BAS-1 T123 Session 5
BAS-1 T123 Session 5
BAS-1 T123 Session 5
Session 5
Using evidence
Lecturer: Anna Loseva
[email protected]
Today we will...
● Practice hedging
● Give & receive feedback on group essay drafts
● Analyse typical mistakes in the use of evidence
● Review important features of formal writing
● Get guidelines for AB submission
your argument
1. State your position/idea/argument/point/claim
2. Support your idea/position/claim
(Why is it so? Give evidence for each point/reason)
3. Consider alternative ideas/opposition/counterargument
express your claims cautiously
1. What IS hedging?
2. Why is it necessary?
3. What happens if
hedging is not used?
1. What IS hedging? → language to show how willing you
are to agree with an idea; language to express the degree
of certainty
No repeats of phrases!
#1: All Vietnamese students are shy and never
express their opinions in class.
#2: It is absolutely impossible to study
effectively on Zoom.
When you make claims, be cautious - there are certainly
people who will disagree with you!
(1) Don’t comment on grammar and vocabulary problems, unless these problems cause misunderstanding of ideas
(2) Don’t resolve any comments (you will need them for HW)
❏ general statement/background info
❏ thesis/argument statement (the writer’s main claim)
❏ plan/outline of the essay
❏ All paragraphs develop the writer’s claim and match the stated essay plan
❏ Every paragraph has a clear topic sentence
❏ Every paragraph develops one idea at a time
❏ The content of every paragraph supports and develops the topic sentence
❏ Supporting sentences of each paragraph include outside sources
❏ Every paragraph includes independent analysis of the outside sources
❏ Every paragraph has a clear concluding sentence
❏ summary of main points
❏ thesis restatement + final statement (evaluation)
❏ subjective perspective based on evidence
Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
(0-49) (50-64) (65-74) (75-84) (85-100)
Highly developed analytical skills.
Merely described the issue under Some evidence of analytical skills, Relatively good analytical skills. Essay offers a complete and objective
Critical Thinking and Merely regurgitated
examination. Poor or no attempts to offer but a dominant tendency to Different perspectives are considered, the picture, the problem is thoroughly
Analysis information.
an evaluation. describe. The view is biased. ideas are mostly objectively evaluated. evaluated and independent conclusions
are reached.
30% total 0-9% 10-15% 16-20% 21-26% 27-30%
Satisfactory amount of valid Extensive research of proper academic
Research: Very little or no Limited amount of valid research/ analysis Overall, good amount of valid research/
research/ analysis of references. quality. Evidence is skillfully integrated
Depth, Quality, Use of evidence of research in of references. Unskillful attempts to analysis of references. Evidence is
Some of the evidence supports and effectively supports and develops
Evidence the work. integrate evidence. properly integrated and supports claims.
claims. claims.
25% total 0-11% 12-16% 17-19% 20-22% 23-25%
Disjointed, poorly
Relatively coherent but still
Argument Structure structured. Argument poorly constructed with some A coherent line of argument but not A sustained coherent and logical line of
difficult to understand in some
and Development Disconnected coherence. thoroughly sustained. argument.
25% total 0-11% 12-16% 17-19% 20-22% 23-25%
Very little or no Identified and referenced many of
Identified and referenced most of the Identified and referenced accurately all
Referencing referencing; incorrect Not consistently referenced. the sources used, but still some
sources used. sources used.
referencing. missing.
10% total 0 1-3% 4-5% 6-8% 9-10%
Poor grammar and vocabulary expression. Satisfactory grammar and Good grammar and vocabulary, very few Sound grammar and vocabulary.
Language Use and expression;
Academic writing style is seriously vocabulary, occasional errors. errors. Writing mostly follows the formal Academic writing style is precisely
Style unacceptable numerous
compromised. Inconsistent style. style. followed.
10% total 0-4% 5% 6-7% 8% 9-10%
How to be nice?
→ Watch your language and tone!
→ Express how you feel/what you experience as a reader.
“You SHOULD do this and that” →
Are you sure that…. is the best idea?
I wonder if…
What does this mean exactly?
I’m confused here because...
Peer feedback
Team A task: Outlines D & E
Team B task: Outlines E & F
Team C task: Outlines F & G
Team D task: Outlines G & A
Team E task: Outlines A & B
Team F task: Outlines B & C
Team G task: Outlines C & D
Quick feedback for all drafts
1) Remove all headings to read your essay text as a cohesive whole
2) No personal language, please (avoid I, we, you)
3) Topic and concluding sentences of paragraphs should NOT
have evidence; only your own point (introduced + concluded)
4) Introduction and conclusion should be comparable in size to body
5) Do not start paragraphs with linking words (however, moreover,
firstly, etc.)
6) Do not begin sentences with conjunctions (AND, BUT, OR,
7) Fix your citations
➔ do not resolve any comments until you receive my feedback
➔ up to you what to do with the classmates’ feedback - but
Anna’s feedback is VERY important ;)
➔ Only groups that left at least 8 comments on the drafts will
receive Anna’s feedback
Your own writing = your own voice!
2. Paraphrase skillfully
A source can…
- help you to explain and define
- support your idea with with examples/
Image source: - contrast your idea
- elaborate on your idea
Your ANALYTICAL process looks like this:
(idea from a source)
"If you are not paying for it, you become the