Single-Line Automated Sorter Using Mechatronics and Machine Vision System For Philippine Table Eggs

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Vol. 13(17), pp.

918-926, 26 April, 2018

DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2018.13113
Article Number: A3F332C56850
ISSN 1991-637X
African Journal of Agricultural
Copyright©2018 Research
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article

Full Length Research Paper

Single-line automated sorter using mechatronics and

machine vision system for Philippine table eggs
Erwin P. Quilloy*, Delfin C. Suministrado and Pepito M. Bato
Agricultural Machinery Division, Institute of Agricultural Engineering, College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial
Technology, University of the Philippines, Los Baños, Philippines.
Received 12 March, 2018; Accepted 26 March, 2018

An automated single-line table egg sorting machine that integrates machine vision and mechatronics
principles was developed in this study. The machine was fabricated using low cost and locally available
materials. The developed machine was composed of the feeding unit, computing unit and the sorting
unit. The conveyor was powered by a 12V DC geared motor, and the sorting arm was actuated by a DC
servo motor which positions the arm. A machine vision software, EGGSoTiC, was used in the sorting of
the table eggs – moving through a conveyor at 13 cm-s . Test for similarity of readings revealed that
the developed machine is capable of yielding consistent results with low values of coefficient of
variation ranging from 0.38 to 0.85 mm and 0.42 to 0.94 g for the projected area and estimated weight,
respectively. Results of dynamic test for 100 table egg samples indicated that the machine could sort
table eggs with an accuracy of 91% at 2.52 seconds per sample, yielding a projected capacity of 1,426
eggs per hour. Results also indicated that there were no large errors in the estimation of weights
yielding a root mean square error of 1.90 g which is not significantly higher than the bias of 0.93 g.

Key words: Machine vision, table eggs, sorting, mechatronics.


Table eggs are one of the poultry products popularly 30% of the country’s total egg production (PSA, 2017).
consumed in the Philippines. In 2016, the production of Grading of table egg products are being done to avoid
table eggs reached 461,719 metric tons, 3.86% higher losses in the marketing of such products. In the
than the previous year. The farm gate price of table eggs Philippines, table egg products in public markets and
was 4.31 pesos (PhP) per piece during this year. This supermarkets are usually sorted based on the quality and
production grossed 46,264.34 million pesos (PhP) at the size. Quality of the eggs includes parameters such as
current price, posting an 8.36% increase versus the presence of dirt, cracks, as well as internal characteristics
previous year, with the CALABARZON region contributing of the eggs. On the other hand, grading based on size

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel. +63 917 362 2925.

Author(s) agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 International License
Quilloy et al. 919

