Medical Oxygen Generator: Design Document For 3 NM /H Medical Oxygen Generation System

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S 3

Medical Oxygen

Design Document for 3 Nm3/h

Medical Oxygen Generation System

Under Open Source License

I n s e r v i c e o f h u m a n i t y

As part of our open-source endeavour, we are making available the design

documentation for a 3 Nm3/h medical oxygen prototype system, designated S3 (S-Cube). The
current documentation is self-sufficient to build the said prototype and any additional
information as and when available will be updated on the web page. A fully functional
prototype has been setup at out laboratory based on the design document. It may however
be noted that the system has not been tested or approved for use in any application, clinical
or otherwise. This document was prepared as an account of work to support the cause of
oxygen availability shortage, which was noticed during the 2020 pandemic. Neither the Indian
Institute of Science nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty,
express or implied or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, products, or process disclosed or
represents that is used would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to specific
commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or
otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation or
favouring by any agency thereof.
The following Terms and Conditions, together with any additional terms displayed via
our website, govern your use of the information and materials of the work at IISc on the 3
Nm3/h adsorption based Medical Oxygen Generation System. Subject to the terms and
conditions, IISc, Bangalore grants you a non-exclusive permission, free of charge to use,
reproduce, create derivative works of and distribute the documentation in connection with
the design and manufacture of oxygen concentrators.
By downloading and/or using the documentation we have provided, you explicitly
accept the terms and conditions as below.

Terms and Conditions

1. The Documentation is provided for general informational and/or educational
2. The documentation is provided “As Is” and “As Available” without any warranty of any
kind, including with respect to its accuracy, completeness, non-infringement,
merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or use.
3. IISc does not warrant that the use of the documentation, or any devices created in
connection with the use of the documentation will comply with laws and regulations
regarding medical devices or medical uses or otherwise.
4. You acknowledge that neither the documentation nor the S 3 oxygen generator
described therein have been approved or cleared by relevant agencies and you are
responsible for obtaining any required governmental approvals in connection with the
use of the documentation and any related devices.
5. All copyrights and other intellectual property rights in the documentation are retained
by IISc.
6. The released design is based on exhaustive adsorption studies carried out at the
institute and any process or product resemblance to existing IP is sheer coincidence.
No component has been reverse engineered to design and/or develop any component
in part or whole of the prototype.
7. You acknowledge that IISc is not responsible for any health-related issues, injuries or
death that may result from your use of the documentation. IISc assumes no
responsibility for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to your use of the
8. This document contains a list of manufacturer/vendor for a range of bought out items.
The list is non exhaustive and provides only an immediate guide of potential suppliers
and should not be treated as a recommendation list. The design team does not vouch
for any of the listed products and the responsibility of carrying out due diligence and
sourcing appropriate materials as per the recommended specification rests entirely
with the user of this document.
9. You will comply with all laws and governmental rules, regulations, and guidelines,
including any safety precautions, that are applicable to any device, medical or
Patients with compromised lung conditions require supplemental
Oxygen due to reduced ability of the lungs to absorb Oxygen. The
supplemental Oxygen, known more commonly as medical Oxygen has a
concentration of 93 ± 3 vol% Oxygen. Atmospheric air has approximately
21% Oxygen and 79% Nitrogen with other trace gases and medical Oxygen
can be generated by separating Nitrogen from air to get the prescribed
purity of Oxygen.
Currently, most of the medical Oxygen in India is met through
centralized largescale systems adopting cryogenic technology. Medical
Oxygen is then transported to hospitals / end use locations in high pressure
bottles. Some large medical facilities host adsorption technique based in
house medical Oxygen generation facilities. In pandemic like situation
when the requirement for medical Oxygen spikes from multiple locations,
the transport logistics introduces substantial delays in reaching the medical
Oxygen to the needy. Availability of decentralized medical Oxygen
generation facilities ensures immediate and on demand availability of
medical Oxygen.
As a response to the need for such decentralized medical Oxygen
generation systems, the thermo-chemical conversion group at Combustion
Gasification and Propulsion Laboratory, Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore has evolved the design for a low-pressure swing adsorption-
based system for the generation of Medical Oxygen. Based on the design,
a 3 Nm3/h medical Oxygen generation system has also been assembled and
tested at the institute. For the benefit of the society, the complete design
of the 3 Nm3/h system is being released under Open-Source License
through this document. It is hoped that through localized initiatives, many
such systems can be built and installed across the country, particularly in
the rural hinterlands. Indian Institute of Science will be pleased to extend
all technical help towards realization of such systems.

Together we can and together we will

Medical Oxygen
Quality specifications as per Indian regulations

The Indian Pharmacopeia 2018 laid down the following monograph pertaining to the
quality of medical grade oxygen:

• Oxygen purity: 93 ± 3 vol%

• CO: < 5 ppm
• CO2: < 300 ppm
• Water vapour: < 67 ppm
• SO2: 0 ppm
• NOx: 0 ppm

Other requirements:

• Each module should be able to produce medical grade oxygen with dew point
temperature of minus 73 deg C. The product oxygen should be supplied through
oxygen outlet at minimum pressure of 4.2 – 6 bar-g at all times of operations of the
• The oxygen generator should have all necessary certifications and approvals like US
FDA, CE tag, ISO 13485:2016, ISO 10083/ENISO7396-1/EN737-3 European Standards
and medical device directives 93/42/EEC etc.
• Automatic shut off valve should be installed to control the medical oxygen purity and
• The plant should have silencer to reduce air discharge noise to less than 65dBA.
Medical Oxygen generation principle
Pressure Swing Adsorption

