Assessment of Feed Resources and Rangeland Condition in Metema District of North Gondar Zone, Ethiopia

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M.Sc. Thesis


APRIL 2008

Haramaya University

A Thesis Submitted to the Department of

Animal Sciences, School of Graduate Studies

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of



APRIL 2008

As Thesis research advisor, we here by certify that we have read and evaluated this Thesis
prepared under our guide, by TESFAYE DESALEW ADAL Entitled:” Characterization of
Rangeland Condition and Assessment of Feed Resources in Metema District of North
Gondar Zone, Ethiopia.” We recommend that it be subjected as fulfilling the Thesis

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Major advisor Signature Date

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Co-advisor Signature Date

As members of the Board of examiners of the M.Sc. Thesis Open Defense Examination, we
certify that we have read, evaluated the thesis prepared by TESFAYE DESALEW ADAL and
examined the candidate. We recommended that the Thesis be accepted as fulfilling the thesis
requirement for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture (Range Ecology and

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Chairman Signature Date

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Internal Examiner Signature Date

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External Examiner Signature Date


This thesis is dedicated to my father Ato Desalew Adal due to whose proper guidance and
effort in my school inspired a great interest of learning in my mind and to my mother W/ro
Bifa Arega who provide me all her love and sacrificed her interests for my success while I
was in school and that will be remembered for ever.


First I declare that this thesis is my genuine work and that all sources of materials used for
this Thesis have been duly acknowledged. This Thesis has been submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for M.Sc degree at Haramaya University and is reserved at the
University library to be made available to borrowers under rules and regulations of the library.
I solemnly declare that this Thesis is not submitted to any other institution anywhere for the
award of any academic degree, diploma or certificate.

Paraphrased citations from this thesis are allowable without special permission, provided that
accurate acknowledgement of the source is made. Requests for permission for extended
quotation from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole or in part may be granted by the
head of the department or the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies when in his judgment
the proposed use of the material is in the interest of scholarship. In all other instances,
however, permission must be obtained from the author.

Name: Tesfaye Desalew

Place: Haramaya University, Haramaya
Date of Submission: April 2008


ADF Acid Detergent Fiber

ADL Acid Detergent Lignin
AEZ Agro-ecological Zone
ANOVA Analysis Of Variance
ANRS Amhara National Regional State
AOAC Association of Official Analytical Chemist
BOA Bureau of Agriculture
C Degree Celsius
CACC Central Agricultural Census Commission
CBFS Cotton Based Farming System
CRs Crop Residues
CSA Central Statistic Authority
DCP Digestible Crude Protein
DM Dry Matter
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization of the united nation
GLM General Linear Model
Ha hectare
HHC House Hold Count
HH House Hold
ILCA International Livestock Center for Africa
ILRI International Livestock Research Institute
IVDMD Invitro Dry Matter Digestibility
LSM Least square mean
Masl Meter above sea level
ME Metabolizable Energy
MOA Ministry of Agriculture
NDF Neutral Detergent Fiber
OARD Office of Agriculture and Rural Development
OM Organic Matter


PAs Peasant Associations

SE Standard error
SBFS Sesame Based Farming System
SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science
SSA Sub -Saharan Africa
SRM Society of Range management
TLU Tropical Livestock Unit


The author, Tesfaye Desalew, was born in North Shoa Zone, Dera District in 1970. He
attended elementary school at Selelkula Junior secondary School and his high school
education at Merhabete Patriots Higher Secondary School. He joined the Alemaya University
of Agriculture in 1986/87 academic year. He graduated with Bachelor of Science Degree in
Animal Sciences in 1990. After his graduation, he was employed in the Ministry of
Agriculture in South Wollo Zone, Department of Agriculture and has worked with different
capacities districts and to zones. In September 2006, he joined the School of Graduate Studies
of the Haramaya University to pursue his MSc study in Range Ecology and Management.


Above all, I thank my almighty God, who look aftered my health and gave me the ability and
the patience to finalize this piece of work. This thesis would not have been possible without
the help of many individuals. First of all, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to
my major advisor Dr. Lisanework Nigatu, for his limitless advice, constructive criticism and
proper guidance, critical reading of the manuscript, valuable suggestions and comments
during the entire work. I am greatly indebted to my Co-advisor Dr. Azage Tegegne for his
concrete suggestions, valuable criticism, fast comments and guidance at all stages of my study
and for finding me the research fund of the study. For financial assistance of IMPS-Ethiopia, I
thank ILRI/ IPMS-Ethiopia. I am also indebted to the Kutaber Office of Agricultural and
Rural Development who facilitated conditions for my study. My special thanks go to Ato
Tilahun Awoke, W/ro Hadia Ali, Ato Yeteshawotrk Belete and W/ro Mulu Kumlacew for
their unreserved assistance, unforgettable kindness, and moral support throughout the study

I am grateful for the IPMS/ Ethiopia staff members at Metema, mainly Ato Worku Teka
(RDO), Solomon Legesse (RDA) and Teklehymanot Seyoum (Driver), for their cooperation
and unforgettable time we passed during my fieldwork. I express my heart-felt thanks to Ato
Dawit and Ato Mulugeta of ILRI Laboratory for their genuine assistance in laboratory
analysis. I would like to thank Mr. Yasin Getahun of global positioning system (GPS) for
providing me orientation and mapping the study site and Mr. Melaku Wodafrash of the
National Herbarium, Addia Ababa University, who assisted me in identifying vegetation
specimens. I acknowledge Ato Meseret Adane, the technician of Metema District Net
Computer, who allowed me to use Internet where no access was available in the area. My
appreciation and thanks go to staff of Metema Office of Agriculture and Rural development,
for their cooperation in providing me with relevant information. My sincere appreciation and
thanks goes also to my colleagues Bekele Kerebih, Tesfaye Mengistie and Solomon Nega for
their good friendship, material support and encouragement during the study. Unlimited
appreciation and special thanks goes to my parents for their prayer, encouragement and moral
support. Similarly, I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my brothers and sisters

for their encouragements and moral support. There are many other individuals who supported
me in various ways, although I cannot mention their names here. I simply say thank you so
much for your immense support.
















2.1 Vegetation as an Indication of Environment 4

2.2. Major livestock feed resources in Ethiopia 5
2.2.1. Feed availability and nutritive value of range forage 5 Natural pasture 5 Crop residues 8

2.3. Rangeland Potential of Ethiopia 8

2.3.1. Traditional grazing land management 9
2.8.1. Estimating range condition 16
2.8.2 Range sites 16


2.8.3. Range trend 17

2.8.4 Range condition classification 17

2.9. Biomass Estimation Methods and applications 18


3.1 Description of the Study Area 20

3.1.1. Geographical location 20
3.1.2 Climate and topography 20
3.1.3. Vegetation and soil 22
3.1.4. Livestock population 22
3.1.5 Human population 23
3.1.6 Land use pattern 23
3.1.7 Farming systems 24 Cotton based farming system 24 Sesame based farming system 24

3.2. Livestock feed resources assessment in the study district 25

3.3. Rangeland Condition Assessment 26

3.3.1. Range sites selection 26
3.3.2. Sampling procedures 27
3.3.3. Species composition assessment and dry matter biomass 28
3.3.4 Identification of species 29
3.3.5. Range condition assessment 29 Grass species composition 29 Basal and litter cover 30 Number of seedlings and age distribution 30 Soil erosion and compaction 31 Woody vegetation layer 31
3.4. Evaluation of the Quality of Major Feed Resources 32
3.4.1. Samples preparation 32

3.5. Statistical Analysis 33


4.1 Socio–Economic Conditions of the Study District 35

4.1.1 House hold characteristics 35

4.1.2 Age composition and family size 37

4.2 Land holding and land use pattern 39

4.3 Livestock holdings and composition 40

4.3.1. Livestock herd structures 41

4.4. Major Livestock Feed Resources of the study area 43

4.4.1 Availability of Natural Pasture 46
4.4.2. Hay making 47
4.4.3. The production and availability of Crop residues 48 Utilization practices of crop residues 49
4.4.4 Supplementation 51 The amount of supplementation 51
4.4.5. Feeding calendar and Seasonal availability of feed resources 53
4.4.6. Water Resources 53
4.5. Chemical Composition of dominant Feed resources in the study district 55
4.5.1. The effects of season on chemical composition 55
4.5.2. The effect of species types on chemical composition 56
4.5.3. Interaction effects of season and species type on chemical composition 57
4.6. Feed balances in the study district 58

4.7. Major livestock constraints of the district 59

4.8. Floristic Composition of the Study District 60

4.8.1. Herbaceous species composition 60

4.8.2. Woody species composition 62 Height classes of woody vegetation 65
4.8.3. Vegetation in cotton based farming system 66 Herbaceous species composition 66 Woody vegetation 69
4.8.4. Vegetation in the sesame based farming system 71 Herbaceous species 71 Woody vegetation in sesame based farming system. 73

4.9. Range Condition Assessment 75

4.9.1. The Effect of farming systems on rangeland condition at different levels
of grazing areas 75 Communal grazing areas 75 Roadside grazing areas 76 Enclosed areas 78
4.9.2 The effect of grazing areas on range condition at different farming System 81 Range condition in the CBFS 81 Range condition in the SBFS 84

4.9.3. Interaction effects of farming system and grazing areas on range condition 85

4.10. Biomass Production 86

4.10.1. The effect of farming system on dry matter biomass in different grazing
types 86 Communal grazing areas 86
4.10.1. 2. Road side grazing areas 87 Enclosed grazing areas 88
4.10.2. Biomass at different farming system 89 Biomass in CBFS 89 Biomass in SBFS 90

4.11. The effect of farming system on biomass 91

4. 12. The effect of grazing on dry matter biomass 92

4.13. Correlation among Variables Studied in Range Condition Assessment 93

4.14. Relationship between Dry matter Biomass production and Range Condition 94


5.1. Summary 95

5.2. Conclusions 97

5.3. Recommendations 98




Table Page

1. Percentage nutritional quality characteristics of major feed resources in.................................. 7

2. Experimental units used in the range sites ............................................................................... 27
3. Respondents’ status, sex, ethnic group, education, and major occupation .............................. 36
4. Age of family members, family size and age of respondents in ............................................. 38
5. Percentage of land holding and land use pattern of the farming systems in the study district 40
6 Livestock holding of households in the two farming systems (TLU)...................................... 41
7. Livestock herd structure of the house holds in the farming systems of ................................... 43
8. Percentage of respondents indicating the livestock feeding systems, major ........................... 45
9. Percentage respondents indicating feed resources availability in ............................................ 47
10. The major crops cultivated and produced (ton) together with the amount ............................ 49
11. The Mean ± (SE) utilization of crop residues (tons/ha) for different purposes ..................... 50
12.The types and amounts of supplementation used by respondents in the study district........... 52
13.The Periods during which, different feed resources is available in the district ...................... 53
14. The sources of water and watering frequency of animals in the district................................ 54
15. Chemical composition (Mean±SE) of feeds in different seasons .......................................... 56
16. The mean chemical composition (Mean±SE) of different feeds ........................................... 57
17. The feed balance estimate in the study district ...................................................................... 58
18. Percentage of respondents indicating the major constraints in the study district .................. 60
19. Common and /or dominant grass species identified in the farming systems and .................. 62
20. Common and/or dominant woody species and percentage composition ............................... 64
21. The percentage of height class distribution of trees and shrubs............................................. 65
22. Herbaceous species composition (% DM biomass) and their desirability in the
grazing types of CBFS .......................................................................................................... 67
23.Woody species and percentage composition in different grazing........................................... 70
24. Herbaceous species composition (% DM biomass) and their desirability in......................... 72
25. Woody species in the sesame based farming system with different ...................................... 74
26. Range condition score (LSM ± SE) of communal grazing areas........................................... 76
27. Range condition score (LSM ± SE) roadside grazing areas .................................................. 77
28. Range condition score (LSM ± SE) in enclosed grazing areas............................................. 80
29. Range condition score (LSM ± SE) in the different grazing areas of the .............................. 83
30. Range condition score (LSM ± SE) in the different grazing areas of.................................... 85
31. Dry matter biomass (kg/ha) of the communal grazing areas ................................................ 87
32. Dry matter biomass (kg/ha) of the road side grazing areas located ....................................... 88
33. Dry biomass (kg/ha) of the enclosed grazing areas in ........................................................... 89
34. Dry matter biomass (kg/ha) of the different grazing types in CBFS in ................................. 90
35. Dry matter biomass (kg/ha) of the different grazing types in SBFS the study district .......... 91


Figure Page

1. Map of Ethiopia at the bottom left corner and map of the study area (Metema),..................... 21
2. Effects of farming system on biomass ...................................................................................... 92
3. The effect of grazing on biomass production............................................................................ 93
4. Regression graph of dry matter biomass and range condition ................................................. 94


Appendix Table Page

1. Criteria for the scoring of the different factors determining ................................................... 114
2. Criteria for the scoring of the different factors determining .................................................. 115
3. ANOVA test on total family size of inhabitants .................................................................... 116
4. ANOVA test of the land holding the house holds in the district ........................................... 116
5. Common and /or dominant woody species and their percentage........................................... 117
6. Herbaceous species identified in different farming systems and ........................................... 118
7. Correlation matrix among variables studied in the communal .............................................. 119
8. Correlation matrixes among variables studied in the roadside .............................................. 120
9. Correlation matrixes among variables studied in the............................................................. 121
10. Correlation matrix among variables studied in the .............................................................. 122
11. Correlation matrixes among variables studied in the........................................................... 123
12. Correlation matrix among of variables studied and their..................................................... 124
13. ANOVA for interaction effect of season and....................................................................... 125
14. ANOVA for interaction effect of season and species type on ............................................. 125
15. ANOVA for interaction effect of season and species type on OM...................................... 126
16. ANOVA for interaction effect of season and species type on CP ....................................... 126
17. ANOVA for interaction effect of season and species type on NDF .................................... 127
18. ANOVA for interaction effect of season and species type on ADF .................................... 127
19. ANOVA for interaction effect of season and species type on ADL .................................... 128
20. ANOVA for interaction effect of season and species type on ............................................. 128
21. ANOVA for interaction effect of farming system and grazing............................................ 129
22. ANOVA for interaction effect of farming system and......................................................... 129
23. ANOVA for interaction effect of farming system and......................................................... 130
24. ANOVA for interaction effect of farming system and......................................................... 130
25. ANOVA for interaction effect of farming system and......................................................... 131
26. ANOVA for interaction effect of farming system and......................................................... 131
27. ANOVA for interaction effect of farming system and......................................................... 132


Appendix Figure Page

1. Metema district farming systems ........................................................................................... 133

2. Land Use and Land cover of Metema district........................................................................ 134
3. The view of communal grazing lands at the dry season prior to ........................................... 135
4.The view of communal grazing lands at peak dry season....................................................... 136
5. Partial view of communal grazing lands Sesame based farming........................................... 137
6. Hay storage mechanism of the farmers in open field............................................................. 138
7. Pennisetum spheslatum grass dominated communal grazing land ........................................ 139
8. Parts of the enclosed sites at Sesame based farming (Agam wuha) ..................................... 140
9. Communal grazing land after flash burning........................................................................... 141
10. Hyparrhenia rufa grass dominated wood land (Guange river side areas) ........................... 142



The study was conducted in Metema District of Amhara Region and the objectives of the study
were to assess the major livestock feed resources, to analyze the chemical composition of
major feeds, to assess the rangeland condition and investigate the floristic composition and
dry matter biomass yields of herbaceous species in the District.The livestock feed resources
were assessed by formal and informal survey and analyzed by descriptive statistics. In the
assessment range condition, grass species composition, basal cover, litter cover, soil erosion,
soil compaction, seedling count, age distribution and woody density enumeration, canopy
cover and hedging effect were collected and analyzed by GLM and LSD is used for mean
comparision. The chemical analysis of the major feeds, a statistical model Yij= µ + Si + Lj +
eij were used. Natural pasture (55.7 %), crop residues (20.7 %), stubble (14.3 %) and hay
(9.3 %) were the major feed resources for dry season where as in the wet season, only natural
pasture serves as feed resource. The estimated feeds from crop residues (827.16) ton DM per
annum, grazing land and stubble (780750 and (51954) ton DM per annum could be obtained,
respectively and total estimated available feed supply was 833531.16 ton DM per annum.
Crop residues utilization, hay making and amount of supplementation is not appropriate. 33
herbaceous species were identified; of these, 14 and 19 were different grasses and non-grass
species. From the non-grass species 6 legumes and 13 sedges and others species were
recorded. Of the grasses, 23.07 %, 38.46 % and 30.77% were highly desirable, desirable and
less desirable, respectively. Of the identified 20 woody species, 15 %, 35 %, and 50 % were
highly desirable, desirable and less desirable, respectively.The height of 41.2% of trees and
shrubs in communal grazing areas, 38.5% in road side grazing and 33.3% in enclosed areas
were grouped within the height class of (1- 3 m) .The range condition assessment factors
(basal cover, litter cover, grass species composition, woody vegetation density, canopy cover,
hedging effect, age distribution and total condition score) in communal grazing areas of
SBFS were significantly (P<0.05) higher than CBFS. The grass species composition, basal
cover, litter cover, age distribution, and woody species density score in enclosed areas had a
significantly (P< 0.05) higher than in communal grazing areas and roadside grazing areas.
The total grass biomass, highly desirable grasses, desirable grasses species and legumes and
others in the SBFS were significantly (P<0.05) higher than in the CBFS. The total dry matter
biomass, dry matter biomass of grass and highly desirable grasses, and legumes were
significantly (P<0.05) higher in the enclosed areas than the communal and the road side
grazing areas. The finding of this study indicate that the rangeland condition of communal
and roadside grazing areas of the district need rehabilitation, proper management and
regulatory activity.The duration and managements of feed conservation and amounts of
supplementation should be improved.


Ethiopia is known as an African country with the richest livestock resources. About 62 % of the
total land surface in the country is suitable for grazing (Hogg, 1997; Alemayehu, 1998). The
lowlands of the country are found below 1500 masl and are estimated to cover about 78 million
ha, which is about 61-65 % of the total land area of the country (FAO, 1992; Friedel et al.,
2000). They are home for about 12 % of human and 26 % of livestock population (Beruk et al.,
2003). Relatively, low human population densities and highly variable and uncertain rainfall
have characterized the lowland areas. Due to this, the low land areas of the country are difficult
for humans to live in comfortably concentrated ways. In the pastoral community, grazing
biomasses are entirely determined by the amount, pattern and timing of rainfall in that particular
year. Therefore, the amount and distribution of rainfall is the prime limiting factor, which in
addition to high temperature, affects the quality of the rangelands. Furthermore, the intensity of
grazing and browsing and restriction in livestock mobility are factors that exert strong impact on
the rangelands than the number of animals owned by the pastoralists.

In most of the developing countries, rangelands have contributed to the major portion of feed
consumed by ruminants. As in other developing countries, livestock production in Ethiopia
heavily relies on rangeland. Rangeland is defined as a land on which the indigenous vegetation
(climax or natural potential) is predominantly grasses, grass-like plants, forbs or shrubs.
Rangeland is largely managed as a natural ecosystem. If plants are introduced, they are managed
similarly. Rangelands include natural grasslands, savannas, shrub lands, many deserts, tundra,
alpine communities, marshes and wet meadows (SRM 1999). Most rangelands are rarely suitable
for arable cropping. In Ethiopia, there are extensive areas where the raising of livestock on the
natural vegetation is the only possible types of land use (Coppock, 1994). The rangelands of
Ethiopia are presently being extensively deteriorated both in quantity and quality (Tamene, 1990;
Belaynesh, 2006).In seasonally dry environments, the main limitations to animal production are
lack of green feed for at least half of the year. The other is the low nutritive quality of forages
during most of the period of active pasture growth (Jones and Wilson, 1987). The low nutritive
quality of the forage is due mainly to environmental stresses such as high temperatures (Van
Soest, 1988) and infertile soils (Roberts, 1987). The major reducer of livestock productivity is
dry-matter intake which, in turn, is influenced by the palatability, chemical composition and
physical attributes of the diet.

The Amhara National Regional State (ARNS) is located in the northwestern part of Ethiopia.
The regional state has 11 administrative zones and more than 100 districts. The Metema District
is one of the 104 districts of the ARNS found in North Gondar Administrative Zone near the
border of Sudan. The district is broadly categorized under the low-land agro-ecological zone of
in the northwestern parts of the country. Livestock production in the district is an integral part of
the land use system. Cattle and goat rearing is a common practice in the area. According to Sisay
(2006), the major livestock feed resources in the study areas are natural pasture, crop residues,
crop aftermath and hay. The area has relatively reliable natural pasture during wet season (ILRI,
2005; Elias et. al., 2007). As indicated on the district’s land use data out of the total area of land,
there are extensive grazing lands in the study area. As a result, about 72 % of the land is covered
by grazing and forest land. Despite large extensive grazing lands in the district, the district is
known for critical livestock feed shortage in dry season. Continuous settlement program by the
government caused increase in population, which in turn increased the need for farmlands. The
scramble for farmlands caused decline in the rangeland. The other cause for reduction in the size
of rangeland is the increasing demands for farmlands by investors and the transhumant large
livestock seasonal movements into the district from the neighboring three highland districts of
Chilga, Dembia and Gondar Zuria. The factors together exerted a negative impact on the
productivity and situation of rangeland of the district.

To maintain the optimum productivity and sustainable use of the rangeland resources for the
future, knowledge about the current rangeland resources is indispensable. Absence of adequate
base-line information about the available rangeland resources had been identified as one of the
bottle-necks that hindered the development of rangelands in Ethiopia (Amsalu, 2000). The study
area was no exception. Therefore, it is important to gather data on the rangeland conditions,
assessments of the quality of livestock feed resources and the constraining circumstances in the

area. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to generate base-line information on livestock feed
and rangeland resources. The objectives of the study were to:
¾ assess the major livestock feed resources in the district;
¾ analyze the chemical composition of the major livestock feed resources,
¾ assess the rangeland condition of the district based on herbaceous, woody and soil layers
¾ investigate the floristic composition and dry-matter biomass yields of herbaceous species.


This chapter reviews relevant literatures on vegetation as an indicator of the environments. It

also discusses the types of livestock feed resources in Ethiopia. What is more, the chapter deals
with the rangeland potential of the country and it’s the traditional rangeland management
practices. The causes of degradation (deterioration) of the rangelands and the compositions of
species of the diferse vegetations in the rangelands will be discussed as adequately as possible. In
addition, rangeland condition assessment procedures, dry matter biomass estimation methods and
applications are thoroughly analyused in the chapter.

