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US 2005O155492A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0155492 A1
Baksh et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jul. 21, 2005
(54) FLOW DISTRIBUTOR FOR PSAVESSEL (22) Filed: Jan. 15, 2004
(76) Inventors: Mohamed Safdar Allie Baksh, Publication Classification
Amherst, NY (US); Bernard Thomas
Neu, Lancaster, NY (US); Dariush H. (51) Int. Cl." ..................................................... B01D 53/02
Zadeh, Williamsville, NY (US) (52) U.S. Cl. ................................. 96/135; 96/139; 96/152
Correspondence Address:
DANBURY, CT 06810-5113 (US) The present invention is a PSA System having at least one
vessel that uses a multi-Segmented flow distributor to pro
(21) Appl. No.: 10/757,575 vide a uniform fluid across the adsorbent bed in the vessel.

14"Diaceramic Balls

Molecular Steve
Patent Application Publication Jul. 21, 2005 Sheet 1 of 7 US 2005/0155492 A1

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Patent Application Publication Jul. 21, 2005 Sheet 2 of 7 US 2005/0155492 A1


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Patent Application Publication Jul. 21, 2005 Sheet 3 of 7 US 2005/0155492 A1

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Patent Application Publication Jul. 21, 2005 Sheet 4 of 7 US 2005/0155492 A1

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Fig 6
Patent Application Publication Jul. 21, 2005 Sheet 5 of 7 US 2005/0155492 A1

arois. Ceramic Balls

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Patent Application Publication Jul. 21, 2005 Sheet 6 of 7 US 2005/0155492 A1
Patent Application Publication Jul. 21, 2005 Sheet 7 of 7 US 2005/0155492 A1
US 2005/O155492 A1 Jul. 21, 2005

