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2019 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA)

Design and Implementation of Three-Phase

Grid-Connected Inverter for PV System
Nur Rohmat Hadianto1, Mustaghfiri2, Fifi Hesty Sholihah3, Joke Pratilastiarso4, Erik Tridianto5
Power Plant Engineering, Department of Energy and Mechanical Engineering
Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract— Solar energy is one of the renewable energy that by the inverter if the PV voltage differs considerably from the
has a large potential in Indonesia. Solar energy can be converted DC link voltage. Below is a three-phase inverter scheme
into electrical energy using PV. According to the increasing using a boost converter [5].
energy demand in Indonesia and the enactment of the feed-in
tariff by the government, it will be easier for the sale and
purchase of electricity through the on-grid system. This study
discusses the design and implementation of a three-phase grid-
connected inverter. This three-phase inverter circuit uses
sinusoidal pulse width modulation for input signal (SPWM) is
used to input the IR2113 circuit a three-phase inverter driver.
SPWM used is also a synchronization method to connect the
inverter to the grid. Grid synchronization in this study is
equating the phase angle and inverter output frequency to the
grid. In this design add DC to DC converter type push-pull
converter as a three-phase inverter supply and also as a control
to adjust the inverter output voltage to fit the grid. The push- Fig. 1. Previous research three grid connected.
pull converter uses an SG3525 PWM IC generator. The circuit
can be adjusted according to the voltage you want to produce. In this study, we designed a grid-connected three-phase
The circuit uses a high-frequency transformer as a step up the inverter in a photovoltaic system. In this system, a push-pull
voltage. The result of the system design is the PV output voltage
converter is added which is used to increase PV voltage. The
is increased by the push-pull converter and then to supply three-
phase inverter.
push-pull converter output voltage is controlled in a closed
loop. The advantage of this system is that it can produce large
Keywords—SPWM, three-phase inverter, push-pull converter, voltages with smaller dimensions and output voltage can be
grid synchronization. controlled according to the voltage used. The grid connection
system uses the SPWM method because it has a robust and
I. INTRODUCTION easy to implement the circuit [6].
At present, renewable energy is a very popular topic of Similar research has been carried out using a cascaded H-
study in the world. Solar energy is one of renewable energy bridge multilevel inverter for large-scale solar power plant
which is very abundant, eco-friendly, and easy to implement. applications [7]. While for small-scale solar power plant, 3
Based on data from the National Energy Council the potential phase inverters are more recommended to be applied because
of solar energy in Indonesia is an average of 4.80 kWh/m2/day 3 phase inverters have easier switching techniques.
[1]. Solar energy can be used directly to meet electricity needs
using PV (photovoltaic) modules. Many reference methods exist regarding grid
synchronization applied to an inverter. These methods include
Research on the implementation of solar energy is growing zero crossing detection (ZCD), Kalman Filters, Discrete
very rapidly at this time. One example is the use of PV to meet Fourier transform (DFT), Nonlinear Least Square (NLS),
electrical energy in buildings. In general, PV requires several Adaptive Notch Filtering (ANF), Artificial Intelligence (AI),
power electronic circuits such as DC-DC converters and Delayed Signal Cancellation (DSC), Phase Locked Loop
inverters. DC-DC boost converter equipped with PI control is (PLL), and Frequency Locked Loop (FLL), which each has a
used to increase the input voltage to reach DC-link voltage, different method and analysis [8]. In general, the grid
then the DC link voltage is converted into AC voltage using synchronization method is illustrated through the diagram
an inverter [2]. One of the switching in the inverter techniques below.
is SPWM which is built by comparing sine waves with
triangle signals [3]. SPWM switching techniques can also be
generated digitally using lookup tables on microcontroller
programs [4].
In general, on-grid inverters use a DC-DC converter to
increase the PV voltage to match the DC voltage of the link.
Among several types of DC-DC converters that are often
used are boost converters. But in fact, the input voltage
required by a three-phase inverter is very high. And the boost
converter output voltage is only affected by the duty cycle. Fig. 2. General block diagram grid synchronization.
So the boost converter is difficult to reach the voltage needed