2.1 Vegetation as an Indication of Environment

Natural vegetation integration reflects the entire natural environment. If the natural vegetation is
left undisturbed, it may be used as the broad guides to rainfall. If topography, geology and soil
conditions of the natural vegetation do not show remarkable change, change in vegetation
usually reflects change in rainfall (Coaldrake et al., 1976). Basically, the vegetation of an area is
the product of the material available and the nature of the ecological environment including
landform, soil and climatic conditions and the impacts of socially induced factors like fire,
grazing and modification, circulation of minerals and plant decay. Furthermore, to completely
understand vegetation, it is necessary to consider the past as well as the present condition of
vegetations, vegetations have their own history. Often, the present vegetation represents a stage
of regression from a more highly developed or vigorous community that has been brought under
stress, perhaps through overgrazing. The vegetation may also show the changes that have
occurred to the environment. The factors that affect vegetation are basically inseparable as they
exert their pressures together. However, just for the purposes of discussion, it is convenient to
see them separately (Pratt and Gwynne, 1977)

2.2. Major livestock feed resources in Ethiopia

Livestock in the Sub-Saharan Africa are dependent primarily on native grasslands and crop
residues (Ibrahim, 1999). According to Alemayehu (2003), Ethiopia’s Livestock feed resources
are mainly natural grazing and browse, crop residues, improved pasture, and agro-industrial by-
products. The feeding systems include communal or private natural grazing and browsing, cut-
and-carry feeding, hay and crop residues. At present, in the country stock are fed almost entirely
on natural pasture and crop residues. Grazing is on permanent grazing areas, fallow land and
cropland after harvest (Stubble). The availability and quality of forage are not favorable year
round. As a result, the gains made in the wet season are totally or partially lost in the dry season
(Alemayehu, 2003). Inadequate feed during the dry season is a major that causes decline in the
productivity of ruminants. In the Sub-Saharan Africa, human population is increasing rapidly,
forcing farmers to use grazing areas for arable farming. As a result, the smallholder farmers in in
this part of Africa have integrated their livestock into their cropping systems and used crop
residues as a main livestock feed resources (Ibrahim, 1999).

2.2.1. Feed availability and nutritive value of range forage Natural pasture

Natural pastures include annual and perennial species of grasses, forbs and trees (Masiiwa,
1998). They comprise the largest feed resource, but estimates of the contribution of this feed
resource vary greatly. Alemayehu, (1998a) estimated that 80-85 % of the livestock feed in
Ethiopia comes from natural pasture. Other works estimated that the natural pasture provides 88-
90 % of the feed. This is because the quantity and quality of native pasture varies with altitude,
rainfall, soil and cropping intensity. The total area of grazing and browsing in the country is
62,280 million hectares. Out of this, 12% is in the farming areas (more than 600 mm rainfall) and
the rest is around the pastoral areas (Alemayehu, 1985). In extensive and semi-extensive
systems, natural rangeland is a major feed resource (Gambiza, 1996). Communal grazing is
normal and managed as a common property resource (Behnke and Schoones, 1993; Wolmer,

1997). The carrying capacity of the grazing area, if calculated on plant availability, should allow
a plant use of 30–50% (de Leeuw and Toothill, 1993). A major variable in the system is rainfall,
which affects the productivity rangeland and the supply of other feed resources. As listed by
(Gammon, 1984), the important principles of rangeland management are stocking rate, rest and
the frequency of grazing. In communal rangelands, high stocking rates, few rest periods and
frequent close grazing, and fire are factors causing debilitating impacts on rangelands. In
addition, the unavailability of adequate water points are other debilitating factor (Gammon,
1984).Trees are an important components of the rangelands and have major roles such as
environmental conservation (Atta-Krah, 1989), a source of fuel wood and building materials
(UNESCO, 1996), feed for browsers (Atta-Krah 1989). As a result of this, a combination of
grazers and browsers should increase the carrying capacity of rangeland. In semi-arid areas, the
value of tree litter as cattle feed and a source of shade should not be underestimated (Smith et al.,

Seasonal fluctuations of feed resources in the tropics follow the pattern of vegetation growth that
is affected by the availability of rainfall. This resulted in a seasonal pattern of wet season gain
and dry season loss of live weight. Seasonal fluctuations in the availability and the poor quality
of feeds are considered to be the main constraints on sheep production in arid regions (Guada,

According to NRC (1962), chemical analysis of range forage plants serves as a comparative
measure of differences between species and change with season. They are also useful for
measuring differences on the effect of the stage of growth and the quality of sites on chemical
constituents. Simbaya (1998) reported that the quality of natural pastures is also influenced by
the absence of legume species in communal grasslands. This tends to limit the nutritional quality
of available fodder. As a result, animals are unable to meet their protein, energy and mineral
requirements. Osuji (1993) suggested that poor nutrition is one of the major constraints to
livestock productivity in the sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This is because, in this part of the
continent, animals predominantly depend for their feed on high-fiber feeds (straws, Stover’s and
native pasture hay) which are deficient in nutrients (nitrogen, Sulphure, minerals, phosphorus

etc) and suitable for microbial fermentation. Consequently, the digestibility and intake of
digestible nutrients are unavoidably low. However, these deficiencies can partly be mitigated by
supplementing roughage diets with feeds containing the deficient nutrients.

Table 1. Percentage nutritional quality characteristics of major feed resources in

Metema district as influenced by seasonal changes

% chemical compositions

Natural pasture August 93.4 9.4 6.4 45.8 4.7 78.3 57.8
October 94.1 10.3 5.7 47.8 5.5 78.5 56.9
Fodder 92.9 8.6 13.2 40.6 13.2 54.5 47.9
Hay 94.5 10.5 7.2 41.2 4.8 76.8 54.3
Sorghum stover 92.4 7.9 3.1 44.9 6.3 75.5 46.9
Teff straw 93.2 8.9 4.3 46.9 8.0 76.0 41.0
Millet straw 92.4 9.8 4.2 44.2 5.9 72.3 52.8
Source: Sisay (2006)

To feed the increasing human population, continuous cereal growing has been undergoing.
Parallely, the carrying capacity and quality of the grazing land is on the decline. In general, feed
shortages and nutrient deficiencies become more acute in the dry season in both the highlands
and lowlands (Alemayehu, 2003). For various reasons, crop residues and agro-industrial by-
products are not adequately utilized. Cultivation of forage is not widely adopted. Again,
commercial feed production is not developed. In the lowlands, livestock production is almost
totally dependent on natural grazing. However, grazing lands do not fulfill the nutritional
requirements of animals, particularly in the dry season, due to poor management and the inherent
low productivity and poor quality.

Range forage varies in quality from time to time and from place to place. It is during the growth
stages that plants are most nutritious (See Table 1 above). Once mature, plants are subjected to
leaching and dilution of nutrients. Reduction in the nutritional values, declines in nutrient
composition and leaching are especially serious in the case of herbaceous plants (Alemayehu,

2006). As plants mature, crude protein, the more readily digested carbohydrates, and phosphorus
decrease. In contrast, fiber, lignin and cellulose increase (Stoddart et al., 1975). Most grasses and
tree leaves in arid environments are low in nutritional values because of high contents of lignin
and relatively indigestible cellulose and hemi-cellulose. The plants require such substances to
protect themselves from high temperatures and evapo-transpiration. Unfortunately, they lower
their nutritional contents and digestibility (Mathur et al. 1991). The stage of growth, maturity of
grasses and taste influence the nutritional values of these sources of feed. Crop residues

Crop residues (CRs) are roughages that become available as livestock feeds after crops have
been harvested. They are distinct from agricultural by-products (such as brans, oil cakes, etc),
which are generated when crops are processed. Residues can usually be grouped along crop
types-cereals, grain legumes, roots and tubers, and so on (World Bank, 1989; Nordblom and
Shomo, 1995). Apart from being a source of animal feed, residues are sources of building,
roofing and fencing materials. They are used also as fuel and as fertilizers or as surface mulch in
cropland (Van Raay and de Leeuw, 1970, 1974). Their value as feed depends on the demand
from livestock owners, which varies with the overall supply and demand situation for feeds.
This, in turn, depends on the density of livestock, usually expressed in tropical livestock units per
square kilo meter (TLU km-2) and the supply of other feed resources, in particular, forage and
browse from natural vegetation (de Leeuw and Rey, 1995). The supply of CRs is a function of
the proportion of land used for cropping and the amount of edible feed yields per unit of land.
Where consumable livestock feeds from CRs exceeds from natural pastures (expressed in t DM
ha-1), the expansion of cropland has a positive effect on overall feed supplies.

2.3. Rangeland Potential of Ethiopia

The pastoral rangelands of Ethiopia are located around the peripheral or the outer edge of the
country, almost surrounding the central highland mass (Alemayehu 2004). The areas are

classified as marginally arable and non-arable land. They comprise about 62 % (767,600 kms2)
of the country’s land area. Most of these areas are below 1500 meters above sea level with the
south west and the south eastern areas having an altitude of around 1,000 meters above sea level
and the south eastern and south western rangelands rising up to 1,700 meters above sea level
(Kidane, 1993). The lowland climates are arid (64%), semi-arid (21 %) and sub-humid (15%)
and the zones are largely characterized by four rainfalls and temperature regimes. These zones
also vary markedly in terms of the number of plant growing days per year, forage production,
common plant associations, livestock and human carrying capacities and incidence of livestock
diseases. Today, Ethiopia has over 70 million heads of livestock. The lowlands are home to 12%
of the human population and 26% of the livestock (that is about 21 million heads of livestock).
Various forms of pastoralism and agropastoralism dominate land use by the 29 ethnic groups of
living in the lowlands of the country. In the lowland areas of the country, livestock depends upon
rangelands consisting of native pasture. As calculated for the lowlands overall, roughly six
people/km² depend on 11 Tropical Livestock Units (TLUs), which are composed of cattle (49%),
goats (16%), equines (16%), camels (12%) and sheep (7%).

2.3.1. Traditional grazing land management

Traditional knowledge in natural resources management and utilization has been playing
important role in improving and developing land use system in the world (Angello, 1996). The
pastoralists have been using the traditional grazing management in order to cope up with the
relatively arid condition of the environment, prevent overgrazing and ensure the sustainability of
the resources base. Pastoralists use flexible grazing strategies. Overall, their gazing management
is the result of their cumulative knowledge about resources, assessment of range condition and
distribution of rainfall (Ayana, 1999). These traditional practices are good experiences on the
basis of which it is possible to develop improved pastoral system.

2.4. Causes of Range Land Degradation

Rangeland degradation may be defined as the loss of utility or potential utility or the reduction,
loss or change of the features of rangeland ecosystem (Chrisholm and Dumsday 1987). In
general, rangeland degradation is reduction in the rank or status of natural vegetation. This
includes, among other things, loss of topsoil, change in simple floral/fauna composition or
transition from one organic form to a lower organic form, and continuous decline in the
productivity/biomass of the ecosystem. Generally speaking, a lower biological diversity is
supposed to occur in a degraded rangeland although more rigorous research should be done to
show more reliable information about why and how degradation occurs. From ecological point of
view, degradation can be treated as retrogression of an ecosystem and recovery of degraded
rangeland as secondary succession (Numata, 1969)

2.4.1. Drought and shortage of rain

Prolonged drought and erratic rainfall can cause serious range degradation. During the drought
periods, the rainfall is generally inadequate to allow growth of grasses (Helland, 1980) and to fill
the surface water ponds (Cossins and Upton, 1987).

2.4.2. Bush encroachment

The ecological succession in the Borana rangelands indicates that the potential of grassland is
threatened by bush encroachment (Alemayehu, 2004). Over all, woody vegetation reduces grass
cover by increasing the competition for available water and nutrients and by reducing the amount
of light that reaches the grass layer. In addition to competing with grasses, some noxious woody
plants are commonly thorny and thicket forming. Therefore, they extremely affect the grazing
capacity of the rangeland (Alemayehu, 2004). It is important to understand the factors that
contribute to invasion process of undesirable woody vegetation. Many factors may be involved
in bush encroachment. However, overgrazing is claimed to be the major problem. High
concentrations of woody plants are found around Ollas and water points where the stocking

densities and grazing intensities are relatively high (Cossins and Upton, 1988). Archer et al
(2003) revealed that the common characteristics of woody species that increase in grazed
environments include high seed production, seeds that persist in soil for many years, the ability
to disperse long distances and sprout following top removal. The other is the level of tolerance
available to low levels of water and nutrients, and low palatability.

2.4.3. Over population and overstocking

The growth of animal and human populations is increasing at an alarming rate. In contrast, the
size of pasture resource on which they depend on is diminishing both in size and productivity
(Grandin, 1987; Coppock, 1994). Usually, increase in human population implies increase in
livestock population in order to maintain survival. Increase in the size of population and
overstocking are in turn causing imbalances, for example, in Borana range system and have
already resulted in overgrazing and range degradation (Alemayehu, 2004). Gamedo (2004)
reported that overgrazing has been one of the major factors that have caused degradation in
rangeland in Borena. In this area, the relatively good rangeland condition in ranches and kalos
may show that overgrazing is a major cause of degradation in rangeland.

2.5. Factors Affecting Rangeland Vegetation

2.5.1. Climate and soil

Climate plays a primary role in determining the types of vegetations used for grazing and the
subsequent growth responses (Moore and Russel, 1976; MCcown, 1981; Whiteman, 1980). The
quantity and distribution of rainfall are the two most important criteria that determine the form
and productivity of vegetations. Brawn (1963) defined high potential areas as those receiving
more than 900mm of rain while cropping is risky in the range of 650-900mm if rain is scattered
over months. Edaphic characteristics may substantially modify climatic factors in various ways.
On its part, the high level of fertility in the natural soil increases the level of response of
vegetations to moisture. In addition, the volume and the water holding and storing capacity of

soil are other influential factors. The surface and subsurface characteristics of soil also determine
the amount of run off, infiltration of water and the level of drainage. Usually, uncontrolled
overgrazing leads to bareness and loss of topsoil by erosion to such an extent that the vegetation
assumes a drier appearance than rainfall data suggests.

2.5.2. Animals

The poor animal production experienced on rangeland has long been attributed to the poor
quality of forage. This is generally determined by the amount of the protein, mineral and energy
contents of the range plants. However, the samples taken from such materials often overlooked
selective grazing by animals between species and different parts of species although selectivity is
of considerable importance as a procedural issue in research (Holechek et. al., 1994). Livestock
grazing has a profound impact on vegetation. Since several years ago, the general pattern of
grazing-induced vegetation change has been well documented (Stoddart et. al., 1975). It is
generally known that less palatable plants increase at the expense of more palatable species. A
study conducted in the southern and eastern rangelands of Ethiopia revealed that, community
structure is largely changed with continuation of improper grazing over along period of time
(Coppock, 1993; SERP, 1995; Ayana, 1999).

2.6. Factors Influencing Vegetation Composition of the Rangeland

The species composition of rangeland varies depending on topography, climate and soil types
(Skerman, 1977). Different grasslands contain diverse types of grasses, legumes, and other
herbaceous species. The botanical composition of plant community can also change due to
factors like altitude, grazing practices, burning, drought, and temperature effects, pest, and
erosion. Therefore, due to, the productivity of an area in terms of its capacity to support livestock
may change. Change in plant composition results as a result of the adaptability of the plant
species to these influences over a period of time (Stoddart et al., 1975; Butterworth, 1985).

2.6.1 The effects of grazing on vegetation composition

Natural pasture communities are very complex. They consist of a large range of grasses, shrubs
and herbaceous species. From among these, only few species are palatable. Livestock are able to
selectively graze a small proportion of the palatable herbage available and ignore the undesirable
ones. The most palatable species are selected first and closely defoliated. High pressure on
grazing causes decline in the quality and productivity of rangeland (Lazenby and Swain, 1979;
Cossins and Upton, 1985). Decline in the quality and productivity of rangeland, in turn, reduces
the vigor of plants, causes poor seed production and eventually leads to the ultimate death of the
plants. Overgrazing can also lead to extensive sheet and gully erosion (Heady, 1975; Pratt and
Gwynne, 1977). Naturally, the entire systems of plants react to the trampling or grazing it
receives. Weakening the top growth results in a lighter short root system that dies back from the
bottom. Grass roots continue their normal growth when not more than about 40-50 % of their
vegetative parts are removed during the active growth. Hence, the adverse effects of overgrazing
can be overcome if rangelands are properly managed. According to Lazeby and Swain (1969),
grasses naturally need rest periods to develop, seed and build reserves for their subsequent
growing season.

2.6.2. Response of plants for grazing

Various plants’ response to grazing is dependent on the extent to which the vigor of the grazed
plants has been repeatedly reduced without the opportunity to replenish food reserves. Plants’
response is also dependent on the degree of selectivity exhibited by grazing livestock. Usually,
cattle prefer grasses, sheep prefer forbs, and goat prefers browses. Within each category, there
are ice cream plants (decreasers), which grazing animals usually want as feed. Repeated grazing
is as harmful to rangelands as repeated clipping. A third factor that plays significant role in plant-
animal interaction is the presence or absence of the climax plant community. The classification
of decreaser and increaser is based largely on the preference exhibited by the livestock. This is
dependent on the range site and the livestock. The range site is important as it limits the
selectivity available. This is why some plants are decreasers on one site and increasers on the

other sites. In the first case, they are the most palatable species. In the second case, there are
plants that are more palatable. The type of grazing livestock will also determine the general
categories of preferences.

2.7. Vegetation Sampling

According to Shaw and Bryan (1976), knowledge of the vegetation of a region and their
relations in the environment helps define suitable farming practices or agricultural activities. It
also helps select sites for conducting experiments to solve problems. There are several ways by
which the percentage of the composition of species occupying a rangeland can be known. As
early as 1963, T’Mannetje and Haydock have distinguished four methods of making quick and
accurate botanical analysis of grassland on dry-matter weight basis. These are (a) hand
separation and weighting of cut herbage, (b) estimation of percentage within cut herbage, (c)
estimation of percentage weight in the field and (d) estimation in unit of the weight of species in
the field. Among these methods, the first one is the most accurate provider that a sufficiently
large number of samples are used. Nevertheless, the method is time consuming and requires
drying facilities. Generally, the weight of plants’ material is expressed on the dry matter basis
rather than on the fresh (green) basis. This is because, DM is a solid substance that is not
subjected to daily fluctuation in content, unlike fresh weight (FAO, 1980). Species (or floristic)
composition refers to the proportion of the plant species found in association within a given area
(Tothill, 1978).

2.8. Range Condition Assessment

Range condition is the present status of vegetation in relation to the climax plant community for
that site. It is an expression of the relative degree to which the kinds, proportions, and amounts of
plants in a plant community resemble that of the climax plant community for the site (SRM,

According to Pratt and Gwynne (1977), range condition is the state and health of the range and
it can be assessed, among other things, on the basis of the composition of vegetation on an area,
plant vigor, ground cover and soil status. The concept of 'condition' implies that an optimal or
desired vegetation cover in terms of quantity and composition exists for each particular land
system. However, since it will often be uncertain what the desired or 'optimum' condition is,
particularly in areas which have undergone misuse for a considerable period of time, and since
the optimum range condition will differ according to the manner in which the range is used (e.g.
cattle, sheep, wildlife), the comparison used should be clearly stated. Again, whether comparison
is based on actual measurements or simply assumed is the other side of the uncertainty. Amaha
(2006) pointed out that rangeland condition is a concept that encompasses the levels of specific
indicators such as plant species composition, vegetation cover (basal cover), forage production
(productivity), land condition (soil erosion and compaction) and management at a particular
location(s) aimed at sustained livestock production (Trollope et al., 1990; Friedel et al., 2000).
According to Mannetje et al (1976), determining the botanical composition of rangeland is an
important step towards understanding the fodder value of individual species as well as their
reaction to biotic and edaphic factors, which may be explained in terms of the type of species,
the amount of yield, and the frequency of occurrence and density of basal cover. Plant dry matter
yield is often directly related to animal production while the other parameters are useful to
describe and quantify the plant population and the successional trends of the rangeland
vegetation (DuToit and Aucamp, 1985), and to assess the rangeland condition (Foran et al.,
1978; Tainton, 1986; Throw et al., 1988; Van der Westhuizen et al., 1999; 2001). The methods
used to classify range conditions have influenced the composition of species (Dyksterhuis,

According to Gartner (1976), when overuse is excessive or continued over a long period of time,
usually invaders or undesirable plants are found. The invader plants were found to be absent in
the original vegetation, but with grazing pressure, they replaced the decreaser and increaser
plants. In favorable years, invaders can provide considerable forage for a short period of time,
but sound range management cannot be based on this uncertain forage production. The four
classes of range condition are based on percentage of the production of the decreasers and
increasers when compared to the original vegetation. A site composed of decreasers and

increasers indicates a high condition range. Replacement of decreasers on the site with increasers
and invaders means that the site needs improvement. The four range conditions are as the
following. With excellent Condition, 76-100 % of allowable vegetation is mixed of original
highly palatable, desirable perennial decreasers and increasers. Legumes and desirable forbs may
be present. With good condition, 51-75 % of vegetation is mixed from original highly palatable,
desirable perennial decreasers and increasers. Some legumes and forbs may be present in this
condition. About 26-50 % of allowable vegetation is mixed of original highly palatable,
desirable perennial decreasers and increasers. Some legumes may occur, but most forbs are
increasers and invaders. The overall vegetation appearance is shorter and amount of bare ground
is increasing. With poor condition, less than 25 % of all vegetation is composed of highly
palatable, desirable perennial decreasers and increasers. Generally, invader plants and
unallowable increasers comprise the majority of vegetation

2.8.1. Estimating range condition

Range condition refers to the present ecological status of the productivity of a vegetation
community relative to its natural potential for particular range site and the types of land use
(SRM, 1974). In other words, the concept ‘condition’ implies that an optimal or desired
vegetation cover in terms of quantity and composition exists for each particular land system.
Range condition of vegetations is based on the species composition of the plant community as
estimated by the percentage of the total annual air-dry weight of each species. Species must be
classified as decreasers, increasers, or invaders. Each species has an allowable percentage that
occurs in climax.

2.8.2 Range sites

Before range condition can be assessed, the range sites must be located. Range sites are the basic
units of land of practical use. Ideally, each range site should respond to climatic variation in the
same manner, have uniform topography and productivity and respond uniformly to experimental
treatments (Alemayehu, 2006).

2.8.3. Range trend

Range trend is the direction of change in ecological status or resource value rating observed over
time (SRM, 1999). It describes the current health of the range. The range trend indicates whether
it is getting better, worse or staying intact. Range trend, therefore, is the best single indicator
about the success or failure of the existing management practices (ILCA, 1975).

2.8.4 Range condition classification

Range condition classification is often included in a range inventory changes. In range condition
scores overtimes are usually the basis for monitoring management effectiveness. Range
condition classification provides an induction of management necessary. If ranges are in good or
excellent condition, maintaining them in a stable condition may be the best management
strategy. However, if they are in poor or fair condition, management is aimed at “improvement
“may be indicated. Generally, four or five condition classes are recognized. These are excellent,
good, fair and poor. Sometimes, a fifth category is added. Many approaches have been used to
determine range condition on different range sites or habitat types. Of these, the most familiar
method is the developed by Dyksterhuis (1949, 1958). This approach is ecological. Range
condition is measured by the extent to which it departs from climax. The approach assumes that
climax can be determined for each range sites. Excellent class would represent climax, i.e.,
Excellent (76-100), good (50-75), Fair (26-50), and poor (0-25) respectively. Originally, species
occurring on each site were classified, by their reaction to grazing, as Decreasers, Increasers, or
Invaders. Dcreasers are highly palatable plants that decline in abundance with grazing pressure.
Plants classified as increaser I types are moderately palatable and serve secondary forage plants.

