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Angus McBride
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Thorsten Aha, Uwe Bulmann, Joel Gerhold,
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… and so it happened that at the beginning of the Second Age, the elves controlled the
fate of the world, and they built their floating cities and pacified the land, and every
creature had a solid place in the way things went, and there was a fair world order
during many thousand sun runs. This, however, displeased S’h-Karath, Prince of
Destruction, and so he summoned up a portal between the dimensions, and he sent
Xeribulos Dan Hurrorcon, Ruler of Ice, and K’rak-Than, Ruler of Fire, on the world
to destroy the elves and to bring chaos and death over them. And Xeribulos Dan
Hurrorcon created a desert of ice in the north that continually expanded and buried all
life under itself, and K’rak-Than sent his flame-walls against the elves and destroyed
their armies, and he let the southern continents wither and become a desert.
... and so it happened that the armies of the elves were destroyed and their cities levelled,
and every creature fled before the onrush of fire and ice, and many tribes and cultures
were destroyed, while chaos and destruction gained the upper hand. But then the
location of the lost swords of the elements was revealed to the elves. And so the High
Council of the elves sent Lindradil, the prince of the elves, with the Swords of Water
and Earth against K’rak-Than to vanquish him, and Ilmarion, the greatest hero of the
elves, was sent with the Swords of Fire and Air to banish Xeribulos Dan Hurrorcon.
There was a fight between Lindradil and K’rak-Than that lasted many days, and the
desert reverberated with the howl of the fire-demon, as Lindradil succeeded in
banishing and chaining him in the Necropolis of the South. And Ilmarion fought many
days and nights against Xeribulos Dan Hurrorcon and killed his demon-hordes. And the
desert of ice trembled under the wrath of the fighters, and Ilmarion succeeded in
banishing Xeribulos to the ice caverns of Norgal. And the Swords of Water and Earth
locked the portals of the Necropolis of the South, and the Swords of Fire and Air
banished Xeribulos to the ice caverns, and the swords vanished from the face of the
earth. And thus ended the Second Age.
... and so it happened that at the beginning of the Third Age, the desert of ice in the north
began to retreat, and the withered desert in the south became fertile again after many
sun runs. The people breathed a sigh of relief because the demons were gone from the face
of the earth; but, the elves knew that the power of S’h-Karath had not been broken. And
then again the elves created another big empire that extended from the Cold Sea in the
north to the Ocean of Storms in the south, and from the Inner Sea in the west to the
Green Ocean in the east. Their armies were strong and numerous, and they practiced
great magic in order to be able to defend themselves against S’h-Karath. But they never
succeeded in destroying the demons of S’h-Karath completely, and they never built their
floating cities again.
The Book of Ages
“The history of the Third Age, my Prince, is known better to us in of the human race, and therefore had to proceed faster, in the
many details than to the humans that lived during that time. opinion of the philosophers). We do not know who persuaded the
Nevertheless, even today, a lot of things lie too close to us to be High Council to make the decision to teach the humans magic.
assessed in their meaning. Also, too many things were lost in the However, we suspect that they were influenced by Rhagai, for it
darkness of forgetting and in the thicket of recriminations and fitted in his plan, as the following incidents show.”
rumors for a true history of the last centuries to be written down.
Howsoever, that time is stamped by the ascension and slow “More than a generation later – it was 48 years before the
downfall of the Empire, and so you will understand, my Prince, founding of the Empire – Rhagai, who could because of his
that we will use the calendar of the Empire, even if this was not powerful magic change his shape and travel unrecognized among
even in existence at the beginning of our story…” other races, made an ancient, apparently incomplete manuscript
containing mighty spells previously unknown to the humans
“At the beginning of the Third Age, my Prince, the elves saw available to an ambitious human mage. My Prince, you know the
themselves as the rulers of the known world, even though the humans well enough to know what had to come about; forbidden
threat of the demons of S’h-karath had not been completely knowledge arouses curiosity the most, and unknown things, that
banished. They had brought peace to almost all races under their are within reach, must be tried..... The magician began to study
reign, and had also given some knowledge. However, being and work the spells, without comprehending their meaning or
prosperous and at peace too long leads to negligence and weariness, realizing their consequences. We don’t know exactly what
and so the races under the elves’ rule won increasing independence, happened ... but, we do know that some time later a huge and
to which the elves themselves had contributed through shared powerful tear was opened between the dimensions. Then, the
knowledge. Especially in the region of the future Empire, the elemental powers broke through and destroyed the portals of the
relationship between the elves and the humans seemed to evolve ice caverns of Norgal. The swords of Fire and Air shattered, and
to one of equal ranking – although it was mostly the humans that the dreadful Xeribulos Dan Hurrorcon wandered, wailing with
saw it that way. During all this time, the mages of the elves joy, over the earth again.”
worked powerful spells to destroy forever the bond that was
slowly strengthening again between S’h-Karath and the banished “The mages of the High Council were aware that Xeribulos had
demons.” been set free; and they also knew that a human mage was
responsible. This knowledge reinforced (completely in Rhagai’s
“111 years before the calendar of the Empire, my Prince, two lines favor) the growing tensions already present between the elves and
of fate met and united; and two events of that year would decide humans because now many members of the High Council believed
the fate of many races in the coming centuries, even if they were that the humans had learned magic too fast and were using it
not aware of it at the time. For one thing, the banishing spells of irresponsibly. It was, however, predominately the humans who
the elven mages became mightier and mightier and the essence of suffered most from the situation because the ice carpet slowly
S’h-Karath sensed that the bond between the dimensions, and moved forward again, devouring everything that lived. As a
thereby his control, was about to snap and be forever lost. On the result, there were famines in the north, and many refugees in the
other hand, the relationship between humans and elves had south.”
progressed so far that the High Council allowed an elven woman
to lie with a human. In the fateful night of that year, as the half- “After long, futile fights against the demon hordes, the High
elf Rhagai was conceived, the banishing spells of the elves reached Council decided to once more banish Xeribulos. They sent a small
their peak, and S’h-Karath sensed that his influence on this plane group through a magic portal into the ice caverns of Norgal to
would be lost. So he cursed the yet unborn child, and condemned reclaim the needed swords of the elements. However, the elves
it to creating eternal hatred and hostility between all races and returned with only shattered swords unusable for banishing.
to continuing the unfinished work of destruction. When the curse Then they decided to weld together the blades of the two swords
was spoken, the bond between the dimensions snapped.” to create a mighty one-and-a-half-handed sword, whose combined
elemental powers of fire and air would have a chance of defeating
“Do you feel chilly, my Prince? Now, I will instruct the servants Xeribulos. However, the elven smiths had never been the best and
to get more wood. But the coldness that you feel comes from it would have taken them nearly ten years to weld a sword with
within you, because you have recognized that on that day evil such mighty powers. So the High Council turned to the dwarven
entered the world. But nobody recognized it on that day, and so blacksmith, Vaska Torgrimm, who created the powerful sword,
history took its course. Ten moons later, the child was born and called Sardasil, within a few months.”
grew up within three decades to become an honored member of the
High Council and a mighty mage. Inwardly however, Rhagai had “Xeribulos continued to rage in the north, while his magic buried
a hatred for everything and felt like he belonged to neither the more and more lands under ice. Time was critical; the elf prince
elves nor the humans. He began to knot his threads in secret, and Valareth was hastily sent to the north as soon as the sword was
knew that he had all the time in the world to complete his work. finished, with only a small escort to fight against Xeribulos.
...You know, my Prince, that the elves live for millenniums; and, However, Rhagai … by all the Gods, Rhagai, you of all people!
the half-elf Rhagai could be sure to live many centuries because … was then selected to give the dwarfs their arranged payment,
the curse had made him physically immortal.” which included vast amounts of gold, jewels, and their highly
valued mithril. The following events are darkened by the shadow
“During this time, the elves began to convey the knowledge of of the past centuries and are no longer seen accurately – but the
magic to the humans, and they educated the first human mages. fact remains that ever since the dwarves have been malicious to
The members of the High Council were amazed at how quickly the the elves and claim that they never received their payment, while
humans learned, and attributed this to their comparatively short the elves, at least in those days, were convinced that a member of
life span (which gave evolution less time to work on an individual their High Council did deliver the payment.”
“Wait, my Prince, I will pour you some more, for listening makes appear in some other form. Shortly after the lost battle at Samar,
thirsty. Lean back and make yourself comfortable … we still while Beroll’s army were still licking their wounds, a man
have a long night before us if you want to hear the rest of the story appeared in Beroll’s Council, who called himself Kumkor. He
about Rhagai and the sword – which is also the story of the advanced quickly, and made a name for himself as a consultant
Empire, and whole races.” of Beroll and, also, as a great mage. We know today that Kumkor
was in reality Rhagai; but it was not known in those days, and
“In the darkness of history, we lose track of Rhagai for a few years even if it had been, it wouldn’t have annoyed anyone. Anyway,
now. … So let’s continue with the events surrounding the sword, Kumkor or Rhagai began to teach the destructive and dark side
whose fate seems to be linked with Rhagai in some mysterious of magic to the human mages, and within only two years the
way. Accompanied only by his groom, the elf prince Valareth rode humans had the knowledge to cast deadly spells of destruction.”
north, as quickly as the horses would carry them, to slay Xeribulos
with the sword. You know the lingering legends about the ice “No, my Prince, in contrast to warfare, whose one way you
desert of Isthak, my Prince. Also, you know that the events that command perfectly, magic has as many different schools and
followed, even today, are not well known because rarely did ways, as many as there are dimensions in the universe … all of
anyone go into the ice desert and come back alive. It is well- which are interwoven and influence each other; but, nevertheless,
known that Valareth crossed the North Marks of the later they remain independent and diverse. In those days, the power of
Empire and that all trace of him was lost somewhere in the north the elven magic was extracted from the light levels of the universe.
of Thingstedt in the ice desert. It is also a known fact that The magic was mighty, but it did not kill. The dark school of magic
thereafter the ice ceased to expand. Why? We don’t know. It is goes back into the underworlds of the dark dimensions of
firmly believed that Valareth did not survive the fight against destruction, where chaos, death and doom prevail. Only very few
Xeribulos because he was never seen again after entering the mages can successfully master more than one school, and still
desert of ice.” remain sane.”
“The sword? … Patience, my Prince, the whereabouts of the “Anyway, the High Council never used the advantage of their
sword were not known for a short time. Soon, however, fate will victory at Samar to pursue the remainder of Beroll’s troops.
again unite it with Rhagai. Even the elves didn’t know what had Perhaps, at that time, the elves had already lost interest in the
happened to the sword. About two years later, the Empire was affairs of the humans. This, however, gave Beroll the opportunity
filled with rumors about the … so many claimed … the son of a to rebuild his army and to strengthen it with mages of the dark
farmer named Beroll, who had a small, but ever growing, band of school. He brought the main lands of the later Empire under his
followers. With this group of supporters, he led a revolt that later control. Then, three years after the first battle, the elves were
expanded into an open rebellion of humans against the elves in again forced to raise a huge army and to fight Beroll. The armies
large regions of the later Empire. Beroll’s reputation was based met west of Elianhay and, as legend says, both enemies were so
on a large magic sword that he carried which apparently made him impressed with each other’s power that the two armies faced each
invincible and scattered his adversaries like leaves in the wind.” other and stood motionless for two days because neither side
dared to make the first move. Finally, one side gave the order to
“We know today that the legendary magic sword that Beroll held attack, and the carnage began. Under Kumkors instructions, the
was the one-and-a-half-handed sword forged by the dwarfs, even human mages unleashed a firestorm that could destroy the elves,
if we don’t know how Beroll attained it. Now turned against its despite their protective magic. However, the insatiable flames
previous owners, the sacred sword in the hands of Beroll won him consumed not just the elves; the humans also fell victims of their
victory. After their first successes, this initially small group of own magic. Beroll saw the disaster of the battle and realized that
Beroll’s followers was transformed into a huge, though badly Kumkor’s magic was deceptive and uncontrollable. He wanted to
organized, horde, which pressed hard on the elven garrisons.” attack Kumkor, who, however, escaped, disappearing by means
of his magic.”
“After several years had passed, Beroll and his supporters had
gained control over large territories of the later Empire. For a “But now, my Prince, something happened that we will experience
while the High Council of the elves had mostly ignored these often in the following centuries, and which we still have no
uprisings, regarding them as just a local revolt. In year 2632 of the explanation for. Sardasil, the sacred sword, suddenly began to
High Council, which was six years before the imperial calendar glow very bright in Beroll’s hand. Its glow seemed to blind all
began, the High Council decided then however, to confront the elves, but none of the humans. Beroll was gripped by a godlike
human’s rebellion. At Samar, the first big battle between humans power as he assaulted the top of the hill with his men, where the
and elves took place. The troops on both sides were of approximately leaders of the elves were directing the battle, and he personally
equal strength; however, the elves decided the battle in their slew them one by one with the sacred sword. The units of the elves
favour quite easily through the concentrated power of their spells, started to panic, and the battle ended in a draw with great losses
for the use of magic had not spread very much in the human race on both sides. Beroll was found seriously injured among the fallen
at that time. Many human units ran away in blind panic; and elves. Dying, he handed the sacred sword to his son Berill, and
even Beroll, with the sacred sword, could not win against the instructed him to lead the humans to freedom.”
superior strength, and retreated, beaten, along with the remainder
his army to the east.” “Berill began to secure the main lands of the later Empire, and to
rebuild his army again. There was little resistance, for many of the
“And now, my Prince, something happened, which we will elves wanted to quit interfering in human affairs after the
encounter more often in the story of the sword and Rhagai, for catastrophe of Elianhay. So began the exodus of hundreds of
they seem to be linked in some mysterious way. Wherever the thousands of elves to the west, where they, as we suspect, settled
sword appears, Rhagai is never far behind, even though he may on a continent beyond the Great Ocean.”
“Two years later, with large regions of our continent already Centuries of prosperity and relative peace had led to decadence
under the control of the humans, a third battle against the elves and laziness, and corruption in the administration of the vast
took place at Zoltana. Since this battle led to the final expulsion area did the rest.”
of the elves and to the establishment of the Empire, it is, as you
know, my Prince, sung about in many heroic songs and described “After the battle of Mahsal, the Empire was robbed of the symbol
in many legends. However, in reality, it was a small battle, and that represented their power and pride. Following this, a gradual
the honor that was glorified in hero epics, belonged, most certainly, and lengthy collapse began. Berill’s son, Gandalon, died in the
to the second battle at Elianhay.” great pestilence in Emessa while his father was fighting in
Mahsal. With the chosen successor now departed, the next years
“In the following year, Berill declared the foundation of the new were marked by intrigues and power struggles which paralyzed
Empire in Emessa, the newly established capital, and was the Empire. Though Erwyn the Cruel brought this vigorously to
crowned the first emperor. In the Empire’s main lands the an end in the year 475, the desire for conquest was lacking, and
humans were no longer threatened, since the remainder of the the imperial army that once had been victorious in conquest now
elven race had retreated into the forests of Iconessa. The next four became simply a garrison of troops.”
and a half centuries offer many opportunities to study the art of
war. They are, however, rather boring from a historical viewpoint. “For a long time the whereabouts of the sacred sword and any
As the Empire grew, prosperity was bestowed upon its citizens. trace of Rhagai were lost in darkness. Nevertheless, we must
Through many campaigns and battles, the Empire expanded assume that he secretly continues to fulfill the bequest of S’h-
north to the borders of Isthak, the desert of ice, and south to near Karath. From the events of the last seventy years, it appears that
the gulf of Veneta, and west as far as Iconessa and the Street of Rhagai has disappeared from sight in the civilizations we know,
Thain, and east to the swamps of Gazaka and the orc territories.” but he is by no means idle.”
“Rhagai? … Oh, excuse me, my Prince, if I annoy you with my “In the years after 645, rumors came thick and fast from the
repetitious tales. Naturally, we want to pursue the story of northern marches of the Empire that some isolated villages had
Rhagai and the sword further. Over the centuries, the sword was been attacked by hordes of dreadful creatures, which were part
passed from each emperor to his successor. The sacred sword human and part animal. The inhabitants were either mutilated,
always symbolized the nobility of the emperor and the might of killed or carried off. With the Empire in a state of decline, it took
the Empire. As it came to pass, every emperor could personally years to investigate these rumors. The massacres had left few
decide a battle in critical moments if he pulled Sardasil and rode survivors, and the little information that was to be had appeared
with the glowing sword in his hand against the enemy. Essentially, too unbelievable to be true. As the invasions steadily advanced,
this alone will have contributed much to the expansion of the in the year 662 Emperor Ondra VIII was compelled to send an
Empire. However, each emperor who pulled Sardasil in battle army into the ice desert of Isthak, to divert the impending threat.
died in that same battle – even if the Empire won. So it became … As you know, it never came to an open battle, for the total
custom that an emperor was only allowed to take part in a battle expeditionary force was destroyed in a few weeks through the
if his succession was already secured.” constant attacks by beastmen, ice witches, and demons.”
“The passage of history is measured by ages, my Prince. But, for “As we know today, these episodes in the ice desert were evidence
a creature like S’h-Karath, centuries are equivalent to only one of Rhagai at work, as he set in motion the destruction from the
day in the cosmic order of things. So, more than fourhundred years north. In the years that followed, however, events revealed that
pass before we find traces of Rhagai again. The time was in the the web of fatal entanglements designed to drive all races into
year 448 of the imperial calendar, when hordes of orcs grew conflict and ruin was much more tightly woven by him than the
stronger because a successful chief united part of the tribes. menace from the ice desert suggested.”
Instead of fighting among themselves, which was their usual
pastime, they now went against the Empire. In the year 449, “Now, as the wheel of history turned faster, the alignment of fate
Berill V., the emperor at that time, led an army to the east and it that was predestined centuries ago intertwined and merged. …
came to the battle of Mahsal.” Pour yourself some more, my Prince, and hear the rest of the story.
… The events that followed occured blow by blow, measured in
“The battle did not go to the advantage of the Empire, as the cosmic dimensions.”
imperial army was not only exhausted from a month-long
campaign, but also starved due to the devastation of the “In the year 665, high ranking commanders of the Empire and a
surrounding country. Berill accepted his destiny to salvage victory part of the clergy founded the Order of the Purifying Light at a
and to confront death. With Sardasil in his hand, he rode against Council in Karmana. Because of the defeat in the north, there was
the orcs at the head of his bodyguard. But the sacred sword a determination to counteract the downfall of the Empire. The
remained dark; no orc was blinded by its splendor. The emperor, Order, as we know, has indeed succeeded in strengthening the
however, had instilled courage within the troops and won the imperial might during the last years, even though the Empire is
battle, but just barely. Then, Berill fell and in the confusion of the attacked from all sides. … A mistake in the plan of S’h-Karath,
melee, an orc succeeded in snatching the sword away from the my Prince? … Or solely a devilish trick by Rhagai to prolong the
dying emperor and fled before anybody knew what had happened.” agony of the Empire and multiply the aftermath of the impending
“Every civilization advances and declines in the process of
history, my Prince, and the Empire was then at the zenith of its “However, twelve years after the establishment of the Order, all
power. The revolving wheel of history had brought the Empire to orc tribes, with a few exceptions, united. Under the leadership of
its supreme power, but now the descent started slowly downward. Clanngett, they attacked the imperial area east of the Gavril
river. Commanded by a capable leader like Clanngett, the orcs “Unfortunately, this shall not be the last of what we hear of
were remarkably successful, and two years later the invasion had Duke Alkaldo, for in the year 710, and by this time advanced to
advanced so far that the dwarven empire of Gaeta was threatened one of the Ice Lords of Isthak, he attacked Wesgard, the
as well. So, ultimately the dwarves of Gaeta fought side by side northernmost imperial seaport, with a troop of demons and
with the troops of the Empire against the advancing orcs.” undead knights and took the city after only three days of siege.”
“So the troops of the Empire were now bound in the north and in “The course of fate and the plans forged by Rhagai in secret, seem
the east. The Empire would have managed this threat alone, since to cross, to accelerate and to consolidate now, my Prince. Only
their troops were numerous, and the Order had increased their two years after these incidents the tribes of the warlords of Thain
fighting strength and morale. But, in the year 683, the next strike attacked. Imperial forces have stood their ground against the
occurred and the fertile southern provinces seceded from the tribes up to now, and the attack was not directed against only the
Empire. A short, but bloody civil war followed, and in 685, Empire, for the tribes had skirmishes with the elves, and fought
emperor Erwyn V was forced to accept the independence of the the Ice Lords as well. Nevertheless, a new threat has emerged
southern city states after losing battle at Bassano. The Empire from a third side.”
was deprived of its most fertile provinces. This, however, was
not, by a long stretch, the last defeat.” “Finally, the actual invasion of Isthak began two years ago. At
first the invasion was directed against the imperial city of Berlak
“In the year 694, emperor Dadalon III ordered his personal … or the ruins of Berlak, as we must say today … but by now,
advisor and favorite, Duke Fraiz Alkaldo, to finally resolve the another army of the Ice Lords has invaded the province of
problem in the north. Alkaldo was given far-reaching imperial Markhelm, where they fight against Thain and the Empire over
authority, but was at that time already corrupted by Rhagai’s the ownership of Waalford.”
promises, and the lure of evil power. He recruited a following of
dubious subjects, mainly knights who had lost their honour and “The fire? I believe that we can let it go out now because morning already
power-hungry nobles, and brought the northern provinces to the dawns, and our story ends here. The sacred sword? Oh yes, the sword –
brink of chaos through horrendous taxation and inhumane we don’t know what became of the sword, and we also don’t know if
treatment of the population. Finally, he united his army with the we’ll ever meet again to continue the story. The Empire is being attacked
armies of the Ice Lords of Isthak and turned against the Empire. on all borders, and every new morning can be our last. But empires die
He brought the imperial mining city of Elkar under his control slowly, my Prince, and there’s always a gleam of hope, for who knows on
and established the Order of the Purifying Darkness.” whom the fortune of war will shine?”
BASIC GAME Movement Near Enemy Units ............................... 31
Getting Into Melee ................................................ 32
I. INTRODUCTION .............................................. 13
MUSICIANS ............................................................. 46
IV. SHOOTING .................................................... 22 LEADERS ............................................................... 46
STANDARD BEARERS ........................................... 47
THE TIME FOR SHOOTING .................................... 22 THE POSITION OF SPECIAL FIGURES ................... 47
WEAPONS ........................................................... 22
Elements Entitled to Shoot ................................... 23 X. COMMANDERS .............................................. 48
Support ................................................................ 23
THE EXECUTION OF SHOOTING .......................... 24 COMMANDER ELEMENTS ..................................... 48
SHOOTING INTO A MELEE .................................... 25 COMMANDERS’ OPTIONS ..................................... 48
AFTER THE SHOOTING ......................................... 25 Commanders Acting Independently ..................... 48
Commanders attached to a Unit ........................... 49
Joining and Leaving Units .................................... 49
V. MOVEMENT .................................................... 26 THE FUNCTION OF COMMANDERS ...................... 50
★-Commanders ................................................... 51
MOVING AN INDIVIDUAL UNIT ............................... 27 ★★-Commanders ................................................ 51
Movements .......................................................... 27 ★★★-Commanders .............................................. 51
Wheels ................................................................. 28 ★★★★-Commanders ........................................... 51
Turns ................................................................... 28 UNCOVERING THE ORDERS ................................. 51
Formation Changes ............................................. 29
Combination of Several Maneuvers ...................... 30
Columns .............................................................. 30 XI. TERRAIN ....................................................... 52
Units With Three or Less Elements ....................... 30
SEQUENCE OF MOVEMENT ................................. 31 DISPLAYING TERRAIN FORMATIONS ..................... 52
MOVING SEVERAL UNITS ...................................... 31 TERRAIN FORMATIONS AND MOVEMENTS .......... 52
INDIVIDUAL TERRAIN FORMATIONS ..................... 53 Large Elements on Fields of Different
Open Terrain ........................................................ 53 Height Levels .................................................... 82
Difficult Terrain .................................................... 53 Hit Points ............................................................. 82
Rough Terrain ...................................................... 53 SHOOTING AT LARGE ELEMENTS ........................ 82
Swamp ................................................................ 53 OVERRUNS ............................................................ 83
Hills ..................................................................... 53 Overrun Elements ................................................ 85
Water ................................................................... 54 MELEE ................................................................... 85
Hedges and Walls ................................................. 55 Getting Into Melee ................................................ 85
Roads .................................................................. 55 Overruns and Melee ............................................. 85
IMPASSABLE TERRAIN .......................................... 55 The Second and Following Phases of a Melee ...... 85
Flank and Rear Attacks ........................................ 86
Two Melee Attacks ............................................... 86
XII. SHOOTING .................................................. 57 LARGE ELEMENTS AS COMMANDERS ................. 86
GIANTS .................................................................. 86
SHOOTING AT TARGETS ON THE SAME Bases ................................................................... 86
HEIGHT LEVEL .................................................... 57 Passable and Impassable Terrain .......................... 87
The Shooting Diagram ......................................... 57 Moves and Turns .................................................. 87
Partially Visible Elements ..................................... 59 Shooting .............................................................. 88
DEALING WITH TERRAIN FEATURES .................... 60 Melee ................................................................... 88
SHOOTING AND TERRAIN ..................................... 61 Slain Giants ......................................................... 88
The Height of Terrain Features ............................. 61 DRAGONS .............................................................. 88
Hills ..................................................................... 61 Bases ................................................................... 89
Woods .................................................................. 61 Passable and Impassable Terrain .......................... 89
Underbrush/Thicket and Grown Fields ................. 62 Moves and Turns .................................................. 89
Hedges and Walls ................................................. 62 Shooting .............................................................. 90
Bodies of Water .................................................... 63 Melee ................................................................... 91
Summary ............................................................. 63 Commanders Riding Dragons .............................. 91
THE EXECUTION OF SHOOTING .......................... 64 Slain Dragons ...................................................... 91
SHOOTING INTO A MELEE .................................... 65
INTRODUCTION ..................................................... 95
XV. MORALE ...................................................... 73 Bases ................................................................... 95
Passable and Impassable Terrain .......................... 95
RESOLVING MORALE TESTS ................................. 73 Movement ............................................................ 96
MISSILE CASUALTY TESTS .................................... 73 Size ...................................................................... 96
MELEE CASUALTY TESTS ..................................... 74 TYPES OF ARTILLERY AND SHOOTING ................ 96
OVERRUN TESTS ................................................... 75 Ranges ................................................................. 96
CHARGE TESTS ..................................................... 75 ORDERS AND LOADING ........................................ 97
RALLY TESTS ......................................................... 76 FIRING .................................................................... 97
OBEDIENCE TESTS ............................................... 77 Drift & Defects ..................................................... 97
MORALE TESTS LEFT OUT ................................... 77 DIRECT SHOOTING ................................................ 98
ROUTING UNITS ..................................................... 77 DIRECT SHOOTING ON FIELDS OF
IMPETUOUS UNITS ................................................ 79 DIFFERENT HEIGHT ......................................... 100
INDIRECT SHOOTING .......................................... 101
ARTILLERY IN MELEE .......................................... 102
XVI. LARGE MONSTERS ..................................... 81 XIX. MAGIC ...................................................... 103
The Level of a Wizard ......................................... 103 PAINTING .............................................................. 115
SPELLS ................................................................. 104 DECALS ............................................................... 115
The Level of a Spell ........................................... 104 FINISH .................................................................. 117
CASTING SPELLS ................................................. 104 BASES .................................................................. 117
THE EFFECTS OF SPELLS .................................. 105
SPELL LISTS ......................................................... 106
Stone Skin (Orcs 1) ........................................... 106 APPENDICES
Confusion (Orcs 2) ............................................ 106
Strength (Orcs 3) ............................................... 106 XXIII. UNITS AND MODELS .............................. 119
Song of Affliction (Orcs 4) ................................. 106
Healing (Orcs 5) ................................................ 107 NOBLE FOOTSOLDIERS ...................................... 119
Nameless Fear (Orcs 6) ..................................... 107 BERSERKERS ....................................................... 119
Paralysis (Empire 1) .......................................... 107 KNIGHTS OF THE ORDER OF THE
Magic Shield (Empire 2) .................................... 107 PURIFYING LIGHT .............................................. 119
Bless (Empire 3) ................................................ 107 IMPERIAL ARQUEBUSIERES ................................ 119
Curse (Empire 4) ............................................... 107 LIGHT ORC ARCHERS .......................................... 120
Strengthen (Empire 5) ....................................... 108 LIGHT ORC SWORDBEARERS ............................. 120
Flame Strike (Empire 6) .................................... 108 ORC GUARD ......................................................... 120
TROLLS ................................................................ 120
DWARF-EATERS .................................................. 120
XX. FIRE .......................................................... 109 MINIATURE PACKS ............................................... 120
Orcs ................................................................... 120
WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION ............................ 109 Empire ............................................................... 120
WIDESPREAD FIRES ............................................ 109 The Icelords of Isthak ......................................... 121
FLAME ATTACKS ................................................. 110 Elves .................................................................. 121
FLAMING ARROWS AND INCENDIARY Dwarves ............................................................. 121
PROJECTILES ................................................... 110 The Warlords of Thain ........................................ 121
Equipment ......................................................... 122
Goblins .............................................................. 122
XXI. FLYING CREATURES ................................. 112
ELEMENT BASES ............................................. 123
BASIC GAME TABLES ...................................... 124
XXII. PAINTING ................................................. 114 STANDARD & EXPERT GAME TABLES ............. 125
RECRUITMENT CARDS ..................................... 127
REQUIRED MATERIALS ........................................ 114 GAME COUNTERS ............................................ 134
PREPARATION OF THE MINIATURES ................... 114
With the DEMONWORLD game-system you can recre- sections for ease in learning the game system. Game
ate epic fantasy battles between the armies of most rules are always printed in bold and examples of play in
different races and empires, courageous heroes, danger- italics.
ous monsters, mighty wizards and fantastic fighting
machines, whereby the armies of both sides are deployed The basic game explains important attributes of models
and pitted against the other. As a rule two players and units. Then (simplified) rules are given for the actions
participate in a game and each player will lead an army. in a round, for orders, movement as well as melee and
Larger scenarios with many units can be played with two shooting. The rules of the basic game do not cover all of
or more players on each side, with each leading a certain the tactical possibilities. However, you can play simple
contingent or a wing of the respective army. Larger scenarios and familiarize yourself with the basic rules.
games with many players are more fun and are played to The chapter ‘Winners and Losers’ describes how to set up
a quicker end! a game area and where to set up the armies.
DEMONWORLD can be played with the enclosed game The standard game adds rules for an expanded list of
counters or with miniatures. The enclosed game counters actions during a round, for commanders and other spe-
enable you to instantaneously start a game with smaller cial figures, for special formations and for the effects of
armies of orcs and the Empire. However, they do not terrain and morale, on movement and behavior of the
include all of the existing troop types of these races. troops. Your games become more complex but also more
Complete information about history, troops, magic of the realistic.
orcs and the Empire, as well as other races like elves,
dwarves or the Icelords of Isthak are included in the In the expert game you will find rules for large monsters
DEMONWORLD source books. For the construction of like dragons or giants, for chariots and artillery, fires and,
such armies, or other units not included here, DEMON- naturally, magic.
WORLD miniatures are available. These not only look
more attractive than game counters, but provide valua- The chapter ‘Painting’ includes tips for the painting of
ble information like direction of movement, armor-plat- miniatures and the formation of the miniature bases.
ing or weaponry and facilitate the application of long
range combat rules. In the appendices you will find an overview of all base
sizes used in the game and more information about the
included game counters and units.
Your DEMONWORLD game consists of this rulebook, Game Counters
three die-cut counter sheets with counters for orders,
spells and different game situations, two sets of identical The enclosed game counters are used for the issuing of
sheets with a summary of all the required rules and spells, orders and make the identification or control of different
four dice, three die-cut sheets of recruiting cards, three game situations easier to resolve. The illustration on the
die-cut sheets with preprinted units and four colored next page explains all counters occurring in the game; for
playing maps. the basic game you will only need some of the order and
hit counters.
To play the game you will need a game surface (for
example a table) with a size of 90 x 120 cm or larger and
at least another player. Dice
Included in the game are two twenty-sided dice (the sides
Game Rules numbered 1 through 20) and two six-sided dice. The six-
sided dice will be referred to as ‘D6’, the twenty-sided
The DEMONWORLD game rules are divided into three dice will be referred to as ‘D20’.
Game Maps
GAME COUNTERS The game includes four different colored maps, that can
be fitted together in many ways to form different playing
M S used for Move,
The game maps are printed with hexagonal grids, which
are used to regulate troop movements and maneuvers. A
Attack and hexagon is referred to as a ‘hex’ or ‘field’. A movement of
Hold orders one hex would be a movement from one hexagon into any
of the six adjacent hexagons. The dot in the center of each
impetuous and lineup. When putting together the playing area you will
notice that all of the edge fields of the map sheets show
R routing units
Unit Number of Movement Points for each Refers to the empire or faction;
Designation order, number of allowed maneuvers and within these rules, only ORCS and
possible formations (Standard Game) EMPIRE
se also include all the required recruiting cards for the precise information about the composition of the models
respective faction. on a base. The appendix contains an illustration which
explains all existing possibilities.
For games using only the basic rules you only need the
nine recruiting cards of sheet 1. The sheets with game A hexagonal base with a side length of 20 mm (or a
counters contain information about which game coun- game counter) is called an ‘element’ regardless of the
ters are to be used to build the unit described on each type or number of figures it contains. Each element
recruiting card. Cut out the required game counters and consists of a front that is determined through the
recreate the game situations while reading the rules. alignment of the models as well as a right flank, left flank
and a rear.
When playing the basic game, all attributes are the same
for all elements of a unit.
would also be disorganized as there is more than one The distance between field A and field C is three hexes;
rank with a fewer number of elements than the first. It will field B is from field A two and from field C three hexes
often happen that the last (second) rank has fewer away.
elements than the first, but this alone does not lead to
of Models
The units and races of a Fantasy world have a number of INITIATIVE
characteristic attributes. In the basic game this is armor,
size, movement points, maneuvers, initiative and weap- Initiative is a measure of agility and quick reaction of an
ons. These values are printed on the recruiting card of the element. Most races have an initiative of 2, elves of 3,
unit. most Undead have an initiative of 0. The initiative of an
element can be changed by the order that currently
applies, and in some cases by the weapon being used.
ARMOR Initiative determines who strikes first in melee.
can use in melee. This weapon – if present – is also shown against elements on an adjacent field, the descriptions
on the recruiting card. only contain a Battle Factor, and no range.
Slings. This is the collective name for all kinds of slings. Handweapons. This is the category for small swords and
We do not distinguish between lighter and heavier slings, war-hammers, one-handed axes, clubs, flails, maces,
as the inferior effect of light slings is balanced by a higher morning-stars and other combat weapons carried with
rate of fire (which in game terms, however, is given as one hand.
only one Battle Factor 3 nevertheless). Battle Factor: 5.