Table 1. Weight classification of table eggs in the (Whiley and Ross, 2015). In Australia, the impact of egg-
Philippines (BAFPS, 2005). related salmonellosis was estimated to be 44 million
dollars (Samiullah et al., 2013).
Weight class Weight range of each egg (g) Automation of collecting processes and mechanization
Jumbo ≥ 70 of sorting in high-end egg farms are able to minimize
Extra-Large 65 – 70 contact with human hands. Commercial semi-automated
Large 60 – 65 egg graders integrate mechatronics in their system.
Medium 55 – 60 Mechatronics, the integration of mechanics, control and
Small 50 – 55 electronics (Naidu, 1995), has been explored for
Pullets 45 – 50 automation of most processes. Its application with
peewee 40 – 45 machine vision has improved the efficiency and
no weight < 40 productivity of agricultural machines (Billingsley and
Bradbeer, 2008).
Through the use of microcontrollers and integrated
circuits, the transfer of information to the computer and
actuation of the mechanical parts became very efficient.
involves sorting according to the weight of each egg. It is Assimilating mechatronics with the design of these
necessary to maintain uniformity in size of eggs since it commercial semi-automated egg graders, these
contributes to the profits of the egg industry. According to machines are able to determine the weight of each egg
the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Products by using load cells. Mechatronics is also incorporated to
Standards (2005), table eggs can be classified into eight actuate grading arms for sorting.
(8) categories. They have provided a standard for the Development of mechanized egg sorters provides a
weight classification indicating the weight range for each solution for these issues in the manual method of egg
category (Table 1). sorting. However, the price of each mechanized sorter is
Most egg farmers in our country follow the prescribed an impedance especially for small scale farmers.
standard of Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Products Likewise, mechanized graders which make use of strain
Standard (2005). And mostly, sorting is done through gauges, like other digital scales, require frequent
manual weighing of table eggs using a weighing scale. calibration to maintain accuracy in readings. Machine
The manual means is still employed especially by small vision can address these issues faced both by manual
scale egg farm laborers. This method of sorting requires method and that of existing mechanized graders. Aside
handling of eggs with care to avoid cracking or breaking from using computational techniques in determining
of the eggs. In the absence of digital weighing scale, weights, it can provide an accurate and efficient
weighing becomes subjective as the weight readings will evaluation of the eggs.
depend on the observer. Errors in readings related to Machine vision has been used for sorting agricultural
operator fatigue and judgment increase when analog products. There has been an increase in the use of visual
weighing scales are used. Moreover, the manual method inspection systems parallel to technological development
becomes more costly and impractical especially when over the last decades as a means of replacing human
dealing with larger number of table egg products. inspection (Gomes and Leta, 2014). In 2000, Bato et al.
In addition, handling egg with bare hands introduces (2000) explored the use of machine vision to sort
moisture to the egg’s surface which may provide a strawberries where they developed a software that uses
suitable breeding ground for bacteria (USDA, 2000). machine vision for grading and a robotic arm picking
Prolonged contact by humans to fresh eggs poses risk of sorted fruits.
possible contamination of Salmonella enteritidis which Li et al. (2012) conducted a study that uses machine
are mostly present on the egg’s surface as these pass vision for the identification of micro-cracks in egg shells,
through the cloaca of chickens. Farm personnel obtaining 100% accuracy. Moreover, a study conducted
especially those from backyard farms are often the by Mohana and Prabhakar (2014) investigated a novel
victims of such contamination due to lack of proper technique of sorting dates using shape and texture. Their
hygienic procedures. experiment exhibited high accuracy in sorting.
Increased contact with human hands exposes eggs to In addition, Quilloy and Bato (2015) developed a
cumulative fatigue due to manual collection, sorting and machine vision software for static sorting of Philippine
packing which also raises the chance of acquiring cracks table eggs, with 92% accuracy in sorting. George (2015)
on the shell. Internal contamination after penetration of also used machine vision in his study focusing on the
Salmonella from the surface may occur. Such occurrence development of a sorting system for multiple fruit and
poses risks to the consuming public (Murchie et al., 2008), vegetable. Furthermore, a study conducted by Soltani et
especially with the increased desire of the consumers for al. (2015) discussed the application of machine vision
raw and unprocessed eggs, potential risk of salmonellosis based on pappus theorem and artificial neural network on
920 Afr. J. Agric. Res.

(2017). A success rate of 98% was achieved exhibiting

that their developed vision system was helpful in
improving the grading accuracy and efficiency. Such
studies yielded successful results in their sorting and
grading capabilities. This study aims to develop a single-
line automated egg sorting machine using machine vision
and open source mechatronics. Specifically, it aims to
evaluate the developed machine based on its dynamic


Software for egg sorting machine

The machine vision software used on this study was the Automatic
Egg Sorting Software 2.0 (EGGSoTic), developed by Quilloy and
Bato in 2015 (Figure 1). The software made use of the adjusted
weight classification (Table 2) which was also based on the
standard provided by the BAFPS. The adjustment was made to
eliminate the overlapping values in the existing standard. The
software was also designed to accommodate the most common
sizes of table eggs in the market which include: jumbo, extra-large,
large and medium. The capability of the software to interface
Figure 1. EGGSoTic software interface. microcontrollers allowed the software to control and actuate the
mechanical parts of the developed machine. The software
communicated with the microcontroller through the serial port.

Table 2. Adjusted weight classification of table eggs.

Machine vision setup
Weight class Weight range of each egg (g)
The typical machine vision setup generally consists of a camera,
Jumbo ≥ 70 light source, and a computer equipped with frame grabber (Chen et
Extra-Large 65 – 69.99 al., 2002). A single- line automated table egg sorting machine was
Large 60 – 64.99 developed from low-cost and locally available materials. The
machine was composed of the feeding unit, computing unit, and
Medium 55 – 59.99
sorting unit. The component layout of the machine is shown in
Small 50.55 – 54.99 Figure 2.

