MTES3052 Arts in Education

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1. Name of Arts In Education

Course/Module Seni dalam Pendidikan

2. Course Code MTES3052

3. Name(s) of Patricia Nirmala Daniel

academic staff

4. Rationale for the Arts in Education is a course offered to all PISMP students for them to apply during the process of
inclusion of the teaching and learning of mathematics. The components in this course namely visual, music and
course/module in movements help enhance their senses towards perception, appreciation, aesthetic awareness,
the programme creative and imaginative thinking through activities which are enjoyable and suitable with the needs
of primary school students.
5. Semester and Year Semester 2 Year 1

6. Total Student
Learning Time Total Guided and Independent
Face to Face Non Face To Face
(SLT) Learning

L = Lecture
T = Tutorial L T P A L T P A
P = Practical 81.5
A = Assessment
15 - 30 2 15 - - 19.5

7. Credit Value 2

8. Prerequisite (if any) None

9. Course Learning At the end of this course students will be able to:
Outcomes 1. Explain learning theories, basic concepts and elements of Arts in Education in the teaching
(CLO) and learning process with reference to current resources. (C5, P2,A3,PL01, PLO3,
2. Apply elements of Arts in Education in exploring activities, acquiring experiences , and
expression related to sensory of primary school students.(C3, P4, A4, PL03, CTPS1)
3. Evaluate visual art activities, music and movements in mathematics in a written form. (C5,
A3, PLO3, CTPS2)
4. Present arts in education activities using the performance kit for teaching and learning of
mathematics in the primary schools.(C6, P7, A5, PLO2, PL03, PL05,CTPS4, TS4)



Internalizing values
Complex or overt
Guided response







C C C C C C P P P P P P P A A A A A5
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4
1 x x x
2 x x x
3 x x
4 x x x

10. Transferable Skills: Critical thinking skills and problem solving skills (CTPS4)
Teamwork (TS4)
Lifelong Learning and Managing Information Skills (LL1)

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11. Teaching-learning Teaching-learning strategies:
and assessment 1. Lecture
strategy 2. Practical sessions

Assessment strategies:

Student’s assessment of this course is determined via two (2) methods: final examination
(30%) and coursework (70%)
Programme Learning Outcome Teaching and Learning Types of
(PLO) Strategies Assessment
PLO1 - Knowledge Lecture Examination

Critical Review

PLO2 – Practical Skills Lecture Presentation

Practical (Group)
PLO3 – Scientific skills, Lecture Examination
thinking skills and problem Practical
solving skills. Critical Review

Reflective Report

Production of
Performance Kit

PLO5 – Teamwork Practical Presentation

PLO6 – Lifelong Learning and Lecture Examination
Managing Information skills
Critical Review

12. Synopsis This course introduces students to Arts in Education, children and arts, senses and arts,
implementing and managing creative activities on rhythm, colour and space. It also provides basic
knowledge and skills about arts in education, applying and managing activities that help stimulate
exploration, experience, and expression in the teaching and learning of various subjects.

Kursus ini memberi pendedahan mengenai pengenalan Seni dalam Pendidikan, kanak-kanak,
deria dan seni, pelaksanaan aktiviti mengenal irama, warna, dan ruang, pengetahuan dan
kemahiran asas seni dalam pendidikan, pengendalian aktiviti meneroka, memperoleh
pengalaman, dan ekspresi melalui seni serta aplikasi dan pengurusan aktiviti pengajaran dan
pembelajaran dalam semua mata pelajaran.
13. Mode of Delivery 1. Lecture
2. Practical
14. Assessment Coursework: 70%
Methods and
Types Examination: 30%

Types of assessment Methods of assessment Percentage

Written Examination 30

Coursework Performance (Group) 10

Critical Review (1000 words) 25

Reflective Report (750 words) 20

Production of Performance Kit 15


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15 Mapping of the
Course Learning
Outcomes to the PEO1 PEO2 PEO3 PEO4 PEO5 PEO6
Educational CLO1 x x x
CLO2 x

CLO3 x

CLO4 x x x

Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)

Knowledgeable (LO1) and possess practical skills (LO2) in the teaching
profession in line with the needs of the organization and clients
Generate solutions to problems (LO3) in the teaching profession through
scientific approach (LO3) innovatively, creatively and ethically (LO8).
Communicate(LO4) effectively to uphold Bahasa Melayu as a language of
PEO3 knowledge and strengthen the use of the English language
PEO4 Able to seek and manage relevant information from various sources (LO6)
Demonstrate entrepreneurial and managerial skills (LO7) and realize the
needs of life-long learning (LO6) for career development.
Possess values and professionalism (LO8), leadership qualities(LO9),
social skills, responsible and able to work as a team (LO5)

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

CLO1 Explain learning theories, basic concepts and elements of Arts in
Education in the teaching and learning process with reference to current
resources. (C5, P2,A3,PL01, PLO3, PLO6,CTPS2, LL1)

CLO2 Apply elements of Arts in Education in exploring activities, acquiring

experiences , and expression related to sensory of primary school
students.(C3, P4, A4, PL03, CTPS1)
CLO3 Evaluate visual art activities, music and movements in mathematics in a
written form. (C5, A3, PLO3, CTPS2)