They may increase slightly or remain stable under moderate grazing condition reaches fair
condition. Other plant species are present in the climax vegetation, but those that are unpalatable
may increase under grazing pressure or as site deterioration occurs. These species are classified
as increaser II plants. Invaders are species that encroach on to the sites from adjacent sites in a
latter stage of deterioration. Type I invaders may eventually decrease if forced utilization occurs
at later stages of deterioration. Type II invaders are generally unpalatable and increase though
final stages of deterioration.

2.9. Biomass Estimation Methods and applications

Biomass is the weight of organic matter per unit area. The organic matter might include weight
of new growth herbage above ground, wild animals, roots, dead organic matter or mature trees.
In vegetation studies this is usually done based on unit area measurement, which is square
centimeter or square meter. In measuring biomass, the plants are clipped to constant weight in
the laboratory and then weighed. The plant biomass for the larger area is then found through
multiplication. The relative biomass of animal species and plant species is of primary concern to
range managers. However, this is difficult to find as it involves tedious work to find the weight
of different species clipped together. This requires a timely consuming process of separation by
hand of the clipped species (Alemayehu, 2006).

The measurements of biomass are of great value to range managers as it provides a quantitative
evaluation of production of organic matter over a period of time. Measurements taken over
spaced period of time, like seasons, allow range managers to know the amount of forage
available in the different seasons and the information necessary in estimating the stocking
capacity of an area. Measuring biomass also provides insights about forage utilization by animals
by taking measurements before and after grazing or by taking measurements in paired plots,
where one is grazed and the other is serving as control. Again, information on animal forage
utilization is important to determine the number of given animal species which can forage in a
given area (Alemayehu, 2006). Herbaceous above ground biomass is measured to determine the
amount of available forage for animal, or to assess rangeland condition and/or to measure the

effects of management on the vegetation (Mannetje, 2000). Moreover, from a grazing point of
view, production or yield is one of the most important measures used to assess rangeland. Plant
dry matter yield is often directly related to animal production while the other parameters are
useful to describe and quantify the plant population and the successional trends of the rangeland
vegetation, and finally to assess the rangeland condition (Foran et al., 1978; Amaha, 2006).


In this chapter, the materials and methods of the study are discussed. The chapter deals mainly
with the technical specifications and quantities and their sources or preparation, the data and
methods of collecting and analyzing them. In addition, the design of the experiment, the
experimental units used and their descriptions and the assumptions made will be discussed one
after the other.

3.1 Description of the Study Area

3.1.1. Geographical location

The study was conducted in Metema District which is found in North Gondar Zone of the
Amhara Regional State (Figure 1). The district is located between 120 40’ 00” N and 360 8’ 00”
E, and at about 925 km North West of Addis Ababa and at about 180 km west of the Gondar
Town. The Metema District is bordered by the districts of Quarra and Alefa to the south, Chilga
to the east, Tach Armachoho to the north in the North Gondar Zone and it boarders the country
Sudan to the west. The district has an international boundary of more than 60 kms between
Ethiopia and Sudan. The district has 18 rural and 2 town Kebeles.

3.1.2 Climate and topography

The agro-ecological map of the district (ILRI, 2005) reveals that the majority of the study area
lies under moist kola agro-ecological zone (AEZ). About 88.89 % of the 18 kebeles were
categorized under moist kola agro-ecological zones whereas the remaining 11.11 % of them were
categorized under dry kola zones respectively. The district is characterized by mean annual
temperature which ranges between 22oc and 28 oc. The daily temperature becomes high during
the month of March to May and it reaches 43 oc. The mean annual rainfall for the area ranges

from about 850 mms to around 1,100 mms (ILRI, 2005). About 90 % of the district receives
mean annual rainfall of 850 to 1,000 mms. The district has unimodal rainfall and the rainy period
extends from June to the end of September. The district is characterized by an altitude range of
550 to 1,068 masl. OoARD (2007) shows that about 60% of the district area is plain and the rest
20%, 15%, and 5% are sloppy, undulating and valley, respectively.

Figure 1. Map of Ethiopia at the bottom left corner and map of the study area (Metema), in orange
color, at the top right corner.

3.1.3. Vegetation and soil

The vegetation of the study district is predominantly composed of different woody and
herbaceous species. Among the woody species of the genera are Acacia, Anogeissus, Balanites,
Boswelia, Combretum, Commiphora, Dichrostachys, Ficus, Fluegea, Grewia, piliostigma,
Pterocarpus, Terminalia, Ximenia and Ziziphus. The undergrowth (storey) Grass species, of the
genera: Bracheria, Cenchrus, Cynodon, Cyprus, Erochloa, Eurochloa, Eleusine Hyparrhenia,
Panicum, Pennisetum, Rhamphicarpa, Setaria, and Sporobolus were the dominant/common
species. The legume species of the genera are Ahiya abish (Local name), Alysicarpus, Bidens,
commelina, Dismodium, Hibiscus, Indigofera and Vigna. Others are genera of Corchorus,
Cyanotis, Euphorbia, Hygrophilla, Spermacoce and Zennia. The soil map of the district (ILRI,
2005) indicates that there are four types of soils in the area. These are Luvisols, vertisols,
Nitosols and Cambisols in their order of proportion from high to low in the area coverage

3.1.4. Livestock population

Livestock production is an integral part of the land use system. Production of cattle (as draft
power, milk, and meat), shoat (income and meat), donkey and camel (as Karoo and transport)
and poultry were commonly practiced. OoARD (2007) shows that the livestock population of the
district is composed of 136,910 cattle, 32,024 goats, 1,686 sheep, 7,164 male donkeys, 7,127
poultry, 400 camels and 23,789 beehives. In TLU (tropical livestock unit) equivalent to 250 kg
live weight, cattle are 95,837 TLU and goat, sheep, donkey and camel are 3,202, 169, 3582 and
400 TLU, respectively. The cattle in the district were exported both legally and illegally (through
smuggling to Sudan while goats were mainly sold in local markets. Transhumance production
system was commonly practiced by the highlanders. The fieldwork showed that the majority of
the inhabitants in Chilga district (94.4 %), Dembia district (87.8%) and Gondar Zuria district
(60.0 %) seasonally mobilize their livestock to the Metema District in search mainly of feed
resources. About 84.0 % of the communities from the three districts seasonally move during the

rainy seasons and stay in Metema District for six months, that is, from May to October for six
months. The major cattle breeds of the study area were Fogera and Simada types. The Ruthana
cattle were originally from Sudan. The Felata cattle from Niger and Nigeria also constituted a
smaller proportion of the cattle population.

3.1.5 Human population

According to CSA (2005), there are about 76,084 rural and 18,467 urban populations, of which
41,202 heads are male and 34,882 heads were females in rural area. In the urban areas, 9,108 and
8,360 were both male and female respectively. The original residents of the area were Gumuze.
Until recently, they have practiced slash and burning, and hunting wild animals. They have also
been engaged in making household furniture like chair, bed, pot and others. When the area
became gradually populated, the natives were dominated by the new settlers. They original
settlers are now found only in three peasant associations, that is, Kumer Aftit, Tumet and Shinfa.
The total number of the indigenous people is around 500 (ILRI, 2005). Hence, much of the area
is recently occupied by settlers from the highlands part of the region. According to OoARD
(2007), in three consecutive years of 2003, 2004 and 2005 when new settlement programs
occurred, 12,777, 4,124 and 16,258 new settlers were settled in the district respectively. This
shows that there is an aggregate of 33159 settlers per three years and the trend were increasing.

3.1.6 Land use pattern

In the district, forest and rangeland are estimated to be 72 % (312,300 hectare), cultivated land
23.6 % (103,908 hectare). Of the cultivated land, 16% (71,324 hectare), 3% (13,908 hectare) and
4 % (18,676 hectare) are smallholder farms, commercial farms, and potential cultivable land
respectively. The uncultivable land has a proportion of 5 % (23,879 hectare). The digital map of
land use and pattern of the district is presented in (Appendix Figure 2) (ILRI, 2005).

3.1.7 Farming systems

There are two types of farming systems used in the study district (Appendix Figure 1), namely
cotton based farming system and sesame based farming systems. Each has its own characteristic
features. Cotton based farming system

According to ILRI (2005), 4 out of 18 PAs belong to this farming system. They are Maka,
Awlala, Genda Wuha and Kemechela. They are found in the northeast parts of the district. The
peasant associations predominantly grow cotton and sorghum and sesame in little amount. The
PAs in this farming system have different features in terms of suitability for crop production and
amount of rainfall received. The PAs are relatively colder in temperature, have higher altitude
and rainfall. Their soils are black and water logging is a problem. Farmers in the PAs practice
slightly early planting of crops. The majority of the soils in this farming system have vertic
property. Many of the areas are also flat. As a result, the majority of the soils are only suitable
for growing cotton and rice. Cotton is grown in wide areas while sorghum and sesame are
planted in very smaller areas. Sesame based farming system

Fourteen PAs belong to this farming system. In order of importance, sesame, cotton and sorghum
are the major crops produced in this farming system. A farmer could grow any one of these crops
as the environmental conditions are equally suitable for these crops. The choice is set by the
farmer upon observation of the season, high or low rainfall, and possible market prices. The
altitude and rainfall in this farming system is less than the cotton based farming system. Some
literatures indicate that rainfall ranges between 700 mms and 900 mms, but the digital data
indicate that it is more than that. This farming system would receive rainfall at the lower range.
The altitude range for this farming system is between 550 and 700 masl (ILRI, 2005). Farmers
and agriculturists believe that the underground water table is high. In some places, sufficient

amount of water could be obtained at less than 10m deep. Besides, three rivers are found in this
farming system. These rivers make the area more potential for crop and livestock development.
This farming system also has extensive grazing areas. What is more, there is a place where the
natural plantations for gum and incense are located.

3.2. Livestock feed resources assessment in the study district

A single-visit formal survey method (ILCA, 1990) was used to collect information on livestock
feed resources assessment in the district. Bsed on the two farming systems, 4 PAs (Peasant
associations) from SBFS and 3 PAs from CBFS were selected by lottery method. Then, a
purposeful sampling technique was employed to select the respondents for the primary data
collection and a total of 140 respondents were identified and interviewed. Purposeful sampling
method was used because the target groups were livestock owners. A structured questionnaire
was prepared and translated into Amharic. Then seven relevant enumerators with adequate
animal husbandry skill were selected and trained for four consecutive days. Prior to the
commencement of actual survey, pre-testing of the questionnaire was made. In addition to
interviews, out of the total PAs (18) in the district, 12 PAs were covered by the reconnaissance
survey and five group discussions were made with elders, development agents and key informant
in 5 selected PAs. The secondary data were browsed. In addition, documents available at ILRI
and the district office of agriculture were reviewed to strengthen the information. The quantity of
DM feed obtained from different feed resources has been estimated to calculate the balance
between feed availability and requirement by the livestock in the study area. DM output from
grazing land was estimated by multiplying the grazing land by 2.5 t/ha, which was obtained
during this study. For the other land use types, DM yield per hectare was determined by
multiplying the hectare under each land use category by their respective estimated annual DM
yield per household (FAO, 1987). The DM outputs were as follows: for 24 aftermaths grazing
0.5 t/ha, for bush and shrub land 1.2 ts/ha and for uncultivable land 0.7t/ha (FAO, 1987).

3.3. Rangeland Condition Assessment

3.3.1. Range sites selection

Discussion was made with the community members (elders), experts, supervisors and
development agents in the agricultural office to select the range sites for the study. After that,
reconnaissance survey was under taken. In addition the district land use and land cover digital
map was used to select the grazing areas.

Table 2. Numbers of range sites selected for condition assessments in the district

Farming system Grazing types

CG RS EN Total
CBFS 3 3 2 8
SBFS 3 3 3 9
Total 6 6 5 17
CBFS= Cotton Based Farming System, SBFS= Sesame Based Farming system,
CG= communal grazing, RS= Road side grazing, EN= Enclosed areas

Table 2: Experimental units used in the range sites

Farming Grazing types

Herbaceous layer
Communal Road side Enclosed Sub- Quadrats/Be
total lts transects
CBFS 12 12 8 32 128
SBFS 12 12 12 36 144
Sub Total 24 24 20 68 272
CBFS 4 4 2 10 30

SBFS 4 4 3 11 33
Sub Total 8 8 5 21 63
Grand Total 32 32 25 89 335
CBFS= Cotton Based Farming System, SBFS= Sesame Based Farming system;

3.3.2. Sampling procedures

The samples were collected by stratifying the district into two farming systems: cotton based
farming system (CBFS) and sesame based farming system (SBFS) (ILRI, 2005). Within these
farming systems categories, the grazing lands were further stratified into three sampling areas.
These are communal, roadside, and enclosed grazing areas, using systematically stratified
random sampling technique. The enclosed grazing areas were selected from the protected areas
in school compounds and government protected acacia wooded grass land for SBFS. Roadside
grazing were selected 200 meters away from the main roads in order to avoid the edge effect.
Roadside grazing lands were parts of the communal grazing lands and are generally exposed for
mismanagements due to the fact that it is out of the control of the communities. The transhumant
and the inhabitants can graze and clear trees when passing through the roads.

In each of the range site, a sampling block of 4 km x 1 km was demarcated in a separate way.
The sites were considered to be homogenous and representatives of the vegetation cover under
investigation. This was further stratified into four sampling plots having equal size (1km x 1km

each). This type of layout was preferred in order to encompass both vegetations herbaceous and
woody layers. In each of the plot, a belt transect of 50 meters x 4 meters was randomly laid out.
Then, 1x1m2 quadrats for herbaceous species, and 50 mx 4 m belt transect for woody vegetation
assessment were used. On the whole, 68 composite sampling units (4 quadrats per composite
sample unit) for herbaceous and 21 composite sampling units (3 belts transect per composite
sample unit) for woody vegetations and 89 composite sampling units were employed. That is, in
the assessment of herbaceous vegetation in CBFS and SBFS, 24 composite sampling units for
communal, 24 composite sampling units for road sides grazing and 8 and 12 composite sampling
units for enclosed grazing areas were used, respectively (See Table 3). Compass and GPS were
used to measure the transect locations and coordinates. Sampling was conducted from August 10
to September10, 2007, with almost all the pasture plants were fully-grown and to over 50 % of
them flowering stage.

3.3.3. Species composition assessment and dry matter biomass

At each of the sample site, the herbaceous species composition and yields were assessed by
harvesting three quadrat (1 m2) per sampling sites of CBFS and four quadrats (1 m2) per
sampling sites in SBFS areas (depending on the homogeneity and proportion of the range sites
assessed in the farming systems) randomly by throwing the quadrat towards the back. The
herbaceous species within the quadrats was cut to ground level. The cut samples were weighed
using spring balance immediately and were transferred into properly labeled paper bags and
fastened at the top. The samples were kept under shade area until sampling for the day was
completed. Each of the samples in the paper bag was hand separated into different species and
then weighed. After this, they were sun dried until the work was completed. Finally, the dry
matter (DM) of each species was determined in an oven (60 oC for 72 hours) at ILRI laboratory
Addis Ababa. The percent composition of each species was determined on DM weight basis
(ILCA, 1990). The percentage of dry matter biomass of grasses, legumes and other species were
further categorized as highly desirable, intermediate and less desirable were again determined
from each the weight of dry species dry.

3.3.4 Identification of species

To help in identify the collected species, representative plants with flowering head and other
vegetative parts from each species were collected and dried in presses. Following drying, the
specimens were mounted. Very few common species were identified right in the field using
books (Azene et al., 1993) and almost all of the species were given code numbers and
transported to the National Herbarium of Addis Ababa University for identification and proper

3.3.5. Range condition assessment

The rangeland condition assessment was done by considering three layers, that is, grass, woody
and soil (Friedel, 1991). Eight-plant factors, that is, grass species composition, basal cover, litter
cover, age distribution and seedling counts of grass layer; density, canopy cover, hedging of
woody layer, and two-soil factors, that is, soil erosion and compaction, were considered as
criteria (Appendix Tables 1-2). The factors for grass and soil layers were considered based on the
criteria developed for semi-arid rangelands in south and eastern Africa (Tainton, 1981) and the
assessment of rangeland condition was performed using the methodology adapted by Baars et al.
(1997). The factors for woody layer determination were considered and adapted based on the
criteria developed for southeast rangeland of Ethiopia (Kuchar, 1995). The assessment factors
based on grasses, soil and woody parameters sum up to a total of 65 points (Appendix Tables 1-
2). The overall range condition rating was interpreted as excellent when the score was (53-65
points), good (39-52 points), fair (27-39 points), poor (14-26 points) and very poor when the
rating was less or equal to (0-13) points. Grass species composition

At each sample site, the grass species composition was assessed by randomly harvested four
quadrats and then rated 1 to 10 points accordingly (Appendix Table 1). In each 1m2 quadrats,
herbaceous covers (grasses) were considered. Then the grass species was divided into desirable

species likely to decline with heavy grazing pressure (deceasers), intermediate species likely to
increase with heavy grazing pressure (increaser), and undesirable species likely to invade with
heavy grazing pressure (invaders), according to the succession theory (Dkyesterhuis, 1949;
Tainton, 1981). Classification of grasses into decreaser, increasers and invaders was done by
conducting detailed interview with the local community members about the palatability and
distribution of each identified grass species in relation to the intensity of grazing and cross
checking with the list of grasses from the literature. Basal and litter cover

Basal cover or area, the area occupied at the intersections of the plant-soil interface, of the living
plant parts were estimated in three randomly laid out quadrats of 1m2 areas for detail assessments
of basal and litter cover. For the surface of basal cover of tufted grasses, the distribution was
assessed as follows. The 1 m2 was divided into halves. One half of it was then divided into
eighths. All plants in the selected 1m2 area was removed and transferred to the eighth for the
purpose of visual estimation. Only basal cover of living plants was considered. The rating of
basal cover for tufted species (erect) and creeping plants (e.g. cynodon dyctlon) was considered
excellent if the eighth was completely covered (12.5) or very poor if the cover becomes less than
3%. Accordingly, classes of <3%, 6-9%, and 9-12% were categorized. Lower scores (0, 1 and 2
points) were given for basal cover with < 3%. The rating of litter cover within 1m2 was given the
maximum score, that is 10 points, when it exceeds 40 % and the minimum score, when the
amount of litter cover was less than 3 % (Appendix Table 1). Number of seedlings and age distribution

The number of seedlings was counted using three areas equal to the size of an A4 sheet of paper
(30cm x 21cm) chosen at random (appendix Table 1). The sheet was dropped from an
approximate height of 2 meter above the ground. The category: ‘no seedlings’, was given 0
points, and more than 4 seedlings were given the maximum score of 5 points. Similarly, for all
age categories (that is, young, medium and old plants of the dominated species), the maximum

scores, that is 5, was given. If there was only young plants, their minimum score (1) was given
(Appendix Table1). Soil erosion and compaction

The amount of soil erosion and compaction in each of the quadrats of 1m2 was evaluated
subjectively by visual observations. Soil erosion assessment was done by taking into
consideration the presence of pedestals and pavements. Soil pedestal is the higher parts of soil
held together by plant roots with eroded soil around the tuft while soil pavement is terraces of
flat soil, normally without basal cover and with a line of tufts between pavements. The score was
given as 5 points for no signs of erosion, 4 points for slight sand mulch, 3 points for weak
pedestals, 2 points for steep-sided pedestals, 1 point for pavements and 0 point for gullies. Soil
compaction assessment was done based on the level of capping or crust formation of the soil
surfaces. The highest score (that is 5 points) was given for a soil surface with no capping, 4
points for isolated capping, 3 points for greater than 50% capping, 2 points for greater than 75%
capping and 1 point for almost 100% capping (Appendix Table1). Woody vegetation layer

In the woody vegetation assessment, the species composition, density, canopy cover, plant height
and hedge effect were considered. Again, all species in the belt transect were recorded and
identified. The desirability and palatability of each species was also recorded based on the
discussion with the livestock owners (farmers) and by giving attention to the woody plants’
sensitivity to grazing, abundance and preferences of the livestock as a feed resource. This was
also supported by literature ( 1993).The criteria which Kuchar (1995) used to score
the percentage of canopy cover of woody species were the height of the species in the belt
measured using calibrated poles of appropriate size for different woody species. The five height
classes (>0.5-1m, >1-2m, >2-3m, 3-4m and >4-5) were employed (Amaha, 2006). The density of
woody species were enumerated from each belt transects (200 m2) areas. Only live woody plants

irrespective of whether they were single stemmed or multiple stemmed were counted and
recorded to estimate the woody vegetation density in the 200 m2 belt transect. The lowest score
(0 point) was used for the largest density: i.e., 0 = >5000/ha, 1 = 4001-5000/ha, 2 = 3001-
4000/ha, 3 = 2001-3000/ha, 4 = 1001-2000/ha, 5 = 0-1000/ha (Kuchar (1995). On the other hand,
the percentage of canopy cover of the species in the belt transect were measured by tape meter.
The ratio was then computed as the measured canopy area by the remaining tape length and the
canopy cover for the woody vegetation was rated following the guidelines suggested by Kuchar
(1995). The scores given to canopy cover ranged from 1-5 points. The highest score (5 points)
was given for a woody cover >45% cover, 4 = 36-45%, 3 = 26-35%, 2 = 15-25%, 1 = <15%
cover. The rating for hedging was based on visual assessment, mainly on the state of the
palatable (hedgeable) species. Hedging was estimated on visual assessment, based on the
palatability condition of the species. The rating scale that ranged from 1-5 points for hedging the
effect of woody species was also considered (Appendix Table 2).

3.4. Evaluation of the Quality of Major Feed Resources

3.4.1. Samples preparation

The representative samples of the two grass species (Pennisetum spheslatu and Cenchrus
ciliaris) and one fordder species (Pterocarpus lucens) which are dominantly grown and used as
major livestock feed resources in the district were collected using 1 m2 quadrat from different
grazing areas of the farming systems. The collection process was done in the same day in the
morning. The samples were stratified based on type of species and in two seasons (August and
October), where the sampled feeds were available and there is hay making in the area. After the
samples were collected, the same feed types were bulked together on seasonal basis and then
thoroughly mixed and further sub-sampled. That is, 3 samples per each species from the two
farming system grazing areas and a total of 18 samples were subjected for chemical analysis.
The samples were immediately weighed after sampling and put in a cloth sack and hung in the
shade area until samples transported to the ILRI laboratory in Addis Ababa and then dispatched
to the laboratory. Finally, the samples were dried in an oven at 65 oC for 72 h and ground in

Willey Mill to pass through 1mm sieve. After this, they were finally kept in airtight containers
before they were finally subjected to analysis for chemical composition (Van Soest and
Robertson, 1985).