The medical oxygen generation plant – S3 works on the basis of Pressure Swing
Adsorption (PSA) principle. Air from the ambient is drawn through a filter using a compressor
operating at about 7 bar-g pressure. At the exit of the compressor, a refrigerated air dryer
removes any moisture in the gas and also condenses any undesirable compounds. If the
temperature of the compressed dried air is above 35 deg C, the air needs to be cooled using
an appropriate heat exchanger to maintain the temperature below 35 deg C. The ideal
temperature for the operation of adsorbers is 25 deg C. The dry cool air is further conditioned
in the hybrid bed containing activated carbon and activated alumina. This bed ensures
removal of any trace contaminants present in the gas, specifically if oil lubricated compressor
is employed for compression. The clean cool and dry gas is now passed through particulate
matter filters (PM1 and PM0.01) to remove any carry over particulate matter. The air exiting
the particulate matter filter is finally sent though a pair of adsorber columns switching
cyclically and undergoing a well-defined process to generate medical grade Oxygen at the rate
of 3 Nm3/h. The generated medical grade Oxygen is discharged into the oxygen surge vessel
where the Oxygen is stored at ≥ 4.2 bar-g as per the requirement of Indian pharmacopeia.
Oxygen is discharged from the surge vessel through a sterile bacterial filter to meet the
specifications. The system operation requires a connected load of about 4.5 kWe and draws
in air at the rate of about 40 Nm3/h to generate 3 Nm3/h of medical grade Oxygen.
Process description

The oxygen generator works based on the principle of pressure swing adsorption. The
overall system basically contains two adsorbers filled with alumina (for moisture adsorption)
and main adsorbent (for nitrogen adsorption) to generate medical grade oxygen. The
generated oxygen is stored in a surge vessel and fulfils the requirements prescribed by Indian
Pharmacopeia. The continuous process involves five cyclic steps as described below.

Step – 1: Feed Pressurization: In this step, the feed air is sent into one of the adsorption
columns/adsorbers to raise its pressure to the desired level. During this step, the output valve
is kept in closed position and only air is allowed to enter into the adsorber column.

Step – 2: Adsorption: At the end of feed pressurization, the outlet valve of the adsorber
column is opened while maintaining the air inlet flow. In this step, air continues to enter the
adsorber column and simultaneously Oxygen continues to exit the column while maintaining
the pressure of the column. This is the principal step where gas separation takes place, and
the oxygen of desired purity is made available at the outlet. During the separation of Oxygen
from air, the bed material starts accumulating Nitrogen and over a certain period, the bed
material will not be able to hold all the Nitrogen. Just before this stage is reached, the
adsorption process is stopped by closing the Oxygen discharge valve.

Step – 3: Desorption: On completion of the adsorption step, the Nitrogen accumulated in the
bed needs to be flushed out. This is done by connecting the column to the atmosphere while
keeping the air inlet and the Oxygen outlet closed. On connecting the column to the
atmosphere, all the adsorbed Nitrogen is flushed to the ambient completing the desorption

Step – 4: Purging: In the desorption step while most of the Nitrogen from the column is
flushed, some residual Nitrogen remaining in the column voids and adsorbed to the surface
of the bed material needs to be removed. This is done by sending pure Oxygen being
generated from the other column undergoing adsorption step.
Step – 5: Pressure Equalization: During this step, both the adsorbers are connected from the
top to each other to equalize pressure. This is performed to increase the oxygen recovery of
the system.

The timing of various steps and the status of solenoid valves during these steps can be found
in the control logic and valve timing description section.
Specifications, operating conditions, and

The technical specifications of various components as depicted in the process flow