CLO4 Present arts in education activities using the performance kit for teaching
and learning of mathematics in the primary schools.(C6, P7, A5, PLO2,
PL03, PL05,CTPS4,TS4)

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16. Mapping of the
Course Learning PLO1 PLO2 PLO3 PLO4 PLO5 PLO6 PLO7 PLO8 PLO9
Outcomes to the
Programme CLO1 x x x
Outcomes CLO2 x
CLO3 x
CLO4 x x x

Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO)

PLO1 Use knowledge and understanding related to theories and principles of

teaching and learning in mathematics education

PLO2 Demonstrate practical skills to solve problems in mathematics education

for constructing learning experiences appropriate to the level of pupils’

PLO3 Apply self-reflection, problem solving skills, scientific skills and creative
thinking in the field of teaching

PLO4 Communicate and cooperate effectively with various parties in the global,
economical, environmental and local contexts

PLO5 Possess the capability and commitment to implement responsibilities in

working as a team

PLO6 Possess the ability to manage information and the expectation of needs as
well as the capacity to engage in lifelong learning

PLO7 Demonstrate managerial and entrepreneurial skills as well as the need to

respond to change

PLO8 Practise professional values, attitude and ethics in the teaching profession

PLO9 Demonstrate leadership abilities and competence as an agent of change in

the teaching profession

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

CLO1 Explain learning theories, basic concepts and elements of Arts in
Education in the teaching and learning process with reference to current
resources. (C5, P2,A3,PL01, PLO3, PLO6,CTPS2, LL1)

CLO2 Apply elements of Arts in Education in exploring activities, acquiring

experiences , and expression related to sensory of primary school
students.(C3, P4, A4, PL03, CTPS1)
CLO3 Evaluate visual art activities, music and movements in mathematics in a
written form. (C5, A3, PLO3, CTPS2)

CLO4 Present arts in education activities using the performance kit for teaching
and learning of mathematics in the primary schools.(C6, P7, A5, PLO2,
PL03, PL05,CTPS4,TS4)

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17. Content Outline of the Course and the Total
Student Learning Time (SLT) for each topic Face-to-face Non Face-to- face
Interaction Interaction

Total SLT





1. Introduction to Arts in Education
 Concept and learning theory
- Concept, aim and objectives of Arts in
Education for primary school teachers
- Multiple Intelligences Theory (Howard
- Constructivism Theory ( Lev Vygotsky)
- Hoka Hoki Theory ( Ned Hermann) 2 2 4
 Importance of Art in Education
- Importance of imagination, emotion ,
expression and creativity

Optimum , integrated and enjoyable learning

2. Children, Senses and Arts

 Basic needs related to physical , emotional ,

spiritual , intellectual , social and aesthetic
of children and adolescents
 Development of sensory in children
- Touch
- Hearing 1 1 2
- Sight
- Taste
- Smell
 Importance of sensitivity / awareness of
senses in teaching and learning
- Environment

Development of aesthetic values

3. Rhythm , colour and space

• Conducting creative exploratory based

activity with the aim to create expression
and presentation of ideas through :
6 6
- rhythm
- colour
- Space
• Conduct activities on awareness of senses
and art

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4. Knowledge and Basic Skills on Arts in

 Visual Art 2 4 2 8
- Introduction to Basic Art Design –
elements of art and principles of design
- Introduction to four aspects of visual art
constructing pictures, creating patters
and designs , creating sculptures and
exploring traditional craft in primary
 Musical Art
- Introduction to basic knowledge on
music concepts
- Introduction to basic skills in music
through songs and creating lyrics 2 4 2 8
activities, percussion instruments and
improvisation of instruments using
rhythm, melody and expression.
 Movements
- Introduction to the concept of movement
awareness of body
awareness of space
2 4 2 8
Quality of movement
- Exposure to basic skills in movement
locomotors skills
non-locomotors skills
manipulation of instruments.

3. Exploratory based activities, obtaining

experiences and expression through art
 Exploration 1
- Exploring instruments and materials
- Exploring ideas and content
- Exploring ways on usage,
modification and manipulation
- Exploring using ICT
 Obtaining experiences through:
- Various strategies and activities
- Various directions and distance
using music visual art and
movement 1
- Patterns and rhythm in music ,
visual arts and movements
- Written reflections and recording of
self reactions
 Expression 8
- Conveying feelings through mood
expression, ideas, different 2
information through creative art
visual, music and movement.
- Elaborate the effect of expression
on visual art activities, music and
- Use creative visual art activities,
music and movements for the
purpose of expression and
- Discuss reactions, feelings towards
various forms of expressions and 2
relate with the learning content.

