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(Corrected up to 31 December, 2010)




Rule No. Subject

1 Title
2 Definitions
(1) Appointed to a service
(2) Approved candidate
(3) Approved probationer
(4) Backward Classes
(5) Commission
(6) Discharge of a Probationer
(7) Duty
(8) Full Member
(9) General Rules
(10) Member of a Service
(11) Military Duty
(12) Probationer
(13) Promotion
(14) Recruited Direct
(15) Recruited by Transfer
(15A) Transfer
(16) Scheduled Castes
(17) Scheduled Tribes
(18) Service
(19) Special Rules
(20) War Service
(21) Gender
2A Classification
3 Pay, Allowances, Leave, Leave Salary, Pension and other conditions of Service
4 Cadre
SCHEDULE-I [Referred to in definition (4) in rule 2]
PART A Backward Classes (other than Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities)
PART B Most Backward Classes
PART C Denotified Communities
PART A Scheduled Castes [Referred to in definition ( 16) in rule 2]
PART B Scheduled Tribes [Referred to in definition (17) in rule 2]

General Rules
Rule Subject
1 Scope of the General Rules
2 Relation to the Special Rules
3 Application of rules
4 Approved Candidates
5 Fee for Examination
6 Method of Recruitment
7 Right of Probationers and approved probationers to re-appointment
8 Discharge and re-appointment of probationers, approved probationers, and full
9 Members absent from Duty
9A Right to be a probationer or an approved probationer, in two or more services
9B Service Rights
10 Temporary Appointment
10A Recruitment to posts, which are outside the purview of TNPSC
11 Appointment by Agreements
12 Qualifications
12A Linguistic Qualification
12B Adequate knowledge of the official language
13 Special provisions relating to certain degrees
14 Deleted
15 Special qualification to be acquired or Special Test to be passed during probation-
16 Deleted
17 Deleted
18 Deleted
19 Special Qualification
20 Deleted
21 Appointment of Women
22 Reservation of Appointments
23 (a) Date of commencement of probation of persons first appointed temporarily
(b) Service in a different service counting for probation
(c) Service in a higher category counting for probation
(d) Temporary service counting for probation
(e) Service on Temporary Promotion counting for probation
(f) Military duty to count for probation
(g) Service under foreign service to count for probation
23A Completion of probation and drawal of arrears of increment
24 Deleted
24A Deleted
25 Deleted
25A Deleted
26 Termination or extension of probation
27 Probationer's suitability for full membership
28 Extension of probation
29 Exercise of certain powers of appointing authority by higher authorities
29A Exercise of certain powers of appointing authority by lower authority
30 Appeal against discharge
31 Appointment of full members
32 Appointment as full member, discharge and re-appointment of member who are not
probationers or approved probationers
33 Deleted
34 Penalty on a Member on Maximum of his scale for failure to pass prescribed tests
35 Fixation of seniority of a person in a service
36 Promotion
36A Appointment by Recruitment by Transfer
37 Revision of the list of approved candidates for appointment or promotion or by
Recruitment by Transfer
38 Annulment, modification or reversion of the list of approved candidates for appointment
or promotion or by recruitment by transfer
39 Temporary Promotion
40 Postings and Transfers
40A Transfer of government servant from one service to another service
41 Consequences of Resignation
41A Acceptance of Resignation
42 Military Duty to count for Pension
43 Reversion and re-appointment of full member
44 Savings
45 Re-employment of Pensioners
46 Appointment of All India Service Officers to State Posts
47 Relinquishment of Rights by members
48 Governor's power to deal with the case of any person serving in a Civil capacity
49 Alteration of date of birth
49A Correction of date of birth
50 Age concession for discharged State Government employees or temporary State
Government employees
51 Application of adhoc Rules
52 Age concession for ex servicemen
53 Age concession for physically handicapped
54 Deleted
54A Age concession, for appointment on compassionate grounds
55 Employment concessions for outstanding scouts
56 Deleted
57 Appeal or Review
SCHEDULE. I Minimum General Educational Qualification
[Referred to in rule 12(a) (1)]
SCHEDULE- IA Second Class Language Test
[Referred to in rule 12A]
SCHEDULE. II Universities and institutions recognised by the University Grants commission
for the purpose of its grant.
[Referred to in rule 19]
[Referred to in rule 22(a)]
SCHEDULE. IIIA Reservation for blind, deaf and orthopaedically handicapped persons
[Referred to rule 22(aa)]
SCHEDULE. IV Reservation for Women
[Referred to in rule 21(c)]
SCHEDULE- V Method of carrying forward of vacancies
[Referred to in rule-22(d)]
SCHEDULE- VI Format for Destitute Widow Certificate
[Referred to in Explanation to rules 12( d) and 21 (b)]


In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the

Constitution of India and of all other powers here unto enabling and in supersession
of the rules on the subject, the Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following
rules in respect of the members of State and Subordinate Services:—

1. Short title and commencement - (a) These rules may be called the Tamil
Nadu State and Subordinate Services Rules.
(b) They shall come into force on the 1st January 1955.
2. Definitions - In these rules unless there is anything repugnant in the subject
or context.

Appointed to a service
(1) A person is said to be “appointed to a service” when in accordance with these
rules or in accordance with the rules applicable at the time, as the case may be, he
discharges, for the first time the duties of a post borne on the cadre of such service
or commences the probation, instruction or training prescribed for members thereof.
*(Explanation - The appointment of a person holding a post borne on the cadre of
one service to hold additional charge of a higher post in the same service or a post
borne on the cadre of another service or to discharge the current duties thereof does
not amount to appointment to the latter service;)
*Added in G.O.Ms.No.293, P&AR (Per.P), dt.30-3-84

Approved candidate
(2) “Approved candidate” means a candidate whose name appears in an
authoritative list of candidates approved for appointment to any service, class or

Approved probationer
(3) “Approved Probationer” in a service, class or category means member of that
service, class or category who has satisfactorily completed his probation and awaits
appointment as a full member of such service, class or category ;

$ Arunthathiyars

(3-A) “Arunthathiyars” means the castes, Arunthathiyar, Chakkiliyan, Madari,

Madiga, Pagadai, Thoti and Adi Andhra within the list of 76 Scheduled Castes
notified by the President of India under Article 341 of the Constitution of India by the
Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 as amended from time to time.”,
$Inserted in G.O.Ms.No.55 P&AR (S) dt.08-04-2009 w.e.f. 29-04-2009.
# Backward Classes
“(4) ‘Backward Classes’ means the communities specified as Backward Classes,
(other than Backward Classes Muslims, Most Backward Classes and Denotified
Communities), Backward Class Muslims, Most Backward Classes and Denotified
Communities in Parts A, B, C and D respectively of Schedule I to this Part”;

Explanation - persons who belong to the State of Tamil Nadu alone, who belong to
one of the communities specified in Schedule I, shall be treated as persons who
belong to one of such communities;
# Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.55 P&AR (S) dt.08-04-2009 w.e.f. 29-10-2007.

(5) “Commission” means the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission;
*(5.A) - ‘Committee on Appeals’ is a committee as specified in rule 58.
* Inserted vide G.O.Ms.No.157, P & AR (S) Department dated 2.11.2009

Discharge of a probationer
(6) “Discharge of a probationer” means, in case the probationer is a full member
or an approved probationer of another service, class or category reverting him to
such service, class or category and in any other case, dispensing with his services;

(7) A person is said to be “on duty” as a member of a service—
(a) When he is performing the duties of a post borne on the cadre of such
service or is undergoing the probation, instruction or training prescribed for such
(b) When he is on joining time; or
(c) When he is absent from duty during vacation or on authorised holidays or
on casual leave take in accordance with the instructions regulating such leave issued
by the State Government having been on duty immediately before and immediately
after such absence;
(d) when he has compulsorily to wait for orders of posting on return from
* (8) “ Full member” means a member whose service has been confirmed in the
service in which he has been first appointed.
* Substituted vide G.O.Ms.No.237 P&AR (S) Dept., dt.17-6-1996 w.e.f.5-7-1994.

General Rules
(9) “General Rules” shall mean the rules in Part II of these rules;
Member of a service
(10) “Member of a service” means a person who has been appointed to that
service and who has not retired or resigned, been removed or dismissed, been
substantively transferred or reduced to another service or been discharged otherwise
than for want of a vacancy. He may be a probationer, an approved probationer or a
full member of that service;

Military Duty
(11) “Military duty” means.—
(i) duty of any kind (including a course of training ) involving subjection to
Naval, Military or Air force Law; or
(ii) duty (including a course of training), with a liability to serve overseas or in
any operational area in Naval, Military or Air Force unit or formation or under Military,
Munitions or Stores authorities or in factories; or
(iii) whole time duty in—
(a) the civil pioneer Force, the Madras Civil Labour Units or the Madras
Labour Units for Ceylon, or
(b) the A.R.P. or any other Civil Defence Organisation specified by the
Central Government; or
(c) any post created for the efficient prosecution of the war of 1939-1946 or
associated with the training of war technicians, if duty in such post is declared by the
Central Government to be military duty.
Explanation.- No duty shall be treated as military duty unless either of the
following conditions is satisfied:-
(i) It must have been rendered within the period commencing on the 3rd
September 1939 and ending with the 21st November 1948; provided that if it
commenced on or after the 2nd April 1946, it shall not be reckoned as military duty;
(ii) It must have been rendered within the period commencing on the 26th
October, 1952 and ending with the 10th January, 1968.
(12) “Probationer” in service means a member of that service who has not
completed his probation;

(13) “Promotion” means the appointment of a member of any category or grade
of service or class of service to a higher category or grade of such service or class;

Recruited direct
(14) A candidate is said to be “recruited direct” to a service, class, category or
post when, in case his first appointment thereto has to be made in consultation with
the Commission, on the date of its notification inviting applications for the recruitment
and in any other case, at the time of his first appointment thereto, he is not in the
service of the Government of India or the Government of a State -
Provided that for the purposes of this definition a person shall be deemed to be
not in the service of the Government of India or the Government of a State—
(i) If a period of five years has not elapsed since his first appointment to a
service of the Government of India or the Government of a State; or
(ii) If he belongs to the Scheduled Castes, Schedules Tribes or Backward

Recruited by transfer
(15) A candidate is said to be “recruited by transfer” to a service—
(a) If, at the time of his first appointment thereto, he is either a full member or
an approved probationer in the Madras High Court Service or in any other service,
the rules for which prescribe a period of probation for member thereof; or
(b) in case, at the time of his first appointment thereto, he is the holder of a
post which has been included in another service but for which no probation has been
prescribed, if he has put in that post satisfactory service for a total period of two
years on duty within a continuous period of three years.
Explanation. - Where the special rules for a service provide for recruitment to
that service or to any class or category thereof by transfer from any specified
service, class or category, a candidate need not, for the purposes of such
recruitment, be a full member or an approved probationer in the service, class or
category so specified, provided he is a full member or an proved probationer in any
other service class or category;

$ (15-A) Reserve List - “Reserve list ” shall mean a list which is prepared so as to
contain not less than 25% of the candidates of each reservation group including
General Turn in the regular list and shall be in force until the regular list is drawn up
subsequently. ” ;
($ Inserted vide G.O.Ms.No.146 P&AR(S) Dept. dated 13.9.2006 w.e.f.
16.8.1982 )
*15- B#. Transfer:— A member of a service is said to be appointed by
transfer when the appointment is made from one category to another category in the
same service carrying identical scale of pay.
*Inserted in G.O.Ms.No.351, P&AR (Per.S), dt.22-9-93 w.e.f. 22-9-93
# Substituted vide G.O.Ms.No.146 P&AR(S) Dept. dt. 13.9.2006 w.e.f. 16.8.82

Scheduled Castes
(16) “Scheduled Castes” means the communities mentioned in Part A of
Schedule II to this part;
@Explanation. - No person who professes a religion different from Hinduism
or Sikhism or Buddhism shall be deemed to be a member of a scheduled caste.
@Provided that nothing contained in this Explanation shall adversely affect the
notifications issued and selections or appointments made during the period on and
from the 3rd June, 1990 to the 1st August, 2008.
@ Inserted vide G.O.Ms.No.138,P&AR dated 01.08.2008 w.e.f.03.06.1990.

Scheduled Tribes
(17) “Scheduled Tribes” means the communities mentioned in Part B of Schedule
II to this part.

(18) “Service” means a group of persons classified by the State Government as a
Subordinate or a State Service, as the case may be.
Explanation—Where the context so requires, “Service” means the period during
which a person holds a post or a lien on a post or is a member of a service as above

Special Rules
(19) “Special Rules” shall mean the rules in part III applicable to each service or
class of service;

War Service
(20) “War Service” means—
(a) Service of any kind in a unit or formation liable for service overseas or in
any operational area or in the Indian National Army (I.N.A)
(b) Service in India under military, Munitions or stores authorities or in
factories with a liability to serve overseas or in any operational area;
(c) All other service involving subjection to Naval, Military or Air Force Law;
(d) a period of training with a Military unit or formation involving liability to
serve overseas or in any operational area;
(e) valuable service rendered to the fighting forces in otherways, e.g., by way
of recruiting;
(f) service in A.R.P. or any other civil defence organisation specified in this
behalf by the Central or State Government;
(g) (1) any service connected with the prosecution of the war which a person
was required to undertake by a competent authority under the provisions of any law
for the time being in force;
(2) Service in any of the following:—
(i) National war front organisation.
(ii) Camouflage Organization.
(iii) Special Organisation for the production of war supplies through small
scale industries.
(iv) Any Post associated with the training of war technicians if duty, in
such post is declared by the Central Government to be, Military duty,
(v) Post of Special Constable on coastal patrol duty, and
(vi) Survey of India if the service was temporary and involved liability for
service overseas.
Explanations.— (1) Only wholetime service of any of the kinds specified above
will be recognised as war service.
(2) Service in the Civil Pioneer Force, Madras Civil Labour Units and Madras
Labour Units for Ceylon will be deemed to fall within the scope of clause (c).
(3) Persons whose service of any of the kinds specified above has been
characterized in their discharge certificate or other documents as ‘indifferent’ or ‘bad’
shall not be eligible for the concessions allowed by these rules.
(4) Persons who have been discharged from the Army, Navy or Air Force or
from any other kind of war service for any reasons other than those specified below
shall not be eligible for the concessions allowed by these rules:—
(i) Medical invalidations.
(ii) Demobilization.
(iii) Completion of engagement.
(iv) Unlikely to become an efficient solider or airman etc.
(v) Services no longer required.
(vi) Character not tested.
(vii) Compassionate grounds.
(viii) unfit for service.
(ix) Below standard.
(5) The service shall be in connection with the war of 1939-1946.
(21) Words Importing either gender shall be taken to include those of the other
gender if circumstances so require.
*2-A. Classification:— Persons holding posts under the Tamil Nadu State and
Subordinate Services shall be classified into the following four groups, namely:—
Group A -Persons in the posts on the scales of pay the minimum of which is
Rs.10,000/- and above.
Group B - Persons in the posts on the scales of pay, the minimum of which is
Rs.5500/- and above but below Rs.10,000/-
Group C - Persons in the posts on the scales of pay, the minimum of which is
Rs.2610/- and above but below Rs.5500/-
Group D - Persons in the posts on the scales of pay, the minimum of which is
below Rs.2610/-
Explanation:- persons holding posts in selection Grade or Special Grade shall
come under the respective groups under which such posts in the ordinary grades are
*Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.280, P&AR(S) Dept.. dt.24-11-1998.
3. Pay, allowances, leave, leave salary, pension and other conditions of
service - The Tamil Nadu Civil Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, the rules
regulating the pay of the services included in the pay Schedule. The Government
servants’ Conduct Rules, the Fundamental Rules, the Tamil Nadu Leave Rules,
1933 and the Pension Rules for the time being in force, shall in so far as they may
be applicable and except to extent expressly provided in these rules, govern
members of every service in the matter of their pay, allowance leave, leave salary,
pension and other conditions of service;
Provided that - * ( i )
* Omitted Vide G.O.Ms.No.293, P & AR, dt.30-3-84
(ii) save as otherwise expressly provided in the special rules nothing
contained in this rules shall affect the operation of the provisions of rule 16 of the
Tamil Nadu Pension Rules, 1978 relating to the fixation of pay of a member of a
service who is in receipt of a military pension; and
(iii) a person appointed in a department performing agency functions on
behalf of the Central Government in pursuance of the provisions of clause (1) of
Articles 258 of the Constitution of India. shall be governed in the matter of his leave
and pension by the rules issued by the central Government in that behalf:
Provided further that the said rules and regulations shall, in their application
to the members of the Secretariat staff of the Governor, be construed as if the
functions of the State Government under those rules and regulations were the
functions of the Governor.

4. Cadre.- the permanent cadre of each service, class, category and grade shall
be determined by the State Government.
[See clause (4) of Rule 2]
(Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.55, P&AR(S) Department, dated 8.4.2010)

Part - A

BACKWARD CLASSES (Other than Backward Class Muslims, Most Backward

Classes and Denotified Communities)
1. Agamudayar including Thozhu or Thuluva Vellala
2. Agaram Vellan Chettiar
3. Alwar, Azhavar and Alavar (in Kanniyakumari District and
Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District.)
4. Servai(except Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai
5. Arayar, Nulayar(in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District)
6. Archakarai Vellala
7. Aryavathi(in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District)
8. Ayira Vaisyar
9. Badagar
10. Billava
11. Bondil
12. Boyas (except Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur, Pudukottai, The
Nilgiris, Salem , Namakkal, Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri Districts).
Pedda Boyar (except Tiruchirapalli, Karur , Perambalur and
Pudukottai Districts)
Oddars (except Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli,
Karur, Perambalur, Pudukottai, Madurai,Theni and Dindigul
Kaloddars (except Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur, Ramanathapuram,
Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Madurai, Theni, Dindigul, Pudukottai,
Tiruchirapalli, Karur Perambalur, Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi, Salem
and Namakkal Districts)
Nellorepet oddars (except Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Districts)
Sooramari oddars( except Salem and Namakkal Districts)
13. Chakkala (except Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram,
Thanjavur,Nagapattinam,Tiruvarur, Pudukottai, Tiruchirapalli,
Karur, Perambalur, Madurai, Theni, Dindigul and The Nilgiris
14. Chavalakarar (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District)
15. Chettu or Chetty (including Kottar Chetty, Elur Chetty, Pathira
Chetty,Valayal Chetty,Pudukadai Chetty ) ( in Kanniyakumari
District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
16. Chowdry
16 (A) Converts to Christianity from Scheduled Castes irrespective of the
generation of conversion for the purpose of reservation of seats in
Educational Institutions and for seats in Public Services.
16. (B) C.S.I formerly S.I.U.C (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah
Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
17. Donga Dasaris (except Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur,
Tiruchirapalli,Karur, Perambalur, Pudukottai, Chennai Salem and
Namakkal Districts)
18. Devangar, Sedar
19. Dombs (except Pudukottai, Tiruchirapalli ,Karur and Perambalur
Dommars (except Thanjavur, Nagapattinam,Tiruvarur,
Pudukottai,Vellore and Thiruvannamalai Districts)
20. Enadi
21. Ezhavathy (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District)
22. Ezhuthachar (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District)
23. Ezhuva (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District)
24. Gangavar
25. Gavara, Gavarai and Vadugar (Vaduvar) (other than Kamma,
Kapu, Balija and Reddi)
26. Gounder
27. Gowda (including Gammala, Kalali and Anuppa Gounder)
28. Hegde
29. Idiga
30. IllathuPillaimar, Illuvar, Ezhuvar and Illathar
31. Jhetty
32. Jogis (Except Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur, Madurai, Theni, Dindigul,
Cuddalore, Villupuram, Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Districts)
33. Kabbera
34. Kaikolar, Sengunthar
35. Kaladi (except Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram,
Madurai,Theni,Dindigul,Thanjavur, Nagapattinam,Tiruvarur,
Pudukottai,Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur Districts)
36. Kalari Kurup including Kalari Panicker (in Kanniyakumari District
and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
37. Kalingi
38. Kallar,Easanattu kallar
Gandharva Kottai Kallars(except Thanjavur, Nagapattinam,
Tiruvarur and Pudukottai Districts)
Kootappal Kallars-(except Pudukottai, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and
Perambalur Districts)
Piramalai Kallars- (except Sivaganga,Virudhunagar,
Ramanathapuram. Madurai, Theni, Dindigul, Pudukottai, Thanjavur,
Nagapattinam and Tiruvarur Districts)
Periyasooriyur Kallars- (except Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur
and Pudukottai Districts)
39. Kallar Kula Thondaman

40. Kalveli Gounder

41. Kambar
42. Kammalar or Viswakarma , Viswakarmala (including Thattar,
Porkollar, Kannar, Karumar, Kollar, Thacher, Kal Thacher, Kamsala
and Viswa Brahmin.
43. Kani, Kanisu, Kaniyar Panicker
44. Kaniyala Vellalar
45. Kannada Saineegar, Kannadiyar (Throughout the State) and
Dasapalanjika (Coimbatore, Erode and the Nilgiris Districts)
46. Kannadiya Naidu
47. Karpoora Chettiar
48. Karuneegar (Seer Karuneegar, Sri Karuneegar, Sarattu
Karuneegar, Kaikatti Karuneegar, Mathuvazhi Kanakkar, Sozhi
Kanakkar and Sunnambu Karuneegar)
49. Kasukkara Chettiar
50. Katesar, Pattamkatti
51. Kavuthiyar
52. Kerala Mudali
53. Kharvi
54. Khatri
55. Kongu Vaishnava
56. Kongu Vellalars( including Vellala Gounder, Nattu Gounder,
Narambukkatti Gounder, Tirumudi Vellalar, Thondu Vellalar, Pala
Gounder, Poosari Gounder, Anuppa Vellala Gounder, Kurumba
Gounder, Padaithalai Gounder, Chendalai Gounder, Pavalankatti
Vellala Gounder, Palavellala Gounder, Sanku Vellala Gounder and
Rathinagiri Gounder).
57. KoppalaVelama
58. Koteyar
59. Krishnanvaka (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District)
60. Kudikara Vellalar
61. Kudumbi ( in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District)
62. Kuga Vellalar
63. Kunchidigar
63(A) Latin Catholics except Latin Catholic Vannar in Kanniyakumari
63(B) Latin Catholics in Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District.

