Acceptability of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) Flour, Alum Powder, Rosal (Gardenia Agusta) Petals As Foot Powder
Acceptability of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) Flour, Alum Powder, Rosal (Gardenia Agusta) Petals As Foot Powder
Acceptability of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) Flour, Alum Powder, Rosal (Gardenia Agusta) Petals As Foot Powder
I. Title Page 1
Abstract 5
Acknowledgement 6
Biological Sketch 7
GIDOR, AIRON C. LLORITO ,BYRON YVES S., “Acceptability of Rice (Oryza Sativa
Linn) flour, Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia Augusta) petals as foot powder” ,
This experimental study aimed to determine the acceptability of Rice (Oryza Sativa
Linn) flour, Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia Augusta) petals as foot powder. The
recipients of the study were 45 persons in Jagnaya National High School, Jagnaya,
Jamindan, Capiz last July 26, 2013 to August 2, 2013. Means and square of means
were used to describe the data and One- Way Analysis of Variance was also used.
Results revealed that Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia
Augusta) petals are effective foot powder and that the treatments differ significantly in
the levels of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia Augusta)
The researchers would like to extend their deepest gratitude to the following:
First of all, to the Lord Almighty who enlightened our minds and give us wisdom,
Mr. Enrique L. Barinos, principal II, and Mrs. Lea L. Lacson, our research
adviser, for their unrelenting guidance, help and support throughout the conduct of
Students and teachers, our respondents, for providing their time and cooperation
Mr. and Mrs. Esmael C. Gidor and Mrs. Marietta Llorito, our guardians, for their
earnest support, reinforcement and inspiration in order for this study to succeed;
Jagnaya National High School- Special Class batch 2014, our classmates,
schoolmates and friends, for the upkeep and motivation in achieving the feat of this
Biological Sketch
Researcher Airon Constantino Gidor is the second eldest child of Mr. Esmael C.
Jamindan, Capiz and pursued his secondary education at Jagnaya National High
Researcher Byron Yves Sausa Llorito is the only child of Mr. Ronie S. Llorito and
He was born on October 11, 1997 at Quirino Memorial Hospital, Quezon City,
Jamindan, Capiz and pursued his secondary education at Jagnaya National High
The study was designed to test the Acceptability of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn)
flour, Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia Augusta) petals as foot powder to avoid
bacteria/fungi that cause fungal diseases such as athlete’s foot, fungal infection,
Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) is a type of grass, has narrow, tapered leaves and
grows from about 60 to 180 cm (about 2 to 6 feet) tall. Rice flour is made from finely
milled rice.
Alum Powder, a group of chemical compounds and two kinds of salts, one of
which is usually aluminum sulfate, is combined in definite proportion. The alum has
in making medicine.
are opposite, elliptic-ovate, 2 to 6 centimeters long, narrowed and pointed at both ends,
shining and short petioled, and stipulate. Flowers are large and very fragrant, occurring
singly in the upper axils of the leaves. Only the double-flowered variety occurs in the
Since we are students, we had suffered from the different kinds of skin diseases
particularly in foot caused by several kinds of fungi due to daily used of shoes. In order
to treat this particular disease, we usually use commercial foot powder which is
expensive that others cannot afford. So, it was in the sense that the researchers
conduct a research that creates foot powder which is cheap yet effective.
1. The effectivity and acceptability of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder, and
2. The level at which Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder, and Rosal (Gardenia
1. Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) flour alum powder, and Rosal (Gardenia Augusta)
different levels of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) flour, alum powder, and rosal
1. Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder, and Rosal (Gardenia Augusta)
different levels of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn), Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia
The study maybe beneficial in developing or improving the use of Rice (Oryza Sativa
Linn) flour, Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia Augusta) petals as foot powder.
Definition of Terms
Acceptability- acceptance of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder and Rosal
Gloves- a covering for the hand having separate sections for each of the fingers and
Grinding Machine- a machine used to reduce to powder or small fragments the solid
Mortar- a bowl in which you crush things such as herbs, spices and grains using rod.
Pestle- a short rod with a thick round end. It is used for crushing things such as herbs,
Rosal- as smooth unarmed shrub with 1-2 meter high. The extract used to treat
diabetes. Also used for inflamed eyes, tumor, painful urination, hematuria.
Weighing Scale- used to weight on how gram is needed for different treatment.
