of
macrophytes to be used depends on the type and amount of
Later, when mineralized, in addition to phosphorus released
contaminants to be eliminated. Macrophytes also are sensi-
from laundry detergents, these areas become eutrophic, due to
tive to climatic changes, variations in nutrient content of the
the excessive concentration of nutrients from the decomposing
substratum (support) and to the hydroperiod under which they
material, causing an ecological imbalance in the aquatic systems
grow. Finally, each species has its own life history, which is
(Lee, 1973; de Jonge et al., 2002; Scholten et al., 2005; SEMARNAT,
strongly associated to the environment in which it lives. Thus, to
2005 & 2006). In addition to its organic content, untreated domes-
build artificial wetlands it is recommended to use native rather
tic wastewater poses a risk to the environment and human heal-
than non-native or exotic species to increase their likelihood of
th, because of the potentially toxic and infectious agents it may
survival. Moreover, use of exotic plants may alter the species
contain (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003; SEMARNAT, 2005).
composition of a site, as native species are likely to be displaced
There are low-cost alternatives for water treatment, such by aggressive exotics, modifying the natural biodiversity of the
as stabilization ponds and wetlands, either natural or artificial. area (NAS, 1976; Haslam, 1978; USEPA, 2000; Kelley & Webb,
Wetlands are classified into subsurface flow, free flow, or floa- 2000; Lehman et al., 2002).

Aquatic macrophytes tolerance to wastewater 235

Another criterion for plant selection is the environmental

quality of the area where they grow naturally. Attributes of the 5 4 0 0 0 0 M E
(U T M )

natural environment of a plant or plant community give an idea

of their tolerance limits to various environmental conditions 2 6 6 0 0 0 0 M N
(U T M )

(Armstrong, 1975; Agami et al., 1976; Kelly & Webb, 2000), and of
the physical, chemical, and microbiological processes involved City WPS

in their establishment and development (Iliopoulou-Georgudaki

et al., 2003). In particular, the design of wetlands for purification 1
Ferreria 2
of domestic wastewater would require plants that are perennial, Reservoir

common, and abundant, with a high removal capacity, tolerant Guadalupe Victoria
to local conditions (climate, pests, and diseases), readily propa- Reservior
Sampling Sites El Tunal River
Acequia Grande
gated and established, as well as tolerant to high nutrient load, 1 Clean Water
2 Eutrophicated Water
continuous flooding, and flow of wastewater (Lee, 1973; USEPA, 3 Wastewater Towns