64. Lambadi
65. Lingayat (Jangama)
66. Mahratta (Non-Brahmin) (including Namdev Mahratta)
67. Malayar
68. Male
69. Maniagar
70. Maravars (except Thanjavur, Nagapattinum , Tiruvarur, Pudukottai,
Ramanathapuram, Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Tirunelveli and
Toothukudi Districts)
Appanad Kondayam kottai Maravar –(except Sivaganga,
Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram, Madurai, Theni and Dindigul
Sembanad Maravars- (except Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, and
Ramanathapuram Districts)
71. Moondrumandai Enbathunalu (84) Ur. Sozhia Vellalar
72. Mooppan
73. Muthuraja, Muthuracha, Muttiriyar, Mutharaiyar
74. Nadar, Shanar and Gramani (including Christian Nadar, Christian
Shanar and Christian Gramani).
75. Nagaram
76. Naikkar (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District)
77. Nangudi Vellalar
78. Nanjil Mudali ( in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District )
79. Odar ( in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District )
80. Odiya
81. Oottruvalanattu Vellalar
82. O.P.S. Vellalar
83. Ovachar
84. Paiyur Kotta Vellalar
85. Pamulu
86. Panar ( except in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District where the community is a Scheduled Caste)
87. Panisaivan ( including Virakodi Vellala )
88. Kathikarar in Kanniyakumari District
89. Pannirandam Chettiar or Uthama Chettiar
90. Parkavakulam ( including Surithimar, Nathamar, Malayamar,
Moopanar and Nainar )
91. Perike ( including Perike Balija )
92. Perumkollar ( in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District )
93. Podikara Vellalar
94. Pooluva Gounder
95. Poraya
96. Pulavar ( in Coimbatore and Erode Districts )
97. Pulluvar or Pooluvar
98. Pusala
99. Reddy ( Ganjam )
100. Sadhu Chetty ( including Telugu Chetty, Twenty four Manai Telugu
101. Sakkaravar or Kavathi ( in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah
Taluk of Tirunelveli District )
102. Salivagana
103. Saliyar, Padmasaliyar, Pattusaliyar, Pattariyar and Adhaviyar
104. Savalakkarar
105. Senaithalaivar, Senaikudiyar and Illaivaniar
106. Sourashtra ( Patnulkarar )
107. Sozhiavellalar ( including Sozha Vellalar, Vetrilaikarar, Kodikalkarar
and Keeraikarar )
108. Srisayar
109. Sundaram Chetty
110. Thogatta Veerakshatriya
111. Tholkollar ( in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District )
112. Tholuva Naicker and Vetalakara Naicker
113. Thoraiyar
114. Thoriyar
115. Ukkirakula Kshatriya Naicker
116. Uppara, Uppillia and Sagara
117. Urali Gounder ( except Tiruchirapalli, Karur , Perambalur and
Pudukottai District) and Orudaya Gounder or Oorudaya Gounder
(in Madurai, Theni, Dindigul, Coimbatore, Erode, Tiruchirapalli,
Karur , Perambalur, Pudukottai, Salem and Namakkal Districts )
118. Urikkara Nayakkar
119. Vallambar
120. Valmiki
121. Vaniyar, Vania Chettiar ( including Gandla, Ganika, Telikula and
122. Veduvar and Vedar ( except in Kanniyakumari District and
Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District where the community is a
Scheduled Caste)
123. Veerasaiva ( in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District )
124. Velar
125. Vellan Chettiar
126. Veluthodathu Nair ( in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk
of Tirunelveli District)
127. Vokkaligar ( including Vakkaligar, Okkaligar, Kappiliyar, Kappiliya,
Okkaliga Gowda, Okkaliya-Gowda, Okkaliya- Gowder, Okkaliya
128. Wynad Chetty ( The Nilgiris District )
129. Yadhava ( including Idaiyar, Telugu Speaking Idaiyar known as
Vaduga Ayar or Vaduga Idaiyar or Golla and Asthanthra Golla)
130. Yavana
131. Yerukula
131(A) Converts to Christianity from any Hindu, Backward Class
Community or Most Backward Class Community (except the
converts to Christianity from Meenavar, Parvatharajakulam,
Pattanavar, Sembadavar, Mukkuvar or Mukayar and Paravar) or
Denotified Communities.
132. Orphans and destitute children who have lost their parents before
reaching the age of ten and are destitutes; and who have nobody
else to take care of them either by law or custom; and also who are
admitted into any of the schools or orphanages run by the
Government or recognized by the Government.

Part - B
Backward Class Muslims
1. Ansar
2. Dekkani Muslims
3. Dudekula
4. Labbais including Rowthar and Marakayar (whether their spoken
language is Tamil or Urdu)
5. Mapilla
6. Sheik
7. Syed

Part - C

Most Backward Classes

1. Ambalakarar
2. Andipandaram
3. Bestha, Siviar
4. Bhatraju ( other than Kshatriya Raju )
5. Boyar, Oddar
6. Dasari
7. Dommara
8. Eravallar ( except in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District where the community is a Scheduled Tribe )
9. Isaivellalar
10. Jambuvanodai
11. Jangam
12. Jogi
13. Kongu Chettiar ( in Coimbatore and Erode Districts only )
14. Koracha
15. Kulala (including Kuyavar and Kumbarar )
16. Kunnuvar Mannadi
17. Kurumba
18. Kuruhini Chetty
19. Maruthuvar, Navithar, Mangala, Velakattalavar, Velakatalanair and
20. Mond Golla
21 Moundadan Chetty
22. Mahendra, Medara
23. Mutlakampatti
24. Narikoravar
25. Nokkar
26. Vanniakula Kshatriya ( including Vanniyar, Vanniya, Vannia Gounder,
Gounder or Kander, Padayachi, Palli and Agnikula Kshatriya )
27. Paravar ( except in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District where the Community is a Scheduled Caste)
(including converts to Christianity )
28. Meenavar ( Parvatharajakulam, Pattanavar, Sembadavar)
( including converts to Christianity )
29. Mukkuvar or Mukayar ( including converts to Christianity)
30. Punnan Vettuva Gounder
31. Pannayar ( other than Kathikarar in Kanniyakumari District)
32. Sathatha Srivaishnava ( including Sathani, Chattadi and Chattada
33. Sozhia Chetty
34. Telugupatty Chetty
35. Thottia Naicker ( including Rajakambalam, Gollavar, Sillavar,
Thockalavar and Thozhuva Naicker )
36. Thondaman
37. Valaiyar ( including Chettinad Valayars )
38. Vannar ( Salavai Thozhilalar ) ( including Agasa, Madivala, Ekali,
Rajakula, Veluthadar and Rajaka) (except in Kanniyakumari District and
Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District where the community is a
Scheduled Caste )
39. Vettaikarar
40. Vettuva Gounder
41. Yogeeswarar

Part - D
Denotified Communities

1. Attur Kilnad Koravars ( Salem,Namakkal, Cuddalore, Villupuram,

Ramanathapuram, Sivaganga and Virudhunagar Districts )
2. Attur Melnad Koravars ( Salem and Namakkal District )
3. Appanad Kondayam kottai Maravar ( Sivaganga, Virudhunagar,
Ramanathapuram, Madurai,Theni and Dindigul Districts )
4. Ambalakarar ( Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur,
Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
5. Ambalakkarar ( Suriyanur, Tiruchirapalli District)
6. Boyas ( Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur, Pudukottai, The Nilgiris, Salem
Namakkal, Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri Districts)
7. Battu Turkas
8. C.K. Koravars ( Cuddalore and Villupuram Districts )
9. Chakkala ( Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram, Thanjavur,
Nagapattinam,Tiruvarur, Pudukottai Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur,
Madurai, Theni, Dindigul and the Nilgiris Districts )
10. Changyampudi Koravars ( Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Districts)
11. Chettinad Valayars ( Sivaganga, Virudhunagar and Ramanathapuram
Districts )
12 Dombs ( Pudukottai,Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur Districts )
13 Dobba Koravars( Salem and Namakkal Districts )
14 Dommars ( Thanjavur, Nagapattinam,Tiruvarur, Pudukottai,Vellore &
Tiruvannamalai Districts )
15 Donga Boya
16 Donga Ur.Korachas
17 Devagudi Talayaris
18 Dobbai Korachas (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai
Districts )
19 Dabi Koravars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur,
Perambalur, Pudukottai, Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Districts)
20 Donga Dasaris (Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur,
Perambalur, Pudukottai, Chennai, Salem and Namakkal Districts)
21 Gorrela Dodda Boya
22 Gudu Dasaris
23 Gandarvakottai Koravars ( Thanjavur, Nagapattinam,Tiruvarur,
Tiruchirapalli, Karur,Perambalur, Pudukottai, Cuddalore and Villupuram
24 Gandarvakottai Kallars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam,Tiruvarur & Pudukottai
25 Inji Koravars ( Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur,
Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
26 Jogis ( Kancheepuram,Tiruvallur, Chennai, Cuddalore, Villupuram, Vellore
and Tiruvannamalai Districts)
27 Jambavanodai
28 Kaladis ( Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram, Madurai,Theni,
Dindigul, Thanjavur, Nagapattinam,Tiruvarur, Pudukottai,Tiruchirapalli,
Karur and Perambalur Districts)
29 Kal Oddars (Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur, Ramanathapuram, Sivaganga,
Virudhunagar, Madurai, Theni, Dindigul,Pudukottai, Thanjavur,
Nagapattinam,Tiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur,Perambalur, Tirunelveli,
Toothukudi, Salem and Namakkal Districts)
30 Koravars (Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur, Ramanathapuram, Sivaganga,
Virudhunagar, Pudukottai,Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur,
Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur, Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi,
Chennai,Madurai, Theni, Dindigul and The Nilgiris District)
31 Kalinji Dabikoravars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur and Pudukottai
Districts )
32 Kootappal Kallars (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai
33 Kala Koravars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur,
Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
34 Kalavathila Boyas
35 Kepmaris (Kancheepuram,Tiruvallur, Pudukottai, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and
Perambalur Districts )
36 Maravars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Pudukottai,
Ramanathapuram, Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Tirunelveli and Toothukudi
Districts )
37 Monda Koravars
38 Monda Golla (Salem and Namakkal Districts)
39 Mutlakampatti (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
40 Nokkars (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
41 Nellorepet Oddars ( Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Districts)
42 Oddars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli,Karur,
Perambalur, Pudukottai, Madurai, Theni and Dindigul Districts
43 Pedda Boyas (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
44 Ponnai Koravars (Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Districts)
45 Piramalai Kallars ( Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram, Madurai,
Theni, Dindigul, Pudukottai, Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and Tiruvarur
46 Peria Suriyur Kallars ( Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai
47 Padayachi ( Vellayan Kuppam in Cuddalore District and Tennore in
Tiruchirapalli District)
48 Punnan Vettuva Gounder ( Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and
Pudukottai Districts)
49 Servai ( Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts )
50 Salem Melnad Koravars (Madurai, Theni, Dindigul, Coimbatore, Erode,
Pudukottai, Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur, Salem, Namakkal, Vellore
and Tiruvannamalai Districts)
51 Salem Uppu Koravars (Salem and Namakkal Districts)
52 Sakkaraithamadai Koravars (Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Districts)
53 Saranga Palli Koravars
54 Sooramari Oddars (Salem and Namakkal Districts)
55 Sembanad Maravars (Sivaganga, Virudunagar and Ramanathapuram
56 Thalli Koravars(Salem and Namakkal Districts)
57 Telungapattti Chettis (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai
58 Thottia Naickers (Sivaganga , Virudunagar, Ramanathapuram,
Kancheepuram,Tiruvallur, Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur,
Tiruchirapalli, Karur,Perambalur, Pudukottai, Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi,
Salem, Namakkal Vellore, Tiruvannamalai, Coimbatore and Erode
59 Thogamalai Koravars or Kepmaris (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and
Pudukottai Districts)
60 Uppukoravars or Settipalli Koravars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur,
Pudukottai, Madurai, Theni, Dindigul, Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Districts)
61 Urali Gounders (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
62 Wayalpad or Nawalpeta Korachas

63 Vaduvarpatti Koravars (Madurai, Theni, Dindigul, Ramanathapuram,

Sivaganga, Virudunagar, Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi, Tiruchirapalli, Karur,
Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
64 Valayars (Madurai, Theni, Dindigul, Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur,
Pudukottai,Erode and Coimbatore Districts)
65 Vettaikarar (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur and Pudukottai Districts)
66 Vetta Koravars (Salem and Namakkal Districts)
67 Varaganeri Koravars ( Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai
68 Vettuva Gounder (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai

[See definition (16) in rule 2]
1. Adi Andhra.
2. Adi Dravida.
3. Adi Karnataka.
4. Ajila.
5. Arunthathiyar.
6. Ayyanavar (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
7. Baira.
8. Bakuda.
9. Bandi.
10. Bellara.
11. Bharatar (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
12. Chakkiliyan.
13. Chalavadi.
14. Chamar, Muchi.
15. Chandala.
16. Cheruman.
17. Devendrakulathan.
18. Dom, Dombara, Paidi, Pane.
19. Domban.
20. Godagali.
21. Godda.
22. Gosangi.
23. Holeya.
24. Jaggali.
25. Jambuvulu.
26. Kadaiyan.
27. Kakkalan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
28. Kalladi.
29. Kanakkan, Padanna (in The Nilgiris District).
30. Karimpalan.
31. Kavara (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
32. Koliyan.
33. Koosa.
34. Kootan, Koodan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli
35. Kudumban.
36. Kuravan Sidhanar.
37. Madari.
38. Madiga.
39. Maila.
40. Mala.
41. Mannan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
42. Mavilan.
43. Moger.
44. Mundala.
45. Nalakeyava.
46. Nayadi.
47. Padannan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
48. Pagadai.
49. Pallan.
50. Palluvan.
51. Pambada.
52. Panan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District).
53. Panchama.
54. Pannadi.
55. Panniandi.
56. Paraiyan, Parayan, Sambavar.
57. Paravan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
58. Pathiyan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
59. Pulayan, Cheramar.
60. Puthirai Vannan.
61. Raneyar.
62. Samagara.
63. Samban.
64. Sapari.
65. Semman.
66. Thandan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
67. Thoti.
68. Tiruvalluvar.
69. Vallon.
70. Valluvan.
71. Vannan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
72. Vathiriyan.
73. Velen.
74. Vetan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
75. Vettiyan.
76. Vettuvan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
(See definition (17) in rule 2)
1. Adiyan.
2. Aranadan.
3. Eravallan.
4. Irular.
5. Kadar.
6. Kammara (excluding Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli
7. Kanikaran, Kanikkar (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah and
$Ambasamudram taluks of Tirunelveli district).
8. Kaniyan, Kanyan.
9. Kattunayakan.
10. Kochu Velan.
11. Konda Kapus.
12. Kondareddis.
13. Koraga.
14. Kota (excluding Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district).
15. Kudiya, Melakudi.
16. Kurichchan.
17. Kurumbas (in The Nilgiris District).
18. Kurumans.
19. Maha malasar.
20. Malai Arayan.
21. Malai Pandaram.
22. Malai Vedan.
23. Malakkuravan.
24. Malasar.
25. Malayali (in Dharmapuri, North Arcot, Pudukottai, Salem, South Arcot and
Tiruchirappalli Districts).
26. Malayekandi.
27. Mannan.
28. Mudugar, Muduvan.
29. Muthuvan.
30. Palleyan.
31. Palliyan.
32. Palliyar.
33. Paniyan.
34. Sholaga.
35. Toda (Excluding Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district).
36. Uraly.
$ Inserted in G.O.Ms.No.27, P&AR(S) Department, dated.13.03.2009 w.e.f.


General Rules
1. Scope of the general rules - The rules in this part shall apply to all State
and Subordinate Services and to the holders of all posts, whether temporary or
permanent, in any such service appointed thereto before, on or after the date
specified in sub-rule (b) of rule 1 in part I except to the extent otherwise expressly
(a) by or under any law for the time being in force; or
(b) in respect of any member of such service by a contract or agreement
subsisting between such member and the State Government.
2. Relation to the special rules- If any provision in the general rules contained
in this part is repugnant to a provision in the special rules applicable to any particular
service, contained in part III, the latter shall, in respect of that service, prevail over
the provision in the General Rules in this part.
3. Application of rules - Any rule continued by Article 313 of the Constitution of
India or made under the proviso to Article 309 of that Constitution in respect of any
service, class or category there of shall be applicable to all persons holding posts
intended to be held by members of that service, class or category on the date on
which such rule was made;
Provided that nothing in any such rule shall unless a contrary intention is
expressly indicated therein, operate to deprive any such person of any right or
privilege to which he is entitled by or under any rule or applicable to him prior to the
making of such rule provided further that no such rule shall be applicable to
Candidates who had been approved for appointment to any such service, class or
category by the Commission or by any other authority competent in that behalf prior
to the making of such rule or who had applied for such approval in response to any
advertisement inviting applications, published by the Commission or any other
authority competent in that behalf prior to the making of such rule.
4. Approved candidates - (a) All first appointments to a service or class of
category or grade thereof State or Subordinate, whether by direct recruitment or by
recruitment by transfer or by promotion, shall be made by the appointing authority
from a list of approved candidates. *All appointments made by transfer, from one
class to another class and from one category to another category, in the same
service carrying identical scale of pay shall be made by the appointing authority from
a list of approved candidates. Such list shall be prepared in the prescribed manner
by the appointing authority or any other authority empowered in the Special rules in
that behalf ** and shall be displayed in the Notice Board in the Office of the
appointing authority.** The list shall also be communicated to all persons concerned
by Registered post whose names are found in the list as well as to persons senior to
the Junior most person included in the list whose names have not been included in
the list. Where the candidates in such list are arranged in their order of preference
appointments to the service shall be made in such order:
**(w.e.f. 25.7.2003 Vide G.O.Ms.No.130 P&AR(S) Dept. dt.29.4.2004 &
G.O.Ms.No.99 P&AR(S) Dept. dt. 2.8.2005)
*[G.O.Ms.No.284, P & AR (S), dt.1-12-97 came into force on 1-12-97].
Provided that the list of approved candidates for appointment by promotion
and by recruitment by transfer to all the categories of posts in the Tamil Nadu State
and Subordinate Services shall be prepared annually against the estimated number
of vacancies expected to arise during the course of a year. The estimate of
vacancies shall be prepared taking into account the total number of permanent post
in a category; the number of temporary posts in existence; the anticipated sanction
of new posts in the next year; the recruitment post of leave reserves; the anticipated
vacancies due to retirement and promotion, etc., in the course of the year and the
number of candidates already in position in that category. The list of approved
candidates, so prepared, shall be inforce for a period of one year only and shall
lapse at the end of the year. The candidates whose names were included in the
previous list, but were not appointed, shall be considered, if eligible for inclusion in
the list of next year along with their seniors if any whose names were not included in
the previous list either because they were found not suitable or because they were
not technically qualified when the previous list was drawn up.
*** Provided further that for preparing such lists to fill up vacancies, the
names of the qualified candidates in the seniority list in a class, category or service
shall be considered in the following proportions (rounding off fractions to the next
whole number):-

