Chapter 5 Review

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Chapter 5 Review

“Electrons in Atoms”

Pre-AP Chemistry
Charles Page High School
Stephen L. Cotton
Chapter 5 Review
 What is the next atomic orbital in the
series: 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, ?
 In Bohr’s model of the atom, where are
the electrons and protons located?
 What is the basis for exceptions to the
aufbau diagram?
 How does the energy of an electron
change when the electron moves closer
to the nucleus?
Chapter 5 Review
 Ifthe spin of one electron in an
orbital is “clockwise”, what is the spin
of the other electron in that orbital?
 What is the approximate energy of a
photon having a frequency of 4 x 107
Hz? (h = 6.6 x 10-34 J . s)
 Which of the following would be most
stable: a) 4d55s1, or b) 4d45s2
Chapter 5 Review
 How many unpaired electrons are in
a sulfur atom (Z = 16)?
 According to the Heisenberg
uncertainty principle, if the position
of a moving particle is known, what
other quantity CANNOT be known?
 Which of the following has the
highest frequency: a) x-rays, or
b) gamma rays
Chapter 5 Review
 What is the electron configuration of
 What is the number of electrons in
the outermost energy level of an
oxygen atom?
 How does the speed of visible light
compare with the speed of gamma
rays, when both speeds are
measured in a vacuum?
Chapter 5 Review
 The principal quantum number
indicates what property of an
 Which scientist developed the
quantum mechanical model of the
 In the Bohr model of the atom, an
electron in an orbit has a fixed ___.
Chapter 5 Review
 What is the maximum number of
electrons in the second principal
energy level?
 If three electrons are available to fill
three empty 2p atomic orbitals, how
will the electrons be distributed?
 What is the wavelength of a wave
that has a frequency of 60 MHz?
Chapter 5 Review
 When an electron moves from a
lower to a higher energy level, the
electron _____.
 According to the aufbau principle,
electrons enter orbitals of ___ first.
 What is the maximum number of “f”
orbitals in any single energy level of
an atom?
Chapter 5 Review
 What is the frequency of a photon
having an energy 5 x 10-24 J?
(h = 6.6 x 10-34 J . s)
 What types of atomic orbitals (s, p,
d, or f) are in the third principal
energy level?
 How would the atomic emission
spectra of a sodium atom on Earth
compare with sodium in the sun?
Chapter 5 Review
 How many energy sublevels are in
the second principal energy level?
 Emission of light from an atom
occurs when an electron _____.
 Who predicted that all matter can
behave as waves as well as
 What are quanta of light called?
Chapter 5 Review
 Stable electron configurations are
likely to contain ____.
 What is the maximum number of “d”
orbitals in a principal energy level?
 How are frequency and wavelength
of light related?
 What is the maximum number of
orbitals in the p sublevel?
Chapter 5 Review
 Which electron configuration would
be more stable: a) 4f7, or b) 4f14
 Which variable is directly
proportional to frequency: a) energy,
or b) wavelength?
 Which color of visible light has the
shortest wavelength?
 The quantum mechanical model of
the atom involves the _____.
Chapter 5 Review
 How many electrons are in the
highest occupied energy level of a
neutral atom of each of the
following: a) chlorine atom; b)
copper atom; c) strontium atom?

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