diagram are mentioned in table 1. The battery limits pertaining to various operating
conditions are shown in table 2. Table 3 provides recommendations pertaining to some of the
Table 1: Technical specifications of various components
Serial Component Technical Specifications Numbers Remarks
no. required
1 Compressor Free air delivery (Nm3/h): 1 (2 if one is o Check recommendations section
40 required for for information on compressor
Delivery pressure (bar-g): 7 standby selection.
Operating inlet purpose)
temperature range (deg
C): minus 10 to 55
Inlet relative humidity - RH
(%): ≤ 95
Maximum outlet
temperature (deg C) –
must be ensured by using
an after-cooler: 45
2 Refrigerated Inlet flow rate (Nm3/h): 40 1 o Choose slightly over-sized capacity
air dryer Inlet pressure (bar-g): 7 for the dryer to manage any
Inlet air temperature (deg process adversaries.
C): 45
Maximum ambient
temperature (deg C): 50
Maximum dew point
temperature at inlet (deg
C): 3
3 Air filters PM – 5 1 o PM – 5/1/0.01 (size in µm) and
PM – 1 1 hybrid bed will be placed at the
PM – 0.01 1 (2 if one is upstream of adsorbers. However,
required for sterile bacterial filter is required to
standby be placed at the outlet of surge
purpose) vessel.
Hybrid bed 1 o See attached drawing of the hybrid
Sterile bacterial filter 1 bed for its construction. Note that
the carbon and alumina
requirement and the dimensions of
the hybrid bed are calculated
considering ambient temperature
(40 deg C), RH (100%) and moisture
adsorption capacity of activated
alumina (15% w/w).
4 Pressure Dial size: 4” 4 o Pressure gauges filled with
gauge Case: SS glycerine are better.
Range: 0 – 10 bar-g
Resolution: 0.2 bar-g o For more accuracy and automatic
(min,) operation (specially incorporating
safety alarm for oxygen storage
vessel pressure), transducers are
o Pressure gauges or transducers
need to be properly calibrated.
5 Safety valve Size: 1/2” 2 o Pressure relief valves are to be
/ pressure Operating pressure: 9 bar- placed on the hybrid bed and surge
relief valve g (hybrid bed); 6 bar-g vessel. The valves will open in
(surge vessel) accordance with the pre-set
Body: SS operating pressure.
6 Flow meter Feed line: 2 o Flow meters are required to be
Flow range: 5 – 60 Nm3/h placed at the input and output line
Resolution: 0.5 Nm3/h of the unit. They can be of
Accuracy: +/- 1% mechanical or digital type.
Inlet pressure: 9 bar-g
Output line:
Flow range: 0.1 – 5 Nm3/h
Resolution: 0.1 Nm3/h
Accuracy: +/- 1%
Inlet pressure: 6 bar-g
7 Temperature Type: T or K 1 o Temperature sensor will sense the
sensor with Temp range: 0 to 100 deg temperature of the feed gas at the
indicator C inlet of the adsorbers. Note that
Rod diameter: 3 mm this temperature ideally shall stay
Rod length: 150 mm (or as around 25 oC. Any kind of digital
required) indicator can be used. In the
Cable length: 5 m (or as absence of thermocouple and
required) digital indicator, analog
temperature gauge can also be
8 Solenoid Type: Pneumatically 4 (1/2”) o The solenoid valves must have high
valves actuated (external air) 5 (2”) reliability and shall remain
solenoid valves unaffected by voltage surges. Note
Operating voltage: 24 V DC that all these valves shall be
Power consumption: ~ 11 direction free and shall just On/off
W as per the set cycle sequence
Media: Air through the solenoid and external
Body material: SS air.
Seal and O ring: Viton or
Media temperature: 0 –
100 oC
Media pressure: 0 – 8 bar-
End connection: Screwed
9 Activated Size: 4*8 mesh 30 kg o Activated carbon will be loaded as
carbon – to Type: granular a bottom layer in the hybrid bed to
be used in Iodine value: 800 – 1100 remove any oil contaminants
the hybrid Base: coconut (preferred) present in the feed gas (if oil
bed or coal compressor is used).
o See attached drawing of hybrid
bed for its construction.
o Bed tapping/vibration is suggested
during filling of the bed to ensure
no empty spaces.
10 Activated Brand name: Siliporite H2O 70 kg (in o 70 kg of activated alumina will be
alumina – to beads hybrid bed) used in the hybrid bed (as its top
be used in Manufacturer: Arkema, layer) to take care of any moisture
the hybrid France 38 kg (to be existing in the feed gas at the
bed and Type: Activated alumina divided upstream of adsorbers. Other 19
adsorbers Size: 4*10 mesh (2.0 – 5.0 equally in kg will be used as a bottom layer in
mm) both the each of the adsorbers. The alumina
Crush strength: ~ 190 N adsorbers) should have good water
Bulk density: 720 – 880 adsorption capacity and strong
kg/m3 mechanical strength. This will
Water adsorption capacity: safeguard the main zeolites from
6% (at 10% RH); 14% (at moisture, thus increasing the
50% RH); 21% (at 60% RH) efficacy and life of the plant. As per
our estimates, the given quantity
of alumina in the hybrid bed shall
be sufficient for one day operation
(without ambient desorption)
[assumptions: RH: 100%, Ambient
temperature: 40 deg C,
refrigerated dryer moisture
removal efficiency: 90%].
However, hybrid bed will get
desorbed off moisture via. ambient
desorption happening for 5
seconds every 5 cycles ensuring
continuous operation.
o Bed tapping/vibration is suggested
during filling of the bed to ensure
no empty spaces.
11 Molecular Brand name: Airsiev OX19 120 kg (to o The zeolites shall have high
sieve – Manufacturer: Arkema, be divided nitrogen adsorption capacity, very
zeolite France equally in high selectivity in favour of
Type: Synthetic zeolite both the Nitrogen and strong mechanical
type LSX lithium adsorbers) strength.
N2 adsorption capacity (25 o Lithium doped zeolites are
C, 1 atm): 18 – 20 Nl/kg preferred.
Selectivity N2/O2 (25 oC, 1 o Bed tapping/vibration is suggested
atm): 6.0 during filling of the bed to ensure
Crush strength: 28 – 30 N no empty spaces.
Particle size: 1.2 – 2.0 mm
Bulk density: 600 – 660
12 Oxygen Measurement range: 21- 1 o The oxygen sensor can be of
Analyser 96% O2 (lower or higher Zirconium/Ultrasonic/Galvanic
acceptable) type
Resolution: 0.1% across all o Sensor should be rated for use with
measurements PSA based oxygen production.
Accuracy: +/- 3%
Operating temperature: o Required to be calibrated
minus 10 to 50 deg C depending upon the type of
Relative humidity: 15 – sensor.
95% (atmosphere) o The sensor shall have minimum
Historical logging of all response time and fitted with
alarms alarms. Also, the data from the
Real time trending curve sensor shall continuously be
of oxygen purity acquired and can be transferred
into a USB drive in excel/ASCII
13 PSA vessels / See attached drawing (No: 2 o The PSA Vessels (2) shall be
Adsorbers 2) for the construction of designed and manufactured as per
PSA vessel / adsorber. The ASME VIII code or Directive
bottom layer is of activated 97/23/EC or equivalent for
alumina and the top layer pressure vessels.
contains the main
adsorbent. The empty
space above column neck
can be covered by using
ceramic balls (5 mm) or
sponge (rectangular with
approx. dimensions: 50 *
40 * 25 mm)
14 Oxygen See attached drawing (No: 1 o The oxygen storage vessel is
storage 3) for the construction of designed in such a way that it
vessel oxygen storage vessel. should provide stored medical
grade oxygen for about 30 minutes
(till pressure in the tank becomes 2
bar-g), in case of power failure.
o The vessel shall be designed and
manufactured as per ASME Section
VIII Div 1 Or Equivalent.
o A corrosion allowance of 1.6 mm
shall be considered.
o The receiver vessel shall be
provided with a pressure gauge,
safety pressure release valve and
auto drain valve, and has a vertical
floor mounted design