Number of qualified candidates

Number of vacancies
to be considered
1-20 200% of the actual number of estimated
21-80 175% of the actual number of estimated
vacancies,subject to a minimum of 40.
81 and above 150% of the actual number of estimated
vacancies, subject to a minimum of
Provided also that if the qualified candidates, after consideration of their
claims, are found not suitable for the post, the names of the next qualified
candidates, to the extent necessary, shall be considered:
Provided also that in respect of each reserved vacancy to be filled up by the
candidate belonging to the Backward class, Backward Class Muslims or the Most
Backward Class and Denotified Community or the Scheduled caste or the Scheduled
Tribe, the names of the first two qualified candidates belonging to the backward
Classes, Backward Class Muslims or most Backward Classes and Denotified
Communities or the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes, as the case may be
shall be considered, subject to their availability and if the first two qualified
candidates belonging to the backward classes, Backward Class Muslims or Most
Backward Classes and Denotified Communities or the Scheduled Caste and
Scheduled Tribes, as the case may be are found not suitable for the post, the claims
of the next two qualified candidates belonging to that reserved Category shall be
considered. No reserved vacancy shall be left unfilled, except when no qualified
candidates in the seniority list in a Class, Category or Service belonging to that
reserved category are available for consideration. In respect of a vacancy to be filled
up by General Turn, the names of the qualified candidates including these belonging
to the Backward Classes, Backward Class Muslims, the Most Backward Classes and
Denotified Communities, the Scheduled castes and the Scheduled Tribes in the
seniority in a class, Category or Service shall also be considered:
Provided also that in respect of filling up vacancies in the post of Head of
Department, the number of names of qualified candidates to be considered shall be
fixed as twice the number of vacancies plus three in the seniority list in a Class.
Category or Service.
***[Substituted Vide G.O.Ms.No.34, P&AR (S) Dept., dt.30-1-96 w.e.f 30-1-96].
#(Explanation I - The period of one year validity for the list of approved
candidates shall be reckoned from the date of approval of the panel by the
competent authority;
Explanation II-In respect of appointment to the posts, which are under the
purview of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, temporary list may be drawn
and published as aforesaid with reference to the qualification on the date fixed for
the regular lists to meet out the exigencies of service and to avoid administrative
delay. Once a qualified candidate is included in the temporary list with reference to
the qualification on the crucial date fixed for regular list his rights for temporary
appointment should be protected and he should not be overlooked in preference to a
person, who was not included in the temporary list as he was not qualified on the
crucial date but subsequently qualified. The temporary list shall be adopted for giving
temporary appointments till the regular list is approved and regular appointments are
made with reference to the regular list.
Explanation III - No temporary list shall be prepared in respect of the posts for
which the consultation of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission is not required
and the list of names prepared, if any, shall be a regular one.)
#Added in G.O.Ms.No.999, P&AR (Per.P), dt.22-10-1983
* [Provided further that a list of approved candidates (including a ‘Nil’ list)
prepared even prior to the coming into effect of the preceeding proviso shall not be
invalid for the reason that it was prepared with reference to the estimated number of
vacancies expected to arise during the course of the year:]
* Added in G.O.Ms.No.516, P & AR (Per.M), dated 3-6-1982
Provided further that wherever, advancement to Higher temporary posts,
under the scheme of “Flexible Complementing” has been provided a panel of
persons who will be completing ten years of satisfactory service during the period
from first June of a year to 31st May of the next year and are suitable for
advancement to the next higher post, shall be kept ready every year so that the
advancement may be sanctioned on completion of ten years of satisfactory service.
Leave other than extraordinary leave with out allowances should be taken into
account while computing the ten years period. The period of ten years in the lower
post will be reckoned from the date of regular appointment to that post, but will
exclude the periods of reversion. The panel so prepared shall be utilised for
promotion to higher posts in the regular line, except in respect of posts, for which
consultation with the Commission is necessary for preparing the panel for
appointment to higher posts in the regular line.
Explanation— The scheme of “Flexible complementing “provides for
advancement to the next higher posts, on completion of ten years of satisfactory
service in the lower post.
(b) where a candidate‘s name has been included in the list of approved
candidates for more than one service, the appointment authority who proposes to
appoint such a candidate first shall require him to elect the ser vice to which he
wishes to be appointed. On such election, the candidate’s name shall be removed
from the list or lists of approved candidates for the service or services to which he
does not wish to be appointed.
(c) An approved candidate for any service or for any class or category thereof
who joins the Armed Forces in connection with the National Emergency before he is
appointed to the service, class or category for which he has been selected or a
person who while on such military duty is selected for a Civil post and included in the
list of approved candidates for appointment to a service or class or category thereof
shall be appointed to such service, class or category on his due turn with effect from
the date on which he would have been so appointed, but for his absence on military
duty. With effect from the date on which he is so appointed, he shall be entitled to
count the period of his military duty towards probation on his civil post. He shall be
deemed to have entered the time scale applicable to the civil post with effect from
the same date. The military duty shall count for increments to which he shall be
eligible in the time scale in the same manner in which they would have been
admissible, if he had not taken up the military duty. On discharge from military duty,
he shall, within a period of six months from the date of such discharge, take up his
civil post and thereafter undergo such portion of the period of probation as remains
after counting the period of military duty under this sub-rule. He shall also undergo
such training and pass such tests as may have been prescribed in the Special Rules
for the said post, within a period equal to the prescribed period of probation or such
other period as may have been prescribed in the said Special Rules from the date of
joining the civil post after discharge from military duty:
Provided that the time limit of six months referred in this sub-rule shall not
apply to a person who is wounded while on military duty or as a result of such duty is
otherwise rendered unfit to take up his civil post within that time. He may take up his
civil post after he is declared on medical examination to be fit for duty, within a period
of two years or such further period as may be, granted by the appointing authority
from the date of his discharge from military duty.
(d) The inclusion of a candidate’s name in any list of approved candidates for
any service (State or Subordinate) or any class or category in a service shall not
confer on him any claim to appointment to the service, class or category.
*{ (e) If an approved candidate selected by the Tamil Nadu Public Service
Commission for appointment by direct recruitment fails to join duty ordinarily within
three months from the date of receipt of the orders directing him to join duty or with
in an earlier date, if so specified by the appointing authority in special circumstances,
he shall forfeit his right for appointment to the post and his name shall be removed
from the approved list;
Provided that in special circumstances the appointing authority may extend
the time limit referred to in this sub-rule up to six months for valid reasons.}
*Added in G.O.Ms.No.857, P&AR (Per.P) dt.13-9-83, w.e.f.13-9-83
#(Provided further that in very special circumstances and in relaxation of the
above proviso, if any candidate is allowed to join duty beyond the time limit of six
months, his seniority in that post shall be fixed below the junior most candidate
appointed to that post in that service on the date of joining duty of the former.)
# Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.353, P&AR (Per.S) dt.20-6-89, w.e.f.4-5-88
5. Every candidate for appointment to any service, who, in response to a
notification issued by the Commission, makes an application, shall remit the fee that
may be prescribed by the Government from time to time:
Provided that this rule shall not apply to a candidate belonging to any of the
Backward Classes, who has taken a degree whatever may be the post or service
with reference to which the application is made;
Provided further that this rule shall not apply to a candidate belonging to any of
the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes whatever may be the post or service with
reference to which the application is made:
Provided further that this rule shall not apply to candidates who have rendered
war service:
Provided also that with effect from the 5th August 1953, this rule shall not apply
to the members of the Operation Subordinate Service and work-charged
establishment of the Electricity Department who apply for posts reserved for such
members only:
Provided also that this rule shall not apply to the members of the work-charged
establishment under the Electrical Engineer (General) who apply for recruitment to
the posts of Supervisors (Electrical), II Grade, in the Tamil Nadu Electrical
Subordinate Service:
Provided also that the concession under the first proviso shall be restricted to
three free chances in the case of candidates belonging to any of the Backward
Classes, Backward Class Muslims:
* Proviso[ omitted in G.O.Ms.No.237, P & AR, dt.24-8-94, w.e.f. 13-10-93]
Explanation.— The examination for each group will be a combined one for the
purpose of filling vacancies in the services included in that group. A candidate may
apply to be admitted to all or any of the services in each group if he wishes to be
admitted as a candidate for more than one service in the same group, he need send
only one application. But if he wishes to be admitted as a candidate for services in
more than one group, he must send in one application for each group. He will be
required to pay the fees mentioned in this rule one for each group and will not be
required to pay separate fees for each service in a group for which he applies. If,
however, he applies for more than one group, he will be required to pay separate
fees for each group:
Provided also that this rule shall not apply to Ex-servicemen as defined in
General Rule 52. But the exemption here in granted shall be restricted to two free
$ Provided also that this rule shall not apply to a physically handicapped
$ Inserted in G.O.Ms No.21, P&AR(S) Department, dated 05.03.09 w.e.f.
# Provided also that this rule shall not apply to destitute widows defined in
Explantion I under General Rule 12.
# Inserted in G.O.Ms No.23, P&AR(S) Department, dated 15.02.10 w.e.f.

6. Method of Recruitment - Where the normal method of recruitment to any

service, class or category is neither solely by direct recruitment for solely by transfer
but is both by direct recruitment and by transfer.

(a) the proportion or order in which the Special Rules concerned may require
vacancies to be filled by persons recruited direct and by those recruited by transfer
shall be applicable only to substantive vacancies in the permanent cadre;
(b) a person shall be recruited direct only against substantive vacancy in
such permanent cadre, and only if the vacancy is one which should be filled by a
direct recruit under the Special Rules referred to in clause (a); and
(c) recruitment to all other vacancies shall be made by transfer:
Provided that nothing in this rule shall adversely affect any person who on the
date of issue of the Special Rules referred to in clause (a) was a probationer in such
service, class or category, as the case may be.
7. Right of probationers and approved probationers to re-appointment—A
vacancy in any service, class or category not being a vacancy which should be filled
by direct recruitment under the Special Rules referred to in clause (a) of rule 6 shall
not be filled by the appointment of a person who has not yet commenced his
probation in such service, class or category when an approved probationer or a
probationer therein is available for such appointment.
8. Discharge and re-appointment of probationers, approved probationers
and full members:—
(a) probationers, approved probationers and full members shall be
discharged for want of vacancies in the order of juniority.
(b) Full members, approved probationers and probationers who have been
discharged for want of vacancies shall be reappointed in vacancies which arise. in
the order of seniority.
#(Substituted vide G.O.Ms.No.237, P&AR (S) Dept., dt.17-6-96 w.e.f. 17-6-96).
9. Members absent from duty - The absence of a member of a service from
duty in such service, whether on leave, or on foreign service or on deputation or for
any other reason and whether his lien in a post borne on the cadre of such service is
suspended or not, shall not, if he is otherwise fit, render him ineligible in his turn.
(a) for re-appointment to a substantive or officiating vacancy in the class,
category, grade or post in which he may be a probationer or an approved
(b) for promotion from a lower to higher category in such service;
(c) for appointment to any substantive or officiating vacancy in another
service for which he may be an approved candidate, as the case may be, in the
same manner as if he had not been absent. He shall be entitled to all the privileges
in respect of appointment, seniority, promotion and appointment as full member
which he would have enjoyed but for his absence subject to his completing
satisfactorily the period of probation on his return.
(d) for appointment to any substantive or officiating vacancy in another
service, if according to the rules governing appointment to such other service—
(i) he is entitled to such appointment; and
(ii) the normal method of recruitment to such other service is by transfer
from the service of which he is a member of any class or category thereof.
** Provided that a member of a service who is appointed to another service
outside his regular line and is continuing in that service beyond five years shall not
be considered for promotion or for appointment by recruitment by transfer to a higher
post in his regular line eventhough he is otherwise qualified under the rules for such
promotion or appointment, unless he returns to the former service and puts in a fresh
service for a period of not less than one year in the former service”.
** Substituted in G.O.Ms.NO.103, P & AR(S) Dept. , dt .21-7-2006 w.e.f.21-7-
9-A. Right to be a probationer approved probationer, in two or more
services - A member of a service, who has been appointed to another service and is
a probationer approved probationer in the latter service, shall not be appointed to
any other service for which he may be an approved candidate, unless he relinqui-
shes his right in the latter service;
*(Omitted in G.O.Ms.No.363, P & AR, dt-21-6-88.)
#9.B A member of a service, whenever selected by direct recruitment for
appointment in any other service of this Government or in other State Governments
Central Government, Universities, or any other quasi-Government organisations,
shall hold the service right in the former service for a period not exceeding one year
only from the date of relief from the former service;
Provided that persons appointed to the services of other State Governments,
Central Government, Public Sector undertakings, or Local Bodies, Corporations,
Universities or any other quasi-government organisations, shall hold such service
right in their former services only if the pay, leave salary and pensionary
contributions for the said period of one year are paid by such other State
Governments, Central Government, Public Sector undertakings, Local Bodies,
Corporations, Universities or any other quasi-government organisations or by the
individual concerned.
#Inserted in G.O.Ms.No.42, P & AR (Per.P) dt.13-1-84.
10.Temporary appointments:— a(i) (1) where it is necessary in the public
interest owing to an emergency which has arisen to fill immediately a vacancy in a
post borne on the cadre of a service, class or category and there would be undue
delay in making such appointment in accordance with these rules and the Special
Rules, the appointing authority may temporarily appoint a person, who possesses
the qualifications prescribed for the post otherwise than in accordance with the said
#(Added Vide G.O.Ms.No.21, P&AR (S) Dept., 23-1-96 w.e.f.23-1-96)
Provided that no appointment @ by direct recruitment under this clause shall be
made of any person other than the one sponsored by the Tamil Nadu Public Service
Commission from its regular or reserve list of successful candidates to any of the
posts with in the purview of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission.
@(Added Vide G.O.Ms.No.21, P&AR (S) Dept., 23-1-96 w.e.f.23-1-96)
Second Proviso omitted vide G.O.Ms.No.146 P&AR(S) Dept. dt. 13.9.2006 w.e.f.
Provided ** further that appointment by direct recruitment under this clause (1) in
respect of posts within the purview of Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission shall
be made, only where new posts with new qualifications are created temporarily and
where the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission does not have a regular or
reserve list of successful candidates for sponsoring.
** Substituted vide G.O.Ms.No.146 P&AR(S) Dept. dt. 13.9.2006 w.e.f. 16.8.82
(2) Omitted (Vide G.O.Ms.No.21, P & AR (S) Dept., 23-1-96 w.e.f. 23-1-96)
(ii) Where it is necessary to fill a short vacancy in a post borne on the cadre
of service, class or category and the appointment of the person who is entitled to
such appointment under these rules and the Special Rules, would involve excessive
expenditure on travelling allowance or exceptional administrative inconvenience, the
appointing authority may appoint any other person who possess the qualifications, if
any prescribed for the said service, class or category.
*(iii) A person appointed under clause (i) shall be replaced as soon as
possible by a member of a service or an approved candidate qualified to hold the
post under the rules, and in any case, he shall not be continued for a period of more
than one year from the date of his temporary appointment;
*(Substituted vide G.O.Ms.No.21, P &AR (S) Dept., 23-1-96 w.e.f.23-1-96)
(iv) where it is necessary to appoint an officer against whom an enquiry into
allegations of corruption or misconduct is pending, the appointing authority may
appoint him temporarily, pending enquiry into the charges against him. The
competent authority shall have discretion to make regular appointment in suitable
(v) A Person appointed under clause (i), (ii) or (iv) shall not be regarded as a
probationer in such service, class or category or be entitled by reason only of such
appointment to any preferential claim to future appointment to such service, class or
category. The services of a person appointed under clause (i), (ii) or (iv) shall be
liable to be terminated by the appointing authority at any time without notice and
without any reason, being assigned.
#(b) and (bb): Omitted.
#(Vide G.O.Ms.No21, P&AR (S) Dept., dt.23-1-96 w.e.f. 23-1-96)
(c) A person appointed to any part-time post created in lieu of a whole time
post borne on the cadre of a service, class or category shall not be regarded as a
probationer in such service nor shall be entitled by reason only of such appointment
to any preferential claim to future appointment to such service, class or category.
(d) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, if and when a
temporary post is created as addition to the cadre of any service, class or category
and the holder thereof is required by the State Government to possess any special
qualifications, knowledge or experience, any person who possess such
qualifications, knowledge or experience and is considered to be best the fitted to
discharge the duties of such post may, irrespective of other considerations, be
appointed to that post by the appointing authority, but the person so appointed shall
not, by reason only of such appointment, be regarded as a probationer in such
appointment, be regarded as probationer in such service, class or category nor shall
he acquired hereby any preferential right to future appointment to such service, class
or category.
* 10 A. Recruitment to posts, which are outside the purview of the Tamil
Nadu Public Service Commission.— (a) Where the posts are outside the purview
of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, recruitment shall be made only by
calling for names of eligible candidates from the Employment Exchange. In respect
of specialised posts for which candidates are not available with the Employment
Exchange, the appointing authority shall get a certificate of a non-availability from the
Employment Exchange, and call for applications from eligible candidates by
advertising the posts in prominent daily newspapers giving the number of vacancies
and indicating the qualifications, etc.
* Inserted in G.O.Ms.No.605, P & AR (Per.S) dt. 3-6-80, w.e.f.3-6-80
#(Provided that this sub-rule shall not apply in the case of appointments of
dependants of Government Servants who die in harness, or the Government
servants who retire from service on medical invalidation before obtaining the age of
@ fifty three years .)
#Added in G.O.Ms.No.354, P & AR, dt.20-06-89, w.e.f. 3-6-80
@Substituted vide G.O.Ms.No.1 P&AR(S) Dept. dated 2.1.2002.

**Provided also that notwithstanding anything contained in the first proviso,

the appointing authority shall make temporary appointment by direct recruitment
through the Employment Exchange, for the posts of Typist and Steno-typist (Grade
III) in the Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service and for the post of Typist in Tamil Nadu
Secretariat Service, as a one time measure to overcome the difficulty in filling-up the
vacancies for the above posts due to the ban on direct recruitment that existed
between the 29th November 2001 and the 7th February 2006”
**Inserted in G.O.Ms.No.73, P & AR (Per.S) dt. 10.5.10, w.e.f.14.9.2006.
(b) The candidates to be appointed shall be selected on the basis of merit by
the appointing authority, or by an officer designated by the appointing authority or by
a Committee of Officers not exceeding three duly constituted by the appointing
authority, subject to the rule of reservation of posts wherever applicable after
subjecting the candidates to an oral interview and, if necessary, a short written test
which can be evaluated in a short time.
11. Appointment by agreements. -(1) When in the opinion of State Government
Special provisions inconsistent with any of these rules or of any other rules made
under the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India or continuing by Article
313 of that Constitution (hereinafter referred to in this rule as the said rules) are
required in respect of conditions of service, pay and allowances, pension, discipline
and conduct with reference to any particular post, or any of them, it shall be open to
the State Government to make an appointment to such post otherwise than in
accordance with these rules or the said rules and to provide by agreement with the
person so appointed for any of the matters in respect of which in the opinion of the
State Government special provisions are required to be made and to the extent to
which such provisions are made in the agreement, nothing in these rules or the said
rules shall apply to any person so appointed in respect of any matter for which
provision is made in the agreement:
Provided that in every agreement, made in exercise of the powers conferred
by this rule it shall further be provided that in respect of any matter in respect of
which no provision has been made in the agreement the provisions of these rules or
of the said rules shall apply.
(2) A person appointed under sub-rule (1) shall not be regarded as a member
of the service in which the post to which he is appointed is included and shall not be
entitled by reason only of such appointment to any preferential claim to any other
appointment in that or any other service.
12. Qualifications— (a) (i) The minimum general educational qualification
wherever referred to in the Special Rules shall mean the qualification prescribed in
Schedule I to this Part:
(*)[Omitted in G.O.Ms.No.825, P&AR (Per.P). dt.25-8-86.]
(ii) Where the Special Rules for any service prescribe the possession of the
minimum educational qualification referred to inclause (i) as a qualification for
appointment as full member in such service, or in any class or category thereof or for
promotion to any other class or category in such service or for appointment by
transfer to any other service, a person who is already a member of a service who
does not possess the minimum general educational qualification but who is certified
by the head of the department concerned to be otherwise de-serving of appointment
as full member or promotion or transfer as the case may be, shall be deemed to
possess the minimum general educational qualification, if he appears for the
examination of the S.S.L.C. Standard conducted by the Commission and obtain the
minimum percentage of marks specified below:—
Subject for the Minimum percentage
Examination of marks
1. English 35
2. General knowledge 35
Provided that persons in service without an adequate knowledge of Tamil or
whose knowledge of Tamil is not of such standard as to write the examinations
referred to in this sub-rule in Tamil may write them in any one of the languages,
Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Urdu or Hindi and they need not pass the language
test in Tamil on their appointment to higher post by transfer or promotion.
(iii) * Omitted[ in G.O.Ms.No.293, P & AR (Per.P) dt.30-3-84.]
(iv) A person who, immediately before the Ist November, 1956, was serving
in connection with the affairs of the former State of Travancore, Cochin and who is
allotted to the State of Madras for service shall, if he possesses the minimum
general educational qualification as prescribed in the rules of the former State of
Travancore-Cochin, be deemed to possess the minimum general educational
qualification referred in clause (i).
(v) Any person who on or before 31st March 1959 has passed E.S.L.C. or
S.S.L.C. Examination conducted under the authority of the Government of
Travancore-Cochin or Kerala shall be deemed to Possess the minimum general
educational qualification referred in clause (i). notwithstanding such person may not
have obtained any minimum marks in any subjects.
Explanation— For the purpose of this clause, minimum general educational
qualification of the former Travancore-Cochin State shall be a mere pass in the
E.S.L.C. or S.S.L.C. Examination with declaration of eligibility for college course
without the requirement of any minimum marks in any subject.
*{ (vi) The rule relating to possession of minimum General Educational
Qualification will not be relaxed in any case of appointment to a higher post from a
lower Post.}
*Inserted in G.O.Ms.No.16, P & AR, dt.10-1-89 w.e.f.10-1-89
(b) No person shall be eligible for appointment to any service by direct
recruitment unless he satisfies the commission in cases where the appointment has
to be made in consultation with it or the appointing authority, in other cases—
(i) that his character and antecedents are such as to qualify him for such
(ii) that such a person does not have more than one wife living or is such
a person is a woman, that she is not married to any person who has a wife living.
#(iii) that such a person satisfies the age prescribed in the Special Rules
on the first day of July of the year in which the vacancy is notified; and
#(iv) that, notwithstanding anything contained in the Special Rules, such
a person also possesses the qualifications including experience prescribed for a
post, on the date of notification of the vacancy.
#Added Vide G.O.Ms.No.38, P & AR (S) Dept., dated 30-1-1996. w.e.f.
Provided that the candidates who have written the final year degree
Examination shall be admitted to the preliminary Examination for recruitment to posts
included in Group I Service, subject to the condition that such candidates should
produce proof of having passed the degree examination, with their application for the
Main Written Examination, failing which they will not be admitted to the Main Written
[Added in G.O.Ms.No.119, P & AR (S) Dept. dt. 4th July 2000 w.e.f. 4.7. 2000]
(bb) No person shall be eligible for appointment to any service by direct
recruitment unless he satisfies the appointing authority regarding his physical fitness
for the post for which production of physical fitness certificate is prescribed whether
such post is within or outside the purview of the Tamil Nadu Public Service
Provided that physically handicapped persons may be appointed if the defect
is not such as it would render the candidates unfit for efficiently discharging the
duties attached to the post and their fitness for service is assessed on the basis of
the nature and degree of their disability and their functional capacity relating to the
job which they seek.
*"(bbb) No person shall be eligible for appointment to any service by direct
recruitment including appointment on compassionate grounds, unless he has
completed 18 years of age on the first day of July of the year in which the vacancy is
*Inserted vide G.O.Ms.No.112, P & AR(S) Dept., dated 23rd August 2005
(c) A candidate for appointment to a post under the State must be
(a) a citizen of India, or
(b) a subject of Nepal, or
(c) a subject of Bhutan, or
(d) A Tibetan refuge who come over to India, before the 1st January 1962
with the intention of permanently settling in India.
(e) a person of Indian Origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri
Lanka, or East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania
(formerly Tanganiyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia with the
intention of the permanently settling in India:
Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e)
shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been given by the
State Government.
A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be
admitted to an examination or interview conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service
Commission or other recruiting authority and he may also provisionally be appointed
subject to the necessary certificate being given to him by the State Government,
(d) The maximum age-limit prescribed in the special rules shall not apply—
*(i) to the appointment of a candidate belonging to any of the Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Class Muslims, Backward Classes, Most
Backward Class and Denotified communities or of destitute widows of all castes to a
post included in a service for which the Special Rules prescribe a qualification lower
than a degree of any University mentioned in Schedule II to this part, if such
candidate possesses a general educational qualification which is higher than that
referred to in sub-rule (a) and he is otherwise qualified for appointment;
*(ii) to the appointment to a post included in a service of a candidate belonging to
any of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Class Muslims,
Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Denotified communities or of
destitute widows of all castes who holds a degree of any University mentioned in
Schedule II to this part, if the degree he holds is not lower than the degree
prescribed in the Special Rules for appointment to such post and if he is otherwise
qualified for appointment.
* Amendments issued in G.O.Ms.No.67, P&AR (S) Department, dated 10-
3-95. with effect from 28-03-1989.
Provided that, for direct recruitment to a post included in a service for which the
minimum qualification required is not higher than the minimum general educational
qualification, the age limit prescribed shall be increased by five years in respect of
candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or in respect of
destitute widows of all castes, who do not possess a general educational
qualification, which is higher than the minimum general education qualification.
** Provided further that for direct recruitment to a post included in a service for
which the minimum qualification required is not higher than the minimum general
educational qualification, the age limit prescribed shall be increased by two years in
respect of candidates belonging to *Backward Class Muslims, Backward Classes,
Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities, who do not possess a general
educational qualification, which is higher than the minimum general educational
** Amendment issued in G.O.Ms.No.67, P&AR (S) Department, dated 10-
3-95. with effect from 20-10-1993.
*Amendment issued in G.O.Ms.No.118, P&AR(S) Dept. dt.30.9.2002.
*Explanation: I.— For the purpose of this rule, “destitute widow” shall mean a
widow whose total monthly income from all sources shall not be more than **
Rs.4,000/- (Rupees Four thousand only) including any family pension or other
receipts including income from private practice in the case of professionals, but shall
not include a divorcee.
** (Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.89 P&AR(S) Dept. dt. 5.7.2006 w.e.f. 5.7.2006)
# A ‘destitute widow’shall include a candidate born outside the state of Tamil
Nadu and became a widow after her marriage to a person belonging to the State of
Tamil Nadu and residing permanently in the State of Tamil Nadu and shall also
include a candidate born in the State of Tamil Nadu and became a widow after her
marriage to a person belonging to other State and settled permanently in the State of
Tamil Nadu , but shall not include a candidate belonging to other State not covered
under the above said categories .”
# ( included vide G.O.Ms.No.10, P.&A.R.(S) Department dated 11.1.2007 w.e.f.
24.6.2003 )
Every candidate claiming to be a “destitute widow” shall produce a certificate in
the format given in schedule VI to this part, from the Revenue Divisional Officer or
the Assistant Collector or the Sub-Collector concerned.
*Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.173, P & AR (S) dated 30-5-95 with effect from
Explanation: II.— For the purpose of clause (i), a pass in the pre University
Examination or Higher Secondary Examination or Diploma awarded by the State
Board of Technical Education and Training, Tamil Nadu or by any Institution or
Board recognised by the Government of Tamil Nadu or any other State Government
or the Government of India shall be deemed to be a qualification higher than that
referred to in sub-rule (a).
—[Added in G.O.Ms.No.149, P & AR (S) Department, dated. 3-8-2000 w.e.f.
(iii) to the appointment, in special circumstances to be recorded in writing. of
a person selected for appointment to one service or a class or category thereof to
another service or a class or category thereof, the qualifications prescribed for
appointment to which are identical with those prescribed for appointment to the
former service, class or category.
(e) (i) In the case of a candidate who has rendered war service, the period of
his war service shall be excluded in computing his age for appointment.
(ii) A candidate who is appointed temporarily under sub-rule (a) of rule 10
of these rules and takes up for military duty shall on discharge from such military
duty, be entitled to deduct the period of his military duty for the purpose of computing
his age for appointment; and
(iii) A candidate who is appointed temporarily under sub-rule (a) of rule 10
of these rules and “take up” duty in General Reserve Engineer Force under the
Border Roads Development Board of the Government of India shall, on discharge
from such service on completion of their tenure, as stipulated by the Government of
India, be entitled to deduct the period of his service, in the General Reserve
Engineer Force for the purpose of computing his age for appointment provided they
had put in at least six months service in the General Reserve Engineer Force.
@ Explanation[Omitted in G.O.Ms.No.149, P&AR (S) Department,
dated 3-8-2000].
(f) In the case of extra temporary employees already discharged or facing
retrenchment from the Census Organisation in the Tamil Nadu State, a period of
three years shall be excluded in computing their age for appointment provided they
have rendered temporary service of atleast six months in the Census Organisation
in the Tamil Nadu State:
Provided that persons availing themselves of the concession under this sub-
rule shall be eligible for only one chance to appear for the competitive examination
conducted by Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission.
12-A. Linguistic qualification -(a) No person shall be eligible for appointment to
any service by direct recruitment unless he has an adequate knowledge of the
official language of the State, namely, Tamil:
Provided that a person, being otherwise qualified for appointment to the post to
which recruitment is to be made, may apply for recruitment to the post, despite the
fact that, at the time of such application, he does not possess an adequate
knowledge of Tamil.
Explanation For the purpose of this rule, a person shall be deemed to have
an adequate knowledge of Tamil, if—-
*[ (i) In the case of a post for which the educational qualification
prescribed is the minimum general educational qualification and above, he has
passed the S.S.L.C. Public Examination or its equivalent examination with Tamil as
one of the languages; or studied the High School Course in Tamil Medium and
passed the S.S.L.C. Public Examination or its equivalent Examination in Tamil
Medium; or passed the Second Class Language Test in Tamil Conducted by the
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission.]
* Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.538, P & AR (Per.S) dt.28-9-89, w.e.f.15-11-88
ff {(ii) in the case of a post for which the educational qualification
prescribed is VIII Standard and above but below S.S.L.C. he has studied in Tamil
Medium in those standards or passed the Language Test in Tamil referred to in rule
12-B(i); and
(iii) in the case of a post for which the educational qualification prescribed
is below VIII standard, he has studied in Tamil Medium in those standards or passed
the oral test in Tamil referred to in rule 12-(B) (ii).}
ff Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.445, P&AR (Per.P) dt.4-5-84.
# (b) Every such candidate as is referred to in the proviso to sub-rule (a),
shall, if selected and appointed on or after 9th February, 1996, pass the Second
Class Language Test in Tamil conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service
Commission, or pass the language Test in Tamil referred to in rule 12-B (i)
conducted by the appointing authority or pass the oral 12-B (ii) conducted by the
appointing authority, as the case may be within a period of two years from the date
of his appointment. If he fails to pass the said Language Test within the said period
of two years, he shall be discharged from service.
# Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.89, P & AR (Per.S) dt.9-2-96 w.e.f. 9-2-96.
(c) The syllabus for the Second Class Language Test in Tamil referred to in
this rule shall be specified in Schedule I-A to these rules.
12-B (i). A language test of the standard for VIII standard, shall be prescribed for
those whose educational qualification is VIII Standard and above but below S.S.L.C.
and for those who do not possess an adequate knowledge of the official language of
the State of Tamil Nadu as specified below:—
Item of Syllabus Maximum Minimum Aggree- Duration
. marks. marks gate marks of test.
for a pass for a pass
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Part I— Dictation
of half a
page typed
matter 60 24 50 10 minutes
Part II - Reading 40 16
(ii) An oral test of the Standard for IV Standard shall be prescribed for those,
whose educational qualification is below VIII Standard and for those who do not
possess an adequate knowledge of Tamil to find out whether a person is able to
converse freely and fluently in Tamil.
The above tests shall be conducted by the appointing authorities.
13. Special provisions relating to certain degrees—Where the special rules
for a service prescribe any of the degree specified in column (1) of the table below
as a special qualification for appointment to any post included therein a person who
holds the degree specified in the corresponding entry in column (2) thereof, shall,
except where a contrary intention appears from the said special rules, be deemed to
possess the said special qualification.