978-1-7281-3749-0/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 138

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The commonly used method is the PLL (phase locked A. Push-Pull Converter
loop) method. This method has 3 control components, namely, A DC-DC converter is used to supply the voltage needed
a phase detector (PD), a loop filter (LP), and voltage- by a 3-phase inverter. In this study, the DC-DC converter
controlled oscillator (VCO). The PLL method structure is used is a push-pull converter topology, between the input side
feedback control that automatically adjusts the phase of the and the output isolated by the transformer. The push-pull
local signal generation to adjust the input signal phase. This converter output voltage can be varied by adjusting the
method is very easy to adjust because the construction of variation of the duty cycle. The basic push-pull converter
waves takes references directly through the grid without any consists of two switches (transistors), transformers, rectifier
wave synthesis. diodes and filters like Figure 5.
At present, PV (photovoltaic) use with grid-connected
systems is more popular than stand alone. Grid-connected
systems are more cost-effective because they don't need
batteries but only as an option. By using of grid-connected
PV systems utilizes a tool that is capable of sending or
flowing currents into the grid network, so that the power used
in the grid for loading will be lighter or reduced. The tool is
an on-grid inverter. Most on-grid inverters used are 1-phase Fig. 5. Push-Pull Converter.
on-grid inverters.
The primary side of the transformer is supplied alternately
from S1 and S2. So as to produce alternating current towards
the transformer. The output voltage on the transformer
secondary is rectified using a diode. In the design, we use a
full wave rectifier with four diodes, so it does not require a
center tap (CT) on the transformer secondary side. The
capacitor filter is used so that the push-pull converter output
voltage becomes pure DC.
The expected inverter output voltage is 380 Vrms. In
Fig. 3. Purposed configuration system. order to achieve this value, the inverter requires a DC voltage
of 380√2 which is close to 538 volts. So, the push-pull
In this study, we designed a grid-connected 3 phase converter is designed to convert 60 V to 538 V. Equation (1)
inverter in a PV system to be used for buildings that have 3 is used to determine the push-pull converter output voltage,
phase networks. The concept of an on-grid inverter is almost
the same as an off-grid inverter, but the sine wave generated =2 . (1)
at the AC voltage that is issued must be the same as the wave
that is owned by the grid in order for network synchronization
to occur. Grid synchronization has several variables that must To avoid voltage drop, the output voltage in the design is
be conditioned namely voltage, frequency, and phase angle at made greater than the expected output voltage. Based on the
the inverter output must be the same as the grid used. Figure calculation, the coil push-pull transformer ratio is 7 + 7
1 shows a block diagram of the system that we designed. winding for primer and 80 winding for secondary. The
switching frequency used for push-pull converters is 40 KHz.
Because both transistors must be switched alternately, the
Balanced duty cycle used should not exceed 0.5. The voltage-mode
load PWM SG3525 module is used to adjust the duty cycle.
Besides that, it can also be used to keep the output voltage
constant [9]. The output voltage is controlled in a closed loop
PV Filter and the desired voltage is adjusted using a voltage dividing
resistor. PWM control configuration on the push-pull
converter equipped with feedback as shown below.
converter Inverter

Triangular transformer
wave SPWM

Fig. 4. Block diagram of three phase solar PV inverter on–grid.

The PV module used in this study has a maximum power

of 180 Wp, a maximum voltage of 35.4 V, and a maximum
current of 5.09 A. The PV specification used is obtained from
testing the Standard Test Condition (STC). The design of this
system uses two PVs arranged in series. Taking into account
solar radiation and temperature which cannot reach ideal Fig. 6. PWM Push-Pull Converter Controller.
conditions in testing, so the PV output voltage used as a
parameter is 60 V.


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B. Three-Phase Inverter
The inverter is a circuit used to convert DC voltage to AC.
One of the most common types of inverters is voltage source
inverter (VSI). Three phase inverters are widely used for
equipment that requires high power. The basic three-phase
inverter circuit consists of 6 switches as shown in Figure 7.
The characteristics of the corresponding electronic
components as switches must have a high power rating and
can be used for switching at high frequencies. So that the (c)
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) was chosen for the
three-phase inverter design.

Fig. 8 a). Signal comparison, b). Signal forming at switch 1, c). Signal
forming at switch 3, and d). SPWM result signal forming.

Because the sine signal compared is from the grid, the

SPWM output signal will have the same phase and frequency
as the grid. Thus synchronization control can be done using
this method.
Fig. 7. Three Phase Inverter.

