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A bolt from the

His father's death was a bolt from the blue for him.

2. A freudian slip

His freudian slip during conversation revealed his ill nature.

3. A costing vote:

My opinion proved a casting vote.

4. A cat and dog

The two brothers are leading a cat and dog life.

5. A brain wave

I had a brain wave and the problem was solved.

6. A good hand

He is a good hand at painting.

7. A herculean task

It is a herculean task to pass the CSS examination.

8. A house of cards

Life is no more than a house of cards.

9. A hard nut to crack

To persuade him is a hard nut to ack.

10. A hard pill to swallow

CSS examination proved a hard pill to swallow for him.

11. A live wire

Our Principal is a live wire.

12. A man of iron will

The Quaid-e-Azam was a man of iron will.

13. A man of straw

He is a man of straw and his wife leads him by the nose.

14. A mare's nest

His discovery proved a mare's nest.

15. A puffed pipe

He is a puffed pipe these days.

16. A red rag to the

My joke served as a red rag to t e bull and he got angry.

17. A rolling

He remained a rolling stone in his whole life.

18. A rotten

A rotten egg spoils the whole flock.

19. A square meal

It is very difficult for the poor to have even a square meal.

20. A square peg in a round hole

A typist, working as a clerk, is a square peg in a round hole.

21. A walk

The other team did not come and we got a walk over.

22. Account for:

You must account for your mistakes.

23. Achilles'

Excessive pride was achilles’ heel in him.

24. After All

Do not abuse him, after all he is your brother.

25. Again and again

It is not good to go there again and again.

26. All at sea

Tue criminal was all at sea in the court.

27. All in all

Afridi is all in all in this office.

28. All moon shine

His sympathy for the poor is all moon shine.

29. An open secret

Their love affair is an open secret.

30. An axe to grind

He helps others' only when he has an axe to grind.

31. An eye wash

His sympathy for the poor is an eye wash.

32. At a stretch

Ahmad can work for ten hours at a stretch.

33. At a loss

Ali is at a loss these days and does not know what to do.

34. At all

Do not go there at all.

35. At hand

His marriage is at hand and he looks very happy.

36. At arm's length

Always keep the bad boys at arm's length.

37. At one's finger's end

This poem is at my finger's end.

38. At the risk of:-

He saved the baby at the risk of his own life. t variance

42. At the top of

His name was at the top of list.

43. To be in one's bad books:

The work shirkers are in the bad books.

44. To bear out:

I shall bear out his honesty.

45. Beggar

Beauty of the sight beggars description.

46. Beneath one's dignity:

Such tactics are beneath your dignity.

47. To bear the brunt of:-

Our enemy could not bear the brunt of our attack.

48. Between the devil and the deep

It is hard to choose between the devil and the deep sea.

49. By reason of

He got the job by reason of family influence.

50. By virtue of:-

Imran got through the examination by virtue of hard work.

51. By way of joke

I said it by way of joke.

52. To blow hot and cold:

Ali blows hot and cold in the same breath.

53. To blow one's own trumpet:-

Wasif always blows his own trumpet.

54. To the backbone:

He is a rogue to the backbone.

55. To bring to light:

The police will bring all the facts of murder to light.

56. To bring home to:

I brought home to him the importance of house tests.

57. To burn the candle at both

He burnt the candle at both ends and now he is repenting.

58. Tb burn one's fingers

You will bum your fingers in this business.

59. To call to mind

NOW, I cannot his name to mind.

60. To call out:

The old lady called out for mercy.

61. To call up:

You called me up at 8'o clock.

62. To carry the day

Our soldiers carry the day in the war.

63. To cast pearl before swine

It is useless to cast pearl before swine.

64. Castles in the air

Never build CASTLES in the air.

65. Cock and bull story

I cannot believe in his cock and bull story.

66. Capital punishment

The murderer was sentenced to the capital punishment.

67. To come down upon

Our army came down upon by the enemy.

68. come down

The prices came down because of good harvest.

69. To come off with flying colors

He came off with the flying colors in the examination.

70. Cool as cucumber

He is cool as cucumber even after his failure.

71. Chicken hearted

He is chicken hearted.
72. To be in doldrums

He is in doldrums these days.

73. To cry for moon

His desire to win first prize is the cry for the moon.

74. to be done up

The room was beautifully done up.

75. To do away with

We must do away with old customs.

76. To eat one’s cake and have it

It is impossible to eat your cake and have it.

77. To end in fiasco

All his efforts ended in fiasco.