Battle Factor 6 Fields: 3.
Two-handed Weapons. This includes halberds, two-han-
Bows. We do not differentiate between several smaller ded battle axes or heavy clubs, two-handed swords,
types of bows because more highly developed samples scythes and any other hand-to-hand-combat weapons
like composite bows are only easier to use, but do not that require two hands to use.
significantly increase penetration-power or maximum Battle Factor: 7.
range. Please note that mounted archers have a different
arc of fire than archers on foot (see chapter ‘Shooting’). Improvised Weapons. This includes knives or daggers,
Battle Factor 9 Fields: 4. little clubs, nightsticks, stones and other makeshift arms
that have very little efficiency.
Longbows. This type of bow has its own class because it Battle Factor: 3.
has a greater distance and a better penetration-power.
Battle Factor 12 Fields: 5. Javelins. Can be used for missile combat, but also for
Crossbows. This type of crossbow includes all kinds, Battle Factor: 4.
regardless of whether it has to be loaded mechanically or
by hand. Since loading takes time, an element can fire a Spears. This includes all spears between about 6’ and 12’
crossbow only if it has Hold orders (see chapter ‘Actions in length that are usually used with one hand. An element
and Commands’). armed with a spear increases its initiative value by 1 in the
Battle Factor 6 Fields: 6 9 Fields: 5. first round of a melee.
Battle Factor: 7 against cavalry, 6 against infantry.
Javelins. These weapons, because of their limited di-
stance, have only limited use, but are also usable as hand Pikes. These are all spears that are over 12’ in length and
weapons. The term also includes throwing-axes. It is require two hands to use in combat. An element armed
assumed that a model armed with javelins has several of with pikes increases its initiative value by 2 in the first
them, and that these are collected again if the situation round of a melee.
allows. For the sake of simplicity, therefore, an unre- Battle Factor: 8 against cavalry, 7 against infantry.
stricted supply is available.
Battle Factor 2 Fields: 4 4 Fields: 3. Lances. These are similar to spears, but can only be used
by cavalry. An element armed with a lance increases its
Arquebuses. This includes any hand-carried type of initiative value by 1 in the first round of a melee. A lance
weapon firing a projectile through the use of gunpowder. may only be used in the first phase of a melee. Therefore,
Because loading takes considerable time, an element most elements so armed also have a hand weapon to
can fire this weapon only if it has Hold orders. carry on a melee. This hand weapon – if it exists – is also
Battle Factor 4 Fields: 7 7 Fields: 3. given on the recruiting card.
Battle Factor: 6.
Melee Weapons
Melee arms are weapons used for hand-to-hand combat
or ‘melee’. Because the weapons can only be used
and Orders
DEMONWORLD is played in rounds. A round in the basic Skirmish Order
game is composed of five phases played sequentially, in
which all players participate. Skirmishing units usually only have light armor and are
supposed to provoke the enemy to undertake ill-consid-
In the first phase of a turn, the ‘order phase’, you give each ered actions, and attempt to avoid any melee. A unit with
of your units an order by placing an order counter beside Skirmish (or S) orders has the most varied possibilities of
the unit. This order determines what the unit can do, or is actions, but is not very good at either movement or
allowed to do during the next four phases. melee.
Laying out an order counter represents the unit-leader’s A unit with Skirmish orders is allowed to shoot in the
decision as to what the unit should do, based on HIS rapid first shooting phase of a turn.
assessment of the situation. When giving orders, the
players should therefore not spend too much time re- Units with Skirmish orders move SECOND in the move-
viewing the overall battlefield and making complicated ment phase. A unit with Skirmish orders may attack an
calculations to determine which order is best suited for a enemy unit and conducts melee with an initiative
unit (for in reality the unit-leader cannot do this either!). increased by 1.
For players with a similar level of experience, we recom-
mend setting a time limit for laying out orders (for
example, one minute). Attack Order
A unit with Attack (or A) orders may attack an enemy unit
ORDERS and usually inflicts more damage during melee. The unit
forfeits shooting for the benefit of a more aggressive
There are four different orders in DEMONWORLD and attack.
each has different effects on movement and combat.
A unit with Attack orders may not shoot.
Move Order Units with Attack orders move THIRD in the movement
phase. A unit with Attack orders may attack an enemy
A unit with Move (or M) orders forfeits combat and attack unit and conducts melee with an initiative increased
options in exchange for further movement. The troopers by 2.
put their arms away in order to move unhampered and
more quickly. The order is very useful to ensure rapid
troop deployment, but makes the unit very susceptible to Hold Order
attacks and can therefore be very dangerous if given in
the proximity of enemy troops. A unit with Hold (or H) orders defends its current position.
The unit has many movement restrictions, but is very
A unit with Move orders may not shoot. strong in defense.
Units with Move orders always move FIRST in the A unit with Hold orders is allowed to shoot in the second
movement-phase. A unit with Move orders may not shooting phase of a turn, even if the unit was brought
attack an enemy unit. into melee in the previous movement phase.
A unit with Hold orders may not move or wheel and is not 4. Second Shooting Phase
allowed to attack an enemy unit; but, it may turn and/
or shift single elements. These maneuvers are carried All units with Hold orders that are not engaged in melee
out LAST in the movement phase. Units with Attack from PREVIOUS turns may shoot.
orders conduct melee with an initiative increased by 2.
The procedure is the same as in the first shooting phase.
The terms ‘wheel’, ‘turn’ and ‘shift of single elements’ are
explained in chapter ‘Movement’.
5. Melee Phase
THE SEQUENCE OF ACTION DURING All units that were engaged in melee in this turn or are
still so engaged from previous turns, engage in combat
A TURN now. At the end of the melee phase movements of single
The five phases of each turn are played in the following elements are performed.
sequence. When all phases are finished the order coun-
ters which were laid out in the first phase are removed and This procedure is described in chapter ‘Melee’.
a new turn begins with new order counters being laid out.
The order counters should be placed with the printed side Example: A player has five units that may all move
down so they cannot be seen by the opposing side. Place because of their orders. The player may decide if he wants
the chosen order counter next to or behind the unit that to move one, two, three, four, all five or none of these units.
you want to assign the order to. The exact position does
not matter as long as it is obvious what unit has an order. Actions not undertaken are forfeited. These cannot be
If you move the unit, the order counter will be moved too. transferred to other units or elements, or later phases
or turns.
Units that are still engaged in melee from previous turns
do not receive any orders. The action possibilities of these Example 1: If one of your units may move and you do not
units will be explained in the chapter ‘Melee’ in section do this in a movement phase, this possibility is forfeited.
‘The Second and Following Turns of Melee’. You cannot make up for this movement in another phase,
or move another unit more than allowed in this phase.
When all orders for all the units have been laid out they The unit in question can, if its orders permit, move in the
are then turned over or uncovered so that all players can movement phase of the next turn; but, then only has its
see them. If an order counter has been forgotten for a normal number of movement points.
unit, that unit then automatically gets a Hold order.
Example 2: A unit that does not spend all of its movement
points, or that shoots or attacks with only some of its
2. First Shooting Phase elements which are entitled to do so, can neither make up
for these lost actions in later phases or turns, nor transfer
All units with Skirmish orders that are not engaged in these actions to other elements or units.
melee may shoot.
3. Movement Phase
All units that are not engaged in melee may move and
perform maneuvers, as far as their orders permit.
Shooting is defined as firing on other elements using Therefore, it does not matter in which sequence shooting
missile weapons. is performed or handled. You can do this player-wise,
from one side of the battlefield to the other for units of both
Each element of an orderly unit with Skirmish orders sides, or in any other way you like. Elements that are
may shoot in the first shooting phase of a turn. Each equipped with missile weapons and entitled to shoot can
element of a unit with Hold orders may shoot in the do so even if they have already been hit themselves. It is
second shooting phase of a turn. therefore best to let one side do its shooting first and keep
track of casualties through the use of hit counters. Then,
A unit with Skirmish Orders may only shoot if it is let the other side do its shooting. Once both sides are
organized. A unit with Hold orders may shoot even finished, missile casualties are then removed simultane-
though it may be disorganized. ously.
No element belonging to a unit engaged in melee may Note that shooting in the first shooting phase is not
shoot. simultaneous to that of the second shooting phase.
Elements lost in the first shooting phase cannot shoot in
This also holds true if the element itself is not engaged in the second shooting phase. If a unit with Skirmish orders
melee; for example, if it is on a flank of a protracted unit and a unit with Hold orders fire at each other, the
that is engaged in melee on the other flank. A unit skirmishers would shoot first, as this would occur in the
engaged in melee has other things to consider than first shooting phase.
looking for worthwhile targets on the battlefield.
An element can only shoot if it has an unobstructed line RESOLVING ATTACKS WITH MISSILE
of sight to a target element; and #1, if the target element
is not in contact with the shooting element, or #2, (for
units with Hold orders only) if the target element made When shooting, you have to announce and be clear as to
contact with the shooting element in the immediate which elements of your unit are shooting at which
preceding movement phase. enemy elements. Then you determine the range and
check the Battle Factor of your elements at that range.
The first case (target element not in contact) is the usual Then you have to check whether the target element is to
situation for shooting. Your elements either shoot at be removed from play.
distant elements or at elements that are neighboring, but
not in contact (for example, due to insurmountable If a unit is shooting, each element entitled to do so can
height differences in the standard game). shoot at a single enemy element, and it is possible to
‘support’ shooting elements with other elements from the
The second case (target element that you just came into same unit (see section ‘Support’). The player can decide
contact with) only involves units with Hold orders that do the exact division including the arrangement of sup-
not shoot until they can see the white in the eyes of the porting elements in any legal way, but it must be an-
enemy. This means that they do not shoot until the enemy nounced completely before any shooting takes place.
is in melee range. In the second shooting phase, these units
are not considered to be in melee yet and therefore can You can also shoot at an enemy element with several
shoot (and fight immediately in the following melee pha- elements (without support). This also has to be an-
se). In the following turns, when these units are actually nounced before the commencement of any shooting. If
engaged in melee, they, of course, may not shoot. the first shot kills the target, the remaining elements lose
their attack – it is not permitted for them to change targets
in the middle of an attack.
All shooting in one shooting phase is simultaneous.
Elements Entitled to Shoot
All elements that have a clear view of an enemy element
within their arc of fire may shoot.
You have a clear view if you can trace a straight line from
the center of the shooter’s field to the center of the
target’s field that is not touching any other (own or
enemy) elements.
even if a large number of such elements shot at a heavily- either directly or as a support). Element A shooting at
armored enemy element (a hit-chance of 0 multiplied by element 2 could not be supported by B and D while C
any number of shooting elements is still a hit-chance of leads its own attack, because the chain of supporting
0). To get unrealistic events like this out of the way, we elements would then be broken by C.
introduce the ability to ‘support’. This enables elements
to combine their fire on a single enemy element and turn Whatever form of missile combat the player decides
this into a single shooting attack. upon – each division of attacks or supports must be
announced completely before the shooting can begin.
An element can support the shooting of another ele-
ment of the same unit if it can shoot at the enemy An element that supports the shooting attack of another
element with at least the same Battle Factor as the element cannot perform other shooting attacks in that
supported element. Furthermore it has to be in contact turn.
with the element that is supported or with another
element that is supporting the same attack. Each element can only support one shooting attack per
Also, the supporting element has to have a free line of
sight on the enemy element, and the enemy element has
to be within shooting range. THE EXECUTION OF SHOOTING
Only elements of their own unit can be supported. The To execute a shooting attack, you first have to announce
shooting attack of an element belonging to another unit which of your elements is shooting at which target
cannot be supported, even if the elements are in contact. element and by which elements it is being supported.
The support has to be performed with at least the same Test for each shooting attack to see if the target element
Battle Factor as the supported attack. Therefore, an is in range for all shooting and supporting elements.
attack with weapons of a lower Battle Factor (or with a Should the target element be too far away for one or more
lower Battle Factor because of the distance to the target supporting elements, these elements are just ignored.
element) cannot be supported. If you still want to support They do not break the chain of supporting elements and
in an event like this, you have to fight the actual attack they cannot shoot in any other shooting attack this turn.
with elements of low Battle Factors and support with the
other elements.
Roll 1D20 for each shooting attack and add or
Because a supporting element has to be in contact with subtract the following factors:
the supported element or another element that supports
the same attack, you have to create a complete chain of + Battle Factor of the weapon used
supporting elements that are supporting the attack. – armor (S) of the element that has been shot
+2 for each element that supports the attack
–1, if an element with fewer than four models
supports or shoots
1 2 3 If the result is 20 or greater; the targeted enemy
element is destroyed and is removed from play.
Element A could support element B and C and fire on If an element with less than four models supports, you
either element 1 or 2 (element 3 is outside the arc of fire can also just add 1, (instead of adding 2 and then
of A, and because of that it cannot be fired upon by A subtracting 1) because of the number of models.
SHOOTING INTO A MELEE like a disorganized horde. Therefore, other elements of
the unit will move to close the gaps and rebuild the
As already stated, elements with their unit in melee original formation.
cannot shoot.
If a unit has suffered shooting casualties, then every
Of course, it is allowed to shoot at elements that are element that is not in contact with an enemy can be
fighting a melee, provided that the target element is in the moved by 1 field in any direction; as long as the field
arc of fire and visible. Although elements engaged in a moved to had been occupied by another element of the
melee do not move around on the game map, in reality, same unit before the shooting began.
however, they are moving around and battle-lines are
moving forward or are pushed backwards. If an element These movements occur in the first or second fire phase
shoots into a melee, it is therefore possible to hit the depending on when losses due to shooting have oc-
wrong target. curred. This ‘repairing’ of the formation does not count as
movement and because of that, it does not cost move-
If you shoot at an element that is engaged in melee, you ment points or maneuvers. Note that only a movement is
have to roll 1D6. If you roll 1–3, you hit the right element, allowed, but not additional turning.
and the shooting is resolved against this element. If you
roll 4–6, one of the neighboring fields will be hit. In this
event, roll again with a D6 to find the direction of the
deviation by using the compass printed on every map.
The attack hits with the original Battle Factor against
any element (even if it is friendly) on that field. If there
is no element there, the attack is lost.
In the movement phase, the players may move their at its disposal, could therefore advance six fields in this
units as far as their given orders permit, provided that terrain.
the units are not engaged in melee from previous turns.
The number of maneuvers shown indicates how many
Movements by units in melee are not performed in the maneuvers, per movement phase of a round, the unit
movement phase, but at the end of the melee phase. This may accomplish.
is further described in chapter ‘Melee’, section ‘The
Second and Following Rounds of Melee’. The number allowed depends on the respective unit. This
value becomes more important in the standard game. In
The following rules assume that a unit is composed of the basic game ALL units always have two maneuvers
more than three elements. Special rules for units with available, regardless of the value given on the recruiting
three or fewer element are to be found in paragraph ‘Units card.
With Three or Less Elements’.
For the first executed maneuver, a unit consumes half
In movement, a unit is either advancing or maneuvering. of its available movement points. Units with only one
When advancing in organized formation, the entire unit is maneuver may not advance after the maneuver is
moved in a frontal direction, and expends movement executed. Units with more than one maneuver may
points for this. In a maneuver, some or all elements are execute one maneuver and then advance, but may not
either moved or turned, or the unit does a ‘wheel’. advance if more than one maneuver is executed.
The difference between advancing and a maneuver is an Example: A unit with three maneuvers and 18 movement
important part of this chapter, and subsequently we points may choose not to maneuver at all and advance
distinguish here between the two whenever it is neces- instead, expending all of its 18 movement points; or
sary. In both cases, however, the unit in whole or part perform one maneuver and advance expending the re-
moves in some way or the alignment changes, therefore, maining 9 movement points; or perform two or three
both can be summed up as movement. maneuvers and advance not at all. Should the unit have
only one maneuver at its disposal, it could not advance
The recruiting card of a unit shows the number of after the maneuver was executed.
movement points that a unit has, and how many maneu-
vers it may accomplish. Please note: movement points expended are counted
against executed maneuvers and vice versa. No unit can
The movement points of a unit depend on its present expend all of its MPs AND maneuvers.
order. In each movement phase, a unit may not expend
more movement points than its order permits. A player may, as desired, split up movement into ad-
vancing and maneuvering. A unit which wants to accom-
Example: A unit with the entry ‘M:24 / A:18 / S:12’ can plish a maneuver and still has half of its movement points
expend, per movement phase, with a Move order at most remaining, can maneuver first and then advance; or
24, with an Attack order at most 18, and with a Skirmish advance first and then maneuver; or expend a part of its
order at most 12 movement points. An entry ‚H:…‘ for a movement points, maneuver, and subsequently expend
Hold order is not given, as units with Hold orders cannot the remainder of the movement points.
expend movement points, but may only accomplish
certain maneuvers. You can not, however, save any remaining movement
points or maneuvers to make up for any shortfall in a later
Movement points are expended when entering an adja- round. A unit, for example, with 10 movement points
cent field and are dependent on the kind of terrain when advancing exclusively through open terrain (at 3
entered. In the basic game there is only normal terrain, movement points per field) can never completely ex-
which can be entered with 3 movement points per field. haust its movement points. It still, however, does not have
A unit in organized formation, with 18 movement points the option to save (the) one remaining point. Movement
points of that kind become more meaningful in the another field. For this, each movement of the entire unit
standard game where different terrain types are used. by 1 field is considered to be a maneuver.
The movement of a unit is finished when the number of If the unit in the previous example had been disorganized,
allowed movement points or maneuvers are used up; or (for example, because one the elements was aligned
when the game rules do not allow any further move- differently) the execution of the shown movement would
ments; or when the player decides that he does not want have cost 2 maneuvers (and used up all movement
to further advance the unit or execute maneuvers with it. points of the unit). In the same way, an organized unit
moving one field to the right, left or back (outside the front
The conclusion of movement is binding – you cannot fields) would have to expend one maneuver.
retrace a finished move or save remaining movement
points for later use. By expending maneuvers, a move normally results in
much less distance covered than a move that expends
movement points. Therefore, units in disorganized for-
MOVING AN INDIVIDUAL UNIT mation are subject to considerable movement restric-
tions, and such situations should be avoided if possible.
The elements of a unit are formed (mostly) in a certain Reasonable exceptions are units with Hold orders, which
order, and they will try to keep the formation while want to shoot in several directions, or (in the standard
moving. A moving unit, therefore, is not a horde of figures game) square formations.
moving somehow in a given direction. Movement is a
combination of advances, turns, wheels and formation Nevertheless, there are cases, where casualties are re-
changes executed by the whole unit as a formed body of moved following a melee, that a unit will stand more or
troops. less in confusion on the battlefield. Before it can fight and
move on normally, the unit must ‘re-deploy’ individual
elements and make ‘repairs’ to its formation, thereby
Movements reverting to an organized formation again.
When moving an element, the element is moved from one If all elements of a unit are not moved in the same
field to another neighboring field without changing the manner, then each displacement by ‘one field in dis-
element’s alignment. If the move occurs into one of the tance’ counts as one maneuver. Regardless of the
two front fields of the element, the element is advancing, number of elements moved, the maneuver costs are
and for this (mostly) only movement points depending on based on the element that moved the furthest.
the type of field entered are used. If this move occurs into
one of the flank or rear fields, it is a maneuver.
elements have been moved by one field; this re-deploy- 19th century than to the races of a fantasy world. A unit
ment counts as one maneuver, and the unit would still with two maneuvers may, of course, wheel around by
have half its movement points left at its disposal. In (2x120°=) 240° and thus has practically executed a
variant 2, the extreme left element, in the last rank has reverse wheel of 120°. While such a movement is allo-
been moved by two fields; the unit has accomplished this wed, it counts as two maneuvers, requires sufficient
with two maneuvers and has no more movement points space in order to be accomplished, and lastly would be
left. more appropriate on a parade ground than in the thick of
It should be noted that even an organized unit, moving
completely in the direction of its front area, can execute A left and right wheel cannot be combined in a move-
a movement of one field forward as a ‘maneuver’ and not ment phase.
as an ‘advance’. While this rule appears at first to be
senseless, it is used (in the standard game) to give units This rule prevents a unit setting itself up in a width of 10
with three or more maneuvers an advantage over units elements and then practically advancing 10 fields by
with only two maneuvers. These units may still be moved implementing a left and a right wheel.
straight ahead after executing two maneuvers. Secondly,
units with Hold orders are only allowed maneuvers, and Naturally, units with three (or more) maneuvers may
so with three maneuvers available, they may accomplish make a wheel, then advance one field by expending a
some further movement. maneuver and then, again, execute a further wheel. This,
however, must also be executed in the same direction as
In all cases above, the orientation of the unit (the align- the first.
ment of the unit and each individual element in rela-
tionship to the playing area) has remained constant. If
this is to be changed, there are two possibilities for this: Turns
the ‘wheel’ (where the entire unit turns around on a pivot
point); and, the ‘turn’ (where individual elements turn When turning, each individual element of a unit can
around their center). accomplish a turn around its center, thereby changing
its alignment. Turns can only be made in multiples of
60°. A turn is a maneuver, regardless of the number of
Wheels elements in the unit that were turned, or the angle or
direction of the turn.
A wheel can be executed only by units in organized
formation. If a unit executes a wheel, the extreme right
or left element in the front rank is determined as the
pivoting point, and the entire unit then swings 60° or
120° forward around this point. Each wheel is a maneu-
ver independent of the angle.
If re-grouping elements by one field is not sufficient to get formation changes of this kind, you can give a unit
into an organized formation, elements can be further virtually any form. Most of these ‘formations’, however,
regrouped if the player so wishes. In this case, each re- are disorganized, and although allowed by the rules, they
grouping for one field counts as a maneuver regardless of are of no concern here. The formation changes described
the number of elements moved, and again only the as follows are expanding and reducing a unit’s frontage.
element(s) which moved the furthest will determine the
cost of the maneuver. When expanding the frontage, you increase the number
of elements in the front rank. If necessary, this applies to
This is always the case for any disorderly unit which back ranks as well, in order to keep an organized forma-
executes a turn and then wishes to regroup, as they do not tion. This can be very important in or before entering
receive a ‘free re-group’ because of their disorganization. melee, as it brings more elements into the front rank to
fight the enemy.
In most cases, all elements of a unit turn around by the
same angle and in the same direction. This, however, is When reducing the frontage, the number of elements in
not a condition; each individual element can turn as the the front rank is reduced. If necessary, additional ranks
player wishes. must be created in the rear for any surplus elements if the
In the drawing above the unit has accomplished a maneu- player wishes the unit to stay organized. This maneuver
ver, even if only a part of the elements has turned. can become necessary to move through gaps or to avoid
splitting up the unit into several parts, which (in the
standard game) is very disadvantageous in case of a
Formation Changes ‘morale test’.
Strictly speaking, every movement of individual ele- The re-grouping of elements, necessary to carry out
ments of a unit (by one or more fields) is a ‘formation these formation changes count as maneuvers. As usual,
change’, in as much as the form of the unit (the relative only the element(s) that moved the furthest will deter-
position of the elements to each other) changes. Through mine the maneuver cost.
In the drawing at the bottom of the last page, the unit has formerly occupied by the element in front of it, and if
expanded its front from three to five elements and exe- necessary turn, so that the preceding element is (again)
cuted one maneuver. in one of its front fields. As long as a column executes
such a movement, the entire unit only uses the maxi-
mum number of movement points that any one element
Combination of Several Maneuvers has to use. Turns executed by elements in column do
not cost maneuvers or movement points.
A turn or re-grouping of individual elements by one field
always counts as a maneuver for the entire unit, even if The illustration at the bottom exemplifies the above. The
only some elements have turned or moved. It is not turns executed by the unit cost nothing.
permissible to count different maneuvers that were per-
formed by different elements against each other. A column may not execute a wheel.
If, in a unit, some elements have executed a turn and The elements of a column are allowed to turn in such a
other elements were re-grouped by one field, the unit has way that the preceding element is no longer in one of the
executed two maneuvers. front fields. Such a turn, however, is not free, but counts
as one maneuver.
Therefore, you can deploy a column in a curved line, a A unit with three or less elements is said to be a ‘small
semicircle, and similar formations. unit’ and can accomplish movements more freely than
some larger units.
A column is an organized formation.
When a small unit moves each element may move
This is a ‘technical exception’ to the rules regarding independently of the formation and the direction of
organized units and also applies should the formation be movement by spending movement points or maneu-
‘technically’ disorganized, because not all of the ele- vers. The unit’s order determines the number of move-
ments have the same alignment. ment points available. The elements of small units with
Hold orders may move as many fields as the unit has
If a column moves, the first element of the column may maneuvers. They may execute turns for free and can do
execute a turn and then move into one of its (new) front so at will during movement.
fields. Each following element must move on to the field
A small unit may not execute a wheel. enemy unit in the order phase. Now, however, it may see
a totally different enemy unit in its way once movement
A unit is only ‘small’ if it totals no more than three begins (which it can also attack, of course).
elements. Larger units are subject to the normal move-
ment restrictions, even if they are split into several small
units for whatever reason. MOVING SEVERAL UNITS
Until now we have assumed that a unit could move as the
SEQUENCE OF MOVEMENT player wished, as long as it had movement points/
maneuvers and no other units ‘stood in the way’. This,
The movement phase is composed of FOUR steps. In however, is not the reality in a battle. Other units, whether
the first step, all players may move their units that have friend or foe, can bar the desired way and an attack is only
Move orders. Then all units with Skirmish orders may allowed under certain circumstances. The following rules
move. After the conclusion of these movements all units take these circumstances into account.
with Attack orders may be moved. Finally, units with
Hold order may execute desired turns and/or re-group No element may be ‘on top of’ another (own or enemy)
individual elements. element before, during, or after movement.
A unit can be moved only in the step of the movement If you want one of your units to advance and one of your
phase corresponding to the orders of the unit. own units stands in the way, you must either move around
this unit, or their orders must allow them to move first.
If, during the ‘Move order’ step, you have not moved a unit This also applies if your unit could finish its own move on
with Move orders, then you cannot move the unit during the far side of the blocking unit – ‘passing through’ is not
the Skirmish orders, Attack orders or Hold orders steps. allowed either. The same holds true for units executing a
wheel – before, during or after this maneuver, no element
With EACH step of the movement phase the side which may be ‘on top of’ another element.
has the LEAST corresponding orders for that step
decides if they will move first or second with all of their In the expert game, certain large monsters and war
qualified units. In case of a tie, the players can roll a die machines can execute an ‘overrun attack’, allowing
to determine the order of the step. exceptions to this rule.
You will find that due to the stepped movement sequence, An attacking unit which has made contact with an enemy
your units may not always be able to accomplish your unit in the current movement phase can, in certain cases,
desired orders or actions. For example, a unit with re-group individual elements in order to bring more
Skirmish orders, that originally intended to advance, may elements into contact with the enemy. Of course, this re-
find the way blocked by a unit (with Move orders) that grouping can bring elements in contact with a second
moved first and is now in the way. Similarly, a unit may be enemy unit besides the one attacked first. This is ex-
given an Attack order, because it had a clear path to an plained in section ‘Getting Into Melee’.
A unit engaged in melee from previous turns can, at the whether the attacked unit has already moved during this
end of the melee phase, re-group elements – this can movement phase.
bring them into contact with a further enemy unit as well
(see chapter ‘Melee’, section ‘The Second and Following The movement of units with M orders is always over,
Rounds of melee’). because they can only be attacked by later moving units
with S or A orders. The same holds true for a unit with S
Since movement capabilities in both cases are low, such orders being attacked by a unit with A orders. The
an attack is only possible if the ‘other’ enemy unit is in movement of a unit with H orders is always done last, and
close proximity to the current enemy. The requirements thus can never be over. The same applies for a unit with
in the next paragraph then do not have to be regarded – A orders being attacked by a unit with S orders. If units
the swing of melee carries the fighters on to another with S orders attack other skirmishers, or if units with A
adversary. orders attack other attackers, the actual movement order
(in the present step of the movement phase) determines
A unit that is not (yet) in melee can only attack another whether the movement is already over.
unit if the attacking unit is in organized formation AND
has either Attack or Skirmish orders AND advances in If the attacked unit has already moved, all of its
the direction of its front onto the field on which contact elements remain in their position and order, and the
is made. movement of the attacking unit is brought to an end as
described below.
Here are some explanations of these conditions.
It is especially advantageous to attack a unit that has
The attacking unit must be in organized formation. Units finished moving in the flank or rear because elements
that are disorganized are so occupied trying to restore attacked (only) in the back and flank cannot fight in the
their formation that they cannot attack another unit. It is, first melee phase.
however, allowed to restore a unit’s formation by exe-
cuting maneuvers at the beginning of movement, and If the attacked unit has not yet moved, all its elements,
then (in organized formation) attack an enemy unit, which are not in contact with an enemy element, NOW
provided the other requirements (in particular sufficient may perform turns/and or re-grouping within the limits
movement allowance remaining) are met. of the unit’s maneuvers. Elements IN contact with an
enemy element may only turn.
The attacking unit must have Attack or Skirmish or-
ders. Units with Move or Hold orders are not allowed to This reaction to the attack represents an ‘anticipated
attack. movement’ of the attacked unit. The attacked unit may
of course not move any more for the rest of the Movement
The attacking unit must advance in the direction of its Phase. The player decides whether to re-group any
front onto the field on which contact is made. It does not elements (not in contact) towards the enemy or away
matter if this is accomplished by advancing or by maneu- from enemy elements.
vers, as long as the attacker establishes contact by
moving in the direction of its front. You cannot, for After this, the movement of the attacking unit is brought
example, move in front of an enemy unit from its side and to an end. All elements that are not in contact with
then execute a turn. It is also forbidden to move into enemy elements may NOW move in the direction of their
melee by executing a movement backwards or sideways. front fields until their movement points or maneuvers
are exhausted, or until contact is established. Turns are
Naturally, the attacking unit must use the required num- NOT permitted.
ber of movement points and/or maneuvers to come into
contact with the enemy unit. If, during movement, you Example 1: A unit has an A order and 12 movement
notice that you have too few movement points or maneu- points. If the unit consumed 6 movement points (and no
vers left to make contact, you must stop as soon as your maneuver) to make first contact, then the individual
movement points/maneuvers are exhausted, or one field elements (not in contact) may still move for another 6
away from the enemy (whichever comes first). On the movements points in the direction of their front, thus
other hand, you do not have to bring ALL of the attacking taking them another 2 hexes further in normal terrain.
unit’s elements into contact with the enemy. A melee is
established as soon as ONE of the attacking elements Example 2: A unit with 4 maneuvers uses 2 of these at the
makes contact. beginning of its movement to bring itself into an organized
formation, and then comes into melee contact using the
third maneuver. The unit has one maneuver left in which
Getting Into Melee to bring more elements into contact with either the unit
being attacked or another unit.
Move the attacking unit (only) so far, until at least one
of the elements is in contact with the unit that is to be Example 3: A unit with 2 maneuvers has used (not more
attacked. than) half of its movement points to get into melee.
Individual elements could now be moved by one hex as
Most of the time, after advancing or executing a maneu- a maneuver, or they could accomplish this movement by
ver, several elements come into contact at the same time using up the remaining half of the movement points. Here
– this, however, presents no obstacle for the melee to the best option depends on the number of movement
follow (on the contrary!). points left and (at least in the standard game) the type of
terrain entered.
Stop movement at the instant of first contact and check
The player is also allowed to move into melee by spen- just moved into (first) melee contact as depicted in ‘1’;
ding movement points if all the moving elements did not the unit’s movement is interrupted at this point.
move in the same manner. This is an exception to the
rules about advancing. If the unit which is being attacked in the rear is still allowed
to move in this movement phase, it can now re-group its
The illustration below demonstrates once more how to elements, for example, into the position depicted
get into melee. We assume that the unit shaded gray has in ‘2’.
If the attacking (gray) unit still has some movement instead of the ‘oblique left’. This would not have made
points or maneuvers left, it could then advance the right any difference in the immediately following melee phase;
front element (that has not been in contact with the it would, however, have split the unit into two parts.
enemy up to now) into the position depicted in ‘3’. Although this is allowed, in the standard game (where
morale rules apply) a split unit suffers severe disadvan-
If the movement of the attacked (white) unit had already tages. Therefore, you should now get into the habit of
been over, the attacker could have moved directly into, leaving your units in solid blocks.
for example, the (more advantageous) position depicted
in ‘4’. The elements of the attacked units with Hold orders that
are armed with missile weapons may now fire on any
The above ‘before and after’ illustration demonstrates visible enemy within their arc of fire.
another case. In ‘before’, the attacking cavalry unit first
makes contact with the infantry elements on the left side. For this the permitted targets are enemy elements that
If the cavalry unit still had movement left, then the four just came into contact with the shooters, as well as
elements on its right could move into the position de- elements further away (or not yet in melee with the
picted in ‘after’ and thus attack the second unit located in shooters).
the rear.
This shooting is resolved in the second shooting phase
The four cavalry elements which had advanced further (immediately following the movement phase).
could have executed this movement as an ‘oblique right’,
Hand to Hand combat or ‘melee’ is a fight between two or of a melee, and a momentary initiative of only 2 in
more elements which are in contact with each other. In subsequent rounds.
the melee phase of a round, all units fight if they entered
melee during the movement phase of the round, or if they If three or more units, with different momentary initiative
are still in melee from preceding rounds. values, engage in melee, this must be resolved in several
Please note that units with M or H orders can also fight a
melee. Their orders only forbid them to attack. However, If melee is not simultaneous, the elements which are
if they are attacked, the unit can, of course, fight back (if killed first will have no chance of fighting back; therefore,
its elements are aligned suitably). the sequence in which melee is conducted is very im-
since it is not in contact with an enemy. Although the melee before attacks are resolved. If an attacked element
element on the left of the infantry unit is in contact with is killed before all attacks against it are resolved, the
a cavalry element, it cannot fight, because its own front remaining attacks are wasted; these may not be ‘re-
is not in contact. Both cavalry elements can fight back routed’.
because both are in contact with enemy elements on their
front hexes.
Roll 1D20 then and apply the following modi-
fiers to the result:
+ Battle Factor of the weapon used
In melee, elements can concentrate their attacks, so that – armor (S) of the attacked models
the attack of an individual element is supported in a
similar way to shooting. + size of the attacking models
– size of the attacked models
An element of the same unit can support the attack of
another element if it could, by itself, attack the element +2, if an element with 5 figures attacks
which is being attacked. +1, if an element with 3 or fewer figures
is attacked
In contrast to shooting, supporting elements do not have
to be in contact with the supported or with another + charge bonus for cavalry units with Attack
supporting element. Also, you may support an attack order in first phase of melee
with an element which is on the opposite side of the –1, if attacking pikes from their front hexes
attacked element (without forming a ‘chain’ of support).