3.4.2. Analytical procedures for chemical composition

Feed samples were analyzed for DM and ash using the method of AOAC (1990). Nitrogen was
determined by micro-Kejeldhal method. Then crude protein (CP) was calculated as N x 6.25.
Neutral detergent fiber (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) were analyzed with the help of a
method developed by Van Soest et al (1991). The method of Tilley and Terry which were
modified by Van Soest and Robertson (1985) was used to determine IVDMD.

3.5. Statistical Analysis

The collected household data were organized and analyzed with the help of Statistical Package
for the Social Sciences (SPSS, 1996). Descriptive statistics such as frequency, means,
percentages, range and standard error of the means were used to present the results of the 140
households in the district. The dry matter biomass, mean of the four measurements and
composite samples from four quadrats of 1 m2 from each belt transect of 50 m x 4 m were
considered as an experimental unit for data analysis, respectively. Before the data were subjected
to analysis, the experimental units were sorted by two farming systems and three grazing types.
Accordingly, a total of 68 experimental units (Table 3) were used for data analysis. For the
woody vegetation, a belt transect of 50 m x 4 m from each sample site was considered as an
experimental unit for data analysis. In this respect, a total of 63 experimental units (Table 3)
were used for data analysis. The grass, soil and woody vegetation parameters were subjected to
ANOVA, using the GLM procedure of SPSS, Version 12) computer software. Two-way analysis
of variance was computed to see the interaction effect of farming system versus grazing types for
all range condition as well as above ground biomass analysis. The least significant difference
(LSD) was used to make mean comparison. Furthermore, linear correlation and regression
procedures were used to verify the magnitude and direction of relationships between the different
variables and relationships between the total dry matter biomass and range condition rating. For

chemical analysis of the major feeds, a statistical model Yij= µ + Si + Lj + eij were used. Where,
Yij = quality of feeds, µ = over all mean, Si = the effect of ith season, Lj = the effect of jth species
types, and Eij = Random error.


In the result and discussion section, the findings of the socio-economic characteristics; major
livestock feed resources; the chemical composition of dominant feed resources; the major
constraints of the district; floristic composition; range condition assessement and the dry-matter
biomass production of the district are orderly discussed and interpreted as per the objectives of
the study.

4.1 Socio–Economic Conditions of the Study District

4.1.1 House hold characteristics

Among the interviewed households in sesame based farming system (SBFS) 80 (83.8 %) were
husbands, 12.5 %, 1.3 % and 2.5 % were spouses, sons and daughters respectively. In cotton based
farming systems (CBFS) 60 (91.7%, 6.7% and 1.7 %) were husbands, spouses and sons, respectively.
Overall, 87.1% were husbands, 10.0 % were spouse, 1.4 % was sons and 1.4 % was daughters. From
overall respondents, 88.6 % and 11.4 % were males and females, respectively. There were five ethnic
groups in the district. In terms of numerical preponderance, the Amhara are the dominant ethnic
groups in both farming systems. Next to the Amhara are the Tigrians, the Gumuze, the Agew and the
Qimant, respectively. There is more ethnic diversification in SBFS than in CBFS. The possible reason
could be resettlement program that has been undergoing in the area over the last several years.

Table 3. Respondents’ status, sex, ethnic group, education, and major occupation

under CBFS and SBFS in the district

Variables CBFS SBFS Total

Respondent status N=60 N=80 N=140
Husband 55 91.7 67 83.8 122 87.1
spouse 4 6.7 10 12.5 14 10.0
Son 1 1.7 1 1.3 2 1.4
Daughter 2 2.5 2 1.4
Sex of house hold
Male 56 93.3 68 85.0 124 88.6
Female 4 6.7 12 15.0 16 11.4
Ethnic group of house hold
Amhara 60 100.0 61 76.3 121 86.4
Agew 3 3.8 3 2.1
Tigrie 10 12.5 10 7.1
Gumuze 5 6.3 5 3.6
Other 1 1.3 1 0.7
Education status of house
Non school attendant 35 58.3 33 41.3 68 48.6
Reading writing only 18 30.0 29 36.3 47 33.6
Grade 1-3 3 5.0 7 8.8 9 6.4
Grade 4-6 2 3.3 9 11.3 9 6.4
Grade 7-9 2 3.3 2 2.5 7 5.0
Major occupation
Trade 4 5.0 4 2.9
Livestock rearing only 1 1.67 3 3.8 4 2.9
Crop production only 2 3.33 10 12.5 12 8.6
Mixed farming 55 91.67 61 76.3 116 82.9
Others 2 3.33 2 2.5 3 2.1
Note: SBFS denotes sesame based farming system, CBFS denotes cotton based farming system, HHC= house hold

The proportion of non attendants of school in CBFS is 58.3 %. This is signicantly (P<0.05)
higher than SBFS (41.3 %), but those who can only read and write are 36.3 %. Those who
learned up to grade 1-3 and 4-6 are 8.8 % and 11.3 % respectively. In SBFS these are higher
than the respondents in CBFS, that is, 30.0 %, 5.0 % and 3.3 % for read and write, grade 1-3 and
grade 4-6, respectively (Table 4). The result could be that most of the inhabitants in SBFS were
new settlers and these new settlers coming from other areas could be low in their educational

status. The low level of educational status in the district was similar with many other areas in
rural Ethiopia. This situation may exert adverse impact on technology transfer and hamper the
productivity of the interventions being made in the district. The finding implicated that it is
important to introduce education in the area. The result is in line with cases reported for
pastoralists in South Omo and Bale zones (Admasu, 2006 and Teshome, 2006). As far as the
major occupation of the households were concerned, from the overall 140 interviewed
households, the majority of them (82.9 %) pointed out that they were practicing mixed farming
agriculture (i.e., crop-livestock mixed farming) whereas 8.6 %, 2.9 %, 3.6 % and 2.1 % indicated
that they were practicing solely crop production, solely livestock production, trade, and others
respectively. Unlike in other lowland parts of the country, inhabitants in Metema District were
practicing mixed farming system. This could be because most of the settlers came to the district
from highland and medium altitude areas of the region, like Gondar, Wollo, North Shoa and
Gojjam zones. In their original places, these settlers practiced predominantly mixed farming
system and continued with their previous practices in their new homes. In contrast, the
‘Gumuze’, who are the native settlers of the area, had made no influence on the late comers and
they are still practicing hunting and gathering together with farming (ILRI, 2005).

4.1.2 Age composition and family size

The age categories of the family members, age > 60 years, 16-60 years, 6-15 years and < 6 years
in CBFS were 2.21%, 48.23 % 32.30 %, and 17.26 %, respectively. In SBFS, age > 60 years, 16-
60 years, 6-15 years and < 6 years 2.74 %, 51.37 %, 28.42 % and 17.47 % and, totally in the
district, 2.51 %, 50.0 %, 30.12 %, 17.37 % respectively (table 5). The majority of the age
categories (48.23 %) in CBFS, (51.37 %) SBFS 51.37 %, total of age of the family members
50.0 %, were under the age class of 16-60 years. The youngest and child age categories (6-15
years) in the district were the second dominant age category. These age structures found in the
study district, however, could be categorized under the active labor forces to the farming
families. In Ethiopia, all age groups who are above ten years old in the rural areas were involved
in agricultural activities undertaken in the household (CSA, 2003).

The mean family size in cotton based farming (5.37 ± (0.28) persons per household was not
different from the mean family size of sesame based farming systems (5.26 ± (0.27) and the
overall mean family size of the district was 5.31 ± (0.20) person per family. The mean family
size obtained in the study district was higher than the national average (5.2) as reported by
CACC (2002) and smaller than the result reported as reported by Sisay (2006) for the same
district (6.6 ± 0.31) and Admasu (2006) for Hamer and Bena-Tsemay (7.3). The average age of
the respondents in the SBFS was (41.05 ± (1.431) and that of CBFS was 39.49 ± (1.01). The
overall mean age of the respondents were 40.16± (0.84) (Table 5). This result was smaller than
the mean age of 44.26 years reported by Teshome (2006) in Fogera District of the Amhara
region, where as the result is in agreement with the mean age of 41.2 ± (0.65) which Tesfaye
(2008) reported for Metema District.

Table 4. Age of family members, family size and age of respondents in

farming systems of Metema district

Variables CBFS SBFS Total

% % %
Age of family members (N = 60) N = 80) (N = 140)
Age > 60 years 2.21 2.74 2.51
Age b/n 16 and 60 years 48.23 51.37 50.0
Age b/n 6 and 15 years 32.30 28.42 30.12
Age < 6 years 17.26 17.47 17.37
Family size: Mean ± ( SE) Mean ± (SE) Mean ± (SE)
(N = 60) (N = 80) (N = 140)

Male 5.47 ± (0.34) 5.32 ± (0.32) 5.41 ± (0.24)

Female 6.02 ± (1.32) 4.98 ± (0.25) 5.44 ± (0.65)
Total 5.37 ± (0.28)a 5.26 ± (0.27)a 5.31 ± (0.20)a
Age of respondents: 41.05 ± (1.43) 39.49 ± (1.01) 40.16 ± (0.84)
Family size with same superscript with in the same rows does not significantly differ at (P<0.05) level significances,
SE= standard error

4.2 Land holding and land use pattern

The majority of the households in 43.3 % in CBFS, 50.0 % in SBFS and 47.14 % in the district
possessed 1-5 hectares. On the other hand, 23.4 % of the households in CBFS and 21.25 % of
them in the SBFS and 22.16 in the district possessed 5.1-10 hectares of land (Table 6). There was
a significant (P<0.05) difference between the two farming systems in land possession. The
possible reason could be that the previous settlers in CBFS have more than five hectares whereas
the majority of the SBFS inhabitants were new settlers and only 1-2 ha of farmland was allocated
per settler as one formation from OoARD, Settlement Desk, suggested. This result is in
agreement with the land holdings per house hold reported for the same area (6.17 ± 0.31) and
much greater than the average land holding of Debark and Layarmachiho districts, which are
1.66 and 2.03 hectares per household, respectively (Sisay, 2006). ILRI (2005) reported that land
is not a problem in Metema District. Previously settled and the indigenous farmers were
officially given 5 hectares each, but many farmers cultivate more than 5 hectares and some
farmers have even reported that they have up to 30 hectares of land.

During the survey, 40 (91.4 %) of the households revealed that their farm land were allocated for
annual crop production. The rest of them (0.8 %, 3.1 % and 4.7 %) indicated that they use their
land for perennial cropping, private grazing and fallowing, respectively (Table 6). The trend was
similar to the result reported by (Sisay, 2006). According to the survey results, privately owned
grazing lands were very small (3.1 %) as compared to individual farm land sizes in the study
area. The communities considered their fallow land as private gazing land. This fallow land was
associated with the widely practiced shifting cultivation in the area as means to soil fertility
improvement. Based on the group discussion held with elders during the study, the fallowing
practice was currently decreasing as compared. About 10 years ago, the fallowing of farmland
was carried on for about 5-8 years and commonly practiced by every one. However, currently the
trend was decreasing from 2-4 years because of increase in human population in the area and
extension of private investment lands.

Table 5. Percentage of land holding and land use pattern of the farming systems in the study


Variables HHC % HHC % HHC %
Land holding N=60 N= 80 N= 140
1-5 ha 26 43.3 40 50.0 66 47.14
5.1-10 ha 14 23.4 17 21.25 31 22.16
10.1-20 ha 9 15.0 15 18.75 24 17.10
>20 ha 11 18.3 8 10.0 19 13.60
Land use :
Annual crop 51 89.5 66 93 117 91.4
Perennial crop - - 1 1.4 1 0.8
Private grazing - - 4 5.6 4 3.1
fallow 6 10.5 - - 6 4.7
HHC= house hold count, CBFS = cotton based farming system, SBFS= Sesame based farming system

4.3 Livestock holdings and composition

The mean holding of cattle 6.34 ± 0.59) TLU per household in the Sesame based farming system
was not significantly (P<0.05) different from the mean cattle holding in the cotton based farming
system (6.24 ± 0.45) TLU per HH). The goat, sheep, donkey, and camel were 0.43 ± 0.6), 0.11 ±
0.03), 0.31 ± 0.04) and 0.06 ± .04), respectively. This is greater than the cotton based farming
system of 0.36 ± 0.04), (0.01± 0.1), and (0.34 ± 0.03) for goat, sheep, and donkey respectively.
The total livestock holding per household was 27.58 ± (13.72) TLU. This finding was comparable
with that of Sisay (2006) which reported that 9.41±.03, 9.4±0.33, 0.3±0.33, and 0.9 ± 0.08 for
cattle, goat, sheep and donkey in number for the same area. With regard to livestock composition
of the area, cattle were the dominant, followed by goat, donkey, sheep and camel in that order. The
result is also similar with the findings reported by the above mentioned authors.

Table 6 Livestock holding of households in the two farming systems (TLU)


Livestock species Mean± (SE) Mean± (SE) Mean± (SE)
Cattle 6.24±(0.45)b 6.34± (0.59)b 12.52± (6.23)a
Goats 0.36± (0.04)b 0.43± (0.6)b 0.80± (0.40)a
Sheep 0.01± (0.1)b 0.11± (0.03)a 0.13± (0.07)a
Donkey 0.34± (0.03)b 0.31± (0.04)b 0.65± (0.32)a
Camel 0.00b 0.06± (.04)a 0.07± (0.04)a
Poultry (No) 15.7c 17.2a 16.6b
CBFS= cotton based farming system; SBFS= Sesame based farming system;
TLU= Tropical livestock unit, The means with different superscript letters in the row
Was significantly (P<0.05) different

4.3.1. Livestock herd structures

The herd composition of cattle in cotton based farming system was dominated by cow and then
followed by calves, oxen, heifers, and steers, respectively. Similarly, in sesame based farming
system, cows dominated the herd, followed by calves, heifers, oxen and steer (Table 8).
Generally, in both farming systems the herd structure was female dominated as compared to
male. This shows that male animals are preferable to sale than female animals and calves. Cows
and calves are retained for breeding stock. Besides, female animals are highly valued and
counted as resources than male animals. Having a large number of cows are considered by the
communities as a prestige and used as markers of wealth status in the study district. There is also
a practice of buying oxen during farming activities. When plowing is over, they sell the oxen.
Young bulls (locally called Shelba) were highly demanded in Sudan. As a result, the
communities tend to sale them than females when in need of cash for sesame weeding and other
household cases

Similarly, the trend of herd structures in small ruminant were female dominated and kids and
males, respectively (Table 8). The number of males was smaller than females because the males
were the first to be sold and slaughtered for cash and consumption respectively while females
were retained as breeding stock. Camel and sheep were small in number as compared to other
species of livestock. In case of camel, there is no female sock in the area. Male camels are
brought from Afar region and the neighing Sudan mainly for sesame oil processing (locally
called Ansara). Donkeys are the third largest stock next to cattle and goat. Unlike others only
male donkeys were found in the district. This could be because of the male donkeys are
demanded for the heavy burden of donkey cart (Caroo) and transportation activities than the
female. Besides, the respondents revealed their views that the environment was not contusive for
female donkeys during group discussion. Different studies also reported the idea that a herd
structure dominated by female stock was also used to offset long calving interval and to stabilize
milk production. This is a typical characteristic of pastoralists living in other parts of Ethiopia
(Coppock, 1994; Admasu, 2006, Teshome, 2006). In the study area, chicken are kept mainly as
immediate source of cash for family needs and occasionally as source of meat. Chicken are
reared traditionally as free ranging and scavenging their feed. During the study period, it was
noted that many farmers in the area were practicing cross breeding the local chicken with the
wild birds (Jigra). Depending on the type and availability of grain, chicken were supplemented
with maize, sorghum and other food crops. The study revealed that almost all of the households
owned at least one chicken (Table 8).

Table 7. Livestock herd structure of the house holds in the farming systems of
the study areas


Variables Mean± (SE) Mean± (SE) Mean(SE)
Oxen 1.19± (0.09) 1.06± (0.15) 2.21± (1.10)
Cow 2.04± (0.19) 2.08± (0.26) 4.10± (2.04)
Heifer 1.02± (0.13) 1.17± (0.15) 2.19± (1.09)
Steer 0.71± (0.13) 0.73± (0.11) 1.43± (0.71)
Calves 1.30± (0.13) 1.30± (0.18) 2.58± (1.29)
Total 6.24± (0.45) 6.34± (0.59) 12.52± (6.23)
male goat 0.03± (0.01) 0.01± (0.01) 0.04± (0.02)
female goat 0.23± (0.03) 0.22± (0.03) 0.45± (0.22)
Kids 0.11± (0.02) 0.20± (0.04) 0.31± (0.16)
Total 0.36± (0.04) 0.43± (0.6) 0.80± (0.40)
male sheep 0.01± (0.01) 0.06± (0.02) 0.07± (0.04)
female sheep 0.0b 0.01± (0.01)a 0.02± (0.01)
Lambs 0.01± (0.0) 0.04± (0.01) 0.04± (0.02)
Total 0.01± (0.1) 0.11± (0.03) 0.13± (0.07)
Donkey 0.34± (0.03) 0.31± (0.04) 0.65± (0.32)
Camel 00 0.06± (.04) 0.07± (0.04)
b a
Poultry(No) 15.7 17.2 16.6
CBFS= cotton based farming system; Sesame farming system; SE= standard error, Tol
The means with different superscript letter in the rows was significantly (P<0.05) different

4.4. Major Livestock Feed Resources of the study area

The major dry season feed resources for cattle in the district are natural pasture (55.7 %), crop
residues (20.7 %), stubble (14.3 %) and hay (9.3 %). For sheep, natural pasture, crop residues,
and stubble were 73.6 %, 12.1 %, and 14.3 %, respectively. For goat 72.9 % and 27.1 % natural
pasture and crop aftermath. For donkey, crop residues constituted 65.7 %, natural pasture 17.9 %

and aftermath 16.4 %. In the wet season natural pasture is the sole feed sources of livestock
(Table 9). Among the major feed resources described above, the proportion of natural pasture is
50 % for cattle feed in CBFS. This is lower than the share of natural pasture (60 %) in SBFS.
The crop residue, stubbles and hay in CBFS were higher than SBFS. This could be why a large
amount of extensive grazing lands are found in SBFS and the communities depend on this land
than on crop residues in CBFS. Natural pasture, crop residues, stubble and hay were the main
livestock feed sources in the study area. The natural pastures in the study district were able to
support the productivity of the animals in the rainy season. However, in the dry season, these
pastures can hardly maintain the animals as most of the feed resources are unavailable. Crop
residues for donkey feed in both farming systems was higher than the others because when
donkeys finish their work at night they are given the already collected and stored feeds. This
result is in line with the previous studies (Simbaya, 1998; Ibrahim, 1999; Alemayehu, 2006;
Sisay, 2006; Elias, 2007).

Table 8. Percentage of respondents indicating the livestock feeding systems, major
feed resources in two seasons and farming systems in Metema district

Feeding system CBFS SBFS Total

And major feed Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry
sources HHC % HHC % HHC % HHC % HHC % HHC %
Feeding system: N=60 N=60 N=80 N=80 140 N= 140
Tethering 6 10.0 2 3.3 4 5 4 5 10 7.14 6 4.3
Free grazing 54 90.0 58 96.7 68 85 73 91.25 122 87.14 131 93.6
Cut and carry - - - - 8 10 3 4.75 8 5.72 3 2.1
Tethering 13 21.67 - - 11 13.75 - - 24 17.14
Free 47 78.33 60 100.0 69 86.25 80 100.0 116 82.86 140 100
Free 60 100.0 60 100.0 80 100.0 80 100.0 140 100.0 140 100
Tethering 14 23.33 39 65.0 15 18.75 49 61.25 29 20.71 88 62.9
Free grazing 46 81..6 21 35.0 65 81.25 26 32.5 111 79.29 47 33.6
Cut & carry 5 6.25 5 3.5
Major feed for:
Natural pasture 60 100.0 30 50 80 100.0 48 60.0 140 100.0 78 55.7
Crop residues 14 23.3 15 18.75 29 20.7
Aftermath 9 15 11 13.75 20 14.3
Hay 7 11.7 6 7.5 13 9.3
Trees & shrubs 60 100.0 45 75 80 100.0 57 71.25 140 100.0 102 72.9
Aftermath 15 25 23 28.75 38 27.1
Natural pasture 60 100.0 41 68.4 80 100.0 62 77.5 140 100.0 103 73.6
Crop residues 8 13.3 9 11.25 17 12.1
Aftermath 11 18.3 9 11.25 20 14.3
Natural pasture 60 100.0 13 21.7 80 100.0 12 15 140 100.0 25 17.9
Crop residues 35 58.3 57 71.25 92 65.7
crop aftermath - 12 20 11 13.75 23 16.4

HHC= house hold count, CBFS= cotton based farming, SBFS= Sesame farming system

4.4.1 Availability of Natural Pasture

The respondents said that the availability of cattle feeds during dry seasons in cotton based
farming system was inadequate (61.67%). They indicated that it is lower than those who said it is
inadequate (65 %) in the SBFS. Overall, the availability of feed for dry season in the district is
(63.57 %) and that is shows the inadequacy of the feed. This could be because the majority of the
grazing lands were subjected to fire during the dry season and most of the dry feeds turned to
ash. The availability of goat feed was in the cotton based farming system and is prioritized as
adequate (75 %) and inadequate (25 %), respectively. Similarly, in sesame based farming
system, 70 % of goat feed was adequate and 30% was inadequate (Table 10). This could be
because for the feed goats largely depend on the browse species that are available in abundance
in the woody vegetation of the study area. In the availability of sheep feed, the respondents in
CBFS indicated that 45 % was adequate. On their part, 44.75 % of the respondents in SBFS
pointed out that it is adequate. The inadequacy could be because sheep are favored by the
availability of perennial forbs that support them. However, the availability of livestock feeds in
the wet season in both farming system were found to be adequate (50%), abundant (42.86 %) and
inadequate (7. 14 %), respectively. This result is in agreement with the other research findings
(Alemayehu, 2006; Sisay, 2006; Elias, 2007).

Table 9. Percentage respondents indicating feed resources availability in
the study district

Variables CBFS SBFS Totall

Availability of feeds: Dry season
Adequate 23 38.3 28 35.0 51 36.43
Inadequate 37 61.67 52 65 89 63.57
Adequate 45 75 56 70 101 72.14
Inadequate 15 25 24 30 39 27.86
Adequate 33 55 45 56.25 78 55.71
Inadequate 27 45 35 44.75 62 44.29
Adequate 51 85 62 77.5 113 80.71
Inadequate 9 15 18 22.05 27 19.29

Wet season
Feed availability
Adequate 28 48.3 42 52.5 70 50.0
Inadequate 10 16.7 10 7.14
Abundance 22 36.7 38 47.5 60 42.86
N=60 for CBFS; N= 80 for SBFS, CBFS= cotton based farming system,
SBFS= sesame based farming system, HHC= house hold count.

