Smart Phone Operated Multipurpose Agricultural Robot IJERTV7IS050249
Smart Phone Operated Multipurpose Agricultural Robot IJERTV7IS050249
Smart Phone Operated Multipurpose Agricultural Robot IJERTV7IS050249
Step 10 - Smart phone app scans the device, detects and connects ADVANTAGES
the robot. i.Reduces the number of labors require for agricultural
Step 11 - App server keeps records of operations (wateractivity.
irrigation/cutting weeds/ploughing land) with respect to time andii.Due its quick action time will be saved.
amount of data transfer between phone and robot. iii.Agribot can able to work in any environmental condition.
iv.The robots can work without sleep so they can work
i. Introduction v. Protection against harmful effects of chemicals
Project is constructed as agribot (4 – wheeled robot) using PIC
microcontroller 16F877A, IR sensors, Moisture sensors, Water APPLICATIONS
pump motor, Motor driver, DC motor, Robotic arm, Switch, • Robot has rotor which will destroy the unwanted grasses
Rotor, Solar panel. while moving and also level the ground.
• The robot also has a digger to dig the vegetables from the
ii. Working ground.
Agribot (4 – wheeled robot) is initiated with the power “ON”.
• In Automatic turn on and turn off of water pumping
The agribot starts moving in forward direction along with the
two sensors – IR sensor and Moisture sensors are also turned motor.
“ON”. These are used to monitor the environment in real time. VI. FUTURE WORK
IR sensors are used to turn on rotor in order to cut the Robotics is playing a significant role in agricultural
unwanted weeds (or) grasses. Likewise, moisture sensors are production and management. There is a need for autonomous
used to sense moistness in the soil and turn ON or OFF the and time saving technology in agriculture to have efficient
water pump for watering the plants. Robotic arm is farm management. The researchers are now focusing towards
constructed by switch for ploughing the land. different farming operational parameters to design
autonomous agricultural vehicles as the conventional farm
machineries are crop and topological dependent. Till date the
agricultural robots have been researched and developed
principally for harvesting, chemical spraying, picking fruits
and monitoring of crops. Robots like these are perfect
substitute for manpower to a great extent as they deploy
unmanned sensing and machinery systems. The prime benefits
of development of autonomous and intelligent agricultural
robots are to improve repeatable precision, efficacy, reliability
and minimization of soil compaction and drudgery. The robots
have potential for multitasking, sensory acuity, operational
consistency as well assuitability to odd operating conditions.
The study on agricultural robotic system had been done using
model structure design mingled with different precision
Fig 5.2: Working of the Agricultural robot farming machineries. Few prototypes were designed by
European Union named CROPS, USA-ISAAC2 & Michigan-
iii. Manual mode Hortibot, Australia-AgBot, Finland-Demeter, India-Agribot
Robot is operated in manual mode only for control purpose. It and many other countries. The agricultural robots are designed
is used to start the Robot and make it move in forward using different localization techniques which are vision, GPS,
direction. The three important mechanisms are – (i) Rotor is laser and sensor based navigation control system. In this
turned ON/OFF through IR sensors detecting unwanted paper, comparative study including an overview of Robotics
grasses, (ii) Water pump is turned ON/OFF using moisture approach for precision Agriculture in India and worldwide
sensor based on detecting the moistness in soil. (iii) Robotic is development is explored.
turned ON/OFF through a switch for ploughing the land.
iv. Auto mode In agriculture, the opportunities for robot-enhanced
Bluetooth interfaced android app is used to monitor the productivity are immense – and the robots are appearing on
operation status of Robot. Steps involved in monitoring of farms in various guises and in increasing numbers. The other
Robot – problems associated with autonomous farm equipment can
probably be overcome with technology. This equipment may
(1) Application scans for the Bluetooth interface (HC-05) be in our future, but there are important reasons for thinking
Robot. (2) once, the robot connected to the phone that it may not be just replacing the human driver with a
successfully. (3) There are three 3 communication mode – computer. It may mean a rethinking of how crop production is
(i) Byte stream mode, (ii) Keyboard mode, (iii) Command done. Crop production may be done better and cheaper with a
line mode. (4) Select Byte stream mode – Successfully swarm of small machines than with a few large ones. One of
connected. (5) In Byte stream mode, operational status of the advantages of the smaller machines is that they may be
agribot – (i) Pumping motor ON (or) (ii) Rotor is on for more acceptable to the non-farm community. The jobs in
leveling or removing grass. (iii) Robot is going to digging. agriculture are a drag, dangerous, require intelligence and
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