FLOW DISTRIBUTOR FOR PSAVESSEL purge Steps. A vertical vessel has generally the bed at the
middle of the vessel, and has two distributors, one over the
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION bed and one below the bed. Vertical beds can be made as tall
as 25 ft with a typical diameter of 9 ft. Flow maldistribution
0001) 1. Field of the Invention in PSA vessels can cause early breakthrough and loss of
0002 The invention relates to pressure Swing adsorption efficiency. Flow maldistributions can also cause Sieve move
gas Separation operations. More particularly, it relates to an ment and local bed fluidization.
improved flow distribution System for pressure Swing 0007 U.S. Pat. No. 5,298,226 relates, in general, to
adsorption vessels. apparatus for providing uniform fluid flow in vessels having
0003 2. Description of the Prior Art packing materials or particulates and, in particular, to appa
ratus for providing uniform gas flow in pressure Swing
0004 Adsorption processes have been widely used for adsorbent vessels.
the Separation and purification of gases. In recent years, 0008 U.S. Pat. No. 5,538,544 relates to a non-uniform,
pressure Swing adsorption (PSA) Systems have been devel graded ball adsorbent bed Support which is employed in the
oped for enhanced gas Separation operations, particularly for head Section of an adsorption vessel to achieve a uniform
the commercial production of oxygen and/or nitrogen from flow of gas to the adsorbent bed. The open areas of an inlet
air. In the operation of PSA Systems, an adsorption-desorp gas distributor are also varied to channel gas toward the edge
tion-repressurization processing Sequence is employed, with portion of the vessel head to enhance the uniform flow of gas
the passage of air or other feed gas mixture at an upper to the adsorbent bed.
adsorption pressure to an adsorption System for the Selective
adsorption of a more readily adsorbable component of air or 0009 U.S. Pat. No. 4,065,391 relates to a distributor that
other feed gas mixture by one or more adsorbent beds, and Supplies either a liquid or a gas to a bed of granular media,
the passage through said bed(s) of a less readily adsorbable Such as a Sand filter, is divided by inclined interior walls into
component. The bed(s) is then depressurized to a lower primary and Secondary horizontal conduits that extend par
desorption pressure for the desorption of the more readily allel to each other. Gas metering orifices are positioned at an
adsorbable component from the adsorbent bed(s), and the intermediate level in the inclined walls and liquid metering
bed(s) is then repressurized to the upper adsorption pressure orifices are positioned beneath the gas metering orifices in
as cyclic operations are continued. the inclined walls. Aliquid or a gas is Supplied to the primary
conduits, passes through the metering orifices in the inclined
0005. In order to fully utilize the adsorbent material walls. A liquid or a gas is Supplied to the primary conduits,
employed, PSA Systems require uniform flow of gas acroSS passes through the metering orifices into the Secondary
the adsorbent bed(s) throughout the PSA processing cycle. conduits, and through dispersion orifices in the Secondary
In addition, large Void volumes and pressure drops in the conduits into the filter bed. At least some of the secondary
PSA vessel entrance and exit regions, which have adverse conduits are each connected to at least two primary conduits
effects on the proceSS performance of a PSA System, need to So that liquid can flow from one primary conduit through a
be mitigated in practical commercial operations. In this Secondary conduit to another primary conduit to compensate
regard, those skilled in the art will appreciate that, in PSA for inequalities of flow along the primary conduits.
Systems, e.g. Vacuum pressure Swing adsorption (VPSA) 0010 U.S. Pat. No. 4,938,422 relates to an inlet distribu
systems, the adsorbent bed support and the flow distribution tor to prevent bed Surface disturbances at high inlet Veloci
System are costly, and become more costly as the diameter ties and high particle loadings. The distributor uses a Series
of an adsorbent bed increases. The typical bed Support of partitions to peel off portions of the downward gas flow
System is also prone to adsorbent leakage if not assembled and redirect them radially outward. Each outwardly directed
correctly. Repair of a leaking bed Support System can be gas flow component passes through a Series of perforations
costly and time-consuming. Common bed designs and flow to effect any necessary circumferential redistribution before
distribution Systems that employ bed Support plates and entering the Space above the particle bed. By Subdividing the
asSociated flow distribution Systems, incorporating Support gas flow into a number of radially directed flow portions and
ribs, tend to give rise to localized non-uniform gas flow, circumferentially redistributing these flow portions, croSS
which results in an undesired penalty in gas separation currents and eddy currents on the catalyst bed Surface are
performance. minimized or avoided So that disturbances at the bed Surface
0006. In the modern PSA technology, adsorbent beds are are eliminated. This distributor is particularly effective in
Shorter and will go through a faster cycle. They are designed vessels having particles loaded to within a short distance of
smaller with little end space. The prior art distributors were bed inlets and where elbows or other upstream flow devices
not able to provide satisfactory flow distributions, with introduce nonuniformities into the gas flow to a particle bed.
reasonable Void volumes. In fact, they were not responsive The distributor has a simple arrangement and can be used
to the demands of modern technology. The goal of the without adding Significant preSSure drop to the System.
invention is to make the vertical PSA vessels more efficient 0011 U.S. Pat. No. 5,544.423 relates to a gas distributor
in their separation task by achieving a better flow distribu for an inlet gas plenum comprising a plurality of Spatially
tion. PSA vessels are used to capture and reduce the con Separate gas deflectors, each deflector arranged and posi
taminants of chemical components Such as carbon dioxide, tioned to Successively cut diagonally acroSS a gas flow path
carbon monoxide, nitrogen, oxygen, water, and hydrocar in a gas flow direction from an inlet and of the distributor to
bons of the feed stream to ppm levels. This is carried out by a terminal end of the distributor. The deflectors configured to
adsorbing gases on different adsorbents Such as alumina, direct gas flow exiting the distributor in an essentially
carbon, Zeolite, and molecular Sieves. The adsorbent is perpendicular direction to the direction of gas flow entering
contained in vessel and is alternated between adsorption and the distributor.
US 2005/O155492 A1 Jul. 21, 2005

