Sports-Teachers Coaching Style Behavior Competenc

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Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (1) (2021)

Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani
DOI : 10.33369/jk.v5i1.14619



Rayvin Domingo Pestano1

Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation, Central Luzon State University,

Article Info Abstract

__________________ ________________________________________________________________
Article History :
Student-athletes’ performance in sports can be influenced by a lot
Received : February 2021 of factors. The coaching style, behavior, and competency of
Revised : February 2021 coaches are critical to the development of athletic talent. Thus, this
Accepted : March 2021 research examined the relationship that existed between coaching
Available online : March style, behavior, competency of coaches, and student-athletes’
2021 performance in sports. Furthermore, predictors of student-athletes’
__________________ performance were also explored. Using descriptive correlational
research design, quantitative data were gathered using a
questionnaire as the main instrument. The study enlisted a total of
Behavior , Coaching
59 purposively selected sport-teachers assigned to coach student-
Style, Competency athletes. Results of the study revealed that command style,
reciprocal style, problem-solving style, and guided discovery style
were the coaching styles highly practiced by the respondents.
Coaching behavior such as physical training and planning,
technical skill, mental preparation, competition strategy, personal
rapport, and negative personal rapport was the coaching behavior
that is highly applied by the respondents. Coaching competence
like motivation, game strategy, character building, and technique
were found to be very high. On the other hand, student-athletes
performance in sports in the division level was found to be
satisfactory, while it is unsatisfactory in regional and national
level. Guided discovery coaching style, competition strategy
competency, and motivation competency were found to have a
moderate significant relationship with student-athletes
performance. Competition strategy competency was found to be a
predictor of student-athletes performance. Therefore, it is highly
recommended that coaches must consistently sustain their high
level of competence in this area.

Corresponding address : San Roque, San Leonardo Nueva ISSN 2685-6514 (Online)
Ecija, Phillipines
ISSN 2477-331X (Print)
Email : [email protected]

Rayvin Domingo Pestano / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (1) (2021)

INTRODUCTION coaching competence must be of

paramount importance since it can have a
Sports play a significant role in great impact on athletes.
one’s life. Early engagement of students in There are several coaching styles
different sports activities has positive that an individual can adopt as their own
effects and it enhances their healthy in dealing with the athletes either in
lifestyle and prevents them from joining individual, dual, combative, and team
negative activities (Jabar, Wahid & Abdul, sports (Bartholomew et al., 2010). Isoard-
2012) Nowadays, students involvement in Gautheur et al (2012) defines coaching
amateur sports competition have been style as a psychological method adapted
increasing. Therefore, to improve and by coaches to enhance desirable
enhance student-athletes performance, performance among the players. Each
specifically in sports competitions, it is coaching style tends to display its specific
deemed vital to assess the variables that characteristics and behaviors which results
influence and contribute to the student- in different impacts on athletes with whom
athletes performance. they are associated (Marcone, 2017).
In sports, behavior, competence, Coaches can utilize or employ a variety of
quality coaching and style are central to coaching styles depending on the situation.
the development of athletic talent. In most Consequently, coaching style is deemed
sporting events, athlete’s performance is vital in any sporting events and other
determined by the athlete’s technical, related fields.
tactical, physiological, and Another significant element of the
psychological/sociological characteristics coaching process is the coaching behavior,
(Bangsbo, 2015). Furthermore, it can also this affects athlete’s motivation,
be affected by other external factors like performance, focus, and emotions (Moen
coaching, since it involves motivating, et al., 2015) Like coaching style, coaching
instructing, supporting, and enabling behavior can also be viewed as an
athletes to fulfill their fullest potential influential factor that can contribute to an
(Kim & Cruz, 2016) athlete’s performance. According to Smith
Bush and Silk (2010) argue that and Smoll (2020), coaches play a
coaching is a method that functions significant role in the athletic
beyond directing practice and training. environment, and their behaviors influence
Furthermore, their role expanded and the technical, cognitive, strategic, and
involves taking responsibility for players psychosocial developments of athletes and
outside the practice/competition outcomes of sports participation. Indeed,
environment as well as being aware of a coach must be engaged in coaching
their overall social and psychosocial well- behavior to which the athletes are
being and development. A coach can be receptive. Moreover, coaches who
described as the person who will help the understand their own athlete’s preferences
athletes to elevate their performances to for coaching behavior may be more
the highest level that they can get. effective at maintaining and/or improving
According to Ehsani et al (2012), one of athlete satisfaction (Riemer & Chelladurai,
the most important factors that could 2016). Consequently, a coach needs to be
affect athletes is the sports coach. Indeed, aware of the coaching preferences of
coaches play a vital role in the his/her athletes to provide meaningful
development and improvement of athletic experiences that could improve athletic
skills that are necessary for winning a performance. Furthermore, Chelladurai
competition. Thus, adopting a certain and Carron (2016) noted that if a coach
coaching style, behavior, and acquiring adapts his or her behavior to comply with