4.4.2. Hay making

As noted from the group discussion with elders, haymaking in the study area started recently.
Before 9 years ago, there was no shortage of dry season feeds in the area. This was because
bamboo trees were shedding leaves at dry seasons. In the area, during dry seasons foliages of the
leaves that come off trees are the principal sources of livestock for during dry seasons. Following
the gradual disappearance of the bamboo forests by livestock, human population pressure and
drought, their livestock became challenged by the long dry season. As a result, the communities
were forced to start the conservation and collection of hay. Hay conservation and making is done
from the end of October to the end of November. Curring takes places for two weeks to one

month. This shows that hay was not well practiced and was not even properly prepared in time.
This was confirmed during the field work. The study generally made clear that there is strong
association between low extension services delivered to farmers and the short duration of hay
making practiced in the area. which is in agreement with the report of Sisay (2006).

4.4.3. The production and availability of Crop residues

In the cotton based farming system, the main crops grown by farmers are cotton, rice, sorghum,
maize, and sesame, finger millet and fruits. In the sesame based farming system, sesame, cotton,
sorghum, maize, soya bean, teff, chick pea, groundnut and fruits are widely grown. Among the
cereal crops, sorghum is the most widely crop grown in the district of which 89.51 % of the total
crop-residues are generated in the area. The proportion of maize is 8.4 % while teff 1.31 %
respectively (Table 9). Next to natural pastures, crop-residues are the other main source of
livestock feeds for ruminant animals in the dry season of the district. That is, in CBFS, 23.3%,
13.3% and 58.3 % are crop residues used for cattle, sheep and donkey respectively. On the other
hand, the crop-residues used as feed for different livestock species in SBFS are 18.75 %, 11.25
% and 71.25 % for cattle, sheep and donkeys respectively. The total percentage of crop residues
used for livestock feed in the district are 20 %, 12.1 % and 65.7 % for cattle sheep and donkey
respectively (Table11). The difference in crop residues between the two farming systems could
be attributed to the production of sorghum in sesame based farming and better access to it CBFS
than to SBFS. Crop residues used by donkeys are also higher than the other species. That could
be because donkeys are at heavy work during day times and they are tethered and given crop
residues when not at work. This finding is in agreement with the reports of Dixon et al, (1987).
The value of crop-residues produced in a particular area will depend on the amount and type of
crops grown in that area. Smallholder farmers usually practice mixed agriculture and, as a result,
have crop-residues.

Table 10. The major crops cultivated and produced (ton) together with the amount
of crop residues generated (tons DM) in the district

Types of Cultivated( Produced CRs G:CR %

Crops ha) (Qt) (ton) ratio share
Teff 1005 8033 12.05 1.5 1.31
Finger millet 365 2555 1.25 2.04 0.14
Sorghum 15820 329056 822.64 2.5 89.51
Maize 1809 40143 80.29 2.0
chick pea 86 344 0.41 1.2
rice 117 2340 2.34 1 0.25
Soya bean 15.5 93 0.09 1
Total 919.07
Sources: OoARD (2006); CRs = crop residues; G:CR = grain : crop residues ratio Utilization practices of crop residues

The quantity of DM that can be obtained from crop residue is estimated from grain yield (FAO,
1987) based on estabilished conversion factors with a utilization factor of about 90 % and 10 %
is used for other purposes like fuel and wastage (Table 10)The mean ton of sorghum residue
used as animal feed 38.15± (4.23) in CBFS is significantly (P< 0.05) different from the mean
utilization of sorghum as feed in the SBFS 10.72± (3.66). This situation is associated with
difference in practice of crop residues conservation and utilization between the two farming
systems. The overall mean ton of sorghum residues utilization (22.23 ± 2.98) as livestock feed in
the district is significantly (P<0.05) lower than the crop residues burned in the field (24.06 ±
2.63) and left as mulch (22.43 ± 2.63). The mean ton of sorghum residues utilization per
household 13.39 ± 2.54) in CBFS is significantly (P<0.05) higher in proportion than the residues
of maize (13.5± (3.15), peanut (20.83 ± 5.19) and teff (3.98 ± 2.17) respectively. On the other
hand, in the SBFS, sorghum residues used as livestock feed is 10.72± 3.66) ton while that of
maize, peanut, and teff were (15.63 ± 3.56), (5.63 ± 2.35), (4.11 ± 1.87), respectively. The total
mean crop residue utilization as livestock feed of sorghum, maize, teff, and peanut are (22.23 ±
2.98) ton, (14.71± 2.67), (14.96 ± 2.98), (0.28 ± 0.18), respectively (Table 10). From this one can
infer that the total crop residues that are produced in the district are not fully utilized as livestock
feeds; rather, they are used as mulch. They are also burnt at the field, house and shade (Arakuba)

construction. They are also used for other purposes (Table 12). The finding is in congruence with
other studies carried out in the past (Van Raay and de Leeuw, 1970, 1974). These studies
reported that crop residues, apart from being sources of animal feed, are used as building, roofing
and fencing materials. In addition, the studies indicated that they are used as sources of fuel,
fertilizer or surface mulch in cropland.

Table 11. The Mean ± (SE) utilization of crop residues (tons/ha) for different purposes
in the district

Variables CBFS SBFS Over all

Sorghum stover as feed 38.15±(4.23)a 10.72± (3.66)c 22.23± (2.98)b

Sorghum stover as housing 13.39± (2.54)a 5.0± (2.19)c 8.52± (1.68)b
Sorghum stover as Compost 22.08± (4.06)a 22.97± (3.50)a 22.43± (2.63)a
Sorghum stover Burned 28.81± (4.25)a 20.82± (3.67)b 24.06± (2.63)b
Sorghum stover sold 6.84± (1.96)a 1.26 ± (1.69)c 3.62± (1.29)b
Maize stover used as feed 13.72± (4.12)a 15.63 ± (3.56)a 14.71± (2.67)a
Maize stover as housing 13.72± (3.30)a 8.16± (2.92)b 10.54± (2.17)a
Maize stover as compost 3.22± (2.04)a 7.46± (2.13)a 5.67± (1.61)a
Maize stover burned 10.00± (2.04)a 2.72 ± (1.76)c 5.79± (1.35)b
Maize stover sold 18.47(2.34)a 0.13± (2.02)c 7.91± (1.69)b
Peanut used as feed 20.83± (5.19)a 5.63 ± (2.35)b 3.23± (1.37)c
Peanut used as housing 0.00± (1.46)c 4.17± (1.26)b 9.71± (2.42)a
Peanut used as compost 21.18± (3.52)a 1.26 ± (3.04)b 0.28± (0.18)c
Teff straw used as feed 3.98± (2.17)b 4.11 ± (1.87)b 14.96± (2.98)a
Teff straw used as housing 31.61± (4.16)a 2.53 ± (3.6)b 3.33± (1.41)b
Teff straw used as compost 0.60± (0.41)c 5.69± (1.80)a 1.25± (0.88)b
Teff straw burned 0.00± (0.77)b 1.26± (0.67)a 0.44± (0.31)a
CBFS= cotton based farming system; SBFS= sesame based farming system; SE= standard error;
means with different superscript letters in a row are significantly (P<0.05) different

4.4.4 Supplementation

Crop residues, sesame oil by-products (Embaze), noug cake, hay, and wheat bran are the sources
of supplementation of dry season feed in the district. The proportion of crop residues (28.33%)
used as supplementation in CBFS is significantly (P<0.05) higher than the proportion of crop
residues (20%) and used as supplement in SBFS. This difference may be due to the availability
of residues and experiences of the farmers in collecting and utilizing crop residues in CBFS,
which is higher as compared to sesame based farming. The proportion of supplementation of
embaze (6.7%) in the CBFS is lower than the proportion of embaze (26.25%) of SBFS. This
could be that the proportion of sesame production in the latter case is higher and the majority of
the farmers might have obtained better access.

The supplementation of Embaze + crop residues, noug cake, hay, and wheat bran in CBFS are e
16.67 %, 15 %, 13.3 %, and 8.33 %, respectively. On the other hand, in SBFS the
supplementation are 15 %, 8.75 %, 12.5 %, and 11.25 %. The percentage accounts for Embaze +
crop residues, noug cake, hay and wheat bran, respectively. The supplementation of grain and
crop residues are 60 % and 33.33 % respectively for donkey in the cotton based farming system.
This is higher (P<0.05) than the amount of supplementation of the sesame based farming system
grain, and crop residues, which is 55 % and 36.25 % respectively. The study revealed that the
amount of hay (6.67 %) in cotton based farming is smaller than the amount of hay (8.75 %) in
the sesame based farming system (Table 14). The amount of supplementation

Out of the 60 respondents in the CBFS, 55% were given 1 kg crop residues /hay/ animal for
cattle. This is significantly higher than (P<0.05) the proportion of supplementation (51.25 %) in
SBFS. In contrast, the farmers were given 0.5 kg/d/anim. sesame cake (Embaze) supplementation
(10 %) in CBFS. This is significantly (P<0.05) different from the proportion of Embaze
supplementation (25 %) in the SBFS (Table 12). The proportion of crop residues plus Embaze,
noug cake and hay supplementation for cattle are (25 %), (3.33 %) and (6.67 %) in cotton based

farming system. This is different from sesame based farming system (7.5 %), (5.0 %) and (11.25
%) respectively. Generally, the major proportion of supplementations in the district were 1 kg
crop residues /day /animal, 1.5 kg Crop residues + Embaz /day/animal, 0.5kg Emaze / day/
animal, 2 kg hay /day/animal and 0.75 kg Noug cake /day/animal. The proportions for these feed
types were 52.86 %, 22.14%, 18.57 %, 5.4 % and 4.21%, respectively (Table 14). However,
wheat bran was not estimated. It was noted in the field work that the amount of supplementation,
especially sesame cake, noug cake and wheat bran, are very small. The major purpose why the
farmers do supplementation is just to sustain their animal’s life from death out of shortage of
feed, not to increase productivity. During supplementation, the farmers give priority for highly
susceptible animals, for animals that are drastically affected by feed shortage (drought), weak
animals, lactating cows and calves respectively.

Table 12.The types and amounts of supplementation used by respondents in the study district
Variables CBFS SBFS Over all
HH % HH % HH %
Types of supplementation
Crop residues 17 28.33 16 20 31 12.9
Crop residues + Embaze 10 16.67 12 15 22 15.71
Embaze 4 6.7 21 26.25 25 17.68
Noug cake 9 15.0 7 8.75 16 11.43
Hay 8 13.3 10 12.5 18 12.86
Wheat bran (Furiska) 5 8.33 9 11.25 14 10
Crop residues 20 33.33 29 36.25 49 35
Hay only 4 6.67 7 8.75 11 7.86
Grains 36 60 44 55 80 57.14
Amount Supplementation
1 kg/day/animal 33 55.0 41 51.25 74 52.86
1.5 kg/day/ animal 15 25 6 7.5 31 22.14
0.5 kg/day/ animal 6 10.0 20 25.0 26 18.57
0.75 kg/day/ animal 2 3.33 4 5.0 6 4.21
2 kg/day/ animal 4 6.67 9 11.25 13 5.4
1.5 kg/day/animal 19 31.67 24 30 43 30.71
2 kg/day/animal 1 1.67 4 5 5 3.57
1 kg/day/animal 40 66.66 52 65 92 65.71

N=60 for CBFS; N= 80 for SBFS; 1kg = Crop residues only; 1.5kg = Crop residues +Embaze; 0.5 kg=
Embaze (Sesame cake); 0.75 kg = Noug cake; 2 kg = Hay.

4.4.5. Feeding calendar and Seasonal availability of feed resources

Information about the seasonal availability of livestock feed resources in the study area was
obtained from group discussions and observations during the field work. Table 15 below shows
the result. It was learned that the pattern of availability of feed resources in the district is
influenced by similar factors reported by other researchers (e.g. Gryseels, 1988; Ahmed, 2006)
for the highland areas and the trend of the pattern is also similar with trend of the patterns
discovered in other studies (e.g. Sisay, 2006).

Table 13.The Periods during which, different feed resources is available in the district

months of the year

Types of feeds Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Natural pasture * * * * * * ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- -----

Crop residues * * * *

Stubble grazing ---- * * *

Hay * * * *

Supplementation --- * *

Fodder trees * * * *

----- = Availability of few green browse species and dry grasses; * = Abundant

4.4.6. Water Resources

The availability of water sources in the grazing area is a good opportunity for livestock as well as
human beings living in the lowland agro-ecology like the Metema District. From the group
discussions with the respondents it was learned that there has not been water problem in the

study district. The responses of the research participants confirmed ILRI’s (2005) report that
generally farmers and agriculturists in the district are of the belief that the underground water
table is abundant and in some places sufficient amount of water could be obtained in shallow
distance, for example, at the depth of 10m.

In the district, there are three large perennial rivers and they are used for livestock drinking and
irrigation activities. Table 19 below shows that the sources of water in the cotton based farming
system was 65% river, and 18.33%, 13.33%, and 3.3%. These percentages are for ponds, springs,
and wells, respectively. On the other hand, in sesame based farming system, river, ponds, and
springs and well are 63.75%, 5%, 27.5% and 3.75 %, respectively. According to this study, there
is no significant difference in water sources between the two farming systems. River (64.29%) is
the major source of drinks for livestock in the study district. As can bee seen from Table 19, river
is followed by springs (21.43%), ponds (10.71%) and wells (3.57%), respectively. The frequency
of watering animals is indicated in Table 6. The majority of the respondents pointed out that
69.29 % of their animals drink water once a day while remaining 30.71% of them indicated that
their animals drink water twice per day. The finding here is in congruence with Teshoma’s
(2006) findings.

Table 14. The sources of water and watering frequency of animals in the district

Parameter CBFS SBFS Over all

Sources of water:
River 39 65 51 63.75 90 64.29
Pond 11 18.33 4 5 15 10.71
Spring 8 13.33 22 27.5 30 21.43
Well 2 3.33 3 3.75 5 3.57
Watering frequency:
Once a day 37 61.67 60 75 97 69.29
Twice a day 23 38.33 20 25 43 30.71
Watering frequency = for cattle, CBFS= cotton based farming system; SBFS= Sesame based farming system

4.5. Chemical Composition of dominant Feed resources in the study district

4.5.1. The effects of season on chemical composition

The effect of season on chemical composition of the dominantly growing two grass and one
fodder species in the study district are shown in Table 16. The nutrient contents of the feed
resources are affected by season. The contents of DM, OM, NDF, ADF and ADL feeds in
October are significantly (P<0.05) higher than those in August. On the other hand, the contents
of ASH, CP and IVDMD feeds in October are significantly (P<0.05) lower than that of August
(Table 16). This may be attributed to the impact of temperature, the stages of growth and the
plant species that influenced the quality of feeds. This finding confirmed the findings of other
studies (e.g. Alemayehu, 2006; Stoddart et al., 1975; Sisay (2006). In other words, the findings
of the current study confirmed the fact that the structural constituents of plant materials (lignin,
cellulose and hemi-cellulose) increase with maturity in both temperate and tropical species. It is
during the growth stages that plants are most nutritious. Once mature, they are subjected to
leaching and dilution of nutrients and reduction in nutritive value. Declines in nutrient
composition and leaching are more serious, of course, in herbaceous plants. As plants mature, the
amount of crude protein, a more readily digested carbohydrates and phosphorus decrease while
the amount of fiber, lignin and cellulose increase. Decline in the nutritive value of these feeds
during October indicated that the feed conservation which the communities practiced after mid
October and November in the district was outside its appropriate time and should be changed.

Table 15. Chemical composition (Mean±SE) of feeds in different seasons
in the district

% of chemical Seasons
composition August October
DM 88.87 ±(0.11) 90.47±(0.11)a
ASH 18.24 ± (2.07)a 10.48 ± (2.07)b
OM 81.75 ±(2.07)b 89.51± (2.07)a
CP 10.84± (0.35)a 8.21± (0.35)b
NDF 60.76±( 0.52)b 73.92± (0.52)a
ADF 40.30±(0. 45)a 49.59± (0.45)a
ADL 10.09 ±(0.60)b 13.45 ±(0.60)a
IVDMD 50.74 ±(0.96)a 37.90± (0.96)b
Means with different superscript letters in the rows are significantly
(P<0.05) different

4.5.2. The effect of species types on chemical composition

The chemical composition of different species of feed resources in the district is shown in (Table
17). According to NRC (1962), the chemical analysis of range forage plants serves as a
comparative measure of differences between species and change with season. The comparison of
the three major species of Pennisetum spheslatum, Cenchrus ciliaris and Pterocarpus lucens
indicated that there is difference in nutrient contents between the species. The mean proportion
of DM, and ASH, contents in Pennisetum spheslatum (PS) is significantly (P<0.05) larger than
the mean in Pterocarpus lucens (PT) and Cenchrus ciliaris (CC). Similarly, the mean proportion
of ADF, ADL in Pennisetum spheslatum is significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of
Pterocarpus lucens (PT). The mean proportion of the DM, ASH, NDF and ADF contents of
Pterocarpus lucens is significantly (P<0.05) lower than the mean proportion of the DM, ASH,
NAF and ADF contents of Cenchrus ciliaris (Table 17). On the other hand, the mean proportions
of OM, CP in Cenchrus ciliaris were greater than that in Pennisetum spheslatum. In addition, the
mean proportion of the contents of NDF and ADF in Cenchrus ciliaris is significantly (P<0.05)
higher than that of Pennisetum spheslatum and Cenchrus ciliaris. In contrast, the mean

proportion of OM, CP and IVDMD contents in Pterocarpus lucens (PT) is significantly (P<
0.05) higher than that in Cenchrus ciliaris and Pennisetum spheslatum (Table 17). Differences in
nutrient content between and within the species types could be associated with the inherent
nature of the species. In other words, the fodder trees contain more protein sources than grass
species. Of course, there could be morphological and anatomical differences within the smame
species. Mathur et al (1991) indicated that most grasses and tree leaves in arid environments are
low in nutritive values mainly because of the high contents of lignin and relatively indigestible
cellulose and hemi-cellulose.

Table 16. The mean chemical composition (Mean±SE) of different feeds in the study districts

% of chemical Types of species

composition PS CC PT
DM 90.18 ± (0.14)a 89.85± (0.14)ab 88.98± (0.14)b
ASH 20.09 ± (2.54)a 15.25 ± (2.54)ab 7.74 ± (2.54)b
OM 79.91± (2.54)ab 84.74 ± (2.54)ab 92.25±( 2.54)a
CP 6.31± (0.43)ab 6.43± (0.43)ab 15.78 ± (0.43)a
NDF 69.31± (0.64)b 74.55±( 0.64)a 58.17± (0.64)c
ADF 45.82± (0.55)a 45.95± (0.55)a 43.07 ± (0.55)b
ADL 8.13± (0.74)ab 5.86 ± (0.74)ab 21.33± (0.74)a
IVDMD 45.85± (1.18) b 39.3± (1.18)c 47.79 ± (1.18)a
PS= Pennisetum spheslatum; CC= Cenchrus ciliaris; Pt= Pterocarpus lucens
Means with different superscript letters in a rows are significantly (P<0.05) different.

4.5.3. Interaction effects of season and species type on chemical composition

The interaction effects of season and species type on chemical composition of the analyzed feed
resources in % DM, % ASH, % OM, % CP, % NDF, % ADF, % ADL, and % IVDMD contents
were highly influenced by season and species types. As a result, there is significantly (P<0.05)
high interaction effects with season and species types (Appendix table 13-20).This result is in
agreement with the study result reported by Sisay (2006).

4.6. Feed balances in the study district

The estimate of the total available feeds in terms of dry matter calculated from grazing land,
cultivated land (crop residues and stubble), and forest land is presented in (Table 17). However,
the total estimated crop residues is 827.16 ton DM per annum and that from grazing land and
stubble are 780750 and 51954 ton DM per annum, respectively. The total estimated available
feed supply is 833531.16 ton DM per annum. On the other hand, the total livestock population in
TLU (tropical livestock unit) is 103190 (Table 18). The daily DM requirement to maintain one
TLU is estimated as 2.5% of the body weight (ILCA, 1990,) ,that is, 250 x 2.5 % = 6.25 kgDM
per day and per annum. Therefore, based on the estimated values obtained (Table 17), the feeds
in DM basis available to maintain the livestock in the district is found to be over. This finding is
confirmed the finding of Sisay (2006), in which the researcher argued that the nutrient balance in
the DM supply of the feed in Metema District is sufficient to support the livestock per
household. However, in the current study the quality of the available feeds were found to be very
poor as the feeds contain high fiber and, as a result, are unable to supply the required amount of
energy and protein for the animals.

Table 17. The feed balance estimate in the study district

Livestock A B AxB C C-(AxB) D

Cattle 95837 2.28 218508.36
Goat 3202 2.28 7300.56
Sheep 169 2.28 385.32
Donkey 3582 2.28 8166.96
Camel 400 2.28 912
Total 103190 235273.2 833531.16 598257.96 0.00
A = Livestock number in the district (TLU), B = Feed requirement of one animal (tDm yr-1), AxB =Total
feed requirement of the animals (t DM yr-1), C = Estimate of the available feed resources in district (t
DM/yr), C-(AxB) = Estimated feed balance of the district, D = Deficit (if any)

4.7. Major livestock constraints of the district

During the study, 23.3 % of the respondents in the CBFS and 23.8 % in the SBFS ranked
livestock theft as the first problem in the farming systems. Regarding their perception about the
impact of theft, there is no significant difference between the two types of respondents. From the
overall, 33% of the respondents concluded that livestock theft is among the main constraints in
the district. During group discussions elders indicated that 90 heads of livestock are stolen at a
time and the problem has been escalating from time to time. The ever-increasing livestock theft
occurred due to two main reasons. One is because there is free movement across international
border. The other is absence of check points for livestock control and their markets.

Livestock diseases (16.7%) and biting insects (13.3%) are the second and third constraints in
CBFS and the SBFS, respectively. Livestock disease in SBFS (18.8 %) is slightly higher than
livestock disease occurrence in CBFS (16.7 %. The possible reason for this difference might be
that agro-climate of the sesame based farming is dominated by a relatively dry-lowland micro
climate (agro-ecological digital map of Metema). Again, this micro-climate may have favored
the disease causing organisms. In this district, livestock disease is 17.9 % while biting insects is
12.9 %. On the other hand, the encroachment of croplands to the grazing lands is 11.7% in cotton
based farming system. This is larger than that in sesame based farming (10.0 %). This could be
attributed to increase in human population in the area. The overall proportion of cropland
encroachment in is 10.7 %. Cropland encroachment is the fourth major constraints that threats
grazing land of the area. The possible causes of the crop land encroachment might be human
population pressure which the settlement program by the government.

Conflict with the transhumant (8.3 %) in the cotton based farming system is lower than conflict
in the sesame based farming system (10 %). This might be because of the better availability of
extensive open access grazing lands in SBFS than in the CBFS. Conflict between transhumant
and the local inhabitants for feed resources in the district is 9.3 %. Feed shortage, drought and
low availability of crop residues in the district are 5.7 %, 8.6 % and 5 %, respectively (Table 20).
It was learned during group discussion that the low availability of crop residues could be because
of the two dominantly growing local sorghum varieties, namely, wodiaker and zole, from which

the major crop residues generated have gradually decreased in production. That is, Wodiaker is
highly preferred and used by livestock to zole sorghum varieties. However, the productivity of
wodiaker varieties was alarmingly declining than zole varieties as the soil fertility declined from
time to time while zole varieties are tolerated on less fertile and productive soil than the
wodiaker varieties. This situation could contribute for the shortage of crop residues during the
long dry season. Thus, alternative and dual purpose species of sorghum should be looked to
minimize this paradox in the area.