0012 European Patent Application EPO 748 253 B1 component of a feed fluid mixture containing Said compo
relates to a mixing assembly for gaseous flows at different nent and a leSS readily adsorbable component, having at least
temperatures, in particular for heterogeneous exothermic one adsorption vessel containing a bed of adsorbent material
Synthesis reactors comprising a plurality of Superimposed capable of selectively absorbing the more readily absorbable
catalytic beds and in which at least one of the beds is component of Said feed fluid mixture, Said vessel having a
provided with a gas permeable wall for outlet of a flow of hot first vessel opening, a Second vessel opening at the opposite
gas, Said assembly including:
end and having an inner wall; a deflector funnel having a
0013 a baffle extending9. below and pparallel to said first funnel opening at one end, a Second funnel opening at
gas permeable wall with which it defines a hollow its opposite end with the Second opening larger than the first
Space for collection of Said hot gas flow; opening, Said first funnel opening extending to form a
0014) an annular opening for outlet of said hot gas tapered neck terminating at the Second funnel opening, Said
flow from said hollow space defined between said first funnel opening being juxtaposed one of the vessel
baffle and a side wall Supporting Said at least one bed openings with the tapered Segment being juxtaposed the
asSociated wit the reactor; inner vessel wall adjacent to Said vessel opening to provide
a channel between the funnel and the inner vessel wall; a
0015 a perforated distributor for a cooling gas flow perforated cap Section disposed to cap the Second funnel
Supported below Said baffle at a predetermined dis opening, Said perforated cap having at its central area a
tance from Said annular opening.
porosity of less than 10% and at its circumferential area a
0016 U.S. Pat. No. 5,716,427 relates to equipment, for porosity of about more than 20%, and said funnel/cap
example of the PSA type, which comprises gas circulation arrangement adapted for providing an effectively uniform
elements for passing the gas horizontally through an adsor distribution of a fluid feed to the adsorbent bed.
bent (3), which comprise, on at least one vertical side of the
adsorbent, a gas distribution volume comprising a first 0023. Another embodiment of the present invention
Subvolume (5; 9) adjacent to the adsorbent, and a second relates to an adsorption System for the Separation of a more
subvolume (6; 10) separated from the first subvolume by a readily adsorbable component of a feed fluid mixture con
wall provided with passages (40) having cross-sections taining Said component and a leSS readily adsorbable com
and/or a distribution which are Selected So as to reduce the ponent, having at least one adsorption vessel containing a
variations in local flow rate along the adsorbent. The equip bed of adsorbent material capable of selectively absorbing
ment is particularly useful in Separating gases from air. the more readily absorbable component of Said fluid gas
0017 U.S. Pat. No. 5,779,773 relates to a grille (26) for mixture, Said vessel having a first vessel opening, a Second
retaining an active material (42) in a receptacle (10) which vessel opening at the opposite end and having an inner wall;
has a convex bottom (14) delimiting an internal space within a distribution funnel having an inner wall spaced-apart from
the receptacle. The grille (26) has the form of a vault and is an outer wall to provide a fluid channel therebetween and
disposed in the internal Space in contact about a portion of having a first funnel opening at one end and a Second funnel
its periphery with the internal wall of the convex bottom of opening at its opposite end with the Second opening larger
the receptacle. The direction of convexity of the vault (26) than the first opening, the Spaced walls having a perforated
and the bottom (14) are opposite to each other. Use in grilles
for the Support of an adsorbent material in an adsorber. end at the Second funnel opening and an opening end at the
first funnel opening So that the Spaced-apart walls provides
0.018. Therefore, there is a genuine need to find a better a fluid channel in which the fluid flows from the funnel open
way to engender a uniform Velocity acroSS the entire croSS end through the perforated funnel end; Said first funnel
Section of the process vessels having packing materials or opening extending to form a tapered neck Segment termi
particles. The enhancement of fluid distribution, i.e., nating at the Second funnel opening, Said first funnel opening
improved uniformity, allows for the use of all the available
reaction or Separation Surface area in the process vessels, being juxtaposed one of the vessel openings with the tapered
thereby efficiently increasing the yield of the desired prod Segment being adjacent to the vessel inner wall; a perforated
uct. cap Section disposed to cap the Second funnel opening, and
Said funnel/cap arrangement adapted for providing an effec
0019. It is an object of the invention to provide an tive uniform distribution of a fluid feed to the adsorbent bed.
improved adsorbent vessel head Section capable of achiev
ing a uniform flow of gas to an adsorbent bed therein. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
0020. It is another object of the invention to provide an 0024 FIG. 1 is a longitudinal cross-sectional view of an
improved PSA vessel capable of achieving uniform gas flow
drop. adsorber provided with a flow distributor arrangement
according to the invention.
0021 With these and other objects in mind, the invention
is hereinafter described in detail, the novel features thereof 0025 FIG. 2 is a perspective view of a funnel deflector
being particularly pointed out in the appended claims. used as a compound for the flow distributor according to the
0026 FIG. 3 is a perspective view of a semi-spherical
0022. The present invention relates to an adsorption plenum cap used as a component for the flow distributor
System for the Separation of a more readily adsorbable according to the invention.
US 2005/O155492 A1 Jul. 21, 2005

