Torque Cheat Sheet6

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GE 1.

X Series Torque Chart

Torque Value Approved Tool Setting Special Considerations
Tower Section-to-Tower Section
2800NM / 2065 ft.lbs Avanti 3 6800psi
Size: 60mm Avanti 3 Dual 6600psi Special Arm (cup) is used for bolts behind buss bar.
100% BIM HY-3MXT 6400psi React off adjacent bolts not tower wall.
10% Annual Stealth 4 5100psi Can not be used to torque bolts behind Buss Bars.
Electric Torque Gun 2065 ft.lbs

Bedplate-to-Yaw Bearing
2800NM / 2065 ft.lbs Avanti 3 6800psi
Size 60mm Avanti 3 Dual 6600psi
10% Annual HY-3MXT 6400psi React off adjacent bolts not tower wall.
Stealth 4 5100psi
Electric Torque Gun 2065 ft.lbs

Tower Top Section-to-Yaw Bearing

1850Nm / 1365 ft.lbs Avanti 3 4500psi
Size: 50mm Avanti 3 Dual 4400psi
100% BIM HY-3MXT 4200psi React off adjcent bolts not tower wall.
10% Annual Stealth 4 3400psi
Electric Torque Gun 1365 ft.lbs

Brass Piston Yaw Brakes (Pucks)

100Nm / 74 ft.lbs +300 deg Torque Wrench 1/2" drive 74 ft.lbs Special low profile socket availabe from tooling.
Size: 60mm (2-3/8") Stealth 4 w/Arm Set PSI high enough to achieve 300 degrees (5 flats).
100% BIM & Annual 24" Adjustable wrench 15-20 ft.lbs To tighten jam nut. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN

Main Bearing
3500Nm / 2582 ft lbs HY-5MXT 4600psi Will not reach all bolts on some bearings.
Size: 60mm Avanti 5 Dual 4700psi Will not reach all bolts on some bearings.
10% Annual Avanti 3 Dual 8200psi
Avanti 3 8600psi

Pitch Drive
8.8-210Nm / 155 ft.lbs 8.8-155ft.lbs
10.9/12.9-280Nm / 206 ft.lbs Torque wrench, 1/2" drive 10.9/12.9- 206
Size: 14mm Hex ft.lbs
100% BIM 10% Annual Extension, 1/2" drive, 9 inch Due to low torque value an extension is allowed.

Main Gearbox Support

2800Nm / 2065 ft.lbs Avanti 3 Dual 6600psi
Size: 55mm or 60mm Avanti 3 6800psi
10% Annual HY-3MXT 6400psi
Electric Torque Gun 2065 ft.lbs

Generator Frame to Cast Bedplate

2800Nm / 2065 ft.lbs Avanti 3 w/ Special Arm 6800psi Special reaction arm and deep socket required.
Size: 60mm (Deep Socket req) Avanti 3 Dual 6600psi Special reaction arm and deep socket required.
10% Annual Stealth 4 5100psi
Electric Torque Gun 2065 ft.lbs Need deep 60mm 1' drive socket.

Yaw Drive
10.9 = 580Nm / 427 ft.lbs 10.9-5200psi 10.9 / 12.9 refers to bolt hardness, found on bolt
12.9 = 690Nm / 510 ft.lbs 12.9-6200psi
Size: 17mm Hex 10.9-5500psi 10.9 / 12.9 refers to bolt hardness, found on bolt
10% Annual 12.9-6600psi

Brake to Gearbox (BSAK / BSFI only)

690Nm / 509 ft.lbs Stealth 2 (SN: F3110 and higher) 2700psi
Size: 36mm Stealth 2 (SN: F3109 and lower) 2600psi
10% BIM & Annual Large 3/4 Drive Torque Wrench 509 ft.lbs

Generator to Damper
800Nm / 590 ft.lbs Torque wrench, 1/2" drive 200Nm Must be used with 4 to 1 multiplier.
Size: 46mm 100% All "Norwolf" 4 to 1 multiplier N/A Warning: Follow arrows on tool.