(1) (2)
1. B.A. (Hons.) or B.Com. (Hons) or
B.Sc. (Hons.) or M.Com. Degree of
M.A. or M.Sc. any University
Degree. mentioned
in Schedule II
to this Part.
2. B.A. or B.Sc., i. B.Com., Degree
Degree of any University
mentioned in Schedule II
to this Part.
ii. B.O.L. of Annamalai
iii. B.B.A. of Madurai-Kamaraj
iv. B.Litt. of Madras University.
3. B.A., B.Sc., i. B.O.L. of Annamalai University.
or B.Com.Degree ii. B.B.A. of Madurai Kamaraj.
iii.B. Litt. of Madras University
*(iv. B.B.M. and B.Litt. of Bharathiar
*Added in G.O.Ms.No.672, P & AR (Per.P), dt. 27-12-1988.
14. Deleted.
15. Special qualification to be acquired or special test to be passed during
probation -Exemption Where a probationer has, before he commenced his
probation, already acquired any special qualification or passed any special test
prescribed by the Special Rules, or has acquired such other qualification as may be
considered by the State Government or by the appointing authority with the approval
of the State Government to be equivalent to the said special qualification or special
test he shall not be required to acquire such special qualification or to pass such
special test again after the commencement of his probation.
16. Deleted.
17. (*) Deleted. vide G.O.Ms.No.293, P&AR, dated 30.03.1984
18. Deleted.
19. Special qualifications-- No person shall be eligible for appointment to any
service, class, category or grade or any post borne on the cadre thereof unless he
(a) possesses such special qualifications and has passed such special tests as
may be prescribed in that behalf in the Special Rules; or
#(b) possesses such other qualifications as have been declared to be higher
than or equivalent to the said special qualifications or special tests—
(i) by the State Government in consultation with the Committee
constituted under the Chairmanship of the Chairman, Tamil Nadu Public Service
Commission for the purpose, in cases where the appointment has to be made in
consultation with the Commission; and
(ii) by the State Government or by the appointing authority with the
approval of the State Government in other cases.
#Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.226, P&AR dated 18.08.1994 w.e.f. 18.08.1994
Explanation - (i) In cases where the Special Rules Prescribed a degree or
diploma as a qualification, then a degree or diploma granted by any of the
Universities or Institutions recognised by the University Grants Commission for the
purpose of its grant mentioned in Schedule II to this part shall be recognised as the
(ii) In cases where the Special Rules prescribe a diploma in a particular
subject as qualification then a degree in that subject should be deemed to be a
higher qualification.
#{ (iii) In cases where the Special Rules prescribe a period of practical or
other experience in addition to educational/technical qualifications, for an
appointment such a period of practical or other experience as the case may be,
should have been acquired after obtaining the educational/technical qualifications
prescribed for such appointment unless otherwise specified in the Special Rules.}
#Inserted Vide G.O.Ms.No.301, P&AR, dt. 14.03.1980, w.e.f. 01.04.1979
20. Deleted.
21. Appointment of women - (a) Women alone shall be appointed to post in any
institution or establishment specially provided for them;
Provided that men may be appointed, if suitable and qualified come are not
available for such appointment.
*[(b) A minimum of 30 percent of all vacancies which are to be filled through
direct recruitment shall be set apart for women candidates irrespective of the fact
whether the rule of reservation of appointments applies to the posts or not. In
respect of the posts to which the rule of reservation of appointments applies, 30
percent of vacancies shall be set apart for women candidates following the existing
reservation for Scheduled Castes and Schedules Tribes, * Backward Class Muslims,
Backward Classes, *Most Backward Classes/ * Denotified communities and $
General Turn. Women Candidates shall also be entitled to compete for the remaining
70 percent of vacancies along with male candidates.
( * - w.e.f. 28.3.1989 ; $ - w.e.f. 30.1.1996 vide G.O.Ms.No.39, P&AR(S)
Dept. dated 9.2.2007. )

Provided that in the case of direct recruitment Ψ to the posts with Grade Pay
which does not exceed Rs.2400/-, ten percent of vacancies out of thirty percent
vacancies set apart for women shall be set apart for destitute widows and the first
vacancy in every ten vacancies set apart for destitute widows and the first vacancy in
every ten vacancies set apart for women in each category namely the General Turn,
Backward Class Muslims, Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes/Denotified
Communities, Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes shall be set apart for destitute
widows. If no qualified and suitable destitute widow is available, the turn so set apart
for destitute widow shall go to the women (other than destitute widow) belonging to
the respective category.
Explanation:— In this rule, the express “destitute widow” shall have the same
meaning as in he Explanation under sub-rule (d) of rule 12.
[Added in G.O.Ms.No.178, P & AR (S) Deptt. dt.11-9-2000 w.e.f. 11.9.2000]
Ψ Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.102, P&AR(S) Department, dated 16.07.2010
w.e.f. 1.1.2006
(bb) Every candidate claiming to be a “destitute widow” shall produce a
certificate in the format given in Schedule VI to this part from the Revenue Divisional
Officer or the Assistant Collector or the Sub-Collector concerned.
[Added in G.O.Ms.No.178, P & AR (S) Deptt. dt.11-9-2000 w.e.f. 11.9.2000]
(c) Selection for appointment under this rule shall be made in the order of
rotation specified in Schedule IV to this part.
(d) If a qualified and suitable woman candidate belonging to Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Class Muslims, #Backward Classes , Most
Backward Classes / Denotified Communities or General turn is not available for
selection for appointment in the turn allotted for women in the cycle, the turn so
allotted shall go to a male candidate within the respective category. In respect of the
posts to which the rule of reservation of appointments does not apply, the turn so
allotted shall go to the next male candidate.]
*Introduced in G.O.Ms.No.550, P & AR, dt.4-10-89, w.e.f.17-2-89.
# added in G.O.Ms.No.40, P.&A.R.(S) dated 9.2.2007.
22. Reservation of Appointments - Where the Special Rules lay down that the
Principle of reservation of appointments shall apply to any service, class or category,
selection for appointment thereto shall with effect on and from the *(22nd June
1990), be made on the following basis:
* Substituted Vide G.O.Ms.No.159, P & AR, dt.27-6-94 w.e.f. 22.6.1990

# “(a) The unit of selection for appointment, for the purpose of this rule, shall be
two hundred, of which thirty six shall be reserved for the Scheduled Castes including
six offered to Arunthathiyars on preferential basis amongst the Scheduled Castes,
two for the Scheduled Tribes, fifty three for the Backward Classes (other than
Backward Class Muslims, Most Backward Classes, and Denotified Communities),
seven for the Backward Class Muslims, forty for the Most Backward Classes and the
Denotified Communities and sixty two shall be filled on the basis of merit:

Provided that if even after filling up of the required appointments or posts

reserved for Arunthathiyars amongst the Scheduled Castes in Schedule III to this
part, if more number of qualified Arunthathiyars are available, such excess number
of candidates of Arunthathiyars shall be entitled to compete with the other Scheduled
Castes in the inter-se-merit among them and if any appointment or post reserved for
Arunthathiyars remain unfilled for want of adequate number of qualified candidates, it
shall be filled up by Scheduled Castes other than Arunthathiyars”;
# Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.55 P&AR (S) dt.08-04-2009 w.e.f. 29-04-2009.
(aa) Out of the total number of appointments reserved in the categories
referred to in clause (a), in the case of appointment made by direct recruitment, one
percent in each such category shall be separately reserved for the blind, deaf and
orthopaedically handicapped candidates and the appointment shall be made in turn
and in the order of rotation as specified in Schedule III-A to this part:
Provided that the appointment of physically handicapped candidates, against
the reserved turns shall be subject to availability of such candidates:
Provided further that if no qualified and suitable candidate is available from a
particular category of handicapped, namely the blind, the deaf or the orthopaedically
handicapped, the vacancy can be filled up by candidates belonging to any of the
other two categories: @ This shall, however, be subject to the third proviso to this
@ Provided also that in the teaching posts of School Education Department,
Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department, Social Welfare Department and
Backward Classes and Most Backward Classes Department, other than
orthopaedically physically handicapped, the reservation for the blind shall be two
percent, and there shall be no reservation for the deaf. In the non-teaching posts in
the above Departments, other than orthopaedically physically handicapped, the
reservation for the deaf shall be two percent, and there shall be no reservation for
the blind:”.
@ Inserted vide G.O.Ms.No.169 P&AR(S) Dept. dt. 25.9.2006 w.e.f. 25.9.2006
Provided also that if no qualified and suitable physically handicapped
candidate belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Most Backward
Class/Denotified Community is available for selection for appointment against the
reserved turn, such turn shall be filled up by a candidate other than physically
handicapped belonging to that category and if no such candidate is available in that
category for selection for appointment against the reserved turn, such turn shall be
carried forward as provided in clause (d):
Provided also that in the case of appointment of candidates belonging to
Backward Classes (other than Most Backward Classes/Denotified Communities)
Backward Class Muslims or in the case of appointment of candidates on the basis of
merit, if no qualified and suitable physically handicapped candidate is available for
selection for appointment against the reserved turn, such turn shall be filled up by a
candidate other than physically handicapped belonging to that category and if no
such candidate is available in that category for selection for appointment against the
reserved turn, such turn shall be allowed to lapse;
$Provided also that in so far as the Executive Posts are concerned, the
reservation for physically handicapped candidates shall be made applicable in
respect of suitable posts in Groups ‘A’ and ‘B’ as identified in the list approved by the
State Government and to all posts in Groups ‘C’ and ‘D’ , subject to condition that the
physically handicapped candidate shall, before appointment, produce a certificate of
physical fitness from the Medical Board to the effect that his handicap will not affect
the performance of the job to which he has been selected.
$Provided also that if the vacancies notified are identified suitable for only
any two of the three categories of the physically handicapped, namely; blind and
deaf or deaf and orthopeadically handicapped or blind and orthopeadically
handicapped and if the total number of vacancies meant for the ineligible category of
the physically handicapped is even, it shall be distributed equally between the other
two eligible categories, or if the said total number of vacancies is odd, the extra
vacancy shall be allotted to either of the two eligible category of physically
handicapped, which has higher population as per the latest census.
$Provided also that if the vacancies notified or identified suitable for only one
category of physically handicapped then all the 3 per cent vacancies shall be allotted
to that particular category of physically handicapped.
$Inserted in G.O.Ms No.76, P&AR (S) Department, dated.19.06.09 w.e.f.11.04.2005
Provided also that the recruiting or appointing authorities are permitted to
continue recruitment from the last point at which the selection was made prior to the
22nd June 1990 with reference to the then existing 50 point roster. Where
recruitment has already been made for a few posts only not involving the 51st Point
(which has been reserved for Scheduled Tribe from the 22nd June 1990) the
recruiting or appointing authorities are to continue the 100 point roster. However,
where recruitment has been made after the 22nd June 1990 in large numbers
involving 51st point, the selection has to be refitted from the 51st Point onwards with
reference to the revised 100 point roster and the backlog of vacancy for Scheduled
Tribes be filled up in view of the ban on dereservation of vacancy reserved for
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes with effect from the 1st April 1989.
Provided also that nothing contained in this rule shall adversely affect the
notifications of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission already issued, inviting
applications and selections or appointments made following the fifty point roster on
and from the 22nd June 1990 till the 21st January 1993.
# "(ab) Out of the total number of appointments reserved in the categories
referred to in clause (a), in the case of appointment made by direct recruitment to
Group 'C' posts, five percent in each such category shall be reserved for
Ex-servicemen and subject to availability of such candidates, the appointment shall
be made in turn and in the order of rotation as specified in SCHEDULE III-B to this

# " Provided that if no qualified and suitable Ex-serviceman belonging

to a particular category is available for selection for appointment against the
reserved turn, such turn shall be filled up by a candidate other than an Ex-
serviceman but belonging to the particular category and if no such candidates is
available even in that category for selection for appointment against the
reserved turn, such turn shall be carried forward as provided in clause (d).

# ( Inserted vide G.O.Ms.No.18, P.&A.R.(S) Dept. dated 22.1.2007 )

(b) The claims of members of the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes,
the Backward Classes (Other than Most Backward Classes/Denotified Communities)
Backward Class Muslims and the Most Backward Classes/Denotified Communities
shall also be considered for the thirty one appointments, which shall be filled on the
basis or merit and where a candidate belonging to a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled
Tribe, Backward Class (Other than Most Backward Class/Denotified Community)
Backward Class Muslims or Most Backward Class/Denotified Community selected
on the basis of merit, the number of posts reserved for the Scheduled Castes, the
Scheduled Tribes, the Backward Classes, (other than Most Backward
Classes/Denotified Communities), Backward Class Muslims or the Most Backward
Classes/ Denotified Communities as the case may be, shall not in any way be
** Substituted Vide G.O.Ms.No.159, P & AR, dt.27-6-94 w.e.f. 22.6.1990
(c) Selection for appointment under this rule shall be made in the order of
rotation specified in Schedule III to this part.

@“Explanation.- The vacancies arising on and from the 29th April 2009 shall
be filled up as per Schedule III and all selections for appointment shall be started
afresh from serial number one in the said Schedule III with effect on and from the
said date:

Provided that the Notifications, if any, already made by any of the recruiting
agencies on or after 15 th September 2007 with reference to 200 point roster
prescribed in G.O.Ms.No.241, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (K)
Department, dated.29.10.2007, G.O.Ms.No.101, Personnel and Administrative
Reforms (K) Department, dated.30.05.2008 and in G.O.Ms.No.206, Personnel and
Administrative Reforms (K) Department, dated.06.11.2008 need not be reopened
and for further recruitments, the revised roster prescribed in the Schedule III shall be
continued from the last turn upto which the selection was already made:

Provided further that nothing contained in this rule shall adversely affect the
publication of results by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission for the posts of
Typist and Steno-Typist in Group IV Services (2007) and Veterinary Assistant
Surgeon (2006-07) and Research Assistant, Institute of Veterinary and Preventive
Medicine, Ranipet (2006-07 and 2007-08)”;
@ Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.55 P&AR (S) dt.08-04-2009 w.e.f. 29-04-2009
*[ (d) If qualified and suitable candidates belonging to any of the Backward
Classes, Backward Class Muslims including the Most Backward Classes and
Denotified Communities are not available for selection for appointment by
recruitment by transfer or by promotion in the turns allotted to them, the turns so
allotted shall lapse and the selection for appointment for the vacancies shall be
made by the next turn in the order of rotation:
Provided that if qualified and suitable candidates belonging to any of the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are not available for selection for
appointment by recruitment by transfer or by promotion in the turns allotted to them
in the cycle, the turns so allotted to them shall not lapse and the number of
candidates to be selected in that recruitment shall be reduced by the number of
candidates belonging to Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes not available for
selection against the turn allotted to them; the unfilled vacancies reserved for the
Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes to be filled by recruitment by transfer or by
promotion shall be carried over to the four consecutive recruitment years, namely,
year of recruitment plus three subsequent recruitment years. The selection for
appointment to the vacancies in the next recruitment shall be made first for the
carried over turns and then the normal rotation shall be followed. If qualified and
suitable candidates belonging to any of the Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes
are not available for selection for appointment by recruitment by transfer or by
promotion even thereafter, the vacancies reserved for those categories shall first be
dereserved by obtaining the orders of the Government before filling them by
candidates in the next turns in the order of rotation:
Provided further that the normal number of vacancies reserved for the
candidates belonging to the Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes and the carried
forward vacancies as specified in the first proviso shall not exceed fifty percent of the
total number of vacancies for a particular recruitment. If there be two vacancies only,
one of them shall be treated as a reserved vacancy. If there be one vacancy only, it
shall be treated as unreserved. The surplus of the fifty percent shall be carried
forward to the subsequent recruitment subject, however, to the condition that the
particular vacancies carried forward do not become time barred due to their
continued existence for more than three years. Selection for appointment to the
oldest carried forward vacancies shall be made first.
Provided also that in the case of selection for appointment by direct
recruitment, with effect on and from the Ist April 1989, there shall be a ban on
dereservation of vacancies reserved for the candidates belonging to any of the
Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes, Most Backward Classes and Denotified
Communities to be appointed by direct recruitment. But the above ban on
dereservation of vacancies shall not be applicable to the vacancies reserved for the
Backward Classes (other than Most Backward Classes and Denotified
Communities), Backward Class Muslims and therefore if qualified and suitable
candidates belonging to any of the Backward Classes (other than Most Backward
Classes and Denotified Communities), Backward Class Muslims are not available for
appointment, the turn, so allotted to them shall lapse and the vacancy shall be filled
by the next turn in the order of rotation. If sufficient number of qualified and suitable
candidates belong to any of the Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes Most
Backward Classes and De-notified Communities are not available for selection for
appointment for the vacancies reserved for them by direct recruitment in the first
attempt of recruitment, then a second attempt shall be made for selection of the
candidates belonging to the respective communities by direct recruitment in the
same recruitment year or as early as possible before the next direct recruitment for
selection of candidates against such vacancies. If the required number of
candidates belonging to such communities are not available even then, the
vacancies for which selection could not be made shall remain unfilled until the next
recruitment year treating them as “backlog” vacancies. In the subsequent year,
when direct recruitment is made for the vacancies of that year (called the current
vacancies), the “backlog” vacancies shall also be announced for direct recruitment,
keeping the vacancies of the particular recruitment year, namely, the current year
vacancies and the “backlog” vacancies as two distinct groups as illustrated in
Schedule V to this part. While in respect of vacancies for the year of recruitment, the
normal procedure relating to the calculation of vacancies reserved for the candidates
belonging to such communities as well as the instructions that not more than fifty
percent of the vacancies shall be reserved for Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes
communities and physically handicapped shall apply, selection for appointment for
all the “backlog” vacancies reserved for such communities shall be made by the
candidates belonging to such communities without any restriction as they belong to
distinct group of “backlog” vacancies. The selection for appointment in the next direct
recruitment shall be made first for the “backlog” vacancies and then the normal
rotation shall be followed:
Provided also that in exceptional cases for posts in Groups A and B for which
suitable candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Most
Backward Classes or Denotified Communities are not available against the
respective reserved vacancies and the non-filling up of posts causes hardship for
running the administration, exemption from the ban shall be granted by the
Government. The procedure for carrying forward of such vacancies and for
exemption from this ban under this rule shall be as specified in Schedule V to these
*(Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.337. P & AR, dt.8-10-92, w.e.f.1-4-1989.)