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4. Application and Management of Arts in
Education activities in teaching and
 Exposure to the concept of integration
1 2 1 4
- Concepts and the various
definitions of integrations
- Issues and challenges of
- Content Integration of unit ,
various skills, process and
strategies pertaining the subjects
- 5 P integration
- assimilation 1 2 1 4
- knowledge absorption
- value inculcation
- enrichment
- remedial
 Exposure to themes and associations
- Choices and selection of themes
- Choosing the themes according to
the learning outcomes, subject
skills, levels, interest and student 2 4 2 8
 Integration of visual arts and
movement in a creative manner for
mathematics in the primary schools.
 Produce teaching and learning
materials which integrate visual arts,
music and movement
 Produce activities integrating visual
arts, music and movement in the
process of teaching and learning
mathematics in the primary schools
Coursework /Practical 0.5 15 15.5


Revision 1.5 4.5 4.5

Total 15 30 2 15 19.5 81,5

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TOTAL FACE TO FACE AND Face to face Non face to face
LEARNING TIME Lecture 15 15


Practical session 30

Critical Review
( 1000 words) 6

0.5 1.5
(In group)

Production of Performance 3

Reflective Report (750 4.5


Examination 1.5 4.5

Total 47 34.5

Total SLT 81.5

Credit 2

18 Main references Isbell, R. & Raines, S. (2013). Creativity and the arts with young children.(3rd
ed.). Belmont, CA : Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Pangrazi, R. P. & Deighle, A. (2013). Dynamic physical education for

elementary school children.(17th ed.). New York: Benjamin Cummings.

Pica, R. (2012). Experiences in movement with music, activities & theory. (5th
ed.). NY: Thomson Delmar Learning.

Additional references Anderson, W.M. & Lawrence, J.E. (2013). Integrating music into the elementary
supporting the course classroom. 9th Ed. Belmont, CA : Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Ismail Saiman dalam pendidikan. KL : Freemind Horizons


Gardner, H.(2011). Frames of mind: the theory of multiple intelligences. NY:

Basic Books Inc.

Koster, J. B. (2009). Growing artists: Teaching the arts to young children. New
York: Thompson Delmar Learning.

Lowenfeld, V. and Brittain, W.L. (1986). Creative and mental growth NY.

Mayesky, M.(2014). Creative activities and curriculum for young children. USA:
Cengage Learning.

Menon, N. (2005). Permainan, lagu & puisi. Bentong, Pahang: PTS Professional
Publishing Sdn. Bhd.

Salmah Ayob.(1998). Pergerakan kreatif dan pendidikan. P.J: Flo Enterprise

Sdn. Bhd

Other additional information None

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Explain learning theories, basic Lecture Critical Review
concepts and elements of Arts in Tutorial (individual)
Education in the teaching and
learning process with reference to x x x
current resources. (C5, Examination
P2,A3,PL01, PLO3, PLO6,CTPS2,
2. Apply elements of Arts in
Education in exploring activities,
acquiring experiences , and Lecture
expression related to sensory of Tutorial Examination
primary school students.(C3, P4,
A4, PL03, CTPS1)
3. Evaluate visual art activities, Lecture Reflective Report
music and movements in Tutorial (individual)
mathematics in a written form. x
(C5, A3, PLO3, CTPS2) Examination

4. Present arts in education activities Lecture Performance Kit

using the perfomance kit for Tutorial Production
teaching and learning of (individual)
x x x
mathematics in the primary
schools.(C6, P7, A5, PLO2, PL03, Presentation
PL05, CTPS4,TS4) (group)
Lecture Critical Review
Tutorial (individual)

Reflective Report

TOTAL x x x x x Presentation
Performance Kit


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Panel Members :

Bil. Name Academic Qualification

1. Patricia Nirmala Daniel MA Social Sc.(Strategy and Diplomacy)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Universiti Putra Malaysia
2. Mohammad Bin Chat Sarjana Pendidikan Kurikulum
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Sarjana Muda Kepujian Seni Halus
Universiti Sains Malaysia
3 Tn.Hj.Azman bin Mohd.Hussain Ijazah Sarjana (Pendidikan Seni)
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Ijazah Sarjana Muda (Seni Halus)
Universiti Sains Malaysia
4 Chin Soo Fong Sarjana Pendidikan Seni Halus
Universiti Malaya
Sarjana Muda Kepujian Seni Halus
Universiti Sains Malaysia

5 Edna Wellington Master Sains (Pentadbiran Pendidikan)

Universiti Putra Malaysia
B Ed. (Music)
University Of Otago, New Zealand
6 Hafitz bin Khamis Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Muzik
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
7 Kok Mong Lin MSc. (Pendidikan Jasmani)
Universiti Putra Malaysia
B.Ed. (Pendidikan Jasmani)
Universiti Putra Malaysia
8 Tan Yan Im International Diploma in Physical Education and Scholastic
Sports (United States Sports/KPM)
Sarjana Pendidikan Kesihatan
Universiti Malaya
Sarjana Muda Kepujian Pendidikan Muzik
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

External Consultants:

No. Name Designation University/Division

1 Bakhtiar Bin Mohd Salleh Ketua Unit Pendidikan Muzik Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum,

2 Kamariah Binti Mohd Yassin Ketua Unit Pendidikan Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum,
Jasmani KPM

3 Susie Khor Siew Lee Guru Besar SK(P) Methodist 1, K

4 Syafinas Binto Romli Guru Pendiidkan Seni Visual SMK Bandar Seri Damansara 2

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