Rayvin Domingo Pestano / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (1) (2021)

the athletes‘ preferred behavior, the athlete competitions. Various external and
may be more readily inclined to repay the internal factors contribute to the
coach through improved performance. motivation and performance of a student-
On the other hand, coaching athlete. Concepts of coaching style,
competencies are deemed vital to ensure behavior, and competencies are other
quality athlete’s performance in a areas that need to be explored o further
competition. Coaching competency was understand what constitutes and
defined as athletes’ evaluation of their contributes to student athlete’s
coach to affect athletes’ performance and performance.
learning (Myers et al., 2010). Fouss and This research study aims to look at
Troppman (1998, as cited by Chiu et al., whether there is a relationship between
2014) note that for a coach to be effective, style, behavior, and competencies of
it is necessary to develop competencies or coaches on student-athlete’s performance
skills. Furthermore, Bompa and Carrera, and to figure out what variables could
(2005), Kidman and Haranhan (2010), predict student-athlete’s performance.
emphasized that the most important
success factor of a coach is to help athletes Research Purposes:
to enhance their athletic skill in a wide 1. To determine the coaching style,
range of tasks from sequential coaching behavior, and coaching
development and mastery of basic skills competency of the respondents.
for beginners, to the more specialized 2. To describe the student-athlete’s
physical, technical, tactical, and performance in individual, dual,
psychological preparation of elite athletes. and team sports.
Thus, helping athletes in improving their 3. To find out the relationship
athletic talents, skills and performance are between student-athlete’s
crucial in the teaching-learning process. performance and coaching style,
Meanwhile, athletes’ performance in the coaching behavior, and coaching
individual, dual, and team sports could be competency of the respondents.
measured through actual results obtained 4. To find out whether coaching
by an athlete in a competition. These style, coaching behavior, and
actual results could serve as a basis for coaching competency predict
improving athletes as well as school sports student-athletes performance.
It is in the light of this research METHODS
study to conceptualize and further assess
the factors that contribute to students’ The descriptive research design
performance. Moreover, to determine the was utilized to guide the analysis of this
coaching styles, coaching behavior, and
coaching competence that a coach research. A total of 59 teachers
develops or adapts which contribute to the participated in this research using total
total development of the athletes. population sampling to provide complete
Furthermore, it is important to understand and accurate information. (Bernard,
the variables that could predict student 2006) describes total population
athlete’s performance.
sampling which involves examining the
Research Problem: whole population that has a particular set
Student-athletes’ performance can of characteristics. The researcher used an
be measured by actual results obtained by online questionnaire through Google
an athlete in certain sports event form and sent it to the school principals