+2, if attacking the flank of an element
During melee, in contrast to shooting, you can also +4, if attacking the rear of an element
support if the supporting weapon has a lower combat
strength than the attacking element’s weapon. +3 for each element which supports the attack
factors for conducting a flank (+2) or rear (+4) attack. In The pathetic orcs still need to roll 18 or higher and
contrast to the initiative increase of a pike element in the therefore should still conduct supported attacks (or start
first round of a melee, this factor applies for all rounds of praying); but at least they can now fight simultaneously
a melee. with the cavalry.
In this case, you must support your attack to gain a At the end of each melee phase, each element of each
chance for a hit. For instance, several weak elements unit involved that is not in contact with an enemy
might band together to kill a strong foe. element can be moved two hexes in any direction, but no
further if it comes into contact with an enemy. Elements
Example 3: A cavalry unit (size 3) on Attack orders with which are in contact with one enemy element may move
armor value 3 and charge bonus 1, armed with lances one hex in any direction, but not out of contact. Ele-
and hand weapons, attacks an orc unit with no armor ments in contact with at least two hostile elements may
and armed with hand weapons (S 0, size 2). not move. Furthermore, each element of each unit,
whether in contact (with one or several elements) or
Each cavalry element fights the first round of melee with not, may make a turn in any direction and angle if the
a lance and therefore gets a +1 on initiative. If both units player wishes.
have an initial initiative of 2, the cavalry winds up with
a final Initiative of 5 (2 plus 2, because of Attack orders; The player who, in this phase and in this melee, has
plus 1, because of the lance) and therefore strikes first in inflicted the highest losses, i.e. removed the most
any case, even if the orcs were on Hold orders. This is enemy elements, has the option to move and/or turn
done with a final Battle Factor of 8 (Battle Factor of the first or second.
lance 6; minus armor of the orcs 0; plus size of the cavalry
3; minus size of the orcs 2; plus charge bonus 1). In order If both sides have inflicted the same number of casualties,
for a cavalry element to destroy an element of orcs, they roll a die to determine who goes first. The player who re-
would only need to roll a 12 or better on 1D20. groups first has to conduct movements, as well as turns,
When the remaining orcs fight back, this is done with a
final Battle Factor of 2 (hand weapon 5, plus own size 2, Whether an element is in contact with none, one or
minus size of the cavalry 3, minus armor of the cavalry 3, several enemy elements is determined at the exact point
plus 1 because the attacked element has less than 3 in time when it is due to move. The player who re-groups
figures); the orc player should therefore support his first at the end of a melee phase can therefore restrict
attacks. movements of enemy elements by bringing them into
contact with his own elements.
In the melee phase of the next round, the cavalry can no
longer use their lances and must reach for their trusted A unit that has destroyed all enemy elements in its
hand weapons. There are no longer initiative changes contact is still considered to be in melee.
due to orders, and the cavalry must get along without
their charge bonus. Based on the final Battle Factor of 6 Such a unit, therefore, has the same movement options
(Battle Factor of the hand weapon 5, plus 1, because of as any other unit in melee. These can be used to reorga-
the size difference), a cavalry element now needs to roll nize the unit, or to bring a new (or an old) enemy into
a 14 or higher on 1D20 to destroy an orc element. melee contact (again).
The rules about re-grouping at the end of the melee phase right in the drawing is not in contact with an enemy and
have a multitude of consequences throughout the course is therefore allowed to move 2 hexes to make contact. The
of the game. Following you will find three examples. second rear element on the left in the drawing is also not
in contact and has moved 1 hex (into contact with an
By moving around single elements, an enemy that was enemy). If the gray elements move after that, only the rear
until now only attacked on its front can now be attacked element of the unit could be moved, because each of the
on its flank as well. elements in front is in contact with two hostile elements.
All elements could, of course, execute a turn, but in this
situation there would be no advantage to this.
The other two infantry elements are not allowed to move,
as both are in contact with two enemy elements; they
can, however, turn as depicted in the drawing.
Such units can then receive new orders in the order phase
of the following round.
and Losers
Painting and building up your armies, testing new rules PLAYING AREA AND DEPLOYMENT
and tactics, and perhaps using a new trick on an old
adversary are all essential ingredients for playing DE- The enclosed game maps numbered 1 through 4 can be
MONWORLD. Many battles are therefore carried out as combined in a multitude of ways, and additional DE-
‘friendly’ games, to test out new units or simply to have MONWORLD map sets make it possible to set up other
fun. and/or larger playing areas. For the units contained in the
game, however, a playing area of four map sheets is large
If you play DEMONWORLD with that frame of mind, you enough and should be used as long as you are not playing
are not only in the best company, but you are also free to with excessively larger armies.
determine game length, set-up, troop composition and
victory conditions in any manner that you like, as long as Before starting the game, one of the players sets up the
your game partners are in agreement. If you want to draft playing area.
your own scenarios, perhaps a scenario in which one side
has considerably more troops than the other, but is also With four game maps, a set-up of ‘2 sheets long x 2 sheets
required to ‘attain’ more in the course of the game, you wide’ is recommended, as arrangements such as ‘1 wide
will need to collaborate and organize this together with x 4 long’ lead to peculiar battle situations and should be
your fellow gamers for it is the only way to set up such reserved for very special scenarios of your own design. If
scenarios! playing on more than four maps, these should be put
together forming a complete rectangle. Playing areas
Nevertheless, DEMONWORLD is a game about fantasy with a gap or a break should always be avoided in any
battles, and most battles have a winner and a loser. In event.
most cases it will be obvious who has won without any
rules being necessary – results being that the loser’s units The OTHER player will then choose on which side of the
were destroyed or routed (in the standard game), and the playing area that he will set up his troops. The first
winner will be the player whose units are still on the field player then sets up his troops on the opposite side of the
of battle (more or less intact). playing area.
However, not all cases will be so clear, and sufficient time The long sides of the individual map sheets are aligned
will not always be available to play the battle to the bitter parallel to the hexagons. A playing area should be set up
end for one side. Also, for DEMONWORLD games played so that the long sides of the maps will form the long sides
as part of a competition or tournament, a clear decision of the playing area. In this arrangement the opposing
as to who won is required. battle lines can deploy parallel to each other, and the
following comments will confirm this case.
For this, consider the following paragraphs. These rules
should always be used whenever DEMONWORLD is not Each side may set up their own troops on the three outer
played just for the ‘fun of it’, and whenever it is necessary hex rows on their own side of the playing area.
to have a clear and decisive winner, or as part of a
competition or tournament. Feel free to change some or On a playing area using only one game map this would
all of the rules in this chapter or disregard it entirely if this be rows B, C and D for one side and M, N and O for the
seems suitable and your fellow gamers agree. other side. Rows A and P (depicting ‘half’ hexes) are
passable, but should only be used for set-up if you are
suffering from an acute lack of space.
If you play with especially large armies or use a very large GAME LENGTH
playing area, deployment zones can be increased to four
or more hex rows. A narrow deployment zone on a wide Theoretically a game can be continued until one side is
playing area usually results in a loss of time until the completely destroyed or has fled (in the standard game)
armies come into contact with each other. A broad the playing area. When playing using the standard rules,
deployment zone on a narrow playing area usually this is quite acceptable, as the standard game takes the
means that some troops are within the enemy’s shooting units’ morale into account. Most units will flee the field of
range after the first turn of movement. Neither option is battle long before their total extinction, thereby short-
very desirable; therefore, the exact establishment of the ening the game. When playing using the basic rules,
deployment zones and the size of the playing area is left however, this often leads to boring game play, or to a wild
up to you. chase of the last remaining elements across the board.
Deployment is done simultaneously. We therefore recommend that you set either a fixed
number of rounds or a time limit before the game begins.
Generally this should ensure that the set-up of one side If you play with a set number of rounds, 5 to 10 (de-
does not influence the set-up of the other, because in pending on the size of the playing area) should be
reality each army would be arranged in a predetermined sufficient to draw the game to a conclusion. If a time limit
set-up before the battle. There is a certain type of player, is used in a tournament, the round in progress at the end
however, where this method of set-up leads to the one or must of course be finished in order to give each player the
the other unit being swiftly re-deployed on the other wing same possibilities of acting.
after a quick glance at the opponent’s deployment. With
this type of player, hidden deployment should be used.
For this, you may simply put some game boxes or other ENDING THE GAME
type of screen in the middle of the playing area to prevent
spotting and conceal the opponent’s deployment. At the end of play check which units have been com-
pletely eliminated. The point values of these units are
Of course, you could also write down every element’s then awarded to the opposition. The winner of the game
position and alignment before the battle using the coor- is the side with the most points.
dinates printed on the game maps (a very lengthy
solution!); or, for every unit involved you could write When playing the standard or expert game, a check is
down whether it is to be deployed on the left or right wing made to determine which units or elements have been
of your army, or in the center. completely eliminated or have left the playing area while
routing. The point values of these units and elements,
including any lost magic items, are awarded to the
PUTTING TOGETHER THE ARMIES opposition. The winner of the game is the side with the
most points.
For games using the basic rules you will need the
standard size counters enclosed (showing four infantry or Note that only completely destroyed units or units that
two cavalry) and the corresponding recruiting cards. The left the playing area are counted. This encourages play-
counters showing only one foot figure, and the multi-hex ers to quickly seek a decision rather than skirmish around
counters depicting heroes and commanders, chariots, each other indecisively.
artillery or large monsters, are all introduced in the
standard and expert rules.
The recruiting card shows which elements comprise a
certain unit. These units are set up (preferably, in an When playing using the preceding rules, two hostile
organized formation) within their own deployment zone. armies will meet in about the middle of the playing area
and ‘fight it out’. This acceptably represents the usual
The back of each recruiting card also gives the ‘points course of a battle; but it does not take special situations
value’ of every unit. This is determined according to the into account. A ‘special situation’ arises when an enemy
unit’s statistics such as movement points, Battle Factor, army is attacked not in order to destroy it, or force it to
armor or (in the standard game) morale. This allows the withdraw, but when this attack is only a step within a more
set up of very different armies, that nevertheless have the global scheme; perhaps a magic shrine must be captu-
same fighting power, by using the DEMONWORLD red, or a bridge spanning a river has to be secured in order
source books. to maintain a supply line. In such cases, control over a
specific point of the playing area, or (in the standard
For games using the basic rules, all nine units enclosed game) a particular terrain formation can be more im-
should be used. The point values here are important only portant than beating the enemy. The following rules take
for the purpose of determining a victor, and are not this into account. However, they are only used if all the
required for the composition of your army. When playing players involved agree, or if this is a condition in a
the standard or expert game, you should ensure that the tournament.
point values available to each side are the same so that
each player will have an equal chance of winning. But When setting up the playing area, a set number of
sometimes this will not be totally possible; differences of ‘objective counters’ are also laid out. The player who
plus or minus 5% (50 points if using 1000 point armies) sets up the playing area also determines the point value
are, however, considered acceptable. of each counter.
These objective counters represent very important tar- then sets up his troops on the opposite side of the
gets that must be conquered or defended. The number of playing area.
objective counters must be decided among the players.
The suitable number depends on the size and composi- The player who controls an objective counter at the end
tion of the playing area. The amount used should be no of play is awarded its point value.
more than half of the number of maps used. Therefore, a
playing area using four maps would have two counters, A player controls an objective counter if, at the end of
and so on. The point value of each counter allows for play, one of his own elements that is not in melee (or, in
‘weighing’ objectives and should be between 100 and the standard and expert games, routing) is in the same
400 points. hex as the objective counter. If there is no element in the
hex, or if the hex is under dispute, no points are awarded.
No objective counter may be placed within the deploy-
ment zones or within ten hexes of another objective When using objective counters, the outcome of a battle
counter. not only depends on casualties suffered or inflicted, but
also on control over specific terrain features. This can
After setting up the playing area and the objective lead to interesting tactical situations whereby an army
counters, the OTHER player decides on which side of that has suffered many casualties and inflicted only a few
the playing area to set up his troops. The first player can still emerge the winner!
The DEMONWORLD standard game introduces rules for inflicted the most losses in a melee can decide whether its
special miniatures within a unit, commanders and he- own elements or those of the enemy re-group first. If one
roes, troops’ morale, formations, the effects of terrain on of the sides engaged in a melee has lost two (normal)
movement and combat, and additional rules for melee elements, while a hero belonging to the other side has lost
and shooting. These rules lead to a more realistic battle three hit points, the first side is the loser of this round of
and offer you more tactical possibilities.There are, how- melee.
ever, more factors to consider during a game as well. You
should therefore be well aquainted with the basic rules
and have already played a few battles before you decide Weapon Skill
to tackle the standard game.
Some units are especially well-trained with their weap-
If the standard game rules appear too lengthy or compli- ons, or have a natural talent in using them. These units
cated at first glance, you can also introduce them into can therefore put their weapons to more efficient use, ie
your games ‘chapter-wise’, eg have a battle following the hit more easily in melee and shooting, or defend themsel-
basic rules plus only the material presented in chapters ves better in melee.
‘Special Figures’ and ‘Terrain’. This eases getting into the
standard game although no guarantee can be given that Such units have a weapon skill for melee or shooting,
every conceivable combination of chapters will lead to which is given on their recruitment card together with the
balanced games. symbols ‘F’ (for shooting) or ‘N’ (for melee).
An element’s hit points indicate how many hits the If an element with a F-skill makes a missile attack, the
element can sustain before it is destroyed. Most elements skill value is added to the die roll.
are removed from play after just one hit, and this was
handled accordingly up to now. This only applies to the original shooting element, not to
supporting elements.
Heroes or especially large monsters, however, can have
more than one hit point – a strike that would kill a normal A element’s F-skill is not taken into account if the
human only wounds a hero. The recruitment card of any element is shot AT.
such element contains a number of boxes corresponding
to the number of hit points it has. The element is only If an element with a N-skill makes a melee attack, the
removed from play once it has lost its last hit point. You skill value is added to the die roll.
can cross off hits on the recruitment card; we recommend
working with a copy, a separate sheet of paper or the hit This also does not apply to supporting elements.
markers enclosed.
If an element with a N-skill is attacked in melee, the skill
An element is only then considered a casualty if it has value is deducted from the opponent’s die roll (excepti-
lost its last hit point and is removed from play. on: attacks from the rear).
Example: At the end of the melee phase the side that has A N-skill therefore is of no use if the element is attacked
from the rear. Even a well-trained fighter cannot defend Chapter ‘Morale’ describes how a unit can become routed
himself better against an attack he cannot see. Note that or impetuous. Laying out order markers is done some-
the skill does count against attacks from the flank. what differently in the standard game; this procedure is
described in detail in chapter ‘Commanders’.
Morale Roll a D6 for units that neither have a leader (any longer)
nor are under the command of a commander: ‘1’, the
The morale or morale value of a unit is a measure of the unit has H-Orders, ‘2’, the unit has A-Orders, ‘3’, the
unit’s reliability, its fighting spirit and obedience. This is unit has S-Orders, ‘4’, the unit has M-Orders, and ‘5’
always given as two numbers in the form ‘a/b’ on the and ‘6’, the unit has an order of your choice.
recruitment card. These numbers are used for morale
tests as described in chapter ‘Morale’. After revealing order markers, morale tests triggered by
nearby enemy units are conducted.
A unit can become ‘impetuous’ or ‘routed’ as a result of
a morale test. A routed unit no longer obeys orders and This is described in chapter ‘Morale’.
is only concerned with saving its own skin. An impetuous
unit is in a fighting frenzy and attacks the nearest oppo-
nent without regard to its own security, even if the unit’s 2. First Shooting Phase
orders might stipulate otherwise. These states are men-
tioned in the following chapters where relevant, but are All orderly units with S-Orders that are not engaged in
only fully explained in chapter ‘Morale’. melee, routing or impetuous may shoot.
The fear factor of an element or a unit is given on its This is described in chapter ‘Morale’.
recruitment card. It is a measure of how much fear the
element can instill in other races or beings, and is used for The resolution of missile attacks remains unchanged; in
conducting morale tests. The higher the value, the more the standard game, however, the effects of terrain on
fear the element spreads in battle. shooting and the size of the participants have to be taken
into account. This is explained in chapter ‘Shooting’.
The fear factor is not simply a measure of how ‘danger-
ous’ an element is, but also takes into account factors
such as magical abilities or properties, or the frequency 3. Movement Phase
of the element being encountered. A heavily-armored
knight with a two-handed weapon is much more danger- All units not in melee may move and maneuver as their
ous in melee than a lightly-armored goblin with an orders permit.
improvised weapon. Both elements, however, have the
same fear factor, as neither are unknown phenomena on Movements and maneuvers are resolved in the usual
the battlefield. A horde of slowly advancing undead, on manner. The introduction of specific formations and
the other hand, might not be overly dangerous in melee, routing and impetuous units makes some amendments
but has a higher fear factor than normal beings, as these necessary; these are described in the relevant chapters.
phenomena are frightening and unaccustomed.
Morale tests triggered by losses in this phase are
Equal fear factors cancel each other out when conducting conducted.
a morale test. Beings with equal fear factors therefore do
not ‘fear’ each other, even if their fear factors are based In the movement phase, a unit can only sustain losses by
on different properties. being ‘overrun’ by a chariot or especially large monster.
This is only introduced in the expert game, but mentioned
here for the sake of coherence.
4. Second Shooting Phase
The introduction of morale and leaders and commanders
makes an expanded sequence of action necesary in the All units with H-Orders that are not engaged in melee
standard game; a round therefore consists of six phases. from PREVIOUS turns may shoot.
Unless otherwise noted, the same rules for the sequence
of action apply as in the basic game. Morale tests triggered by losses in this phase are
1. Order Phase
5. Melee Phase
At the beginning of the order phase of each round all
players lay out order markers for each of their units All units that were engaged in melee in this turn or are
which have a leader or are under the command of a still so engaged from previous turns fight melee now. At
commander. Routed or impetuous units or units in the end of the melee phase movements of single
melee do not receive order markers. elements are made.
This procedure remains essentially unchanged; chapter 6. Rally Phase
‘Melee’, however, contains some additions.
All players can try to rally their routed units.
Morale tests triggered by losses in this phase are
conducted. ‘Rally’ means that a unit regains its will to carry on the
fight, ending its rout.
Special Figures
In the basic game all elements belonging to one unit have MUSICIANS
the same characteristics and abilities. In contrast, with
the standard game, you can have elements within a unit ‘Musician’ is the term used for all individuals making
such as leaders, standard bearers and musicians. Not rhythmic sounds to make the unit stay in step or to pass
every unit has all of these elements; the recruiting card on such commands as ‘about face’, which is heard
provides information about which special figures are everywhere and therefore simplifies maneuvers. Even an
available in a unit. Except for their special abilities, which orc drumming on the skulls of his killed opponents is
will be explained, these elements do not differ from the called a musician, although the noise sounds nothing like
rest of the unit; they have the same armor value, size, music!
morale, etc. as all other elements of the unit.
As long as a unit has a musician the unit has one more
maneuver available per movement phase than appears
on the recruitment card.
Leader Musician Standard Example: A unit with a musician which, according to the
Bearer recruitment card, is allowed to make one maneuver per
movement phase will in fact have two maneuvers availa-
ble as long as the musician element is in play. This
increases the movement capabilities of a unit only slight-
Each of these special figures forms its own element and ly, but makes maneuvers like formation changes, turns
is placed on a six sided base with other, normal minia- or wheels easier.
tures of the unit. The illustration above shows the sym-
bols for leaders, standard bearers and musicians that are The loss of a musician affects the unit immediately.
used on the recruiting card. To make these elements
easily recognizable with their figures during the game, A unit which is shot at in the first shooting phase and
they should be displayed using special miniature figures. thereby loses its musician no longer has the additional
All DEMONWORLD miniature packs from MetalMagic maneuver available in the following movement phase.
include the necessary special figures for a unit.
A leader element fights in melee with a Battle Factor THE POSITION OF SPECIAL FIGURES
increased by 1.
At the beginning of the game, the elements with leaders,
This is due to the fact that leaders are often selected from musicians or standard bearers will be placed on the
among the strongest and most courageous members of playing area in the same way as any normal element of
their race and encourage other members of the unit to the unit. This should occur in the front rank because it
heroic actions in combat. Note that this is only valid when looks visually better and corresponds to the usual posi-
the leader element itself strikes in melee; when the tion. This, however, is not a requirement – if you wish to
element only supports another attack then that support protect your special figures you are then at liberty to
uses the usual +3 factor. place them in the middle of the unit.
A commander is a champion, general or king. These models Commanders Acting Independently
have great significance in the game because they raise the
morale of your units and allow you to give more flexible orders A commander acting independently treats any move-
(or to issue orders at all, after the loss of a leader). ment as an ‘advance’ and can perform any number of
turns during movement without movement penalties.
Let’s look at the difference between leaders and comman- Entering open and difficult terrain costs 3 movement
ders. A leader, as shown on the recruiting card, is an points, entering rough terrain costs 5 movement points.
integral member of a unit and moves and acts with that unit.
A commander has his own recruiting card and is purcha- The terms ‘open’, ‘difficult’ and ‘rough terrain’ are explai-
sed when setting up your army, and can then be assigned ned in chapter ‘Terrain’. For now, note that independent
to move and act independently, or join a specific unit. commanders are much less subject to movement restric-
tions than units, as they can move more freely and
There are four kinds of commanders, each with different without having to pay attention to keeping a formation.
characteristics that affect the command authority, speed
of reaction, and their effects on units. These are marked As single commander elements can perform any number
on the recruiting card with ‘★’, ‘★★’, ‘★★★’, or ‘★★★★’. of turns during movement, they only have movement
Commanders with one ‘★’ are sometimes referred to as points, but no ‘allowed maneuvers’, as these do not make
heroes. In these rules, the term commander encompas- sense for such single elements. As soon as a commander
ses heroes and vice versa, unless a specific rules states has joined a unit, however, he is subject to the same
otherwise. maneuver restrictions as the unit.
The number of ‘★’ that a commander has is his command Commanders acting independently do not receive order
bonus, which is required during a morale test. Thus, one counters.
‘★’ gives a command bonus of 1.
The movement points available to a single commander
The following sections contain the rules applying to all are therefore constant and not dependent on an order.
commanders. The recruitment card of a specific com-
mander can also list special pieces of equipment and An independent commander possessing a missile weap-
rules which then apply for that commander only, making on is allowed to shoot in the first or second shooting
him a unique personality. phase as the player wishes, provided he is not in melee.
‘move’, OR at the beginning of the ‘skirmish’, OR at the If the unit and the attached commander have different
beginning of the ‘attack’, OR at the beginning of the movement points, you use the lowest value for both.
‘hold’ section of the movement phase. Independent
commanders always move BEFORE all other units with A unit with ‘M:24 / A:18 / S:12’ movement points, which
the appropriate order. is moved along with a commander with 18 movement
points, only has 18 movement points (the commander’s
An individual commander may execute a turn at the end value) available with a Move order. With a Skirmish order,
of the ‘hold’ section of the movement phase, even if he the commander, as well as the unit, only have 12 move-
has moved in one of the preceding sections of the phase. ment points (the unit’s value).
If two opposing independent commanders near each An attached commander (even without having ‘allowed
other are to move during the same section of the move- maneuvers’) is subject to the maneuver restrictions of the
ment phase, and if their order of movement is important unit he is attached to. If this unit starts a melee, the
to the course of the game, each player rolls one D6 and commander can move into contact by spending move-
adds the initiative value of the appropriate commander to ment points or maneuvers (like the elements of the unit).
the result. The player with the highest number decides if
he moves first or second (ties are rerolled). As long as a unit is organized and neither impetuous nor
routed nor engaged in melee, attached commanders
Since independent commanders do not receive order can exchange their position with any other element of
counters, they are not counted for the number of units the unit. This counts as one maneuver irrespective of
that are to be moved in a specific section of the move- whether the elements exchanged turned.
ment phase.
This exchange can also take place together with leaders,
Example: Player A has 2 units with Skirmish orders; standard bearers or musicians and is subject to the same
player B has 1 unit with Skirmish orders and moves two limitations (see chapter ‘Special Figures’).
independent commanders at the beginning of the ‘skir-
mish’ section of the movement phase. Here player B,
because of the fewer number of units with Skirmish Joining and Leaving Units
orders, decides who moves first as the commanders do
not count. In a desperate melee, a unit may benefit from the presence
of a commander, while in another situation the comman-
der may be more effective if he does not join a unit, but
Commanders attached to a Unit issues orders to several units instead (see section ‘The
Function of Commanders’). Therefore, commanders are
When you attach a commander to a unit at the beginning not required to remain independent or together with a unit
of the game, you place that recruiting card next to the for the entire battle, but can instead join and leave units
unit’s recruiting card and place the commander element, during the course of the game.
like any normal element, in any desired position within
the unit. A commander leaving a unit can only do so before the
unit moves.
Commanders can only join units whose elements have
the same base size as the commander’s element. Leaving can either occur during an earlier section of the
movement phase or immediately before the unit begins
This rule is of no significance in the standard game, but to move. The commander must be on the outside of the
is given here because of its context and covers cases in unit – if necessary, this can be accomplished by ex-
which a commander rides a dragon or is in a chariot. Such changing positions with another element of the unit
elements have other base sizes, and a commander on or before. If the unit’s formation becomes disorganized due
in such an element cannot join a unit of normal sized to the commander’s leaving, then re-grouping can occur
elements. in the same way as for shooting casualties (see basic
game, chapter ‘Shooting’, section ‘After the Shooting’).
A commander who is attached to a unit acts like any This counts neither as an additional movement nor
normal element of the unit. maneuver.
The commander, as long as he is attached to the unit, is When a commander joins a unit he and/or the unit must
treated like any other element of the unit; he is placed be moved in such a way that the commander is in
within the unit’s formation and must execute movements/ contact with at least one element of the unit.
maneuvers, melee and shooting (if he has a missile
weapon) together with the unit’s other elements. The With a unit in skirmish formation (see chapter ‘Forma-
additional action possibilities of independent commanders tions’), it is sufficient when the commander ‘joins’ the
are not available. A commander attached to a unit can also formation like a normal element of the unit.
support or be supported in melee and shooting.
As long as the unit is neither in melee nor routed nor
A commander attached to a unit is subject to initiative impetuous, the player can re-group individual elements,
changes due to orders. provided this is required to retain the formation of the
unit. Other movements after this are no longer permit-
If the unit, for example, has an attack order, then this also ted for the unit and the commander in this movement
increases the commander’s initiative by 2 in the first phase.
round of a melee.
the elements into (or out of) contact. It is even better to
visually demonstrate joining a unit by putting the com-
mander element in the middle of the front rank (or, for
more fearsome commanders, in the middle of the unit).
Although this is not a rule, it should not often occur that
commanders command their units by running after them!
Example 1: In the illustration above, a commander joins A commander who is attached to a unit can issue orders
an organized unit with a ‘3–3–2’ formation. If the com- only to that unit.
mander can move into the position of the right element in
the front rank, the player can re-group his elements into This also applies if other units are within the command
a ‘3–3–3’ formation (as shown) in order to retain the radius of such a commander. A commander who moves
organized formation. This does not cost a maneuver; the and fights with a unit is too busy to pay attention to other
unit’s further movement in this movement phase, how- units in his proximity.
ever, is ended. Had the commander moved into a position
in the last rank, then an exchange with an element in the A unit can only receive orders from ONE leader or
front rank could have taken place only in the next commander. A commander attached to a unit overrides
movement phase, then costing one maneuver. the unit’s leader, and any other commander that the unit
may be within the command radius of. If a unit is within
Example 2: A commander moving into contact with one the command radii of several commanders, it can only
or more elements of a disorganized unit remains in this receive orders from the highest ranking commander.
position without the benefit of a free re-grouping, as the
formation of the unit has not worsened because of the Since, as described below, all commanders except he-
attachment of the commander. roes can issue several orders at once, this rule is very
important to the course of the game. A unit with a leader
Example 3: A commander who joins a unit in melee who also has an attached commander can only receive
cannot get into another position by exchanging elements the order counters of the attached commander, and no
– the commander is only allowed the usual re-grouping additional counter because of the leader. A unit with an
options of elements at the end of the melee phase. attached commander that at the same time is within the
command radius of another commander can only receive
A commander who has joined a unit can only give orders the orders of the attached commander.
to that unit. It is therefore important to distinguish com-
manders who have joined a unit and now belong to the In a similar fashion, a unit with (only) a leader that is
formation of the unit from those who just happen to stand within the command radius of a commander only recei-
next to an element of the unit. Also, the movement of a ves one order counter due to the leader. In case two
unit which, during its own movement, contacts a com- commanders are attached to one unit, only the highest-
mander who does not want to join the unit is not over, but ranking of these may issue orders.
can be continued, though perhaps ‘around’ the comman-
der. Units that are in melee, routed or impetuous (see chapter
‘Morale’) cannot receive orders even though comman-
We therefore recommend that joining or leaving a unit be ders may be present.
audibly announced to all players, instead of just moving
★-Commanders If the commander is acting independently, then you may
issue one order counter each to a maximum of four units
For a commander (hero) with one ‘★’, a player can issue within the command radius.
ONE order during the order phase of a round. A hero has
a command radius of 0.
Unlike other commanders, a hero cannot command units
from a distance, and cannot give more commands than At the beginning of the order phase units who do not have
the actual leader of the unit. However, a hero raises the a leader (any more) and are not receiving orders from a
morale and fighting strength of a unit. commander must roll the dice for their orders. The player
rolls 1D6 for the results. On a roll of ‘1’, the unit has Hold
orders. On a roll of ‘2’, the unit has Attack orders. On a
★★-Commanders roll of ‘3’, the unit has Skirmish orders. On a roll of ‘4’, the
unit has Move orders. On a roll of ‘5’ or six ‘6’, the player
For a ★★-commander, a player can issue TWO orders can choose which order to give to the unit. This would
during the order phase of a round. also apply to any unit whose orders may have been
forgotten. For a roll of ‘1’ to ‘4’, the order counter is
If this commander has joined a unit, two order counters displayed openly, on a roll of ‘5’ or ‘6’, it is put out face-
may be issued to this unit. If the commander is acting down. All other units receive their orders as explained in
independently, then you may issue one order counter the previous sections.
each to a maximum of two units within the command
radius. Once all order counters for all units have been laid out,
all order counters for all units with only ONE counter are
These order counters are then the valid orders of the
For a ★★★-commander, a player can issue THREE concerned units for this round.
orders during the order phase of a round.
AFTER THAT, players remove the undesired order coun-
If this commander has joined a unit, three order counters ter for all of their units having TWO order counters, and
may be issued to this unit. If the commander is acting uncover the remaining counter. AFTER THAT, players
independently, then you may issue one order counter remove the two undesired order counters for all of their
each to a maximum of three units within the command units having THREE order counters, and uncover the
radius. remaining counter. AFTER THAT, players remove the
three undesired order counters for all of their units
having FOUR order counters, and uncover the re-
★★★★-Commanders maining counter.
For a ★★★★-commander, a player can issue FOUR Even when commanders are present each unit may in the
orders during the order phase of a round. end only have one valid order – any other situation would
be highly confusing for the unit! As, however, for units
If this commander has joined a unit, four order counters with more than one order counter, players must only
may be issued to this unit. However, since there are only decide on the final order AFTER knowing the orders of
four different types of orders in the game, this unit already units with fewer order counters; such units react better to
has all options available. The player could in this case the plans of the adversary.
save himself laying out four different order counters, and
at the end of the orders phase only put the order counter
wanted (see following section).
In the basic game, we tacitly assumed that all battles Movement point costs for entering a field are based on
occured in even terrain with low or no vegetation, and that the terrain formation or combination of terrain forma-
visibility and troop movements were not hindered by tions covering the center dot.
hills, cliffs, vegetation, buildings or similar.
A field whose center dot is covered by open terrain costs
This was acceptable, but unrealistic, for only few battle- 3 movement points to enter, even if there are other, ‘more
fields will be absolutely even, displaying instead hills, expensive’ terrain formations depicted somewhere else
forests, and similar. These, however, can limit or bar in the field.
visibility and movements, and walls or obstacles can
confer advantages or disadvantages on your troops. If the center dot is covered by two terrain formations,
point costs for entering the field are the sum of the two
The rules of this chapter treat the consequences of terrain values.
on the course of a battle, and they should be studied
carefully. If all other factors are the same, the general who Example: An element moving uphill (+2 movement points)
makes better use of the advantages of terrain and avoids into a field containing underbrush/thicket (4 movement
its disadvantages will be the victor! points) has to expend (4+2=) 6 movement points for this.
This, however, only applies if the center dot is uphill AND
We have not incorporated rules for battles during the day covered by the underbrush/thicket. If the underbrush/
or at night, but assume that all battles take place during thicket is only depicted at the edge of the field, but the
the day with good lighting conditions and that there are center dot shows open terrain (lying uphill), then en-
thus no visibility restrictions due to darkness. The abso- tering costs 3 movement points for open terrain plus 2
lute majority of all historic battles occurred during the day movement points for moving uphill.
and were interrupted at the intrusion of darkness (if they
lasted that long at all). This will not be different in a
medieval-fantastic world. Attacks on enemy camps oc- TERRAIN FORMATIONS AND MOVE-
curing at night, or chasing dispersed adversaries at
darkness may present interesting game situations that
are, however, better represented as a role-playing adven- Passing through or entering different terrain formations
ture than as part of a game system for the simulation of costs different amounts of movement points. Entering
battles. open terrain, for example, costs 3 movement points,
whereas entering a field with underbrush/thicket costs 4
movement points.
If you move an individual element, movement points
A ‘terrain formation’ is a natural type of terrain like open expended for entering a field are deducted from the
terrain, a forest or a hill, or an artificial feature like a road, element’s movement points allowance. Movement is
a wall, or a building. ended once either remaining movement points are not
enough to enter another field, or if you decide to stop
The terrain formations printed on the DEMONWORLD movement, or the rules forbid further movement in a
maps loosely follow the hexagonal grid, but do not specific situation.
conform to this exactly along the edges of fields. They
are, instead, depicted irregularly for reasons of a more If a unit advances and individual elements enter terrain
realistic (and more beautiful) display. Many of the fields formations (fields) with different point costs, the high-
printed on the maps therefore contain two or more terrain est movement point cost to be paid by a single element
formations. Since entering different terrain formations when moving one field counts for the whole unit.
costs different amounts of movement points, we have to
decide which terrain formation (if there is more than one) If a unit advances one field and some elements on the
within a field governs movement point costs. flank enter underbrush/thicket, the unit has to expend 4
movement points, even if the rest of the unit marches ment point costs plus, if applicable, their effects on
through open terrain. conducting melee. The effects of terrain formations on
shooting are covered in chapter ‘Shooting’.
This rule applies because a unit will always try to remain
in formation; therefore unhindered elements will slow
their advance so that the slower ones can remain in Open Terrain
formation. Similar applies when moving along a road.