0.027 FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a perforated flow cap 4 has a low porosity at its center area 8 defined as the
extender used as a component for another embodiment of a radial area of between about 70% and about 95% of the
flow distributor according with the invention. radius measured from its center point and the remaining
circumferential area 10 has a high porosity. Porosity is
0028 FIG. 5A is a schematic of an ideal flow distribu defined as the total opened area occupied by the perforated
holes divided by the total areas occupied by the Solid and
0029 FIG. 5B is a schematic of an actual flow distribu perforated Sections (i.e. holes and non-holes regions). The
tion without any distributor means. porosity at the central area can vary between about 0.05%
and about 10%, preferably between about 0.1% and 5% and
0030 FIG. 6 is a longitudinal cross-sectional view of an more preferably between about 0.15% and 0.25%. The
adsorber provided with an embodiment of a flow distributor porosity at the circumferential area can vary between about
arrangement having a perforated exterior component
according to the invention. 20% and about 80%, preferably between about 40% and
about 60%, and more preferably between about 45% and
0.031 FIG. 7 is a partial longitudinal cross-sectional view 55%.
of a small diameter vessel using the components of FIGS.
2 and 3 is the flow distributor according to the invention. 0039 The same components in the various drawings have
the same reference numbers. In the practice of the invention,
0.032 FIG. 8 is a partial longitudinal cross-sectional view the funnel component 2 divides the total flow of a fluid F into
of a medium diameter vessel using the components of FIGS. two parts, Segment F1 and Segment F2. The flow F2 goes
2 and 3 as the flow distributor according with the invention. through the funnel 2 then passes through the low porosity
0.033 FIG. 9 is a partial longitudinal cross-sectional view area 8 of the cap 4 and then reaches the adsorbent bed
of a large diameter vessel using the components of FIGS. 2, assembly composing of one or more layers of adsorbents.
3 and 4 as the flow distributor according with the invention. For example, the adsorbent bed consists of three layers of
adsorbents, Such as a layer molecular Sieve 12, a layer of
0034 FIGS. 10A through 10D are partial longitudinal carbon 14, and a layer of aluminum 16 all sandwiched
cross-sectional views of various embodiments of flow dis between a multilayer of various size ceramic balls 18. The
tributors according to the invention. ceramic balls 18 can provide support for the distributor
components. The flow F1 runs between the other side 20 of
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE funnel 2 and the vessel wall 22 and passes through the high
INVENTION porosity area 10 and then to the adsorbent bed. As shown in
0035. The present invention lies in the recognition that an FIG. 7, the shape and location of the funnel 24 and the
improved uniform fluid relocating can be achieved acroSS perforated cap 26 are for a Small diameter vessel generally
the entire or Substantially entire cross-section of a proceSS having a diameter of between 6 to 78 inches. As shown in
vessel by using at least two particularly designed fluid FIG. 8, the shape and location of the funnel 28 and the
distributor components with at least one component being perforated cap 30 are for a medium diameter vessel gener
perforated and/or arranging at least two particularly ally having a diameter of between 78 and 100 inches. Note
designed fluid distributor components in a particular manner that the radius of the Semi-spherical plenum cap 26 for the
in the process vessel. Small vessel is Smaller than the radius of the Semi-spherical
plenum cap 30 for the medium vessel. For vessels exceeding
0.036 The distributor components according to the inven 100 inches, a flow extender 32, as shown in FIGS. 6 and 9,
tion are simple in design and bed Support can be eliminated can be used. The flow extender 32 is porous and has an inner
by particle Supported with ceramic particles in Voids. In porosity area 34 and a circumferential high porosity area 36.
addition, significant end space volume reduction (<5%) can As shown in FIG. 9, the flow F1 is divided into a flow F3
be achieved using the flow distributor of this invention which passes through low porosity area 34 and a flow F4
relative to prior art generally having endspace Void volume which passes through high porosity area 36 and both pro
of about 15%. Such a reduction in endspace void volume viding an effective uniform flow to the adsorbent bed. The
result in enhanced (>5%) product recovery, reduction in porosity at the area 34 can be between about 0.05% and
adsorbent inventory and power consumption of the PSA about 10%, preferably between about 0.1% and about 5%,
proceSSeS. and more preferably between about 0.7% and about 0.9%.
0037 FIG. 5A shows the ideal flow distribution for a The porosity of the circumferential area 36 can be between
fluid flow to adsorber bed in a vessel. FIG. 5B shows a flow about 20% and about 80%, preferably about 40% and about
distribution of a fluid flow to an adsorber bed without using 60%, and more preferably between 45% and about 55%. As
distributors. The novel distributor of the invention will shown in FIGS. 6 and 9, the low porosity area 32 is parallel
provide an effective distribution approaching the ideal flow and juxtapose the inner wall of the vessel head and the high
distribution of FIG. 5A. porosity area 38 is disposed at the circumferential edge of
funnel 40.
0038 FIG. 1 shows novel flow distributor components 2
and 4 for a small or medium size vessel 6. Distributor 0040. To illustrate the variables of D, d and X for the
component 2 is a funnel shaped deflector as shown in FIG. distributor components and the Size of the vessel, the fol
2. The funnel deflector can be solid. Distributor component lowing replication of the components in a vessel is illus
4 is a semi-spherical plenum cap as shown in FIG. 3. The trated as follows:
US 2005/O155492 A1 Jul. 21, 2005
US 2005/O155492 A1 Jul. 21, 2005