15 Ball valve Size: 1/2” and 1” 3 (1/2”) and o The ball valves will be fitted in the
Body: SS 2 (1”) vent lines of hybrid bed, adsorbers,
Media: Air and surge vessel. In addition, one
Media pressure: 0 – 9 bar- ball valve is required in the P.E. line
g before SV-4.
Media temperature: 0 –
100 oC
16 Needle valve Size: 1/2” and 1” 1 (1/2”) o The needle valve is required to be
Body: SS placed at the outlet of surge vessel
Media: Air to fine control the flow of product
Media pressure: 0 – 9 bar- oxygen.
Media temperature: 0 –
100 oC
17 Control and Timing control of 9 (SV-1 to 1 o The control and acquisition unit
acquisition SV-9) solenoid valves (24 V must be a PLC or microprocessor-
DC) controlled completely automatic
Provision to change the unit with all safety features in
timing of any solenoid place.
valve (min assigned value: o The panel shall have a diagnostic
0, max. assigned value: 100 tool to pin-point exact
s) malfunctioned solenoid valves for
Panel shall be fitted with fast service.
safety ON/OFF switch o The oxygen concentrator system
Shall be properly earthed shall have PSA sieve beds with
and installed with all safety touch screen for display of size not
provisions less than 5” for constant quality
control by measuring oxygen
purity, outlet pressure, instruction
manual, curves of oxygen
pressure, basic setting, alarm
facility for process a cycle failure,
low oxygen pressure, maintenance
alerts, process overview with valve
operation and an analogue valves
18 Piping Internal diameter: 2” and Running o 2” pipe for feed line and
½” meters desorption line, whereas 1/2” pipe
Maximum pressure: 20 for pressure equalization and
bar-g output line.

Table 2: Battery limits for operating conditions

Serial no. Parameter Value/Range

1 Air inlet flow rate (Nm3/h): 40
2 Ambient temperature – Max. (deg C): 50
3 Feed air temperature (deg C): < 35 (ideal: 25)
4 Adsorption pressure (bar-g): 5
5 Desorption pressure (bar-g): 0
6 Storage vessel pressure (bar-g): 4.2 – 4.7


a) The storage vessel must be tested at different vessel pressures (4.2 – 4.7 bar-g) to
arrive at the optimum condition at which the required flow rate and purity of oxygen
is available.

b) The lab prototype uses Airsiev OX19 as the main adsorbent and Siliporite H2O beads
as the activated alumina. Both adsorbents are manufactured by Arkema, France. In
the hybrid bed, activated carbon with iodine value 800 mg/g (4*8 mesh, coconut base)
was used, which was manufactured by MM Corporation, Ahmedabad, India. The
current design document is generated considering these as the working adsorbent.
The change in adsorbent might demand changes in geometry too for the desired
Table 3: Recommendations for some system components
Serial Component Recommendation(s)
1 Compressor o Screw compressor is recommended because of its low noise and oil-free
operation. However, in case of its non-availability or higher cost,
reciprocating type oil compressor can be used. However, for the later case,
the use of hybrid bed containing activated carbon and alumina to remove
any oil contaminants and moisture (if any) becomes important.
o Compressor Package shall be enclosed in a powder coated acoustic canopy
with sound absorbing material for limiting the noise level. Canopy is
pressurized ensuring no pressure drop at suction filter and avoids entry for
dust particles in the element in the anti-vibration mounts support electric
motor and compressor unit and isolate the moving components from the
rest of the structure.
o The compressor shall have to be with all standard accessories compatible
with oxygen generator.
o The air compressor shall be manufactured to internationally acceptable
standards with CE mark and ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certification. ISO 8573-
1: Compressed air – Part 1: Contaminants and purity classes. ISO 8573-2:
Compressed air – contaminant measurement – Part 2: Oil aerosol content.
ISO 8573-4: Compressed air – contaminant measurement – Part 4: particle
content. ISO 5011: Inlet air cleaning equipment for internal combustion
engines and compressors – performance testing.
2 Refrigerated air dryer o The dryer shall be equipped with all safety valves and be of simple plug and
play concept. The pressure shall be self-regulating.

3 Air filters o Feed air quality of the oxygen concentrator should be conforming to ISO
8573 Class 4 and is of filtration grade of 0.01 micron.

4 Safety valve / pressure o The valves shall be properly tested before installation.
relief valve
5 Flow meter o The flow meter to be placed at the outlet of oxygen storage vessel must be
properly calibrated for oxygen. The flow meters are generally made for air
and thus density correction for oxygen is desired. Contact manufacturer for
this purpose.
6 Activated carbon o Every bed (hybrid and adsorbers) must be properly compacted to the
7 Activated alumina correct density by means of column tapping or vibration.
8 Molecular sieve – zeolite
9 Oxygen storage vessel o A corrosion allowance of 1.6 mm shall be considered
o The vessel shall have vertical floor mounted design and be provided with a
pressure gauge, safety pressure release valve and an auto drain valve
10 Alarm system o Providing main alarm panel to indicate any abnormality of gas pressure and
other failures of the system (drop in oxygen purity etc.) is recommended.
o The Alarm System consists of an isolation valve box, pressure sensors, circuit
plate with LED colour indicators for visual indications.
o The Gas Alarm system is sensitive to detect any pressure drop in the supply
o The Alarm System is fitted with electronic hotter/audio siren for audio
indications of pressure drop.
o The alarm is provided with the manual pressure gauge for indication of
pressure in services. It shall have anti-microbial coating labels for touch
o The alarm system shall be complete with digital display, sensor module and
power supply. The alarm system shall be complete with all indication
controls, wirings, accessories etc as required.
11 Servo voltage stabilizer o Servo voltage stabilizer of suitable capacity for oxygen plant and allied
equipment’s with input voltage range 300 – 480V and output voltage
415+1% rating 3 phase 50Hz, micro processed based digital display suitable
for unbalanced/balanced supply and unbalanced/balanced load copper
wound with by-pass switch, MCCB, selector switches, complete in all
respect, is recommended
12 Online UPS o With at least 30 min backup for PLC of the concentrator plant
13 Pressure vessels o All the vessels including hybrid bed, adsorbers, Oxygen storage vessel must
be designed and manufactured as per ASME Section VIII Div 1 or equivalent.
Appropriate corrosion/welding etc. allowances shall be provided. The
maximum operating pressure in each one of these vessels are written
▪ Hybrid bed: 8 bar-g
▪ Adsorbers: 7 bar-g
▪ Oxygen storage vessel: 6 bar-g
CAD drawing with material of construction