Table 18. Percentage of respondents indicating the major constraints in the study district

Variables CBFS SBFS Over all

HH % HH % HH %
Feed shortage 4 15.0 4 5.0 8 5.7
Biting insects 8 13.3 10 12.5 18 12.9
Livestock diseases 10 16.7 15 18.8 25 17.9
Labor shortage 4 6.7 5 6.3 9 6.4
Drought 5 8.3 7 8.8 12 8.6
Livestock theft 14 23.3 19 23.8 33 23.6
Conflicts 5 8.3 8 10.0 13 9.3
Crop land encroachment 7 11.7 8 10.0 15 10.7
Low availability CRs 3 5.0 4 5.0 7 5.0
(CBFS: N=60) (SBFS: N= 80), HH= Frequency, CBFS= cotton based farming system, SBFS= sesame based
farming system

4.8. Floristic Composition of the Study District

4.8.1. Herbaceous species composition

In the district, a total of 33 herbaceous species were recorded. Of these, 14 were different species
of grasses while 19 were different non-grass species. Among the non-grass species, 6 species
were legumes whereas 13 species were sedges and others (Appendix Table 6). Of the grass

species identified in the study area, 23.07 % were categorized as highly desirable, 38.46 % as
desirable and 30.77 % as less desirable. The proportions of desirable and less desirable species of
grasses increased when compared to the proportion of the species identified as highly desirable.
This might be due to the gradual disappearance of highly desirable species through overuse and
disturbance by livestock and human beings. During discussion with the farmers, it was
understood that the major factors that caused decline in the abundance of highly desirable species
are drought and overgrazing. The finding confirmed the previous finding that excessive and
protracted overuse of land paves the way for invaders or undesirable plants to dominate the area.
The invader plants were absent in the original vegetation, but through grazing pressure, they
have replaced the decreaser and increaser plants (Gartner, 1976). In similar way, Herlocker
(1999) suggested that overgrazing reduces ground cover, plant height, forage quality and
productivity, and changes are induced in the dominant growth forms of herbaceous plants as tall
perennial bunch grass species give away to shorter rhizomatous and sotoloniferous perennial
grasses which are replaced by annual grass and forbs species. Moreover, overgrazing tends to
reduce perennial grassland vegetation types and allow invasion by annual forbs and grasses
(Holechek et. al., 2001). Other studies (e.g. Admasu, 2006; Alemayehu, 2006 and Amaha, 2006)
also quantified that drought and overgrazing might have been the main factors that caused
decline in the composition and diversity of plant species over a long period of time.

Table 19. Common and /or dominant grass species identified in the farming systems and
different grazing types

Grasses Cate. CG RS EN CG RS EN
Cenchrus ciliars DS D C C C C
Pennisetum sphacelatum DS C C D C C
Setaria pumila DS C C C - C C
Brachiaria lata DS C - - - - C
Urochloa fatamensis LD - C C - - -
Rhamphicarpa fistulosa LD C C - - C -
Temeda triandria HD - - D - - -
Cynodon dyctlon HD - - C - - -
Cyprus spp. DS - C - - - C
Eleusine floccifolia LD - D - - D C
Hyparrhenia rufa HD - - D - - D
Panicum coloratum HD - - - - - D
Sporobolus pyramidialis DS - - - - - C
Cate = Categories; HD = highly desirable; DS = Desirable; LD = Less desirable; CG = Communal
grazing; RS = Roadside; EN = Enclosed areas; C = Common (>5% and <20% of DM), D = Dominant
(>20% of DM)

4.8.2. Woody species composition

A total of 20 woody species were identified in the study district (Appendix Table 5). Of the
identified woody species, 15 %, 35 %, and 50 % were highly desirable, desirable and less
desirable, respectively. The largest proportion of woody vegetation is contributed by different
species of Acacia (20%) and commbretum (10%). Moreover, species like Anogeissus leiocarpus,
Pterocarpus lucens, and Ziziphus spina-Christi were identified as highly desirable species. They
were also dominant in enclosed areas. Acacia, Balanites aegyptica, Boswelia papyrifera,
Combretum collinum, and Combretum mole Dichrostachys cinerea, Ficus sycomorus, Feluegea
virosa, Gardenia ternifolia, Grewia villosa, Stereospermum kunthianum, Terminalia laxiflora
and Ximenia Americana are commonly found woody species in the study district (Table 22). In

sesame based farming system, Acacia polyacantha, Acacia seyal, Balanites aegyptiaca and
Boswelia papyrifera are the dominant species but Acacia tortilis, Anogeissus leiocarpus, Acacia
Senegal, Combretum collinum. Combretum mole, Dichrostachys cinerea, Ficus sycomorus,
Fluegea virosa, Pterocarpus lucens, and Ziziphus spina-christi are ere common species in
communal grazing areas. In roadside grazing areas, Acacia polyacantha, and Dichrostachys
cinerea are dominant, but Acacia seyal, Balanites aegyptica, Boswelia papyrifera, Terminalia
laxiflora, Combretum collinum. Combretum mole and Ximenia Americana are common species.
From this one can conclude that the grazing lands in the district are characterized as an acacia
tree dominated woodland. These woody vegetations sever as the most important sources of feed
for ruminant animals in the area.

During group discussions the researcher leraned that Pterocarpus lucens is one of the most
important fodder trees in the district. After the long dry season during the onset of the main rainy
season, the communities search for Pterocarpus lucens to heal their emaciated animals.
Therefore, the communities give more protections for this tree against destruction. This shows
the fact that woody plants are of higher significance as sources of livestock feed in the district.
The finding strengthens the report that woody species are important source of food, fodder, fuel
wood, medicine, fiber and gums (Herlocker, 1999; Alemayehu, 2006).

Table 20. Common and/or dominant woody species and percentage composition
in the farming systems and in the different grazing areas in the study district

Woody species Cate. CG RS EN CG RS EN
Gardenia ternifolia LD C - - - - -
Acacia polyacantha DS D D C D D -
Terminalia laxiflora DS C - C - C -
Acacia tortilis DS C D - C C C
Acacia seyal DS D C D D C C
Dichrostachys cinerea DS - D - C D -
Anogeissus leiocarpus DS C C D C - D
Pterocarpus lucens HD C - D C - D
Ficus sycomorus DS C - C - -
Combretum collinum. LD - - - C C C
Ximenia americana LD C - - - - -
Stereospermum kunthianum DS C - - - - -
Balanites aegyptica DS C - C D C C
Grewia villosa LD - - - - - C
Ziziphus spina-christi HD C C D C - D
Piliostigma toningii DS - - - - - -
Fluegea virosa LD C - - C - -
Boswelia papyrifera UD C C C D C D
Acacia Senegal DS D - C C - C
Combretum mole LD - - - C C -
CBFS: cotton based farming system; SBFS: sesame based farming system; Cate. = Category CG:
communal grazing; RS: road side; EN: enclosed areas; C: common (> 10 % and < 20 % density); D:
dominant (> 20 % density)

64 Height classes of woody vegetation

There is no difference in height class categories of (< 0-1 M) between grazing types found in
cotton based farming system and sesame based farming system. The proportion of height classes
>1- 3m revealed that the two farming system are comparable. Generally, most height classes of
the vegetation could be considered as they are at the browsing height of the animals.

Table 21. The percentage of height class distribution of trees and shrubs
in the study district

Height (%) (%)
< 0-1M 22.6 25 21.1 20.6 23.1 20.8
1- 3 M 45.2 33.3 42.1 41.2 38.5 33.3
3- 4.5 M 19.4 16.7 15.8 26.5 23.1 12.5
> 4.5 M 12.9 25 21.1 11.8 15.4 33.3

CBFS = cotton based farming system; SBFS = sesame based farming system;
CG = communal grazing; RS = road side grazing, EN = enclosed areas

Hence, these reachable heights of different woody browse species situation in the district can
make the area more favorable for browsing animals such as camels and goats, and maintain the
balance between the woody and herbaceous species. Studies suggested that integrating grazers
and browser having different feeding habitats enables more efficient use of vegetations.
According to Taylor (1985), when cattle were replaced by goats and/or sheep, individual cattle
performance increased because forage demand for the grass component was reduced due to
lower grazing pressure. Likewise, it can be assumed that the production of ewe increased when
some sheep were replaced by cattle and goats because intensity of grazing pressure on the forbs
component declined. Again, diversification of herds through increasing the number of browsers
enhances efficient resource utilization and decreases woody plant encroachments (Gemedo,

4.8.3. Vegetation in cotton based farming system Herbaceous species composition

From a total of 24 herbaceous species recorded in CBFS, 50 % are different grass species. On the
other hand, 20.83 % and 29.17 % are the legume species and sedges respectively (Table24).
Though the proportion of grass species appeared to be high with respect to the legumes and
sedges species in the farming system, the desirability of the species by livestock was very low.
Therefore, of the total grass species identified in this farming system, 25 % were identified as
highly desirable, 33.33 % and 41.67 % as desirable and less desirable, respectively. The ratios of
the herbaceous species in the farming system are 12: 5:7 (grasses: legumes: sedges). From the
identified grasses, Bracheria lata, Pennisetum spheslatum, Rhamphicarpa fistulosa and Seteria
pumila are the common species. Cenchurs ciliaris is the dominant grass species in the communal
grazing areas of cotton based farming system of the study district. In contrast, Cenchurs ciliaris,
Cyprus spp, Eurochloa fatamensis fistulosa, Rhamphicarpa and Seteria pumila are amongst the
common grass species while Eleusine flocifolia is the dominant species found in roadside
grazing areas (Table 24). The enclosed areas have a relatively higher percentage of highly
desirable grass species than the communal and roadside grazing areas. That is to say, Cenchurs
ciliaris, Cyprus spp, Eurochloa fatamensis, pennisetum spheslatum and Seteria pumila, are the
common species. On the other hand, Themeda teriandra and Hyparrhenia rufa are the dominant
species in the enclosed areas. This could be attributed to the results of good management by the
communities and due to lesser intensity in the grazing pressure which the livestock can exert in
the enclosed areas. This finding supports some of the recent findings that focused on similar
issues (e.g. Amaha, 2006; Admasu, 2006; Teshome, 2006).

Table 22. Herbaceous species composition (% DM biomass) and their desirability in the
grazing types of CBFS

Herbaceous species Category %

Grazing types composition
Cenchrus ciliaris DS 21.2

Pennisetum sphacelatum DS 5.8

Setaria pumila DS 10.4
Brachiaria lata DS 6.2
Urochloa fatamensis LD 1.4
Rhamphicarpa fistulosa LD 16.66
Urochloa cf.brchyura LD 1.2
Themeda triandria HD 2.6
Cynodon dyctlon HD 1.4
Ahiya Abish (Local name) UD
Alysicarpus quartinianus LD
Vigna membranacea LD
Chamaecrista mimosoides (L) UD
Euphhorbia indica UD
Spermacoce sphaerostima UD 1.3
Hygrophilla schulli UD 10.4
Kedrostis foetidissima LD 0.63
Commelina subula UD 0.5
Cynodon dyctlon HD 3.4
Road side

Cyprus spp. LD 6.7

Cenchrus ciliaris DS 14.9
Setaria pumila DS 17.2
Urochloa fatamensis LD 5.3
Rhamphicarpa fistulosa LD 5.2
Eleusine floccifolia LD 23.6

Table 22.Herbaceous species composition (% DM biomass) and their desirability in the
grazing types of CBFS (Continued)

Grazing types Herbaceous species Category % composition

Ahiya abish(Local name) UD 13.2

Alysicarpus quartinianus LD 8.0
Vigna membranacea DS
cyanotis barbata UD
Hygrophilla schulli UD
Spermacoce sphaerostima UD
Bidens setigera UD
Kedrostis foetidissima LD
Zennia elegans Jaquin. UD
Pennisetum sphacelatum DS 6.1

Cenchrus ciliaris DS 6.5

Setaria pumila DS 5.2
Brachiaria lata DS 1.9
Urochloa fatamensis LD 5.2
Themeda triandra HD 22.6
Hyperrahania rufa HD 24.4
Cynodon dactylon HD 5.8
Indigofera spicata DS
Alysicarpus quartinianus LD
Dismodium dichotomum (Klein) DS
Hibiscus articulatus HD
Cyanotis barbata UD
Commelina subula UD
Hibiscus vitifolius L. DS
Note: HD =Highly Desirable, DS = Desirable, LD = less desirable, CBFS = Cotton Based
Farming system

68 Woody vegetation

A total of 17 woody species were recorded in the study district (Table 25). Of the identified
woody species, 17.65 %, 41.18 %, 35.29 % and 5.88 % were identified as highly desirable,
desirable, less desirable and undesirable respectively. Acacia polyacantha, Acacia seyal, Acacia
senegal and Boswelia papirefera are dominant species whereas, Acacia tortolis, Anogeissus
leiocarpus,Balanites aegyptica, Ficus sycomorus, Gardenia ternifolia, Pterocarpus lucens,
Terminalia laxiflora, and Ziziphus spina-Christi are commonly found species in communal
grazing lands in the CBFS. In roadside grazing, Acacia polyacantha, Acacia tortilis and
Dichrostachys cinerea are the dominant species while Acacia seyal, Anogeissus leiocarpus,
Acacia senegal, Boswelia papyrifera and Ziziphus spina-christi are the common species. In the
enclosed grazing areas, Anogeissus leiocarpus, Pterocarpus lucens, Acacia syal and Ziziphus
spina-christi were identified to be dominant woody plant species while Acacia polyacantha,
Balanites aegyptica, Boswelia papyrifera, Acacia senegal, and Terminalia laxiflora were
identified to be common species in the enclosed sites of the cotton based farming system. The
proportion of desirable species in this farming system is considerably large when compared to
the highly desirable and less desirable species. This situation may favor browsing animals in the
area than the grazing animals.

Table 23.Woody species and percentage composition in different grazing system at CBFS

Grazing types Woody species Cate. % composition

Communal Terminalia laxiflora LD 0.9
Gardenia ternifolia LD 24.8
Acacia polyacantha DS 1.5
Acacia tortilis DS 12.1
Acacia seyal DS 8.5
Dichrostachys cinerea LD 5.5
Anogeissus liocarpus HD 15.2
Pterocarpus lucens HD 7.0
Ficus sycomorus DS 2.4
Combretum collinum. LD 1.2
Stereospermum kunthianum DS 0.6
Ximenia americana LD 0.9
Blanites aegyptica DS 5.5
Ziziphus spina christi HD 1.8
Piliostigma toningii LD 5.2
Boswellia paperiferra UD 0.6
Acacia senegal DS 3.9
Road side Gardenia ternifolia LD 21.0
Acacia polyacantha DS 1.1
Acacia tortilis DS 14.8
Acacia seyal DS 2.3
Dichrostachys cinerea LD 15.3
Anogeissus liocarpus HD 2.8
Pterocarpus lucens HD 5.7
Ficus sycomorus DS 14.8
Combretum collinum. LD 1.1
Stereospermum kunthianum DS 1.7
Ximenia americana LD 9.1
Blanites aegyptica DS 7.5
Ziziphus spina christi HD 1.1
Piliostigma toningii LD
Enclosed areas Terminalia laxiflora LD 31.0
Anogeissus liocarpus HD 3.4
Acacia polyacantha DS 10.3
Acacia seyal DS 20.7
Pterocarpus lucens HD 6.9
Blanites aegyptica DS 13.8
Ziziphus spina christi HD 5.7
Boswellia paperiferra UD 3.4
Acacia senegal DS 2.8
Cate, = category; D = Desirable, HD = highly desirable; UD = undesirable; LD = Less desirabl

4.8.4. Vegetation in the sesame based farming system Herbaceous species

Herbaceous species obtained in sesame based farming system and their percentage composition
is presented in Table 26. During the study, a total of 25 herbaceous species were recorded in this
farming system. Out of this, 56 % were grass, 20 % were legumes and 24 % were sedges species.
In communal grazing area, a total of 13 herbaceous species were recorded. Out of this, 6, 3 and 4
were grasses, legumes and sedges/others species, respectively. From the recorded grass species,
16.67 %, 33.33 % and 50 % were highly desirable, desirable, and less desirable respectively. In
roadside grazing areas, out of the recorded 5 species of grasses, 20 %, 40 % and 40 % were
represented as highly desirable, desirable, and less desirable, respectively. On the other hand, in
enclosed grazing areas, 8 species of grasses, 4 species of legumes and 2 species of sedges were
recorded. From the identified grass species, 37.5 % highly desirable, 50 % desirable and 12.5 %
less desirable, respectively (Table 26).

In roadside grazing areas, the less desirable species of Eleunine flocifolia was 23.1% while 17.4
%, 8.5 % and 9.2 % were the desirable species of Setaria pumila, Pennisetum spheslatem and
less desirable Rhamphicarpa fistulosa species, respectively. In communal grazing areas, 2.9 %,
24.1 %, and 38.5 % were highly desirable, desirable and less desirable species of grasses,
respectively (Table 26). In enclosed grazing areas, the highly desirable species of Hyparrhenia
rufa (25.1%) and Panicum coloratum (20.5 %) were the dominant species. The rest of Brachiaria
lata, that is, Eleusine flocifolia, Pennisetum sphacelatum, Setaria pumila and Sporobolus
pyramidalis were 8.3 %, 6.4 %, 5.6 %, 5.2 %, 5.1 and 2.6 % respectively (Table 26). It was
identified during the study that there were a relatively high percentage of highly desirable
(decreasers) grass species in the enclosed areas. This is followed by communal and the roadside
grazing areas. This might suggest that the highly desirable species were replaced by less
desirable and unpalatable species as a result of increased grazing pressure (Crawley, 1986).

Table 24. Herbaceous species composition (% DM biomass) and their desirability in the grazing
types of SBFS

Grazing types Herbaceous species Category composition
Urochloa fatamensis LD 2.6
Pennisetum sphacelatum DS 22.0
Urochloa bracyra LD 3.2
Themeda triandra HD 2.9
Cenchrus ciliaris DS 16.5
Eleusine floccifolia LD 18.3
Communal Ahiya abish UD
Alysicarpus quartinianus LD
Indigofera spicata DS
cyanotis barbata UD
Euphhorbia indica UD
Spermacoce sphaerostima UD
Commelina subul UD
Hygrophilla schulli UD
Pennisetum sphacelatum DS 8.5
Setaria pumila DS 17.4
Cynodon dyctlon HD 3.6
Rhamphicarpa fistulosa LD 9.2
Eleusine floscifolia LD 23.1
Roadside Ahiya abish UD
Chamaecrista mimosoides (L) UD
Euphhorbia indica UD
Hygrophilla schulli UD
Spermacoce sphaerostima UD
Bidens setigera UD
Zennia elegans Jaquin. UD
Commelina subula UD
Enclosed Pennisetum sphacelatum DS 6.4
areas Themeda triandra HD 2.6
Setaria pumila DS 5.2
Brachiaria lata DS 8.3
Panicum coloratum HD 20.5
Hyparranya rufa HD 25.1
Sporobolus pyramidialis DS 5.1
Eleusine flocifolia LD 5.6
Indigofera spicata DS
Alysicarpus quartinianus LD
Hibiscus articulatus HD

Table 24.Herbaceous species composition (% DM biomass) and their
desirability in the grazing types of SBFS (Continued)

Grazing types Herbaceous species Category composition
Vigna membranacea DS
Corchorus trilocularis L DS
Bidens setigera UD
Cyanotis barbata UD
Cate, = category; D = Desirable, HD = highly desirable; UD = undesirable; LD = Less desirable Woody vegetation in sesame based farming system.

A total of 18 woody species were identified in the SBFS of the district (Table 27).These species
comprised of 16.67 %, 38.89 %, and 44.44 % of highly desirable, desirable, and less desirable,
respectively. A. tortolis, Anogeissus leiocarpus, Balanites eagyptica, Pterocarpus lucens,
Terminalia laxiflora, Ximenia Americana, and Ziziphus spina Christi were the common species
found in communal grazing areas. On the other hand, A. polyacantha, A. syal, A. senegale and B.
papirefera were identified as dominant species in communal grazing areas. In roadside grazing
areas, A. polyacantha, A. tortolis, Acacia seyal and Dichrostachys cinerea are dominant species
but Acacia senegal, Anogeissus leiocarpus, Boswelia papyrifera, Ziziphus spina-christi and were
common species. In enclosed areas, on the other hand, the highly desirable species like
Anogeissus leiocarpus, Pterocarpus lucens, Ziziphus spina-christi and the desirable species of A.
seyal are found widely. Balanites egyptica, Bosweelia papirefera, Acacial senegal, A.
polyacantha, and Terminalia laxiflora were amongst the common species (Table 27).

Table 25. Woody species in the sesame based farming system with different
grazing types in the district

Woody Species Cate. SBFS

Acacia polyacantha DS C D
Terminalia laxiflora LD P C
Acacia tortilis DS C C C
Acacia seyal DS D C C
Dichrostachys cinerea DS C D P
Anogeissus leiocarpus DS C P D
Pterocarpus lucens HD C P D
Ficus sycomorus DS P P
Combretum collinum. LD C P C
Ximenia americana LD P - -
Balanites aegyptica DS C C C
Grewia villosa LD P - C
Ziziphus spina-christi HD C C D
Piliostigma toningii DS P P
Fluegea virosa LD C
Boswelia papyrifera UD C C D
Acacia Senegal DS C P C
Combretum mole LD C C
CBFS: cotton based farming system; SBFS: sesame based farming system; Cate.= CategoryCG:
communal grazing; RS: road side; EN: enclosed areas ; P: Present (<10%density); C: common (>10% and
<20% density); D: dominant (>20% density)

There is a significant (P<0.05) difference in woody vegetation composition among the

communal, roadside and enclosed areas. This may be due to the fact that in communal and
roadside grazing areas, the desirable tree species are influenced by human beings and animals.
The less desirable species might have occurred due to the dissemination of their seeds though
animal dung and as a result of ecological evolvement. The respondents made clear during group
discussions that, for instance, before 10 years almost the entire district was covered by Bamboo
tree species. The researcher’s own observations during field work also confirmed that there were
relicts of bamboo trees in the sloppy areas. It was observed that the bamboo trees are still in
remote kebeles of Shimele Gara, Kemechela, Zebach Bahir and Lemlem Terara. The respondents
made clear that in the past the district was dominated by bamboo trees and that Acacia
polyacantha had covered only small areas unlike today. Today, it has become the dominant

species and is found everywhere in the district. This finding is in agreement with Alemayehu’s
(2006) recent findings.