The reduced movement costs for road movement only This covers ungrown fields, grass of normal height, field
apply if the whole unit moves along the road (which roads and other areas covered with no or minimal vege-
makes moving in column more interesting in the stan- tation. Open terrain is best specified by the absence of
dard game). other terrain formations discussed here and will often
cover large areas of the battlefield.
If a unit executes a wheel and individual elements enter
fields with movement point costs higher than 3, then the Entering open terrain costs 3 movement points per field.
unit has to expend one maneuver plus the highest Open terrain has no effect on melee.
amount of ADDITIONAL movement points to be paid by
any one element during the wheel. A unit with only one
maneuver per movement phase may in this instance Difficult Terrain
nevertheless execute a 60˚ wheel.
This covers rocky ground, underbrush/thicket, woods,
Example: A unit (with 2 or more maneuvers) performs a sand, and grown fields.
wheel during which three elements each enter 2 fields
containing difficult terrain (costing 4 movement points to Field 3/F4 for example is rocky ground, field 4/L4
enter). This costs the unit one maneuver (for the wheel) underbrush/thicket and field 3/L14 a woods field.
plus (1 additional movement point per field compared to
open terrain times 2 fields entered) 2 movement points. It Entering difficult terrain costs 4 movement points per
does not matter that 3 elements have entered difficult field. Difficult terrain has no effect on melee.
Examples: A wheel forcing an element to enter or cross a Some DEMONWORLD maps may depict hills covered with
field containing swamp (impassable terrain) is not allo- wood or underbrush/thicket. In these cases the contour lines
wed. Re-grouping individual elements into or over a field within the wood or underbrush are often depicted without
containing impassable terrain is not allowed. vegetation, as it would be impossible to depict terrain of
different height otherwise. For shooting, these contour lines
count as covered with vegetation nevertheless.
In the drawings contained here, the height of hill fields is
In the following you will find an overwiew of all terrain represented by the shading of the higher fields. The
fomations occurring in the game, their respective move- darker a field is shaded, the higher it is.
Terrain formations like hills, wood, or underbrush/thicket When in melee with an element downhill (uphill), the
are characterized by a height value. This height is mea- Battle Factor is increased (decreased) by 1 for each
sured similar to the size of an element and helps to decide difference in height levels.
if a terrain formation presents an obstacle to shooting
(see chapter ‘Shooting’ in the standard game, section Fighting a melee across an altitude difference of three or
‘Shooting and Terrain’). more levels, however, is not possible for normal ele-
ments, as this difference is impassable.
The height of a hill field depends on how many contour
lines or height levels above the ground the field is. The
height of the whole field is governed by the height level of
the field’s center dot.
An altitude difference of one contour line (height level)
corresponds to a height (size) of 2.
as tall as an element of size 2.
0 0 0 0 0
2 4 2 0
Water can have a depth of 1 to 3. The depth of a water field
corresponds to the size (height) of an element; a water
0 0 0 0 0 field of depth 2 therefore is as deep as an element of size
2 is tall – the water reaches up to the element’s head or
In the drawing above, the height (not the height level!) of
each individual field is shown. As you see, the height of On the DEMONWORLD maps, water fields are represen-
two neighbouring fields can differ by 2 or more height ted by printing the depth of each water field and a color
levels (and therefore 4 or more in height value). shade darkening with increasing depth. As usual, the
center dot determines what depth a water field actually is.
An element advancing uphill (downhill) has to expend
two (no) movement points when crossing one height A water field of depth 1 cannot be entered by elements
level, and four (two) movement points when crossing of size 1. Elements of size 2 have to expend 6 movement
two height levels in addition to point costs of otherwise points, elements of size 3 have to expend 4 movement
prevailing terrain. Crossing an altitude difference of points.
three or more height levels is not possible.
A water field of depth 2 cannot be entered by elements
Example: An element advancing into a field 2 height of size 1 or 2. Elements of size 3 have to expend 6
levels higher has to expend 4 movement points in addi- movement points.
tion to point costs to be paid because of other terrain.
Advancing 1 height level downhill costs no additional A water field of depth 3 cannot be entered by elements
movement points. of size 1, 2 or 3.
This increase in point costs is only in effect if you advance A melee attack against an element in a water field is only
by actually expending movement points. Re-grouping permitted if the attacked field is passable for the
elements accross height levels or advancing by expen- attacker. If EITHER the attacker OR the defender is in
ding maneuvers does not cost additional movement a water field, Battle Factors are decreased by 1, if
points. An altitude difference of three or more levels, attacker AND defender are in water fields, Battle Fac-
however, is impassable then as well. tors are decreased by 2. Supporting a melee attack
against, by or with an element in a water field is not
The existence of a hill only means that fields of different allowed.
height exist. A hill can therefore be present in addition to
other terrain features, for example a wood. Point costs for There can be exceptions to the above for certain races or
entering fields are added in these cases. Moving uphill by monsters, which are then noted on the recruitment card.
one height level into a woods field costs (4+2=) 6 Additional comments applying to cases where a water
movement points, moving one height level uphill using a field is passable for only one of the participants in a melee
road costs (2+2=) 4 movement points for infantry. can be found in section ‘Impassable Terrain’.
Hedges and Walls hedge or wall, you therefore only have to pay the reduced
costs for road movement.
The hedges and smaller walls treated here have a height
of 1 and therefore reach a human’s waist. Unless other terrain is present, the DEMONWORLD
maps show a ‘half-field depiction’ of a road at the center
In contrast to other terrain formations, a hedge or wall is of each map edge. This enables us to publish further,
a linear terrain feature. Hedges and walls not belonging to compatible maps depicting roads in future.
buildings are depicted between adjacent fields (running
along the common edges of these fields) and consist of When laying out two of these maps next to each other, the
several sections. For reasons of a more realistic de- two ‘half’ road fields combine to form a ‘full’ road field.
piction, a hedge or wall does not always follow the field This field counts as a road field if there is actually a road
sides exactly, but it is clear in all cases which fields are ending in it, and as open terrain if not.
separated by the hedge or wall.
Also, to benefit from reduced movement costs, the whole This treats the second of the cases outlined at the
unit must be moving on the road. If some elements move beginning of this section. In the following explanations,
on the road and others don’t, this does not reduce the ‘attacker’ is the element that could move into the
movement costs. opponent’s field, and the ‘defender’ is the element that
could not.
A field is a road field if the depiction of the road covers the
center dot. When moving along a road through difficult, The attacker can move a unit completely or partially into
rough or even impassable terrain, or through a gap in a such a position with any order. A melee against the
defender, however, is still only possible with S- or A- At the end of the first melee phase (and each subse-
orders and fulfilling the usual requirements; if the attack- quent melee phase if the melee is continued), the
er has M- or H-orders, he stays in the occupied position. attacker can declare the elements in question as ‘not in
The defender, on the other hand, has to fulfill all the usual contact’ any longer.
requirements for an attack when moving into such a
position, even if he ist not allowed to attack from there. If the attacker decides to stay in contact, the participating
units are still in melee, and are allowed the usual re-
If attack requirements are met, the attacker can declare grouping of single elements at the end of the melee
the relevant elements as being ‘in contact’ AT THE phase. Note that the defender’s options to re-group will
MOMENT of moving onto the adjacent field, and in probably be more limited due to the terrain impassable
following rounds at the beginning of the melee phase. (only) to him.
If the attacker declares the elements as being in contact, If the attacker decides to break contact, the participating
these elements (and thus the units they belong to) are in units are no longer in melee, and all elements can re-
melee with immediate effect. At least one melee phase is group a maximum of two fields at the end of the melee
then fought through normally, and the defender can fight phase like any other element ‘not in contact’ with an
in melee as well. We assume that the combatants move enemy. The participating units can receive orders again
towards each other, and that the actual contact is made in the next order phase.
in terrain passable to both.
A melee that is broken off this way (or that does not come
If the attacker does not declare the elements as being in about at all) does NOT force the participating units to
contact, the participating units are not ‘in melee’. The move out of their position adjacent to the opponent.
defender can then move out of his position in the current
movement phase (if he hadn’t moved already at the time
of ‘contact’), or in the next movement phase (if he had
already moved at the time of contact).
The basic game rules prohibited any missile fire over met, the attacker must still be given the appropriate
intervening elements, which was fine because only ele- order, and the target must be within the attacker’s arc of
ments with a size of 2 and 3 had been introduced by this fire, though this is not continually repeated here.
Shooting at an element of up to the same size as the
The standard game rules now introduce several types of attacker is not possible if the line of sight crosses an
terrain feature that can block lines of sight for missile fire; element that is of the same or greater size than the
the expert game rules finally introduce models with a size attacker.
far greater than 3. This calls for a refinement of the
shooting rules, because the rules as noted above would Example: A mounted element (of size 3) wants to shoot
produce unrealistic results. Two 16 feet tall giants, for over an intervening element at an element of dwarves
example, could not shoot at each other over the heads of (size 1). It is not possible to shoot if the intervening
a unit of dwarves standing between them. element is of size 3 or greater, because the shooting
element has a size of 3. As long as the intervening element
Elements are covered by the same set of rules as terrain has the same or greater size than the attacker, it would not
features – if something is obstructing a line of sight for be possible for the mounted element to shoot at any
missile fire, it does not really matter if this is a ten-feet tall elements of size 2 or 3, because these, too, are of ‘up to the
giant or a ten-feet high wall. To avoid unnecessary same size’ as the attacker.
repetitions, any situations of this kind are dealt with in this
section, although huge models are only introduced later Most elements have a size of 2, so according to the rule
in the expert game rules. above, missile fire between these elements is not possible
if there is an intervening element of size 2 or greater.
The section ‘Shooting at Targets on the same Height
Level’ describes the rules governing missile fire between Similarly, it is not possible for an element of size 3 to shoot
elements of varying sizes on fields of the same height at an element of size 3 or less if there is an intervening
level, without taking into account terrain features. The element of size 3 or greater, and so on.
section ‘Dealing with Terrain Features’ explains under
which circumstances terrain features may affect missile Shooting at an element that is of greater size than the
fire. The section ‘Shooting and Terrain’ finally explains attacker is not possible if the line of sight crosses an
how terrain features affect missile fire and allows you to element that is at least of the same size as the target
work out shooting at or over models of every size and in element.
any terrain.
Example: An element of missile troops (size 2) wants to
shoot at an element of size 3. This is not possible if there
SHOOTING AT TARGETS ON THE is an intervening element of size 3 or greater.
In this section we assume that all participating models are The Shooting Diagram
on even ground and that there are no terrain features to
take into account. Complicated situations not covered by the rules above
should be decided using the diagram shown at the top of
An element can always shoot at another element to the following page.
which it can draw a clear line of sight that does not cross
any intervening elements. The range- or x-axis of the shooting diagram specifies the
distance in fields between two elements; it represents the
A ‘line of sight’ is the line drawn from the center dot of the ground of the playing area at the same time. The figures
shooter’s field to the center dot of the target’s field. represent the centers of the relevant fields. The shooting
Remember that even if the conditions for a missile fire are element is always located at the point marked ‘0’; an
2 hip-high
1 Hill
(1 height level) Underbrush/Thicket,
Grown Field
0 1
2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
element 3 fields away from the shooting element would corresponding to the range determined. The length of
be located at the point marked ‘3’ on the range axis. this line covers as many sections as the size of the
intervening element.
The height- or y-axis specifies the size of an element. In
the shooting diagram, each element is represented by a Example: An intervening element of size 2 that is 3 fields
line, the length of which, measured in ‘steps’ or ‘sections’ away from the shooting element should be represented
of the height axis, corresponds to the size of the element. by a vertical line, starting at the point ‘3’ on the range
axis, and a length of two sections of the height axis.
Example: An element of size 2 is two sections high, an
element of size 4 is four sections high. Next draw a vertical line starting from the point on the range
axis corresponding to the range between the shooting
An element of size 2 would be represented by a vertical element and the target element. The length of this line covers
line starting from the range axis (the ‘ground’) and being as many sections as the size of the target element.
two sections long. An element of size 4 would be repre-
sented by a line four sections long. Because all elements Then connect the point marked on the height axis (the
are on fields of the same height level (on even ground), top point of the shooting element) with the top and
the ‘bottom point’ of each element is always on the range bottom points of the target element with straight lines.
axis. We similarly call the top of the line ‘top point’ of an
element. If NONE of the connecting lines crosses or touches the
line representing the intervening element, the line of
As a first step, mark the size of the shooting element on sight is unobstructed, and missile fire can be resolved
the height axis. as normal.
Example: If the shooting element is of size 3, the point A connecting line touches an intervening element if it
marked ‘3’ on the height axis should be marked. runs exactly through its top point.
Then determine the range in fields between the inter- If BOTH connecting lines cross or touch the line repre-
vening element and the shooting element, and draw a senting the intervening element, the target is not visible
vertical line starting from the range axis at the point for the attacker, and shooting is not possible.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
In the diagram shown at the bottom of the previous page shoot over their own front rank at elements of size 3 (like
an element of size 3 wants to shoot over an element of size an enemy cavalry unit).
2 that is two fields away from the shooting element. If the
target was an element of size 2 that is 8 fields away from Continuing with this example, were the target element of
the attacker, the shot can be resolved as normal, as none size 4, then the top section of the target element would be
of the connecting lines (to the top and bottom points of visible to the shooting element.
the target element) cross or touch the intervening ele-
ment. If the target was an element of size 1 that is 3 fields The Battle Factor of a missile attack is reduced by 2 if
away from the attacker, shooting would not be possible, the target element is at least halfway (but not fully)
as both connecting lines cross the intervening element. visible. It is reduced by 4 if less than half of the target
element is visible (but it is still partially visible). If the
If ONE of the connecting lines crosses or touches an target is an element of size 4 or greater and only one
intervening element, then this element is partially visi- section is NOT visible, the Battle Factor is not reduced.
ble for the attacker.
Whether at least half of the element is visible is determi-
ned by the number of visible sections.
Partially Visible Elements
Example 1: One section (only) of an element of size 2 is
If an element is partially visible, determine how many of visible. At least half of the element can be seen, resulting
its sections are visible to the shooting element. A in the Battle Factor being reduced by 2.
section is visible if both its top AND bottom are visible.
Example 2: Only one section of an element of size 4 is in
In the diagram below, an element of size 3 wants to shoot sight, therefore ‘less than half’ of the element is visible,
over an intervening element at an element of size 2 that and the Battle Factor is reduced by 4. If only one section
is six fields away. The top section of the target element is of this element would NOT be visible, the element would
visible because its top and bottom are visible. The be treated as being fully in sight.
connecting line to the bottom point of the target element,
however, touches the intervening element, thereby ob-
structing the line of sight. Therefore, the lower section of 5
the target element is not visible – the whole element is
only partially visible. 4
In the diagram on the right, a giant of size 4 wants to shoot 3
at an element of size 2 that is three fields away. The
connecting lines to the bottom and middle points of the 2
target element both cross the intervening element. Be-
cause of this, the whole target element is not visible, even 1
if its top point may be visible. The top of a helmet or
similar can be seen behind intervening troops; this, 0
however, is not enough to properly aim at.
0 1 2 3 4
In the diagram at the top left of the next page, an element
of size 2 wants to shoot at an element of size 3 that is two
fields away. The intervening element blocks the line of The special rule for particularly large elements is neces-
sight to all sections of the target element; it is therefore sary because a minor obstruction of sight does not justify
not possible to shoot. Please note that this is always the a reduced Battle Factor when shooting at these large
case if an element wants to shoot over an intervening elements. A giant of size 4 standing behind a unit of
element of the same size at a target element whose size halflings of size 1 is treated as fully visible, because the
is only 1 greater than the attacker’s. The connecting line intervening ‘obstacle’ merely reaches to his knees!
to the bottom point of the top section of the target element
always touches the intervening element in such a case; Because the most common missile weapons, bows and
rear ranks of an infantry unit of size 2 can therefore never longbows, have a Battle Factor of 4 and 5 (usually
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 E
0 1 2 3 4
DEALING WITH TERRAIN FEATURES Hills and water fields can affect missile fire if the
shooting element or the target element is standing on
Some terrain features do not affect missile fire at all; such a field, or if the line of sight crosses a hill field.
others, like woods, obstruct lines of sight due to the height
of the vegetation; and finally hills and waters affect the This is an exception to the usual rules for terrain features.
height of other terrain features or the height on which an A field containing a hill or water always counts as being
element is located. fully on the height level that is given for it (provided the
field is actually a hill- or water field, its center dot being
The terrain types road, open terrain, rocky terrain, sand, covered by the hill or water depiction).
mud, morass, swamp and destroyed walls do not affect
missile fire.
intervening elements can obstruct a line of sight that only point of the target element is obstructed by the hill in the
touches the field occupied by them. This exception is previous field, however. Therefore ‘at least half’ of the
fine, because a hill slopes down at its edges and is target element is visible, and it could be shot at with a
therefore no real obstacle there. Battle Factor reduced by 2. This would also apply if the
target element on the hill was four or more fields away.
SHOOTING AND TERRAIN If the same element were positioned on the edge of the
hill, two fields away from the shooting element, then the
The rules in the last section showed in which cases terrain line of sight to its bottom point would not be obstructed,
features may affect missile fire. Not every interfering and the element would be fully visible.
terrain feature, however, actually proves to be an obsta-
cle. If a terrain feature interferes with a line of sight as If the target element on the hill were a giant of size 4 being
determined by the rules of the last section, use the 3 fields away from the shooting element, the giant’s
shooting diagram to check if the view of the shooting bottom point would not be visible. As the giant, however,
element is actually obstructed. This is done as explained has a size of 4 and only one section is obstructed from
in section ‘The Shooting Diagram’, except that this time view, he could be shot at normally.
not only intervening elements, but terrain features and
fields of different height levels must also be considered, If in this example the shooting element were of of size 3
and are drawn in if necessary. or greater, then every element on the hill would be fully
visible (assuming there was no intervening element), as
the hill wouldn’t obstruct the line of sight to the bottom
The Height of Terrain Features point.
Elements and terrain features on hill fields should be
marked/drawn in on the shooting diagram on the re- D
spective height level.
as shown in the diagram above in field D. An element on in the field in front of it (through which the line of sight
field D is not allowed to shoot at targets outside the forest, would be traced) would block the line of sight to the
because every possible line of sight to targets ‘outside’ is bottom point of the element.
blocked by the representation of the forest in the neigh-
boring fields. If an element on field D left the forest to be If, in this example, the target element had a size of 4 (and
able to shoot, however, it would no longer be ‘protected’ the first element were not there), it would be fully visible
by the forest. A forest that is drawn in this way would due to its size, as only one section would be obstructed by
therefore be without a real edge. This can be explained by the underbrush/thicket. An element of dwarves one field
the particularly dense growth inside the forest, but in away from the shooting element would be fully visible.
most cases it is not desirable for a game. The same element of dwarves two fields away from the
shooting element would be completely out of sight, and
In the diagram on the left, you can shoot – with a Battle the dwarves themselves could not shoot back at the
Factor reduced by 2 – from field B at fields C, D and E, and shooting element, as its lower section would be com-
from field E at fields B, C and D (and vice versa). You pletely out of sight to them, and only the top point of its
cannot shoot from field C at field D, because the woods higher section could be seen.
depiction in fields B and E obstructs the line of sight.
If the shooting element were of size 4, any target element
Therefore, missile attacks within a wood are only possible of any size inside the underbrush/thicket at a distance of
against elements on adjacent fields. As a unit that is in up to three fields would be fully visible, because the
contact with an enemy automatically counts as being in underbrush/thicket in a previous field would only then
melee (and is therefore not allowed to shoot), within a block the line of sight to the bottom point of the target
wood only units with a Hold order that made contact with element.
the enemy in the immediately preceding movement
phase can shoot (once) in the second shooting phase. Underbrush/thicket therefore does not affect missile fire,
if the target is positioned at the edge of the thicket (from
In most situations, it will not be possible to shoot over a the shooting element’s point of view). Moreover, particu-
forest because of its height. Exceptions may be particu- larly large models enjoy an unimpeded sight on fields that
larly large models that are positioned on a hill (not are further within the undergrowth.
covered by trees) inside a forest, therefore overlooking
the treetops. A giant of size 5 standing on a hill that is 3
contour lines (6 steps) high, has a total height of 11 and Hedges and Walls
may therefore shoot over the forest (assuming the target
is in range and has a suitable size). Situations like this will A hedge or an (intact) wall may affect lines of sight. A
most probably never appear in a game, but if they do, the hedge or wall located at the edge of a field FROM which
shooting diagram should be consulted. an element wants to shoot is not taken into account.
2 E F G
0 1 2 3 4
In the diagram above, the element of size 2 which is 1 field
distant from the shooting element is fully visible, because
the grown field or underbrush/thicket in the field con-
taining the element does not affect missile fire. An
element of the same size being 2 fields away from the In the drawing above, the wall section between fields A
shooting element would only be half visible (if the first and D, and B and D, does not exactly run along the edges
element were not there), because the underbrush/thicket of these fields. This, however, is only done to allow for a
more realistic representation on the playing map; for attacker), only half of an element of size 2 would be
purposes of determining lines of sight, the wall should be visible behind the wall, and an element of size 1 would be
treated as running exactly along the common edges of completely out of sight.
fields A and D, and B and D.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
because of these itself, and can fully see element C and however. Suitably small sized crew of chariots equipped
half of element B. with missile weapons, or commanders on dragons or
chariots that use their missile weapons, do fall under this
The example above again demonstrates that a line of category.
sight between two elements is not automatically reversi-
ble. If an element A can see an element B, it does not
necessarily mean that element B can see element A in the Roll 1D20 for each missile attack and add or
same degree, or at all. Elements that are shooting out of subtract the following factors:
the cover of a forest or undergrowth, or from behind a
wall, have in most cases a less impeded sight of their + Battle Factor of the weapon used
targets than vice versa. + F-skill of the shooting element
– armor (S) of the target element
can only be shot at with an additional penalty on the Elements that are in alternative contact (see section
Battle Factor, for example because the target is posi- ‘Impassable Terrain’ in chapter ‘Terrain’) may be hit by a
tioned inside a wood. deviating shot if they were declared as being ‘in contact’
at the time the missile attack takes place.
SHOOTING INTO A MELEE If an element other than the original target is hit, the
attack is resolved using the original Battle Factor, even if
In the basic game, a die was thrown to determine if a the element finally hit is only partially visible, or inside a
neighboring element was hit instead of the original target wood.
when firing at targets in melee. These rules still apply
generally but, with the introduction of terrain features, it We assume that a melee is continually in motion and
is possible that a neighboring element is located on a therefore elements in cover will at least briefly leave their
radically different height level than the original target, cover in a melee situation.
and may therefore be impossible to hit by a missed shot.
When shooting at elements in melee, the shooting
When shooting at targets in melee, roll for a possible element may not use its F-skill.
deviation as explained in the basic game. If a shot
deviates, only an element in contact with the original Even a well trained archer is not able to hit his target at
target element may be hit. a particularly vulnerable point in the tangled mass of a
Elements that are separated from the original target by
insurmountable height differences may therefore not be
hit by a deviating shot; the attack is wasted.
Most of the time units will operate in an orderly formation If a unit forms a square a commander that joined the unit
because this facilitates coordinating movement and shoot- cannot form a part of the square (on the perimeter).
ing. An orderly formation, however, is not best suited for However, a commander, whether on foot or mounted,
certain tactical situations or troop types. This is why in may be positioned inside the square without negatively
the standard game there are three special formations that affecting the square’s qualities.
your units can use; each of these has its own advantages
and drawbacks. These formations are called ‘square’, When forming a square each of the elements in the outer
‘wedge’ and ‘skirmish formation’ respectively. In addi- ‘ring’ must be adjacent to two other elements of the
tion, certain units act as ‘hordes’. square, and each element’s front must face outwards.
Irrespective of the shape of the square, each of the six
Many units are either not trained to operate in these possible alignments an element can have must be
formations, or are not suitably equipped, or such forma- represented by at least one of the elements in the outer
tions do not suit their usual fighting style. Therefore, only ‘ring’ of the square. The alignment of elements inside (if
a few units can use more than one of these special any) does not matter.
formations, and many units can’t use any of them. A
unit’s recruitment card shows the symbols W (for we- To form a square a unit must assume one of the forma-
dge), K (for square), P (for skirmish formation) or the tions illustrated on the following page (which one depen-
entry ‘HORDE’ to indicate which types of formation the ding on the number of elements the unit consists of). The
unit can use. above rule allows for minor variations of the illustrated
variants, but these do not affect the square’s qualities. If
Units that do not have the relevant symbol printed on their a unit changes its formation to a square, any turns and
recruitment card can still arrange themselves in a wedge, shifts of elements necessary during this process count as
square, horde or skirmish formation, but do NOT get the maneuvers. This also applies if a unit changes its forma-
benefits normally drawn from these formations. tion from a square to another formation.
Example: A unit that is not capable of using the wedge or The empty fields inside a square can take up further
skirmish formation nevertheless sets itself up in such a elements of the same unit or any commanders that joined
formation. This is allowed, but the unit counts as being the unit. The square consisting of six elements, for
disordered and therefore suffers the associated move- example, could consist of seven elements as well. A
ment penalties. It also does not receive the increased square, however, cannot be formed around enemy units
Battle Factor of a wedge or the increased mobility of a or elements.
skirmish formation.
A square is a disordered formation. This has several
consequences. A unit arranged in a square can only
SQUARES move by shifting individual elements, and can therefore
only move as many fields in a movement phase as the
A square is a formation that has a front facing in each unit has maneuvers. The unit may not shoot if it has a
direction, and consequently cannot be attacked from the Skirmish order because it is disordered – this drawback,
flank or rear. Although this formation can only move however, can be countered by giving the unit a Hold order.
slowly it is particularly strong in defense. A unit arranged in a square that is not yet in melee may
not attack an enemy unit – this restriction is set on
An infantry unit that consists of at least six elements purpose because a square is a defensive formation and is
can form a square. not normally used to attack.
A unit consisting of less than six elements is too small to As long as a unit is arranged in a square, every attack
effectively form a square. Only elements of THE SAME unit against an element on the outer ‘ring’ of the square
can be used to form a square; it is not allowed to combine counts as an attack from the front, irrespective of the
elements of two or more different units to form one. actual alignment of the attacked element.
The increased combat factors for flank attacks never apply, If a unit is arranged in a ‘hollow’ square, it is better not to
even if an element is actually attacked from its flank. If a use any opportunities to re-group elements if this would
unit arranged in a square is armed with pikes, an attack on break up the square formation. On the other hand, any
its flank is treated as if it were actually a frontal attack, odd infantry elements of the same unit inside the square
reducing the combat factor of the attack by 1. If the could of course re-group to close any emerging gaps in
elements of the square themselves attack in melee, howe- the formation, as long as the enemy does not succeed in
ver, their actual alignment must be considered – even an re-grouping first and breaking up the square.
element in a square cannot attack enemies on its flank.
A unit that consists of at least six elements that are all after performing the turn (even if it is already arranged in
either infantry or cavalry can form a wedge. the correct shape). Instead, the unit counts as disordered.
It is consequently unable to attack in the same movement
Smaller sized units are not capable of forming a wedge. phase, and can only move by shifting elements (if it still
A wedge can only be formed by elements of ONE unit. has maneuvers left).
A wedge formation consists of one element in the front As long as a unit is arranged in a wedge the Battle Factor
rank, two elements in the second rank, and three of each attacking element of the unit is increased by 2
elements in the third rank. Up to four further elements per element directly behind it.
can be positioned anywhere in the fourth rank. All
elements must face in the same direction. In melee the Battle Factor of the single element in the
front rank is therefore increased by 4, as two elements are
directly behind it. The same applies to both elements in
the second rank because each of these is backed up by
two further elements directly behind them. Consequent-
ly, the elements in the last rank of a wedge attack with
their normal Battle Factor because there are no further
elements behind them.
If a unit consists of more than ten elements, further THE SKIRMISH FORMATION
elements must be positioned anywhere in the fifth rank.
A wedge must consist of either exclusively infantry or A unit in skirmish formation operates in loose order. This
cavalry elements. A cavalry unit accompanied by a hero formation is well suited to avoiding any movement penal-
on foot cannot form a wedge formation with the hero ties normally incurred by moving through difficult terrain,
running after the riders, struggling to keep pace with and to increase hitting power for missile fire. It is, how-
them! ever, very weak in melee.
When forming a wedge, the necessary shifts of individual Please note that the term ‘skirmish formation’ refers only
elements count as maneuvers. to the position of the individual elements of a unit, and has
nothing to do with a Skirmish order, although the term
A wedge is an orderly formation, but it may only move may be similar. A unit using a skirmish formation may of
in the direction of its front. course be given a Hold, Attack, or Move order. Similarly,
a unit does not have to be in a skirmish formation to be
Movement in the direction of the front is done to one of the qualified to receive a Skirmish order.
two fields to the front and may be executed by advancing,
using up movement points, or shifting elements individ- A unit that consists of at least five elements, either
ually, using up maneuvers. A wedge formation is there- exclusively infantry or cavalry, can use the skirmish
fore not allowed to wheel, turn or shift elements in formation.
directions other than the front. Because of this a player
who wants to attack with a wedge formation is forced to
align the attacking unit before or during the formation of
the wedge using appropriate maneuvers, so that the
wedge is facing in the desired direction.
A unit is arranged in skirmish formation if first, all routing if it suffers any casualties, and is less inclined to
elements of the unit face in the same direction, second, attack the enemy than units in other formations.
there is exactly one empty field between each pair of
neighbouring elements, and third, the unit consists of A unit in skirmish formation that is attacked in melee,
exactly two ranks with the front rank including the same should be drawn together as close as possible by re-
number of elements as the rear rank, or with one more grouping individual elements.
A skirmish formation is therefore particularly well suited A horde can of course set up in other formations, but then
to cross unfavorable terrain quickly. counts as being disordered, even if it is arranged in a
formation that would normally be an orderly formation
An element of a unit in skirmish formation may support (as long as the conditions for a horde formation are not
the missile attack of another element of the same unit met at the same time).
if it is two fields away from the shooting element, or
another element of the same unit supporting the same The illustration on the next page shows some horde
attack. formations. Please note that, for example, a wedge or an
orderly formation two ranks deep with a complete rear
Normally elements supporting missile fire have to be rank also fit the definition of a horde formation. A horde,
adjacent to the shooting element; the exception presen- however, does not benefit from the special abilities of a
ted above takes the special properties of the skirmish wedge, even if the unit is arranged in such a shape.
formation into account.
On the other hand, a horde may neither be arranged in a
Note that you still have to create uninterrupted ‘chains’ of line one rank deep nor in a column, because then the
supporting elements and, as usual, any supporting ele- elements at the far ends of the line or column would not
ments must have at least the same Battle Factor as the be adjacent to at least two further elements of the horde.
missile attack they want to support. Members of a horde only feel comfortable if large num-
bers of their kin are close together.
Unlike elements in the rear ranks of a unit in orderly
formation, who may not shoot over the front ranks at A horde always has only one maneuver per movement
most targets, the elements in the rear rank of a unit in phase, even if it includes a musician.
skirmish formation have at least a limited arc of fire to
their front. Therefore more elements of a unit of missile Consequently, the loss of a horde’s musician never leads
troops can shoot if it uses the skirmish formation, in- to a reduction of its allowed maneuvers.
creasing the damage it can inflict.
A horde may not wheel.
If a unit in skirmish formation suffers casualties from
missile fire, each element that is not in contact with an If all elements of a horde perform a turn of the same angle
enemy can re-group TWO fields in any direction after the and in the same direction, the unit will still be in a horde
missile attack has been resolved, as long as the field formation after the turn and is consequently not disor-
moved to was occupied by an element of the same unit dered. Therefore, such a unit may not use free re-groups
before the missile attack was resolved. of individual elements in order to restore an orderly
formation after performing a turn.
This special rule is necessary because otherwise a unit in
skirmish formation would not be able to restore its Note that many horde formations are particularly ‘vul-
formation after suffering missile casualties. nerable’ when suffering missile casualties.
If a unit in skirmish formation is forced to take a morale Elements of horde formations may re-group one field imme-
check, any modifiers because of leaders, standard diately after the unit suffers any missile casualties, as long as
bearers or commanders accompanying the unit do not the field moved to was occupied by an element of the same unit
apply. before the missile attack was resolved, as normal.
The chapter ‘Morale’ explains this in greater detail. It Depending on the arrangement of the unit and on how
means that a unit in skirmish formation is more prone to any missile casualties are ‘placed’, it will often occur that
re-grouping individual elements will not suffice to resume ment phase to resume a horde formation with their one
the horde formation because even after this move some and only maneuver.
elements are no longer in contact with at least two other
elements of the unit. Some horde formations can there- This effect was intended – members of a horde are not
fore be brought to a grinding halt when suffering a single intellectually capable of both moving and dealing with
missile casualty because they need a complete move- any casualties at the same time!
The rules presented in chapter ‘Melee’ in the basic game You should also note that an additional attack may be
work fine when resolving melee under normal circum- granted only once per melee phase. An element that
stances. The standard game now requires some additi- scores 25 or more on its second attack does not receive
ons to deal with more unusual situations. The N-skill of a third attack.
certain models has already been explained in chapter
‘Introduction’; this chapter introduces rules for models An element that has gained a second attack may
with superior fighting power and for models fighting with EITHER direct this against another element to its front,
two weapons. OR move to the field previously occupied by the de-
stroyed element, without changing direction, and then
attack an element in its new front area.
An ordinary element may sometimes score a particularly
lucky hit; both a hero attacking with mighty magical
weapons or a high weapon skill, and a cavalry unit that E D
strikes with an attack bonus in the first round of a melee,
have comparatively high Battle Factors. In such cases
two enemy elements may be destroyed by a single attack
– the hero leaps forward and wildly rains down blows on A B
the enemy around him, or the charging cavalry simply
rides down the first element encountered and immedia-
tely attacks another.
may be again directed against the element that was first
For each melee attack roll 1D20 and apply the
Moving up and getting a second attack is also allowed if following modifiers to the result:
the second element attacked has a greater initiative than
the attacking element, and the second attack would + Battle Factor of the weapon used (+1 for
therefore normally not be resolved first when fighting leaders and standard bearers)
THIS element. We assume that, for example, a comman- – armor value (S) of the models being at-
der in the second rank of a unit would be sufficiently tacked
surprised by a sudden breakthrough and emergence of
an enemy that he would not react as quickly as usual. + N-skill of the attacker, if any
– N-skill of the defender, if any (does not apply
to attacks from rear)
MODELS WITH TWO WEAPONS + size of the attacking models
The models of certain elements are equipped with two – size of the attacked models
melee weapons (usually handweapons) and are hence
able to strike more effectively in melee. Because even a +2, if an element with 5 figures attacks
second strike is usually directed against the same foe this +1, if an element with 3 or fewer figures is
is simply represented by a greater Battle Factor in order attacked
not to slow down game play.
