Current Affiars Topical Past Papers

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Current Affairs

Internal Security of Pakistan:

1. Discuss in detail the efficacy of counter terrorism measures adopted by the
government, especially with reference to the National Action Plan. (2016)

2. Highlight the role of National Action Plan (NAP) in stabilization of internal security of
Pakistan. Critically analyse its outcomes? (2017)
3. How can the governing structures have the capacity to neutralize threats to internal
security of Pakistan? (2019)
4. Why was Pakistan placed on the ‘Grey List’ of Financial Action Task Force (FATF)?What
are the implications and what measures should Pakistan take to move out of this list?

1. What measures would you suggest to improve the economy of Pakistan particularly in
the areas of debt reduction and enhancing export capacity? (2016)
2. How can the corruption elimination strategy be made part of the governance system
of Pakistan? (2019)
Foreign Affairs:
• Foreign affairs related to US-China-India-Afghanistan
1. Examine the emerging strategic competition between China and the US and its impact
on global order (2016)
2. Explain the salient contours of the US ‘rebalancing’ policy and China’s assertive policy
in South China Sea and latter’s disputes with the regional countries. Critically evaluate.
3. The impact of burgeoning US-India strategic partnership over the security situation of
the region and Indian Ocean Region. (2017)
4. US-India in August 2016 signed Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement
(LEMOA) that will reportedly facilitate the two allies to use each other’s military
facilities to check China’s growing influence. Comment. (2017)
5. How the United States is trying to keep its dominant position in the Asia-Pacific and
what is the China’s response to it? (2018)
6. What will be the strategic and political implications of the US withdrawal from the
Open Skies Treaty, and how is it impacting the arms control arrangements between
the great powers? (2021)
7. Some scholars term Afghan Peace Deal as the US Withdrawal Deal. Do you agree?
Answer the question while discussing the contours of the Afghan peace process.
• Foreign affairs in relation to Pakistan:
1. Discuss in detail the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline and challenges to it. (2018)
2. Discuss the possibilities of progress under the recently agreed rubric of
comprehensive dialogue between Pakistan and India. In your opinion what are the
major constraints at present? (2016)
3. Critically examine the Donald Trump’s Policy for South Asia and its implications for
Pakistan and the region. (2018)
4. What could be the reasons of emerging water conflict between Pakistan and
Afghanistan? (2019)
5. Discuss the strategic contours of Indo-US evolving partnership and how will it impact
Pakistan-US and Pakistan-China relations? (2020)
• South Asia:
1. Analyze the effects of commissioning of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine
(SSBN), INS Arihant equipped with nuclear-capable missile called K-4 over the strategic
stability of South Asia. (2017)
2. Strategic competition in the Indo-Pacific region is increasingly becoming intense.
Define the interests and role of US, China, India, Japan and Australia in the geopolitics
of Indo-Pacific region. (2020)

One Belt Road Initiative:

1. Critically examine China’s strategic vision behind its ‘One Belt, One Road’ venture.
2. Examine China Strategic Vision behind ‘The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)’, also
known as the One Belt One Road (OBOR). (2019)

1. Discuss the prospects and challenges to the construction of “China-Pakistan Economic
Corridor”. How will CPEC become a game changer for the region? (2016)
2. What measures do you suggest to improve the security conditions of Balochistan in
respect to China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), and the role of regional powers
to sabotage it? (2017)
3. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is considered as a game-changer. How the
CPEC can be helpful to uplift the Pakistan’s economy? Discuss. (2018)
Middle East:
1. How do you see recent developments in the Middle East, particularly with reference
to deteriorating relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran? What role, if any, Pakistan
could play in reducing the tensions between the two Muslim countries? (2016)
2. Critically analyze the US-Russia relations in context of ISIS and its impact on the
security situation of Middle East. (2017)
3. Describe the 2017 Qatar Diplomatic Crisis and its impact on the Middle East. (2018)
4. Discuss in detail the role of OIC, Arab league and GCC in the Middle East crises and
conflicts. (2020)

Climate change:
1. Discuss the adverse impact of climate change on the world and the measures
recently adopted by the Paris Conference to address this issue. (2016)
2. Elaborate the reasons and impacts of Donald trump’s withdrawal from Climate
Change Paris Agreement 2015? (2019)
• Climate change in Paskistan:
1. What impact global climate change will have on the water resources of Pakistan?
How will it affect inter-provincial harmony? (2020)
1.What are the opportunities and challenges for Pakistan as one of the new members of
the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)? (2018)
2. Critically analyze the newly established Islamic Military Alliance and its future
implications for the Muslim World? (2018)
Energy Crisis:
Give a critical review of Pakistan National Energy Policy 2013-2018. (2019)

Hybrid Warfare:
1) Discuss the instruments and techniques of ‘Hybrid’ warfare in context to Pakistan.
2) How is militarization of Artificial Intelligence and Computing revolutionizing the
military affairs? (2021)
Kashmir Issue:
1) Given the volatile lockdown in Indian Occupied Kashmir, what are the viable policy
choices available to Pakistan? What can Pakistan realistically do to ease the
sufferings of Kashmiri people? (2020)
2) What are the similarities and differences between Nagorno-Kaharabakh and Kashmir
conflicts? (2021)
Internal Affairs of Pakistan:
Most of the major political parties have committed to the creation of the new provinces
in Pakistan. Should new provinces be created or not, in Pakistan? Elaborate your
answer by giving references from the new provinces debate. (2021)

1) In view of the evolving global alignments and changing nature of major-power
relationships, what is the future of globalism and multilateralism? Discuss with
examples. (2020)
2) Last two decades have seen the rise of the right as a potent challenge to the liberal
democracies throughout the world. What are the causes of this rise and how can
states attend to this challenge? (2021)
3) Delineate the ways in which Covid-19 has affected the contours of the contemporary
world order. (2021)

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