Kannur University Bca III Nov2018 Computer Organisation

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I 1l filr itl[ r]r K18u l 938

Beg. No. :

lll Semester B.C.A. Degr€€ (CBCSSBegJSupimp-) Eramlnatlon, Novernber m18

(2014 Admn. Onwards)
Core Course

Answer allquestions. Hall ma* €ach.
1. a) Ailoati.g poinl number s said lo be nomalized il
b) Give an example lo.conlro I p lop.
I Soecrl srdc\ opF'al on
d) Operalion lype inslructions do nol need an address tield in _ lype
e) Tlre number ol pinlable characters in ASCII s
t s op1.-o d- ra dle or *hkh sp rd -iorrlon r. r'ansrilrFo.
g) The perlormance of cache memory is measured in lerms oi
h) Data rcsister is sometimes called lSxk-a)

Answer any 7 questions 2 rnarks €ach.

2. Write the procedure io subiracl lwo sgned binary numbers using

2 s complemenl meihod.

3. Give eramples lor microopeatjons.

4. Whal is a reglster iransier language ?

5. What is meant by eilective address ?

6. Give lhe memory hierarchy in a cornpuler syslem.

K18u 1s38 llll llllllllfil lllllll lll ll
7. Wlral are lhe difierent /O operalons ?

8. What s llre difference between rn! liprocessor and mulllcornpuler ?

9 What s dynamic m croprogramming ?

r0. Specify llre dirterefces exist between compuler and perlphera.

1 1 . What are rhe address seqlencing capabilities required in a conirol rnemory '?

Answer any 4 qlestions.3 marks each.

l2 Expain lhe basc structlre ol a computer.

13. Drav/ lhe llowcharl oi the nslruclion cycle.

14. D scuss about d lierent types ol instruction code lormals.

1 s. Expla n seial arb lration pracedure

r6. Expa n ditlere t lypes oi auxiliary mer.ories

17. How does lhe syslem handle interrupts ? Expain wilh the he p ol a
flowchart (4'3=12)

Answer any 2 questions. 5 rnarks each

18. Describe Ihe generalregisler organisauon wth a dagranr.

19- Oscuss about d lierenl addressing modes.
20. Explain lixed po nl and tloallng pojnt representalions.

21. Explain the fo owing :

a) Dajsy chain priorly in1etrlpt
b) Para lel pr orily nletrupt. (512-10)

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