2000). 10 km
WPS = Wastewater Processing System

This research is part of a larger project focused on the Figure 1. Sampling sites on the El Tunal river and tributaries.
design and establishment of wetlands for wastewater treatment
in the metropolitan area of Durango City. The city effluent is
Sampling protocol. A preliminary assessment of water cha-
discharged into the El Tunal river via a channel named “Acequia
racteristics was carried out along the portion of the El Tunal river
Grande”. Currently, the domestic wastewater disposal system
under study (detailed results are reported elsewhere, Pérez-López
does not comply with the regulations indicated by the law
et al., 2007). One microbiological and four physicochemical para-
(SEMARNAT, 1996).
meters were measured in 15 points along the river: fecal coliforms
Thus the objective of this work was to identify the native (FC), dissolved oxygen (DO), total solids (TS), pH, and electrical
aquatic macrophytes, with the potential to remove nutriments conductivity (EC). As a result, sites were classified in three clas-
and fecal coliforms in artificial wetlands under greenhouse ses of water quality, based on significant differences of univariate
conditions. and multivariate statistical comparisons among categories.
For the plant inventory, three sampling sites were selected
MATERIALS AND METHODS (Fig. 1), one of each water quality, so that the complete spectrum
Study area. This study was conducted at the El Tunal river and one of water qualities and therefore aquatic plant diversity was cove-
of its tributaries. It is located in the state of Durango, Mexico, bet- red. Water quality was determined for each site based on dissol-
ween 104°45´33.11”-104°45´55.74” W and 23°56´37.4”-23°56´34.02” ved oxygen (DO), total suspended solids (TSS), concentration of
N. Annual average stream velocity is 0.1 to 0.6 m/s depending on ammonia (N-NH4+/NH3), reactive phosphates (RP), nitrates (N-
topography and geology of sites. The headwaters of the El Tunal NO3-), fecal coliforms (FC), pH, and electrical conductivity (EC).
river are located at the Sierra Madre Occidental of Durango State; These parameters were selected because they are directly
flowing downstream across the Durango city metropolitan area, related to water attributes that are important for the development
and then southwards through Durango as Rio Mezquital into the of aquatic and semi aquatic vegetation and because they can be
state of Nayarit, where it is called Rio San Pedro. Finally it flows used to estimate a water quality index (WQI) (Pesce & Wunderlin,
into the Pacific Ocean at Laguna Brava, Nayarit. The sampling 2000), potentially useful under the type of discharges that the
area is restricted to the vicinity of Durango City (Fig. 1). Climate river receives (mostly domestic waste). Upon examination, the
in the study area is semiarid, with cool winters and summer rain WQI was estimated from these results (see table 1) changes
(winter precipitation less than 5% of annual rainfall). Average were not sensitive enough to detect the differences in water
annual temperature ranges between 16 and 18ºC. Annual rainfall quality associated to observed variation in plant composition, and
varies between 400 and 500 mm, climatic formula is BS1k (INEGI, therefore were disregarded.
2005). Throughout its 74 km course, wastewater from 28% of the
population in the state of Durango (approximately 0.453 million Water sampling. Water samples were taken at three sites,
people; INEGI, 2005) is discharged to the El Tunal river. Because two on the El Tunal river (upstream and downstream) and a third
industrial development is low in the region, these effluents are on the central part of the Acequia Grande channel (Fig. 1). At
mainly domestic wastewater. Discharges have different degrees each site, a 2 L water sample was taken from the center of the
of pollution because there are few treatment systems along the river at 30 cm of depth; samples were placed in glass bottles, sto-
river course, and water may or may not comply with the environ- red at 4˚C in a cooler, and taken to the lab. Surface flow velocity
mental local law (SEMARNAT, 1996). was estimated by determining the average time a floating object

Vol. 19 No. 3 • 2009

236 Pérez-López M., et al.

Table 1. ANOVA test results for the null hypothesis of no differences in water quality parameters among sites. Acronyms as in text. Equal
letters indicate non-significant differences among means after SNK multiple range test, α = 0.05.


Parameters Date pH Ln CF WQI Quality
mg/L µmho/cm mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
Jul-04 7.11 7 75 45 0.001* 0.001* 0.03 6 93 Excellent

SITE 1 Oct-04 5.84 7.22 66 67 2 1 0.001* 5 84 Good

(Clean Water) Nov-04 7.08 7.05 63 102 2 0.001* 0.001* 5 89 Good
Dec-04 7 7.5 75 35 1.5 1 0.03 6 93 Excellent
Average   6.76 7.19 70 62 1.83 0.51 0.03 5 90 Good
± Stdev 0.61 0.23 6 30 0.29 0.57 0.00 1 5
    b a a a b a a a c  
Jul-04 7.2 7.93 538 140 0.001* 5 0.1 7 80 Good

SITE 2 Oct-04 7.09 7.29 502 69 31 8 0.1 6 80 Good

(Eutrophicated) Nov-04 9 8.04 505 37 16 10 1 6 77 Medium
Dec-04 7.2 8.3 538 140 15.6 7.66 0.1 7 73 Medium
Average   7.62 7.89 521 96 21 7.67 0.33 7 77 Good
± Stdev 0.92 0.43 20 52 8.76 2.05 0.45 1 4
    b b b a c b b b b  

Jul-04 0.04 7.26 692 160 0 6 7.26 19 36 Bad

SITE 3 Oct-04 0.11 6.87 714 237 0 17 8 17 33 Bad

Nov-04 0.06 7.3 712 213 0 12 10 13 33 Bad
Dec-04 0.04 7.8 692 160 0 12 7.26 19 35 Bad
Average   0.06 7.31 703 193 0.00 12 8.13 17 34 Bad
± Stdev 0.03 0.38 12 39 0.00 4.50 1.29 3 2
    a a c b a b b c a  
MANOVA Wilks 561
379 13 1149 12 28 10 85 129 318
F- Value
p -Value <0.001 0.004 <0.001 0.013 <0.001 0.008 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