**Provided also that when a candidate selected for appointment against a

vacancy for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Most Backward
Classes/Denotified Communities, Backward Classes, Backward Class Muslims or
General Turn, does not join duty in the post for which he is appointed or his
provisional selection for that post is cancelled for any reason, a candidate in his
place shall be appointed from the respective @category and in accordance with the
ranking from the Reserve list:
@Inserted by G.O.Ms.No.27,P&AR(S) Dept dated 18.02.2008 w.e.f.

**Provided also that the candidates appointed from the Reserve list shall be
placed below all the candidates appointed from the regular list in the same order in
which the vacancies have arisen:” ;

(** Inserted vide G.O.Ms.No.146 P&AR(S) Dept. dated 13.9.2006 w.e.f.


#Provided also that the Reserve list shall be operated even against the
vacancies caused due to the fact that the candidates have joined duty but left
thereafter while the Reserve list is in force.

(# Inserted vide G.O.Ms.No.146 P&AR(S) Dept. dated 13.9.2006 w.e.f.

13.9.2006 )
(e) The amendment made to this rule by G.O.Ms.No.379, Personnel and
Administrative Reforms, dated 27th March, 1980 and Published with the Personnel
and Administrative Reforms Department Notification S.R.O.Xo.B-20080 dated the
27th March 1980 at page 210, 211 part-III Section 1(b) of the Tamil Nadu
Government Gazette dated the 16th April 1980, shall apply also to cases were
recruitment has already been notified by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
or by any other competent authority without indicating the specific number of
vacancies to be filled under each category—i.e. General Turn, Backward Classes
and Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes—and where the selection and ranking in
accordance with the rule of reservation of appointment has not already been made,
notwithstanding that such notification had been issued earlier than the 24th January
*(f) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Special Rules for various State
and Subordinate Services, the rule of reservation shall not apply to the appointments
on Compassionate grounds.
*Inserted in G.O.Ms.No.334, P & AR, dated 2-9-93, w.e.f. 2-9-93.
**(g) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule, in order to restore the
representation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in a service, where their
representation is less than 18% and 1% respectively, each department shall furnish
$“such vacancies treating them as” shortfall vacancies of Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes in the lowest level of posts in each of the Groups A,B,C and D,
besides the posts of Junior Assistants , Typist and Steno-Typist Grade III in the
Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service and the Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial Service, to the
Government and the Government in turn shall inform the same to the recruiting
agencies for notifying the vacancies for direct recruitment as a one time measure.
$Provided that reservation for women and physically handicapped and Ex-
servicemen shall not apply to the said recruitment.
**Inserted by G.O.Ms.No.220, P&AR, dated 14.09.2007 w.e.f. 14.09.2007.
$Inserted in G.O.Ms.No.229, , P&AR, dated 26.12.2008 w.e.f. 14.09.2007.
23. (a) (i) Date of Commencement of probation of persons first
appointed temporarily - If a person appointed temporarily either under sub-rule (a)
or sub-rule (b) of the rule 10 to fill a v vacancy in any service, class or category
otherwise than in accordance with the rules governing appointment thereto, such
vacancy being a vacancy which may be filled by direct recruitment, is subsequently
appointed to the service, class or category in accordance with the rules, he shall
commence his probation if any, in such category either from the date of his first
temporary appointment or from such subsequent date, as the appointing authority
may determine. If the post is one to which appointment may be made by transfer,
and the person who had been appointed the there to either under General Rule
10(a) or 10(d) is subsequently recruited thereto by transfer and included in the list of
approved candidates, the appointing authority may, in his discretion, allow such
person to commence his probation if any, from the date of his first temporary
appointment or from such subsequent date, as the appointing authority may
*Provided that the date so determined by the appointing authority to
commence probation in this clause, shall not be earlier than the date of
commencement of probation of the junior most person already in service.
*Added in G.O.Ms.No.429, P&AR, dt.17-4-86 w.e.f. 23.9.1983.
**Provided further that on the date so determined by the appointing authority
to commence probation in this clause, the person shall not only possess all the
qualifications prescribed for appointment to the service but also be fit for inclusion in
the list of approved candidates drawn up by the Tamil Nadu Public Service
Commission or the appointing authority, as the case may be.)
**Added in G.O.Ms.No.429, P&AR, dt.17-4-86 w.e.f. 17.4.1986.
(ii) A person who commences probation under clause (i) shall also be
eligible to draw increments in the time scale of pay applicable to him from the date of
commencement of his probation. Where commencement of probation is ordered
from a date earlier than the date of the order and if this had not been enabled by
relaxation of any rule, he shall draw increments, including arrears, in this time-scale,
of pay applicable to him from such earlier date. The appointing authority shall include
a provision to this effect while issuing orders in all such cases.
(b) Service in a different service counting for probation—A probationer in
a service or a class or category of service shall be eligible to count for probation, his
service, if any, performed otherwise than in a substantive capacity on regular
appointment to another service in accordance with the rules if the normal method of
recruitment to the latter service is, according to the rules, by transfer from the former
service or the class or category thereof, as the case may be.
(c) Service in a higher category counting for probation—A probationer in
any category of a service or class of a service shall be eligible to count for probation,
his service, if any, performed otherwise than in substantive capacity on regular
appointment to a higher category of the same service or class of service, as the case
may be.
Nothing contained in this sub-rule shall be construed as authorising the
promotion of a probationer in a category to a higher category in contravention of rule
(d) Temporary service counting for probation—A probationer in one
service who is appointed temporarily to another service, Subordinate or State, under
sub-rule (a) or sub-rule (d) of rule 10 shall be entitled to count towards his probation
in the former service the period of duty performed by him in the latter service during
which he would have held a post in the former service but for such temporary
(e) Service on temporary promotion counting for probation—A
probationer in any category of a service who is promoted temporarily under the
provisions of rule 39 to a higher category in the same service shall be entitled to
count towards his probation, if any, in the former category the period of duty
performed by him in the latter category during which he would have held a post in
the former category but for such temporary promotion.
(f) Military duty to count for probation—The period of Military or a
probationer shall count towards his probation in the post held by him prior to his
joining military duty; it shall also count towards his probation in the post to which he
may be appointed under rule 9.
(g) Service under foreign service to count for probation—A probationer
in a category or class of a service who is or has been deputed to foreign service
shall be entitled to count towards his probation in that particular category or class of
the former service, the period of duty performed by him under foreign service during
which he would have held a post in the former service;
Provided that the scale of pay applicable to the post in foreign service is
either equal or higher than that applicable to the post in the parent department and
that the duties and responsibilities of the posts are comparable.
*23A. Completion of probation and drawl of arrears of increment--
A probationer shall be eligible for sanction of increments on normal dates
irrespective of declaration of satisfactory completion of probation, subject to the
provisions in Rule 28 so far as it relates to extension of probation on grounds of
unsuitability. In cases where the probationer is to acquire any special qualification or
to pass any prescribed test within the period of probation, or within the extended
period of probation referred to in Rule 28, the first increment in cases where the
period of probation is one year and the second increment in case where the period
of probation is two years, shall be sanctioned only after acquiring the qualification or
passing the test.
*Inserted in G.O.Ms.No.618, P&AR, dt,6-7-87, w.e.f. 6-7-87.
24. @
24A. @
25. @
25A. @
@Deleted in G.O.Ms.No.293, P & AR (Per.P) dt.30-3-84.
26. Termination or extension of probation - (a) Where the special rules of any
service prescribe a period of probation for appointment as a full member of the
service, or where such period of probation has been extended under General Rule
28, the appointing authority may, at any time before the expiry of the prescribed
period of probation or the extended period of probation, as the case may be—
(i) discharge a probationer from the service for want of a vacancy; or
(ii) at its discretion, by order, either extend the period of probation of the
probationer in case the probation has not been extended under General Rule 28 or
terminate his probation and discharge him from service after giving him a reasonable
opportunity of showing cause against the proposed termination of probation;
Provided that where a probationer has been given reasonable opportunity of
showing cause against the imposition on him of any of the penalties specified in
clauses (iv), (vi), (vii) and (viii) of rule 8 of the Tamil Nadu Civil Services (Discipline
and Appeal) Rules and at the conclusion of the disciplinary proceedings a tentative
conclusion is arrived as to terminate his probation, a further opportunity of showing
cause specifically against termination of his probation need not be given to him.
Explanation - An opportunity to show cause may be given after the appointing
authority arrives at a provisional conclusion on the suitability or otherwise of the
probationer for full membership of the service, either by such authority himself or by
a subordinate authority who is superior in rank to the probationer.
(b) (i) If within the period of probation a probationer fails to acquire the special
qualifications or to pass the special tests if any, prescribed in the Special Rules or to
acquire such other qualifications as may be declared by the State Government or by
the appointing authority with the approval of the State Government to be equivalent
to the said special qualifications or special tests, the appointing authority shall, by
order, discharge him from the service unless the period of probation is extended
under rule 28.
(ii) If within the period of probation prescribed in the special rules for the
service or within the extended period of probation, as the case may be, a probationer
has appeared for any such tests or for any examinations in connection with the
acquisition of any such qualifications and the results of the tests or examinations for
which he has so appeared are not known before the expiry of such period, he shall
continue to be on probation until the publication of the results of the tests or
examinations for which he has appeared or the first of them in which he fails to pass,
as the case may be.
In case the probationer fails to pass any of the tests or examinations for
which he has so appeared, the appointing authority shall, by order, discharge him
from the service.
*Explanation - The maximum period upto which the probation of a
Government servant shall be extended so as to enable him to acquire the test
qualification, be fixed as five years. If he does not acquire the test qualification even
within the maximum period of five years, he shall be reverted and the qualified and
eligible juniors shall be considered for promotion. If such a person is appointed by
direct recruitment and has not acquired the test qualification even within the
maximum period of five years, his probation shall be terminated.
*Added in G.O.Ms.No.1168, P&AR (Per.P), dt.20-11-81, w.e.f 3-3-81.
(iii) Any delay in the issue of an order discharging a probationer under clause
(i) or clause (ii) shall not entitle him to be deemed to have satisfactorily completed
his probation.
27. Probationer’s suitability for full membership - (a) At the end of the
prescribed or extended period of probation, as the case may be, the appointing
authority shall consider the probationer’s suitability for full membership of the
service, class or category for which he was selected.
(b) If the appointing authority decides that a probationer is suitable for such
membership, it shall, as soon as possible, issue an order declaring the probationer to
have satisfactorily completed his probation. If no such order is issued within six
months from the date on which he is eligible for such declaration, the probationer
shall be deemed to have satisfactorily completed his probation on the date of expiry
of the prescribed or extended period of probation. A formal order declaring the
completion of probation shall, however, be issued by the competent authority. In all
cases in which serious charges are pending, and therefore, probation cannot be
declared, an order to the effect that the question of declaration of probation cannot
be considered till the charges are disposed of shall be issued by the competent
authority within six months from the due date for completion of probation and the
final order on probation shall be passed as early as possible and in any case within
one month after the disposal of the charges or six months after the due date for
completion of probation, whichever is later.
*(Explanation — For the purpose of calculating the period of probation of a
probationer, complete calender months, irrespective of the number of days in each
month, shall first be calculated and then the odd number of days calculated
subsequently. Periods of leave, if any, taken during the period of a probation shall
be excluded while calculating the period of probation.)
*Inserted in G.O.Ms.No.749, P&AR, dt.30-7-86, w.e.f. 30-7-86
(c) If the appointing authority decides that the probationer is not suitable for
such membership. it shall, unless the period of probation is extended under rule 28,
by order, discharge him from the service after giving him a reasonable opportunity of
showing cause against the action proposed to be taken in regard to him:
Provided that where a probationer has been given a reasonable opportunity
of showing cause against the imposition on him of any of the penalties specified in
clauses (iv), (vi) (vii) and (viii) of rule 8 of the Tamil Nadu Civil Services (Discipline
and Appeal) Rules and at the conclusion of the disciplinary proceeding, a tentative
conclusion is arrived as to discharge him from the service, a further opportunity of
showing cause specifically against such discharge need not be given to him.
Explanation I - The decision of the appointing authority that the probationer is
not suitable for full membership may be based also on his work and conduct till the
date of the decision, inclusive of the period subsequent to the prescribed or
extended period of probation.
Explanation II - An opportunity to show cause may be given after the
appointing authority arrives at a provisional conclusion on the suitability or otherwise
of the probationer for full membership of the service, either by such authority himself
or by a subordinate authority who is superior in rank to the probationer.
Explanation III - Where the competent authority proposes to terminate the
probation of a member of a service for general unsatisfactory work or incapacity
without the need for enquiry into specific charges, he shall do so under General
Rules 26 or 27, as the case may be. In cases where he proposes the terminate the
probationer of such member for specific charges in addition to, or distinct from,
general inefficiency or incapacity, he shall frame specific charges and follow the
detailed procedure laid down in rule 17 (b) of the Tamil Nadu Civil Services
(Discipline and Appeal) Rules, as such termination of probation by way of penalty will
attract the provisions of 311(2) of the Constitution of India.
27-A. Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 27 of these rules except in
cases where serious charges are pending, all officers, appointed by direct
recruitment or by promotion or by transfer before the 1st January 1957 and whose
probation has not yet been declared, shall under this rule and without further
examination of their individual cases, be declared to have completed their probation,
from the date on which they were eligible for such a declaration. Among those
appointed on or after Ist January 1957, officers appointed on promotion or transfer,
shall also be declared to have completed their probation satisfactorily, if on the 8th
January 1962, they were eligible for such declaration and if no serious charges were
pending against them. The cases of direct recruits appointed after Ist January 1957,
shall be examined individually and orders passed by the competent authority within
six months, from 8th January 1962; and if no orders are passed within this period of
six months, they shall be deemed to have satisfactorily completed their probation on
the date of expiry of the prescribed or extended period of probation. In the case of all
officers appointed by direct recruitment or by promotion or by transfer, whose due
date of completion of probation is on or after the Ist January 1962, but before the 8th
January 1962, the order on their probation shall issue within six months from the
date on which they are eligible for such declaration; and if no order is passed by the
competent authority within this period, the officers shall be deemed to have
completed their probation:
Provided that in all cases of completion of probation under this rule, formal
orders declaring the completion of probation shall be issued by the competent
28. Extension of probation - In the case of any probationer falling under
sub-rule (b) of rule 26 or sub-rule (c) of Rule 27, the appointing authority may extend
his probation to enable him to acquire the special qualifications or pass the
prescribed tests, or, as the case may be, to enable the appointing authority to decide
whether the probationer is suitable for full membership or not.
The period of probation as extended under sub-rule (a) (ii) of rule 26 or sub-
rule (c) of rule 27 or in a case where a probationer is reverted due to want of
vacancy during the extended period shall terminate at the latest when the
probationer has, after the date of expiry of the period of probation prescribed for the
service, class or category in which he is on probation, completed three years on duty
in such service, class or category.
The period of probation as extended under sub-rule (b) of rule 26 shall
terminate at the latest when the probationer, has, after the date of expiry of the
period of probation prescribed for the service, class or category in which he is on
probation, completed three years of duty in such service, class or category.
In cases where the probation of probationer is extended a condition shall
unless there are special reason to the contrary, be attached to the order of extension
of probation that the probationer’s increment shall be stopped until he is declared to
have satisfactorily completed his probation. Such stoppage of increment shall not be
treated as a penalty but only as a condition of extension of probation and shall not
have the effect of postponing future increments after he has passed the prescribed
tests, or examinations or after he is declared to have satisfactorily completed his
29. Exercise of certain powers of appointing authority by higher
authorities— The powers conferred on the appointing authority, other than the State
Government, ma0y be exercised also by any higher authority to whom the appointing
authority is administratively subordinate whether directly or indirectly, in the following
1 Termination of probation of a probationer under rule 26 (a) (ii)
2. Discharge of probationer under rule 27 (c).
3. Extension of probation under rule 26 (a) (ii) or rule 28.
*29-A. Exercise of certain powers of appointing authority by lower
authorities- The powers conferred on the Appointing Authority or the competent
authority, as the case may be, to declare the satisfactory completion of probation
under rule 27 or rule 27-A or to extend the period of probation under rule 26(a) (ii) or
rule 28 shall also be exercised by an authority competent to withhold the increment
of a Government servant.
*Inserted in G.O.Ms.No.666, P & AR, dt.7-7-1984, w.e.f. 7-7-84
#Provided that the Head of an office shall also exercise the powers conferred
on the Appointing Authority to declare the satisfactory completion of probation under
rule 27 or 27-A of Government Servants in Group ‘D’.
#Added in Go.Ms.No.476, P & AR, dt.9-9-88, w.e.f.9-9-88.