The information in this chart is subject to change. Refer to 1.xSerie_xxHz_TSP_BoltTorquexx_ENxxx.01 for updated information. April, 2012
GE 1.X Series Torque Chart
Torque Value Approved Tool Setting Special Considerations
Generator Damper to Bedplate
450Nm / 331 ft.lbs Torque wrench 3/4" drive 331 ft.lbs 30mm, 3/4" drive, Non-Impact, Thin wall socket.
Size:30 100% BIM, 10% Annual

Generator J-Boxes
Torque value is listed in J-Box Torque Wrench 1/2" drive Value in J-Box Due to low torque value extensions are allowed.

Shrink Disc
1700Nm / 1254 ft.lbs Avanti 3 4100psi
Size: 46 Avanti 3 Dual 4000psi
100% BIM HY-3MXT 3900psi
10% Annual Electric Torque Gun 1254 ft.lbs Need to replace cut zip ties, 7 required.

Rotor Shaft to Hub

2800Nm / 2065lbs Avanti 3 6600psi
Size: 55mm Avanti 3 Dual 6800psi Best Choice for Annual Maintenance.
10% Annual HY-3MXT 6400psi
100% BIM (Silver Bolts Only) Stealth 4 5100psi
All black bolts need to have 1 flat added at the BIM.
Black Bolts at BIM HY-5MXT / Avanti 5 N/A Set PSI high enough to achieve 1 flat.
2800Nm / 2065 ft.lbs +60deg Avanti 3 Dual / Avanti 3 N/A Set PSI high enough to achieve 1 flat.
100% BIM Stealth 4 N/A Set PSI high enough to achieve 1 flat.

Rotor Lock High-Speed Shaft to Gearbox

690Nm / 509 ft.lbs Stealth 2 (SN: F3110 and higher) 2700psi
Size: 36mm 100% All Stealth 2 (SN: F3109 and lower) 2600psi

Pitch Bearing to Hub

1300Nm / 959 ft.lbs Avanti 3 3200psi
Size: 50mm Avanti 3 Dual 3100psi
100% BIM Stealth 4 with 50mm Hex Link 2400psi Special "C" reaction arm required to torque bolts near lifting eyes and gun sights.

25% Annual Electric Torque Gun 959 ft.lbs Only used for easily reached bolts.

Blade to Pitch Bearing ( T-Bolts)

Blade Type: GE-34a, GE-34c, GE-37a, GE-37b, GE-37c, GE-40, LM-34.0P3, LM-37.3P2, LM-40.3P Black Bolts Only
350Nm / 258 ft.lbs + 120deg Electric Torque Gun 258 ft lbs + 120 Preferred tool for BIM and blade exchange.
Size: 50 Avanti 3 Dual / Avanti 3 N/A For loosening nuts and appling flats only.
100% BIM Stealth 4 with 50mm Hex Link N/A For loosening nuts and appling flats only.
10% Annual Movement is expected. Report any nut that moves more then 30 degrees, 1/2 flat, from previous mark.

Anchor Bolts
Specifications for anchor bolt maintenance MUST come from the foundation design engineer.
Request the following information from the customer: Frequency, Torque Spec, Quantity, and Corrective Action if found out of spec.
Questions relating to anchor bolt maintenance should be directed to a member of the TPM team.

TPM Support Central:

Small Diameter Bolt Torque Values
The torque values in table below are superseded if component specific torque values are listed above.
1. Tightening torque values are based on VDI 2230, version
2. Imperial units are converted from metric.
3. Tightening torque utilization of yield strength 70%.
4. Friction coefficient in the threaded area = 0.12.
5. Friction coefficient underneath contact area of bolt
head/nut = 0.12.
6. For LVDP/CONVERTER electrical connections, refer to values
listed in Table 3 of current Bolt Torque spec, unless vendor
provided torque values are provided.
7. For tower bus bar system torque values, refer to the GE
Canada installation manual 443.

The information in this chart is subject to change. Refer to 1.xSerie_xxHz_TSP_BoltTorquexx_ENxxx.01 for updated information. April, 2012

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