Rayvin Domingo Pestano / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (1) (2021)

of each school to be filled out by D Guided 4.20 Always

. Discovery Practiced
purposively chosen teacher respondents. OVERALL MEAN 4.38 Always
Research instruments used in this Practiced
study contained three different sections.
Based on the findings, coaches highly
Components of Coaching style were practiced command, reciprocal, problem-
adopted from Panganiban’s (2019) solving, and guided discovery coaching style.
Coaching style scale. Moreover, to Results revealed that the command coaching
style is the most practiced by the coach. The
determine the coaching behavior of the
result is supported by Martens (2012) who
respondents, a coaching behavior scale found out that the command coaching style
for sports by Cote et al. (1999, as cited by has been prevalent in the past and it is still
Carlsson & Lundqvist, 2016) was used by the coach until now. Command
coaching style is considered as effective
utilized. Furthermore, to measure the coaching style because it helps the athletes
coach’s competency, the coaching perform to the best of their ability.
competency scale developed by Myers et
Table 2. Coaching Behavior of the
al. (2010) was used. Lastly, to ascertain Respondents
the student’ athletes performance in Coaching Behavior Mean Verbal
sports, the data (results of sports Description
A. Physical Training 4.48 Always
competition) from the Department of and Planning Practiced
Education were evaluated based on the B. Technical Skills 4.52 Always
Fibonnacci sequence system.
C. Mental Preparation 4.63 Always
The frequency counts, percentage Practiced
distribution, mean, and standard D. Goal Setting 4.51 Always
deviation were utilized for the scaled- E. Competition 4.62 Always
checklist of this study. Also, to find out Strategies Practiced
F. Personal Rapport 4.71 Always
the significant interrelationship between
respondents coaching style, coaching G. Negative Personal 1.88 Rarely
behavior, coaching competence and Rapport Practiced
OVERALL MEAN 4.19 Always
student athlete’s performance Pearson Practiced
correlation was used. Furthermore,
multiple linear regression analysis was Results showed that respondents
used to determine the predictors of always practiced coaching behaviors under
components of physical training and
student athlete’s performance.
planning, technical skills, mental
preparation, goal setting, competition
Findings and discussions strategies, personal rapport and rarely
Table 1. Coaching Style of the practiced negative personal rapport.
Respondents Positive personal rapport obtained the
Coaching Style Mean Verbal
highest mean in this study. The result of
A Command 4.59 Always this study coincided with the study
. Practiced conducted by Stewart (Stewart, 2014)
B. Reciprocal 4.54 Always which found out that coach who likely
Practiced shows concern on the welfare of
C. Problem 4.21 Always individual athletes, provides a positive
Solving Practiced

Rayvin Domingo Pestano / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (1) (2021)

group atmosphere and having warm 2. Reciprocal 0.153 -0.322 -0.221

personality were the positive behavior 3. Problem- 0.282 0.364 0.334
preferred by the athletes.
On the other hand, negative 4. Guided -0.259 0.181 0.040*
personal rapport coaching behavior Discovery
obtained the lowest mean, the result B. Coaching 0.232 -0.464 -0.265
concurs with the study conducted by Behavior
Bartholomew et al (2010) that investigated 1. Physical 0.158 0.338 0.316
the controlling interpersonal style, and one and
of these styles is intimidation. Intimidation Planning
and negative personal rapport are similar. 2. Technical 0.122 0.172 0.219
Both studies showed that yelling, using Skills
fear, and other negative traits are the most 3. Mental -0.165 0.283 -0.221
rarely practiced or performed by the
coach. It can be indicated that the 4. Goal 0.239 -0.333 0.254
participants of this study were aware of Settin
what best behavior should be practiced in g
sport by coaches where they are required 5. Competitio -0.133 0.252 0.365
to perform the positive personal rapport n
and minimize the use of negative personal gies
rapport. 6. Positive 0.165 0.177 -0.226
Table 2. Rapport
Coaching Mean Verbal 7. Negative -0.325 -0.138 0.129
Competence Description Personal
A. Motivation 4.65 Very High Rapport
Level of C. Coaching
Competence Competency
B. Game Strategy 4.46 Very High 1. Motivation 0.351 -0.257 0.028*
Level of 2. Game 0.176 0.011* 0.038*
Competence Strate
C. Character 4.84 Very High gy
Building Level of 3. Character -0.425 0.422 -0.282
Competence Buildi
D. Techniques 4.56 Very High ng
Level of 4. Technique 0.243 0.041* 0.332
OVERALL MEAN 4.62 Very High Coaching Style and Student-Athlete’s
Level of
Findings revealed that guided
discovery coaching style had a moderately
Table 4. The Interrelationship between
Coaching Style, Behavior, Competency and
significant relationship with student-
Student-Athlete Performance in Sports athlete’s performance in team sports
division level. It suggested that in other
STUDENT-ATHLETES categories of coaching style practiced by
PERFORMANCE the respondents only guided discovery
Individual Dual Team coaching style can be associated with
Sports Sports Sport student-athlete’s performance. The
A. Coaching -0.362 0.543 0.183 findings suggest that those coaches who
Style generally practice guided discovery
1. Command 0.162 -0.451 -0.343 coaching style tend to influence student-