Mechatronic components
the prediction of egg volume. Results of their study For the automation of the feeding and sorting units of the developed
yielded high R . Machine vision was also applied in a machine, a Gizduino 168 microcontroller development board was
system for detecting fertile eggs in the incubation used (Figure 3). It is a derivative of the open source Arduino board.
industry. In 2016, Arakeri and Lakshmana developed a The Gizduino 168 controls the conveyor motor of the feeding unit
computer vision-based fruit grading system for quality as well as the sorting arm motor of the sorting unit depending on
the commands sent by the EGGSoTic software. A 12V brushed DC
evaluation of tomato, which resulted to 96.47% accuracy. motor was used for the feeding unit. Using L293D motor driver IC,
In a study conducted by Hashemzadeh and Farajzadeh the rated speed of the conveyor assembly was set 13 cm-s-1. For
(2016), detection accuracy was noted to be high at the sorting unit, a 180 degree metal gear servo was used. The
various incubation stages. This implied that the proposed Gizduino 168 actuates the servo to position the arm for sorting the
system was highly reliable and applicable. In a similar eggs to four different size classes: medium, large, extra-large and
study conducted by Hashemzadeh (2017), machine jumbo. The sorted table eggs will then be relayed to the receiving tray.
vision hardware was developed which integrated the
vision system with neural network and support vector Evaluation of the developed machine
machine as classifiers.
Results of their evaluation showed that support vector Dynamic test for similarity of readings
machine learning is better than the performance of neural Thirty table egg samples were used to test the consistency of the
networks as classifiers of the machine vision system. The automated table egg sorter. Each table egg sample was fed into the
use of machine vision has been employed too in grading machine through the conveyor running at 13 cm-s-1. Ten trials for
grafting seedlings in a study carried out by Tian et al. each sample were conducted. The mean and standard deviation
Quilloy et al. 921

Figure 2. Component layout for the automated table egg sorting machine.

samples. The weights of the samples were then obtained using

OHAUS GT41000D digital weighing scale. The performance of the
developed automated table egg sorter in terms of accuracy was
evaluated based on the BAFPS standards for classifying table
eggs. Sorting accuracy was determined as:

(No. of correctly classified samples)

Accuracy = × 100
Total no. of samples
where accuracy is expressed in percentage. The numbers of
incorrectly classified samples as well as the classification to which
these samples were mistakenly identified were taken into account.
The output of the machine’s classification on each sample was
determined and compared with the output of manual sorting of the
same samples. The root mean square error (RMSE) of the readings
as well as the bias was obtained to compare the predicted or
estimated weight with the actual weights of the samples.
Figure 3. Gizduino 168 development board.
Sorting time and capacity

The time required to sort 100 table egg samples were obtained and
(SD) of the projected area were obtained and were used to compared with that of manual sorting. The actual capacity of the
compute for the coefficient of variation (CV) to measure the relative developed machine was determined by projecting the obtained total
variability of the readings. A value near zero (0) will indicate low operating time per sample to the total number of table eggs that can
dispersal of values and will yield a more precise estimate. be sorted in one hour. This was computed using the formula:

total number of eggs

Dynamic test for accuracy of the automated table egg sorter
Capacity =
One hundred (100) table egg samples were continuously fed into time
the machine through conveyor running at its rated operating speed
of 13 cm-s-1. The samples were automatically sorted by the where capacity is expressed in eggs per hour. The actual capacity
machine through the EGGSoTic based on the weight of the of the machine included the time from loading up to sorting into the
922 Afr. J. Agric. Res.

Figure 4. Feeding unit: (a) main frame, (b) feeder and (c) single-line conveyor.

receiving tray. Likewise, the obtained capacity was compared with

that of manual sorting of the 100 table eggs.


