T3 - (Research Validation Form)
T3 - (Research Validation Form)
T3 - (Research Validation Form)
Dear Validators,
Greetings of Peace!
Respectfully yours,
The Researchers
Degree: _____________________________
Position: ___________________________
1 2 3 4 5
1. The indicators in the
questionnaire consistently and
accurately measure each variable
in the study.
2. The questionnaire fits with the
variables under study, thus
measuring what it intends to
3. The questionnaire has the
capability to measure items of
variables within a given time
4. The questionnaire has the ability
to distinguish the
characateristics of differing
attributes of the subjects under
5. The questionnaire has the ability
to gather factual data,
eliminating biases and
6. Quick and complete data can be
generated by the questionnaire
within the time frame allowed to
obtain the data.
7. The questionnaire is framed in a
clear and simple manner to avoid
8. Directions and items were written
in a clear and understandable
9. The items are presented and
organized in a logical manner.
10. The number of statements per
variable is representative enough
of all the questions needed for
the study.
11. The questionnaire is capable
of generating data that will be of
value and has practical use to the
sectors under study.
12. The instrument as a whole
fulfills the objectives needed for
the research.
13. Each statement requires only
one specific answer or it measures
only one behavior or aspect.
14. The scale adapted is
appropriate for the item.
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