2008, January 7

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Hughesville Borough Council

January 7, 2008 – 7:00, PM

Reorganization Meeting Minutes

Swearing in of Council –

The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Mayor Welsh, followed by the Pledge
of Allegiance.

The mayor opened the meeting by taking nominations for Council President. Cindy Shaner nominated Fritz Newhart,
seconded by Tom Eddy. No other nominations were made. Motion passed 5 – 0.

Cindy Shaner was nomination for vice-president by Tom Eddy, seconded by Bob Carichner. Motion passed 5 – 0.
Jeff Berger said he would accept President Pro Tem. Motion passed 5 – 0.

Re-elected council president Fritz Newhart took over the remainder of the meeting.

Tom Eddy made a motion to fill vacancies, seconded by Cindy Shaner. Motion passed 6 – 0.

Borough Solicitor – J. Howard Langdon

Authority Solicitor – Hess & Hess
Zoning Solicitor – Hess & Hess
Health Officer – Thomas Evansky, III
Zoning Officer – Code Inspections, Inc.
Borough Secretary – Dolores Moyer
Engineer – Borton – Lawson Engineering
Vacancy Board – Richard Mausteller
Planning Commission – Ben Crago
Recreation Commission – Tom Montgomery
Emergency Management Coordinator – Frank Welsh
Water Authority – Dale Cahn, 4 years and Dave McConnell, 3 year.

Council members and staff present – Frederick Newhart, H. Thomas Eddy, Jeffrey Berger, Robert Carichner, Cindy
Shaner, Sandra Crier, Mayor Frank Welsh, J. Howard Langdon, Dale Cahn, Dolores Moyer, Rodney Smith and Diane

Guests and Visitors: M. Shearer, Kathleen Radspinner, David Wertz

Approve Agenda: Cindy Shaner moved, seconded by Tom Carichner. Motion passed.

Approve Minutes –. December 10, Bob Carichner moved, seconded by Cindy Shaner. Motion passed.
December 20, Cindy Shaner moved, seconded by Bob Carichner. Motion passed.
Water Minutes, Cindy Shaner moved, seconded by Tom Eddy. Motion passed.

Solicitor’s Report – J. Howard Langdon. Langdon said he will be meeting with the school district to work out final
revisions to Pump Station.

Police Report – Rod Smith OIC, Report attached

Public Works Report – Dale Cahn said that the state would like us to do maintenance check on the traffic lights.

Water Report – Jeff Berger

Zoning Report – Code Inspections, Inc. attached.

East Lycoming Recreation Authority – January minutes attached.

Hughesville-Wolf Authority – November minutes

Treasurer’s Report – General Fund - Check# 5747 thru Check# 5776 $ 49,542.07
Payroll - Direct Deposit & Taxes $ 24,523.78
Water Fund - Check# 479 thru Check# 496 $ 22,196.96
Liquid Fuels - Transfer $ 8,000.00
Capital Fund - Check#
Jeff Berger moved to pay the bills, seconded by Bob Carichner. Motion passed.

Borough Secretary – Borrowed $10,000.00 on Tax Anticipation Line of Credit to meet the payroll this week. We need
to discuss Water Authority reimbursements to the Borough. Meeting to discuss will be held January 23 @ 4:00 PM.

Business –
• Ordinance# 1 of 2008 Stop sign at Maple & Beech Alley. Bob Carichner moved, seconded by Jeff
Berger. Motion passed. 6 - 0
• Phillips Ford refund

Committee Reports:

WATER – Carichner/Berger FINANCE – Shaner/Crier STREETS – Eddy/Berger

PUBLIC SAFETY – Carichner/Eddy PROPERTIES – Shaner/Crier PERSONNEL – Eddy/Carichner

Mayor’s Report – Purchase Order enforcement.

Adjournment - 10:25 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Dolores Moyer
Borough Secretary

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