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Apni Kaksha

Super Master Sudhanshu Shekhar

Atomic Structure
Matter is made up of
small indivisible
particle called atom

Atom of different
Elements combine in a
Fixed ratio of small Atoms Neither be
whole number to form Dalton’s created nor destroyed
compound called Atomic theory
molecule. (1808)

Atom of different Atoms of the same

Element have element are Identical in
different mass shape all respect
& size (size, shape, mass)
Drawback : (I) The discovery of Isotopes & Isobar showed that atom of same element
may have different atomic mass (Isotopes) & atom of different
element may have same atomic mass (Isobars)

(II) Atoms can be split into more Fundamental particles Electron, Proton
& Neutrons.
Q. Daltons atomic theory was given in the year of
(a) 1808 (b) 1908
(c) 1708 (d) 2008

Ans. (a) is correct.

Q. Dalton atomic theory was able to explain
(a) Law of conservation of mass
(b) Law of constant composition
(c) Law of multiple proportion
(d) all of the above

Ans. (d) is correct.

Discovery of

Discovery of Discovery of
Electron Neutron

Discovery of
Discovery of

The electrical discharge

through the gases could be
observed only at very low
pressures and at very
high voltages

The flow of current from

cathode to anode was further
checked by making a hole in
the anode and coating the
tube behind anode with
phosphorescent material
zinc sulphide
The results of these experiments are summarized below.

(ii) These rays themselves are not visible

(i) The cathode rays start but their behavior can be observed with the
from cathode and move help of certain kind of materials
towards the anode. (fluorescent or phosphorescent) which
glow when hit by them. Television picture
tubes are cathode ray tubes and television
picture result due to fluorescence on the
television screen coated with certain
fluorescent or phosphorescent materials.

(iii) In the absence of

electrical or magnetic field,
these rays travel in
straight lines
(iv) In the presence of electrical or
magnetic field, the behavior of
cathode rays are similar to that
expected from negatively charged
particles, suggesting cathode rays
consist of negatively charged
particles. Called electrons.

(v) The characteristics of cathode

rays (electrons) do not depend upon
the material of electrodes & the
nature of the gas present in the
cathode ray tube. Thus, we can
conclude that electrons are basic
constituent of all the atoms.
Charge to Mass Ratio of
The amount of deviation of the
particles from their path in the
presence of electrical or magnetic
field depends upon:

(i) The magnitude of the

(ii) The mass of the particle
negative charge on the particle.

(iii) The strength of the electrical or

magnetic field
By carrying out accurate measurements on the amount of
deflections observed by the electrons on the electric field
strength or magnetic field strength, Thomson was able to
determine the value of e/me as :

 1.758820 1011 Ckg 1

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