+ charge bonus for cavalry units with Attack
If an element is equipped with two melee weapons its order in first phase of melee
Battle Factor equals the sum of the Battle Factors of
both weapons reduced by 3. If such an element has a N- –1, if attacking pikes from their front hexes
skill, twice the skill value applies to attack and defense.
+2, if attacking the flank of an element
The recruitment card of an element equipped with two +4, if attacking the rear of an element
handweapons (Battle Factor 5) shows the entry ‘2 hand-
weapons 7’. If such an element ‘normally’ has a N-skill –2, if attacking over a hedge or an (intact) wall
of 1, it is given on the recruitment card as a N-skill of 2. –1 if attacker or defender is in water field
(–2, if both)
Element containing 3 or less models. Commanders, the case). Dragons, giants or war machines (in the expert
heroes or wizards fall into this category as long as the game) do not fall into this category even if the base of
models on their base are suitably few (which is most often such an element contains only a single model.
Sometimes your troops do not respond to events during ‘Morale a/b’. The FIRST figure (a) must be EQUALED
a battle as you wish, or as their orders tell them to. A unit OR BEATEN for the unit to pass a missile casualty,
can decide to attack an enemy although their orders charge, overrun, melee casualty, or rally test.
would normally not allow them to, or the fighting spirit of
a unit can be so weakened due to casualties or other Because unfavorable conditions lead to negative mod-
unfavorable conditions that it refuses to initiate or contin- ifiers for morale tests, a unit has a greater chance of
ue a melee, fleeing instead. Whether a unit reacts in such passing a test (meaning its morale is better) if the first
a way or not is determined by a morale test. figure of the morale value is low.
Only units need to undergo morale tests. Commander The SECOND figure (b) must be ROLLED UNDER when
elements can trigger or modify morale tests under certain conducting an obedience test for the unit to pass the
circumstances, but need never test morale themselves. test.
Units engaged in melee that suffer any missile casualties try to avoid this situation for your own units at all costs,
also have to undergo this test. and whenever possible split up your enemy’s units in-
The test is taken at the end of a shooting phase, after any
re-group moves of individual elements have taken place. If a unit is arranged in skirmish formation, only the group
This sequence is important because re-grouping can with the most favorable modifiers tests, too. In order to
alter the morale modifiers applying if the unit was pre- take into account the special properties of this formation,
viously split into two or more parts. however, an element of a unit in skirmish formation
belongs to a group of elements if it is two fields away from
another element of the group.
The following modifiers apply to missile casual-
ty tests: Impetuous units are more likely to pass a missile casu-
alty test because of the +1 modifier, being less concerned
+1 per element of the unit remaining about casualties suffered.
+1 if the leader is still with the unit
+1 if the standard bearer is still with the unit Example: A unit with ‘Morale 10/16’ has suffered missile
+ commander bonus if a commander has casualties. The unit still has eight elements left (+8),
joined the unit including the leader (+1) and standard bearer (+1). In this
+1 if the unit is impetuous case, a roll for the morale test is not necessary because the
total modifiers (8+1+1=10) are so high that the test is
passed automatically.
Count the remaining elements of the unit. A commander
that has joined the unit counts as one additional element, A unit that fails a missile casualty test routs.
no matter how many hit points he has left.
Example: A unit with seven elements still remaining has The remarks from the last section about modifiers re-
been split up into two groups, one consisting of three sulting from the number of elements remaining, leaders
elements including the leader and standard bearer, and and standard bearers, accompanying commanders and
the other consisting of four ordinary elements. Although impetuous units also apply to melee casualty tests.
it is smaller, only the first group takes a morale test since
it has the most favorable modifiers because both the The fear factor of both the unit being tested and its melee
leader and standard bearer are with it. However, this opponent apply as follows. If models with the same fear
group only counts the three elements belonging to it factor fight each other in melee, their fear factors cancel
besides the modifiers of +2 for leader and standard bearer, each other out. If a unit is fighting several enemy units
and therefore has a comparatively small chance of pas- with varying fear factors in melee, only the highest fear
sing the test. If the group passes its test this affects the factor of these (the most disadvantageous one for the unit
whole unit; if it fails the test, the whole unit suffers the being tested) applies.
Only casualties inflicted and suffered in the same melee
As this rule applies to all morale tests, a unit split up into phase in which the test is conducted are added to or
several groups is very vulnerable. You should therefore subtracted from the roll. An element that was lost in the
current phase therefore counts as a casualty suffered, Now resolve the rout moves of any units on the winning
and no longer counts as a remaining element (because it side that have failed their melee casualty test.
had to be removed). Consequently, it is more difficult for
a unit to pass this test if it has suffered heavy casualties Finally, after all rout moves have been resolved, re-group
in a single melee phase than it would be if the same moves of individual elements (still) engaged in melee
number of casualties were suffered over the course of ensue as normal.
several melee phases. Furthermore, a unit that inflicts
more casualties than it suffers in return is more likely to
pass this test, and therefore is less likely to rout even if OVERRUN TESTS
there is considerable bloodshed in a single melee phase.
A unit that is overrun and suffers casualties from this
Example: A unit engaged in melee has to take a melee has to undergo an overrun test immediately after the
casualty test. It has ‘Morale 10/16’, has six elements re- overrun has ended.
maining (+6) including the leader (+1), has inflicted two
casualties (+2) and suffered one in return (–1) in the An ‘overrun’ is a special form of attack that only certain
current phase, and fights a foe with the same fear factor monsters or war machines can perform during the move-
(±0). The total modifier for the roll is +8 (6+1+2–1=8), so the ment phase. This form of attack is listed here in the
player has to roll a 2 or more for the unit to pass the test. context of the other morale tests, but is only introduced
in the expert game. If you do not use the expert game
A unit that fails a melee casualty test routs. rules yet, ignore the rest of this section for now.
If two (or more) units are engaged in a melee, both (or all) An overrun test has to be conducted immediately after
of them usually suffer casualties and consequently have the overrunning element has finished its movement. A
to take a melee casualty test. These melee casualty tests unit that is overrun more than once in a single movement
are not resolved simultaneously, but in a set sequence in phase by different elements, suffering casualties every
order to ensure that not all the units engaged in a time it is overrun, consequently has to take several
particular melee will rout. overrun tests.
Melee casualty tests are resolved separately for each If a unit is arranged in skirmish formation, any morale
melee, and before any re-group moves at the end of a modifiers for leaders, standard bearers and accompa-
melee phase take place. nying commanders do not apply when taking an overrun
‘Separately for each melee’ means that tests are made for
all units or individual elements of both sides engaged in The number of casualties suffered covers only the casu-
one melee. In a game you will usually have several alties suffered from a single overrunning element. If a unit
melees, but it is also possible that a unit A is engaged in is overrun twice in a single movement phase and suffers
melee with a unit B, that is in turn engaged with a unit C, two casualties each time, the second overrun test is also
and so on – this, too, counts as a single melee. resolved with only two casualties applying.
At the end of a melee phase all units engaged in a melee The following modifiers apply to overrun tests:
that are on the losing side have to take their melee
casualty tests FIRST. A unit on the losing side that has +1 per element of the unit remaining
destroyed all of its melee opponents or that has suffered +1 if the leader is still with the unit
no casualties itself, does not have to test. +1 if the standard bearer is still with the unit
+ commander bonus if a commander has
The ‘losing side’ of a melee is the side which has suffered joined the unit
the heaviest casualties IN THAT PARTICULAR melee and +1 if the unit is impetuous
in the current melee phase. If both sides have suffered an – fear factor of the overrunning element
equal number of casualties, then the side which has the + fear factor of the unit
unit with the lowest initiative engaged in this melee is the –1 per element of casualties suffered from
losing side. If it is still a draw, roll a die to determine the the overrun
loser. Be sure to note that only the casualties inflicted or
suffered by each individual unit apply to that particular A unit that fails an overrun test flees.
unit when it takes its melee casualty test. The total
number of casualties of a side is only used to determine
who has to test first.
Next resolve the rout moves of any units that have failed
their melee casualty test. CHARGE TESTS
This is explained in section ‘Routing Units’. A unit that is ordered to attack an enemy who is not
fleeing and who has a HIGHER fear factor than the unit
AFTER this is done, the units on the winning side resolve must take a charge test if the unit is neither impetuous
their melee casualty tests if they are still engaged in nor already engaged in melee; this occurs before the
melee. A unit on the winning side that has destroyed all attack begins.
its melee opponents, or that has suffered no casualties
itself, or all of whose opponents have routed, does not This test must also be done if a unit is ordered to charge
have to test. large enemy elements (in the expert game) or individual
commanders with suitably high fear factors. Because charge test would be passed on a 1 or more, meaning that
most elements have a fear factor of 1, this test is not the unit would automatically charge, as the player wants
needed very often. it to.
Impetuous units do not have to take such a test since A unit that fails a charge test may not move closer to the
they are forced to attack enemy elements due to their enemy it was ordered to charge in the relevant move-
impetuous state (as later explained in section ‘Impetuous ment phase.
The unit may only move and maneuver if all its elements
A unit already engaged in melee does not have to test if do not reduce their distance to the enemy on which it
it wants to attack an additional enemy because the failed its charge test at any point during their movement.
combatants are already ‘in the heat of battle’. The unit may charge other units if no charge test is
required for them as long as the restrictions noted above
The test must be taken in the movement phase, immedia- are observed.
tely before the attack move is made.
Each unit is only allowed to take ONE charge test per RALLY TESTS
movement phase.
A routing unit that wants to end its rout is allowed to
If the test is failed, the unit refuses to charge. Because take a rally test in the rally phase.
each unit is only allowed one charge test per movement
phase, a failed test cannot be repeated for another enemy A rally test is not mandatory; you do not have to try to
in the same movement phase. rally your units. As a failed rally test has no negative
consequences, however, you should normally try to do
just that.
The following modifiers apply to charge tests:
+1 per element of the unit remaining The following modifiers apply to rally tests:
+1 if the leader is still with the unit
+1 if the standard bearer is still with the unit +1 per element of the unit remaining
+ commander bonus if a commander has +1 if the leader is still with the unit
joined the unit +1 if the standard bearer is still with the unit
+ own size +1 if the musician is still with the unit
– size of enemy to be charged + commander bonus if a commander has
+ fear factor of the unit joined the unit
– fear factor of enemy to be charged
+1 if the unit has an Attack order
+1 if enemy to be charged has a Move order
–1 if enemy to be charged has a Hold order A musician is able to sound a signal for rallying and
+3 if enemy to be charged is already engaged therefore makes it easier for the unit to rally; conse-
in melee quently, having such an element in the unit adds a bonus
of +1.
The other modifiers listed result in charges more likely to It will therefore quite often happen that a unit fails a
be executed if the situation for the charging unit is more morale test in a previous phase of the turn and still has
favourable. good chances of rallying and therefore ending its rout.
This should not, however, lead to regarding previous
Example: A unit consisting of five elements (+5) of ‘Morale morale tests as being useless. A unit that successfully
9/15’ and still including the leader (+1) and standard rallies has at that time made at least one rout move (see
bearer (+1) has a Skirmish order (no modifier) and is section ‘Routing Units’). In order to return to the enemy,
ordered to attack an enemy of equal size (+0) that has a in most cases such a unit then has to perform a turn, re-
Hold order (–1) and a Fear Factor of 1 point higher (–1). group into an orderly formation, and move a distance
The total modifiers add up to +5 (5+1+1–1–1=5), so the equal to its full movement allowance. The unit is therefore
player has to roll a 4 or more for his unit to charge the effectively taken out of action for about two rounds.
enemy as he wants it to.
A routing unit that fails a rally test continues to rout.
If a ★★–commander were accompanying the unit (com-
mander bonus of +2 and one additional element), the
OBEDIENCE TESTS subtracting a leader or commander bonus rather than
adding it; he does this in order to keep his unit from
A unit that 1) is arranged in an orderly formation (but becoming impetuous.
not in column), and that 2) is neither engaged in melee,
nor impetuous, nor routing, and that 3) has a visible If a unit in skirmish formation takes this test, a player
enemy element that it can reach within its front area in may only subtract any modifiers obtained by leaders or
a distance of not more than 3 fields from any one accompanying commanders (or ignore them complete-
element of the unit, has to take an obedience test at the ly); he may not add them.
end of the order phase.
If several enemy units or elements are within 3 fields in
Wedge, horde and skirmish formations also count as the unit’s front area, only the highest fear factor and
orderly formations. Disordered formations, including greatest size value of these is used for the obedience test.
squares, are too busy with themselves or too slow to let
themselves be provoked to an attack. Example: A unit consisting of nine elements (+9) with a
morale value of ‘Morale 9/13’ and having a Hold order
Enemy elements are units or parts of units, individual (–1) is three fields away from an enemy unit having the
commanders, or, in the expert game, wizards or large same size (±0) and the same fear factor (±0). Because
elements (this term is explained in the expert game). obedience tests require the second figure of the morale
values (in this case 13) to be beaten, this unit would only
An element is visible if at least one element of the testing become impetuous on a roll of 6 because the applying
unit has at least partial sight to that element. modifiers total 8 (9–1=8). If the leader were still with the
unit, the player could change the unit’s chances of
An enemy element is within reach if it is neither separated becoming impetuous by either adding 1 (the leader
from the whole testing unit by impassable terrain features bonus) to the total, resulting in the unit becoming impe-
or insurmountable height differences, nor flying (applies tuous on a roll of 5 or more, or by subtracting 1, thereby
to flying creatures in the expert game). negating any chance of the unit becoming impetuous.
An element that can only be reached in more than one A unit that fails an obedience test becomes impetuous.
movement phase because movement or maneuver limi-
tations still counts as being within reach. This is explained in section ‘Impetuous Units’.
The front area are the fields on the playing map onto
which the unit could advance. An enemy element that MORALE TESTS LEFT OUT
forces the unit to shift individual elements in the direction
of its flank or rear in order to reach it is not within the unit’s The many occasions on which your units are required to
front area. test their morale can lead to lots of morale tests being
taken in the course of a round, ultimately slowing down
The test is made at the end of the order phase, after all the game. If you have grown familiar with the game and
order markers have been laid out and revealed. the army you are playing with, however, you will notice
that in many situations a unit of a certain strength cannot
fail a certain morale test, and that in many situations a
The following modifiers apply to obedience tests: glance at the result of the die roll will be enough to
convince all players that a morale test is sure to be
+1 per element of the unit remaining passed.
+1 or –1 if the leader is still with the unit
(player’s choice) We therefore recommend that experienced players roll
+ or – commander bonus if a commander has the die first, and then consult the relevant tables only if
joined the unit (player’s choice) there are any doubts about the outcome of the test.
+ own size
– enemy’s size
+ fear factor of the unit ROUTING UNITS
– fear factor of the enemy
+1 if the testing unit has an Attack order If a unit routs, this is indicated by placing a ‘Rout’ marker.
–1 if the testing unit has a Hold order This is exchanged for an order marker which is present,
or (for units in melee and thus without order markers)
placed like an order marker, and openly moved together
with the unit. The ‘Rout’ marker must be exchanged or
Leaders and accompanying commanders can add a placed immediately after a morale test has been failed;
negative or positive modifier for this test, at the player’s the unit counts as routing from that moment on. In
choice. An obedience test does not become necessary contrast to order markers, a ‘Rout’ marker is not automa-
because of the unit suffering casualties; it is rather tically removed at the end of a round, but stays effective
triggered by the mere presence of an enemy element or until the unit has rallied, is completely destroyed, or has
unit, and it can result in the unit becoming impetuous, left the playing area.
forgetting its orders and attacking the enemy instead. On
one hand, it can be beneficial for any later morale tests or The elements of a routing unit HAVE TO move in as
for melee to become impetuous, on the other hand such straight a line as possible towards the player’s own edge
a result can severely upset a player’s tactical concept. of the playing area, as far as is possible with the
When taking this test, a player therefore has the option of movement points the unit has with a Move order.
‘Detours’ are only allowed as far as is necessary to avoid Units that were forced to rout because they failed a melee
own or enemy elements, or impassable terrain features. casualty test in the melee phase make their rout move at
Each element of a routing unit may turn as often as the end of the melee phase. Please note that melee
necessary while moving, without expending maneuvers. casualty tests have to be carried out in a set sequence, as
explained in section ‘Melee Casualty Tests’.
The player’s own edge of the playing area is the side
where he initially set up his army. Elements of a routing unit may be moved closer together
while making their rout move in order to form a group as
For routing units, there are no movement restrictions or large as possible, therefore improving their chances for
benefits from specific formations; the unit does nothing future rally tests with the better modifiers of a larger group.
but run itself ragged, and will usually do this in one or
more disorganized groups. A fleeing element that is in contact with an enemy at the
END of its rout move, or that is attacked by an enemy,
A rout move may not END in contact with an enemy. is automatically destroyed, with no chance of fighting
It is, however, allowed to come into contact with an
enemy during a rout move, provided the element breaks Nevertheless, even an attack on a routing unit does not
off contact again in the same movement phase. happen ‘automatically’, but needs the same prerequi-
sites as any other attack.
A routing element that would end up in contact with the
enemy no matter where it moved stays where it is. Assuming the unit shown in white in the diagram below
is routed, it would have to move as far as possible towards
This also applies if the element has not yet expended its full its own edge of the playing area (marked by the arrows).
movement points. The same applies to elements that cannot None of the routing elements may end its rout move on
move any further because friendly elements block their path. one of the hatched fields because there it would be in
contact with an enemy element (the same applies to the
This rout move is made IMMEDIATELY after a failed fields in the enemy units’ rear).
morale test that caused the unit to rout.
The routing elements therefore had to either move around
A unit that was forced to rout because it failed a missile the enemy cavalry to the left (in the drawing), or – given
casualty test during the first or second shooting phase a suitable movement allowance – through the gap be-
consequently makes its rout move at the end of the first tween the two enemy units at the bottom. The unit may
or second shooting phase respectively. even have to split up into two groups, if necessary.
A unit that has been forced to rout because it failed an If for some reason neither of the above moves is possible,
overrun test in a movement phase makes its rout move the routed elements at least have to retreat to the un-
in the movement phase immediately after the failed hatched fields to their rear. If this is also not possible
morale test. This applies no matter if the unit has already (because other friendly elements occupy these fields, for
moved in this movement phase or not; a unit that has example), the elements are destroyed. This also applies
already moved and is then routed by an overrun attack if the enemy uses his re-group moves to again make
therefore has to move twice in a single movement phase. contact with the routing elements.
A commander that has joined the unit makes the first with the unit. This marker as well is not removed at the
rout move together with the unit. Routing commanders end of a round; instead it remains in effect until the unit
that are in contact with the enemy at the end of a rout ends its impetuous state by means of another morale test
move, or are attacked by an enemy, are not automat- taken later.
ically destroyed, but rather fight as normal.
A unit that becomes impetuous attacks the enemy unit
Even if such a character is himself not affected by morale (or enemy element) which caused it to become impet-
tests, he is dragged along in the confusion of a flight for uous. In order to do this, the impetuous unit must move
the time being. If the commander has less movement as straight as possible in the direction of the enemy unit
points than the elements of the unit, (only) he routs as far as far as the movement points and maneuvers that it
as his own movement points permit. If the commander has with an Attack order can carry it. ‘Detours’ or
has more movement points than the elements of the unit, maneuvers are only allowed as far as is necessary to get
he may choose not to move so far in order to stay in around friendly units or impassable terrain features, or
contact with other elements of the unit. in order to bring more elements into contact with the
In any second or subsequent rout move, such an element
does not have to rout with the rest of the unit again. A These moves are done after any routing units have
commander that leaves a unit in such a situation no moved, but before any other movement takes place in the
longer has any influence on the unit when it takes a rally movement phase. If a situation arises where it is im-
test, however. portant which of two impetuous units moves first, roll the
die. If an impetuous unit has two or more different
Routing units are allowed to take a rally test in the rally enemies that it is able to attack, the owning player may
phase. decide which one(s) to attack.
If a routing unit that is split into two or more groups wants The elements of impetuous units HAVE TO be moved in
to take a rally test, only the group that has the most such a way that they come into contact with an enemy.
favorable modifiers tests. If this group passes the test,
only that particular group is rallied and has a Hold order This can also mean that an impetuous unit has to break
automatically. up its wedge formation when it moves into melee if it is
thereby possible to bring more elements into contact with
In such a situation, the player has the option of moving the enemy, or to move them further towards the enemy.
the other, still routing elements as far as their movement
points allow them towards the rallied part of the unit, or Impetuous units fight with a bonus of +2 on their
declaring the elements not yet rallied (or some of them) initiative in melee. Elements of impetuous units that re-
as being destroyed, and removing them from play. group at the end of the melee phase HAVE TO use their
re-group move in order to move closer to or, whenever
If the still routing elements reach the rallied part of the possible, into contact with the enemy.
unit, they are automatically rallied, too; there is no need
to test again. The part of the unit that was rallied first has If an impetuous unit fails a missile casualty, overrun, or
a Hold order until that time, or until the elements not yet melee casualty test, it routs under the same conditions as
rallied are removed from play. any other unit (and thereafter is no longer impetuous). If
it passes any of these tests, it stays impetuous.
A routing unit that passes a rally test is no longer
routing. An impetuous unit that has destroyed the enemy unit or
element it attacked in the first place, or sent it routing,
If a unit is successfully rallied, the rout marker is re- continues to attack the next nearest enemy unit or
moved, and the unit can be given a new order in the next element.
order phase, get into an organized formation again, and
so on. The ‘next nearest enemy unit’ can of course be the same
that was attacked in the first place because it was sent
A unit that fails a rally test continues to rout. Elements routing from melee, but is still within reach of the impet-
that reach their own edge of the playing area are uous unit. According to the rule above, this simply means
removed from play. Any commanders routing with the that the impetuous unit has to re-engage the routed
unit are left standing in the last field of the playing area enemy in melee by re-grouping towards it at the end of
upon reaching its edge. the melee phase.
Units that continue routing from a PREVIOUS round In order to do this, the impetuous unit is allowed to use
always make their rout move first in a given movement maneuvers to reform if this is necessary to avoid any move-
phase. ment penalties incurred by moving in a disordered formation.
large collection of special rules covering situations that its own safety. It will even do this if the enemy that it is
are only rarely encountered in a game. If in doubt, you going to attack is far stronger, or if the unit is thereby
should envision an impetuous unit as being in a sort of dangerously exposing its flank or rear to other enemy
mindless frenzy. The unit will therefore attack the most units.
easily and quickly accessible enemy, without regard for
Large Monsters
The bases of normal-sized troop types contain one to five A Large Element receives an order in every order phase.
models and cover one field on the playing area. The A Large Element automatically has a Hold order if you
dimensions of these bases allow for larger monsters, as forgot to place an order marker for it.
long as they are based singly, but are too small to contain
really huge monsters or war machines. Models repre- The order marker is dealt out covertly as usual and
senting dragons, huge giants, chariots, or guns and counts towards the total number of order markers dealt
engines of war therefore have to be put on larger bases. out, therefore affecting the sequence in which movement
is resolved.
The bases of such models take up three or four fields;
some of them are included in the enclosed counters. A dragon, giant or chariot is allowed to attack EVERY
type of element even if given a Move- or Hold order.
If you want to expand your armies with miniatures, you
can glue several bases together, or cut out a suitable base This increases the flexibility of Large Elements con-
using cardboard or plastic card. Chapter ‘Painting’ in- cerning their actions. All other limitations still apply to
cludes diagrams of all base sizes for this purpose. them, however. Contact with the enemy, for example,
must still be accomplished by a movement to the front,
The models presented here are collectively called Large and a Large Element that attacks in melee with a Move
Elements to distinguish them from the normal elements order does so with its original initiative.
that have already been introduced.
Large Elements act individually instead of operating in A dragon or giant that is large enough to occupy a base
groups, as members of a unit do. Each Large Element is covering several fields dominates a part of the battlefield,
therefore purchased with its own recruiting card. and does not care about the petty fears and morale test
results of normal troop types!
units, Large Elements also have movement points availa- 2 respectively. In a melee with each other both creatures
ble with a Hold order. This provides Large elements with would have their Battle Factor reduced by 1 because
a small movement range that normal units also have each of them has one field that counts as being downhill
because they can spend their maneuvers. with regard to the enemy.
The description of a Large Element classifies all terrain The rule above also applies if a specific field of a chariot’s
features into ‘passable’ and ‘impassable’ terrain. A base is attacked in melee (see chapter ‘Chariots’).
Large Element can move ahead in every passable terrain
type using 3 movement points (with the exception of
different height levels), and cannot enter impassable Hit Points
terrain types.
Because large monsters and war machines cannot be
The reason for this is that a huge giant or dragon will not destroyed by a single hit, they have several hit points.
be slowed down much when moving over rocky terrain, Unlike commanders, however, who do not suffer any
and moves no faster on a road than over open terrain. On consequences from the loss of a hit point as long as they
the other hand, woods and rocky ground count as impas- have at least one left, the loss of a hit point has immediate
sable for a chariot because of its size or construction, negative consequences for a Large Element.
whereas a normal infantry element can move through
this kind of terrain with only slightly higher movement Dragons, giants or chariots have their movement points
point costs. reduced by 1 for each hit point lost.
How Large Elements perform turns and moves to their Example: A giant originally had ‘M:24 / A:18 / S:12 / H:6’
flank or rear is explained in the descriptions of the movement points. If the model loses four hit points, it
individual Large Elements. would have only ‘M:20 / A:14 / S:8 / H:2’ movement
points left.
Large Elements on Fields of Diffe- The giant would consequently be no longer able to move
with a Hold order, and would be handicapped in his ability
rent Height Levels to overrun the enemy (see section ‘Overruns’).
Because the bases of Large Elements cover several
fields, it sometimes happens that some parts (fields) of A Large Element that has lost all of its hit points is of
the base occupy fields on different height levels – a giant course destroyed, even if there are movement points
is moving uphill, and his front field is on top of the hill, ‘left’.
while the rest of the base is still on normal ground level.
This can affect melee and missile fire. The consequences of lost hit points on artillery pieces are
explained in chapter ‘Artillery’.
When shooting at a Large Element occupying fields of
differing height levels, the actual height of each field
occupied by the Large Element applies. SHOOTING AT LARGE ELEMENTS
Example: A giant of size 6 with his front field on a hill of A Large Element that is not obscured by intervening
height 2 and with his two remaining fields on normal elements or terrain features can be shot at without any
ground level has a height of 8 on his front field and a penalty.
height of 6 on the other two fields of his base.
If lines of sight to the Large Element as a whole are
Shooting over the head of a dragon or giant will be blocked to the same extent, there is also no problem
attempted only under rare circumstances. The rule above because the relevant Battle Factor penalty applies equal-
also applies when a Large Element is shot at, however. ly to all parts of the Large Element.
If an element is in contact with two fields of a Large Example: If a giant of size 5 is standing in water two levels
Element that occupy differing height levels, then the deep with all fields of his base, only 3 ‘sections’ of the
most unfavorable modifiers relating to altitude differ- giant are visible from any vantage point, and any shots
ences apply when these elements are fighting in melee. fired at the giant suffer a –2 penalty on their Battle Factor.
Example 1: A Standard Element on height level 2 is in As the bases of Large Elements cover several fields,
contact with two fields of a Large Element that are on however, it may occur that lines of sight to different ‘parts’
height levels 0 and 2 respectively. If the Standard Element of the Large Element are blocked in various degrees.
attacks in melee, no bonus applies to its Battle Factor – the
bonus of +1 per height level when attacking an element In such a case, do not check whether lines of sight to the
downhill does not apply because one of the two fields of Large Element as a whole are obstructed, but figure out
the Large Element in contact is on height level 2 as well. which fields of the Large Element’s base are visible and
If the Large Element attacks, its Battle Factor is reduced to what degree. As usual, lines of sight are the lines
by 1 because one of its fields in contact with the enemy connecting the center dots of the fields.
is on height level 0 and so has to attack uphill.
If the lines of sight to different fields of a Large Element
Example 2: Two fields occupied by a dragon on height are obstructed in various degrees, the LEAST obstruc-
levels 0 and 2 respectively are in contact with two fields ted field is used for determining missile fire Battle
occupied by a giant. These are also on height levels 0 and Factors.
mined target field with an unmodified Battle Factor, and
is canceled if the field finally hit is not occupied by an
Example: If, in the diagram on the left, the giant (of size 5)
is in melee with elements B and C (of size 2), and element
A wants to shoot at the giant, the player must choose
either field D or E of the giant’s base as his intended target
field, and then roll a die to see if this field is actually hit.
The third field of the giant’s base is not an eligible target,
since it cannot be seen by A. If field D is chosen as the
A intended target and is not hit, the player must determine
which of the fields adjacent to D is hit by the missile
attack instead. This may be one of the three empty fields
or element B, but it may also be one of the two other fields
of the giant’s base!
If element B weren’t there, element A could draw an Dragons and giants are able to overrun any type of
unobstructed line of sight to field D of the giant’s base. As element with the exception of other dragons and giants;
the LEAST obstructed field is used for missile fire Battle chariots are only able to overrun Standard Elements.
Factors, element A could shoot at the giant without
penalty. So dragons and giants cannot be overrun themselves,
chariots cannot overrun any Large Elements, guns cannot
If at least half of a Large Element (engaged in melee) can overrun at all.
be seen over the heads of its melee opponents and other
obstacles, it can be shot at as normal. An overrun attack takes place if part of a Large Element’s
base is moved onto a field that was NOT occupied by the
Example 1: A dragon of size 6 is engaged in melee with Large Element before THIS move.
foot troops of size 2. Because at least half of the dragon is
visible, he can be picked out as a single target even As the bases of Large Elements cover several fields, it will
though he is engaged in melee (but the Battle Factor often occur that after moving or turning a field already
would be reduced by 2). overrun is still under the Large Element’s base, but under
a different part of it. In such a case an element on that field
Example 2: If the elements B and C in the diagram on the is not overrun again because that particular field was
left were of size 1, the giant would be fully visible and already occupied by the overrunning Large Element
could consequently be shot at without penalty, even if before the move or turn.
engaged in melee with these elements.
On the other hand, a Large Element can move onto two
If shooting at other Large Elements engaged in melee, or three (previously unoccupied) fields at once with one
roll a D6. On a score of 1 to 3 you hit the intended target move or turn; in such a case all elements on these fields
field; on a roll of 4 to 6 you hit one of the fields adjacent are overrun.
to this. Determine this field by a further D6 roll and
referring to the compass printed on every playing map. Please note that you have to overrun an element that you
The missile attack is then resolved against the deter- actually move onto during an overrun move, resolving an
overrun attack against it as explained below. It is not own elements is therefore allowed, but we do not want to
allowed to ‘spare’ an element when overrunning, even if express ourselves about the morale of such an act.
it is one of your own elements.
Only Large Elements that are not engaged in melee may
An overrunning element may not end its movement on overrun.
top of another element.
A Large Element that is engaged in melee (initiated in a
You can overrun as many elements as you wish during previous round), can overrun neither its melee opponent
your move, as long as your movement points allow this; nor other elements.
the overrunning Large Element must always end its move
on empty fields, however. The overrun value of a dragon, giant or chariot is noted
on its recruiting card. This value is exclusively used for
If an overrun element has to be removed from play as a overrun attacks, and has no effect whatsoever in melee.
result of the overrun, the overrunning element may either
stay on that field or move on. As it is not clear whether an The present initiative value is the initiative of the partici-
overrun will be successful or not before it is actually pating elements, if necessary modified by their orders
resolved; however, an overrunning element must always and/or weaponry. A giant with a Move order (initiative
have sufficient movement points left to subsequently ±0) therefore has less favorable modifiers when overrun-
leave a field after overrunning it. If this is not the case, you ning than a giant with an Attack order (initiative +2), but
may not enter (overrun) the field. will be able to overrun more elements because he has
more movement points to spend. An element with a high
If you discover that you miscalculated the distance initiative value (Elves, for example) is less likely to be
moved and that your overrunning Large Element does successfully overrun than an element with a low initiative
not have enough movement points left to end its move on (like most undead). Elements armed with spears, lances
empty fields, you have to trace the movement back as far or pikes get the usual initiative bonus of +1 or +2
as is necessary to end the move on empty fields. This respectively when being overrun. Impetuous units have
usually means that one or more overrun attacks could not the usual +2 on their initiative when being overrun.
take place, and that their results have to be corrected.
Elements that were ‘destroyed’ by these attacks are Unlike melee, armor value and weapon skill of the
again placed on the playing map, and so on. If during the overrun element do not affect the results of an overrun
process of tracing back such a move any rule problems attack. The effect of a giant weighing tons that steps on
occur that cannot be satisfactorily solved, then the most a goblin is not influenced by the presence of armor!
unfavorable solution for the player who made the illegal
move applies! A Standard Element that is successfully overrun loses
one hit point. A chariot or gun that is successfully
If the overrunning player notices that his move was overrun is destroyed no matter how many hit points it
illegal, but still manages, by some really lucky dice rolls has.
(destroying the overrun enemy elements) to end his
move on empty fields, the move is nevertheless illegal Chariots and guns can only be overrun by dragons and
and has to be traced back and repeated correctly. Any giants, and are destroyed by a single successful over-
other ruling would only lead particularly unscrupulous run attack. The mechanism and wooden construction
players to incessantly and deliberately attempt illegal of a chariot or gun is crushed underfoot and is no
overrun attacks, thereby slowing down the game. longer functional, even if the crew have survived the
We assume that normally enemy elements will be over-
run, since this is the usual situation in a game – you A commander riding in a chariot as a passenger is not
certainly do not want your Large Elements to do the job automatically destroyed when the chariot is overrun. If
for your enemy! Still, there may be certain circumstances the draught animals are overrun, the commander is
when it makes sense to overrun friendly elements, for subsequently placed on the field that was occupied by the
example when a comparatively ‘cheap’ unit is blocking chariot’s carriage without losing a hit point. If the chariot’s
the path of a commander driving a chariot, who is carriage is overrun, the commander loses one hit point
desperately needed somewhere else. Overrunning your and is also subsequently placed on the field previously
occupied by the carriage.
To resolve an overrun attack, roll a D20 and add If a unit of missile troops that has a Hold order is about
or subtract the following modifiers: to be overrun, it is allowed to shoot at the Large Element
that wants to overrun IMMEDIATELY BEFORE the
+ overrun value of the overrunning element overrun attack takes place (when the Large Element
– size of the element being overrun comes into contact with the unit).
+ present initiative value of the overrunning
element This rule enables such a unit to possibly stop a Large
– present initiative value of the element being Element from approaching before that element has a
overrun chance to overrun it, by reducing the Large Element’s
movement points through hits inflicted. Such a unit is of
If the result is 20 or greater, the element was course not allowed to shoot in the following, second
successfully overrun. shooting phase of the round, and each unit may only
make one such missile attack per movement phase, even
if it is overrun several times.