4.9. Range Condition Assessment

4.9.1. The Effect of farming systems on rangeland condition at different levels

of grazing areas Communal grazing areas

In the communal grazing areas of the districts, the composition of the grass species is
significantly (P<0.05) higher in SBFS than in CBFS (Table 26). The study revealed that basal
cover, litter cover, age distribution, seedling count and hedging effect are greater in SBFS than
they are in the CBFS. This may be due to increase in the intensity of the grazing pressure and the
disturbance that followed. The adverse impact of the intensity of grazing is tougher in cotton
based farming system than in sesame based farming system. In similar way, a large body of
literatures suggested that the frequency and intensity of grazing influences the rate of live
biomass accumulation on a site, there by, disrupting the rate of competitive displacement in a
multi-species community (McNaughton1968; Noy-Meir et al. 1989). In addition, intensive
grazing affects the amount of plant litter at the soil surface and exerts indirect pressures on the
germination and seedling establishment patterns (Heady 1956; Facelli and Pickett 1991,
Belaynesh, 2006; Lishan, 2007and Teshome, 2006). The productivity of most rangelands has
been reduced by human and livestock pressures, and natural hazards. Because vegetation
integrates all environmental factors acting on a site, knowledge of its types may be used to make
inference about prevailing environmental patterns (Herlocker et.a., 1999). The m major causes of
changes in rangelands are excessive grazing by domestic and/or wildlife animals, cultivating for
cropping and intensive collection of resources like firewood, foods and building materials
(Tolba, 1992).

Table 26. Range condition score (LSM ± SE) of communal grazing areas
found in the different farming systems of the study district


4.64± (0.33)b 6.37± (0.33)a
4.95± (0.41) 5.28± (0.41)
4.52 ± (0.23)b 5.4± (0.23)a
2.99± (0.37) 2.59± (0.37)
2.79± (0.37) 3.08± (0.37)
2.36± (0.38) 3.06± (0.38)
2.91 ± (0.34) 3.22± (0.34)
2.25± (0.27) 1.5± (0.27)
8.92± (0.77) 6.97± (0.77)
1.9± (0.25) 2.15± (0.25)
38.25± (1.46) 38.18± (1.46)
Fair Fair
3354.17± (292.28) 4137.52± (292.28)
146.55± (15.98) 179.1± (15.98)
GSC = Grass species composition score; BC= Basal cover; Lc = Litter cover; Se = Soil erosion; Sc = Soil
compaction; Ag = Age distribution of grasses; Wds = Woody density score; Ccs = Canopy cover score; Hed =
hedging; Trs = Total range condition score; RC = Range condition; Wd = Woody density; Cc = Canopy cover;
Means with different letter in a row are significantly (P<0.05) different Roadside grazing areas

Grass species composition in sesame based farming system is significantly (P<0.05) higher than
that in cotton based farming system. Basal cover, litter cover, age distribution, woody density,
canopy cover and total range condition scores in SBFS were found to be different from that in
CBFS (Table 27). This could possibly be the result of high grazing pressure exerted by the

livestock and due to mismanagement of the area, which on its part, caused replacement of the
most palatable tall and erect species like Hyparrhenia rufa, Themeda triandra and Panicum
coloratum by creeping, spreading and grazing resistant species like Cynodon dactylon and the
less palatable grass species like Eleusine floccifolia which cover the soil. This result is a further
strength to findings made in studies in Borena, Middle Awash, Bena-Tsemay (Ayana, 1999;
Amsalu, 2000; Admasu, 2006). In their studies these researchers revealed that the percentage of
cover decreased as the conditions of the range declined when the tall and erect species were
gradually replaced by with low growing, spreading species.

Table 27. Range condition score (LSM ± SE) roadside grazing areas
Found in different farming system of the study district.

Parameters CBFS SBFS

Gsc 3.99±(0.30)b 4.37±(0.30)a

Bc 3.25(0.26) 3.82±(0.26)
Lc 3.14±(0.37) 3.0±(0.37)
Se 1.89±(0.29) 2.0±(0.29)
Sc 2.15±(0.33) 1.99±(0.33)
Ag 1.90±(0.38) 2.71±(0.38)
Sed 1.96±(0.38) 2.20± (0.38)
Wds 2.75±(0.27) 2.5±(0.27)
Ccs 3.02±(0.79) 1.9±(0.79)
Hed 1.25±(0.29) 2.10± (0.29)
Trs 25.32± (0.93) 26.12±(0.93)
Rc Poor Poor
Wd 2678.33±(196.34) 2795.85±(196.34)
Cc 68.38±(13.04) 75.40±(13.04)

Gsc = Grass species composition; Bc = basal cover; Lc = Litter cover; Se = Soil erosion; Sc = Soil
compaction; Ag = Age distribution of grasses; Wds = Woody density score; Ccs = Canopy cover score;
Hed = Hedging; Trs = Total range condition score; Rc = Range condition; Wd = Woody density; Cc =
Canopy cover; Means with different letter in a row are significantly (P < 0.05) different

The mean density of woody plants in the grazing lands along the roadsides of the different
farming system categories were 2,678.33± (13.04) /ha in cotton based farming system and
2795.85± (13.04) /ha in sesame based farming. Based on density value (plants/ha), the woody
species in the roadside grazing areas of the CBFS are A. tortilis, (1,600), A. seyal, (350); B.
egyptica, (1,300), Dichrostachys cinerea (1,655), G. ternifolia, (1,150), P. toninngii (300),
identified as common and/or dominant. On the other hand, A. syal (2,200), B. egyptica, (1,350),
B. periphera, C. collinum, (300), T. laxiflora (750), (1,660), and Z. spina-christi (1,850) were
identified as common and/or dominant in SBFS (Table 27). Similar to the communal grazing
areas, the roadside grazing areas are bush encroached. Both the density of woody plants and the
total range condition scores indicated that the riverside grazing areas of the district are in poor
condition. This implies that it is imperative to improve the condition of the rangeland. Enclosed areas

Analysis of the range condition in the enclosed areas revealed that there is no significant
different between the assessed parameters. However, the grass species composition, basal cover,
litter cover, woody density and canopy cover scores in the enclosed areas found in the sesame
based farming system were found to be greater in mean values than in cotton based farming
system. This could be attributed to variations in land use pattern of the sites and the response of
the species to protection from grazing. Other similar studies indicated that knowledge of the land
use history of a site is imperative (Fleischner1994). In addition to this, spatial scale (e.g. plant
distribution patterns in enclosed sites) may be caused by different processes than in patterns
found at the landscape scale, short temporal scales and the pool of species that are present or able
to disperse to the protected area Bartolome (1989). There is no significant (P< 0.05) difference in
the soil erosion, compaction, age distribution, seedling count, and hedge effects between
enclosed grazing areas of the two farming systems (Table 28). Generally, these parameters
suggested that the enclosed sites are relatively in good conditions. This could be due to the
influence of the management measures taken by the communities. Furthermore, the number of
stocks spent in the enclosed areas limited the grazing pressure and positively influenced on the
conditions of the rangelands in the district. This is considered as a means to protect and conserve

the threatened local resources due to ever-increasing human and livestock population pressures
and other forms of devastating interventions.

There is no significant difference (P<0.05) between the enclosed areas found in the two farming
systems as far as the conditions of the woody vegetation density is concerned (Table 28). The
mean density of woody vegetation in the enclosed sites of the two farming system is 1,029.93
plants/ha. Based on density value (plants/ha), the commonly/dominantly observed species in
cotton based farming system are Anogeissus leiocarpus (300), Acacia senegal (540), Balanites
aegyptiaca (500), Boswelia papyrifera (500), Pterocarpus lucens (400), and Ziziphus spina-
christi (1,540). In contrast, in sesame based farming system, A. polyacantha(650), Acacia
tortilis(500), Acacia seyal (2250), Anogeissus leiocarpus(600), Acacia Senegal(1550) Balanites
aegyptiaca(1,480), Boswelia papyrifera(3,200), Grewia villosa(450), Combretum mole(100),
Pterocarpus lucens (2,200), Stereospermum kunthianum(300) and Ziziphus spina-christi(1,540)
were identified as the common and/or dominant species (Table 28).

Table 28. Range condition score (LSM ± SE) in enclosed grazing areas of different farming
system of the study district

Parameter CBFS SBFS

Gsc 7.80(0.61) 8.11±(0.50)
Bc 6.91±(0.46) 7.03±(0.37)
Lc 6.0±(0.33) 7.05±(0.27)
Se 3.88± (0.16)b 4.89± (0.20)a
Sc 4.93± (0.38) 3.64± (0.31)
Ag 3.70±(0.44) 3.67±(0.35)
Sed 4.0±(0.21) 4.64± (0.17)
Wds 3.5± (0.28) 3.0±(0.23)
Ccs 2.75± (0.61) 3.46±(0.50)
Hed 2.20± (0.41) 2.43± (0.33)
Trs 46.65± (0.78) 46.93±(0.63)
Rc Good Good
Wd 2316.7±(244.68) 2340.0 ±(199.78)
Cc 64.05±(7.27) 71.93±(3.44)
GSC = Grass species composition score; BC = basal cover; Lc = Litter cover; Se = Soil erosion; Sc = Soil
compaction; Ag = Age distribution of grasses; Wds = Woody density score; Ccs = Canopy cover score; Hed =
Hedging; Trs = Total range condition score; RC = Range condition; WD = Woody density; Cc = Canopy cover;
Means with different letter in a row are significantly (P<0.05) different

In general, the rangelands in the enclosed areas are in good condition. This implies that the
enclosed grazing areas are alternative methods of improving the conditions of rangelands. The
finding confirms a similar observation made by other researchers (e.g. Ayana, 1999; Amsalu,
2000; Admasu, 2006; Amaha, 2006; Teshome and 2006; and Lishan, 2007).

4.9.2 The effect of grazing areas on range condition at different farming System Range condition in the CBFS

There is a significant difference (P<0.05) among the grazing types found in CBFS in species
composition, basal cover, litter cover, age distribution and number of grass seedlings. The
observed difference in these condition scores among the grazing types could be attributed to the
better management and a relatively less opportunity for the communities to access and disturb
the enclosed sites, the reality that contrasted to the increased intensity of grazing in the
communal and roadside grazing areas. The result of this study supports the findings of other
researchers (e.g. Amsalu, 2000; Ayana, 1999; Admasu, 2006; Belaynesh, 2006; Teshome, 2006;
and Lishan, 2007). In the current study as well, it became evident that the species composition,
basal cover, age distribution and seedlings were affected by factors like the types of gazing
management, drought frequency and human and livestock population pressure. This implies that
decline in the rangeland condition in roadside and communal grazing areas have a direct negative
influence on the livestock production of the inhabitants in the district.

Soil erosion and compaction in the roadside and communal grazing areas are significantly
(P<0.05) different than that in enclosed area. This relatively higher soil erosion and compaction
in roadside and communal grazing types might be attributed to the impact of overgrazing the
resources by livestock, mismanagement of the grazing lands by the communities and change in
climate. Different studies suggested that increase in soil compaction and soil erosion following
deterioration in the conditions of rangelands leads to decline in the productivity of the rangelands
and their ability to support a sustainable livestock production system. Again, high livestock
grazing pressure has a strong relation with decline in perennial and increase in annual cover,
reduced litter cover and increased soil erosion and degradation of surface soil structure.
Moreover, other factors that may have attributed to the compaction of soil are high soil erosion,
which, in turn, is the compound effect of overstocking, overgrazing and over-utilization of the
canopy layers of the rangeland vegetation (Amaha, 2006). Grazing changes soil structure

primarily by compaction, this reduces the infiltration of water and air into the soil and hampers
the physical and biological growth of the plant roots (Tisdale, et al, 1985).

The mean score of woody species density, canopy cover and hedging showed significant
difference (P<0.05) among the three grazing areas. The woody species density score of the
communal and the riverside grazing areas were found to be significantly lower (P<0.05) than that
in the enclosed grazing areas. The woody species density scores in communal grazing is
significantly higher (P < 0.05) than roadside grazing areas. Canopy cover scores, woody
vegetation density and canopy cover percentage in communal grazing areas were found to be
significantly higher (P<0.05) than that in roadside and enclosed grazing areas. This may be
because of the over-use of browse plants and/or the roadside grazing areas. Again, the thinning
practice of the farmers in the enclosed grazing areas might have contributed to lower canopy
cover in the enclosed areas and roadside areas than in communal grazing areas. The large
number and high concentration of livestock potentially favors woody plants in numerous ways.
Among the major resisting behaviours of the woody species that increase in grazed environments
are high seed production, prolonged life in soil, the ability to disperse over long distances, the
ability to sprout following top removal, tolerance to low levels of water and nutrients and low
palatability (Archer, 1989). The total range score in enclosed areas was found to be higher than
other two grazing types (Table 29). The result is in line well with Admasu’ (2006) findings. In
his study, Admasu (2006) reported that enclosed areas had lower number of woody plants when
compared to their corresponding communal and riverside grazing areas. By taking into
consideration the overall condition scores, communal, roadside and enclosed grazing areas were
classified as fair, poor and good conditions, respectively (Table 29). The finding here strongly
confirms the findings of other similar studies (Amsalu, 2000; Admasu, 2006; Amaha, 2006;
Belaynesh, 2006; Teshome, 2006 and Lishan, 2007).

Table 29. Range condition score (LSM ± SE) in the different grazing areas of the
CBFS of the study district

Parameters Communal Roadside Enclosed

Gsc 3.99±(0.30)c 7.80(0.61)a

4.64± (0.33)b
Bc 3.25(0.26)c 6.91±(0.46)a
4.95± (0.41)b
Lc 3.14±(0.37)c 6.0±(0.33)a
4.52 ± (0.23)b
Se 1.89±(0.29)c 4.89± (0.20)a
2.99± (0.37)b
Sc 2.15±(0.33)c 4.93± (0.38)a
2.79± (0.37)b
Ag 1.90±(0.38)b 3.70±(0.44)a
2.36± (0.38)b
Sed 1.96±(0.38)c 4.0±(0.21)a
2.91 ± (0.34)b
Wds 2.75±(0.27)b 3.5± (0.28)c
2.25± (0.27)a
Ccs 3.02±(0.79)b 2.75± (0.61)c
8.92± (0.77)a
Hed 1.25±(0.29)b 2.20± (0.41)a
1.9± (0.25)a
Trs 25.32± (0.93)c 46.65± (0.78)a
38.25± (1.46)b
Rc Poor Good
Wd 2678.33±(196.34)b 2316.7±(244.68)c
3354.17± (292.28)a
Cc 68.38±(13.04)b 64.05±(7.27)c
146.55± (15.98)a
GSC = Grass species composition score; BC= Basal cover; Lc= Litter cover; Se = Soil erosion;
Sc = Soil compaction; Ag = Age distribution of grasses; Wds = Woody density score; Ccs =
Canopy cover score; Hed = Hedging; Trs= Total range condition score; RC = Range condition;
Wd = Woody density; Cc = Canopy cover; Sed = seedling distribution, Means with different
letter in a row are significantly (P<0.05) different

83 Range condition in the SBFS

The communal grazing areas had a significantly higher (P< 0.05) value of grass species
composition, basal cover, litter cover, age distribution, and woody species density score than that
of roadside grazing areas and lower (P<0.05) density score than that in enclosed grazing areas
(Table 30). Canopy cover scores in communal grazing areas showed a significantly higher (P<
0.05) value than that of the enclosed and riverside grazing areas. Canopy cover in roadside
grazing areas was found to be higher (P<0.05) than that of the enclosed areas. The better scores
in communal than in roadside grazing areas, and lower in the enclosed areas could be difference
in the level of the grazing pressure exerted on it. The roadside grazing is more vulnerable for
livestock grazing and trampling. Moreover, it is more exposed to forest clearing as largely
nobody takes the prime responsibility to control the areas when compared to the other two
grazing types. In the same manner, the management of the enclosed grazing areas is better than
that of communal grazing and roadside grazing.

Soil erosion and compaction is significantly (P<0.05) greater in roadside grazing than in
communal grazing and enclosed areas. In communal grazing areas, soil erosion and compaction
were found to be higher (P<0.05) than that in enclosed areas. The age and seedling count
obtained in communal grazing areas were found to be higher (P<0.05) than the roadside grazing
areas and was significantly (P<0.05) smaller with that of the enclosed areas. On the other hand,
the percentage of canopy cover, canopy cover scores and woody density obtained in communal
grazing areas were significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of roadside and enclosed areas. This
may be due to less grazing pressure, low numbers of browsers in the area than grazers and
absence of fire to suppress the bushes in the district

The enclosed area showed a higher (P<0.05) total score for range condition than did the
communal and roadside grazing areas. Generally, three grazing types fell in the category of
good, fair and poor for enclosed, communal and roadside grazing areas, respectively (Table 30).
The study revealed that the productivity of the rangeland decreased as the deterioration of the
rangeland increased. This finding supports the findings of Ayana (1999) and Alemayehu (2004).

Table 30. Range condition score (LSM ± SE) in the different grazing areas of
the SBFS of the study district

Parameters Communal Road side Enclosed

Gsc 4.37±(0.30)c 8.11±(0.50)a

6.37± (0.33)a
Bc 3.82±(0.26)c 7.03±(0.37)a
5.28± (0.41)b
Lc 3.0±(0.37)c 7.05±(0.27)a
5.4± (0.23)b
Se 2.0±(0.29)b 3.88± (0.16)a
2.59± (0.37)ab
Sc 1.99±(0.33)c 3.64± (0.31)a
3.08± (0.37)b
Ag 2.71±(0.38) 3.67±(0.35)
3.06± (0.38)
Sed 2.20± (0.38)c 4.64± (0.17)a
3.22± (0.34)b
Wds 2.5±(0.27)b 3.0±(0.23)c
1.5± (0.27)a
Ccs 1.9±(0.79)c 3.46±(0.50)b
6.97± (0.77)a
Hed 2.10± (0.29)b 2.43± (0.33)a
2.15± (0.25)b
Trs 26.12±(0.93)c 46.93±(0.63)a
38.18± (1.46)b
Rc Poor Good
Wd 2795.85±(196.34)b 2340.0 ±(199.78)c
4137.52± (292.28)a
Cc 75.40±(13.04)b 71.93±(3.44)b
179.1± (15.98)a
GSC = Grass species composition score; BC = Basal cover; Lc = Litter cover; Se = Soil erosion; Sc = Soil
compaction; Ag = Age distribution of grasses; Wds = Woody density score; Ccs = Canopy cover score;
Hed = Hedging; Trs = Total range condition score; RC = Range condition; WD = Woody density; Cc =
canopy cover; Sed = seedling distribution, Means with different letter in a row are significantly (P<0.05)
different, Means with different letter in a row are significantly (P<0.05) different

4.9.3. Interaction effects of farming system and grazing areas on range condition

The interaction effects between farming system and grazing areas are shown in (Appendix Table
21-27). The analysis revealed that there are a significant (P<0.05) interaction in range condition
parameters between grazing areas and farming system. These could be attributed to difference in
grazing intensity and human disturbance on the natural vegetations, and other natural factors.

4.10. Biomass Production

4.10.1. The effect of farming system on dry matter biomass in different grazing
types Communal grazing areas

The total dry matter biomass, desirable grasses, less desirable grass, legumes and others biomass
in the communal grazing areas located in the SBFS were found to be significantly (P<0.05)
higher than that in the communal grazing areas of CBFS (Table 31). This variation might be
attributed to the grazing intensity and anthropogenic disturbance in cotton based farming system,
which is relatively greater than that in the sesame based farming system. The total biomass, total
dry-matter biomass of desirable, less desirable grass and legumes biomass, therefore, were
influenced by farming system. Previous studies on soil erosion and soil compaction generally
revealed exposure to livestock grazing compacts soil and the compaction, in turn, increases with
grazing intensity (Fleischner, 1994). Therefore, compaction is directly related to soil
productivity. This happens because; it reduces water and air movement into and through soil. It
reduces also the amount of water and air that are necessary for the reliable growth of plant roots.
Soil compaction restricts root growth because when soils get compacted, only fewer large pores
remain. As a result, only small space remains to allow roots to enter (Tisdale et al, 1985).
Besides, the soil types are the determinant factors that affect biomass production in semi-arid
rangelands (Abel et al Vol. 1, 1987). As Alemayehu’s (2005) revealed, the plant biomass and
standing crop are affected by the composition and density of the species.

Table 31. Dry matter biomass (kg/ha) of the communal grazing areas
in different Farming systems of the study district

Parameters CBFS SBFS

Mean ±SE Mean ±SE
Total Grasses 2396.59±370.17 3282.22± 598.77a
Highly desirable 143.31± 22.14a 145.07±27.46a

Desirable 1562.81± 242.38b 1928.96 ±352.6a

Less desirable 690.21± 106.61b 1206.54 ±221.29a
Legumes 699.17± 56.69b 923.3 ±213.74a
Others 488.67 ±128.09b 802.08 ±163.14a
Total biomass 3584.42 ± 403.34b 5007.60± 664.25a
Means with different superscript letter in the rows are significantly (P < 0.05) different,
CBFS = cotton based farming system, SBFS = Sesame based farming system Road side grazing areas

Dry matter biomass production of total grass, other highly desirable, desirable and less desirable
grasses and total biomass production in the roadside grazing areas of sesame based farming
system were found to be significantly different (P<0.05) than the biomasses production in cotton
based farming system grazing types (Table 32). The identified variation in biomass production
between the two grazing types could be associated with the increasing grazing intensity and
anthropogenic disturbances applied in the grazing types of cotton based farming system. The
result shows how the heavy and continuous grazing pressure ultimately decreased biomass
production. However, no significant (P<0.05) difference was found in the dry matter biomass of
legumes in both grazing system of the district. Normally, grasslands are capable of tolerating a
moderate degree of grazing intensity before changing into composition, diversity or productivity.
However, as the intensity of grazing increases, tall and mid-grasses eventually gives way to
short-stature perennial grasses. This, in turn, gives way to annuals and unpalatable perennials
with a corresponding decline in primary and secondary productivity and loss of diversity, cover,

and soil (Archer et al. 1987). Different studies quantified also that decline in perennial grass and
increase in unpalatable forbs and annual grass covers were influenced by the types of grazing
management, rainfall and livestock population pressure. The studies underscored that
overgrazing, high livestock population and prolonged drought together lead to reduction in dry
matter biomass production and aggravate rangeland deterioration (see Ayana, 1999; Amsalu,
2000; Gemedo, 2004 and Amaha, 2006).

