Technology-Enhanc Ed Lesson Plan Rubric: Topic

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GROUP: (j Date:

Grade-level: Topic:


CRITERIA Not Evident Basic Proficient Distinguised

Objective/s not Objective/s Objective/s Objective/s clearly
1. Statement of Objective/s stated stated but no stated with stated with
(Learning, Behavior and reference to reference to reference to what
what the what the the students will
students will students will know and be able
to do and how they
know and be know and will demonstrate
able to do. be able to what they know
do. and are able to do,
under what
circumstances the
learning will take
2. Alignment with Curriculum No alignment or Alignment with Alignment with Alignment with
inaccurate the curriculum curriculum curriculum is
alignment. partially partly accurate. accurate and reflects
accurate and/or more than the
incomplete. requirements of the
content area.
3. Cognitive Level of Lesson Cognitive level of Cognitive level Cognitive level Cognitive level of
lesson not stated of lesson not of lesson is lesson is appropriate,
or cannot be appropriate appropriate linked to objective/s
determined. and/or not and linked to and refers to what
linked to stated students will kn ow,
objective/s. objective/s. understand, and be
able to do.

CRITERIA Not Evident Basic Proficient Distinguise d
1. Opening (purpose setting, No evidence of Evidence of a\ Evidence of at
opening elements. Clearly stated evidence
least one opening least two opening of integration of at
anticipatory set, assessment
element. elem ents.
of background knowledge least three opening
with anticipated responses,
2. Presentation (input, No evidence of Evidence of input Evidence of at Clearly stated
Input, modeling or or modeling or least two
modeling, checking for evidence of
checking fo r checking for presentation
understanding) understanding. understanding. elem ents.
integration of
presentation elements
throughout the lesson.
1. Formative No evidence of Evidence of Evidence of Clearly stated evidence
form ative formative form ative of formative
assessment. assessment but assessment and assess ment,
does not appropriately appropriately aligns
appropriately aligns with with objective and
align with objective. alternate assessment
objective. planned.
2. Individual Measurability No evidence of Formative Formative Clearly stated evidence
formative assessment assessment of formative
assessment; appropriately appropriately assessment,
therefore, not aligns with aligns with appropriately aligns
individually objective but is objective and is with objective,
measurable. not individually not individually individually
measurable. measurable. measurable; multiple
measures employed to
assess individual
student understanding.
3. Summative No evidence of Summative Summative Summative assessment
summative assessment assessment included, and aligns
assessment included, but included, and with objective, used to
does not align aligns with link to subsequent
with objective objective lessons
1. Integration of Technology No evidence of Evidence of Evidence of Clearly stated evidence
technology technology technology of technology
into the Lesson
integration. considered as a considered as a considered as a tool
too I at either tool at either the at either the
“Entry“ or Constructive or Authentic or Goal
Adoption Level. Authentic level. Directed level.
2. Variety of technology Little or no One instance of More than one Multiple types of
technology used technology type of technology or
Used in the Lesson
during the lesson. usage. technology or applications are
application is integrated into the
integrated into lesson, and students
the lesson, at use two or more of
least one of these.
which is used
the student.

Adapted from Caldwell College

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