Scope and Limitation of the study
The study was beneficial in every individual who are suffering foot problems like
fungal infection, ringworm, athlete’s foot and others and want to cure it in cheapest way
by developing or improving the use of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder and
The study was conducted at Jagnaya, Jamindan, Capiz with 43 students and 2
teachers as sample respondents of Jagnaya National High School. This was conducted
Rice Flour
Since Ancient times, rice has been the most commonly used food grain for the
majority of the people of the world. Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) can be grown successfully
to temperate. Some white rice is sold enriched with vitamins and minerals in an attempt
where it is the primary staple food. Oryza Sativa is not limited to being used as a food
source for humans. It also used in beer production, straw, wine, fertilizer, livestock feed
and fuel can also be made from the plant as well. In traditional folk medicine, oryza
sativa seeds have been used to treat dozens of ailments, including cancer, swelling,
diarrhea, nausea, warts, jaundice, burns, fevers, psoriasis, sores, and many other
Alum powder
Alums are useful for a range of industrial processes. They are soluble in water;
have a sweetish taste; react acid to litmus; and crystallize in regular octahedral. Alum
maybe used in depilatory waxes used for removal of body hair, or applied to freshly
waxed skin as soothing agents. Alum’s antiperspirant and anti bacterial properties
contribute to its traditional use as an underarm deodorant. It has been used for this
purpose in Europe, Mexico, Thailand, where it is called sarn-som, throughout Asia, and
Rosal Petals
tea. Flower yields styrolyl- acetate and linalool, and other substances. The scent is
GrolierAcademic Encyclopedia.
http://www.wikihow .com /make-rice-flour
The materials that were used in the study were Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn)
flour, Alum powder, Rosal (Gardenia Augusta) petals, weighing scale, ice wrapper,
Experimental Treatments
(75 grams rice flour & 25 grams alum powder), Treatment B (25 grams of rice
flour and 75 grams of alum powder), Treatment C (50 grams of rice flour and 50
Experimental Methods
alum powder and mix them. After mixing, put it in a container together with the
Repeat the procedure with the different levels of Rice (Oryza
Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia Augusta) petals. For
Treatment B (25 grams Rice flour and 75 grams Alum powder). For Treatment C
(50 grams Rice flour and 50 grams Alum powder) and for Treatment D (100
b. Selection of Respondents
random sampling via fishbowl method. 43 respondents were chosen from the
c. Methods of Application
foot powder before wearing their shoes. Then they rated the acceptability and
5- Excellent
4 – Very Good
3- Good
2- Fair
(Oryza Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia Augusta) petals as
foot powder.
Table 1.0 Respondents’ Rating on the Acceptability of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn)
flour, Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia Augusta) petals as foot powder.
1 4 16 3 9 4 16 4 16
2 4 16 5 25 5 25 4 16
3 4 16 4 16 4 16 2 4
4 4 16 3 9 4 16 4 16
5 5 25 4 16 5 25 5 25
6 5 25 4 16 4 16 4 4
7 3 9 5 25 4 16 5 25
8 4 16 4 16 3 9 5 25
9 4 16 5 25 5 25 4 16
10 4 16 5 25 4 16 4 16
11 4 16 5 25 4 16 2 4
12 4 16 4 16 5 25 4 16
13 4 16 3 9 4 16 5 25
14 3 9 3 9 5 25 4 16
15 5 25 5 25 2 4 4 16
16 4 16 5 25 3 9 2 4
17 4 16 4 16 4 16 4 16
18 4 16 5 25 4 16 2 4
19 4 16 5 25 3 9 3 9
20 5 25 4 16 5 25 5 25
21 4 16 5 25 3 9 4 16
22 4 16 3 9 4 16 4 16
23 4 16 5 25 3 9 5 25
24 5 25 5 25 5 25 5 25
25 5 25 5 25 5 25 5 25
26 4 16 5 25 3 9 4 16
27 4 16 3 9 4 16 4 16
28 4 16 4 16 5 25 2 4
29 5 25 5 25 5 25 5 25
30 3 9 3 9 2 4 1 1
31 4 16 5 25 3 9 4 16
32 4 16 4 16 4 16 4 16
33 5 25 5 25 5 25 4 16
34 4 16 4 16 4 16 3 9
35 4 16 3 9 4 16 3 9
36 3 9 4 16 3 9 4 16
37 3 9 4 16 3 9 3 9
38 5 25 5 25 5 25 4 16
39 4 16 5 25 4 16 4 16
40 4 16 5 25 4 16 3 9
41 4 16 2 4 3 9 2 4
42 4 16 4 16 1 1 2 4
43 4 16 4 16 4 16 3 9
44 4 16 5 25 3 9 3 9
45 5 25 5 25 2 4 5 25
TOTAL 185 775 192 850 172 700 166 650
Mean 4.27 4.11 3.82 3.69
Table 1.0 shows the respondents’ rating on the Acceptability of Rice (Oryza
Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia Augusta) petals as foot
powder. The Table shows that Treatment B (25 grams Rice flour and 75 grams
Alum powder) with a mean of 4. 27 is the most effective treatment with regards to
the amount of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia
Augusta) petals compared to the Treatment A (75 grams Rice flour and 25 grams
Alum powder) with a mean of 4.11; Treatment C (50 grams Rice flour and 50
grams Alum powder) with a mean of 3.82 and Treatment D (100 grams Rice flour)
with a mean of 3.69. The results showed that the lesser the amount of Rice (Oryza
Sativa Linn) flour and the greater the amount of Alum powder, the more
acceptable it is.
