The #1 Edition: UX Buddy Workbook
The #1 Edition: UX Buddy Workbook
The #1 Edition: UX Buddy Workbook
UX Buddy
Every project I’ve been
working on was a learning
Thank you for being here.
Now, let’s roll up our sleeves and get started.
Pen and
Before we jump on a project,
let me tell you about one of
the best tools to practice
UX design.
You don’t have to worry about the visual aspect. Truth
to be told, my paper sketches look like I’m way too far
from being a designer. But who cares, I’m keeping
all of them for myself, and not showing them to the
clients anyway.
Grab a pen and paper
So, the first thing when I’m starting a new project, I
come up with a story. To do that in the most efficient
way, I grab a bunch of papers and start thinking about
the user flow.
Let's pick
the project
Today we’re picking an app
that shows the happy hour
deals nearby.
What is happy hour? You may have seen this in the bars
in your local area.
One of the most important
things when designing the
user experience is knowing “User-centered
your customer.
means u
what yo
ur users
need, h
ow they
think, a
how the
y behav
e– and inc
ing tha
Who and how old are they? What do they like? In what underst
into eve
ry aspec
t of you
environments would they use this product the most? process
We’ll see later on why this matters. For now, let’s just
say that our client did homework and made research on — Jesse J
ames Ga
their user persona. User Ex
perien ce Desi
gne r
Looking for
great deals Likes to
hang out
24 years old
Does not
travel often
In college A part−time
student job
In this Workbook, we are going
to tackle the home screen of
our app project.
Why are we thinking about Tamara so much? Well, her
personality, likes, and dislikes will impact our design
decisions. The home screen is the first thing the users
see when they open the app (well, usually they see the
logo for a few moments in the loading screen, but the
home screen is right after that), therefore it’s even
more important to structure this screen right.
What is Tamara Happy hour deals
looking to achieve
in our app?
Speaking of search, let’s not forget the scenario where We’re going to use the nearby component as the
Tamara would like to search for some bars in another default one, meaning we are going to show only the
city (meaning not where she is right now). Perhaps bars that are close to Tamara, as quickly as possible
she’s traveling next weekend and she’d like to check without having to tap anything. The bars in another
some happy hour deals in that city, so she can plan the city are not relevant to her unless she would travel
evening in advance. often. But because we know she doesn’t, we can
implement this option in a separate flow.
Remember, we don’t want the
users to do more taps than
what is needed. It’s just time-
consuming, and with every
tap, the attention could drop.
Let’s quickly think, though,
about the solution if Tamara
would be a heavy traveler.
But let’s not dive into this. Our Tamara is waiting for
the designs!
Happy Search
hour deals
Wait, we’ve only mentioned
these 3 components so far?
It’s the bar. We need to decide what will the bar card
display to the user.
I’d like you to stop for 15 minutes and come up with all
the elements you think the bar card on the home
screen should have.
3, 2, 1, go!
Welcome back. How was the
I wish I’d be able to see your list now, but that’s fine.
What’s important is that YOU do the thinking. The
deeper you can dive in, the more you can understand
Tamara, the better you become at design decisions. In general, if you have the
If we step in Tamara’s shoes and we imagine browsing opportunity to show the
through different bars, what are the things she would
visuals, do it. It will make
like to see and read? The bar name, obviously. What
else? We mentioned the nearby component above, so the screen much more
she might want to see the location of the bar, or how
far it is from her (more about this later). There is also
interesting, perhaps even
the bar photo. Do we show it? In general, if you have practical for the user.
the opportunity to show the visuals, do it. It will make
the screen much more interesting (perhaps even
practical for the user), but you need to be careful with
the sizes (more about this later).
Hm, is something missing there? What do you think? I
think it does. Let’s go back to the basics of this
product. What is our app about? It is about helping
people find happy hour deals.
Let's add the discount to the list, and see then how it
looks like!
What about now? Is this it? Before answering, let me
just quickly explain why does the discount look
different than the other elements. Well, it is the main
(or one of the main) elements the users who'd like to
save money will be looking for. While scrolling, this
element is easy to spot. It is highlighted in a separate
row, and there are no other elements on their left or
right side that would disturb the view.
It’s the time. I mentioned ‘8 PM’. In the scenario we
imagined above, you’d like to know whether the bar Location,
runs the happy hour at the time when you meet your proximity
friends, and if it doesn’t, when does it.