Machine vision setup

Feeding unit

The feeding unit was comprised of the feeder, main

frame and conveyor. This unit composed the bulk of the
machine, and was responsible for moving table egg
samples into the vision chamber. The main frame which
holds the components of the machine together (Figure
4a) was constructed from bent and ribbed aluminum
sheets which were fastened using rivets and metal
Figure 5. Receiving algorithm of the
screws. During the actual run, the machine was noted to Gizduino 168.
be stable, though due to its light structure, the main frame
exhibited vibrations.
Table egg samples are introduced into the machine
through the feeder. The feeder was constructed from produce a contrast between the colors of the sample and
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe which was trimmed and the background which was necessary to yield a
fastened onto the conveyor assembly (Figure 4b). The successful segmentation. It was actuated by a gear motor
feeder was attached at an angle which allowed rolling of assembly, which was connected to the Gizduino 168. The
table egg samples into the conveyor by gravitational pull. assembly was attached to a shaft which drives the belt to
It was observed that samples tend to be stuck on the move samples. Spacers made from wood were installed
feeder if the angle of inclination of the feeder is too small. to separate each sample and also reduced the chances
A provision for adjusting the angle of the feeder was of the eggs being displaced. Metal shafts fastened on the
integrated in the mechanism to address the issue. conveyor frame were used to support the belt. These act
The single-line conveyor was constructed to move table as rollers for the belt to glide over. However, it was noted
egg samples from the feeder into the vision chamber that the belt tends to sag on the area between the shafts
(Figure 4c). The frame of the conveyor was constructed when loaded with the samples, thus, causing a slight
from ply board which was fastened together to form a U- vibration on belt when the conveyor is moving. This, in
frame structure. Sidings of the conveyor frame were turn, causes small displacement of the table egg
drilled with holes for securing ball bearings and other samples.
shafts. Galvanized sheets were used to cover the sidings Actuation of the conveyor motor was initiated by the
of the conveyor and to protect the conveyor or the Gizduino 168 platform which received commands from
operator. The narrow width of the conveyor frame the computer. The Gizduino 168 toggles the state of the
restrains the egg samples from being dislocated along pin to which the conveyor motor was connected. The
the belt. receiving algorithm of the microcontroller is outlined in
The belt of the conveyor was painted with black color to Figure 5.
Quilloy et al. 923

by the software (Quilloy and Bato, 2015). This equation

was used in the software for estimating the weights of the
table egg samples. Enabling the dynamic or online mode
on the software allowed it to take control of the actuation
of the conveyor belt as well as image acquisition and
positioning of the sorting arm. The software awaited the
conveyor belt to position the table egg sample inside the
vision chamber. Then, the image of the sample was
automatically obtained and processed by the software.
The processed image was then used as basis for the
position of the sorting arm according to the equivalent
weight classification.

Sorting unit

The sorting unit was comprised of the sorting arm and the
receiving tray. The sorting arm (Figure 7a) was
constructed from ribbed aluminum sheet for durability and
Figure 6. Vision chamber.
lightness and was installed at the end of the conveyor
belt after the vision chamber. A DC servo motor allows
the sorting arm to be positioned at different angles
accurately. Depending on the classification of the sample
Computing unit
as yielded by the software, the Gizduino 168 accurately
The computing unit contained the vision chamber of the positions the arm. To reduce chances of breakage of
machine, where extraction of projected area and samples, the surface of the sorting arm was provided with
estimated weight was done and where the imaging cushion pads. Moreover, the sorting arm was installed at
device and light source are held (Figure 6). The image an angle such that the table egg samples roll down to the
processing done within the computing unit included the receiving tray (Figure 7b). The receiving tray was
following: constructed from a sturdy board and has a dimension of
585 x 610 mm. The tray was provided with four divisions
(1) Importing of images using camera for separation of table egg samples into four categories:
(2) Analyzing and manipulating the image using a medium, large, extra-large and jumbo. Each division had
software a width of 110 mm. The tray was constructed separately
(3) Reporting the output based on the analysis (Raj and from the machine to facilitate easy transport of the sorter.
Swaminarayan, 2015). The current design of the receiving tray, having a slight
inclination at the receiving end, allows the table egg
The camera holder was installed such that camera will be samples to continuously roll to the opposite end of the
accessible for adjustment. In addition, light source is tray.
needed as the images are dependent on light
(Kopparapu, 2006). It was composed of light-emitting
diode (LED) installed inside the frame of chamber to Evaluation of the developed machine
provide lighting for the vision chamber. The chamber was
constructed from galvanized sheet with a thickness of 0.4 Test for similarity of readings
mm. Furthermore, the camera stand which holds the
camera was designed to allow adjustment of camera A test for similarity of readings was conducted to assess
height to yield a viewing area enough to contain the table the capability of the developed automated table egg
egg sample. The software, EGGSoTic, is the core of sorter in yielding consistent results on dynamic mode.
machine vision system, this is where decision making is Results of analysis showed that the minimum and
situated. The software made use of the equation: maximum values of standard deviation (SD) for the
2 2
projected area were 7.32 mm and 17.09 mm ,
respectively. For estimated weight, the minimum value of
est.wt = Area x 0.04 + (-7.68) SD was 0.29 g while the maximum value was noted to be
0.68 g. Moreover, minimum and maximum values of the
where est. wt. is the software’s estimated weight of the coefficient of variation (CV) for projected area were
egg sample and Area is the projected area as computed determined to be 0.38 and 0.85%, respectively. For the
924 Afr. J. Agric. Res.

