Essay Assessment Criteria

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Academic English

Assessment Rubrics: Essay

Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
(0-49) (50-64) (65-74) (75-84) (85-100)
Highly developed
Relatively good
analytical skills. Essay
Merely described analytical skills.
Some evidence of offers a complete and
the issue under Different
analytical skills, but objective picture, the
Critical Thinking Merely regurgitated examination. perspectives are
a dominant tendency problem is thoroughly
1 and Analysis information. Poor or no considered, the
to describe. The evaluated and
attempts to offer ideas are mostly
view is biased. independent
an evaluation. objectively
conclusions are
30% total 0-9% 10-15% 16-20% 21-26% 27-30%
Limited amount Overall, good
Extensive research of
of valid research/ Satisfactory amount amount of valid
proper academic
analysis of of valid research/ research/ analysis
Research: Very little or no quality. Evidence is
references. analysis of of references.
Depth, Quality, evidence of research skillfully integrated
2 Unskillful references. Some of Evidence is
Use of Evidence in the work. and effectively
attempts to the evidence properly integrated
supports and develops
integrate supports claims. and supports
evidence. claims.
25% total 0-11% 12-16% 17-19% 20-22% 23-25%
Disjointed, poorly Relatively coherent A coherent line of
Argument Argument poorly A sustained coherent
structured. but still difficult to argument but not
Structure and constructed with and logical line of
3 Disconnected understand in some thoroughly
Development some coherence. argument.
paragraphs. sections. sustained.
25% total 0-11% 12-16% 17-19% 20-22% 23-25%
Identified and
Very little or no Identified and Identified and
Not consistently referenced many of
Referencing referencing; referenced most of referenced accurately
4 referenced. the sources used, but
incorrect referencing. the sources used. all sources used.
still some missing.
10% total 0 1-3% 4-5% 6-8% 9-10%
Poor grammar
and vocabulary Satisfactory Good grammar and
Unintelligible Sound grammar and
expression. grammar and vocabulary, very
Language Use and expression; vocabulary. Academic
Academic vocabulary, few errors. Writing
5 Style unacceptable writing style is
writing style is occasional errors. mostly follows the
numerous errors. precisely followed.
seriously Inconsistent style. formal style.
10% total 0-4% 5% 6-7% 8% 9-10%

NB: 10% of the final essay score will be deducted in case of late
submission, incorrect formatting of the title page and/or body of the essay,
lack of task completion (e.g. essay content does not match essay title, or
the essay length is outside of the word limit).

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