Such a missile attack is resolved at the instant the move the number of fields equal to the unit’s maneu-
overrunning Large Element comes into contact with an vers.
element of the unit, and can only be executed by ele-
ments of that unit which have the Large Element within Then the attacking Large Element’s move continues until
their arc of fire at that particular instant. it is finished. The attacking Large Element may also use
any remaining movement points to turn, or to move
sideways in order to bring more enemy elements into
Overrun Elements contact, or to get into a better position for the attack.
Besides suffering casualties, a unit that is successfully If a giant, dragon, chariot or unit attacks a Large
overrun may suffer additional consequences in certain Element that has not yet moved, the Large Element
situations. under attack may move or turn in accordance with the
movement points it has when given a Hold order. The
The first of these ‘side effects’ is that a successfully Large Element may move away from the attacker, but it
overrun unit has to take a morale test, which may lead to may NOT overrun another element during this move.
the unit routing. The second is that a unit may become
disordered as a result of the overrun attack. Then the attacker’s move continues. If the Large Element
attacked has moved away from the attacker, the attacker’s
When a unit is overrun each element of the unit that is remaining movement must be spent pursuing and possi-
not in contact with an enemy may move one field in any bly coming into contact with the Large Element again.
direction, as long as the field moved to was occupied by
another element of the unit immediately before the A Large Element that is attacked is engaged in melee
overrun attack. and cannot overrun other elements for the duration of
the melee.
This is similar to the moves allowed after suffering missile
casualties. An ‘enemy in contact’ may of course also be If a unit is able to move before a Large Element does, it can
the overrunning Large Element itself if it is still in contact prevent the Large Element from overrunning it by charging.
after its move is finished.
A dragon, giant or chariot may, regardless of its order, If the overrunning Large Element is still in contact with
attack another Large Element, a commander, wizard, or one or more elements of the unit after finishing its move,
a unit. determine whether or not these elements are attacked in
melee. It is absolutely allowed to overrun a unit, chariot
A chariot may not only be attacked by a dragon or giant, or gun with a Large Element capable of this and then
but may also be overrun; a unit may be attacked or attack this foe in melee in the same phase.
overrun by dragons, giants or chariots. Since in both
cases the Large Element moves into contact with the If at least one of the elements in contact is on a field that
enemy, you have to declare whether it is going to overrun may be attacked in melee by the Large Element, the unit
or attack. (and the Large Element) automatically count as being
engaged in melee.
If you want to overrun your enemy, the element(s) about
to be overrun simply stay(s) where it is (they are), and the The unit may then (providing it has not yet moved in this
overrun attack is resolved. phase) move according to the same rules as any other
unit getting into melee contact. Elements not in contact
If you want to attack, the unit or element being attacked may be moved as many fields as the unit has maneuvers,
may react in two different ways, depending on whether or and each element may turn once.
not it has already moved.
If a unit that has already moved is attacked, all of its The Second and Following Phases of
elements remain in their position and arrangement. The
same applies if a Large Element that has already moved
a Melee
is attacked. A dragon, giant or chariot engaged in melee may, at the
end of each melee phase, move two fields in any
If a unit that has not yet moved is attacked, all of its direction and then make a turn.
elements are allowed to turn, and elements that are not
in contact with the enemy at the instant when the Large If the dragon, giant or chariot has inflicted losses in the
Element comes into contact with the unit are allowed to current melee phase, the player may decide in the usual
way whether his model is going to move and/or turn first The first option represents the commander on his dragon
or second. or in a chariot giving orders to his units from afar. This
procedure is the same as in the standard game; the
If only the melee opponent has inflicted losses, he may dragon or chariot that carries the commander automati-
decide this matter. If neither side has inflicted any losses, cally has a Hold order in this case.
roll the die.
The second option is similar to a commander giving
These movement options do not differ from those of orders to a unit he has joined, but in this case the dragon
Standard Elements in melee. But Large Elements do or chariot receives the order markers. Of course, it has
have some special options and limitations, noted as only one order marker left after all markers have been
follows. revealed and odd ones removed.
First, a Large Element may move out of contact with its The actions that the dragon or chariot AND the comman-
melee opponent. der are allowed to take in this case depend on the given
order; the increased options a single commander has
Second, such a move can only be made in an ‘eligible’ (chapter ‘Commanders’, section ‘Commanders Acting
direction. A chariot, for example, may not move side- Independently’ in the standard game) do NOT apply.
ways or backwards, and consequently may not move in
such a way when engaged in melee. If a commander on a dragon or in a chariot is shot at or
attacked in melee, any damage inflicted is applied to the
Third, you should note that a Large Element engaged in dragon or chariot, as long as the model has any hit
melee may not overrun other elements. Even if the Large points left.
Element turns or moves two fields, it may not move onto
an already occupied field during this movement. The commander himself can therefore not be attacked as
an individual target, neither in melee nor with missile fire.
This also applies if there is an unobstructed line of sight
Flank and Rear Attacks to the commander himself, or when a shot fired into a
melee deviates to the field on which the commander is
The melee Battle Factor of dragons or giants attacking located.
other elements, and that of chariots attacking dragons
or giants, is NOT increased for a flank or rear If the chariot is destroyed and removed from play, the
attack. commander is placed on the field of the chariot’s base
that was occupied by the carriage. If the dragon is slain,
Normally, an attack on the flank or rear of an element is you should place the commander element on one of the
more effective since the Battle Factor of such an attack four fields adjacent to the front field of the dragon’s base,
is increased by 2 or 4 respectively. If a Standard Element or, if these are already occupied, on another field adjacent
is engaged in melee with a dragon, for example, only the to the dragon’s base.
Standard Element can possibly receive such an increased
Battle Factor, not the dragon. A giant who is also a commander is subject to the rules
for both Large Elements and commanders.
Exactly which attacks on a Large Element count as being
flank or rear attacks is explained in the relevant sections For example, such a giant has a fixed number of move-
and the two following chapters. ment points that is independent of his orders, and the
actions he is allowed to take are the same as those for
normal commanders.
Two Melee Attacks
If the giant loses any hit points, his movement points are
A Standard Element that scores at least 25 in melee with also decreased (as normal for Large Elements), but his
an unsupported attack when attacking first, gains a commander bonus is unaffected by the loss of hit points.
second attack, which could be directed against the same
element or another one. This rule does not apply to Large
Elements attacking in melee (it still applies to Standard GIANTS
Elements attacking Large Elements in melee).
The rules introduced in this section apply exclusively to
giants of size 5 or taller, set up as individual Large
LARGE ELEMENTS AS COMMANDERS Elements with their own recruiting card. Giants smaller
than this are based as Standard Elements, and act as
A commander of size 1 or 2 is able to ride either a dragon units. The rules of this chapter therefore do not apply to
or as a passenger in a chariot; a Large Element such as them, even if they are also referred to as ‘giants’.
a giant may also be a commander.
fields also count as left and right front fields respectively An altitude difference is ‘surmounted’ as long as a part of
– this is important when the giant is engaged in melee. the giant’s base is moving over it. A giant that surmounts
an altitude difference of more than one height level with
one field of its base, and then with the two other fields at
a later time, has to expend the additional movement
points twice.
t( Moves and Turns
A move ahead costs 3 movement points and is equiva-
backwards is accomplished by a 60° turn around one of weapon wielded in his left (right) hand he may attack the
the back fields of the base. When turning on the spot, the left (right) flank field OR one of the left (right) front
whole giant makes a 120° turn without altering his fields.
position on the playing map.
The position of these fields becomes clear if you look at
In contrast to Standard Elements, each one of the turns the diagram showing the giant’s base. Giants equipped
described above costs 3 movement points. If a giant turns with two melee weapons (equalling two entries on the
forward two times by (2x60°=) 120°, he has to expend 6 recruiting card) are able to attack twice in each melee
movement points. If a height level is surmounted while phase, and both targets must be declared before the first
turning, the necessary additional movement points must of these attacks is worked out.
also be expended.
The recruiting card includes notes about the nature of a
giant’s melee weapons. Even if a giant’s missile weapons
Shooting are huge, they cannot be used in melee. Giants may,
however, attack with their bare hands, or with a shield
A giant equipped with missile weapons can use these bash if this is noted on the recruiting card.
following the normal shooting rules. Lines of sight are
traced from the center dot of the front field of the giant’s Example 1: A giant equipped with a ‘SWORD (right) 5’
base, bearing in mind the giant’s size. and a ‘SHIELD (left) 4’ according to his recruiting card
may attack a field to his right using his sword, and a field
to his left using his shield, each once per melee phase.
Slain Giants
A giant’s arc of fire is illustrated in the diagram above. Even the largest and mightiest of giants may meet his
Please note that a giant may not shoot at elements on doom one day and be slain in battle. A destroyed element
adjacent fields – this would be like trying to hit something of normal size constitutes no obstacle, and is therefore
small next to your foot with a bow or sling! removed from play. When a huge creature is slain,
however, removing it will not be appropriate because a
The recruiting card provides information on any missile slain giant or dragon may constitute an obstacle, block-
weapons that a giant may be equipped with. A giant’s ing lines of sight for missile fire and impeding movement.
missile weapons often have a superior Battle Factor and The creature therefore has to remain on the battlefield.
range compared to normal weapons; this is also noted on
the recruiting card. A slain giant of size 5 or greater remains on the 3 fields
of the playing area previously occupied. The model
counts as impassable terrain for all elements, and
Melee constitutes an obstacle of height 2, affecting lines of
Most giants have several melee weapons and conse-
quently multiple melee attacks, but not every weapon A slain giant on fields of different height levels adds 2 to
may be used to attack any field you want. The recruiting the height values of each of the fields he occupies.
card includes information about which melee weapons a
giant carries, and which weapon is carried in which hand.
In the game you should choose a suitably equipped DRAGONS
The rules introduced in this section apply to dragons and
A giant equipped with a two-handed weapon may attack dragonlike monsters of size of 4 or greater being ‘bought’
one of the two foremost front fields in melee. With a with their own recruiting card. Smaller dragonlike crea-
tures may appear in the game and may also be referred Moves and Turns
to as ‘dragons’. These pet versions are put on standard
bases, however, and the rules of this section do not apply A move ahead costs 3 movement points, and is the
to them. Additional rules for dragons capable of flight equivalent of normal elements advancing. To move ahead,
follow in chapter ‘Flying creatures’. move the foremost field of the base onto one of the two
fields to its front, without changing the direction in which
the model is facing.
A sideward move costs 4 movement points and is
A dragon is put on a base covering four fields. All the performed as shown in the following diagram.
dragons dealt with here have a base of that size irrespec-
tive of the dragon’s size value, or the model’s appearan-
ce. It may therefore occur that the wings or the tail of
certain models extend beyond the base. This, however,
has no effect on the rules; fields ‘covered’ in this way do
not belong to the dragon’s base.
Front (left)
In both cases the dragon turns 60°, pivoting around one states specifically what kind of breath attack the dragon
of the fields in the middle of its base, as shown in the has. If you use the fire rules (chapter ‘Fire’), you have to
diagram on the previous page. A dragon is unable to turn bear in mind that a dragon breathing fire may set ablaze
on the spot, as giants may choose to. Dragons must also parts of the playing area.
expend the necessary movement points for each turn
performed – a turn forwards of 120° therefore costs 6 A dragonbreath attack affects every element that is up
movement points. If a dragon moves over an altitude to three fields away from the dragon’s head and inside
difference while turning, it has to expend the additional a 60° arc determined by the player.
movement points.
A dragon is of course unable to shoot with conventional
missile weapons. But there are dragons carrying a rider
or guide armed with a missile weapon, and some dragons
are able to breathe fire or spit a stream of acid. Both are
treated in the game as missile fire. A model breathing fire
and carrying a rider equipped with a missile weapon is
even able to ‘shoot’ twice in a round. When a missile
attack takes place is determined by the model’s order;
the requirements that enable the model to shoot are the
same as for normal elements.
You also have to roll for your own elements, should any
of these be inside the breath’s area of effect.
The recruiting card of a dragon able to breathe fire or spit Such an attack is resolved with the Battle Factor reduced
a stream of acid includes the entry ‘Dragonbreath’, by 2 if the target element is at least half visible (in this case
followed by the relevant Battle Factor. No differentiation up to half of it being immersed in water); the Battle Factor
is made between whether a certain dragon breathes fire, is reduced by 4 if less than half of the target element is
acid or something else; this is represented by a general visible. If the target element is of size 4 or greater, and only
Battle Factor. The description of a dragon, however, one section is not visible, the Battle Factor is not reduced.
If another Large Element that is standing on water fields down adjacent to that of the dragon’s – it will not always
of different depth is the target of a dragonbreath attack, be appropriate or possible to actually put the model itself
the deepest water field occupied by this Large Element is on top of the dragon. To represent a dismounted com-
used to determine the Battle Factor reduction. mander you will of course need a separate element.
A dragonbreath attack is not impeded by other terrain A commander riding a dragon may dismount either
features (including walls up to 3 feet high). before or after the dragon has moved.
A commander on a dragon or in a chariot may be affected If he dismounts before the dragon has moved, the com-
by a dragonbreath attack if the foremost field of the mander is placed on one of the fields adjacent to the
dragon’s base, or the chariot carriage, are inside the area foremost field of the dragon’s base, and may move away
of effect. In such a case a separate roll is made for both immediately or at any later time, if the player so wishes.
the dragon or chariot, AND for the commander. If he dismounts after the dragon has finished its move-
ment, the commander is placed in the same way on one
of these fields, but may not move any further in this
Melee movement phase.
Dragons may use different forms of attack in melee, like A commander who wants to mount a dragon must be on
bite attacks, claw attacks, and tail attacks. The recruiting one of the four fields adjacent to the foremost field of the
card includes information about which forms of attack an dragon’s base. The dragon’s movement (and thus the
individual dragon may use, and specifies the corre- rider’s) ends after this action is finished.
sponding Battle Factors.
This applies irrespective of whether the dragon or the
Example: A dragon is able to use the attack forms ‘BITE commander has moved into contact, or both moved to
4’, ‘CLAW 5’ and ‘TAIL 3’, according to its recruiting card. reach each other.
In each melee phase the dragon may bite, attack with
both of his claws and sweep with his tail.
Slain Dragons
A bite attack may be directed at one of the two fields
directly to the dragon’s front. A tail attack may be Slain dragons may constitute obstacles in the same way
directed at one of the two fields to the dragon’s rear, or as giants, and therefore remain on the battlefield.
the back left or back right flank field. A left (right) claw
attack may be directed at one of the two left (right) front A slain dragon counts as impassable terrain for all
fields. A dragon that is able to attack with its claws elements on the four fields previously occupied, and
always has a right and left claw attack to slash at its constitutes an obstacle of height 2, affecting lines of
enemies. sight.
Elements on the dragon’s frontal right or left flank fields A slain dragon on fields of different height levels adds 2
cannot be attacked by it in melee. to the height values of each of the fields it occupies.
The rules introduced in this chapter apply to all sorts of a wood or over an altitude difference of two height levels,
chariots, no matter whether these are pulled by two or the road counts as passable terrain (and no additional
more creatures. movement points must be used for surmounting the
height levels).
Hit Points
A chariot is put on a base covering three fields, the
foremost two fields of the base containing the creatures A chariot has several hit points like other Large Elements,
pulling the chariot, and the back field containing the and losing hit points is accompanied by losing movement
carriage. The front, flank and rear fields of this model are points, as usual.
shown in the following diagram.
If a chariot is shot at or is engaged in melee, the carriage
and the draught animals are two separate targets.
Front Nevertheless, the hit points of a chariot apply to the
model as a whole, and are not divided between the
carriage and the draught animals. If a chariot loses hit
points, its movement range and therefore its ability to
overrun enemy elements is reduced – we do not need to
left right differentiate whether this is because the carriage was
Flank Flank damaged, or a crew member was slain, or a draught
animal was wounded.
A chariot that loses its last hit point is destroyed and removed
from play. The draught animals or the crew have been slain or
Rear sent fleeing, and the remaining wrecked chassis does not
constitute a sufficient obstacle to remain on the battlefield.
Passable and Impassable Terrain A move ahead costs 3 movement points. To move in this
way, move the model one field oblique left or oblique right
Open terrain, sand, grown fields, and roads can be moved without changing the direction it is facing.
on by expending 3 movement points per field. An altitude
difference of one height level can be surmounted by using A chariot may not move sidewards or backwards.
three additional movement points. An altitude difference
is surmounted as long as a part of the chariot’s base A chariot may only turn forwards, expending 3 move-
moves over it. ment points when doing so.
Rocky ground, underbrush/thicket, woods, rough terrain This is done by pivoting 60° around one of the two front
(mud and morass), water fields of depth 1 or more, a fields, as shown in the diagram on the following page. The
hedge or (ruined) wall, a swamp, and altitude differences carriage will be moved onto a field previously occupied
of more than one height level are impassable. by the draught animals when turning.
If a road that is wide enough leads through terrain Each turn of 60° costs 3 movement points – a turn of 120°
normally classified as impassable, for example through would therefore cost 6 movement points, and so on.
Movement Forward Turn Forward Turn Movement
oblique left left right oblique right
If a height level is surmounted while turning, the addition- 3. If the model wants to shoot at targets over the heads of
al movement points for this must also be used. the draught animals, the line of sight will in most cases be
seriously obstructed (as horses, for example, have a size
of 2).
If a chariot is shot at, it should be noted that the carriage/
Chariots have two different armor values, noted on the crew and the draught animals may have different armor
recruiting card using the format ‘Sa (creatures b)’. The values. In these cases, you do not simply shoot at ‘the
first figure specifies the armor value of the chariot itself chariot element’; instead you have to specify whether you
and its crew; this value applies to missile and melee want to shoot at the carriage/crew, or at the draught
attacks made against the field containing the carriage animals, and the relevant target field must be visible to
and crew. The second figure specifies the armor of the the shooter. Most of the time, therefore, missile attacks
draught animals, and applies to missile and melee at- from the chariot’s front will have to be directed against the
tacks against them. draught animals, and attacks from the back will have to
be resolved against the carriage/crew.
If a chariot carries a crew able to fight in melee, the
If, besides the driver, the chariot carries additional crew recruiting card includes the entry ‘N’ followed by the
members armed with slings, bows, longbows or jave- relevant skill value. This may also be ‘0’ to indicate that
lins, these are allowed to shoot in the first shooting the required description is on the back of the recruitment
phase if the chariot has a Skirmish order, or in the card.
second shooting phase if the chariot has a Hold order.
Please note that if a chariot is attacked from the flank or
In these cases the recruiting card includes the entry ‘F’, rear, the attacker does not receive the usual bonus on his
followed by the relevant skill value. This may be 0, Battle Factor.
meaning that the chariot crew is able to use missile
weapons; their description is noted on the back of the A chariot crew may attack an element on the right or left
card due to lack of space. back flank field, or on one of the rear fields.
Models on a chariot have an arc of fire of 360°. The crew has its size increased by 1 when fighting in
melee because it stands on a platform of height 1.
Such a model stands on a platform of height 1 on the field
containing the carriage, and lines of sight for missile fire If the chariot crew is attacked in melee, the attacker gets
are therefore determined using the model’s total height of the bonus of +1 for attacking an element with three or
fewer models on it (if the crew actually has only one to chariot is destroyed, a commander may mount a chariot
three members). A commander carried as a passenger as a passenger, or may be carried in a chariot at the start
counts towards the total number of crew members. of the game and leave it later in the game.
Some chariots are pulled by creatures that are themsel- A single commander of size 1 or 2 on foot may be carried
ves also able to attack in melee by kicking, biting and as a passenger in a chariot.
stomping. The recruiting card of such a chariot includes
the entry ‘CREATURES’, followed by the relevant Battle Mounted commanders, and commanders accompanied
Factor. by a retinue or bodyguard, may not mount a chariot as
they would have to leave their horse or bodyguard
An attack by the draught animals may only be directed behind.
at one of the three front fields of the chariot element;
each of the two fields containing draught animals may A commander who wants to dismount from a chariot
attack once per melee phase. When attacking the center may not do so while the chariot is moving.
front field, one of the attacks may support the other.
Dismounting from a chariot is only possible before or
If a chariot carries a crew able to fight in melee and is after the chariot has moved. If a commander dismounts
pulled by creatures able to attack in melee, it has, in from a chariot before the chariot has moved, the com-
each melee phase, two attacks by the draught animals mander is placed on one of the four fields adjacent to the
and one attack by the crew. carriage, and may then move away from the chariot
immediately, or at a later point of the same movement
As these attacks are directed at different fields, the crew phase. If the commander dismounts after the chariot has
and the creatures may not support each other. moved, the commander is placed on one of the four fields
as above, but he may not move in the same movement
If a chariot is attacked in melee, only a field in contact with phase since he, too, has already moved.
the attacking element may be attacked. If the attacking
element is behind the chariot, only the carriage/crew A commander wanting to mount a chariot must be on
may be attacked. If the attacker is to the front of the one of the fields adjacent to the carriage. The movement
chariot or on one of the front flank fields, only the draught of the chariot (and, thus, the commander) ends when
animals may be attacked. the commander has mounted the chariot.
If the attacker is on one of the back flank fields, he may This applies no matter whether the chariot or the com-
choose which field to attack. mander has moved into contact, or both have moved to
reach each other.
Passengers on Chariots
Besides the normal chariot crew that is ‘bought’ together
with the chariot and automatically counts as slain if the
INTRODUCTION on the base. In melee artillery has no flank, or rear, and
it only has a general armor value representing the armor
The rules in this chapter cover all equipment that can, in of the crew as well as the stability of the gun construction.
the broadest sense, be described as guns capable of In the framework of the game it is therefore irrelevant
shooting large projectiles – bombards, cannons, mortars, which field of the base contains a member of the crew.
catapults, or other pieces of artillery irrespective of their
appearance and method of operation. The following
sections therefore contain general rules and explanations Passable and Impassable Terrain
to the functioning of artillery. The recruiting card itself
contains the pertinent information as to how a specific Open terrain, grown fields and roads are passable at a
artillery piece works in the framework of the game. This cost of 3 movement points per field.
can also contain additional rules.
Rocky ground, underbrush/thicket, woods, sand, rough
terrain (mud and morass), stretches of water, hedges or
Bases (destroyed) walls, and swamp are impassable.
The description states whether an artillery piece, along with An uphill movement of one height level can be accom-
the crew, is put on a three or four field base. In the drawing plished on a sufficiently broad road at an additional cost
below, the gray shaded areas show the arc of fire of a gun. of 6 movement points. Uphill movement without an
adequate road, or across higher altitude differences, can
The crew of an artillery piece is placed on any free spot only be accomplished through the use of draught animals
on the base. This should be in a position which corre- or additional crews, and is therefore not represented in
sponds closely to the function of the respective minia- the game. Artillery can be placed on a hill prior to the start
ture. A miniature, for example depicting a loader holding of a game, however, provided the position can be reached
a ramrod, will stand at the head of the barrel rather than by a continuous chain of passable fields, and that at no
at the breach of any gun. The exact arrangement of the time an altitude difference of more than one contour line
crew, however, usually depends on the amount of space has to be crossed.
Downhill movement is permitted across one height level A projectile that is fired directly flies towards the target
at a time. With a sufficiently broad road it would cost 3 in a straight and flat path. A direct shot is only possible if
movement points. Without a sufficient road, the move- there is an unobstructed view between the artillery and
ment would cost 6 movement points. the target. Artillery that fires direct is shown on the
recruiting card with the ‘D’ symbol in the upper left-hand
For artillery as well, an altitude difference is crossed as corner, and can shoot ball and bolt projectiles.
long as a part of the base crosses the contour line.
A projectile that is fired indirectly travels in a steep and
high flight path to the target. An indirect shot is not
Movement stopped by an obstacle between the artillery and the
target. Artillery that fires indirectly is shown on the
Movement to the front or rear costs 3 movement points. recruiting card with the ‘I’ symbol and can hurl small or
Movement to the side is prohibited. large stones.
Movement to the front is accomplished by placing the A ball projectile is a projectile that is fired directly (mostly
front of the artillery model in any frontal field. Movement from a cannon); the effects are based on its mass.
to the rear would be the reverse without changing the Artillery that shoots ball projectiles is printed on the
alignment of the model. recruiting card with the entry ‘BALL’, followed by the
Battle Factor.
Artillery that occupies three fields can turn forward or
backward around one of the rear fields of the base, or on A bolt projectile is a large arrow or spear that is fired
the spot, at a cost of 3 movement points. directly (mostly from a ballista) and its effect is based on
its tip. Artillery shooting a bolt projectile is printed with
When turning forward or backward, the gun is turned 60°. the entry ‘BOLT’ on the recruiting card, followed by the
When turning on the spot, it is turned 120°. Turns around Battle Factor.
the front field of the base are not permitted as the wheels
and the carriage would have to be dragged sideways. A stone projectile is fired (mostly from a catapult)
indirectly and consequently lands on the target from
Artillery on a four field base can turn forwards or above. We distinguish between small and large stone
backwards at a cost of 3 movement points. projectiles. A small stone projectile is identified on the
recruiting card with the entry ‘Stone’ and the Battle
Here the artillery piece is turned 60° around one of the Factor, and it affects only the actual field that it lands on.
middle fields of the base. These turns correspond to those A large stone projectile is printed with the entry ‘STONE’,
made by dragons, and are therefore not pictured again. along with the Battle Factor, and affects the targeted field
and the six surrounding fields. This is because the projec-
The required movement points must be spent for each of tile is either so big, or bursts on impact scattering stone
the turns mentioned – turning 120° to the front therefore splinters, that it can affect neighboring elements.
costs 6 MPs, and so on. Additional movement points due
to altitude differences crossed when turning also have to A ball projectile could also be made out of stone, and a
be expended. catapult could theoretically fire (iron) balls. These designa-
tions therefore do not allow any conclusions as to which
type of projectile is used, but only distinguish if the shot was
Size fired directly or indirectly, and how to determine its effects.
ORDERS AND LOADING Any artillery that is fully loaded cannot collect additional
load points – even if its orders or executed movement
The crew of an artillery piece that is not engaged in melee allow this to happen. In order for the loading process to
receives an order in each order phase. Because of the start again, the gun must be discharged first.
particularities of this type of equipment, however, this
works differently to units. Artillery with Skirmish orders that has 3 load points at the
beginning of the round, is not fully loaded in the first
Artillery has between 3 and 6 hit points. shooting phase and therefore cannot fire (accumulating
load points only takes place in the following movement
The exact number is printed on the recruiting card for each phase). If you now collect (for example) 5 load points
type of artillery. Hits represent losses to the crew, as well as during the movement phase, the artillery is fully loaded
damage to the gun. Both are represented through the loss in the second shooting phase but cannot fire because of
of hit points, and reduce the effectiveness of the gun. its skirmish orders. Also, the 2 surplus load points are lost
and cannot be credited to later rounds.
When shooting artillery consumes 6 load points, and
can only shoot if it was completely loaded before. Artillery that has lost all of its hit points is of course
destroyed and removed from play, even if it has some
These load points can be replenished in one or several movement or load points ‘remaining’.
rounds, depending on the artillery’s orders and the num-
ber of hits it has already taken. If reloading takes several
rounds, note the number of load points already accumu- FIRING
lated on a piece of paper, or put the appropriate number
of load markers next to the recruiting card. If you want to fire the artillery, name the desired target field.
Artillery with Move orders has 9 MPs minus the number The desired target field must be within the arc of fire and
of hits already taken at its disposal during a movement range of the artillery, and may be designated with a
phase. The artillery can move, but is not allowed to corresponding marker.
replenish any load points or to shoot, even if it was fully
loaded in the previous round. Naming the desired target field only indicates in which
direction and over what distance the shot is to be made,
Example: Artillery which has taken 2 hits has (9–2=) 7 thereby determining the elevation of the barrel, the
MPs with a Move order. The artillery could be moved up charge to be used, and the like. With a direct shot, the
to two fields, or for instance move one field and execute a target could consequently be any field on the playing area
turn. Even if in both cases one movement point remains, (provided it is within range and arc of fire of the gun),
it cannot be credited towards a load point. regardless of whether the field is in view. There are some
restrictions when using indirect firing, which is explained
Artillery with Skirmish orders has 6 MPs minus the further in section ‘Indirect Shooting’.
number of hits already taken at its disposal during a
movement phase. The artillery may, if fully loaded, fire After that, use the table ‘Drift and Defects’ to determine
in the FIRST shooting phase. Movement points not whether or not the shot hit, drifted or was defective.
spent in the movement phase can be credited towards
load points for use in future rounds. If a defect occurs, follow the instructions in the table.
The shooting process in this case is broken off.
Example: Artillery with Skirmish orders which has ta-
ken a hit and consumed 3 MPs in the movement phase If no defect occurs, determine the final target field and
can use the remaining two movement points as load work out the results of the hit.
The results of the hit depend on what kind of projectile
Artillery with Hold orders has 6 MPs minus the number was used, and are explained in sections ‘Direct Shooting’
of hits already taken at its disposal during a movement and ‘Indirect Shooting’.
phase. Movement points can only be spent for turns.
Unused movement points can be credited towards load
points. If fully loaded, the artillery can fire in the Drift & Defects
SECOND shooting phase.
Artillery pieces are comparatively complicated ma-
Example: Artillery with Hold orders that is completely chines, and in a fantasy world artillery is only rarely an
‘unloaded’ (has not accumulated any load points) can exact science. Therefore, when firing artillery, a defect
replenish 6 load points during the movement phase can occur, and the shot more often than not lands
(provided it does not turn). It could then fire in the second somewhere other than the desired target field.
shooting phase.
If you want to fire artillery, determine whether the
There are no Attack orders for artillery. Any artillery desired target field is within short, medium or long range
piece which was mistakenly given an Attack order has of the artillery, and then roll 1D20. Determine the
a Skirmish order instead. results of the roll according to the table ‘Drifts &
Defects’ (to be found on the following page).
Unusable load points cannot be transferred to later
phases, nor can they be transferred to other artillery Gun Destroyed: Someone REALLY makes a mistake; the
pieces. powder, for example, ignites before the loader was fin-
ished. In any event, the cannon explodes in a spectacular It is quite possible that the final target field could well
fireball, or the catapult bursts from the tension and falls exceed the maximum range of the artillery, or is out of the
apart. The artillery piece and the unfortunate crew are arc of fire. This is in no way contradictory, since the
removed from play. indicated ranges and arcs of fire allow for possible drift –
the spot hit can be influenced by a particularly good (or
Lose all Load points: Someone commits quite an error; bad) shot, or by wind conditions.
during loading for example, the shot is loaded, but the
powder forgotten. In any event the crew scratch their
heads and now must start the loading process all over; the DIRECT SHOOTING
artillery loses all load points.
If you shoot direct, you can shoot at any desired field on
Gun Jams: A smaller defect like a wet fuse or an oversight the playing area that is within range and arc of fire of the
when the gun was loaded. In any event, the artillery artillery.
cannot fire in this round; however, it keeps its load points
and can fire in the next round again normally. Fields that are not visible can be targeted, too. This
however, does not mean that an artillery crew can
Drifts by 2 Fields: The final target field drifts in a straight apparently shoot at things that they cannot see. By
line by 2 fields off the desired target field. Roll 1D6 and naming the desired target field, you only determine in
use the compass printed on the map to determine in which direction and how far to shoot, and your crews can
which direction the drift occurs. of course shoot in directions where there is no target to be
seen. Each shot, however, is examined to determine if the
Drifts by 1 Field: The final target field drifts by 1 field off projectile actually reached the intended target or was
the desired target field. Determine the direction of the drift stopped by something in its way. Although a player is
with 1D6 and the compass. therefore allowed to shoot behind a hill, he does not really
benefit from this as the projectile is of course stopped by
No Drift: The desired target field is also the final target the hill. If, on the other hand, we only allowed shots at
field. things that the crews can see, the back ranks of units
could never be affected by a shot since they couldn’t be
Example 1: A ‘4’ is rolled for artillery that is firing at long named as possible targets, and even the front rank
range – the final target field is 2 fields away from desired wouldn’t always be hit due to drift.
target field.
Determine the final target field and place the appropri-
Example 2: Artillery that is firing at medium range. If an ate target marker on the field.
18 through 20 is rolled, there would be no drift, the
desired target field is the final target field. Then determine if the projectile’s path between the gun
and the final target field is not obstructed by any
Example 3: If a ‘1’ is rolled irrespective of the range, the obstacle. Starting with the front field of the artillery
artillery piece and crew are destroyed. base, trace a straight line to the final target field, and
check EACH field IN THE SERIES for any obstacles that
If you have shot indirectly, the shot lands in the FINAL affect the projectile, or are affected by it.
target field.
We assume that the path from the gun to the final target
If you have shot directly, the shot is on its ‘way’ in the field, and all fields crossed, are of the same height.
direction of the FINAL target field. Whether the projectile Additional comments regarding altitude differences ap-
arrives at its target, or is stopped by some obstacle in the pear in section ‘Direct Shooting on Fields of Different
way, is determined by the rules under the section ‘Direct Height’.
Short 1 2 3 – – 4–20
The projectile can be stopped prior to reaching the final greater to score a hit on the commander. If the player
target field by obstructing obstacles or elements, but in succeeds, the next element or obstacle in line is attacked
NO event can it proceed further once it reaches the final (regardless of whether the commander has any hit points
target field. remaining) with a Battle Factor of 7. If he does not
succeed, the projectile continues on its path with a Battle
If you shoot at units formed in several ranks, you should Factor of 8.
therefore choose a target field beyond the unit (seen from
the artillery). If a ball or bolt projectile hits a Large Element, roll for a
hit as described. If you hit, you keep rolling for further
If a standard element is shot with a bolt projectile, the attacks on the same Large Element until one of the hits
element is subject to an attack by the projectile’s is not successful. If the Large Element has no hit points
current Battle Factor. If the attack is successful, you left, the process is stopped.
must roll the dice for further hits. Further hit attempts
affect the already hit element, as long as it has hit points Example: A bolt projectile with a Battle Factor of 8 hits a
remaining, or the next element or obstacle in the dragon. The player must roll a ‘12’ or better to score the
projectile’s path if the hit element is destroyed. The first hit. If he does not hit, the process is stopped alto-
Battle Factor of the bolt is reduced by 1 for every hit. The gether. If the roll is successful, the player rolls for the
procedure is stopped as soon as one hit attempt is dragon again, with a reduced Battle Factor of 7.
unsuccessful, or the bolt is stopped by an obstacle, or
the Battle Factor of the bolt is reduced to zero. A Large Element therefore stops a projectile in all cases.