* 0.001 = not detected, value considered only in statistical analysis

took to move a distance of 30 m (3 measurements). Physical sis were carried out according to the procedures established in
parameters of each site (width and depth of river) were also the Standard Methods of Analysis (Eaton et al., 1995).
measured (m). Sampling was carried out at all sites 4 times; July,
The pH was measured with an Orion 230A pH meter; while
October, November, and December 2004.
EC was determined using an Orion 162 conductivity meter.
Analytical methods. Water samples were filtered through Analytical data quality was ensured through standardization,
Whatman™ 1.2 µm fiberglass paper. From filtered samples, N- procedural blank measurements, and duplicate samples. DO
NH4+/NH3, N-NO3-, and RP were estimated with the Nessler was measured at 30 cm depth in the center of the river for
technique with a detection limit of 0.1 mg/L; salicylic acid with each sampling station using an Orion 842 detector. All other
2.5 mg/L as detection limit; and the ascorbic acid method, with a parameters were determined at the Water Analysis Laboratory,
detection limit of 0.1 mg/L, respectively. TSS and all other analy- CIIDIR-Durango.

Aquatic macrophytes tolerance to wastewater 237

700 800

EC μS/cm
600 700

500 600

1st trial 2nd trial

400 500

1000 950
3rd trial 4th trial
EC μS/cm


500 550
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8

Figure 2. Electrical conductivity (EC) variation among treatments and batches.

All water-quality parameters were expressed as mg/L, americanus Persoon) and Eleocharis densa. Selection of plants
except pH and EC (µmho/cm). FC (colony-forming units/100 mL was done based on abundance, tolerance to local conditions,
of water) was determined with the pour plate method, using easiness of propagation and continued existence, highly tole-
selective culture medium Brilliant Green-Bile-Agar, which in pre- rance to flow of wastewater in their origin place. Samples were
vious tests demonstrated ease of use, and did not yield different taken and propagated in the greenhouse at CIIDIR-Durango for
results than the most probable number (MPN)/100 mL of water nine months before use in the experiments.
method, as specified in the Mexican law NMX-AA-042-SCFI-2005,
(SECOFI, 2005). Plants were grown in batch systems in 100 L polyethylene
boxes (32.5 cm x 75 cm x 42.5 cm, of depth, length, and width,
Plant sampling. Only flowering plants found in the river respectively) filled with 80 L of river gravel. Pebbles were flatte-
or on the margins and inner banks of the three selected sites ned, with diameters of 0.6 to 0.8 cm, and 55% porosity. Gravel is
were collected and identified, and their relative importance was a local material of igneous origin, chosen because of its low cost
estimated using a line-intercept method, which measures the and abundance.
distance occupied by a species as it intercepts a 30 m linear
transect (Franco et al., 1985). Three 30 x 0.4 m transects were The systems used were sub-surface flow wetlands (USEPA,
run at each site, measurements were added, and importance 2000). Each batch system was considered as an experimental
values were estimated for each species as relative abundance unit and 2 units per species were set. At the beginning of the
(number of plants of the species “x” /total number of plants in experiment (time zero) 15 pieces of 5 cm of rhizome were placed
the 3 samples) + relative frequency (number of transects in which in each unit at a depth of 5 cm inside the gravel; 45 L (30 cm high)
the plant appears/total number of transects) + relative cover of effluent from the Wastewater Processing System of Durango
(percent of transects occupied by plant “x”). Plants around each City (WPS-DC) were added.
transect were also inventoried, these plants were classified as
Two control batches containing only wastewater (WW)
very abundant, abundant, and scarce based on visual estimation.
and two more with gravel and wastewater (G) were also tested,
Samples were collected, identified, and deposited at the CIIDIR
for a total of 10 experimental units. EC, pH, FC, N-NO3-, RP and
Herbarium, in Durango.
N-NH4+/NH3 were measured every 48 hours during the first eight
Evaluation of selected plants. Three of 28 species sam- days. Measurements were carried out 4 times: 0, 100, 140, and 220
pled were selected to test their response in micro-wetlands days after the systems were set. Concentration vs. time graphs
using local wastewater: Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (=S. were constructed with data gathered. System removal capacity
lacustris L. ssp. glaucus (Sm. ex Hartm.) Bech., Scirpus tabernae- (%) was calculated for N-NH4+/NH3, N-NO3- and RP. Plant biomass
montani C. C. Gmelin), Schoenoplectus americanus (= Scirpus (dry weight in g/m2) was measured at 0 and 140 days.