0041. In the above illustration, D is the vessel diameter,

d is the span of the Semi-spherical plenum cap, and X is the TABLE 1.
span of the flow extender.
Vessel Specification With and Without
0042. In the most preferred mode of operation, the length Flow Extender
of the semi-spherical plenum cap, d will be greater than 50% Vessel Without Without With With
of the vessel diameter D, the radius of curvature of the Diameter, D Extender Extender Extender Extender
semi-spherical cap is between 10% and 60%, preferably Inch Range Best Mode Range Best Mode
about 15% of the vessel diameter if extender is used and
60 de 3O" d = 40" x 2 45" x = SO"
between about 50% and 95%, preferably about 75% of the 78 de 39" d = 52" x > 59" x = 65"
vessel diameter without the flow extender. In the case using 96 de 48" d = 64!" x is 72" x = 80."
the flow extender, X will be about 80-90% of the vessel 114 d is 57" d = 76." x 2 86" x = 95"
diameter. The thickness of the region between extender and 122
= 81"
= 86"
x = 102"
x = 107"
the vessel head where the gas flows will be about 7% of the
vessel diameter, and the radius of the neck region of the
vessel head will be about 15-20% of the vessel diameter. In
addition, the extender Starts at the Semi-spherical cap and 0052 The preferred porosities for the low and high
extends along the vessel head towards the knuckle region of sections 8 and 10 of the semi-spherical cap as shown in FIG.
the vessel. The vessel head consists of an inlet pipe with a 3, are about 0.2% and about 50%, respectively. The pre
diameter of about 5-20% of the vessel diameter, a neck ferred porosities for the low and high sections 34 and 36 of
region (where the inlet pipe meets the vessel) having a radius the flow extender as shown in FIG. 4 are about 0.8% and
R1 of curvature of about 15-20% of the vessel diameter D, about 50%, respectively.
an elongated section having a radius (R) of about 90% of the 0053 Table 2 shows the hole sizes and the spacing
vessel diameter and connects the knuckle with the neck
region of the bed, and a knuckle Section (radius is about between the holes to achieve the aforementioned porosities.
15-20% of the vessel diameter) that connects the uniform TABLE 2
diameter section of the vessel with the header.
0043. Several cases using different values of D, d and X Hole Sizes and distance between holes to
were studied to evaluate the performance of the new flow achieve aforementioned porosities
distributors. Distance Distance Distance
between between between Distance
0044) The first case (case 1) having d/D=35.2%, utilized Holes on the Holes on the Holes on the between
a flow distributor having D=102 inches, d=35.9 inches and Middle part Middle part External Holes on the
without the flow extender. In this case, the flow maldistri 8 of the
34 of the
part 8
of the
part 36 of
bution was greater than 10%, such maldistribution being Hole Cap Extender Distributor the Flow
defined as the ratio of maximum speed of flow after ceramic Size, (porosity = (porosity = Cap Extender
balls and at the beginning of bed to the average Speed of flow in. O.2% 0.8%) (porosity = 50%) (porosity = 50%)
at the same level.
1A" 3.96" 1.98" O.25" O.25"
004.5 The second case (case 2) having d/D=66.6% uti 1A"
lized a flow distributor having D=102 inches, d=68 inches 1" 19.82" 9.91" 1.25" 1.25"
and without the flow extender. In this case, the flow mald
istribution was less than 5%.
0046) The third case (case 3) having X/D=83.3% utilized 0054 Referring to Table 2, using 4" holes for the per
a flow distributor having D=102 inches, X=85 inches and foration, and 4.95" center-to-center distance between the
with the flow extender. In this case using the flow extender, holes at the center of cap was required to provide the
the flow maldistribution was less than 5%. desirable and preferably 0.2% central porosity of a semi
0047 Based on the aforementioned three cases and addi Spherical cap. Using the same size hole, an approximate
tional computer Simulations, design guidelines were estab 0.31" distance between holes was required to provide the
lished for flow distributors to be preferably used in all vessel desirable and preferably 50% edge porosity of the cap.
sizes. The design guidelines are as follows: Using the same Size range holes, an approximate /4" to 1.25"
(column 4) distance between holes is required to provide the
0048 Case 1-without flow extender, flow maldis desirable 50% edge porosity of the cap. Using the same size
tribution (high>10%) is unavoidable with d/D-50%. range for the perforation of flow extender, an approximate 2"
0049 Case 2-without flow extender, acceptable to 10" (column 3) center-to-center distance between the
holes at the central part of the flow extender is required to
flow maldistribution (less than 10%) is achieved provide the desirable and preferably 0.8% central porosity of
when d/D50%. the extender. For the cap, an approximate '4" to 1.25"
0050 Case 3-with flow extender, acceptable flow (column 5) distance between holes is generally required to
maldistribution (less than 10% ) is achieved when provide the desirable and preferably 50% edge porosity of
the extender. Therefore, using holes from "/S" to 1", the
distance between holes can range from 0.25 to 20 inches on
0051 Table 1 gives several examples using the novel the cap and flow extender. The porosity on the cap and flow
flow distributor components to achieve low flow maldistri extender can be variable depending on the vessel, the
bution. application and therefore can range from 0.1% to 80%.
US 2005/O155492 A1 Jul. 21, 2005