Example: A bolt with a Battle Factor of 8 hits a comman- A hedge has no effect on bolt or ball projectiles.
der with 2 hit points, who is standing in the front rank of
a unit. The player rolls a ‘15’ and the commander takes A sufficiently high wall stops a bolt projectile with no
a hit. Since the commander still has one hit point left, a damage to the wall. If a ball projectile hits a wall, a die
second die roll is made against the same commander. If is rolled and the wall is attacked with the projectile’s
the player rolls a ‘13’ or greater (the bolt now only has a current Battle Factor. If the attack is successful, the
Battle Factor of 7), the commander would not only be wall section hit is destroyed, and the ball proceeds with
joining his ancestors, but a third roll for a hit must be a Battle Factor reduced by 5. If the attack fails, the ball
made. This attempt is made on the next element of the is stopped, and the wall remains intact.
unit that is in the bolt’s path. The third attempt succeeds,
because of the Battle Factor being reduced a second time, If the path of a bolt or ball projectile runs through forest
only on a ‘14’ or greater. Had the second attempt on the (underbrush/thicket), the Battle Factor is reduced by 2
commander failed, the shooting process for the bolt would (1) for each field where the depiction of the forest
have stopped, and the commander only taken one hit. (underbrush/thicket) is passed through.
Needless to say, a bolt, with some good die rolling, can The drawing at the top of the following page illustrates
inflict several hits on an element and cause considerable some of the rules concerning artillery.
damage. However, that type of artillery should not be
viewed as ‘hero hunters’, since you only keep rolling if In the drawing the artillery, in its present position, cannot
you hit, and the probability of successive hits drops off shoot at the cavalry element at the top left, since this is
very quickly. not within the arc of fire.
Please note that you are not allowed to shoot at an The commander element in the front rank of the unit is
element further ‘down’ the projectile’s path as long as any shot at with a BOLT projectile with a Battle Factor of 8. If
element previously hit is not completely destroyed. On the attack is unsuccessful, the shooting process is stop-
the other hand, once you have destroyed an element, you ped altogether. If the attack is successful, the attack
must continue shooting at the next element affected even continues on the commander element (provided he has
if it is your own. hit points left), with a Battle Factor of 7. If the commander
element had no hit points left, the attack proceeds to the
The ‘next element affected’ is the one whose field is next element in the projectile’s path (shaded gray in the
crossed next by the line of sight between the gun and the drawing).
final target field. If the line of sight runs exactly between
two fields, roll a die to see which field is affected. If the attack still proceeded after ‘passing’ through the
unit, the bolt projectile would then attack the wall, or the
A Standard Element hit by a ball projectile is subject to element behind it. Here, we must decide whether the wall
an attack with the present Battle Factor of the ball. If the or the element is attacked. If the wall is high enough (in
attack is not successful, you must attack the next most cases it would not be) to conceal the element behind
element or obstacle in the ball’s path with the same it, the wall would then stop the bolt.
unmodified Battle Factor. If the attack is successful,
you must attack the next element or obstacle in the If the element is taller than the wall, you must determine
ball’s path with the Battle Factor reduced by 1. The what is actually hit. This can be achieved by using the line
process is only stopped if the ball has reached its final of sight method and the shooting diagram, connecting
target field, is stopped by an obstacle, or its Battle the gun’s barrel and the ground level of the final target
Factor is reduced to zero. field to check whether this line crosses the wall. This
procedure is rather lengthy, however, and because of the
Example: A ball projectile with a Battle Factor of 8 hits a long ranges of artillery not very practical. You can in
commander in its path – the player must roll a ‘12’ or cases like this use dice. The element behind the wall is
given a 50% chance of being hit (1-3 the wall is hit, 4-6 do not bother about some of the more obscure game
the element is hit). If this is too inaccurate for some situations, because they rarely occur. In the following,
players, you can also take the size of the element into however, you will find some references and explanations
account. An element of size 3 behind a wall of size 1 would to more general situations.
be hit on a roll of 3-6 on a D6.
Set aside the fundamentals of ballistics and proceed on
Had the projectile been a BALL, the commander would the assumption that the trajectory of the projectile is
have been attacked with a Battle Factor of 8. If the attack straight – this does not conform to real ballistics, but
had failed, the ball would have passed on to the gray represents only a very slight, and therefore acceptable,
shaded element with an unmodified Battle Factor. Had rounding off. If you are shooting at the top of a hill, the
the attack on the commander been successful, the ball projectile is ‘underway’ towards this target and cannot hit
would then proceed to the gray shaded element as well, elements standing at lower levels in front of the hill
but this time with a reduced Battle Factor of 7. (unless they are sufficiently tall). Situations of this kind
can also be decided by using the line of sight method and
Once the ball has ‘reached’ the wall, you would have to the shooting diagram, by connecting the front field of the
decide again whether the wall or the element behind it is artillery piece and the final target field. If the connecting
attacked. An attack against the element would be made line touches an obstacle, the projectile’s effect is resolved
at the then-current Battle Factor of the projectile. If the against this, or the projectile is stopped by the obstacle.
wall is hit, it would then be attacked. If the attack was A hill shot ‘over’ has no effect, a hill that is hit naturally
unsuccessful, the ball would be stopped by the wall, and stops the projectile.
the shooting process would be halted. If the attack
against the wall were successful, the relevant wall section In so far as this makes a difference in specific cases, you
would be destroyed, and the ball would then attack the must, when checking lines of sight, use the size value of
element behind with a Battle Factor reduced by 5. the artillery piece (and not the size of the crew). For most
artillery this will be 1. We have not added a second size
If the artillery were shooting either a ball or bolt projectile value on every recruiting card, however, since such
on the right element in the front rank (as seen from the situations will only rarely appear, and the value can also
unit), both projectiles’ Battle Factors would be reduced be ‘read off’ the actual model.
by 4 (2 for each wood field passed through).
You cannot, with direct fire, shoot at targets and/or fields
Note that in order to hit the commander element, the that are very much higher or lower than the artillery.
projectile does not have to pass through the wood depic- Artillery for example, sitting on the edge of a cliff, could
tion, and the Battle Factor is not reduced. not shoot at an adjacent target that is three height levels
lower. If you require an exact decision in situations like
this, you must again use the shooting diagram. We
DIRECT SHOOTING ON FIELDS OF assume that the upward elevation of a shot can be
increased by 1 for every field in distance, and the down-
DIFFERENT HEIGHT ward elevation by 1 for every 3 fields distance.
The rules in the preceding section assumed that the gun
and the final target field were at roughly the same height. The artillery, with a size value of 1, located on the hill in
You can therefore apply these rules as long as the altitude the drawing on the next page, can only fire at targets that
difference between the gun and the final target field does are at least partially within the grey shaded area. This rule
not exceed one height level per ten fields distance. is only an approximation which should provide fast
clarification of extremely rare situations. We do not
This will mostly, but not always, be the case. A complete recommend reducing the Battle Factor if a target is only
set of rules and regulations to cover all foreseeable events partially in view.
would be very complicated and extensive. We therefore
The contradiction between what the players can see and
7 what their troops are actually aware of, however, is very
difficult to resolve. You can take the hard-headed ap-
proach by setting up two identical battlefields in separate
6 upward rooms, and use a gamemaster to only place troops that
elevation can actually be seen by the opposing side on each of
5 them.
If a field behind or in front of the Large Element is the When judging grounds for ‘sufficient reasons’, the play-
final target field, the effects of the shot are resolved ers should exercise common sense and fair play.
A unit which is no longer visible, because it has just now
The crew then has aimed ‘too low’ nevertheless, and the disappeared (in view of the gun-crew) behind a forest,
projectile proceeds to its final target field as usual. can surely be a possible target in the same or the next
round, because the gun crew just knows that the unit is
still out there behind the forest.
On the other hand, an enemy commander, standing in a
In theory, artillery firing indirectly can reach any field that forest that is barely visible over a hill, is on a field that is
is within its range and arc of fire on the playing area, ‘technically’ visible. A player wanting to place an indirect
because such guns can fire in any direction up to their shot at the tree, however, does not have a ‘sufficient
maximum range. reason’ to do so, since the shot cannot affect the ‘target’.
As the real target in this case would of course be the
In contrast to direct shooting, however, where a shot on (unseen) enemy commander and not the tree, the shot is
fields that are not visible is usually stopped by ‘some- not allowed.
thing’ before reaching its final target field, indirect shoo-
ting always hits the final target field. Based on a player’s Then determine the final target field.
overview of the battlefield, his artillery firing indirectly
could therefore merrily shoot over intervening terrain A Standard Element on the final target field of a small
formations, hills or forests, to precisely hit enemy ele- stone projectile is subject to an attack with the projectile’s
ments whose very existence the crew couldn’t even Battle Factor, a Large Element automatically takes one
guess. hit. A small stone projectile has no effect on walls.
Example: A small stone projectile with the entry ‘Stone 6’ since the ranges are great enough to ‘affect’ enemy
lands on a field. A Standard Element located there is troops anyway. If an artillery piece is attacked in melee
subject to an attack with Battle Factor of 6; the player nevertheless, the following rules apply.
must roll a ‘14’ or higher to score a hit on the element.
Artillery can neither overrun nor start a melee.
Any element on the final target field of a large stone
projectile is automatically destroyed. Each element If a gun is attacked in melee, the crew defends itself with
located within the six adjacent fields is subject to attack improvised weapons, and every attack on the artillery
with the projectile’s Battle Factor. piece is treated as an attack from the front.
Example: A large stone projectile with the entry ‘STONE There are no Battle Factor modifiers for flank or rear
8’ lands on a field. Any normal element, a commander, attacks.
wizard, or Large Element on the target field is destroyed.
Any element on any of the six adjacent fields is subject to In a melee, each field of the artillery base has its own
attack with a Battle Factor of 8. melee attack.
A stone projectile always hits the ‘ground’ of the playing The crew of an artillery piece on a three-field base can
area, even if the ‘ground’ is the top of a hill. Elements therefore make three attacks against enemy in contact.
located on one of the six adjacent fields, but on HIGHER
elevations than the final target field, therefore cannot be Each of these attacks must be directed against an
affected. element that is in contact with the ‘attacking field’ of the
artillery base, and fields cannot support each other.
A Large Element, occupying several fields that are
adjacent to the final target field, is subject to one attack The crew is always conceded these attacks, even if a
with the projectile’s Battle Factor for each of the fields certain field of the artillery base does not contain a
affected. miniature. The position of the miniatures on the base
does not allow conclusions about their actual position in
Example: A ‘STONE 8’ impacts on the frontal right flank a melee.
field of a dragon. One of the dragon’s fields (only) is
adjacent to the impact, and is subject to an attack with Artillery in melee cannot re-group at the end of a melee
Battle Factor of 8. The player must roll a ‘12’ or greater to phase.
score a hit. If the stone had landed ON the base of the
dragon, the dragon would have been destroyed, regard- An element engaged in melee with an artillery piece can,
less of how many hit points it had left. at the end of the melee phase, perform a turn and re-
group by two fields.
A large stone projectile that lands on a water field, does
not affect adjacent fields. The element is treated like any element ‘not in contact’
with an adversary.
Each individual wall section running along one of the
sides of the final target field is subject to attack with the The artillery crew defend their equipment, rather than
Battle Factor of the projectile. press on their opponent. A melee against an artillery
piece can therefore be broken off by simply moving away.
In all other cases the hit has no effect.
Artillery that is attacked in melee cannot accumulate
load points.
Naturally, an artillery piece cannot fight a melee, and
should normally be set up at a distance from the enemy,
Magic is an essential part of the DEMONWORLD game WIZARDS
system. Spells can support or hinder your troops in
combat, wizards can have magic duels on the battlefield, A magician (a person who can cast spells) is referred to
or conjure or banish monsters. The mightiest wizards can in these rules as a ‘wizard’. The term, however, also
even control the elemental powers themselves, or includes shamans, conjurers, priests, or anyone capable
change terrain formations! of performing magic because the differences between
them have no relevance for applying the following rules.
Wizard Elements
Each race in the DEMONWORLD game system has its
own kind of magic and spell casting. The DEMON- Wizards are ‘purchased’ as part of an army composition
WORLD sourcebooks for the different races include with their own recruiting cards. The recruiting card also
complete listings of the spells available to each, and indicates how a wizard model is to be based. Most wizards
descriptions of magic items that a specific army or are based as individual models. Some wizards, however,
personality can have. may have a retinue of followers, bodyguards, and hel-
pers. These would then be represented on the element
In the framework of these game rules we therefore base as additional models.
present only the general rules on magic, which apply to
the use of all spells. In order to enable you to use magic Wizards as single elements have the same capabilities of
within the framework of this game, however, this chapter acting and moving as commanders (see chapter ‘Com-
contains a selection of the spells available to human manders’ in the standard game, section ‘Commanders’
wizards and orc shamans. Options’). There may even be commanders capable of
performing magic – these commanders/wizards then
have the capability of acting as commanders as well as
THE MAGIC PHASE wizards, so they can issue orders and cast spells.
Level of Wizard: Initial/Maximum Recovered SPs
Spell Points: per Round of Rest:
1 10 +6
2 20 +8
3 30 +10
4 40 +12
5 50 +14
... ... ...
The number indicated in the ‘Recovered SPs per Round CASTING SPELLS
of Rest’ column shows the number of SPs the wizard can
regain per round of absolute rest. The maximum number Each wizard (irrespective of his level) can cast ONE
of spell points cannot be exceeded by this, however. spell during the magic phase of a round, provided he has
sufficient SPs available. In the magic phase, all level 1
A wizard who rests in a round recovers the number of wizards would first announce the desired spell, the
spell points corresponding to his level at the end of the spell’s target, and any surplus SPs expended on casting
round. Surplus spell points can neither be saved nor the spell (see below). Then, for each of these spells,
transferred to another wizard. determine whether it was cast succesfully as described
below. After that, all level 2 wizards would go next, and
A wizard is ‘resting’ if he executes no action of any kind. so forth. If both sides have a wizard of the same level,
Therefore, he neither casts spells nor is himself the target roll a die to determine which of these goes first.
of successful spells, gives no orders, neither shoots nor is
shot at, does not move or execute maneuvers, does not The target of a spell can be a single element, a unit, a
engage in melee, and is not attacked. single field or an area on the map. This is described and
listed under each spell.
Example: A level 4 wizard at the beginning of a round has
24 SPs. If the wizard rests for one round, he can recover 12 This game contains two different sets of 35 spell markers that
SPs at the end of the round, thus having 36 SPs available can be used to announce the required spells and their targets
at the beginning of the next round. Further rest would for both sides according to the numbers on the markers. The
make little sense as the wizard would only be able to gain surplus markers will be used for additional spells that will
an additional 4 spell points (up to his allowed maxi- appear in the DEMONWORLD sourcebooks.
Wizards of a higher level cast their spells last during the
Due to spellcasting and resting the number of spell points magic phase. They can thus respond better to the spells
a wizard has available will change continually during the of their lower-level ‘colleagues’, and often limit or negate
game. Keep track of the number for each wizard on a slip their effects through their own spells.
of paper.
In order for a spell to be cast successfully, you must
expend the required spell points AND roll the difficulty
SPELLS level of the spell or better on 1D20.
All spells available to one race, and thus to a wizard of that Example: To cast a spell with a difficulty level of 15, a
race, are listed in the spell list along with a number. As wizard must expend 15 spell points, and then roll a ‘15’
long as a description doesn’t state otherwise, every or better on 1D20.
wizard of that race knows all the spells available to that
race, though wizards of lower levels might not be able to Spells with a higher level of difficulty can therefore only
work spells of greater power for lack of spell points. be cast with a decreased probability of working. The
preparations are complicated, and most often, in the heat
of battle, the necessary ritual is performed hastily.
The Level of a Spell
When announcing a spell a wizard can announce that he
Each spell, acording to its level of difficulty and effecti- wants to use MORE than the required minimum number
veness, is classed from a difficulty level of 1 (the easiest) of spell points to cast the spell. In this event, TWICE the
to 20 (the most difficult). The level of a spell indicates ADDITIONAL amount of SPs expended are added to the
how many SPs (at least) must be used in order to cast it. die roll. The total of all spell points expended is used up
in any case, even if the spell is not successful.
Example: Casting a level 12 spell requires the expenditure
of (at least) 12 SPs. A level 1 Wizard could never cast such Example: If a player realizes that the probability of suc-
a spell, since he would only have 10 SPs at most. cessfully casting a level 15 spell is too low for him, he can
for example use an additional 5 spell points (therefore
Some spells, or the description of specific wizards, can altogether 20 for the spell). He then only has to roll a 5 or
allow exceptions to this rule. greater on 1D20 because 2x5 points are added to the roll.
This rule ensures that a spell that is worked with increased THE EFFECTS OF SPELLS
concentration or better preparation, works with increased
probability of success. Since spells with a higher level of The effects of a successfully cast spell are found in the
difficulty have only a low probability of working, it is description of the spell itself. Because of the multitude of
recommended that the players ‘invest’ more spell points existing spells, the range of possible effects is rather
in such cases. widespread, so a more elaborate description must be left
to the DEMONWORLD sourcebooks. We have, however,
A spell, regardless of the number of additional spell listed some comments on problems that can arise.
points expended, has gone wrong when a ‘1’ or ‘2’ is
rolled. Roll 1D20 again and follow the instructions in the It will frequently occur in the course of a game that a
table ‘Spells Gone Wrong’. target is under the influence of several (successful) spells
simultaneously. This can happen if two (successful) spell
All spells that successfully come about will work. are cast on the target during the same magic phase, or if
one spell is cast while the effect of an earlier spell still
If this is important in some cases, assume that all applies.
successful spells take effect simultaneously, even if they
were cast successively in the magic phase. Spells which work at different times of the round create
no problems here because their effects are successively
Example: A unit must take a morale test due to a spell cast in order. A unit that has its F-skill increased by one spell
by a level 5 wizard. In the same magic phase, a level 6 and then has its N-skill improved by another spell,
wizard cast a spell that lowered the same unit’s first obviously profits from this combination during shooting
morale value by 2 (therefore improving the unit’s mo- and melee.
rale). The unit must take the morale test, but does so
against the new, better value. It can also happen that the effect of the spell taking place
first makes the second spell useless. A unit that, during
Spells Gone Wrong the magic phase, was driven to rout through a fear spell
cannot profit from a spell working in the melee phase, as
1 The spell has REALLY gone wrong. The the unit is then in rout. In cases such as this, the spell
wizard disappears into another dimension in a points expended for the second spell are simply wasted.
discharge of arcane energy that is spectacular to
see. Remove the element from the playing area. The effects of spells influencing the same target at the
same time are combined as far as possible.
2–5 The wizard cannot control the released
magic energies, and these recoil on him. For A multitude of spells changes characteristics of the
each 5 spell points (or part thereof) which were targets; increasing or decreasing their movement points,
used for casting the spell, the wizard element their Battle Factor, their morale, and any other number of
suffers one hit. For example, if the wizard had things. Such spells mostly work for at least the duration
expended a total of 11 spell points for the spell, of a whole round, and therefore simultaneously in any
he would take three hits. case. If an element or a unit is under the simultaneous
influence of two such spells, the effects are combined.
6–9 The arcane energy gets out of control,
discharging in the field that contains the wizard Example 1: A unit is under a spell which increases its
and the six adjacent fields. Roll 1D20 for the Battle Factor by 2, and a second spell which increases its
wizard and for each element in contact with him, movement points. This unit then possesses both an
and add the total number of spell points expen- increased Battle Factor and additional movement points.
ded to the throw. If the result is 20 or greater, the
element affected suffers one hit. Example 2: A unit is under a spell which lowers the first
morale value by 2, and a second spell that increases it by
10–13 The wizard has unintentionally opened a 3. Here the combined spells, as long as both are in effect,
gate into another dimension which soaks up increase the morale by 1.
magic energy; he immediately loses all of his
spell points. The element cannot cast spells for Problems arise if the effects of two spells cannot be
the remainder of the game and will have to rely on resolved simultaneously, or effect the same character-
his movement points, his armor value or availa- istic of the target, but in different ways.
ble weapons for survival.
Example 1: A unit is under an immobilization spell that
14–17 Like the previous entry, except that the forbids any movement, and at the same time under a spell
gate to the other dimension closes immediately; that increases the number of movement points by 5.
the wizard can recover spell points again from the
following round on. Example 2: A unit is under a spell which gives it an
increased F-skill, and at the same time under a blindness
18–20 The shock of misdirected magic energy spell which makes it impossible for the unit to move, have
hits the wizard. The element cannot cast spells in melee, or shoot.
this and the next two rounds, but can otherwise
act normally. A regeneration of spell points is not It is not possible to list every conceivable combination of
possible during this time. spells, because with 30 different spells each, the spell
lists of just two races already yield 900 possible combi-
nations. In these cases you must therefore decide, toge-
ther with your opponent, how to handle the situation. In Requirements: The wizard must have at least a partial
the first example above one can concede that the unit has view of at least one of the elements to be influenced, and
5 movement points, and the rest is lost due to the ALL elements must be no further than 15 fields from the
immobilization spell. wizard.
If no obvious or clear solution is possible (like in the Target: Models of one recruiting card.
second example), you can decide the situation through a
‘magic duel’. Roll 1D20 for each of the spells involved, Level of difficulty: 7.
and add the total number of spell points expended for the
spell to the roll. The spell with the highest final number
prevails; the other spell has no effect. Confusion (Orcs 2)
Effect: The number of allowed maneuvers is reduced by
SPELL LISTS one. A unit with zero maneuvers cannot execute a turn,
wheel or a re-grouping of its elements for the duration of
Following are some of the spells usable by orc shamans the spell. The unit is, however, allowed to advance by
and human wizards. Complete spell lists for these fac- using movement points.
tions are printed in the DEMONWORLD sourcebooks.
A unit can be under the influence of this spell only once
‘Effect’ describes the general effect of the spell. at the same time.
‘Target’ indicates who or what can be enchanted. If this Duration: Movement phases of the round in which the
entry says ‘models of one recruiting card’, then the spell was cast, and the following round.
possible target of the spell is an individual unit (indepen-
dent of its momentary size or arrangement), or an Requirements: The wizard must have at least a partial
individual Large or Standard Element. A commander that view of at least one element of the unit, and ALL target
has joined a unit is a separate target. The same applies elements cannot be more than 20 fields away from the
if a commander rides as a passenger in a chariot, or is wizard.
riding on a dragon. In these cases, the commander on one
hand, and the chariot or dragon on the other hand, are two Target: A single unit.
separate targets – more often than not, however, it
wouldn’t make sense to cast a spell on the chariot. Level of difficulty: 2.
Duration: From the end the magic phase in which the Duration: From the magic phase in which the spell was
spell was cast to the end of the game. cast to the end of the game.
Requirements: The wizard must have at least a partial Target: A single Large Element, a commander, or a
view of at least one element, and ALL elements to be wizard.
enchanted must be no further than 15 fields from the
wizard. Level of difficulty: 3.
Effect: Reduces the movement points that are available Requirements: The wizard must have at least a partial
for each order by 6. Note that a unit cannot be affected by view of at least one of the target elements, and ALL
this spell. elements to be enchanted must be no further than 15
fields from the wizard.
Duration: From the magic phase in which the spell was
cast to the end of the game. Target: A single unit.
Strengthen (Empire 5) each field occupied by them. The wizard must therefore
roll a ‘13’ or better for each element in order to inflict a
Effect: Increases the Battle Factor of the target elements wound. The target’s armor value, or similar, is not consid-
by 1. This only works in melee – there is no benefit for ered. A unit suffering losses through this spell must take
shooting. The target can only be influenced once by this a missile casualty test against their morale value increased
spell. by 2 during the magic phase. If the unit fails, it routs.
Duration: From the magic phase in which the spell was If you are using the fire rules, each combustible field in the
cast to the end of the game. area affected by the flame strike is subject to a flame
attack with a Battle Factor of 7; fields in which a fire is
Requirements: The wizard must have at least a partial started are considered burning with immediate effect.
view of at least one of the elements to be enchanted, and
ALL elements to be enchanted must be no further than 15 A Large Element does not have to be within the area of
fields from the wizard. effect of this spell with all the fields it occupies; the Large
Element is affected only on the fields within the area of
Target: Models of one recruiting card, except chariots effect.
and guns.
Duration: Magic phase.
Level of difficulty: 3.
Requirements: The wizard must either have a clear view
to the target field (which may be empty), or be able to see
Flame Strike (Empire 6) an element or a terrain formation on the target field (at
least partially). Here Standard Elements do not block
Effect: The wizard produces a magic fire, whose center lines of sight to adjacent Standard Elements.
may not be more than 12 fields away from the wizard. All
elements on the target field and the six adjacent fields Target: Elements on affected fields.
(provided they are in contact with the target field) are
subject to one attack by fire, with a Battle Factor of 7, on Level of difficulty: 3.
During the course of a DEMONWORLD game, fire can marker on any unused field on the playing area.
play a role in many ways. Some troops can start fires or During the course of the game, at the beginning of
fire flaming arrows, certain guns can fire incendiary each round, possible changes in wind speed or direc-
projectiles, and some dragons can breathe fire. tion are determined. Roll 1D20 and determine the
result by using the table ‘Wind Speed and Direction’.
A fire which is started on the playing area can develop
into a raging wild fire and can lead to a ‘die rolling frenzy’ If the wind speed is reduced to less than zero, it stays zero
when its spreading is tested for. In our opinion, rules of (a lull in the wind). Wind speeds greater than 6 are
this nature slow down and take the joy out of the game. possible when applying the results of the table.
Nevertheless, they are given here in order to enable you
to handle fire in the context of the game. All fire rules, Example: When initially rolled for, the wind had a speed
however, should be considered as optional and ONLY of 5 and was blowing in the 3 direction. If a ‘1’ or ‘2’ is
applied if all players agree. If this is not the case, then your rolled next turn, the wind speed remains unchanged,
troops cannot start fires, cannot fire flaming arrows or and the direction changes to 4. If a ‘13’ is rolled, the wind
incendiary projectiles, and a dragon’s breath attack only direction remains unchanged, and the speed is increased
inflicts damage to the targeted elements – not to the to 7.
If you intend to make use of wild fires, you will need ‘Fire WIDESPREAD FIRES
Markers’ numbered ‘0’ through ‘10’ respectively; you will
have to provide these yourself. Troops which are NOT explicitly PROHIBITED from
doing so can start a fire on the playing area.
WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION Any commander and/or element of a unit with Hold
orders that is neither in melee, nor shooting, nor exe-
If you use the fire rules, you must determine wind cuting maneuvers, can, at the end of the movement
speed and wind direction at the beginning of the phase, attempt to start a fire in an adjacent hex that is
game. Roll 1D6 twice. The first roll is the direction passable to the commander/element (provided the
INTO which the wind blows, which is indicated on the element is not prohibited from doing so). Determine the
compass points that are printed on the maps. The results by rolling 1D20. Add 4 to the roll if the adjacent
second roll indicates the wind speed. Place a wind hex is a grown field, add 5 to the roll if the hex is wooded,
or is underbrush/thicket. If the result is 20 or greater the
hex has been set on fire.
Throw: Result: Example: An element wants to set fire to an adjacent
1, 2 wind shifts one point clockwise grown field. The player must roll a 16 or more to be
3, 4 wind shifts one point counterclockwise
5 wind shifts two points clockwise A fire can only be started in grown fields, or fields
6 wind shifts two points counterclockwise containing a wood, or underbrush/thicket. A hedge or
7–9 wind speed increased by 1 wall does not prevent the expansion of a fire.
10–12 wind speed reduced by 1
Even though open terrain may be covered with grass, this
13 wind speed increased by 2 is regarded as insufficient to be classified as ‘burning’.
14 wind speed reduced by 2
15–20 no change If a fire has been started in a grown field or underbrush/
thicket, the field is marked with a fire marker of ‘5’.
Wooded fields are marked with a fire marker of ‘10’.
These fire markers have nothing to do with the probability A burning field is impassable to all elements. An
of igniting a field, but determine its ‘burning time’ in element in a field which catches fire at the beginning of
accordance with the following rule. the round cannot perform ANY action other than leave
this field during the movement phase.
If, at the beginning of a round, burning fields exist from
previous rounds, all fire markers of burning fields are Such an element can neither cast spells nor give orders.
replaced with markers that are one point lower in value.
A field with a marker of ‘0’ is considered ‘burned down’ If a retreat from a burning field is not possible, the
and can no longer be set on fire. Leave the marker in the element is destroyed. Fields which are not burning
field to indicate this. Next, a roll is made to determine themselves, but are adjacent to at least three burning
any change in wind direction and speed. In any round in fields, are also considered to be burning according to
which the wind speed is reduced to 0, a fire cannot this rule.
The description of a specific monsters can indicate that
Now determine for each field that is adjacent to and it is resistant to fire and accordingly not subject to the
downwind, or in one of the two adjoining directions of a previous rule.
burning field, whether the fire spreads to that field. Roll
1D20, add the present wind speed to the roll, and add If in the drawing above, fields 2, 3 and G were on fire but
4 if the field tested for is a grown field, or 5 if the field field E was not, no element could linger in that field as it
is a wood or underbrush/thicket. If the result is 20 or is adjacent to ‘at least’ 3 burning fields.
greater, the adjacent field catches fire immediately.
A burning field develops smoke of unlimited height
which interrupts lines of sight.
1 Many dragons can execute a ‘dragonbreath attack’,
which consists of breathing fire, if the description states
D this. Such an attack is described as a ‘flame attack’, and
2 Monsters’. If you use the fire rules, a flame attack can also
start a fire on the battlefield.
For a flame attack, test whether each combustible field in
the attack’s area of effect (that is not occupied by an
element) catches fire. Roll 1D20 for each field and add
F the dragon breath’s Battle Factor to the roll. If the result
is 20 or higher, the field catches fire and is considered to
3 be burning from the beginning of the next round.
take place if the unit did not execute any maneuvers Example: Five elements with 4 figures each shoot at a
during the movement phase, and was not brought into wooded field. If the player supports the shooting, he
melee. requires – based on the shooting Battle Factor of 9 (1 for
the first element plus 4x2 for the support) – only a roll of
If the unit is attacked during the movement phase, it may ‘11’ or more to set the wooded field on fire.
execute neither the flaming arrow attack nor a normal
shooting attack, and may not perform a re-grouping of its Incendiary projectiles can only be shot from guns firing
elements during the realization of melee contact. indirectly, whose recruiting card contains the entry
‘INCENDIARY PROJECTILE’. The Battle Factor is taken
The flaming arrow attack can only be made during the from the recruiting card.
second shooting phase of the round in which it was
announced. If the attack does not occur, it is forfeited. Only guns with Hold orders can shoot incendiary projec-
tiles. You must announce the intent to use incendiary
It does not matter whether the attack was broken off projectiles at the beginning of the movement phase, and
because the unit was attacked, or because of the player the gun in this event cannot execute a turn during the
deciding otherwise. The possibility is lost, and the proce- movement phase.
dure must start over again.
The incendiary projectile must be fired in the second
A flaming arrow attack against Standard Elements, shooting phase of the same round. If this is not done for
dragons and giants is treated like normal shooting with any reason, the opportunity is lost.
a Battle Factor of 1. The armor value of the target is not
deducted, and support is not permitted. If the field hit by the incendiary projectile is occupied by
an element, the element is attacked using the Battle
Example: Three elements with 4 figures each execute Factor of the incendiary projectile. A chariot or gun
flaming arrow attacks. Since support is not possible , the successfully hit is destroyed; other elements successfully
attacks are handled individually, and because of the hit lose one hit point.
Battle Factor of 1, need a ‘19’ or ‘20’ in order to be
successful (inflict a wound). If the view to the targeted Example: If an ‘INCENDIARY PROJECTILE 6’ is used, the
element was partially obstructed, a modification of –2 or player must roll a ‘14’ or more to destroy a normal element
–4 would be applied, and the attack wouldn’t have a (with one hit point), a chariot, or a gun. Commanders
chance of success. (with more than one hit point), dragons, or giants would
lose one hit point.
A flaming arrow attack by an element of three or fewer
models has a Battle Factor of 0, and therefore requires a If the final target field is an unoccupied combustible
die roll of ‘20’ in order to be successful. field, roll 1D20 and add the Battle Factor of the incen-
diary projectile. If the result is 20 or greater, the field is
A flaming arrow attack against an (empty) combustible ignited and is considered burning from the beginning of
field, a chariot or a gun can be supported; the armor the next round.
value of the gun or chariot is disregarded. Roll 1D20 for
the flaming arrow attack. If the result is 20 or greater, Fields that catch fire are marked with the appropriate fire
the targeted field, gun or chariot catches fire. A gun or marker.
chariot that was set on fire is destroyed; a combustible
field that is sucessfully shot at is considered burning
from the beginning of the next round.
Dragons and other elements are capable of flight if their An element flying low can land at any time on any
recruiting card contains the entry ‘FLYER’ in the upper passable field; landing in itself costs no movement
left corner. points.
An element that is able to fly can either move on the The element is allowed to land on fields that bring it into
ground, fly a short distance over the playing area, or contact with enemy elements. However, the element may
climb high into the air. An element which flies for a short not land ‘on top of’ or overrun another element.
distance is referred to as ‘flying low’, one that climbs high
into the air is referred to as ‘flying high’. If an element is flying high, remove the element from the
playing area. At the beginning of each round the player
An element which moves on the ground is subject to all can decide whether the element should remain flying
normal movement and terrain restrictions, even though high OR land.
it can fly.
If the element remains flying high, the element gets NO
If an element capable of flight is on the ground, the order markers. If the element is to land, it needs an order
player can designate the element as ‘flying low’ AT THE marker of your choice.
BEGINNING of its movement. An element flying low
MUST EITHER land at the END of its movement OR be An element that is flying high, and which should land
classified as ‘flying high’. Combining movement on the during the movement phase, MUST land anywhere on
ground with flying movement within the same move- the playing area on unoccupied, passable fields; the
ment phase is prohibited. movement of the element is then finished (overruns are
An element flying low begins its movement on the playing
area and uses its flight ability to fly over troops (its own Landing can be used to bring the element into melee
or hostile), or any hindering terrain. The movement (the contact. A landed element that flew high before, receives
flight) of the element starts at the appropriate point in +2 on all melee attacks executed by it in the first phase
time defined by the normal movement order, and the of melee (only), and executes these attacks with an
element has movement points available according to its initiative increased by 2.
Any interaction between an element in flight and troops
Elements flying low can only move forward. Each for- located on the ground is prohibited. The same applies to
ward movement, regardless of the terrain, costs three two elements flying high.
movement points per field. There is no cost for making
turns. A commander or wizard who is, at the beginning of a
round, riding a dragon that is flying high cannot issue
An element that is flying ignores terrain formations or orders or cast spells, or be the target of a spell himself.
altitude differences – the element follows the contours of
the terrain and vegetation. An element capable of flight which is in melee can, at the
end of the melee phase, break contact and fly off. This
Turns are considered free, but can only be used by the movement occurs first, irrespective of the number of
element to maintain its proper alignment. Successive losses inflicted in the melee. The opposing elements
turns performed by a dragon may not be used to move it formerly in melee can then re-group as any other
forward! elements ‘not in contact’ with an opponent.