Table 1.0 shows the Analysis- of – Variance of the Data gathered on the
Acceptability of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia
Augusta) petals as foot powder. Since F- Computed value of 6.62 is greater than
Table 2.0 Respondents’ Rating on the Effectiveness of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn)
flour, Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia Augusta) petals as foot powder.
1 4 16 4 16 4 16 5 25
2 4 16 4 16 4 16 5 25
3 3 9 4 16 4 16 3 9
4 4 16 3 9 5 25 3 9
5 4 16 4 16 4 16 4 16
6 5 25 4 16 4 16 3 9
7 3 9 5 25 4 16 4 16
8 4 16 5 25 4 16 4 16
9 4 16 5 25 5 25 5 25
10 4 16 5 25 4 16 4 16
11 4 16 5 25 5 25 3 9
12 4 16 5 25 5 25 3 9
13 4 16 4 16 4 16 5 25
14 4 16 3 9 4 16 4 16
15 5 25 5 25 3 9 5 25
16 4 16 5 25 3 9 3 9
17 4 16 4 16 5 25 5 25
18 4 16 3 9 3 9 3 9
19 4 16 4 16 4 16 3 9
20 4 16 5 25 4 16 4 16
21 4 16 5 25 4 16 4 16
22 4 16 4 16 4 16 3 9
23 4 16 5 25 5 25 5 25
24 5 25 5 25 5 25 4 16
25 5 25 5 25 5 25 4 16
26 4 16 4 16 4 16 3 9
27 4 16 4 16 4 16 4 16
28 4 16 5 25 5 25 2 4
29 4 16 5 25 4 16 4 16
30 2 4 3 9 2 4 1 1
31 5 25 5 25 3 9 4 16
32 4 16 5 25 3 9 4 16
33 4 16 5 25 4 16 5 25
34 4 16 4 16 3 9 3 9
35 5 25 4 16 4 16 3 9 22
36 3 9 4 16 3 9 5 25
37 4 16 5 25 4 16 4 16
38 4 16 5 25 4 16 4 16
39 5 25 4 16 3 9 4 16
40 3 9 5 25 3 9 3 9
41 4 16 1 1 3 9 2 4
42 4 16 5 25 1 1 3 9
43 4 16 5 25 4 16 3 9
44 5 25 4 16 3 9 2 4
45 4 16 5 25 2 4 5 25
TOTAL 182 752 197 893 171 685 166 654
Mean 4.38 4.04 3.80 3.69
Table 2.0 shows the respondents’ rating on the Effectiveness of Rice (Oryza
Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia Augusta) petals as foot
powder. The Table shows that Treatment B (25 grams Rice flour and 75 grams
Alum powder) with a mean of 4.38 is the most effective treatment with regards to
the amount of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia
Augusta) petals compared to the Treatment A (75 grams Rice flour and 25 grams
Alum powder) with a mean of 4.04; Treatment C (50 grams Rice flour and 50
grams Alum powder) with a mean of 3.69 and Treatment D (100 grams Rice flour)
with a mean of 3.69. The results showed that the lesser the amount of Rice (Oryza
Sativa Linn) flour and the greater the amount of Alum powder, the more effective
it is.
Table 1.0 shows the Analysis- of – Variance of the Data gathered on the
Effectiveness of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia
Augusta) petals as foot powder. Since F- Computed value of 8.99 is greater than
Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia Augusta) petals as foot
This chapter consists of three (3) parts, as follows: Summary of the Problem and
National High School, Jagnaya, Jamindan, Capiz, aimed to determine the effectivity and
acceptability of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia
Augusta) petals as a foot powder and at which treatment level will most effective and
Three treatments were made: Treatment A (75 grams Rice flour and 25 grams
Alum powder), Treatment B (25 grams Rice flour and 75 grams Alum powder),
Treatment C (50 grams Rice flour and 50 grams Alum powder) and Treatment D (100
grams Rice flour) and were given 45 respondents randomly selected Students and
Teachers of Jagnaya National High School in Jagnaya, Jamindan, Capiz and were
Statistical tools employed were the means, square of means and One-Way
Analysis of Variance.
Based on the results of the study, the researchers have been drawn the following
1. Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder and Rosal ( Gardenia Augusta)
different levels of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn), Alum powder and Rosal (Gardenia
1. The use of Rice (Oryza Sativa Linn) flour, Alum powder, Rosal (Gardenia Augusta)
2. The same study might be conducted using other different levels of Rice (Oryza Sativa
Linn) flour, alum powder, Rosal (Gardenia Augusta) petals and using other additives to