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GROUP 4th, 12 Scince
A word that serve to explain, describe, or limit pronou
ns or nouns that are still general.

Car: general
Black car: specific
Fancy black car: to be specific
The fancy black sports car: very specific
The Function of Adjective
Subjective complements
• His idea is brilliant.
Objective complements
• Let’s make it possible.
Modifier of noun phrase
• Full-scare economic war
Head of adjective phrase
• Completely new
Comparisson degrees
• This version is better than the previous one.
Descriptive Adjectives
• Attributive Adjectives
• Predicate Adjectives

Types of
Adjectives Limiting Adjectives
• Possessive Adjectives
• Proper Adjectives
• Demonstrative Adjactives
• Exclamatory Adjectives
• Interrogative Adjectives
Descriptive Adjectives
Predicate adjectives Attributive adjectives
Example Example
• Everything is funny as long as it is • My uncle owns two beautiful cottages.
happening to somebody else. • She has someone special in her heart
• If you look good, you don't need a
purpose in life.
Posessive adjective Posessive proper adjective
My my pleasure
Your (mu) your shoes Possessive form
Your (kalian) your play Singular noun the girl’s
(a) the girl Tom’s
Our our team (b) Tom my wife’s To show ownership, add an apostroph
Their their cars (c) my wife a lady’s e (‘) and –s to the singular noun (singu
(d) a lady Thomas’s/ Thom lar noun). Example: The girl’s book is o
Her her address (e) Thomas as’ n the table.
His his overtime work
If the singular noun ends in -s, there ar
Its its name e two ways:1. Add an apostrophe and
–s: Thomas's book2. Or just add an ap
ostrophe: Thomas' book

Plural noun Possessive form

(f) the girls the girls’
(g) their wives their wives’
(h) the ladies the ladies’ Just add an apostrophe to the plural n
(i) the men the men’s oun (plural noun) that ends with -s:The
(j) my children my children’s girls' books are on the table.
Demonstrative adjective
This house is mine.
This singular, uncountable This ink is blue.
That car is hers.
That singular, uncountable That water is rather hot.
These plural I read these books.
Those plural Those people helped me yesterday.
Exclamatory adjective
What + a/ an + N/ NP (S + V)!

Today is nice. The sun shines and the sky is cloudless. The wind blows lightly.
What a nice day!
What a funny way to park a car!
What a dreadful idea!
Introgative adjective
What + N
Which + N
Whose + N

Interrogative adjective noun

What time is it?
Which book are you reading?
Whose house does he live in?
A word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb
or a word group, and whole phrases or sentence, expressing a relation of
place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc.

• Adverb of time
• Adverb of manner
Types of • Adverb of place
• Adverb of degree
Adverbs • Adverb of frequency
• Conjunctive adverb
Adverb of Time
Tell us something about the time that something happens. And show a relationship
between two clauses or sentences (ex. a sequence in time, cause and effect,
contrast between two things)

Adverb of manner
Tell us the manner or way in which something happens.

Adverb of Place
Tell us the place where something happens.

Adverb of degree
Tell us the degree or extent to which something happens.

Adverb of frequency
Describes how often an action happens.

Conjunctive Adverb
Connects two independent clauses or sentences.

1. Witty comes from Sulawesi. She and____family live in Jakarta now.
A. Hers B. She C. Her

2. ____cupcakes are delicious, Shawn. May I have another?

A. This B. Its C. These

3. We searched ________ but were unable to find her lost jewellery.

A. Nowhere B. Everywhere C. Anywhere

4. Speak _______, I cannot hear you.

A. loudly B. slowly C. hardly
Thank you
For your attention, good luck and have a nice day

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