Module 1 Lesson 2 Soil 2
Module 1 Lesson 2 Soil 2
Module 1 Lesson 2 Soil 2
Learning Objectives:
As you learnt in Lesson 1 of this course, soil physics is a branch of soil science
which deals with the study of soil physical conditions. It is necessary that persons
dealing with soil in any way should be acquainted with the physical nature of
roots or compaction. The knowledge of the physical concepts will enable the user of
soil to know how to alter these properties to an advantage. That is, knowing about
physical properties of soil will form a basis for much of what you learn about and do
with soils. This unit describes the key soil physical concepts and conditions in
Table 3.1: Size Limits of Soil Separates in the USDA and ISSS Schemes.
Cutans may be defined as modifications of the fabric of natural surfaces in soil
materials due to concentration of particular solid constituents such as clay,
sesquioxides and organic materials notably humus.
The presence of cutans in subsoil horizons (B or C) of a soil profile is of specific
pedological significance. For instance, the presence of recognizable amounts of clay
cutans or clay skins on ped faces or in pores is a direct indication that an argillic
horizon (Bt) is present and that such a soil is mature. The presence of both Fe-
oxyhydroxide (sesquioxides) and humus (organic) in the B-horizon may indicate the
occurrence of a spodic horizon and the onset of the process of podzolization in a soil.
Soil Composition
Soil Color
Our understanding of soil physical properties is imperative to the proper
management of soils both for present use and future generations.
Physical properties of soils could adequately be harnessed for sustainable
agriculture through optimum utilization of the soil physical processes and water
In this unit, we have learnt:
i. The meanings of important soil physical properties and processes in relation to
plant growth.
ii. The relationships and interactions among the soil physical properties especially
texture, structure and pore space
iii. The extent to which these physical properties could be modified by natural
iv. The appropriate management strategies of soil physical properties for improved
productivity and sustainable agriculture.
In your own opinion, define and explain the following soil physical properties:
a. soil textural classes
b. soil aggregation/granulation
c. porosity
d. Bulk density
e. Soil tilth