0055 FIG. 10a through FIG. 10c show alternative and the inner vessel wall; a perforated cap Section disposed
embodiments of distributor components to provide an effec to cap the Second funnel opening, and Said funnel/cap
tive uniform fluid flow distribution of the type shown in arrangement adapted for providing an effectively uniform
FIG.5a. These embodiments do not use a flow extender and distribution of a fluid feed to the adsorbent bed.
Some use funnels having Spaced-apart walls to permit a 2. The adsorption system of claim 1 wherein the perfo
channel to direct a portion of a fluid flow along the inner wall rated cap is a circular cap and has a center area defined as
of the vessel. For example FIG. 10B, a funnel 42 with the radial area of between about 70% and about 95% of the
spaced-apart walls 44 and 46 forming channel 48. The upper radius measured from its center and a circumferential area
end 50 of funnel 42 has a perforation closure with a high being the remaining area.
porosity of between about 20% and 80%. A perforated plate 3. The adsorption system of claim 2 wherein said center
cap 52 for the funnel 42 has a low porosity of between about area has a porosity of less than about 10% and Said circum
0.05% and 10%. The other embodiments 10A, 10C and 10D ferential area has a porosity of more than about 20%.
have similar components operating in the same was as FIG. 4. The adsorption System of claim 2 wherein Said center
1OB. area has a porosity of between 0.05% and about 10%.
0056. The relatively high flow maldistributions that exist 5. The adsorption system of claim 2 wherein said circum
in prior are flow distributors can create Sieve movement and ferential area has a porosity of between about 20% and about
dusting due to high gas Velocity across the Surface of the 80%.
adsorbent. Such movement and dusting of adsorbents in 6. The adsorption System of claim 1 wherein a perforated
PSA vessels can cause valves failure and destruction of flow extender component is added and disposed juxtaposed
pumpS and compressors resulting in plant Shut down. Typi to the inner wall of the vessel abutting the deflector at its
cally, in PSA vessels, sieve (adsorbent) movement over the widest rim.
surface of the bed will start at about 38 ft/s velocity above 7. The adsorption system of claim 6 wherein the perfo
the bed. The Speed over bed can locally increase and reach rated flow extender component has at least a side wall with
high values due to flow maldistribution. The bed can locally a porosity of between about 0.05% and about 10%.
increase and reach high values due to flow maldistribution. 8. The adsorption system of claim 7 wherein the perfo
The maximum speed of purge flow over the bed with the rated flow extender component has its widest rim with a
standard flow distributor is about 4-6 ft/sec which could be porosity of between about 20% and about 80%.
cut to less than 1 ft/sec with the novel distributor design. 9. The adsorption system of claim 6 wherein said center
This feature becomes crucial when the bed size is reduced to area of the cap has a porosity of less than about 10% and Said
provide an efficient process. The quantity of purge flow circumferential area of the cap has a porosity of more than
generally does not generally affect the flow maldistribution. about 20%.
0057 The invention provides a significant advance in the 10. The adsorption system of claim 1 wherein the perfo
field of PSA and other adsorption processing for commer rated cap and deflector funnel are Supported by a bed of
cially significant air and other gas Separation operations. By 11. The adsorption system of claim 6 wherein the perfo
conveniently enabling more uniform gas flow acroSS in rated cap, deflector funnel and extender component are
adsorbent bed to be achieved, the invention enables the full supported by a bed of balls.
adsorptive capacity of the adsorbent bed to be effectively 12. An adsorption System for the Separation of a more
utilized. Large Void volume and/or pressure drop require readily adsorbable component of a feed fluid mixture con