Vol. 19 No. 3 • 2009

238 Pérez-López M., et al.

Table 2. Plant species by site, abundance, and general type in three localities along the El Tunal river, Durango, Mexico. Importance
value (Iv%) or relative frequency expressed as X = rare, XX = common, and XXX = very abundant, – = absence. Types according
to USEPA (2000) criteria.
Types Plant species Clean Water Eutrophicated Water Wastewater
emergent Echinochloa colona (Linnaeus) Link – – 11
emergent Echinochloa crusgalli (Linnaeus) -– – X
  Palisot de Beauvois
free-floating Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) Solms – X XXX

submerged Myriophyllum aff. spicatum Linnaeus XX – –

free-floating   C. Presl - XX –
shrub Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz et Pavón) Pers. 15 – –

submerged Eleocharis acicularis (Linnaeus) Roemer et – X –

emergent Eleocharis densa Benth – X –
free-floating Eleocharis palustris (Linnaeus) Roemer et – – XXX
creeping Eleocharis sp. nov 64 – –
grass facultative Eriochloa acuminata (C. Presl) Kunth X X –
free-floating H. peduncularis Benth – X –
free-floating Heteranthera limosa (Swartz) Willdenow – X –
rooted floating Hydrocotyle ranunculoides Linnaeus, – X –
  Carl von (filius)
emergent Juncus acuminatus Michaux X – –
emergent Juncus nodosum Linnaeus X – –
free-floating Lemna aff. minuta Kunth – X XX
rooted floating Ludwigia sp. 1 4 33 –
rooted floating Ludwigia sp. 2 38 – –
rooted floating Marsilea sp. – 1 –
emergent Persicaria aff. mexicana (Small) Small X 1 23
emergent Persicaria hydropiperoides (Michaux) Small – – 11

emergent and submerged Sagittaria platyphylla (Engelmmann) 11 – –

  J. G. Smith
tree Salix bonplandiana Kunth. X – –
emergent Schoenoplectus americanus (Perss.) Volkart ex – – 17
  Schinz et R. Keller
emergent S. tabernaemontani (C. C. Gmelin) Palla – – 14
tree Taxodium mucronatum Tenore – 3 –
emergent Typha domingensis Pers. – – 13

Data analysis. For units standardization and to support the ces in kinetics of FC decay. All statistical analyses were performed
normality of the data, values were log-transformed prior to the using STATISTICA version 7 (StatSoft, 2004), at α=0.05. EC and pH
analysis, with the exception of the FC, which were in log natural. variation was recorded to follow behavior of the systems.
Differences among parameters and water quality by sites were
evaluated using main-effects analysis of variance (MANOVA/ RESULTS
Water quality for each site sampled. Table 1 depicts the charac-
Differences in system removal capacity of N-NH4+/NH3, N- teristics of water quality associated with each sampling station,
NO3 and RP were evaluated using main-effects analysis of variance
and the analysis of variance applied showed that differences
(ANOVA); a slope homogeneity model was used to test for differen- among parameters and sites were significant. Based on this, the

Aquatic macrophytes tolerance to wastewater 239

8.3 1st trial 2nd trial

7.3 8.0

9.5 9.5
3rd trial 4rd trial
9.0 9.0
8.5 8.5

7.5 7.5
7.0 7.0
6.5 6.5
1 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8

5.0 4.0
4.0 3.0


1.0 1.0
1st trial 2d trial
0.0 0.0

30 20

20 15
15 10

0 3rd trial 0 4th trial
0 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8

Figure 3. Changes for pH and phosphorus content reactive (RP) among batches and treatments (4 trials).