The CAD drawing of the following components are presented as Annexures.

a) Hybrid bed
b) Adsorbers
c) Surge vessel
d) Full process layout
e) General assembly model
Bill of materials

The bill of materials containing most of the components not mentioned in the specifications
list is written below:

Table 4: Bill of materials

Part Specification Quantity
MS channel frame 3 m x 1.6 m x
1 Base frame (MS) 1
200 mm Ht.
ID 508 mm (20") x Ht. 760 mm
2 Hybrid bed 1
3 Adsorber ID 330 mm (13"). 2
ID 712 mm (28") x Ht. 1890 mm
4 Oxygen Storage Vessel 1
(74 1/2").
5 PM Filter 1 Particulate filter 1 micron 1
6 PM Filter 2 Particulate filter 0.01 micron 1
Pipeline (Hybrid tank to 2" nb x sch 40, ASA 150 class MS
7 1
absorber header) Flanges
2" nb x sch 40, ASA 150 class MS
8 Adsorber header 1
1/2" nb x sch 40, ASA 150 class
9 Adsorber outlet to surge tank 1
MS Flanges
Adsorber outlet inter 1/2" nb x sch 40, ASA 150 class
10 1
connection MS Flanges
2" nb x sch 40, ASA 150 class MS
11 Adsorber out to ambient 1
2" nb pneumatically (external
Feed and desorption line air) actuated solenoid valve, ASA
12 4
solenoid valve 150 class Flanged end, SS 304
ball, CS body, 24 V DC
1/2" nb pneumatically (external
Inter connection (Pressure
air) actuated solenoid valve, ASA
13 Equalization) and output line 4
150 class Flanged end, SS 304
body 24 V DC
1/2" nb pneumatically (external
air) actuated solenoid valve, ASA
14 Hybrid bed drain valve 1
150 class Flanged end, SS 304
body 24 V DC
1" nb heavy duty ball vave,
15 Dain valves (adsorber) 2
thread end (SS 304)
Dain valves (Storage vessel and 1/2" nb heavy duty ball vave,
16 2
Hybrid tank) thread end (SS 304)
Manually operated ball valve
20 SS ball valve 2
1/2" nb, Thread end type
2" nb x sch 40 pipe, 2" nb flexible
21 Pipeline (compressor to drier) 1
2" nb x sch 40 pipe, 2" nb flexible
22 Pipe from dryer to hybrid bed 1
23 Gaskets 3 mm nitrile rubber gasket 1 set
Nitrile rubber 570 OD x 10mm
24 O' ring 1
Nitrile rubber 390 OD x 10mm
25 O' ring 2
HT bolt grade 8.8 M20 x 75 120
Fasteners Bolt, nut and double
26 HT bolt grade 8.8 M16 x 75 84
HT bolt grade 8.8 M12 x 50 48
27 SS Fasteners SS 304 Bolt and single washer 48
28 Hybrid bed flange M20 x 75 24
29 Drain 4" flange M16 x 75 16
30 Adsorber bottom flange (2 set) M20 x 75 64
31 Adsorber top flange M20 x 75 32
32 Absorber drain 4" M16 x 75 16
Hybrid bed (Bolt for valve
assembly) M16 x 75 12
34 Adsorber inlet valve assembly M16 x 75 24
35 Header connection M16 x 75 4
36 Header dummy M16 x 75 4
37 Outlet M16 x 75 8
38 Outlet pipe 1/2" M12 x 50 16
39 1/2" inter connection M12 x 50 16
40 Oxygen storage vessel inlet 1/2" M12 x 50 8
41 1/2" pipe Dummy M12 x 50 8
42 Adsorber top mesh fixing SS M6 x 20 48
Plated bolts (mounting of
elements to Base frame) M10 x 40 50
Control logic and valve timing description

The logical timing sequence for S3 oxygen generator producing about 3 Nm3/h medical
grade oxygen is written below:

Table 3: Logical timing sequence

Time Adsorber I Adsorber II SV* Open SV Close
0 to 15s FP D 2, 8 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
15 to 55 s A D 2, 3, 8, 9 1, 4, 5, 6, 7
55 to 60 s A P 2, 3, 7, 8 1, 4, 5, 6, 9
60 to 62 s PE PE 1, 4 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
62 to 77 s D FP 5, 6 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9
77 to 117 s D A 5, 6, 7, 9 1, 2, 3, 4, 8
117 to 122 s P A 3, 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 4, 8, 9
122 to 124 s PE PE 1, 4 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
*SV: Solenoid valve
Total cycle time = 124 s, ~ 2.1 minutes. The process will repeat (cyclic) from t = 0 after every
124 s.
Step description:

FP: Feed pressurization: to take column pressure to the desired level

A: Adsorption: main separation step in which high purity oxygen is available
D: Desorption: to desorb all adsorbed gases from the adsorbent by lowering pressure
P: Purging: cleaning the adsorbers with pure oxygen available as a product
PE: Pressure equalization: to increase the recovery of high pure oxygen

Important notes:

o All step times are required to be optimized as per the system performance. Currently,
the timings are considered based on the lab prototype.
o During pressure equalization step, all the system solenoid valves excluding SV-4 and
SV-1 will remain in closed position. The feed will be vented out to the ambient
through SV-1. This will also desorb moisture from the hybrid bed.
o Pneumatically actuated (external air) solenoid valves are preferred.
List of bought out items with manufacturer/vendor details
NOTE: The present manufacturer/vendor list is non exhaustive and provides only an immediate guide of potential suppliers and should not be
treated as a recommendation list. The design team does not vouch for any of the listed products and the responsibility of carrying out due
diligence and sourcing appropriate materials as per the recommended specification rests entirely with the user of this document. It may however
be noted that all the components used in the manufacturing of the lab prototype have been sourced from one or more of the vendors listed in
Table 4.