78. To fall on one’s feet

You should work hard to fall on your feet.

79. To fall between two stools

A man falls between two stools.

80. First and foremost

It is our first and foremost duty to help our parents.

81. To follow suit:

He has no opinion of his own; he simply follows suit.

82. To fall back upon

After his father's death, he fell back upon his uncle.

83. From a scratch:

Shahid established his business from a scratch.

84. From pillar to post

The postman goes from pillar to post to deliver letters.

85. To get at

He could not get at his target.

86. To get on one's

This noise has got on my

87. To give rise

He always gives rise to rumors.

88. To give way

The roof gave way and a man was injured.

89. To get into scrape:-

Aslam got into scrape because of his misdeeds.

90. To get the better of:

Ahmad worked hard 10 get the better of his class.

91. To give a good account

Adam gave a good account of himself in the examination.

92. To go hand in hand

Hard work and success go hand in hand.

93. To be in keeping with:

His claim is not in keeping with his status.

94. To be in one's good books

He is in the Principal’s good books,

95. To go out of one's way

My friend go out of the way to help me.

96. To go to pieces

He adopted bad company and went to pieces.

97. To go on

Go on with your efforts if you to succeed.

98. Hale and hearty

I am hale and hearty these days.

99. To have a finger in the

I do not have a finger in the pie against you.

100. In apple-pie order

She keeps her house in apple-pie order.

101. In black and white:-

He gave his statement in black and white.

102. In the long run

In the long run his efforts will bear fruit.

103. Keep off

We must keep off their quarrel.

104. To keep one's temper

Always keep your temper.

105. Kith and kin:-

We should not break with our kith and kin.

106. To lay heads together:-

Let us lay heads together to reform the country.

107. To lick the dust

At last, he had to lick the dust.

108. Long and short:

The long and short of his speech was that we should work hard.

109. To keep body and soul together:-

These days, it is very difficult to keep body and soul together.

110.To keep the wolf from the door:-

These days, it is very difficult to keep the wolf from the door.

111. To lay by

We must lay by something for the old age.

112. To make out:-

I made out nothing of his speech.

113. To make a clean breast of

The thief had to make a clean breast of his crime.

114. To make headway.-

Hamza is making headway in his business.

115. To make light of:-

Ali made light of his teacher's advice and failed.

116. To mind one's own business:-

Please do not disturb me and mind your own business.

117. More or less

More or less ten members were present in the meeting.

118. To make a mountain of a mole

He always makes a mountain of a mole hill.

119. To make faces at

It is a bad habit to make faces at others.

120. To make friends

Do not make friends with bad boys.

121. Neck or nothing:

Neck or nothing, I will go there.

122. On account of

I could not help him on account of poverty.

123. Next to nothing

He is next to nothing in the class.

124. Of one’s own accord

I left the city on my own accord.

125. On the whole

On the whole, he is a good man.

126. Over had and ears

She is over head and ears in love with Imran.

127. On the horns of dilemma

I was on the horns of a dilemma and i not know what to do.

128. Once in a blue moon:

He comes here only once in a blue moon.

129. Out at elbows:-

He is out at elbows these days.

130. Over and above:-

Over and above his salary, he gets a bonus also.

131. To play havoc

The storm played havoc in the town.

132. To play second fiddle

He always play second fiddle to his officers.

133. To pull someone's

Beware of him, he is pulling your leg.

134. To put the cart before the horse

He puts the cart before the horse because he studies at night and sleeps in the day time.

135. To put up:-

You may put up here in this stormy night.

136. A plain sailing

It is not a play sailing to pass the B.A. examination.

137. To play fast and loose

He cannot succeed because he fast and loose.

138. To play false:-

Do not play false with simple people.

139. To pull a long face:

When I broke the news of his failure, he pulled a long face.

140. To rise to the occasion

He rises to the occasion and is successful every time.

141. Royal road:-

There is a royal road to please Allah.

142. To be all ears

We should be all ears in the class.

143. To run into:

The bus ran into a tree.

144. Root and branch:

We put down the evils root and branch.

145. Rhyme or reason

His speech was without any rhyme or reason.

146. To see eye to eye

I cannot see eye to eye with you in this matter.

147. To show the cold shoulder

The landlord showed the cold shoulder to the labourer.

148. To spread like wild

The news of the accident spread like wild fire.

149. To stain every

We must strain every nerve to put down evils.

150. To stick to one's guns:-

He stuck to his guns and did not go there.

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