30. Appeal against discharge - (a) A probationer who is discharged under

clause (ii) of sub-rule (a) of rule 26 or under sub-rule (c) of rule 27 shall be entitled to
appeal against the order of discharge passed by the competent authority to the
authority to which and within the period of limitation within which an appeal would lie
against an order of dismissal passed by the competent authority against a full
member of his service, class or category, as the case may be:
Provided that in the case of a probationer in a State Services who is
discharged from service by an authority subordinate to the state Government, an
appeal shall lie to the State Government.
(b) The authority competent to entertain an appeal under sub-rule (a) may,
either of its own motion or otherwise, revise any order discharging a probationer
under any of the provisions referred to in the said sub-rule within one year of the
date of such order.
(c) (i) When an order discharging a probationer is set aside on appeal under
sub-rule (a) or on revision under sub-rule (b) and the probationer is restored to the
service, the period on and from the date of discharge, to the date of such restoration
may, with the previous sanction of the State Government, be treated as on duty
except for purposes of probation. The period of probation undergone by such
probationer at the time of his discharge shall, however, count towards the period of
probation prescribed by the rules applicable to him.
(ii) Such probationer may, during the period on and from the date of his
discharge to the date of his restoration, be paid such pay and allowances not
exceeding the pay and allowances to which he would have been entitled if he had
not been discharged, as the authority passing the order under sub-rule (a) or (b)
may, with the previous sanction of the State Government, determine.
@31. Appointment of full members--Subject to the provisions of rule 9 and
sub-rule (a) of rule 35, an approved probationer shall be considered for confirmation
of service immediately after the declaration of his probation. Such confirmation of
service shall be made in the entry level post to which he was first appointed. A
specific order of confirmation of service shall be issued.
@[Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.125, P&AR (S) Department, dated 10-7-2000 w.e.f.
32. Appointment as full member, discharge and re-appointment of member
who are not probationers or approved probationers—In regard to person
appointed to any class or category of a service by promotion, in respect of whom the
Special Rules of the service do not prescribe a period of probation in the class or a
category to which they have been promoted, rules, 7, 8 and 31 in this part shall be
construed as if ‘Probation’ and ‘Probationer’ or ‘approved probationer’ meant
‘officiating service’ and ‘person officiating’ respectively.
33. Deleted [ vide G.O.Ms.No.237, P & AR (S) Dept., dt.17-6-96 w.e.f.5.7.1994]
34. Penalty on a member on maximum of his scale for failure to pass
prescribed tests—Where the Special Rules prescribe stoppage of increments as a
penalty for failure to pass a special test or acquire a special qualification prescribed
in those rules, such failure shall, in the case of member who has reached the
maximum of the time-scale of pay applicable to him, render him liable to the penalty
of reduction to the next lower stage in his time scale.
35 (a) The seniority of a person in a service, class or category or grade shall
unless he has been reduced to a lower rank as a punishment be determined by the
rank obtained by him in the list of approved candidates drawn up by the Tamil Nadu
Public Service Commission or other Appointing Authority, as the case may be,
subject to the rule of reservation where it applies. The date of commencement of his
probation shall be the date on which he joins duty irrespective of his seniority.
*(aa) The seniority of a person in a service, class, category or grade shall,
where the normal method of recruitment to that service, class, category or grade is
by more than one method of recruitment, unless the individual has been reduced to a
lower rank as a punishment, be determined with reference to the date on which he
is appointed to the services, class, category or grade;
Provided that where the junior appointed by a particular method or
recruitment happens to be appointed to a service, class, category or grade, earlier
than the senior appointed by the same method of recruitment, the senior shall be
deemed to have been appointed to the service, class, category or grade on the same
day on which the junior was so appointed:
Provided further that the benefit of the above proviso shall be available to the
senior only for the purpose of fixing inter-se-seniority:
Provided also that where persons appointed by more than one method of
recruitment are appointed or deemed to have been appointed to the service, class,
category or grade on the same day, their inter-se-seniority shall be decided with
reference to their age.
*Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.523, P & AR, dt.4-6-82, w.e.f.13-7-78.
(b) The transfer of a person from one class or category of a service to
another class or category carrying the same pay or scale of pay shall not be treated
as first appointment to the latter for purpose of seniority and the seniority of a person
so transferred all be determined with reference to the rank in the class or category
from which he was transferred; where any difficulty or doubt arises in applying this
sub-rule, seniority shall be determined by the appointing authority.
(c) Where a member of any service, class, category or grade is reduced to a
lower service, class, category or grade he shall be placed at the top of the latter
unless the authority ordering such reduction directs that he shall take rank in such
lower service, class, category or grade, next below any specified member thereof.
(d) The seniority of any person in a service or post of the merged territory of
Pudukkottai, who is absolutely in a service or post under the Government of Tamil
Nadu shall be determined as follows:—
(i) If he is absorbed in a post similar to that which he was formerly holding
in the service of the merged territory of Pudukkottai, his seniority shall be determined
by the date from which he was holding the former post continuously.
(ii) If he is absorbed in a post of a higher cadre carrying a higher scale of
pay than that which he was formerly holding in the service of the merged territory of
Pudukottai his seniority shall be determined by the date on which he joined the post
under the Government of Tamil Nadu.
(iii) If he is absorbed in a post other than those specified in clauses (i) and
(ii), which does not improve his cadre and scale of pay in the service of the merged
territory of Pudukottai, his seniority shall be determined on the basis of merit.
(e) Deleted [in G.O.Ms.No.293, P & AR (Per.P), dt.30-3-1984.]
$ (f) Application for the revision of seniority of a person in a service, class,
category or grade shall be submitted to the appointing authority within a period of
three years from the date of appointment to such service, class, category or grade or
within a period of three years from the date of order fixing the seniority, as the case
may be. Any application received after the said period of three years shall be
summarily rejected. This shall not, however, be applicable to cases of rectifying
orders, resulting from mistake of facts.
$ Added in G.O.Ms.No.1140, P & AR (Per.P), dt 2-12-1983.
36. (a) Promotion—No member of a service or class of a service shall be
eligible for promotion from the category in which he was appointed to the service
unless he has satisfactorily completed his probation in that category:
Provided that a member of a service or class of a service who, having
satisfactorily completed his probation in the category in which he was appointed to
the Service, has been promoted to the next higher category shall, notwithstanding
that he has not been declared to have satisfactorily completed his probation in such
higher category be eligible for promotion from such higher category :
*Provided further that if scales of pay of posts in the feeder categories are
different, the persons holding post carrying a higher scale of pay in the feeder
category shall be considered first and that, if no qualified and suitable persons
holding post in that feeder category are available, the persons holding post carrying
the next higher scale of pay in descending order in other feeder categories shall be
*Added in G.O.Ms.No.400. P & AR (Per.P), dt.17-4-85, w.e.f.13-10-84
(b) (i) Promotions to selection category or grade-- Promotions in a service
or class to a selection category or to a selection grade shall be made on grounds of
merit and ability, seniority, being considered only where merit and ability are
approximately equal. The inter-se-seniority among the persons found suitable for
such promotion shall be with reference to the inter-se-seniority of such persons in
the lower post.
* (ii) Promotion according to seniority - All other promotions shall, be
made in accordance with seniority unless—
(1) the promotion of a Member has been withheld as a penalty, or
(2) a Member is given special promotion for conspicuous merit and ability.
*Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.295, P & AR, dt-12-5-1988, w.e.f. 11-6-87.
#(c) Appointment of a member to higher category not to be considered
if he had been on leave for three or four years or more continuously--
Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (a) and (b), a member of a service
who had been on leave for a period of three years continuously for any reason
except higher studies or for a period of four years continuously for higher studies,
shall not be considered for appointment to a higher category either by promotion or
by recruitment by transfer unless he has completed service for a period of one year
from the date on which he joins duty on return from leave.
# inserted in G.O.Ms.No.863, P & AR (Per.P), dt.2-9-86, w.e.f. 28-3-1984.
(d) Deleted [ in G.O.Ms.No.863, P & AR, dt 2-9-1986.]
36.A. Appointment by Recruitment by Transfer—Appointments by
recruitment by transfer to a class or category in a State Service from among the
holders of posts in a Subordinate Service, shall be made on grounds of merit and
ability, seniority being considered only where merit and ability are approximately
Introduced Vide G.O.Ms.No.33, P & AR (S) Dept., dt.30-1-1996 w.e.f.30-1-1996.
@36.B.No Promotion or Recruitment by Transfer during extension of
Service:-No member of a service, who is on extension of service after
superannuation , shall be considered for appointment either by promotion or by
recruitment by transfer to a higher category, during the period of extension of
@Inserted vide G.O.Ms.No.108,P&AR dated 25.06.2008 w.e.f. 27.12.2006.
#37. Revision of the list approved candidates for appointment by
promotion or by recruitment by transfer - The list of approved candidates for
appointment by promotion or by recruitment by transfer may be revised by an
authority to which an appeal or Review petition would lie against an order of
dismissal passed on a full member of the service, class, category or grade, as the
case may be, such revision may be made by the appellate authority or the reviewing
authority as the case may be aforesaid after consulting the Commission where such
consultation is necessary in respect of posts which are within the commission’s
purview either suo motu at any time, or on a petition submitted by an aggrieved
member within two months ** in the case of State Services and within three months
in the case of Subordinate Services, from the date on which the list is displayed in
the Notice Board in the office of the appointing authority .
** (Vide G.O.Ms.No.37 P&AR(S) Dept. dated 7.4.2006 w.e.f. 25-07-2003.)
If no representation is received within the said periods, the list communicated
shall be deemed to be final:
Provided that the above said periods may be extended by the appellate authority
or the reviewing authority as the case may be if sufficient cause is shown for the
delay in the submission of the petition.
#Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.999, P & AR (Per.P) dt.22-11-1983
38. Annulment, modification or reversion of the list of approved candidates
for appointment or promotion by Government-- Notwithstanding anything
contained in these rules or in the Special Rules, the State Government shall have
power to annul, modify or reverse a list of approved candidates for appointment or
promotion to any category, class or service prepared by the head of a department or
any other lower authority in exercise of the powers conferred on him by the Special
Rules for any Service.
39. Temporary promotion — *(a) (i) Where it is necessary in the public interest
owing to an emergency which has arisen to fill immediately a vacancy in a post
borne on the cadre of a higher category in a service or class by promotion from lower
category and there would be undue delay in making such promotion in accordance
with the rules, the appointing authority may temporarily promote a person, who
possesses the qualifications prescribed for the post, otherwise than in accordance
with the rules.
*[Substituted Vide G.O.Ms.No.21, P & AR (S) Dept., dt.23-1-96 w.e.f.23-1-1996]
(b) Where it is necessary to fill a short vacancy in a post borne on the cadre
of a higher category in service or class by promotion from lower category and the
appointment of the person who is entitled to such promotion under the rules would
involve excessive expenditure on travelling allowance or exceptional administrative
inconvenience, the appointing authority may promote any other person who
possesses the qualification if any prescribed for the higher category.
**(c) A person temporarily promoted under sub-rule (a) shall be replaced as soon
as possible by the member of the service, who is entitled to the promotion under the
**[Substituted Vide G.O.Ms.No.21, P & AR (S) Dept., dt.23-1-96 w.e.f.23-1-96]
(d) Where it is necessary to promote an officer against whom an enquiry into
allegations of corruption or misconduct is pending the appointing authority may
promote him temporarily pending enquiry into the charges against him. The
competent authority shall have discretion to make regular promotion in suitable
(e) A person promoted under sub-rule (a) (b) or (d) shall not be regarded as a
probationer in the higher category or be entitled by reason only of such promotion to
any preferential claim to future promotion to such higher category. The services of a
person promoted under sub-rule (a) (b) or (d) shall be liable to be terminated by the
appointing authority at any time without notice and without any reason being
(f) (i) A person promoted under sub-rule (a) or (d) shall commence his
probation if any, in such category either from the date of his temporary promotion or
from such subsequent date as the appointing authority may determine;
Provided that on the date so determined, the person possesses all the
qualifications prescribed for promotion to the service, class or category, as the case
may be.
(ii) He shall also be eligible to draw increments in the time scale of pay
applicable to him from the date of commencement of his probation. Where
commencement of probation is ordered from a date earlier than the date of the order
and if this has not been enabled by relaxation of any rule, he shall draw increments,
including arrears, in the time scale of pay applicable to him from such earlier date.
The appointing authority shall include a provision to this effect while issuing order in
all such cases.
(g) Omitted[ Vide G.O.Ms.No.21, P & AR (S) Dept., dt.23-1-1996 w.e.f.23-1-1996]
(gg) A person, promoted under the rules to hold a post borne on the cadre of a
service, class or category, who has rendered continuous temporary service shall be
eligible to draw annual increments in the scale of pay for the post, subject to the
conditions that the rules do not prescribe any special qualification to be acquired or
test to be passed as a condition precedent to the drawal of such increments or
increment is not denied as a measure of specific punishments.
[Substituted Vide G.O.Ms.No.21, P & AR (S) Dept., dt.23-1-1996 w.e.f.23-1-1996]
40. Postings and transfers - (a) A member of a service or class of service may
be required to serve in any post borne on the cadre of such service or class for
which he is qualified.
(b) All transfers and postings shall be made by the appointing authority:
Provided that where the appointing authority is not the State Government,
any authority to whom the appointing authority is administratively subordinate will in
respect of any post within the jurisdiction of the appointing authority also be
competent to effect transfers and postings to a post within the jurisdiction aforesaid:
Provided further that where leave not involving extra cost to Government is
granted to an officer by virtue of the delegation under Fundamental Rule 66, the
Head of Department or the subordinate authority concerned may repost the officer
on return from leave granted by it to the same place.
*(c) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules or in any special
rules/ad-hoc rules, the State Government may, transfer any Government servant
from one revenue district to another revenue district within the State, on
administrative grounds.
*Added in G.O.Ms.No.678, P & AR (Per.S), dt.20-7-1987, w.e.f. 20-7-1987
40-A. Omitted vide G.O.Ms.No.237, P.&A.R.(S) Dept. dated 18.12.2006 w.e.f.
41. Consequences of resignation - A member of a service shall if he resigns
his appointment, forfeit not only the service rendered by him in the particular post
held by him at the time of resignation but all his previous service under the
The reappointment of such person to any service shall be treated in the same
way as a first appointment to such service by direct recruitment and all rules
governing such appointment shall apply; and on such reappointment he shall not be
entitled to count any portion of his previous service for any benefit or concession
admissible under any rule or order:
Provided that nothing contained in this rule shall effect the operation of proviso to
rule 23 or of rule 25 of the Tamil Nadu Liberalised Pension Rules, 1978:
*Provided further that a member of a service, who has resigned his appointment
and contested in the General Election to Parliament or State Legislature or in the
Elections to local bodies either as a party candidate or as an independent candidate,
shall not be eligible for reappointment to any service.
*Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.534, P&AR(P) Dept. dt. 21.5.1985 w.e.f. 27.8.1984
#41-A. Acceptance of resignation (a) - A Government servant may resign his
appointment by giving notice of not less than three months in writing direct to the
appointing authority with a copy marked to his immediate superior officer. The period
of three months notice shall be reckoned from the date of receipt of such notice by
the appointing authority.
(b) The Government servant may withdraw the notice of his resignation before its
acceptance. Withdrawal of resignation will not be permitted after its acceptance by
the appointing authority.
(c) The appointing authority shall issue orders on the notice of resignation before
the date of expiry of notice, either accepting the resignation from a date not later
than the date of expiry of the notice or rejecting the same, giving the reasons
therefor. If no such order is passed, the resignation shall be deemed to have been
accepted on the expiry of the period of notice.
(d) Notice of resignation given by the Government servant shall be accepted by
the appointing authority, subject to the condition:—
(i) that not disciplinary proceeding is contemplated or pending against the
Government servant concerned under sub-rule (b) of rule 17 of the Tamil Nadu Civil
Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules;
(ii) that a report from the Director of Vigilance and Anti-corruption has
been obtained to the effect that no enquiry is contemplated or pending against the
Government servant concerned;
(iii) that no dues are pending to be recovered by the Government from the
Government servant concerned:
(iv) that there is no contractual obligation of any kind including contractual
obligation to serve the Government during the period in which the Government
servant concerned seeks to resign.
(e) Notwithstanding anything contained in clauses (i) and (ii) of sub-rule (d),
where a Government servant, under suspension or against whom disciplinary or
criminal action or vigilance enquiry is pending, seeks to resign, the appointing
authority shall examine the nature and gravity of the case and may accept the
resignation, if the case is not such as would warrant rejection of the notice of
#Substituted in G.O.Ms.NO.144 P & AR (S) dt.17-06-98 w.e.f. 17.6.1998
42. Military duty to count for pension - (a) Notwithstanding anything contained
in these rules or the Special Rules and notwithstanding anything contained in the
Fundamental Rules or the Pension Rules made or deemed to be made by the State
Government, the member of a service who was deputed for military duty shall be
entitled to count the period spent on military duty for the purpose of pension if he
would have counted for that purpose his service in the civil department but for his
deputation for military duty.
Explanation — (1) This sub-rule shall in its application to a member who was
called to or employed in service paid for from Defense Services Estimates, be
subject to the conditions specified in the letter of the Government of India, War
Department (Army Branch) to the Accountant-General in India, No.11008/A.G. 13(a),
dated the 11th June 1944, recorded in G.O.No.465, Finance, dated 6th September
Explanation - (2) Nothing contained in this sub-rule shall be deemed to authorize
a person who held any post in any of the temporary services mentioned in the
Madras A.R.P. Service Rules, 1941, who had not already been a member of any of
the State or Subordinate Services to count his service in such post towards pension.
(b) A member of a service who is serving in the Army in India Reserve of
Officers shall, in respect of such service be governed by the rules in Appendix ‘A’ to
the Regulations for Army in India Reserve of Officers, 1939.
*43. Reversion and re-appointment of full member—A full member shall be
liable to be reverted to the lower post from which he has been promoted at any time,
if the number of persons so entitled for reversion is more than the number of posts
available in the higher category.
Explanation:— If a person who is confirmed or whose probation in a higher
category has been declared as having been completed or one who is holding a post
in a higher category on a regular basis, for which there is no probation, reverts from
deputation or foreign service and if there is no vacancy in that category to
accommodate him, the junior most person in the category appointed to the post shall
be reverted. If, however, the person reverted from deputation of foreign service
himself is the junior most, he shall be reverted to the next lower category from which
he was earlier promoted.
*Substituted Vide G.O.Ms.No.237, P & AR (S) Dept., dt.17-6-1997 w.e.f.5-7-1994
(b) Appointment in place of members dismissed, removed, compulsorily
retired or reduced—Where a person has been dismissed, removed, compulsorily
retired or substantively reduced from any service, class, category or grade, no
vacancy caused thereby or arising subsequently in such service, class, category or
grade, shall be substantively filled to the prejudice of such person until the expiry of a
period of one year from the date of such dismissal, removal, compulsory retirement
or reduction or until the appeal if any, preferred by him against such dismissal,
removal, compulsory retirement or reduction is decided, whichever is later.
44. Savings — (a) (i) Unless a contrary intention is expressly indicated therein,
nothing contained in these rules shall adversely affect any person who was a
member of any service on the date of coming into force of these rules.
(ii) Unless a contrary intention is expressly indicated therein nothing contained in
any Special Rules governing a service shall adversely affect any person who was a
member of such service on the date of coming into force thereof.
(b) Subject to the provision of sub-rule (c) where these rules or the Special Rules
would adversely affect in respect of any matter a person who was a member of any
service before the date of coming into force thereof, he shall, in respect of such
matter, be governed by the rules and orders, if any, which were applicable to him
immediately prior to such date.
(c) A person who before the issue of the special rules for a service had officiated
in a post which was subsequently included in the service or a class or category
thereof but who is not entitled to be regarded as a probationer or as an approved
probationer under sub-rule (d) shall, if he is again appointed to such post after the
issue of the Special Rules without contravening any orders of the State Government,
be entitled to count his previous service in such post towards the prescribed period
of probation:
Provided that such previous service shall not count towards probation if there
was an interval of a continuous period of two years or more during which he was not
holding a post in the same or higher category.
Explanation — The re-appointment of a person under this sub-rule shall not,
for the purpose of rules regulating recruitment, be regarded as first appointment to
the service, class or category concerned.
(d) If before the issue of the Special Rules, a person had been exempted under
the orders then in force from the possession of any qualification or the passing of
any test and the possession of such qualification of the passing of such test is
prescribed by such Special Rules they shall not apply to such person to the extent
and in respect of the category, grade or post, specially covered by the order of
45. Re-employment of pensioners—Nothing in these rules or the Special Rules
shall be construed to limit or abridge the powers of the State Government and of
subordinate authorities to re-employ persons who have retired on a civil pension or
gratuity or who while in service were subscribers to a Contributory Provident Fund, in
any service in accordance with the provisions contained in the Tamil Nadu Pension
Rules, 1978. The re-employment of such a person in any service shall not be
regarded as a first appointment to that service.
46. Appointment of All-India Service officers to State posts - Notwithstanding
anything contained in these rules or the Special Rules an officiating or permanent
officer of an All-India Service may be appointed to any State service or class or
category thereof, such officer shall not by reason of such appointment, cease to be a
member of an All - India Service:
Provided that no member of the Indian Administrative Service or the Indian
Police Service shall be appointed to a post in any State Service, or class or category
thereof, unless such post is declared by the State Government to be equivalent in
status and responsibility to a post specified in Schedule III to the Indian
Administrative Service (Pay) Rules, 1954, or as the case may be, in Schedule III to
the Indian Police Service (Pay) Rules, 1954 as may be in force from time to time.
47. Relinquishment of rights by members - (1) Any person may in writing,
relinquish any right or privilege to which he may be entitled under these rules or the
Special Rules if, in the opinion of the appointing authority, such relinquishment is not
opposed to public interest; and nothing contained in these rules or the Special Rules
shall be deemed to require the recognition of any right or privilege to the extent to
which it has been so relinquished.
*(2) Relinquishment of a right or privilege for a temporary period shall be
accepted if it is made for a period of not less than three years subject to the condition
that after the expiry of the said period, the claim of the right or privilege relinquished
will be with reference to the state of affairs that exist on the date of expiry of period of
relinquishment and without restoration of original seniority. If relinquishment of right
or privilege is made permanently and is accepted subsequent claim of the
relinquished rights or privileges shall not be entertained.
*Inserted in G.O.Ms.No.494, P & AR (Per.S), dt.20-9-1988, w.e.f. 20-9-1988.
48. Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules or in the special rules, the
Governor shall have power to deal with the case of any person or class of persons
serving in a civil capacity under the Government of Tamil Nadu or of any person who
has or of any class of persons who have served as aforesaid or any candidate or
class of candidates for appointment to a service in such manner as may appear to
him to be just and equitable:
Provided that, where any such rule is applicable to the case of any person or
class of persons, the case shall not be dealt with in any manner less favourable to
him or them than that provided by that rule.
49. Alteration of date of birth --(a) If, at the time of appointment, a candidate
claims that his date of birth is different from that entered in his S.S.L.C. or
Matriculation Register or School records, he shall make an application to the Tamil
Nadu Public Service Commission in cases where the appointment is made in
consultation with the Commission and in other cases to the appointing authority
stating the evidence on which he relies and explaining how the mistake occurred.
The application shall be forwarded to the Commissioner of Revenue Administration
for report after investigation by an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Collector
and, on receipt of the report, the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission or the
appointing authority, as the case may be, shall decide whether the alteration of date
of birth may be permitted or the application may be rejected:
Provided that in case of a candidate who was born outside the State of Tamil
Nadu the investigation through the Commissioner of Revenue Administration shall
be dispensed with and the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission or the appointing
authority, as the case may be, shall examine and scrutinize the records that may be
produced by the candidate and shall decide whether the alteration of date of birth
may be permitted or the application may be rejected.
(b) After a person has entered service, an application to alter the date of his
birth as entered in the official records shall be entertained only if such an application
is made within five years of such entry into service. Such an application shall be
made to the authority competent to make an appointment to the post held by the
applicant at the time of his application and shall be disposed of in accordance with
the procedure laid down in sub-rule (a).
(c) Any application received after five years after entry into service or any
application, which is not supported by entries in Secondary School Leaving
Certificate, School, College or University records, birth extract from records of local
bodies or military discharge certificates, shall be summarily rejected.
*Proviso— [Omitted in G.O.Ms.No.388, P & AR (Per.S), dt.27-12-95, w.e.f.3-8-94]
(d) In considering the question of permitting an alteration on the date of birth
as entered in the official records even when such entry is proved to have been due
to a bonafide mistake, the Government or the appointing authority shall take into
consideration the circumstance whether the applicant would normally be eligible for
appointment to the post at the time of entry into service had his age been correctly
stated and what would have been its effect on his service and the service conditions
of other officers in the service and may permit the alteration subject to such condition
as they or it may deem fit to impose:
Provided that the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission shall be consulted
in the case of an applicant who has been initially recruited through the Tamil Nadu
Public Service Commission, if it is proposed to accept his request for alteration of
date of birth.
(e) The Procedure laid down in sub-rule (a) shall be followed in all cases
where alteration of date of birth is proposed suo motu by the Head of Office on the
basis of medical opinion, in the absence of any other authoritative records.
Explanation - For the purpose of this sub-rule “authoritative records” are the
secondary school leaving certificate or University, College, or School records or
Discharge Certificate of Army.
(f) The decision of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, the appointing
authority or the Government, as the case may be, shall be final.
*49.A.(1) Correction of date of birth-- After a person has entered service, if it is
found that his date of birth entered in his Service Register is different from that
entered in the Secondary School Leaving Certificate or Military Discharge Certificate,
which may be due to some clerical error or otherwise wrong entries, application for
correction of such clerical error or wrong entries, shall be made to the appointing
authority. Such corrections in the Service Register shall be made straightway by the
appointing authority. If the date of birth in the Service Register was entered on the
basis of the Secondary School Leaving Certificate, correction of clerical error or
wrong entries shall be made only with reference to Secondary School Leaving
Certificate and if the date of birth in the Service Register was entered on the basis of
the Military Discharge Certificate, correction of clerical error or wrong entries shall be
made only with reference to the Military Discharge Certificate. Where the Secondary
School Leaving Certificate and the Military discharge certificate contain different
dates of birth, the date of birth entered in the secondary School Leaving Certificate
shall be accepted. But the date of birth entered in the Military Discharge Certificate
shall be accepted in the absence of the Secondary School Leaving Certificate.
*Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.855, P&AR (Per.P) dt.28-8-86, w.e.f. 28-8-86.
*(2) Where the date of birth of a person, whose qualification is less than the
minimum general educational qualification, is entered in the Service Register on the
basis of the medical certificate or the transfer certificate obtained from the school in
which he studied or an affidavit sworn before a Magistrate and if there is any error in
the entry so made, the appointing authority may, on application, make necessary
correction only with reference to the original record on the basis of which an entry
relating to the date of birth is made in the Service Register.
*Added in G.O.Ms.No.770, P & AR (Per.P), dt.12-8-1987, w.e.f.12-8-1987
#50. Age concessions for discharged State Government Employees or
temporary State Government Employees - Notwithstanding anything contained in
these rules or in the special rules for the various State and Subordinate Services, in
the case of discharged State Government employee or a temporary State
Government employee who has not completed forty years of age the actual period of
his service under the State Government, whether continuous or non-continuous shall
be excluded in computing his age for appointment to any post under the State
Government including the appointment made through the Tamil Nadu Public Service
Explanation — For the purpose of this rule, a discharged State Government
employee is a person who was in the employment of the State and was discharged
because of reduction in establishment or for any other reason but not as disciplinary
#Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.223, P & AR, dt.13-3-86, w.e.f.10-7-85.
51. Application of adhoc rules - Where a temporary post is made permanent
and if for any reason, no special rules governing such post are made, the adhoc
rules applicable to the said post shall continue to apply to the said post, until special
rules are made for the said post.
52. Age concession for Ex-servicemen— (a) Notwithstanding anything
contained in these rules or in the special rules for the various State and Subordinate
Services, an ex-serviceman who has not completed 48 years of age, if he does not
belong to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe or Backward Class and 53 years, if he
belongs to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe or Backward Class on 1st day of July
of the year in which the selection for appointment is made, but is otherwise qualified
and whose name is suggested by a local Employment Exchange for appointment to
a vacancy under the State Government notified to it shall be eligible for such
*Explanation:— For the purpose of this sub-rule, “Ex-serviceman” means a
person who--

(a) any person who had served in any rank (whether as Combatant or not) in
the Armed Forces of the Union and has been released therefrom on or
before the 30th June 1968 otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge
on account of misconduct or inefficiency; or

(b) any person who had served in any rank (whether as Combatant or not) in
the Armed Forces of the Union for a continuous period of not less than six
months after attestation and released therefrom between 1st July 1968
and 30th June 1979 (both days inclusive) otherwise than by way of
dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency; or

(c) any person who had served in any rank (whether as Combatant or not) in
the Armed Forces of the Union for a continuous period of not less than six
months after attestation if released between 1st July 1979 and 30th June
1987 (both days inclusive)

(i) for reasons other than at his own request or by way of

dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or
inefficiency; or
(ii) at his own request after serving for a period of not less than
five years; or

(d) any person who had served in any rank (whether as Combatant or not) in
the Armed Forces of the Indian Union and was released or retired on or
after 1st July 1987 with any kind of pension from Defence Budget or
released on or after 1st July 1987 on completion of specific terms of
engagement with gratuity otherwise than at his own request or by way of
dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency; or

(e) any person of the Territorial Army of the following categories, namely,
pension holder for continuous embodied service, person with disability
attributable to military service and gallantry award winner retired on or
after 15th November 1986; or

(f) any person of the Army Postal Service who retired on or after 19th July
1989 directly from the said Service without reversion to Postal &
Telegraph Department with pension or who has been released on or after
19th July 1989 from such Service on medical grounds attributable to
military service or circumstances beyond his control and awarded medical
or other disability pension; or

(g) any person discharged on or after July 1987 under Army Rule 13 (3) III (V)
for the reason that his service is no longer required and in receipt of

Provided that in all cases, a Recruit is not an ex-serviceman:

Provided further that a person discharged before July 1987 under Army Rule
13(3)III(V) for the reason that his Service is no longer required is not an
ex-serviceman .