Table 4: Bought out items with manufacturer/vendor details

Serial Component Manufacturer Suggested Manufacturer/Vendor – Address Manufacturer/Vendor – Contact details
no. model
1 Compressor Frank N.A. Reach Pneumatics, #42/2, 6th cross, 5th +91-80-23465570, 23496920
main, Malleswaram, Bangalore [email protected]

Ingersoll-Rand N.A. N.A.

ELGi N.A. N.A.

2 Refrigerated dryer Trident Coldspell – Reach Pneumatics, #42/2, 6th cross, 5th +91-80-23465570, 23496920
80 main, Malleswaram, Bangalore [email protected]

3 Air filter Trident T-100P Reach Pneumatics, #42/2, 6th cross, 5th +91-80-23465570, 23496920
(to remove any particulate T-100X main, Malleswaram, Bangalore [email protected]
matter from the feed air, T-100A
and bacteria from the Festo N.A. Festo India Private Limited 080-22894245
product oxygen) Plot No.225 & 226, Bommasandra [email protected]
Industrial Area,
Bengaluru, PIN 560 099.

4 Pressure gauge Kains Instruments N.A. No.9A, 1st cross, 3rd Main, Abbigere 91-9448615402
India Pvt. Ltd. Main Road, Jalahalli West, Bangalore
560 015 [email protected]
Swagelok India N.A. Swagelok Bangalore +91-6366756548
#1, Doddanakkundi Industrial Area +91-8792822596
Whitefield Main Road, +91-9686700134
Mahadevapura Post
Bangalore - 560048
5 Safety valve Swagelok N.A. Swagelok Bangalore +91-6366756548
#1, Doddanakkundi Industrial Area
Whitefield Main Road, +91-8792822596
Mahadevapura Post +91-9686700134
Bangalore - 560048

Global N.A. ElectroWing Technologies Pvt. Ltd. +91-8971467957

No. 8, Puttenahalli, 24th Main, J.P.
Nagar, [email protected]

6 Flow meter Rockwin N.A. 85/19, Sree Rangam 044 - 2852 9176/7
Avenue,Pantheon Road, 044 - 2852 9569
Egmore, Chennai - 600 008.
[email protected]

Alicat N.A. ElectroWing Technologies Pvt. Ltd. +91-8971467957

No. 8, Puttenahalli, 24th Main, J.P.
Nagar, [email protected]
7 Temperature sensor with Elohim N.A. Elohim instruments, 409/1 M.E.S +91-9448511883
indicator Instruments Road, Bangalore – 560013 [email protected]

8 Solenoid valves Uflow Ankur Industrial Complex, Survey No: +91-2827254343, +91-8905907070
275/276, Plot No: 31, Nr. Intol Cast [email protected]
Pvt. Ltd. Shapar (Veraval) 360 024.
Dist: Rajkot Gujarat (INDIA).
[email protected]
Rotex Rotex Automation Limited, 703, +91 22 4211 1444
Western Edge II, [email protected]
Off. Western Express Highway,
Borivali (East), Mumbai – 400 066,
Maharashtra, India Vendor(s):
[email protected]
[email protected]

9 Activated carbon MM N.A. 403 Block A, Shivalik Corporate Park +91-79-4006 0421/22
Corporation Shivranjani Shyamal Road, Satellite
Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat INDIA +91-98253 46557

[email protected]

10 Activated alumina – to be Arkema OX19 89, boulevard National +33 (0) 1 49 00 38 00 – Phone
used in the hybrid bed and 92257 La Garenne-Colombes Cedex - +33 (0) 1 49 00 38 03 – Fax.
adsorbers France [email protected]
Zeochem N.A. Zeochem LLC, 1600 West Hill Street, +15026347600
Louisville, KY 40210
Shanghai Hengye N.A. 11999 Katy Freeway Suite 588
Group Co., China Houstan, Texas 77079, USA 1-844-308-3271 – toll free
1-832-288-4230 – Fax
Jalon N.A. Junmin Road, Industrial Cluster
District, Yanshi, Henan, China. +91 9810502962 (India)
+86-379-6989 5719
[email protected]

Honeywell UOP N.A. N.A.

11 Molecular sieve – zeolite Arkema OX19 89, boulevard National +33 (0) 1 49 00 38 00 – Phone
92257 La Garenne-Colombes Cedex - +33 (0) 1 49 00 38 03 – Fax.
France [email protected]
Zeochem N.A. Zeochem LLC, 1600 West Hill Street, +15026347600 – Phone
Louisville, KY 40210
Shanghai Hengye N.A. 11999 Katy Freeway Suite 588
Group Co., China Houstan, Texas 77079, USA 1-844-308-3271 – toll free
1-832-288-4230 – Fax
Jalon N.A. Junmin Road, Industrial Cluster
District, Yanshi, Henan, China. +91 9810502962 (India)
+86-379-6989 5719
[email protected]

Honeywell UOP N.A. N.A.