ments in the vessel head are thereby mitigated, and enhanced taining Said component and a leSS readily adsorbable com
overall performance of the highly desirable adsorption pro ponent, having at least one adsorption vessel containing a
ceSSes is advantageously in practical commercial operations. bed of adsorbent material capable of selectively absorbing
0.058 Although the distributor components and their the more readily absorbable component of Said fluid gas
arrangement in a fixed bed vessel have been described in mixture, Said vessel having a first vessel opening, a Second
detail in reference to certain embodiments, those skilled in vessel opening at the opposite end and having an inner wall;
the art will recognize that there are other embodiments of the a distribution funnel having an inner wall spaced-apart from
invention within the Spirit and Scope of the claims. an outer wall to provide a fluid channel therebetween and
having a first funnel opening at one end and a Second funnel
1. An adsorption System for the Separation of a more opening at its opposite end with the Second opening larger
readily adsorbable component of a feed fluid mixture con than the first opening, the Spaced walls having a perforated
taining Said component and a leSS readily adsorbable com end at the Second funnel opening and an opening end at the
ponent, having at least one adsorption vessel containing a first funnel opening So that the Spaced-apart walls provides
bed of adsorbent material capable of selectively absorbing a fluid channel in which the fluid flows from the funnel open
the more readily absorbable component of said feed fluid end through the perforated funnel end; Said first funnel
mixture, Said vessel having a first vessel opening, a Second opening extending to form a tapered neck Segment termi
vessel opening at the opposite end and having an inner wall; nating at the Second funnel opening, Said first funnel opening
a deflector funnel having a first funnel opening at one end, being juxtaposed one of the vessel openings with the tapered
a Second funnel opening at its opposite end with the Second Segment being adjacent to the vessel inner wall a perforated
opening larger than the first opening, Said first funnel cap Section disposed to cap the Second funnel opening, and
opening extending to form a tapered neck terminating at the Said funnel/cap arrangement adapted for providing an effec
Second funnel opening, said first funnel opening being tive uniform distribution of a fluid feed to the adsorbent bed.
juxtaposed one of the vessel openings with the tapered 13. The adsorption system of claim 12 wherein the
Segment being juxtaposed the inner vessel wall adjacent to perforated cap is a circular cap and has a center area defined
Said vessel opening to provide a channel between the funnel as the radial area of between about 70% and about 95% of
US 2005/O155492 A1 Jul. 21, 2005

the radius measured from its center and a circumferential 17. The adsorption system of claim 16 wherein the
area being the remaining area. perforated flow extender component has at least a Side wall
14. The adsorption system of claim 12 wherein the with a porosity of between about 0.05% and about 10%.
perforated cap has a porosity of less than about 10% and 18. The adsorption system of claim 17 wherein the
more than about 0.05%. perforated flow extender component has its widest rim with
15. The adsorption system of claim 13 wherein said center a porosity of about 20% and about 80%.
area has a porosity of between about 0.05% and about 10% 19. The adsorption system of claim 18 wherein the funnel
and Said circumferential area has a porosity of between at its widest top rim area has porosity of between about 20%
about 20% and about 80%. and about 80%.
16. The adsorption system of claim 12 wherein a perfo 20. The adsorption system of claim 12 wherein the
rated flow extender component is added and disposed jux perforated cap and deflector funnel are Support by a bed of
taposed to the inner wall of the vessel abutting the deflector
at its widest rim.

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