D. Low Pass Filter LC

C. SPWM (Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation)
The inverter output generally has a sine-shaped signal.
In the inverter, the process of forming a sine wave at the But it is in the form of a multilevel signal that is sinus shaped.
inverter output occurs due to the switching of the MOSFET / To produce a good sine signal a passive filter is needed which
IGBT [10]. This switching forms a sinusoidal signal. The is also useful for reducing harmonics. The design of passive
SPWM method is one of the switching methods that is often filters is designed based on 2nd order harmonics. The filter
used to produce inverter output that forms sinusoidal signals. used is an LC filter. Inductance L is obtained from the power
In this study, the SPWM method is also used as a grid flow complex equation to ensure the current generated by the
synchronization control method. SPWM is built from a inverter flows to the grid to supply its load. The value of L is
comparison of the sine (AC) signal with the carrier signal obtained at around 540uH through the following equation.
(triangle wave) which will produce the SPWM signal [11]. In
order for the synchronization to occur, the first thing that | |.| |
must be considered is the phase angle and frequency that the = . ( 1 − 2) (2)
grid has. While the voltage will be controlled by a DC-DC
converter. To be able to produce a sine signal that is the same = 2 (3)
as a grid, a sine signal that is compared is a signal taken
directly from the grid. In order for the sinus signal to be read From the above equation, the L inductance value is
by the IC TL074 op-amp component, the grid voltage is obtained to filter the power flow. To cut harmonics, the
lowered to 3VAC then compared to the carrier signal capacitor is required provided that the XC value is the same
(triangle wave) that is generated by itself. The following is as XL. Thus the value of C:
the form of the signal that is processed to produce the SPWM
= (4)

Obtained filter capacitance value of 18uF.


The circuit below is a combination of a push-pull
(a) converter, three-phase inverter, and control in each circuit.
The simulation uses two PVs connected in series. Radiation
and temperature are 1000W/m2 and 25oC respectively. The
simulation using PSIM software and implementation devices
can be seen in the picture below.



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Fig. 13. Push-Pull Converter output voltage.

The three-phase inverter uses SPWM modulation which

is obtained by comparing sine signals from three phase grids
and triangular signals. The comparator results as the gate
Fig. 9. Circuit scheme. signal and the output of the three-phase inverter before being
controlled can be seen in the figure below.

Fig. 14. The result signal of SPWM simulation.

Fig. 10. Fabrication module of on-grid three phase inverter.

Fig. 15. The result signal of SPWM module.

The picture below is the result of simulation and testing

using an oscilloscope. In this test, line-neutral THD of 1.18
will be muted using an LC filter.

Fig. 11. The conditioned grid for testing the module .

In the picture below is a picture of the switching signal on

the gate transistor and the push-pull converter output voltage.
By using voltage-mode PWM SG3525, the push-pull
converter output voltage can be adjusted according to the grid
voltage used. In addition, it can maintain the output voltage
due to input voltage fluctuations.
Fig. 16. The result of line – neutral inverter output simulation.

Fig. 12. Switching signal for Push-Pull Converter.

Fig. 17. The result of line – line inverter output simulation.


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Fig. 18. The result of line – neutral inverter output module. Fig. 23 The result of line – line inverter output module after filtered.


This study can be used as a reference for designing 3-

phase inverters in grid-connected solar panel systems. This
can be proven by several things as follows:
1. The inverter's output voltage produces a 3-phase
voltage from 1 DC source which is stepped up to
obtain a 3-phase voltage.
2. The step-up method uses a push-pull converter to
effectively increase the voltage from 60 VDC to 550
3. Grid synchronization to connect the inverter to the
Fig. 19 The result of line – line inverter output module. grid can use the SPWM method. Because the phase
angle and frequency at the inverter output match the
The three-phase inverter voltage is filtered using grid.
inductors 540uH and capacitors 16 uF. The result of line to 4. To produce a pure sine wave output, a low pass filter
neutral output voltage 216 V AC and line to line is 378 VAC. can be used to reduce the harmonics.
After the harmonics are muted using an LC filter, the result
becomes 0.03. Because the harmonics after filtering are less
than 5 percent, the inverter output can be connected to the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
grid. The resulting sine wave can be seen in the picture below.
The authors would like to acknowledge Electronic
Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya for the support
of this research.
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