12 Oxygen Analyser Uniphos N.A. Uniphos Envirotronic Pvt Ltd, P.O +91-9909 994 042 / 7574 839 945
Nahuli, Tal. Umbergaon, Dist. Valsad, [email protected]
Gujarat – 396108, INDIA
Vendor details:
[email protected];
[email protected]
13 Ball valve / Needle Valve Swagelok N.A. Swagelok Bangalore +91-6366756548
#1, Doddanakkundi Industrial Area +91-8792822596
Whitefield Main Road, +91-9686700134
Mahadevapura Post
Bangalore - 560048
Global N.A. ElectroWing Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Vendor:
No. 8, Puttenahalli, 24th Main, J.P. +91-8971467957
Bangalore-560078 [email protected]

14 Control and acquisition ASEC Solutions N.A. No. 38 [email protected]

Annapoorneshwari industrial area, +91-9886486815
Doddakallasandra, Kanakapura road,
Bangalore – 560062
ElectroWing N.A. ElectroWing Technologies Pvt. Ltd. +91-8971467957
Technologies Pvt. No. 8, Puttenahalli, 24th Main, J.P.
Ltd. Nagar, [email protected]
Operating procedure with check list

After installation of the entire plant, following stepwise procedure can be followed for
its smooth operation.

• Check cycle times given in the PLC control. Initial starting can be done by setting
suggested times which further can be optimized based on the process performance.
• Check all the lines and valves. All the ball valves in the vent lines shall be in the closed
position. The ball valve given at the outlet of oxygen storage vessel can also be in the
closed position. This valve can be opened solely once the required pressure in the surge
vessel is reached, which can take around 10 cycles.
• Switch on the pneumatic air compressor and wait till the pressure in the external air
manifold reaches around 6 bar-g. Once reached, the solenoid valves are ready to
• Switch on the refrigerated air dryer. Depending upon the manufacturer, the
refrigerated air drier will take some time to reach desired operational temperature.
Make sure the drain is set in automatic position. This will ensure automatic drainage of
condensed moisture from the chiller.
• Switch on the feed air compressor. If air receiver or tank is used, this will take some time
till it gets filled. Once the tank gets filled, the full unit can be started.
• Prior to sending the feed air to the adsorber columns, it is advisable to check for the
operation and sequence of solenoid valves to ensure everything is in order. This can be
done by just operating the solenoid valves using the PLC.
• If all the components are working fine, the unit can be started.
• Once the unit is operational, it starts discharging Oxygen into the surge / storage vessel.
In the course of filling of the surge vessel, the outlet of the surge vessel should be kept
closed till the pressure in the surge vessel becomes minimum 4.2 bar-g. Once the
desired pressure is reached, the outlet valve can be gradually opened such that in
addition to purity and flow rate, product oxygen at the desired pressure (minimum 4.2
bar-g) is made available at the outlet. Note that varying surge vessel pressure impacts
both the purity and the flow rate.
• Note that during P.E. Step, all valves excluding SV-4 and SV-1 will remain in closed
position. During this time, the feed gas will be vented to the ambient through SV-1. This
will also ensure desorption of moisture from alumina present in the hybrid bed.
• All the filters can be periodically checked for clogging and other issues.
Prototype performance data

A full-scale lab prototype was developed and tested to generate medical grade oxygen.
Some results from the preliminary studies are mentioned below:

Figure 1: Variation of output oxygen purity with time during long duration testing

Figure 2: Effect of adsorption pressure on output oxygen purity

[Note: Purity was maintained at both the pressures and outlet flow rate was 2.4 and 2.9
Nm3/h-O2 at 2.6 and 3 bar-g respectively]
Figure 3: Effect of purging time on output oxygen purity
[Note: purity improves with purging time, however, recovery drops]

Figure 4: GC traces for a) S3 – surge vessel composition (O2: 92.4 vol%), b) S3 – desorbed
gas composition (O2: 14.2 vol%)
Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is S3?
Response] S3 is the name given to the high purity, medical-grade, oxygen generator developed
by Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. It works on Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA)

2. What are the operating conditions?

Response] It operates at maximum ambient temperature of 50oC, pressure of 5 bar-g and
ambient relative humidity of ≤ 95%. All vessels are to be designed and manufactured in
accordance with ASME Section VIII Div I.

3. How many beds can the system support?

Response] Equivalent number of hospital beds that can be served is 5 (at 10 LPM) – 10 (at 5

4. What are some of the salient features built into the S3 design?
Response] Some of the salient features of the design are:
• Five step cyclic continuous process with efficient feed dehumidification, cleaning, and
increased life of adsorbents
• Fulfills the normative requirement of the quantity of oxygen for a 5 to 10 bed hospital
as prescribed by the MoH&FW
• Product gas quality as per the guidelines prescribed by the Indian Pharmacopeia
• Reliable and automatic unit with all safety features
• Availability of product gas at > 4.2 bar-g pressure which can be regulated
• Uninterrupted product gas supply for 30 minutes in case of power failure
• A rugged system with ± 20% fluctuation in the input/feed flow rate allowed
• Standard accessories and components compatible with oxygen with all pipes and
valves made up of SS-316L
• Continuous monitoring of product purity using online oxygen analyzer and alarms
• Control and acquisition using a programmable logic controller with a provision for
emergency stop
• Low noise levels (< 65 dB)
• Sterile bacterial filtration on the output line
• Can be coupled to a diesel genset, renewable power as a decentralized system (for use
in remote areas)
• The general design principle can be adopted for any throughput requirement
• Low system footprint (1.5 m × 3.0 m) with maximum delivery of 3 Nm 3/h at a typical
power consumption of ≤ 1.5 kWh/Nm3, which can further be optimized.

5. What is the adsorbent used?

Response] The lab prototype uses Airsiev OX19 as the main adsorbent and Siliporite H2O
beads as the activated alumina. Both adsorbents are manufactured by Arkema, France. In the
hybrid bed, Activated carbon with iodine value 800 mg/g (4*8 mesh, coconut base) was used,
which was manufactured by MM Corporation, Ahmedabad, India.

