Nanoloop FM Manual

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nanoloop FM manual


    nanoloop FM manual

new in version 0.2

update here

- bugs fixed that caused crashes

- new sound types: high pass and half sine FM
- improved pulse width effect
- stronger click (r)
- second voice added to L channel
- illuminated sequencer grid
- slowly increasing range for randomization
- swing
- pingpong / random playback modes

sound differences:

The square wave sound is generated with a new modulation scheme that has a slightly
different "filter" characteristic: While the wave formerly had a more triangular shape, it's now a
fully symmectric square which appears louder with increasing modulation / "cutoff". The pulse
width effect works much better this way.

New / changed functions are marked red.


The LED display is divided in 3 areas:

The orange rows on top show data values: bars, icons, numbers
Red dots in the middle represent the structure to edit. It is navigated with a green cursor.
On the bottom there is the green menu for parameter / channel selection and transpose

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nanoloop FM manual


There are two different views:

- In patterm view, you edit the currently playing pattern.

- In file fiew, you save and load patterns and arrange a song.

X file view,
Y pattern view

Pattern View

In pattern view, there are 3 different modes:

Sequencer, parameter menu and global menu.

Y enters paremeter menu. In the menu,

Y toggles between parameter menu and global menu,

A returns to the sequencer.

There are no "instruments", all parameters are per-step. In menu mode, all steps are edited at
once and the values of the pattern are displayed in the data area.

❖ move cursor to select step

A place note
B cut / paste note
A❖❖ edit note
B❖❖ edit note

Y parameter menu

Parameter Menu

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nanoloop FM manual

Editing functions are the same as in sequencer but applied to the entire pattern.

◄► select parameter
▲▼ select channel
❖ edit entire pattern
❖ edit entire pattern

A/B + X/Y randomize parameter

(hold A/B and press X/Y to increase random range)

A sequencer
Y global menu

Global Menu

▲▼ select channel
A❖❖ shift pattern
B ◄► change tempo
B ▲▼ pattern length

A + Y swing on/off
B + Y pingpong > random > normal

Y parameter menu

(sync / MIDI functions not yet implemented)


pitch LFO volume FM effects, meta

A ▲▼ semitone amount volume FM amount stutter

n: freq

A ◄► octave frequency decay FM freq panning

n: phaser

B ▲▼ interval 1 lfo mode r: click high/low pass meta 4th /

fake reverb FM none

B ◄► interval 2 lfo dest attack FM mode meta 2nd

Channels, Polyphony / Intervals

r monophonic, intervals play as arpeggio

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l two voices, 2nd interval = detune

c three voice chords

n noise sample & hold frequency + phaser delay

LFO modes (A ▲▼):

envelope down


envelope up

LFO destintion (A ◄►):



In r channel, chords are played as arpeggio. Intervals can be up to one octave (12). When set
to 13, sound is muted and arpeggio is stopped, thus functioning as a short gate.

In L channel, the second voice plays at the first interval in semitones plus the second interval in 1/16
semitones. For detune/phasing effects, set the first interval to 0 and the second to 1 or 2.

Volume Envelope
In the r channel,B ▲▼ adjusts the initial click (for drum sounds), on the other channels, there
is a long low-level release for a simple reverb-like effect.

FM modes

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nanoloop FM manual

"filtered" square wave with low / high pass


normal FM with sine / half sine


Technically, the square is generated by sine wave modulation, too and FM amount controls the
"filter cutoff". FM frequency corresponds to pulse width.

Meta step allows to play a step only every 2nd or every 4th time. It's a simple but powerful
way to extend the pattern beyond the 16-step grid.

File View

◄►select file slot

▲▼ select channel

A ▼ save current channel pattern to slot

A ▲ load current channel pattern from slot
A ◄► load current channel pattern from next slot
B ▲ load all channels from slot
B ◄► load all channels from next slot
AB ▼ delete file in slot

A+X clear channel

B+X clear all channels

X bank mode on/off

In bank mode:

A ◄► select bank

(song functions and file transfer functions not yet implemented)

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Volume, Brighness
X + A/B brightness
Y + A/B volume

(c) 1998-2018 Oliver Wittchow

"Game Boy" and "Game Boy Advance" are registered trade marks of Nintendo

Nintendo has not licensed, endorsed or approved of nanoloop.

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