*G.O.Ms.No.1 P&AR(S) Dept. dated 1.1.2004

(b) Nothing contained in sub-rule (a) shall be deemed to apply to any

appointment which is made through the agency of the Tamil Nadu Public Service
53. Age concession for physically handicapped - Notwithstanding anything
contained in these rules or in the special rules for the various State and Subordinate
Services, a physically handicapped person shall be eligible for an age concession
upto ten years over and above the age limits prescribed for the appointment to post
by direct recruitment only, provided the applicant is otherwise fully suitable and the
handicap is not such as would render his incapable of efficiently discharging the
duties of the post for which he is selected.
54: Deleted[ Vide G.O.Ms.No.37, P & AR (S) dated 30-1-96 w.e.f. 25-7-94]
*54.A.— Age concessions for appointment on compassionate grounds -
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Special Rules for various State and
Subordinate Services regarding the maximum age limit for appointment by direct
recruitment, in the case of appointment on Compassionate grounds, the maximum
age limit shall be ** 35 years in respect of the sons or the unmarried daughters and
50 years @ in respect of wife or husband of the Government servant, who died in
harness while in service, or retired from service on medical invalidation before
attaining the age of # fifty three years, as the case may be.
@G.O.Ms.No.20, P & AR (S) dt.2-2-98 with effect from 13-6-97
**[Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.20, P & AR (S) Deptt., dt 22-2-99 w.e.f 19th January
#G.O.Ms.No.1, P&AR(S) Dept. dt. 2.1.2002 w.e.f. 19.10.2000
Explanation 1— For the purpose of considering the maximum age limit, the date
of death of the Government Servant or the date of retirement on medical invalidation
before he attains the age of # fifty three years, as the case may be, shall be taken
into account.
*Inserted in G.O.Ms.No.334, P & AR (Per.S), dt.2-9-93, w.e.f. 11.3.1982 vide
G.O.Ms.No16 P&A.R(S) Dept., dated 1.2.2005
#Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.1, P&AR(S) Dept. dt. 2.1.2002 w.e.f. 19.10.2000
Explanation 2— The expression ‘sons and daughters’ in this rule includes a
widowed daughter, divorced daughter, or a married daughter deserted by her
husband and living with the family of the deceased Government servant, a legally
adopted son or a legally adopted daughter, whose adoption was made during the life
time of the deceased Government servant:
In respect of legally adopted son, it shall be with effect on and from the 11th
March 1982; in respect of legally adopted unmarried daughter, it shall be with effect
on and from the 26th October 1983; in respect of a widowed daughter or a divorced
daughter, it shall be with effect on and from the 17th June 1991; and in respect of a
married daughter deserted by her husband and living with the family of the deceased
Government Servant, it shall be with effect on and from 16th July 1993. (Introduced in
G.O.Ms.No.17 ,P & A.R(S) Dept. dated 1.2.2005 w.e.f. 11.3.1982.
Provided that the widowed daughter or divorced daughter or a married daughter
deserted by her husband and living with the family of the deceased Government
servant shall not be eligible to avail the concession of appointment on
compassionate grounds, unless they are nominated in writing by the widow or
widower of the deceased Government Servant;
*Substituted in G.O.Ms.NO.321, P & AR (Per.S) Dept., dt.7-12-1994, w. e. f 2nd
September 1993

Φ 54-B. Age concession for persons affected due to the ban on direct
recruitment. - Notwithstanding anything contained in the Special rules for the
various State and Subordinate Services or in any adhoc rules applicable to any
temporary post in the case of a person who has been affected due to the ban on
direct recruitment that was imposed on the 29th November 2001, the upper age limit
shall be raised to a maximum period of five years reckoned on and from the
17th July 2006, ending with the 16th July 2011, in computing his age for appointment
to any post under the State Government, except the categories of posts of Teachers,
Doctors and Police Constabulary and shall be applicable in respect of notifications
issued or selections made by competent recruiting authorities or appointments made
by competent appointing authorities during the aforesaid period”.
Φ Inserted in G.O.Ms.No.114, P & AR (S) Department, dt.11.8.2010, w.e.f.
*55. Employment concession for outstanding Scouts:— Notwithstanding
anything contained in these rules or in the special Rules for the various State and
Subordinate Services, other things being equal, preference shall be given to the
outstanding scouts for appointment to any post by direct recruitment.
Explanation— For the purpose of this rule “Out standing Scout” means a
scout who has received the award of the President of India.
*Added in G.O.Ms.No.549, P & AR, dt.4-10-89, w.e.f. 4-10-89.
**56. Deleted in G.O.Ms.No.178, P & AR (S) Deptt. dt.11-9-2000 .
@57. Appeal or Review:—(a) Where no specific provision for appeal or review
is made in these Rules, or in the Special Rules against any order passed under the
said rules for redressal of grievances, an appeal or review, as the case may be, shall
lie, to the authority to which an appeal or review petition would lie against an order of
(b) An appeal or review under sub-rule (a) shall be preferred within two
months from the date of receipt of the orders by the appellant on the review
petitioner, as the case may be;
(c) Every appeal or review under sub-rules (a) Shall be disposed of within
four months from the date of the receipt of the appeal or review petition.
(d) The appellate or reviewing authority may issue interim directions as it
deems fit, pending final decision thereon in order to avoid any irreparable loss to the
appellant or review petitioner or to avoid administrative inconvenience.
@ Introduced Vide G.O.Ms.No.35, P & AR (S) dated 30-1-1996 w.e.f. 30-1-96.

Ω 58. Committee on Appeals :- (a) The Committee on appeals shall consist of :-

Vigilance Commissioner and Commissioner Chairperson

for Administrative Reforms -

Secretary to Government,
Personnel and Administrative Reforms - Convenor

Secretary to Government of the

administrative department concerned - Member

Secretary to Government,
Law Department - Member

Secretary to Government,
Finance Department or his nominee - Member
(Financial matters)
Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service
Commission (Special invitee, in cases - Member
where, the views of the Tamil Nadu Public
Service Commission is required)
(b) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules or in the Special Rules
subject to the period of limitation specified in this regard, an application for revision
of seniority under sub-rule (f) of rule 35, a petition for revision of list of approved
candidates under rule 37 or an appeal or review under rule 57 in which the
Government are the appointing, appellate, revisionary or reviewing authority, as the
case may be, shall be disposed of as hereinafter provided.
(c) An application or petition referred to in sub-rule (b), shall be referred to the
Committee on Appeals by the administrative department concerned apprising the full
facts of the case for its advice. The Committee on Appeals shall consider the same
and tender its advice on the matters so referred to the Committee, for getting orders
from Government. The administrative department concerned shall, thereafter
without again referring the matter to the advisory departments such as Personnel
and Administrative Reforms, Law and Finance referred to in sub-rule (a), subject to
the consultation with Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission where such
consultation is necessary only as per the Constitution of India and the Tamil Nadu
Public Service Commission Regulations, 1954, pass order on the application or
petition, as the case may be, which shall be final.
Ω Inserted in G.O.Ms.No.157, P & AR (S) Department, dt.2.11.2009, w.e.f.

(See rule 12 (a) (i) )
Minimum General Education Qualification
(1) A pass in the Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination with
eligibility for admission to College Course of studies in the Universities in this State;
(2) A pass in the Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination of this State.
Explanation—(i) A person who had appeared for 11 year S.S.L.C. Public
Examination and obtained 35% marks in each subject either in one sitting or
compartmentally, shall be deemed to have passed the S.S.L.C. Public Examination.
Explanation—(ii) A person who had appeared for 11 year S.S.L.C. Public
Examination and had failed to obtain 35% marks in one or more subjects, but who
has appeared and obtained 35% marks in the corresponding subject or subjects in
10 year S.S.L.C. Public Examination, shall be deemed to have passed the S.S.L.C.
Public Examination.
Explanation—(iii) A person who had studied optional subjects in 11 year.
S.S.L.C. and failed in the optional subjects but had obtained 35% marks in all other
subjects except the optional subjects in 11 year S.S.L.C. Public Examination shall be
deemed to have passed the S.S.L.C. Public Examination.
Explanation— (iv) A person who had appeared and passed the X standard
Government Examination conducted by the Board of Open School, Tamil Nadu shall
be deemed to have passed S.S.L.C. Public Examination.
*Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.825, P & AR, dt.25-8-86, w.e.f. 25-8-86.


Second Class Language Test

(Referred to in rule 12-A)

Item of Syllabus of Test Number of Marks Duration

Maximum Minimum
(1) (2) (3) (4)


This passage shall have 20 to 30

sentences of which 10 to 15 sentences
shall be in simple and another 10 to 15 100 50 3 hours
sentences in complex sentences. The (Single Paper)
expressions used in these sentences
shall be on common subjects and not be
related to any technical subject like
engineering, medicine or mathematics.
Writing composition on any three topics
on the following subjects in not exceeding
15 sentences each.
100 50 3 hours
(1) Glory of Tamil Language (Single Paper)
(2) Population Growth
(3) Environment
(4) Mass Education
(5) Patriotism
(6) Greatness of Virtues
(7) Rural Development
(8) Co-operation
(9) women’s Development
(10) Public Services
(11) Need for Scientific knowledge

** (The standard of the written Test shall be in accordance with the syllabus prescribed for
Tamil Paper for the X Std. S.S.L.C. Public Examination.)


100 60
(i) Conversing with accuracy and fluency in
50 25
(ii) Dictating an order or delivering a short
address on a given subject in Tamil.

* Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.350, P & AR (Per.S), dt.6-8-90, w.e.f.1-1-94 [date of effect altered

as 1-1-94 in G.O.Ms.No.217, P & AR dated 12.8.1994]
** Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.50, P & AR, dt. 12-2-93, w.e.f. 6-8-90.

Taking down in English evidence given in 50 25
Tamil and asking questions in Tamil
Reading with fluency and translating
correctly three petitions in Tamil or other 100 50
official manuscripts written in a plain running

Explanation—In the case of candidates who are required to pass the Second Class Language
Test (full test) they will be allowed to appear for part D separately and will be required to appear for all
other parts at the time.

(See rule 19)



1. Agra University, Agra-282 004.
2. Alagappa University, Karaikudi-623 004.
3. Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202 001.
4. Allahabad University, Allahabad-211 002.
5. Amravati University, Amravati-444 604.
6. Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030.
7. Andhra University, Waltair, Vishakapatnam-530 003.
8. Andhra Pradesh Open University, Hyderabad-500 482.
9. Annamalai University, Annamalainagar-608 002.
10. Anna University, Sardar Patel Road, Madras-600 025.
11. Arunachal University, Itanagar-791 111.
12. Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785 013.
13. Avadh University, Faizabad-224 001.
14. Awadesh Pratap Singh University, Rewa-486 003.
15. Andhra Pradesh University of Health Sciences,, Vijayawada-520 005.
16. Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221 005.
17. Bangalore University, Bangalaore-560 056.
18. Barkatullah Vishwavidayalaya, Bhopal-462 026.
19. Berhampur University, Berhamput-760 007.
20. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur-812 007.
21. Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641 046.
22. Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-620 024.
23. Bidhanchandra Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Mohanpur, District Nadia, West Bengal-741 252.
24. Bihar University, Muzaffarpur-842 001.
25. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar-364 002.
26. Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi-834 006.
27. Bombay University, Bombay-400 032.
28. Bundelkhand University, Jhansi-284 001.
29. Burdwan University, Burdwan-713 104.
30. Calcutta University, Calcutta-700 073.
31. Calicut University, Calicut-673 635.
32. Chandrasekahar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur-208 002.
33. Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin-682 002.
34. Delhi University, Delhi-110 007.
35. Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore-452 001.
36. Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh-786 004.
37. Dr. Hari Singh Gaur Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar-470 003.
38. Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Madras-600 007.
39. Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, solan-173 230.
40. G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263 145.
41. Gauhati University, Gauhati-781 014.
42. Goa University, Bambolim P.O., Santacruz, Goa-403 005.
43. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur-273 009.
44. Gujarat Agricultural University, Sardar Krushinagar-385 506.
45. Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar-361 008.
46. Gujarat University, Ahmedabad-380 009.
47. Gulbarga University, Gulbarga-585 106.
48. Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur-495 009.
49. Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar-143 005.
50. Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004.
51. Hemavati Nandan Bahuguna Vishwavidyalaya, Srinagar (Garhwal)-246 174.
52. Himachal Pradesh Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Palampur-176 062.
53. Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla-171 005.
54. Hyderabad University, Hyderabad-500 134.
55. Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur-492 001.
56. Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi-110 011.
57. Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh-491 881. (Rajasthan)
58. Jadavpur University, Calcutta-700 032.
59. Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110 025.
60. Jammu University, Jammu-180 001.
61. Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur-482 004.
62. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad-500 028
63. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Mahrauli Road, New Delhi-110 067.
64. Jiwaji University, Gwalior-474 011.
65. Jodhpur University, Jodhpur-342 001.
66. Kakatiya University, Warangal-506 009.
67. Kalyani University, Kalyani-741 235.(W.B.)
68. Kameshawar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University, Darbhanga-846 008.
69. Kanpur University, Kanpur-208 024.
70. Karnatak University, Dharwad-580 003.
71. Kashmir University, Srinagar-190 006.
72. Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi-221 002.
73. Kerala Agricultural University, Tirchur-680 654.
74. Kerala University, Trivandrum-695 034.
75. Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli-415 712 District Ratnagiri.
76. Kota Open University, Kota-324 002.
77. Kumaun University, Nainital-263 001.
78. Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra-132 119.
79. Kuvempu University, B.R. Project, Shimoga District, Karnataka-577 115.
80. L.N. Mithila University, Darbanga-846 004.
81. Lucknow University, Lucknow-226 007.
82. M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara-390 002.
83. Madras University, Madras-600 005.
84. Madurai-Kamaraj University, Madurai-625 021.
85. Magadh University, Bodh Gaya-824 234.
86. Mahatma Gandhiji University, Kottayam-686 002.
87. Mahatama Phule Agricultural University, District Ahmednagar, Rahuri-413 722.
88. Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak-124 001.
89. Mangalore University, Light House Hill, Mangalore-575 003.
90. Manipur University, Imphal-795 003.
90.A. Manomaniam Sundarnar University, Tirunelveli-627 089.
(Added Vide G.O.Ms.No.14, P&AR (S) Dept., dt.9-1-96 w.e.f. 29-3-94.)
91. Marathwada Agricultural University, Parbhani-431 402.
92. Marathwada University, Aurangabad-431 004.
93. Meercut University, Meerut-250 005.
94. Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur-313 001.
95. Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal-624 102.
96. Mysore University, Nagpur-440 001.
97. Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur-522 510. (A.P.)
98. Nagpur University, Nagpur-440 001.
99. Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Narendra Nagar, Kumarganj,
Faizabad-224 229.
100. North Eastern Hill University, Shillong-793 001.
101. North Bengal University, P.O.North Bengal University, Rajaram Mohanpur, District Darjeeling-734
102. North Gujarat University, Patan-384 265 (N.G)
103. Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneshwar-751 003.
104. Osmania University, Hyderabad-500 007.
105. Punjab University, Chandigarh-160 014.
106. Patna University, Patna-800 005.
107. Pondicherry University, Pondicherry-605 001.
108. Poona University, Pune-411 007.
109. Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141 004.
110. Punjabrao Krishi Vidhyapeeth, Akola-444 104.
111. Punjabi University, Patiala-147 002.
112. Purvanohal University, Jaunpur (UP)-222 002.
113. Rabindra Bharati University, Calcutta-700 050.
114. Rajasthan University, Jaiput-302 004.
115. Rajasthan Agriculture University, Bikaner (Rajasthan).
116. Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur), Bihar-848 125.
117. Ranchi University, Ranchi-834 001.
118. Rani Durgavati Vishwavidalaya, Jabalpur-482 001.
119. Ravi Shankar University, Raipur-492 010.
120. Rohilkhand University, Barailly0243 001.
121. Roorkee University, Roorkee-247 667.
122. Sambalpur University, Sambalpur-768 019.
123. Sampurnanad Sanskrit Vishwavidalaya, Varanasi-221 002.
124. Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidya Nagar, Pin-388 120.
125. Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360 005.
126. Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, P.B. No.262, Srinagar-190-
001. (May to October).
45-B, Gandhinagar, P.B.No.87, Jammu Tawi-180 001. (November to April).
127. Shivaji University, Kolhapur-416 004.
128. Sh. Jaganth Sanskrit Vashwavidyalaya, Puri-752 002.
129. S.N.D.T. Women,s University, Bombay-400 020.
130. South Gujarat University, Surat-395 007.
131. Shri. Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur-515 003.
132. Sri Padmavati Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Tirupati-517 502.
133. Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati-517 502
134. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641 003.
135. Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Madras-600 007.
136. Tamil University, Thanjavur-613 001.
137. Telugu University, Kalabhavan, Hyderabad-500 004.
138. Tripura University, Agartala-799 004.
139. University of Agriultural Sciences, Bangalore-560 065.
140. University of Agricultural Sciences, Krishinagar, Dharwad-580 005.
141. Utkal University, Vaninagar, Buvhaneshwar-751 004.
142. University of Ajmer, Ajmer-500 001.
143. Vikram University, Ujjain-456 010.
144. Vidyasagar University, Midnapore-721 001.
145. Visva Bharathi, Shantiniketan-731 235.
146. Yashwantrao Chauhan Maharashtra Open University, Kulkarni Bagh, Nashik (Maharashtra).

Institution deemed to be Universities:

1. Banasthali Vidyapeeth, P.O. Banasthalividya Peeth-304 022, Rajasthan.
2. Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra-835 215 (Ranchi).
3. Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani-333 031.
4. Central Institute of English & Foreign Languaes, Hyderabad-500 007.
5. Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Versova, Bombay.
6. Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, Varanasi-221 007.
7. Dayal bagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagh, Agra-282 005.
8. Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram-624 302, District - Anna.
9. Gujarat Vidyapity, Ahmedabad-380 014.
10. Gurkula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Hardwar-249 404.
11. Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012.
12. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560 012.
13. Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute, Pune.
14. Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad-826 004.
15. International Institute for Population Sciences, Bombay-400 088.
16. Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar-243 122.
17. Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi-110 062.
18. National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal (Haryana).
19. National Museum Institute of the History of Art, Conservation and Museology, Delhi.
20. Rajasthan Vidyapith, Udaipur-313 001.
21. Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, Tirupathi.
22. School of Planning & Architecture, No.4, Block B, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110 002.
23. Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapity, New Delhi.
24. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthinilayam, District Anantapur-515 134 (AP)
25. Sri Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science & Higher Education for women, Coimbatore-641
26. Tata Institute of Social Sociences, Deonar, P.B.No.8313, Bombay-400 088.
27. Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune-411 037.
28. Thapper Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala-147 001.

Institutes Of National Importance

1. All Indian Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110 029.
2. Dakshina Bharathi Hindi Prachar Sabha, P.B. No.68, Hyderabad-500 004.
3. Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Bombay-400 076.
4. Indian Institute of Technology, Hauzkhas, New Delhi-110 016.
5. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur-208 016.
6. Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur-721 302.
7. Indian Institute of Technology, Madras-600 036.
8. Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta-700 035.
9. Postgraduate Institute of medical Education and Research, Chandigarh-160 012.
10. Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology, Trivandrum-695 011.