6. Is there an existing prototype?

Yes, firstly lab prototype was developed and tested. It has all the features to address the
needs of the hospitals. Below is the picture of the lab prototype.
7. Your scope of supply and our scope and other vendor detail for procurement (if any)
Response] The IISc team is releasing the complete design, drawings and control logic as an
open source for generating 3 Nm3/h oxygen. For additional requirements, team can be
contacted at [email protected]

8. Whether IISc will supervise the entire project from erection and operation process from
grounds up ?
Response] No.

9. What is the electrical unit consumption per month for 1 and 3 phase both?
Response] The unit consumes about 1.5 units of energy per Nm3 of oxygen generation. The
current system employs three phase power supply.

10. What are the safety norms?

Response] Safety is of paramount importance to the team. Therefore, all vessels are to be
designed and manufactured in accordance with ASME Section VIII Div I. In addition, the team
has incorporated two pressure relief valves in the system to ensure pressure safety.
Moreover, the quality of product oxygen is ensured by number of filters.

11. What is the requirement of space in Sq. Mtr.

Response] The current system requires about 1.5 m * 3 m land, which can be further
optimized, to generate 3 Nm3/h medical grade oxygen.

12. Will the plant the erected in open space (OTS) or any covered shed / building is required?
Response] Covered shed is recommended to safeguard the system from ambient conditions.
Note that system contains many electrical and electronic appliances.

13. Any water requirement?

Response] No.
14. Man power requirement for 8 hrs operation (Skilled and semi- Skilled).
Response] The plant can be designed in such a way that it can run un-attended. However, one
semi-skilled labour might be required for day to day operations (to take care of power failure,

15. Whether any (identified-experienced) manufacturers are available for the fabrication of
different components of the plant?
Response] The design document contains the list of experienced vendors which can supply
most of the components.

16. Is there any alternative adsorbent available?

Response] The current system is tested on Airsiev OX-19 adsorbent from Arkema, France. Any
other zeolite having similar characteristics as OX-19 can be used. If zeolites having
characteristics different from OX-19 are used, then Oxygen throughput might vary. Some
other companies which manufacture adsorbents are Honeywell UOP, Zeochem, Jalon etc.

17. What % of components are available off the self and what % the components needs to be
Response] The main components to be fabricated are hybrid bed, adsorbers, surge vessel and
the connecting lines. Nearly all other components are available as bought out items.

18. What would be the import components if any and timelines for getting the same in your
Response] As per our estimates, the only component to be imported is the adsorbent. Nearly
all companies have their representatives here in India who can be contacted for the
Team S3

Prof S Dasappa Dr Anand M Shivapuji Mr Arashdeep Singh

[email protected]
Process Flow Diagram
Ambient Process Flow Diagram (PFD)

S3 Oxygen Generator – IISc Product Safety




Vessel - I
SV-3 SV-7

PG-2 SV-4 PG-3

Control and

Column II

Column I
Air Filter

SV-2 SV-6
SV-5 SV-8
Safety Silencer Ambient





PM Filter 1
Comp. S
SolenoidYvalve Ball valve
PM Filter 2 FM-1 N meter
FM: Flow
Provisions for G
PG: Pressure gauge
air cleaning A
TS: Temperature sensor
PM: Particulate matter
AC: Activated carbon
SV: Solenoid valve
T valve
BV: Ball
Gas Conditioning
Hybrid Bed
Pressure gauge

Pressure relief valve

8 mm SS 304

SS mesh 0.5 x 0.5


2" nb x sch 40 SS 304 MS flange

pipe with ASA 150 MS flange

438 id
468 pcd
Flange to be

welded inside weld mesh

shell 1 1
2" x 2"


5 mm SS 304

100 mm NB SS 304
pipe with SS flange and SS dummy
SS mesh 0.5 x 0.5 mm
properly supported by SS strip


2" NB SS pipe

with SS Flange

Vent valve 21"

Adsorber Vessel
Pressure gauge
2" SS pipe (For PE)
200 NB SS flange and
SS dummy
SS loose frame
2" output (SS pipe)

16x16 SS ring


8 mm SS 304 welded


SS mesh 0.2 x 0.2 1

tied to Loose 2" pipe

Main Absorbent

5 mm SS 304


100 mm NB SS 304
pipe with SS flange and SS dummy
SS mesh 0.2 x 0.2
supported with steel strip

100 mm NB SS 304
pipe with SS flange and SS dummy
SS ring welded
(16 mm x 16 mm)

Activated SS mesh 0.5 x 0.5 MS Flange

alumina supported with steel strip

2"nb SS pipe 2" NB SS pipe
with SS Flange (desorption pipe)

SS support for mesh

Legs for skid mounting


1" Drain pipe

with SS ball valve


Storage Vessel
Pressure gauge

Pressure relief valve


2"x sch 40 pipe with ASA 150 flange


Internal Diameter 28" (712 mm)

Height 74 1/2" (1890mm)

2" x sch 40 pipe with ASA 150 Falnge


2" vent
Plant Layout
Flow meter -2
at the outlet of
oxygen storage vessel


Ball valve

2" nb x Sch. 40

pipe line

Oxygen Flow meter-1

Storage Vessel 2" nb x sch 40 Pipe
ID 28"(712 mm) (ID 13"(330 mm)

2" nb x Sch. 40
SV-4 pipe line PM Filter 2

2" x Sch 40
pipe line

2"nb ASA 150 flange PM Filter 1
with dummy
Hybrid bed

nb x Sch. 40
ID 20" (508 mm)

Pipe line
(ID 13"(330 mm)



2" nb x sch 40 pipe

To Ambient

General Assembly





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