sites were classified as: clean water, wastewater, and eutrophi- 71 aquatic and 78 facultative species (González-Elizondo et al.,
cated water sites (Fig. 1). 2003). The plants were identified based on the following
papers: González-Elizondo & Peterson (1997), González-Elizondo
The different qualities were: clean water with little TS, low
et al. (1991, 2005, 2007) and Smith et al. (2002).
EC and other parameters were nearly undetectable. Eutrophicated
water with high content of organic matter, RP, N-NO3-, and little Species composition varied widely among sites; in contrast,
or no FC and N-NH4+/NH3 (in other words it has a high content richness (as number of species) was similar, although ecolo-
of phosphate and nitrogen but not necessarily ammonia); and gical requirements for each species also varied widely (table
Wastewater (septic) with low or nothing of OD, high content of 2). A total of 28 species of plants were recorded and identified.
TS, EC, ammonia and FC, but no nitrates. There is not nitrates in Twenty-three species were restricted to a specific water quality:
wastewater recently generated because they appear when the 8 to clean water, 8 to eutrophicated water, and 8 to wastewater
organic matter is degraded; this is one of the reasons of why (table 2). Four species were present in two sites (table 2), and
they are high in eutrophicated water, another is by presence of only Persicaria aff. mexicana was found in all three, although it
fertilizers (de Jonge et al., 2002; Metcalf & Eddy, 2003). was more abundant at the wastewater site (relative importance
value 23%). Characteristics of places and plant communities by
Description of sites and plants sampled. This paper is the
site were as follows:
first attempt to relate aquatic macrophytes composition to water
quality for the Durango area. The only previous information avai- Site 1, clean water. This site has the best water quality
lable on aquatic plants is a state-wide inventory which includes of all (table 1) the river is 52 m wide, straight and shallow (1-m

Vol. 19 No. 3 • 2009

240 Pérez-López M., et al.

sinuous and with numerous branches; width changes during the

35 year, reaching up to 100 m during the rain season. Depth varies
between 1 and 3 m, water speed was 30 cm/s. Twelve species
N-NH4+/NH3 (mg/L)

25 were recorded, five free-floating aquatic, one submerged, one

20 emergent, three rooted floating aquatic, one grass, and one tree
15 2nd trial
(table 2). Seven species were exclusive to this site, which shares
10 two with wastewater (Lemna aff. minuta and Eichhornia cras-
5 sipes, and two with the clean water site (Eriochloa acuminata
0 and Ludwigia sp.1). Vegetation at the river bank is dominated by
Taxodium mucronatum, forming a gallery forest. The surrounding
40 land is used as a pasture.
30 3rd trial
Site 3, waste water. At this site the effluent carried was-
N-NH4+/NH3 (mg/L)

25 tewaters from the open sewer system of Durango City (table

20 1). The semi-treated wastewater of the city is discharged into
15 this channel (2.5 m3/s), which is an affluent of the El Tunal river
10 that runs across small communities where the water is used for
5 irrigation and for the cattle to drink. The channel is 12 m wide,
0 1.5-m deep and has a constant flow throughout the year, except
in the rain season, when the water level rises over the banks of
6 the channel, reaching a velocity up to 46 cm/s and floods the
surrounding terrain. These areas are used as pasture grounds.
N-NH4+/NH3 (mg/L)