The creature capable of flight is free to break off melee as An element that has broken off a melee in this manner
described, or make use of its usual possibilities to re- MUST fly high in the following round.
group instead. This choice also exists if the creature is in
melee with an opponent who is capable of flight himself. The model is therefore removed from the fighting for one
A unit whose melee opponent has broken off melee in this
way treats this opponent as a hostile unit that has fled Mark the model with a ‘break off’ marker after you have
when determining the order of melee casualty tests. removed it from the playing area.
We have enclosed in the DEMONWORLD game a set of brown, green and yellow. By mixing these basic colors,
preprinted game counters in order to make it possible for you can pretty well make up almost any color shade. A
you to start a game without further preparations. Actual- lot depends on how much you wish to spend and how
ly, however, DEMONWORLD was designed as a game to much work you want to put into mixing paints.
be played with miniatures, and should be played as such.
Printed game counters are okay, but cannot be compared There are also a number of metal type paints available
to an army of painted miniatures that is led in battle! that can be used to enhance your miniatures. These are
also available as acrylic paints – mainly silver and iron,
Consequently, we have prepared some fundamental hints sometimes gold, bronze and copper.
for painting your DEMONWORLD miniatures from Me-
talMagic. We recommend the use of water based acrylic A jar of water, a plate for mixing colors and a clean towel.
paints. Most good game stores usually carry an ample
assortment of these. A jar or spray can of dull or high gloss lacquer or some
other type of finish. Dull lacquer generally looks better,
You might even check whether your favorite game or however high gloss varnish or lacquer is much more
hobby store holds painting demonstrations, which are durable as it does not wear off as fast.
very useful, especially if they are run by well experienced
miniatures painters.
REQUIRED MATERIALS First, use a knife and files and remove any excess
material or flashing from your miniature. Be very careful
Besides a clean table and enough light for the job, you will not to remove any detail from the miniature. Also,
need the following materials: extreme care should be taken when using a knife. Always
cut away from the body and keep your fingers away from
A sharp X-acto knife and two or three small files for cutting points.
removing the flashing that appears on some of the
miniatures. Miniatures that are made up of more than one part should
be trimmed properly and checked for proper fitting before
Either some metal epoxy or a good super glue which are any adhesive is applied. Once you have applied your
used in the assembly of multi-part miniatures, for exam- adhesive, check the label to determine the proper drying
ple riders, dragons, chariots or guns. or setting time. Some adhesive could take several hours
for proper hardening, and the miniatures should not be
A good metal primer or undercoating, either spray on or handled while the adhesive is hardening.
brush on, to provide a good surface for your paints to
adhere to. If larger parts are glued together, for example a dragon
body with wings, you should always use tape to hold the
A good set of brushes (sizes 0, 1 and 2) or even finer, for wings while the adhesive hardens. A much more durable
more detail. Also, two or three simple or old brushes solution is to take a fine drill and drill several small holes
which are used for dry brushing. We recommend either a in the body and wings. Then glue and insert some strong
good sable brush or one made out of nylon (which is gauge wire for additional support. Be sure that any holes
sometimes a little less expensive). Avoid very cheap you drill are properly aligned before applying any glue.
brushes, which are useless for any detail and are more For wire you might consider piano wire which is available
trouble than they are worth. in most hobby shops.
You might consider some of the basic paints sets that are Some DEMONWORLD miniatures come equipped with
available and which are sold in many game stores. Basic flags or standards. However, these are very fragile, and
sets usually come with basic black, red, white, blue, rough handling in the course of a game can very easily
result in damage. For really large banners you might The orc standard bearer in illustration 1 was painted in the
consider cutting off the banner entirely and replacing it. four steps. The miniature was first given a gray undercoat
For this you can use wire to hold up the standard and glue (step 1). After drying properly the base colors were
heavy paper to the wire. You can then touch up the applied (step 2).
standard with paint, and for a nice finishing touch apply
the DEMONWORLD decals to the standard. In step 3, the darker shades of color were applied to all the
shadowed areas of the miniature.
When applying an undercoat, it is recommended that you
do not touch the miniature. You might consider using In step 4, lighter shades of color were added to highlight
surgical tweezers or temporarily gluing the miniature to and emphasize more detail of the miniature.
some type of holder. For this purpose popsicle sticks,
which are cheap and available in all supermarkets, work The warrior of the Order of the Purifying Light in illustra-
very well; the miniatures can be held firmly in place using tion 2, is a good example of the various effects of different
small dabs of glue or fun tack. colors used for undercoating. The warrior was first pri-
med with a black primer (step 1). In step 2, we used the
We do not recommend that you glue the miniatures to the dry brush method of adding silver to the miniature to
plastic bases when painting as there is not enough room make the metal parts more realistic. Dry brushing is best
between them to paint them properly. By fastening your achieved with an older brush that has just been lightly
miniatures on strips of wood, or something similar, you dipped in paint. After dipping your brush in the paint,
can space them properly for painting. wipe the brush across a clean cloth or paper towel to
further eliminate excess paint until the paint has almost
Since most paints will not adhere to the surface of bare a chalky consistency. Once you have the proper consist-
metal, you must first apply an undercoat to your minia- ency, use quick light strokes across the raised details to
tures with a primer. You can use either spray of brush on paint the surfaces that you wish to cover. Repeat the
primer. When applying primer we recommend that you procedure until you get a satisfying result. In step 3, the
apply the primer in two or three very fine coats. This boots, gloves and other detail were completed.
works better and does not obscure the detail as one heavy
coat would. Be sure to allow enough time for drying The orc guardsman (illustration 3) shows another tech-
between coats. When using any type of primer or paint, nique that can be used to enhance your miniatures. In this
always make sure the room is properly ventilated. Most case, during step 3, we applied a dark brown wash to the
paints or primers used for the painting of miniatures are silver areas. A wash is a very thin and watered down
non-toxic and non-flammable. However, most finishes paint; because the paint is so fluid it will seep into the
are toxic and flammable. After priming your miniatures deeper groves of the miniature and dry.
you should allow 12 to 24 hours drying time before
applying any type of paint. It is also a good idea when When using washes you should be careful that not too
priming to always prime at least enough miniatures to much paint gets into the groves. Again, by applying two
complete an entire unit. or three very light coats, you can achieve better results
than with one thick heavy coat.
3. After that, apply lighter shades of color to the parts of The beastman of Isthak in picture 4 was undercoated with
the miniature that are to be highlighted. white (step 1) and subsequently covered with an azure
wash (step 2). The texture of the fur was emphasized
This method of painting enhances the realistic effect of through the use of a dry brush using light blue (step 3)
the miniature. When mixing the darker and lighter shades and white (step 4). The hoofs were painted with a brown,
of primary colors you might try using pre-mixed darker and then an off-white. This coloring can be used also for
or lighter shades in the corresponding color. Using black horns and (with a small swab of yellow) teeth.
or white for this does not usually produce good results.
The four illustrations on the following page show in detail A blister with decals contains a multitude of individual
how each miniature looks in the corresponding steps. designs in different colors. For best results, darker colo-
17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
10 mm
20 mm
10 mm
20 mm
10 mm
20 mm
10 mm
Once you have placed your miniatures on the bases, you experimenting you can even match your bases to the
can play with them as they are. However, for an even shade of the DEMONWORLD maps.
better looking army, the bases can be painted, or, better
yet, flocked. Some of the larger miniatures have a much larger base
size. When necessary, the elements can be fitted to form
All hobby stores carry some type of grass or flocking the correct pattern and then glued together. The cracks
material which, when applied properly, adds more real- can then be filled with a plastic filler or something similar.
ism to your army. When buying a certain brand always With the larger figures, you also could not use the pre-
check the directions to make sure that you have the made grooves on the bases and your figure will have to
necessary materials (some types require a ballast ce- be glued and positioned in the center with the proper
ment). For the most part you can just buy a small bag of facing. Again, the grooves can be filled with a filler, or
fake green grass and use this procedure. Paint your base camouflaged with flocking.
a similar shade of green and then, before the paint has
dried, sprinkle the base with the fake grass. You could There can be cases in which the element bases are not
also use your finish in this manner to hold the grass in large enough to accommodate certain miniatures in a
place. position that clearly faces the front. For this we recom-
mend that you glue or paint a marker of some type (for
Model railroad scenic terrain or other forms of grass are example, a small stone) on the corner, to clearly identify
also available in many different colors and with a little the front of the element.
and Models
This chapter contains some game hints for the nine units axes and two-handed swords and thus, due to its N-skill,
featured on the recruiting cards. For those of you that has a very formidable combat factor of 8.
want to play DEMONWORLD with miniatures, we have
identified the proper blister number for the miniatures Because of its morale value of 5/12, the unit can endure
that are to be used. some losses before fleeing from a battle. Because of their
second low morale value, berserkers can easily become
The recruiting cards for heroes, commanders, magi- impetuous and are then very difficult to stop in a melee.
cians, and Large Elements can be used once you have
forged ahead to the corresponding chapters of the stand- To recruit the unit, you need one DEMONWORLD pack
ard and expert game. The recruiting card of an object 4102.
indicates what kind of unit or element can use this object,
whereby the point value arranged between the players is
to be considered for the respective army. KNIGHTS OF THE ORDER OF THE
This chapter contains no references to miniature packs
for Large Elements, commanders or objects, since these The best the Empire has to offer. Because of their size
can often be represented by different models, or (in the value and attack bonus, few enemies can withstand the
case of a magic ring) not at all. It is perfectly okay, onslaught of the knights, and their armour value of 5
however, to paint a commander, for example, with a means they don’t really have to care about enemies
strikingly painted magic sword, or a standard bearer with hitting back.
an exceptionally large standard to represent a magic
item. The knights have a fear factor of 2; an adversary therefore
has to pass an attack test before he can actually attack
them in melee.
To recruit the unit, you need one DEMONWORLD pack
On the whole, an average unit; of the unit mix contained 4103.
here, however, it is the only unit besides the dwarven
arquebusiers capable of forming a square, as many an
orc chief had to discover to his dismay. IMPERIAL ARQUEBUSIERES
To recruit the unit, you need one DEMONWORLD pack This unit has been made available to the Emperor
4101. through the pact with the allied dwarves of Gaeta. Be-
cause of their handweapons and their small size, the unit
should avoid getting into melee; it is, however, quite
BERSERKERS useful for shooting (and the only missile unit the imperial
player has within the mix contained here!).
The berserkers from the northern provinces of the Em-
pire plunge into battle in an impetuous frenzy with little To recruit the unit, you need one DEMONWORLD pack
regard for their own safety. 4104.
LIGHT ORC ARCHERS favourite dealer should be able to make these available
for you. Rules and recruitment cards for all of these are
This unit should avoid melee at all costs because of their contained in the DEMONWORLD army books.
inadequate armament; it is, however, well suited to
‘mopping up’ enemy units from a distance. Orcs
To recruit the unit, you need one DEMONWORLD pack 4001 Light Archers
4001. 4002 Light Sword-Bearers
4003 Orc Guard
4004 Trolls
4006 Wolf Riders
In contrast to the light orc archers, this unit is equipped 4007 Armoured Trolls
with some light armor. The morale of the unit is slightly 4008 Heroes & Commanders 1
better than that of the archers. 4009 Varrig’s Strong Arm
4010 Myrlak Cloudcook
To recruit the unit, you need one DEMONWORLD pack 4011 Armoured Orcs with Spears
4002. 4012 Orcs with Spears
4013 Sword-Bearers
4014 Archers
ORC GUARD 4015 Orc Skirmishers
4016 Ogres
The orc unit that’s best suited to blocking the path of the 4017 Armoured Ogres
imperial knights! With two maneuvers and two special 4018 Shamans
formations allowed, the guardsmen are well trained, 4019 Throigar (Bronze Giants)
sufficiently motivated to have a first morale value of 6, 4020 Wolf Archers
and because of their two handweapons and N-skill of 2 4021 Wolf Pack
(!!) shouldn’t be underestimated in melee! Their reputa- 4022 Harpies
tion, however, has apparently not spread very far yet, as 4023 Snow Ogres
the unit only has a fear factor of 1. 4024 Minotaurs
4025 Orcs with Crossbows
To recruit this unit, you need one DEMONWORLD pack 4026 Bear Riders
4003. 4027 Bear Pack
4028 Wyvern with Rider
4029 Goblins on Giant Spiders
TROLLS 4030 Goblin Archers on Giant Spiders
4031 ‘Clanngett’s Furies’
These trolls are un-armored, but very hard to drive from 4032 Orc Chariot
the battlefield, since a troll element regenerates the first 4033 Catapult plus Crew
lost hit point in every round. You therefore have to attack 4034 Orc Decals (full colour, 300 decals in set)
an element of trolls at least twice in a melee phase to have 4035 Khazzar riding Wyvern and on foot
a chance for a kill at all. 4036 Heroes & Commanders 2
4037 Nallian
When playing by the standard rules, please note that
trolls only operate in a horde formation.
To recruit the unit, you need one DEMONWORLD pack
4004. 4101 Noble Foot Soldiers
4102 Berserkers
4103 Mounted Knights of the Order
DWARF-EATERS of the Purifying Light
4104 Dwarven Arquebusiers
The dwarf-eaters are a special troop of the orc Iron Clan 4105 Knights of the Order of the Purifying Light
that has copied the secret of producing steel from the 4106 Heroes & Commanders 1
dwarves. Because of their two-handed cutting weapons 4107 Chariot with 4 Horses
and their armor, this unit is a formidable opponent not 4108 Imperial Dragon Rider
only for dwarves. 4109 Wizards & Magicians 1
4110 Noble Lance Riders
To recruit this unit, you need one DEMONWORLD pack 4111 Noble Light Cavalry
4005. 4112 Noble Crossbowmen
4113 Noble Longbowmen
4114 Foot Soldiers
4116 Crossbowmen
Following, you’ll find a complete listing of all DEMON- 4117 Lance Riders
WORLD miniature packs available at press time. Full- 4118 The Mob
colour photos of all these can be viewed on the HOBBY 4119 Novices of the Order of the Purifying Light
PRODUCTS’ website, and your 4120 Masters of the Order of the Purifying Light
4121 Altar of the Purifying Flame 4319 High Elf Galorea
4122 Rangers 4320 High Elf Til Dolandor
4123 Horse Archers 4321 Centaur Warriors
4124 Herd of Bulls & Drover 4322 Centaurs
4125 Druid Coven, Wood Sprites, Tree Elemental 4323 Tree Shepherds
4126 Mammoth Hunters 4324 Giant Tree Shepherd
4127 Rolling Fortress with Flamethrower 4325 Elf Decals (full colour)
4128 Rolling Fortress with Longbowmen 4326 Elven Personalities 1
4129 Imperial Cannon plus Crew
4130 Mortar plus Crew
4131 Imperial Decals (full colour, 600 decals in set) Dwarves
4132 Mounted Commanders
4401 Heavy Clan Veterans
4402 Heavy Clan Warriors
The Icelords of Isthak 4403 Clan Ceterans
4404 Clan Warriors
4201 Beastmen w. Handweapons 4405 Crossbowmen
4202 Beastmen with Spears 4406 Arquebusiers
4203 Armoured Beastmen 4407 Skirmishers
4204 Beastmen Berserkers 4408 Miners
4205 Beastmen Riders on Polar Bears 4409 Guard of the Gate
4206 Brothers of the Icelord 4410 Bombardiers
4207 Snow Barbarians 4411 Hill Giants
4208 Knights of the Cleansing Darkness 4412 Rock Giant
4209 Mounted Knights of the Cleansing Darkness 4413 Durim’s Hammer (mortar)
4210 Followers of the Knights 4414 Dragon Thunder (mortar)
4211 Snow Trolls 4415 Artillery Observers
4212 Torgogs 4416 Pony Riders
4213 Dai Re’Coon 4417 Orc Slayers
4214 Ice Witch Furies 4418 Battle Rider with Hammers
4215 War Sled drawn by two Polar Bears plus 3 Crew 4419 Battle Rider with Axes
4216 Ice Witches mounted on Giant Gargoyles 4420 Blunderbuss Unit
4217 Snow Cannon 4421 ‘Bat’ (flying machine) with Flamethrower
4218 Skeleton Warriors 4422 ‘Bat’ with Blunderbuss
4219 Skeleton Riders 4423 ‘Bat’ with Ramming-Thorn
4220 Zombies 4424 Bullet-Hailer [5] 13.90 DM
4221 Death Knights 4425 Hell-Spitter [5] 15.90 DM
4222 Death Knights, mounted 4426 Dwarf Decals (full colour, 562 decals in set)
4223 Ice Giant 4427 Heroes & Commanders 1
4224 Daughters of Xeribulos 4428 Dwarven Priests
4225 Demons 1
4226 Black Magicians & Necromancers
4227 Beastmen Commanders The Warlords of Thain
4228 Ice Witch Personalities
4229 Isthak Decals (six different sheets, full colour) 4501 Archers
4230 Human Commanders 4502 Skirmishers
4503 Spearmen
4504 Warriors
Elves 4505 Savage Warriors
4506 Wolfmen
4301 Wood Elf Archers 4507 The King’s Wolves
4302 Wood Elf Spearmen 4508 Eagle Archers
4303 Wood Elf Skirmishers 4509 Eagle Arrow (Ballista)
4304 Wood Elf Heavy Infantry 4510 Ghost Bears
4305 Wood Elf Hunters 4511 The Charging Boars
4306 Wood Elf Thirgar 4512 The Silver Lions
4307 Wood Elf Female Unicorn Riders 4513 Gar’nar’og (Battle Beast)
4308 Wood Elf Arrow Lords 4514 Gar’worgar (Battle Beast)
4309 Wood Elf Swordmasters 4515 Gar’morrigu (Battle Beast)
4310 Wood Elf Mounted Rangers 4516 Gar’ydwedd (Battle Beast) with Archers
4311 Wood Elf Badger People 4517 Gar’ydwedd (Battle Beast) with Ballista
4312 Wood Elf Pegasus Riders 4518 Gar’arryd (Battle Beast)
4313 High Elf Extra-Heavy Cavalry 4519 Tur-Gar’arryd (Chariot)
4314 High Elf Heavy Infantry 4520 Dagorkon’yaghar with Winter Wolves
4315 High Elf Swordsmen 4521 Wolf Ghosts
4316 High Elf Archers 4522 Eagle Ghosts
4317 High Elf Dragon with Female Rider 4523 Bear Ghosts
4318 High Elf Avandrill Bellir 4524 Boar Ghosts
4525 Mountain Lion Ghosts 4704 Spider Hunters
4526 Banner of the High King 4705 ‘Running Spears’
4527 Thain decals (full colour) 4706 ‘War Turtles’
4528 Heroes & Commanders 1 4707 Mutants
4529 The Wild Sows 4708 Desert Stalkers
4530 The Huge Bears 4709 Young Disciples
4531 Hunters 4710 Trollbins
4532 Shamans 4711 Desert Flea Riders
4533 The Sinners 4712 Termicatus Riders
4534 The Death Guard 4713 Beetle Flyers
4714 Mosquito Riders
4715 Uncroid
Equipment 4716 Grancroid
4717 Monocoloid
4601 Elementals 4718 Stomaid
4602 ‘Dragons’ Teeth’ 4719 Horridus
4603 5 Sets of Stakes 4720 Trogulidus
4604 Mantlets 4721 Gargantoid
4605 Familiars 4722 Macrothele
4723 Small Catapult
4724 Large Catapult
Goblins 4725 Poison Gas Pump
4726 Personalities 1
4701 Warriors 4727 Heroes & Commanders 1
4702 Archers with Short Bows 4728 Shamans
4703 Cave Fighters 4729 Decals
Arrangement for single
figures (heroes, comman-
ders, wizards) on foot and
mounted (left), and for
mounted commander with
bodyguard/retinue (right)
Chariot with two draught animals (left); chariot with four draught animals
(right); below base for giants of size larger than 4
BASIC GAME TABLES MOVEMENT: orderly unit in direction of the front fields
3 MPs per field. Disorganized unit or movement in other
direction 1 maneuver per field. Columns only pay MPs
(preceding element must be in front field; turns perfor-
SEQUENCE OF ACTION med to accomplish this do not cost maneuvers). Units
with ≤3 elements execute turns for free and may not
RE-GROUP MOVES: 1 maneuver/field for furthest
– Lay out one hidden order counter for each unit not movement.
engaged in melee TURN: 1 maneuver regardless of number of elements
– Turn over all order counters. Units with order that turned or angle. If organized before turning and
counters forgotten have a Hold order. disorganized afterwards, free re-group move by 1 field
into orderly formation allowed.
WHEEL: 1 maneuver per 60°- or 120°-turn; no left and
right wheel in the same movement phase.
– Announce all shooting attacks of units with
Skirmish orders in orderly formation that are not
First maneuver costs first half of MPs, 2nd and 3rd
engaged in melee; then resolve them maneuver second half.
– Remove casualties.
– Elements that are not in melee and belong to
units that suffered shooting casualties may move
one field onto vacated fields.
Units not yet in melee may only attack if they are in
– All units with Move orders may move (but not organized formation, have Attack or Skirmish orders and
attack). The player with lesser Move orders move into melee in the direction of their front fields.
decides whether all of his qualified units move/
maneuver first or second. Units attack in the sequence of their momentary initia-
tive (simultaneously, if the same). In first phase of melee
– All units with Skirmish orders may move/
only units with Attack or Hold order +2, Skirmish order
maneuver (sequence as above). If an enemy is +1, spear or lance +1, pike +2 on initiative.
attacked that has not yet moved, he may, at the
time of contact, perform turns and/or re-group 1D20 + Battle Factor of the weapon used
moves. Thereafter, the attacker’s remaining – armor (S) of the attacked models
movement is finalized. + attacker’s size
– All units with Attack orders may move/maneuver – defender’s size
+2 if element with 5 figures attacks
(sequence and enemy’s reaction as above).
+1 if element with <4 figures is attacked
– All units with Hold orders may perform turns and/ + charge bonus for cavalry units with Attack
or re-group moves, but may not contact an order in first phase of melee
enemy (sequence as above). –1 if attacking pikes from their front hexes
+2 if attacking flank
+4 if attacking rear
SECOND SHOOTING PHASE +3 for each supporting element
– Units with Hold orders may shoot as long as they
are not engaged in melee from previous turns. ≥20 to destroy attacked element.
– Remove casualties.
– Elements that are not in melee and belong to
units that suffered shooting casualties may move
one field onto vacated fields.
– All elements in melee attack in the sequence of 1D20 + Battle Factor of the weapon used
their momentary initiative. – armor (S) of the element shot at
– Remove casualties. +2 for each supporting element
– Elements of units in melee (not) in contact with –1 if element with <4 models supports
or shoots
an enemy may move one (two) field(s) and turn.
≥20 to destroy targeted element.
The player who has inflicted the highest losses in
a melee decides whether all of his elements in this Shooting into a melee: 1–3 target hit, 4–6 field adjacent
melee move and/or turn first or second. to target hit (determine deviation by using compass on
Elements attack in the sequence of their momentary initiative
(simultaneously, if the same). In first phase of melee only pikes, units with
STANDARD & EXPERT GAME Attack or Hold order, and creatures that flew high +2, spears or lances and
units with Skirmish order +1 on initiative. Impetuous units always +2.
1D20 + Battle Factor of weapon (+1 for leaders/standard bearers)
SEQUENCE OF ACTION (Standard Game, Expert Game) + N-skill of the attacker
– N-skill of the defender (not against attacks from rear)
– (only if fire rules are used) determine wind speed and direction; check – armor of the models being attacked
for spreading fires +/– size of the attacking/defending models
ORDER PHASE (OrdPh) +2 if element with 5 figures attacks
– Lay out one hidden order counter for each unit that still has a leader or +1 if element with <4 figures is attacked
is under command and that is neither in melee nor routing nor –1 if attacking pikes from their front hexes
impetuous and for each Large Element. Dice for orders of units without + charge bonus for cavalry with Attack order in 1st melee phase
a leader and not under command (1: H-order, 2: A-order, 3: S-order, +2 for creatures that flew high in first phase of melee
4: M-order, 5 & 6: order of your choice). +2/+4 if attacking the flank/rear of an element (not for dragons
– Turn over order counters in sequence 1–2–3–4, remove undesired and giants attacking other elements, and not for chariots
counters. attacking dragons and giants)
– Carry out obedience tests. +/–1 per height level the attacker is above/below the
defender, as long as the height is surmountable
MAGIC PHASE (MagPh) –2 if attacking across hedge or intact wall
– All wizards announce spells in the sequence of their level. –1 if attacker or defender is in water field (–2, if both)
– Dice to test for success. +3 per supporting element (not in water fields or across
– Resolve effects of successfully cast spells. hedge or intact wall)
FIRST SHOOTING PHASE (1. ShoPh) ≥20 to make attacked element lose 1 hit point. If attacking first and
– Announce all dragonbreath, artillery and shooting attacks of units with without support, a result of 25 or greater entitles to a second attack
Skirmish orders in orderly formation that are neither engaged in melee (not for attacking Large Elements).
nor routing nor impetuous and those of independent commanders;
then resolve them simultaneously.
– Remove casualties.
– Elements that are not in melee and belong to units that suffered
shooting casualties may move one field onto vacated fields.
– Carry out missile casualty tests and make rout moves of units that SHOOTING
failed their test. 1D20 + Battle Factor of the weapon used
MOVEMENT PHASE (MovPh) + F-skill of the shooting element
– Move units that are in rout from previous rounds. – armor of the target element
– Move impetuous units. +2 per supporting element (not when shooting into a melee)
– Resolve overrun tests immediately after the overrun is finished and –1 if element with <4 models supports or shoots
make rout moves of units that failed their overrun test. Units with Hold –2 if target is not fully, but at least halfway visible (not if
orders may shoot at overrunning element immediately before the target’s size ≥4 and only 1 section not visible)
overrun takes place. –4 if target is partially, but less than half visible
– Independent commanders may move. –2 if target is on a visible woods field
– All unit with Move orders may move (but not attack). Large Elements ≥20 to make target lose 1 hit point
with Move orders may move. The player with lesser Move orders Shooting into a melee: 1–3 target hit, 4–6 field adjacent to target hit
decides whether all of his qualified units and Large Elements move/ (provided element there is in contact with target). Determine deviation by
maneuver first or second. using compass on map. Do not take F-skill into account.
– Independent commanders that have not yet moved may do so.
– All units and Large Elements with Skirmish orders may move/ Dragonbreath: 1D20 + Battle Factor of dragonbreath ≥20 to make target
maneuver (sequence as above). If an enemy is attacked that has not lose one hit point (may be reduced if target is in water field).
yet moved, he may, at the time of contact, perform turns and/or re-
group moves. Thereafter, the attacker’s remaining movement is
– Independent commanders that have not yet moved may do so.
– All units and Large Elements with Attack orders may move/maneuver
(sequence and enemy’s reaction as above).
– All units with Hold orders may perform turns and/or re-group moves, OVERRUNS
but may not contact an enemy (sequence as above). Large Elements Large Elements –1 MP per wound suffered. Dragons/giants overrun
with Hold orders may move. Independent commanders may turn. everything except other dragons/giants, chariots overrun standard
– Troops may try to start a fire on the playing area. elements on passable fields.
1D20 + overrun value
– size of element being overrun
– Announce all dragonbreath, artillery and shooting attacks of indepen-
+ present initiative value of overrunning element
dent commanders that have neither fired in the 1. ShoPh nor entered
– present initiative value of element being overrun
melee through their own movement, and of units with Hold orders that
are not engaged in melee from previous rounds and have not shot prior ≥20 for successful overrun. Successfully overrun element on standard
to an overrun; then resolve them simultaneously. size base –1 hit point, chariot/artillery piece destroyed.
– Remove casualties.
– Elements that are not in melee and belong to units that suffered
shooting casualties may move one field onto vacated fields.
– Carry out missile casualty tests and make rout moves of units that
failed their test.
Morale value a/b. 1D6 ± modifiers ≥ a to pass missile casualty, overrun, melee casualty, charge and rally tests (always passed on a 6). 1D6 ± modifiers <b
to avoid becoming impetuous (obedience test).
Modifier Missile Casualty Test Melee Casualty Test Overrun Test Charge Test Rally Test Obedience Test
elements remaining +1/element +1/element +1/element +1/element +1/element +1/element
leader present +1 (not for P) +1 (not for P) +1 (not for P) +1 (not for P) +1 (not for P) ±1 (P only –1)
standard bearer present +1 (not for P) +1 (not for P) +1 (not for P) +1 (not for P) +1 (not for P) –
musician present – – – – +1 –
commander present +★ (not for P) +★ (not for P) +★ (not for P) +★ (not for P) +★ (not for P) ±★ (P only –★)
unit impetuous +1 +1 +1 – – –
enemy taller/smaller – – – –/+ difference – –/+ difference
Fear Factor – + own/– enemy’s + own/– enemy’s + own/– enemy’s – + own/– enemy’s
casualties – – own/+ enemy’s – own – – –
testing unit has A order – – – +1 – +1
testing unit has H order – – – – – –1
enemy has M order – – – +1 – –
enemy has H order – – – –1 – –
enemy in melee – – – +3 – –
1D20 + 2 x additional SPs spent ≥ spell 1: Wizard destroyed. 1, 2 wind shifts 1 point clockwise
level for success (always gone wrong on 3, 4 wind shifts 1 point countercl.
2–5: Wizard –1 hit point per 5 SPs or part thereof spent 5 wind shifts 2 points clockwise
1 or 2) for casting spell. 6 wind shifts 2 points countercl.
level Initial/ Recovered 6–9: Dice for wizard and each element in contact: –1 7–9 wind speed increased by 1
of Maximum SPs/Round hit point if 1D20 + number of SPs spent ≥20. 10–12 wind speed reduced by 1
Wizard: SPs: of Rest: 10–13: Wizard loses all SPs for rest of game. 13 wind speed increased by 2
1 10 +6 14 wind speed reduced by 2
2 20 +8 14–17: Wizard loses all SPs but can recover new SPs by 15–20 no change
3 30 +10 resting.
4 40 +12 To start a fire: 1D20 + 4 for cultivated
18–20: Wizzard can neither cast spells nor recover SPs in
5 50 +14 fields/+ 5 for underbrush/thicket and
this and the next 2 rounds.
woods ≥20. Dragonbreath attack 1D20
+ dragonbreath Battle Factor ≥20 for
empty fields. Flaming arrows 1D20 +
sum of Battle Factors ≥20.
7 SQUARE (K): ≥6 infantry elements,
fronts facing outwards, disorganized,
6 no attacks against flanks.
5 WEDGE (W): ≥6 infantry OR cavalry
elements, orderly formation (but may
4 only advance), Battle Factor +2 per
element directly behind.
2 infantry OR cavalry elements, orderly
hip-high formation, movement see chart.
1 Hill HORDE: All elements same direction,
(1 height level) Underbrush/Thicket,
Grown Field each element adjacent to ≥2 other
elements, no wheels, only 1 maneuver.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
© 1999 HOBBY PRODUCTS GmbH. All rights reserved.
Initiative 3
Size 2 S3 N1
ring is lost.
Fear Factor 1
Heroes, Commanders,
no special rules
O+9x4 O+L+M+7x4
Print out, cut along solid lines, fold along dotted lines, and glue together.
© 1999 HOBBY PRODUCTS GmbH. All rights reserved.
EFFECT: The staff is only usable by
points at the beginning of the
no special rules
1x1 1x1
Print out, cut along solid lines, fold along dotted lines, and glue together.
© 1999 HOBBY PRODUCTS GmbH. All rights reserved.
M:16 / A:12 / S:8 2 Maneuvers K M:26 / A:18 / S:10 / H:3 OVERRUN 6
ARQUEBUSE 4 Fields: 7 7 Fields: 3
Handweapon 5 Initiative 2 Initiative 2
Size 1 S0 F1 Size 2(2) S1 (Horses 1) F0 N0
Fear Factor 1 Morale 9/16 Fear Factor 1
O+L+M+7x4 1 MODEL
1 MODEL 1x1
Print out, cut along solid lines, fold along dotted lines, and glue together.
© 1999 HOBBY PRODUCTS GmbH. All rights reserved.
M:24 / A:18 / S:12 1 Maneuver P M:20 / A:16 / S:10 1 Maneuver
BOW 9 Fields: 4 HANDWEAPON 5
Improvised Weapon 3 Initiative 2 Initiative 2
Size 2 S0 Size 2 S1
Fear Factor 1 Morale 11/16 Fear Factor 1 Morale 10/16
O+L+M+7x4 O+L+M+7x4
1x1 O+L+8x2
Print out, cut along solid lines, fold along dotted lines, and glue together.
© 1999 HOBBY PRODUCTS GmbH. All rights reserved.
M:24 / A:18 / S:12 / H:6 OVERRUN 6 M:16 / A:12 / S:8 2 Maneuvers K
Initiative 2 Initiative 2
Size 5 S1 N2 Size 2 S2
Fear Factor 3 Fear Factor 1 Morale 8/16
1 MODEL O+L+M+7x4
M:16 / A:12 / S:8 2 Maneuvers K W 20 Movement Points
Initiative 2 Initiative 2
Size 2 S2 N2 Size 2 S1
Fear Factor 1 Morale 6/14 Fear Factor 1
O+L+6x4 1x1
Print out, cut along solid lines, fold along dotted lines, and glue together.
EFFECT: The sword has a Battle EFFECT: As long as the standard of
USABLE BY Factor of 10. If carried by a unit, it USABLE BY victory is with a unit, all the unit’s
Units, Heroes, has to be carried by the unit’s Units elements including heroes and
leader. If the element with the commanders that joined the unit
Commanders, Wizards sword is slain, the sword is lost. fight melee with a Battle Factor
increased by 1. The standard can
only be carried by a standard
bearer – units without a standard
bearer cannot receive this item. If
the standard bearer is slain, the
standard is lost.
EFFECT: Increases the fear factor
USABLE BY of the element that carries it by 2.
Units, Heroes, If the sword is with a unit, this
applies to the whole unit. The
Commanders, Wizards sword has to be carried by the
unit’s leader in this case. If the
element with the sword is slain,
(T T
the sword is lost.
Initiative 1
Size 3 S0
Fear Factor 2 Morale 9/17
M:16 / A:12 / S:8 1 Maneuver HORDE
Print out, cut along solid lines, fold along dotted lines, and glue together.
© 1999 HOBBY PRODUCTS GmbH. All rights reserved.
© 1999 HOBBY PRODUCTS GmbH. All rights reserved.
I VARRIG`S 6–15/25/35
M:9* / A:– / S:6* / H:6*
Improvised Weapon 3 Initiative 2
banner is lost.
Size 2 S0
Fear Factor 1
no special rules
24 Movement Points
Initiative 2
Size 2 S0
Fear Factor 2
no special rules
Print out, cut along solid lines, fold along dotted lines, and glue together.