Figure 7. Sorting unit: (a) sorting arm and (b) receiving tray.

Table 3. Dynamic sorting performance of the automated table egg sorter.

Small Medium Large Extra-Large Jumbo Total
Small 0 0 0 0 0 0
Medium 1 32 1 0 0 34
Large 0 1 39 0 0 40
Extra-Large 0 0 3 10 0 13
Jumbo 0 0 0 3 10 13
Total 1 33 43 13 10 100

Table 4. Accuracy in sorting.

Small Medium Large Extra-Large Jumbo
Medium 2.9 94.1 2.9 0 0
Large 0 2.5 97.5 0 0
Extra-Large 0 0 23.1 76.9 0
Jumbo 0 0 0 23.1 76.9

estimated weight, a CV value of 0.42% was noted to be noted that errors were more likely to occur on weights
the minimum and 0.94% was the observed maximum falling near the border line between two adjacent weight
value. Results indicated that for the 30 samples tested, classifications. As shown in Table 4, the developed
there was a low dispersion of readings both on the automated table egg sorter had the highest accuracy on
projected area and the estimated weight. The low relative the large classification with an accuracy of 97.5%, while
variability shows that the developed automated table egg least accurate on extra-large classification and jumbo,
sorter is capable of yielding precise readings. both having an accuracy of 76.9%. The errors on sorting
at the border lines may be attributed to the vibrations or
oscillations of the table egg samples as they move along
Dynamic sorting accuracy the conveyor belt. Figure 8 shows the relationship
between the estimated weight and the actual weight.
Results obtained from test for dynamic sorting accuracy Results indicate that there is no large error, with 4.47g
(Table 3) using 100 samples showed that the developed being the highest in sample number 88. This led to a root
machine had an overall sorting accuracy of 91%. It was mean square error (RMSE) of 1.90 g which is not
Quilloy et al. 925

Actual weight (g)

Actual weight (g)

Figure 8. Relationship between estimated weight and actual weight.

significantly higher than the bias of 0.93 g. feeder and conveyor. This unit comprised the bulk of the
machine. The computing unit was composed by the
vision chamber where image acquisition for processing
Sorting time and actual capacity takes place. The sorting unit was comprised by a sorting
arm and receiving tray.
The developed machine was able to sort 100 table egg EGGSoTic software designed for sorting table eggs
samples in 252.52 s (2.52 s per egg) on online or was used in the study. The software was installed on the
dynamic mode, where table egg samples were computer which was interfaced with the developed
continuously fed through the feeder of the table egg machine. The software was used to control the
sorting machine. This yields a machine sorting capacity components of the machine. It was also used to send
of 1,428.57 or approximately 1,429 eggs sorted in one commands to the Gizduino 168 microcontroller
hour, without eggs cracked during the process. development platform that actuates the machine’s
conveyor and sorting arm.
The developed prototype was subjected to a test for
Comparison of machine performance with existing similarity of obtained readings, yielding low CV values
farm operations both on projected area and estimated weight. The low
relative variability implied that the developed automated
In comparison with manual means of grading, eggs can table egg sorter is capable of yielding precise readings.
be sorted by a skilled egg farm laborer at an average of Moreover, the machine as evaluated for dynamic
two seconds per sample which includes weighing only. performance by loading table egg samples, performing
Additional time is required to put the eggs into their real time processing, and allowing the machine to sort the
respective classification, thus having an average net samples into the receiving tray. It was noted that the
sorting time of three seconds per egg. For an average or machine had a success rate of 91% in sorting 100
inexperienced egg farm laborers, the time to grade eggs samples. Further analysis revealed that there were no
is expected to be higher. Both the automated and manual large errors in the estimation of weights yielding a root
methods of sorting were noted to require only one mean square error (RMSE) of 1.90 g which is not
person. significantly higher than the bias of 0.93.
The machine exhibited a sorting time of 2.52 seconds
per sample, yielding a projected capacity of 1,429
Conclusion samples per hour compared with manual sorting by a
skilled laborer, where the average sorting time was about
Machine vision and mechatronics were used in the three seconds per egg sample or 1,200 eggs per hour
development of an automated single-line table egg projected capacity. Though the difference in the sorting
sorting machine capable of estimating weights. The time of the developed machine and manual sorting was
machine consisted of a feeding unit, computing unit and observed to be small, the machine is considered to be
sorting unit. The feeding unit contained the main frame, more efficient as it is not subject to experiencing fatigues
926 Afr. J. Agric. Res.

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