Bar name
We can also take it to the next level by giving these
time labels some colours, such as green and orange.
The green colour usually provides the feeling of safety.
In our case, it could mean that the bar is running the
happy hour right now. Orange colour could also mean
that the bar is running the happy hour right now, but
it’s slowly going to end.
Happy hour
But there’s something else I’d like to add. What is it? discount
What else?
Again, knowing whom
we're designing for, makes
our designs more relevant
for them.
Remember, the users like Tamara is, they want to save
money, right? So the price usually impacts their
Much better, but there is still
one thing I’d change. Take a
minute and think about it.
You see, each step (or stage) of the user journey has
its own specifics. This is why I like to outline the user
journey in a written format as well, to make sure I dive
in enough. By knowing the user journey, we can make
better design decisions. And what is the better design
decision? The one that enables users to get what they
want with minimum time investment as possible (I
mean the user's time investment, not the designer's).
The less screen real estate
each bar card takes, the fewer
time users need to find what
they are looking for - which is
the happy hour discount.
Speaking of the screen real estate optimisation, next
we need to discuss the layout when grouping the bar
cards. Will we go with the full-width bar cards, grid
view, or vertical list?
Well done! It’s really important that you brainstorm does, we are still going to provide a bar photo, just in a
first, go through the potential solutions, and only then I smaller dimension.
present my point of view.
Let’s see an example with the full-width bar cards:
Let’s start with the layout I would not go with: The full-
width bar cards. The reason is simple actually - It
requires too much of the screen real estate.
Now, I’m not saying that the full-width cards don’t work
in general. They do work, but it’s not the optimal design
decision for our home screen, because the elements
we defined above (bar name, distance, photo,
discount, time, price level) can fit in a smaller card as
well. Again, another reason why breaking down the
screens to the components and elements is smart to
start with, because your design decisions are based on
Pretty big, right? I know, these low-fidelity mockups
are not 100% realistic, but it gives you the feeling of
the potential size. Even if we move some of the
elements on a photo, the size would still be too big.
decisions to a client. So, do it, always. somewhere at the bottom part of the screen (left or
right side, depending on which hand you use). Even if
Back to the decision - What would I do is picking the list you’re holding your phone with one hand and use the
view, and here’s why. pointer from another hand, the finger usually doesn’t
go completely off the screen.
Before explaining my decision, please note that both
versions require about the same screen real estate. That being said, while scrolling down our home screen,
Within a similar height, the user can see 2 different bar it’s most likely most of the users would cover different
cards in both cases. parts of the bar cards while scrolling, if we go with the
grid view. But if we go with the list view, we can make
sure that the most relevant information within the bar
card is going to be displayed on one side. Most of the
people are rightists, so we can make sure that the
So, why the list view, and not most important elements within the card would not be
the grid one? on the right side. Preferably, they would not be on the
left side either (we don’t want leftists to feel left out).
Grab your phone for a second and scroll down on any Now, I'd like you to take your time and sketch 5
page. If you’re like most users, your thumb doesn’t go different bar cards in a list view. Don’t forget to take
completely off the screen when you're not scrolling. into account what we discussed about the left and
right sides. Also, keep in mind that all that Tamara
For example, you’re scrolling down the Instagram feed, wants is to find a great deal near her (ordering the long
you notice a catchy photo, and you stop scrolling to Uber ride means more costs and less saving money
see it better. Where’s your thumb? It’s probably which is not aligned with her goal). Let's sketch!
Great job! Let me explain some of the decisions.
I also did my part, and here’s how my sketch looks like:
The bar photo is on the left side because it's a pretty
usual thing, but also I wanted to avoid positioning the
discount on the very left side (not a good solution
when scrolling with a left thumb).
the user a better feeling of the distance while scrolling they need to spend to get the results, the more likely it
down the screen. Potentially, we could play around and is that they will not be returning back often in the
swap the price level and distance. future. In fact, they might even delete the app. So, it’s
our job to help them spend less time to find the happy
Before we move on to the next subject, please note hour discount. This will form a positive user
that potentially we could have a different dynamic experience, will encourage them to come back for
within the bar card. For example, the bar names would more, and even spread the word about our app to their
be smaller, and the main title would be something like friends and family.