4th trial
4 Eleven species were collected here; eight emergent aquatic and
3 three free-floating (table 2); eight of them were found only at this
2 site. Some species found in wastewater have been reported as
1 indicators of water with high-nutrient content: Schoenoplectus
0 tabernaemontani, Typha domingensis, Lemna aff. minuta, and
0 2 4 6 8
DAYS Eichhornia crassipes. Because of their higher growth rate, they
replace the original, slower-growing species typical of nutrient-
Figure 4. Variation of ammonia concentration among treatments poor environments. This characteristic makes them the species
and replicates. of choice for wetland construction and pollution mitigation along
river beds (Haslam, 1978; Gutenspergen et al., 1989; USEPA, 2002;
depth), with a speed of 10 cm/s. The surrounding land is used as Scholz & Trepel, 2004).
pasture grounds. Eleven species were sampled at this site, one
Selected plants. Under ideal circumstances the choice
submerged; 3 rooted floating aquatics; 3 emergent (one of them
of plants for an artificial wetland should include those with the
facultative); one shrub, one tree, and one creeper (table 2). Eight
highest tolerance to variation in pollutant contents. From our
species were exclusive to this site. The plant assemblage spans
inventory, only one specie, Persicaria aff. mexicana, occurred
almost all the life forms found along the river, from terrestrial ripa-
in all types of water; however, it was difficult for this species
rian to emergent aquatics, only free-floating plants were absent.
to grow under these specific artificial conditions, and therefore
The wet part of the river bank was covered by Eleocharis sp.,
it was not considered. None of the species that occurred in
followed by Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., a grass, at the contiguous,
two types of water (Eriochloa acuminata, Eleocharis acicularis,
drier portion. Both species protect the river from erosion due to
Lemna aff. minuta and Ludwigia sp. 1) were suitable to be grown
flooding. Absence of most upstream species (clean water site)
in the artificial conditions we set, and also were discarded from
downstream, where water is more polluted, suggests that they are
further experiments. Thus, three species which occurred only in
sensitive to pollutants, and therefore good indicators of quality but
the wastewater site were chosen. All of them were abundant in
poor cleansers. Two species are shared with the eutrophicated
the field, easy to handle under greenhouse conditions, and have
water site, Ludwigia sp. and Eriochloa acuminata.
potential to be used locally; two have been previously used in
Site 2, eutrophicated water. This site is the farthest from wetlands. Finally, because the aim of an artificial wetland for the
the urban areas. Water is eutrophicated probably as a result of El Tunal river region includes, in addition to water treatment, the
the process of self-purification occurring between the sources creation of a wildlife refuge as well as an area for environmental
of pollution upstream and this site (table 1). Here the river is education, it is proposed that it should include mainly emergent

Aquatic macrophytes tolerance to wastewater 241

Table 3. Average values (± STDEV) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) among systems, at the eighth day for parameters of four trials by duplicate, measured
ate different times (0, 100, 140 and 220 days). Equal letter means not differences significant statistics. ND = below detection limit analytical method.
The rest acronyms are in text.

pH EC N-NO3- RP N-NH4+/NH3 Ln FC
7.8 659 ND 13 22 15.2822
(±0 .38) (± 64) (± 12) (± 15) (± 15)
Effluent Systems Changes  % Removal
8.66 566 ND 49 88 98.7
Wastewater (WW) (± 0.66) (± 62) (± 36) (± 1) (± 0.29)
a a a
7.29 578 ND 97 96 98.46
Gravel (G) (± 0.56) (± 73) (± 3) (± 1) (± 0.34)
b a a
7.48 707 ND 99 95 98.67
Eleocharis densa (ED) (± 0.33) (± 66) (± 1) (± 8) (± 0.24)
b a a
7.26 678 ND 100 95 98.57
Shoenoplectus americanus (SA) (± 0.27) (± 94) (± 0) (± 9) (± 0.22)
b a a
7.37 663 ND 100 99 98.52
S. tabernaemontani (ST) (± 0.17) (± 62) (± 0) (± 2) (± 0.3)
b a a
F value 8.2 2.43 1.14
p value       0.002 0.124 0.285

plants. The three species selected are perennial and reproduce included to evaluate the performance of the plants in the systems; a
by rootstocks and seeds: system with WW and another with gravel (G); to measure the real
capacity of the plants (ED, SA y ST), in the removal of FC, NH3 and RP.
1. Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (ST), with a cosmopolitan
distribution, has been used for wetland construction world- Efficiency results and their comparison among the different
wide (Tanner et al., 2002). systems are summarized in table 3. The ANOVA for differences
among time by species was not significant. Plant biomass increa-
2. S. americanus (SA), distributed only in the Americas. It is used
sed after 140 days from: 28 to 2,794, 25 to 2,035, and 30 to 1,729 g/
for recovery and protection of natural wetlands and in Mexico
m2 for Eleocharis densa (ED), Shoenoplectus americanus
for construction of some artificial wetlands (Warman, 1988;
(SA), and S. tabernaemontani (ST), respectively.
Martínez-Cruz et al., 2006; Ramos-Espinosa et al., 2007).
Figures 2, 3, 4, and 5 show the performance of the systems
3. Eleocharis densa (ED) distributed from Mexico to Guatemala.
for pH, EC, ammonia, RP and FC; nitrate was not found neither
No technical references or any other precedent of its use in
in the influent nor in the effluent of the systems , all parameters
constructed wetlands was found.
were determined each 48 hours, up to 8 days, 4 trials by duplica-
Evaluation of selected plants in the batch micro-wetlands. tes and the average of results are shown.
The domestic wastewater (WW) used in the batch micro-wet-
Electrical conductivity (EC): The behavior of the systems
lands was collected from site 3 (Fig. 1), its characteristics are
was different. The ones with gravel showed differences whereas
given in table 1. These characteristics are typical for a primary
the system only with WW did not (first and second trials in Fig 2),
effluent or a septic tank effluent; the species used did not have
indicating that the gravel had influence in the changes observed.
problems adapting to it as reported by Metcalf & Eddy (2003).
As time went by gravel lost exchange capacity, becoming satura-
WW has bacterial content which provides a self-treatment ted, and a biofilm of microorganisms formed in the gravel surface.
capacity. Also, the presence of gravel provides another removal fac- The systems with plants showed a different behavior as seen in
tor because exchange of ions takes place. Two types of control were third and forth trials in Fig. 2.