Institutes Established Under State Legislature Act

1. Sanjay Gandhi Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow-226 001.
2. Sher-I-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Post Bag No.27, Srinagar.
3. Nazam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad.
* Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.230, P & AR, dt. 28-6-91, w.e.f. 28-6-91.
(See rule 22 ( c ))
1. General Turn
2. Scheduled Castes (Arunthathiyars on preferential basis)
3. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
4. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
5. General Turn
6. Scheduled Castes
7. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
8. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
9. General Turn
10. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
11. General Turn
12. Scheduled Castes
13. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
14. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
15. Backward Class Muslims
16. Scheduled Castes
17. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
18. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
19. General Turn
20. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
21. General Turn
22. Scheduled Castes
23. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
24. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
25. General Turn
26. Scheduled Castes
27. General Turn
28. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
29. General Turn
30. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
31. General Turn
32. Scheduled Castes (Arunthathiyars on preferential basis)
33. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
34. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
35. General Turn
36. Scheduled Castes
37. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
38. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
39. General Turn
40. Backward Class Muslims
41. General Turn
42. Scheduled Castes
43. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
44. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
45. General Turn
46. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
47. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
48. General Turn
49. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
50. Scheduled Tribes
51. General Turn
52. Scheduled Castes
53. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
54. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
55. General Turn
56. Scheduled Castes
57. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
58. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
59. General Turn
60. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
61. General Turn
62. Scheduled Castes
63. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
64. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
65. General Turn
66. Scheduled Castes (Arunthathiyars on preferential basis)
67. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
68. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
69. General Turn
70. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
71. General Turn
72. Scheduled Castes
73. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
74. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
75. General Turn
76. Scheduled Castes
77. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
78. Backward Class Muslims
79. General Turn
80. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
81. General Turn
82. Scheduled Castes
83. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
84. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
85. General Turn
86. Scheduled Castes
87. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
88. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
89. General Turn
90. Backward Classes ( Other than Backward Class Muslims)
91. General Turn
92. Scheduled Castes
93. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
94. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
95. General Turn
96. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
97. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
98. General Turn
99. Backward Class Muslims
100. General Turn.
101. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
102. Scheduled Castes (Arunthathiyars on preferential basis)
103. General Turn
104. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
105. General Turn
106. Scheduled Castes
107. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
108. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
109. General Turn
110. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
111. General Turn
112. Scheduled Castes
113. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
114. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
115. General Turn
116. Scheduled Castes
117. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
118. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
119. General Turn
120. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
121. General Turn
122. Scheduled Castes
123. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
124. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
125. General Turn
126. Scheduled Castes
127. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
128. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
129. General Turn
130. Backward Class Muslims
131. General Turn
132. Scheduled Castes (Arunthathiyars on preferential basis)
133. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
134. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
135. General Turn
136. Scheduled Castes
137. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
138. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
139. General Turn
140. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
141. General Turn
142. Scheduled Castes
143. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
144. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
145. General Turn
146. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
147. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
148. General Turn
149. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
150. Scheduled Tribes
151. General Turn
152. Scheduled Castes
153. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
154. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
155. General Turn
156. Scheduled Castes
157. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
158. Backward Class Muslims
159. General Turn
160. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
161. General Turn
162. Scheduled Castes
163. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
164. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
165. General Turn
166. Scheduled Castes (Arunthathiyars on preferential basis)
167. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
168. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
169. General Turn
170. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
171. General Turn
172. Scheduled Castes
173. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
174. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
175. General Turn
176. Scheduled Castes
177. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
178. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
179. General Turn
180. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
181. General Turn
182. Scheduled Castes
183. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
184. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
185. General Turn
186. Scheduled Castes
187. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
188. Backward Class Muslims
189. General Turn
190. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
191. General Turn
192. Scheduled Castes
193. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
194. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
195. General Turn
196. Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
197. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
198. General Turn
199. Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims)
200. General Turn.

* Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.55 P&AR (S) dt.08-04-2009 w.e.f. 29-04-2009

[See rule 22 (aa)]
Reservation for blind, deaf and orthopaedically handicapped persons
The following turns indicated against the rotation shall be reserved for the particular physically
handicapped person:—
General Turn BLIND
Rotation Turn Rotation Turn
1 100 45,86 89
7,48 15 50 39
9 45 55,96 55
11 69 60 5
16,57 85 65 21
19 11 69 75
21 35 74 91
26,67 51 79 41
28 81 84 59
31 1 89 9
36,77 19 94 25
38 48 98 79
40 71

Backward Classes

Rotation Turn
5,15,25,35,45,55,65,75,85,95 8
7,17,27,37,47,57,67,77,87,97 47
9,19,29,39,49,59,69,79,89,99 88
Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
Rotation Turn
5,20,35,50, 65,80,95 57
9,24,39,54,69,84,99 27
11,26,41,56,71,86 83

Scheduled Castes Turn

2,52 76
11,61 92
15,65 52
19,69 42
28,78 62
32,82 16
36,86 12
45,95 26
48,98 82

Scheduled Tribes Turn

33 50
*Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.105, P&AR(S) Dept. dt. 20.6.2000 w.e.f. 6.5.2000
General Turn
Rotation Turn Rotation Turn
2 100 43 95
5 21 49,90 9
10,51 39 53 61
12 69 58,99 79
14 91 63 29
20,61 5 68 45

22 35 72 98
24 59 78 11
29,70 75 82 65
32 1 87 81
34 25 92 31
39,80 41 97 48
41 71
Rotation Turn
3,13,23,33,43,53,63,73,83,93, 20
8,18,28,38,48,58,68,78,88,98 40
10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 80

Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities

Rotation Turn
1,16,31,46,61,76,91 83
10,25,40,55,70,85,100 57
14,29,44,59,74,89 27

Scheduled Castes
Rotation Turn
4,54 36
8,58 32
17,67 52
21,71 6
25,75 2
34,84 16
37,87 72
41,91 66
50,100 82

Scheduled Tribes
Rotation Turn
62 50

General Turn
Rotation Turn Rotation Turn
3,44 95 47 15
6 21 52,93 31
8 45 56 85
13,54 61 61 100
15 91 66 51
18 11 71 69
23,64 29 76 19
25 59 81 35
27 81 85 89
32,73 98 91 1
35 25 95 55
37 48 100 71
42,83 65
Rotation Turn
1,11,21,31,41,51,61,71,81,91 74
4,14,24,34,44,54,64,74,84,94 14
6,16,26,36,46,56,66,76,86,96, 54

Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities

Rotation Turn
4,19,34,49,64,79,94, 27
6,21,36,51,66,81,96 83
15,30,45,60,75,90 57

Scheduled Castes
Rotation Turn
6,56 36
9,59 92
13,63 86
23,73 6
26,76 62
30,80 56
39,89 72
43,93 26
47,97 22
Scheduled Tribes
Rotation Turn
98 50
Reservation for Ex-servicemen in Group 'C' posts
(See rule 22 (ab))
The following turns indicated against the rotation shall be reserved for the Ex-



1) 1,11,21,31,41,51,61,71,81,91 31, 98,161

2) 2,12,22,32,42,52,62,72,82,92 27, 91,155

3) 3,13,23,33,43,53,63,73,83,93 21, 85,148

4) 4,14,24,34,44,54,64,74,84,94 11, 79, 141

5) 5,15,25,35,45,55,65,75,85,95 5, 71, 135, 200

6) 6,16,26,36,46,56,66,76,86,96 65, 129, 195

7) 7,17,27,37,47,57,67,77,87,97 59, 121, 189

8) 8,18,28,38,48,58,68,78,88,98 51, 115, 181

9) 9,19,29,39,49,59,69,79,89,99 45, 109, 175

10) 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 39, 103, 169




(1) 1, 21, 41, 61, 81 38, 114, 190
(2) 2, 22, 42, 62, 82 64, 140
(3) 3, 23, 43, 63 ,83 14, 90, 168
(4) 4, 24, 44, 64, 84 44, 118, 194
(5) 5, 25, 45, 65,85 68, 144
(6) 6, 26, 46, 66, 86 18, 94, 170
(7) 7, 27, 47, 67, 87 47, 120, 197
(8) 8, 28, 48, 68, 88 70, 147,
(9) 9, 29, 49, 69, 89 20, 97, 174
(10) 10, 30, 50, 70, 90 49, 124, 199
(11) 11, 31, 51, 71, 91 74, 149
(12) 12, 32, 52, 72, 92 24, 104, 178
(13) 13, 33, 53 , 73, 93 54, 128
(14) 14, 34, 54, 74, 94 4, 80, 154
(15) 15, 35, 55, 75, 95 30, 108, 180
(16) 16, 36, 56, 76, 96 58, 134
(17) 17, 37, 57, 77, 97 8, 84, 160
(18) 18, 38, 58, 78, 98 34, 110, 184
(19) 19, 39, 59, 79, 99 60, 138
(20) 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 10, 88, 164



1) 2, 22, 42, 62, 82 78

2) 5, 25, 45, 65, 85 40

3) 8, 28, 48, 68, 88 15

4) 10, 30, 50, 70, 90 188

5) 13, 33, 53, 73, 93 158

6) 16, 36, 56, 76, 96 130

7) 19, 39, 59, 79, 99 99




For every rotation 46,146



1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39,41,43,45, 62,192

2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44, 126




2, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72, 82, 92 102

5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95 166

9, 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, 79, 89, 99 32



5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95 150”


(See rule 21 ( c ))

(i) In respect of posts to which the rule of reservation of appointment applies,

with reference to the amended roster of rotation specified in SCHEDULE III to this
part, all the turns noted against each of the rotation as specified below shall be set
apart for women.



1) 1, 6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46 5,19,29,39,48,61,71,81,95,103,111
51,56,61,66,71,76,81,86,91,96 25,135,145,159,169,179,191,200

2) 2,7,12,17,22,27,32,37,42,47,52 9,25,31,41,55,65,75,89,98,105,119,
57,62,67,72,77,82,87,92,97 129,139,151,161,171,185,195,
3) 3,8,13,18,23,28,33,38,43,48,53 1,19,27,35,48,59,69,81,91,100,111,
58,63,68,73,78,83,88,93,98 121,131,145,155,165,179,189,198

4) 4,9,14,19,24,29,34,39,44,49,54 9,21,29,41,51,61,75,85,95,105,115
59,64,69,74,79,84,89,94,99, 125,139,148,159,171,181,191

5) 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 1,11,25,35,45,55,69,79,89,100,109
60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100 119,131,141,151,165,175,185,198




(1) 1, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 8,18,30,47,58,68,84,94,108,120,134,144,160,
61, 71, 81, 91 170, 180,197

(2) 2, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 8,18,34,47,58,70,84,94,110,120,134,147,160,

62, 72, 82, 92 170, 184,197

(3) 3, 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 8,20,34,47,60,70,84,97,110,120,138,147,160,

63, 73, 83, 93 174, 184,197,

(4) 4, 14, 24, 34, 44, 54, 10,20,34,49,60,70,88,97,110,124,138,147,164,174,184,199

64, 74, 84, 94

(5) 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 10,20,38,49,60,74,88,97,114,124,138,149,164, 174,190,199

65, 75, 85, 95

(6) 6, 16, 26, 36, 46, 10,24,38,49,64,74,88,104,114,124,140,149,164,178,190,199

56, 66, 76, 86, 96

(7) 7, 17, 27, 37, 47, 57, 14,24,38,54,64,74,90,104,114,128,140,149,168,178,190

67, 77, 87, 97

(8) 8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 58, 4,14,24,44,54,64,80,90,104,118,128,140,154,168,178,194

68, 78, 88, 98

(9) 9, 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 4,14,30,44,54,68,80,90,108,118,128,144,154,168,180,194

69, 79, 89, 99

(10) 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60,70, 4,18,30,44,58,68,80,94,108,118,134,144,154,170,180,194

80, 90, 100


1) 1,10,11,20,21,30,31,40,41,50, 40, 130

51, 60, 61,70,71,80,81,90,91,100

2) 2,12,22,32,42,52,62,72,82,92 15, 130

3) 3,13,23,33,43,53,63,73,83,93 15, 99

4) 4,14,24,34,44,54,64,74,84,94 5, 99,188

5) 5,15,25,35,45,55,65,75,85,95 99, 188

6) 6,16,26,36,46,56,66,76,86,96 78, 188

7) 7, 8, 17,18 ,27,28,37,38,47,48, 78, 158


8) 9,19,29,39,49,59,69,79,89,99 40, 158



For every rotation 7,23,43,57,73,93,107,123,143,157,173,193



IN EVERY ROTATION 12,26,52,76,92,116,142,162,182


1,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51,56,61,66,71,76,81,86,91,96 2, 102
2,7,12,17,22,27,32,37,42,47,52,57,62,67,72,77,82,87,92,97 2, 132
3,8,13,18,23,28,33,38,43,48,53,58,63,68,73,78,83,88,93,98 32, 132
4,9,14,19,24,29,34,39,44,49,54,59,64,69,74,79,84,89,94,99 66, 166
5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100 66

1) 2,5,7,10,12,15,17,20,22,25,27,30
32,35,37,40,42,45,47,50,52,55,57 50
2) 3,8,13,18,23,28,33,38,43,48,53,58 150

** (ii) In respect of posts to which the rule of reservation of appointments does not apply, for
every ten vacancies, the roster of reservation shall be follows:-

1. General 6. Women
2. General 7. General
3. Women 8. General
4. General 9. Women
5. General 10. General

**[Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.105, P&AR (S) Department, dated 20th June 2000 - w.e.f.

(iii) In respect of posts to which the rule of reservation of appointment applies, with
reference to the existing roster of rotation specified in Schedule III to this part, all the turns
noted under each category against each of the rotation as specified below shall be set apart
for destitute widow:-


1) 1, 51, 5, 111,

2) 2, 52 25, 129

3) 3, 53 35, 145

4) 4, 54 51, 159

5) 5, 55 69, 175

6) 6, 56 81, 191

7) 7, 57 98

8) 8, 58 1, 111
9) 9, 59 21, 125

10) 10, 60 35, 141

11) 11, 61 48, 159

12) 12, 62 65, 171

13) 13, 63 81, 189

14) 14, 64 95

15) 15, 65 1, 109

16) 16, 66 19, 125

17) 17, 67 31, 139

18) 18, 68 48, 155

19) 19, 69 61, 171

20) 20, 70 79, 185

21) 21, 71 95, 200

22) 22, 72 105

23) 23, 73 19, 121

24) 24, 74 29, 139

25) 25, 75 45, 151

26) 26, 76 61, 169

27) 27, 77 75, 185

28) 28, 78 91, 198

29) 29, 79 105

30) 30, 80 11, 119

31) 31, 81 29, 135

32) 32, 82 41, 151

33) 33, 83 59, 165

34) 34, 84 75, 181

35) 35, 85 89, 198

36) 36, 86 103

37) 37, 87 9, 119

38) 38, 88 27, 131

39) 39, 89 41, 148

40) 40, 90 55, 165

41) 41, 91 71, 179

42) 42, 92 89, 195

43) 43, 93 100

44) 44, 94 9, 115

45) 45, 95 25, 131

46) 46, 96 39, 145

47) 47, 97 55, 161

48) 48, 98 69, 179

49) 49, 99 85, 191

50) 50, 100 100




(1) 1, 62 8, 134
(2) 2 58, 184
(3) 3,42, 64 110
(4) 4 34, 164
(5) 5, 44, 66 88
(6) 6 10, 140
(7) 7, 46 64, 190
(8) 8, 30, 69 118
(9) 9, 48 44, 168
(10) 10, 32, 71 94
(11) 11, 50 18, 144
(12) 12, 73 70, 197
(13) 13, 52, 91 120
(14) 14, 75 49, 174
(15) 15, 54, 93 97
(16) 16, 77 24, 149
(17) 17 74
(18) 18, 79 4, 128
(19) 19 54, 180
(20) 20, 59, 81 108
(21) 21 30, 160
(22) 22, 61, 83 84
(23) 23 8, 138
(24) 24,63 60, 184
(25) 25, 47, 86 114
(26) 26, 65 38, 164
(27) 27,149, 88 90
(28) 28, 67 14, 140
(29) 29, 90 68, 194
(30) 31, 92 47, 170
(31) 33, 94 20, 147
(32) 34 70, 199
(33) 35, 74,96 124
(34) 36 49, 178

(35) 37, 76,98 104

(36) 38 24, 154
(37) 39, 78, 100 80
(38) 40 4, 134
(39) 41, 80 58, 180
(40) 43, 82 34, 160
(41) 45, 84 10, 138
(42) 51 68, 197
(43) 53 47, 174
(44) 55 20, 149
(45) 56, 95 74, 199
(46) 57 128
(47) 58, 97 54, 178
(48) 60, 99 30, 154
(49) 68 64, 194
(50) 70 44, 170
(51) 72 18, 147
(52) 85 60, 190
(53) 87 38, 168
(54) 89 14, 144



1) 1,20,39 40

2) 5,24,86 188

3) 10,72,91 130

4) 15,34,53 99

5) 29,48,67 158

6) 44,63,82 15

7) 58,77,96 78




1) 1,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51,
56,61,66,71,76,81,86,91,96 7,173

2) 2,7,12,17,22,27,32,37,42,47,52 143

3) 3,8,13,18,23,28,33,38,43,48,53 107

4) 4,9,14,19,24,29,34,39,44,49,54, 73

5) 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 43


1) 1,11,21,31,41,51,61,71,81,91 12

2) 2,12,22,32,42,52,62,72,82,92 26

3) 3,13,23,33,43,53,63,73,83,93 52

4) 4,14,24,34,44,54,64,74,84,94 76

5) 5,15,25,35,45,55,65,75,85,95 92

6) 6,16,26,36,46,56,66,76,86,96 116

7) 7,17,27,37,47,57,67,77,87,97 142

8) 8,18,28,38,48,58,68,78,88,98 162

9) 9,19,29,39,49,59,69,79,89,99 182



1) 1,12,51,62 2
2) 6,56 102
3) 17,28,67,78 132
4) 23,73 32
5) 34,45,84,95 66
6) 39,89 166



1) 2,35,52,85 50

2) 18,68 150

$$ Substituted in G.O.Ms.No.55 P&AR (S) dt.08-04-2009 w.e.f. 29-04-2009

The method of carrying forward of vacancies reserved for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes candidates by direct recruitment is illustrated below:—
If five vacancies reserved for the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes remain unfilled in earlier years and they are carried forward as “backlog” vacancies and fifty
new vacancies arise in the year of recruitment of which nine vacancies are to be reserved for the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes fifteen vacancies for the Backward Classes, ten vacancies
for the Most Backward Classes and Denotified communities and sixteen vacancies for open
competition following the existing instructions on reservation, the number of vacancies to be
announced shall be as follows:—
Current Vacancies Backlog Vacancies
Open Scheduled Backward Most Scheduled Castes
competition Castes & Classes Backward and
Scheduled Classes and Scheduled
Tribes Denotified Tribes

Number 16 9 15 10 5
of Posts
It may be seen from the above that while the vacancies reserved for the Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes which remain unfilled shall be carried forward to the next year of recruitment as
“backlog” vacancies, the carried forward reservation for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
on the 1st April 1989 as a result of the filling up of the relevant vacancies after dereservation, shall
continue to be operated against “current” vacancies. If such reserved vacancies are still not filled up,
they shall be carried forward as “back log” vacancies.
While the ban on dereservation comes into effect on the 1st April 1989 in respect of direct
recruitment to Group A, B, C & D in case of vacancies in Groups A and B Services, there may be rare
and exceptional cases where after the non-availability of suitable candidates belonging to the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes posts cannot be allowed to remain vacant in public interest.
In such situations, the Administrative Department under which the recruitment is being made shall
make a proposal for dereservation giving full justification for such action, and consult the Director of
Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare and the Secretary to Government, Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare
and obtain the comments on each proposal. After obtaining the comments of the Director of Adi
Dravidar and Tribal Welfare and the Secretary, Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department, the
administrative department shall then place the proposal for dereservation along with the comments of
the Director of Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare before a committee comprising the Secretary to
Government, Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department, the Secretary to Government, Personnel
and Administrative Reforms Department and the Secretary to Government in charge of the
Department to which the recruitment is being made for consideration and recommendation. The
recommendation of this committee shall be placed before the Minister in charge of the Personnel and
Administrative Reforms Department and the Minister for Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare, for a final
In case of such vacancies reserved for Most Backward Classes and Denotified communities, the
administrative department in which the recruitment is being made shall make a proposal for
dereservation giving full justification for such action, and consult the Director of Most Backward
Classes and Denotified Communities and obtain the comments on each proposal. After obtaining the
comments of the Director of Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities and the Secretary
to Government in charge of the department for the welfare of the Most Backward Classes and
Denotified Communities, the Administrative Department shall then place the proposal for
dereservation along with the comments of the Director of Most Backward Classes and Denotified
Communities before a committee comprising the Secretary to Government in charge of the
Department for the welfare of the Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities, The
Secretary to Government (Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department) and the Secretary to
Government in charge of the Department in which the recruitment is being made for consideration and
recommendation. The recommendation of this Committee shall be placed before the Minister in
charge of the personnel and Administrative Reforms Department and the Minister for Backward
Classes, Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities Welfare for a final decision.

* Introduced in G.O.Ms.No.337, P & A R, dt. 8-10-1992, w.e.f. 1-4-1989

*(Referred to in the Explanation to rules 12 (d) and 21(b)
1. Name of the individual :
2. Full Postal Address :
3. Details of job held, if any :
4. Particulars of her children, if any :
5. Name and last occupation of her late husband :
6. Date of demise of her husband :
7. Monetary benefits received after her husband’s
death by way of family pension, insurance, etc.,
if any :
8. Details of Properties if any immovable and movable :
left behind by him
9. Present monthly income.—
(a) From salaries/wages :
(b) From family pension :
(c) From private properties :
(d) Rents received :
(e) From private practice :
(f) Other sources, if any :
(g) Total :
10. Whether living alone or living with her
husband’s parents/in-laws/parents/brother (s) :
11. Whether she satisfies the definition of
the term “Destitute Widow” as defined
in the Explanation to rules 12(d) and
21(b) of the General Rules for the Tamil
Nadu State and Subordinate Services :
Certified that I have verified the particulars furnished by the individual and satisfied myself as to
the correctness of her claim with reference to the definition of the term “Destitute Widow” under the
Explanation to rules 12 (d) and 21(b)
Certificate Reference No.: Signature :
Place: Name :
Date: Designation :
Revenue Divisional Officer/
Assistant Collector/Sub-Collector.
Explanation - The above certificate should be issued only by the Revenue Divisional Officer or
the Assistant Collector or the Sub-Collector concerned.
.*Introduced in G.O.Ms.No.173, P & AR (S) dated 30-5-95.

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