'30% off on all beers'. This depends on the product
nature, and whether the bars would run the happy hour We’ve already mentioned the search bar. It’s a way for
deal on all drinks or only on specific ones. users to quickly find what they’re looking for. But only if
they know specifically what they are looking for (for
example, the name of the bar). But what if they don’t
know specifically? Let’s say they only know the time
they are meeting with friends, and that they want to
Now that we finalised the bar find something within the walking distance. How can
card design, let’s think about we help them quickly find something that works for
helping users save time when
looking for a happy hour deal. The answer is - by eliminating the choices they know
for sure are not an option. In general, the more choices
you have, the harder it is to find the winner. In design,
Yes, we want them to spend as much time as possible we call this feature the filters.
on the platform, but the irony is that the more time
The primary job of the
filters is to help users save
time by narrowing down
the number of choices.
Filters are being widely used
by many platforms.
Awesome, let’s dive in. I also did my part and here’s the
list of some potential filters:
We can use the full potential
of the filters only if we
Price, proxim
organise them right.
mile, rating, i t y - 1
discount - 50
happy hour ac off, Ok, we have the list of filters. What next? Let’s think
right now, typ ve i
e o about creating a new list where only the most relevant
music, outdoo f
... r s pace filters would land on. We can call them the primary
filters. Many times, because of their fast nature, I call
them the fast filters, because they can be managed
from the main screen without having to go to the filters
Do you remember I mentioned above that the filters The thing with the fast filters is that we really need to
need to be efficient for the user? Now when we have know our users and how are they using the app. The
the list of filters that we are going to use in our design, more usage data we have, the better decisions we can
it’s time to think about the way we are going to make. But when we don’t have much data yet (or zero
organise them. It’s the organised design that makes data), we can make our best assumption by observing
them efficient. how other products are handling this, and by analysing
what we know about our potential users (Tamara). The
more we can understand their needs, the more
relevant primary filters we can come up with.
Why are the fast filters even important? Well, with
them, the user can narrow down the list of choices
even faster, by just making one tap, and not having to
go to another screen to select filters.
Nice job! The more frequently
we dive in, the better designer
we become.
These thinking processes are really important for our It’s nothing wrong if your list is not the same. Just
design development. make sure that you can always articulate your design
decisions to the clients.
I also did some thinking, and here’s my list of the fast
filters: Here’s my explanation of the primary filters I chose.
Let’s start with ‘Happy hour active right now’. If we go a
step back and think about the purpose of our app, it’s
about helping people save money at the bars nearby,
Happy hour a right? But because the happy hour deals have a time
right now, dis vet i
c o
50% off, prox unt - restriction (usually 1 - 2 hours), we need to make sure
1 mile i m i t y- people have a fast and simple option to explore only
the bars that have the happy hour right now, at this
very moment while being in the app. Remember, some
users are going to use this app while being outside,
and they need to figure out very fast where to go now.
So, what would be the fastest way to do that? It would
be brilliant if we could allow them to do that by a single
tap. And guess what? We can do precisely that by
putting the ‘Active now’ filter among the fast filters. By
tapping on it, the list of bars would automatically get
updated by showing only the bars that are running the
happy hour right now. If you want to remove the filter,
you simply tap it again to unselect it. Magic.
Now, I'm not saying that for
the balance, the UX design has
to be compromised.
No, no. The UX design should never be compromised at So, these are our fast filters: 'Active now' and 'Within 1
the level where the users would feel the pain point. We mi'. Potentially we could have more of them, but I want
can and we need to find the way this doesn't happen. In to keep the rest of them in a separate filters screen
our app, I believe that the UX design is not and focus only on the essential ones on the home
compromised when we don't allow users to see only screen.
the bars that run the happy hour with at least a 50%
discount. All bars have a discount anyway. It would be Shall we see how does it look like? Let's!
another story if not all the bars would run a discount. In
that case, the general 'Discount' filter might be a
better fit, to see only the bars that provide the
discount, any type of discount.
It's the section of bars I've recently visited.
This is why in our case it's important to have the
'Popular' section above the fold when landing on the
home screen. Otherwise, the user might not know they
need to scroll down to reach this section.
Have we just reached the end
of the Workbook?
On your success,
Your UX buddy
Let's talk. I'd
love to get your
Your opinion matters
[email protected]
Made with by Bojan Novakovic