Rayvin Domingo Pestano / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (1) (2021)

athlete’s performance at the team sports influence student-athlete’s performance

division level. According to Groves (n.d.) since p<0.05.
guided discovery as a coaching method Analysis of the data revealed that
has four objectives which are: to engage game strategy competence applied by
the player in a particular process of coach influence student-athletes
discovery; to develop a precise performance (B=-82.309, t=-2.263,
relationship between the player’s p<0.05). Finding likely implied that
discovered response and stimulus (activity coaches who have a high level of
and/or question) presented by the coach; to competence in game strategy tended to
develop sequential discovery skills that contribute and influence student-athlete’s
logically leads to the discovery of a performance
concept and; to develop the patience in
both the coach and the player that is CONCLUSIONS
required for the discovery process.
Teachers highly practiced
Coaching Behavior and Student-Athletes’ coaching styles such as command style,
Performance reciprocal style, problem-solving style,
Based on table 4, coaching and guided discovery style in coaching.
behavior categories such as physical Moreso, in terms of coaching behavior,
training and planning, technical skills, they consistently applied behavior such as
mental preparation, goal setting, physical training and planning behavior,
competition strategies, personal rapport, technical skill behavior, mental
and negative personal rapport did not preparation behavior, competition
significantly correlate with student- strategies behavior, personal rapport
athlete’s performance in the individual, behavior, and negative rapport behavior as
dual and team sports respectively. This behavior in coaching. Furthermore, it has
suggests that the coaching behavior of the been found that they possessed a high
respondents has no significant relationship level of competence in terms of
with student-athlete’s performance. motivation, game strategy, character
The results contradict the study of building, and technique.
Holstein (2010) which investigated the As to student-athlete’s
college athlete’s perceptions of effective performance in individual, dual, and team
coaching behaviors and how perceptions sports, it indicated that, the as level of
affect or influence individual performance competition becomes higher, their
and team satisfaction. The findings performance becomes lower. Winning at a
revealed that coach behaviors/traits did higher level of competition becomes
moderately and strongly influence harder and that instance is normal since all
students’ performance and team athletes competing are already winners in
satisfaction. such events.
Results disclosed that guided
Coaching Competence and Student- discovery coaching style tends to
Athletes’ Performance influence student-athletes ‘performance,
Results showed that game strategy coaching behavior categories do not have
competence, motivation competence, and a significant relationship. While game
technique competence had a moderately strategies competence, motivation
significant relationship with student- competence, and technique competence
athlete’s performance. It can be implied have been found to have a significant
that those coaches that have high relationship with student-athletes
competence in that areas are more likely to performance, only game strategy

Rayvin Domingo Pestano / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (1) (2021)

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