Vol. 19 No. 3 • 2009

242 Pérez-López M., et al.

WW G ED SA ST Lineal(WW)

y = -1.955x+10.48

6 R*= 0.939

0 2 4 6 8

Figure 5. Kinetics of death fecal coliforms (FC), non-significant differences among trials.

The changes of pH were similar in all systems, except for Wastewater site (3) had the highest risk to human and
WW, which showed the highest values at day eight. The rest of environmental health in the area because of its high con-
the systems did not show significant changes, except for the tents of fecal coliformes, indicating the possible presence of
fourth trial, where it is clearly observed that the systems with Salmonella, Shigella, and other pathogenic microorganisms
plants are separated from the others by a pH-unit, see Fig. 3. that pose a potential human health hazard (Chapman, 1992;
Metcalf & Eddy, 2003). A water treatment plant should exist
Efficiency of removal (RP) was 49, 97, 99, 100 and 100% for
immediately before point 3, where most discharges from the
WW, G, ED, SA, and ST, respectively. Behavior in system with
city converge. This treatment also would significantly decrea-
gravel was similar, showing higher % removal than in systems
se the amount of nutrients that reaches the lower portion
without it, see Fig 3.
of the river, and effectively eliminate eutrophication downs-
The average removal of ammonia (N- NH4+/NH3) accounted tream. Additionally, invasive plants as Echinochloa colona, E.
for the 96 to 99% in the systems with gravel and 88% in the WW crusgalli and Eichhornia crassipes were found in this place.
system. This parameter showed the same tendency as for EC, Slow-growing plants have been substituted by these fast-
see Fig 4. growing species, turning a low-biomass, healthy river into a
high biomass, swamp-like water body (USEPA, 2002). Such
The removal rate of fecal coliforms (FC) followed a first-
radical changes in water characteristics may lead to the
order rate, with non-significant differences among systems (Fig.
decrease of abundance of many aquatic and semi-aquatic
5). Experimental results showed a reduction of an average of
species of plants and animals, or to their complete disappea-
6.4 logarithmic units of FC within 8 days, with a specific average
rance from the area.
decay rate of -1.18, -1.84, -1.56, and -1.55 Ln of CFU/100 mL of
water per day for the control, ED, SA, and ST, respectively. Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani, S. americanus and
Eleocharis densa are emergent plants that in the study area
DISCUSSION grew in wastewater only, and whose propagation in greenhouse
conditions was not difficult. Because of these attributes they
Twenty-eight species of aquatic plants were collected in were selected to test their purification capacity under artificial
three sites of different water quality: clean, eutrophicated conditions.
and wastewater; species composition varied broadly among
sites, although species richness was similar among them. Only The pace of environmental change and the accelerated
Persicaria aff. mexicana was common to all three, and four population growth in the Durango metropolitan area makes
(Eichhornia crassipes, Eriochloa acuminata, Lemna aff. minuta urgent the creation of low-cost, easy to manage water treatment
and Ludwigia sp. 1) were shared between two sites. systems along the El Tunal river.

Aquatic macrophytes tolerance to wastewater 243

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