Table 32. Dry matter biomass (kg/ha) of the road side grazing areas located
in different farming systems of the study district

Parameters CBFS SBFS

Mean ±SE Mean ±SE
Total Grasses 1631.63 ±370.17b 1963.67± 598.77a
Highly desirable 79.29± 18.99b 114.82± 35.85a
desirable 751.85 ±170.60b 822.77± 250.88a
Less desirable 798.68± 181.19b 1026.21± 312.92a
Legumes 422.13 ±106.45a 497.67± 72.21a
others 288.69± 52.98b 712.88 ±225.98a
Total biomass 2342.45 ±403.34b 3174.21 ±664.25a
Means with different superscript letters in a row are significantly (P < 0.05) different,
CBFS = cotton based farming system, SBFS = Sesame based farming system Enclosed grazing areas

All parameters found in SBFS were found to be significantly (P < 0.05) higher than those in
CBFS (Table 33). This may be due to the presence of more dominant herbaceous species in
SBFS that contribute for the higher biomass production. A body of literature suggested that the
most dominant species contributed the highest amount of biomass (Kamau, 2004).The total dry
matter biomass value obtained for the enclosed areas of the district under study was found to be
much higher than those reported in the previous studies (e.g. Amsalu, 2000; Amaha, 2006; and
Lishan, 2007) conducted in arid and semi-arid rangelands of Middle Awash and Somali regions

of Ethiopia. The general observation is that the productivity of grazing land in the study district
was better than the productivity of the above mentioned rangelands to support livestock
population provided that there are good rangeland management practices.

Table 33.Dry biomass (kg/ha) of the enclosed grazing areas in

different farming systems of study area

Parameters CBFS SBFS

Mean ±SE Mean ±SE
Total Grasses 4814.86 ±453.36b 8438.56 ±598.77a
Highly desirable 3342.95± 259b 5161.02 ±367.21a
Desirable 1165.19± 15.55b 2676.71 ±198.9a
Less desirable 305.74 ±23.51b 599.13 ±42.51a
Legumes 697.13± 164.73b 1071.25± 116.27a
Others 375.63± 116.27b 1185.96± 203.98a
Total biomass 5887.61 ±493.9b 10695.77± 664.2a
Means with different letter in a row are significantly (P < 0.05) different
CBFS = cotton based farming system, Sesame based farming system

4.10.2. Biomass at different farming system Biomass in CBFS

The total grass biomass, highly desirable grass and total biomass in enclosed areas were found to
be significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of the total grass biomass, highly desirable and total
biomass obtained in communal grazing and roadside grazing areas. Similarly, the total grass,
highly desirable grass, desirable grass, total biomass and other biomasses in communal grazing
areas were found to be significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of roadside grazing. On the other
hand, legumes biomass and desirable biomass in communal grazing were found to be
significantly (P<0.05) different from the legumes biomass and desirable biomass obtained in
enclosed and roadside grazing areas. Similarly, legumes and desirable biomass were found to be

significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of roadside grazing areas. In contrast, the less desirable
grass biomass in roadside grazing was found to be significantly (P<0.05) higher than that in the
less desirable grass biomass in enclosed grazing areas (Table 34). This could be attributed to the
low grazing intensity and better management in enclosed grazing areas than in the communal and
roadside grazing areas. In the district, roadside grazing is more exposed to grazing and trampling
than the communal and enclosed grazing areas. This finding strongly agrees with that of Amsalu
(2000) in which the researcher reported that the high pressure on roadside and communal grazing
areas favored the invasion of forbs while discouraging the growth of the highly desirable species.

Table 34. Dry matter biomass (kg/ha) of the different grazing types in CBFS in
the study district

Parameters CG RS En
Mean ±SE Mean ±SE Mean ±SE
Total Grasses 2396.59±370.17b 1631.63 ±370.17c 4814.86 ±453.36a
Highly desirable 143.31± 22.14b 79.29± 18.99c 3342.95± 259a
Desirable 1562.81± 242.38a 751.85 ±170.60c 1165.19± 15.55b
Less desirable 690.21 ±106.61a 798.68± 181.19a 305.74 ±23.51b
Legumes 699.17± 56.69a 422.13 ±106.45b 697.13± 164.73a
Others 488.67 ±128.09a 288.69± 52.98ab 375.63± 116.27b
Total biomass 3584.42 ± 403.34b 2342.45 ±403.34c 5887.61 ±493.9a
CG = communal grazing, RS = road side grazing, EN = enclosed areas Means with different superscript
letter in a row are significantly (P<0.05) different Biomass in SBFS

The total dry matter biomass, dry matter biomass of total grass and highly desirable grass, others
and legumes found in the enclosed areas were found to be significantly (P<0.05) higher than the
total dry matter biomass of communal grazing areas found in SBFS. On the other hand, the total
dry matter biomasses in communal grazing areas were found to be significantly (P<0.05) greater
than those of roadside grazing areas. In addition, the less desirable grasses found in communal

grazing areas were found to be significantly (P<0.05) higher than those in enclosed and roadside
grazing areas. In contrast, the legumes and other biomasses in communal grazing were found to
be comparable (P>0.05) with the roadside grazing (Table 35). The impact of management factors
may be the main reasons for the significant differences in the herbaceous biomass production of
the different grazing areas in the district. Moreover, this variation could be associated with the
conditions of the rangelands i.e., poor condition situation in the roadside, fair condition in
communal and good condition class in enclosed areas. These conditions were identified as
influential in the findings of Amsalu (2000) and Amaha (2006) as well. The researchers reported
that good condition class produces higher dry matter biomass than poor condition class.

Table 35. Dry matter biomass (kg/ha) of the different grazing types in SBFS the study district

Parameters CG RS En
Mean ±SE Mean ±SE Mean ±SE
Total Grasses 3282.22± 598.77b 1963.67± 598.77c 8438.56 ±598.77a
Highly desirable 145.07±27.46ab 114.82± 35.85ab 5161.02 ±367.21a
Desirable 1928.96 ±352.6b 822.77± 250.88c 2676.71 ±198.9a
Less desirable 1206.54± 221.29a 1026.21± 312.92b 599.13 ±42.51c
Legumes 923.3 ±213.74b 497.67± 72.21c 1071.25± 116.27a
Others 802.08 ±163.14ab 712.88 ±225.98ab 1185.96± 203.98a
Total biomass 5007.60 ± 664.25b 3174.21 ±664.25c 10695.77± 664.2a
CG = communal grazing, RS = road side grazing, EN = enclosed areas
Means with different superscript letters in a row are significantly (P < 0.05) different

4.11. The effect of farming system on biomass

The total biomass, desirable grass, less desirable grass, legume and other biomasses were
estimated from the grazing lands of cotton based farming. They were found to be lower than the
above mentioned biomass in grazing areas of sesame based farming system (Fig. 2). This
variation might be due to the impacts of edaphic conditions, livestock grazing intensity and
population impact on cotton based farming. The impacts of these variables were found to be

greater than the sesame based farming. The finding implicates that climatic and grazing variables
can limit biomass production in arid and semi-arid rangelands of Africa (Behanke et al., 1993;
Amsalu, 2000).








Farming system

Figure 2. Effects of farming system on biomass

4. 12. The effect of grazing on dry matter biomass

As the grazing intensity increased, the legume biomass, total grasses biomass, palatable grasses
biomass and total biomass were reduced while the unpalatable forbs, sedges and other unwanted
species increased (Figure 3). In similar way, Jones and Mott (1980) argued that proper grazing
management aids recruitment and persistence of desired species whereas poor management
hastens the demise of preferred species and ultimately leads to their replacement by other
species. Ahmed (2006) also cited Pluhar et al. (1987, who argued that heavy grazing generally
causes change in the species composition, reduced productivity and increased erosion. Similarly,
Wolter et al (1990) and Amsalu (2000) reported that high grazing pressure caused loss of high
yielding forage species and loss of ground cover.



6000.0 GBM



1000.0 GBM

Grazing types

Figure 3. The effect of grazing on biomass production

4.13. Correlation among Variables Studied in Range Condition Assessment

Among the different variables correlated, only the most important ones were presented
(Appendix Table7-12). Correlation analysis of the variables in grazing areas of CBFS indicated
that basal cover, soil compaction, seedling count, litter cover, soil erosion, age distribution, and
hedge effect were found to be positively correlated significantly (P<0.01) with the composition
of grass species and within each other, while the total range condition score was found to be
negatively correlated with the composition of the grass species. On its part, woody density total
range score were found to be negatively correlated with basal cover, litter cover, soil erosion, soil
compaction, age distribution and woody density scores. Similarly, there was a significantly (P
<0.01) positive correlation in different range condition factors of the grazing areas in SBFS
between the composition of grass species, basal cover, litter cover, soil compaction, soil erosion,
age distribution, seedling count and total range condition score. The woody density scores and
canopy cover scores were positively correlated with grass species, basal cover, soil erosion, soil
compaction, age and seedling count. However, woody vegetation was negatively correlated with
basal cover, litter cover, soil erosion, and seedling count (Appendix table 11).

4.14. Relationship between Dry matter Biomass production and Range Condition

The linear regression analysis revealed a significant positive linear relationship between
herbaceous dry-matter biomass and rangeland condition scores (Figure.4). The R2 = 0.4509 of the
variation in total biomass production was explained using variation in rangeland condition. Other
studies indicated that rangelands in better conditions produced more forages than those in poor
conditions (Amsalu, 2000; Gemedo, 2004; Amaha, 2006).


Dry matter biomass


Linear (Dm)
y = 282.13x - 4066.4
8000 R 2 = 0.4509




0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Range condition scores

Figure 4. Regression graph of dry matter biomass and range condition


This final chapter of the thesis is devoted to summarize the study, draw conclusions on the basis
of the major findings and suggest some working recommendations to improve the future
conditions of rangeland management in the Metema District and to remind the direction of
research that should follow.

5.1. Summary

This study was conducted in Metema District, North Gondar Zone, Amhara National Regional
State. The aims of the study were to describe the socio-economic conditions of the district, assess
the major livestock feed resources in the area, analyze the chemical composition and biomass
yields of the available livestock feed resources and finally to characterize the range condition
based on herbaceous, woody and soil layers. Descriptions of the socio-economic conditions and
assessments of the major livestock feed resources in the study area were carried out. The study
involved 140 households. The researcher used a semi-structured interview questionnaire, group
discussions and personal observations as methods of data collection. The assessment made on the
rangeland condition of the district was stratified into two different farming systems (CBFS and
SBFS) and three grazing types (communal, enclosed and roadside grazing areas). For data
collection, the composition of grass species, basal and litter covers, age distribution, seedling
count, soil erosion, soil compaction, woody species density, canopy cover and hedging effect
were considered as parameters.

The youngest and child age categories (50 % and 30.12 %) of the households in the district are
dominant. The mean family size of the district is 5.31 ± (0.20) persons per family .The majority
of the households in CBFS (43.3 %), in SBFS (50. 0 %) and in aggregate (47.14 %) possessed 1-
5 hectares of land. On the other hand, 23.4 % of households in CBFS, 21.25 % of them in SBFS
and 22.16 % of them in the district possessed 5.1-10 hectares of land (Table 6). Large ruminants
(cattle) are the dominant livestock species raised in the district, followed by small ruminants
(goats) and male donkeys, respectively. The mean livestock holding per household of cattle,

goat, sheep, donkey and camel in the district are 12.52± (6.23), 0.80± (0.40), 0.13± (0.07), 0.65±
(0.32) and 0.07± (0.04), TLU, respectively. Regarding livestock herd structures, the study
revealed that females dominated in both farming systems when compared to males. The main
reason is that male stocks are preferred sale whereas females and calves are retained as breeding
stock. In the district, milk cows are symbols of wealth and prestige. The main livestock feed
resources in the district are natural pasture, crop residues, crop aftermath and hay, respectively.
Among these, the natural pasture was the major sources of livestock feed that support animal
productivity in the rainy season. However, in the dry season, these pastures can hardly maintain
the animals as most of the feed resources at this time of the year are low in quantity. Free
grazing, tethering and cut-and-carry feeding systems are the commonly practiced feeding
systems in both farming systems. Animals are allowed to graze in communal grazing land, forest
land and fallow lands (privately owned land) during wet season, from the month of October.
There are no proper practice in collecting, handling and utilizing crop residues in the district. The
total mean utilization of crop residues as livestock feed in tones are 22.23± (2.98), 14.71± (2.67),
14.96± (2.98) and 0.28± (0.18) for sorghum, maize, teff, and peanut. Generally, the study
suggested that the feed balance estimate of the district in DM basis is sufficient to support the
maintenance requirement of livestock per household despite the quality of the feed. The chemical
composition of Pennisetum spheselatum, Cenchrus sciliaris and Pterocarpus lucens were found
to be significantly (P<0.05) different and are influenced by season and types of species.

In the floristic composition, a total of 32 herbaceous and 20 woody species were recorded in the
district. Among the herbaceous species, 41.94 % species were of different grasses while 58.06 %
were non-grass species. The non-grass species comprised of 5 species legumes, 7 species of
sedges, and 6 species of forbs. Of the grass species, 23.07 % were identified as highly desirable,
38.46 % desirable and 30.77% less desirable. From the identified woody species in the district,
15%, 35%, and 50% were identified as highly desirable, desirable and less desirable species
respectively. The largest proportion of woody vegetation in the district is constituted from
Acacia (20%) and commbretum (10%). Pterocarpus lucens (charia) is an important fodder and is
used as a main livestock feed in the district during the onset of the main rain season. Most of
height classes of the vegetation are at the browsing height of the animals (that is >1- 3 m).

The assessments made on the conditions of the range in the communal grazing areas of both
farming systems, basal cover, litter cover and grass species composition in SBFS were found to
be significantly (P<0.05) larger than that in CBFS. The woody vegetation density in sesame
based farming system was significantly (P<0.05) larger than cotton based farming system. The
composition of the grass species, basal cover and litter cover of road side grazing were found to
be significantly (P<0.05) larger in sesame based farming system than in cotton based farming
system. On the other hand, the communal grazing areas had a significantly higher (P< 0.05)
value of grass species composition, basal cover, litter cover, age distribution, and woody species
density score than the roadside grazing areas and lower values (P<0.05) than the enclosed
grazing areas. The amount of total dry matter biomass were found to be significantly (P < 0.05)
higher in enclosed areas. This is followed by communal areas, which is significantly (P ≤ 0.05)
higher than that in roadside grazing areas.

5.2. Conclusions

On the basis of the entire study and the summary made above, the researcher tries to draw some
important conclusions. In Metema District, cattle, goats, donkeys, sheep and camels are raised.
Among these livestock species, cattle and goats are the most dominant animal species reared in
the district. The study indicated that the resources used in the area to feed these livestock species
are natural pasture, crop residue, crop aftermath and hay. The study revealed that more than 50
% of dry season feed resources and all wet season livestock feeds come from natural pasture.
Cattle species are critically faced by the shortage of dry season feed resources while in wet
season a surplus amount of feed resources are available. Making hay is not properly done and
well practiced. These abundant feed resources are wasted in the wet season. The study showed
also that the remaining dry grasses are turned to ash by wild and man-made fire (forest honey
harvesters and crop land cleaning) throughout the dry season. To overcome this problem, little
amount of supplementation of embaze (sesame cake), wheat bran, noug cake, hay and crop
residues are given during peak season for highly affected animals. The nutrient content of grass
species during haymaking time is very low. The study implicated that the district should embark

on sustainable feed conservation practices and effective management of grazing areas. The other
key finding of the study is that population pressure and the corresponding increase in livestock
number exerted greater pressure on natural grazing lands of the district. In addition, the
perpetuations of livestock movements to the area have also been aggravating the intensity of
grazing and its debilitating impacts on the rangelands. By and large, the study suggested the
rangeland, species composition and biomass production of the district have been adversely
affected by miss-management, disturbances and intensity of livestock grazing.

5.3. Recommendations

On the basis of the summary and conclusions made above, the following recommendations are

• The study revealed that the rangeland condition of the area is declining. Therefore,
should be reversed through rangeland rehabilitation, proper management and delineation
of the natural grazing lands.
• Provision of integrated extension services regarding feed resources management and
training on basic principles of feed collection, storage, proper feeding systems and
amounts of supplementation of the feed resources should be made.
• A due attention should be given to chemical treatment of crop residues and balancing
legume and grass mixtures in the district through introducing legume species that are
appropriate to the area and through putting in place effective grazing management.
• Balancing the grazing and browsing species in the area is of paramount importance to
keep ecological balance and to increase the productivity of livestock.
• Attention should be given for conservation and development of the fodder species like
Pterocarpus lucens and mechanism should be devised as to how to introduce dual
purpose sorghum species in the area.

The scope for the future study in the district should be given due attention for the following

• Detailed studies should be made on important browse woody vegetation species
production based on different seasons and on their contribution to livestock in the area.
• Studies should be conducted on the influence of different sub-habitats of woody plants on
herbaceous species composition and on diversity, biomass production and livestock
• The potential use of sesame oil by-product (Embaz) as an animal feed supplements
should be investigated and analyzed.


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Appendix Table 1. Criteria for the scoring of the different factors determining
Range conditions (Herbaceous vegetation & soil condition)

Score Grasses Basal cover Number of Litter cover Soil erosion Soil Age
spp composition seedlings compaction distribution
10 91-100% decreaser > 12%, no > 12%, no bare
bare areas areas
9 81-90% decreaser - -
8 71-80% decreaser >9% evenly >9% evenly
distributed distributed
7 61-70% decreaser >9% >9% occasional
occasional bare spots
bare spots
6 51-60% decreaser >6% evenly >6% evenly
distributed distributed
5 41-50%decreaser >6%, bare >4 seedlings >6%, bare spots No sign of No compaction Young,
spots on soil erosion medium
A4 paper ,old
4 10-40%decreaser & >3%, mainly 4 seedlings on >3%, mainly Slight sand Isolated two size
>30% increaser perennials A4 paper perennials mulch capping categories
3 10-40%decreaser& >3%, mainly 3 seedlings on >3%, mainly Weak-side >50% capping Only old
<30% increaser annuals A4 paper annuals pedestals
2 < 10%decreaser & 1-3% 2 seedlings on 1-3% Steep-sided >75% cappingOnly
> 50% increaser A4 paper pedestals medium
1 <10% decreaser & <1% 1 seedling on <1% Pavement Almost 100% Only young
<50%incr. A4 paper capping
0 0% No seedlings 0% Gullies
Sources: Baars et al., 1997.

Appendix Table 2. Criteria for the scoring of the different factors determining
range conditions

Parameters Value Total point Descriptions

Hedging 3 5 Highly palatable and palatable shrubs share dominance

Most hedge able plants are lightly to moderately hedged
Few or no decadent plants.
2 3 Palatable plants dominant. Hedgeable plants moderately to
heavily hedged.
Some shrubs decadent due to hedging.
1 2 Palatable and less palatable plants dominant.
Hedge able plants heavily to very heavily hedged.
Considerable numbers of decadents' shrubs present.
Some may be dead due to hedging.
0 1 Less palatable and unpalatable shrubs dominant.
Some normally un hedge able shrubs are hedged.
Hedge able shrubs very heavily hedged the crowns often reduced to
Canopy cover 3 5 >45%cover
2 4 36-45%cover
1.5 3 26-35%
1 2 15-25%
0 1 <15%cover
Density 5 0-1000/ha
4 >1000-2000/ha
3 >2000-3000/ha
2 >3000- 4000/ha,
1 >4000/ha
Source: Kuchar (1995)

Appendix Table 3. ANOVA test on total family size of inhabitants

Sources of Sum of df Mean F Sig.

variation Squares Square
Between Groups 0.372 1 0.372 0.70 0.792
Within Groups 737.421 139 5.344
Total 737.793 139

Appendix Table 4. ANOVA test of the land holding the house holds in the district

Sources of Sum of df Mean F Sig.

Variation Square Square
Between Groups 54.445 1 54.445 2.912 .090
With in groups 2336.932 125 18.695
Total 2391.377 126

Appendix Table 5. Common and /or dominant woody species and their percentage
composition in the farming system of different grazing areas

Woody species Cate CBFS SBFS

Gardenia ternifolia LD C - P - - -
Acacia polyacantha DS D D C C D
Terminalia laxiflora C P C P C
Acacia tortilis DS C D - C C C
Acacia seyal DS D C D D C C
Dichrostachys cinerea DS D - C D P
Anogeissus leiocarpus DS C C D C P D
Pterocarpus lucens HD C P D C P D
Ficus sycomorus DS C P - P P
Combretum collinum LD P - - C P C
Ximenia americana LD C - P - -
Stereospermum kunthianum DS C P - - P
Balanites aegyptica DS C P C C C C
Grewia villosa LD - - - - C
Ziziphus spina-christi HD C C D C C D
Piliostigma toningii DS P P P
Fluegea virosa LD C - - C
Boswelia papyrifera UD C P C C C D
Acacia senegal DS D P C - P C
Combretum mole LD - C C
CBFS: cotton based farming system; SBFS: sesame based farming system; Cate.= Category CG: communal grazing; RS: road side; EN:
enclosed ; P: Present (< 10%density); C: common (> 10% and < 20% density); D: dominant (> 20% density)

Appendix Table 6. Herbaceous species identified in different farming systems and
grazing types of the district

Botanical Name Local name Cate CBFS SBFS

Grasses: CG RS EN CG RS EN
Eriochloa fatamensis (Hochst. & steud.) Metruqe LD P C C P
Pennisetum sphacelatum (Nees) Jingra DS C C C D C C
Urochloa cf. brachyura (Hack.) stapf Metruq LD P P
Themeda triandra Chechewa HD P D P P
Cenchrus ciliaris Zemen DS D C C C
Eleusine floccifolia Ahya Dagusa LD D C D C
Setaria pumila (Poir.) R. & S. Dimemo DS C C C C
Cynodon dayctlon Serdo HD P P C P
Rhamphicarpa fistulosa (Hochst.) Benth. Ejargew LD C C C
Brachiaria lata (Schumach.) C. E. Hub Mashilo DS C P C
Panicum coloratum L. kok sar HD D D
Hyparrhania rufa Topas HD D
Sporobolus pyramidilis NA DS C
Cyprrus Spp. Gicha LD C
Iindigofera spicata Forsk Kola maget DS C C C
Alysicarpus quartinianus A. Rich Adoye DS C C C D
Chamaecrista mimosoides (L) Greene) Koina UD P C p
Yeahiya abish UD C D D D
Vigna membranacea Yeayit Guaya DS C P C C
Dismodium dichotomum (Klein ex W) Aborida P D
Sedges and others:
Cyanotis barbata Mech mesel UD P P C
Euphhorbia indica Na UD C C C D
Spermacoce sphaerostima wuha ankur UD C P C
Hygrophilla schulli Amakela LD P
Kedrostis foetidissima Hareg ressa UD P P
Commelina subula Yekola mech UD D D C C P
Hibiscus articulatus Hoccht. Abo hareg HD P D C
Bidens setigera (Sch. Bip.) Sherff Yebereha adey UD C C C C

Phyllanthus rotundifolius Willd. UD p p
Corchorus trilocularis L Amirra DS p
Hibiscus vitifolius L. Gimel waika DS p P p
Zennia elegans Jaquin. adey abeba UD C C C C

Appendix Table 7. Correlation matrix among variables studied in the communal

grazing areas of CBFS
fs spc bc lc se sc ag sed wds ccs heg tor wd cc
Spc 0.767**
Bc 0.758** 0.540**
C 0.526** 0.383 0.548**
Se 0.571** 0.315 0.744** 0.576**
Sc 0.388 0.387 0.335 0.126 0.135
Ag 0.462* 0.575** 0.243 0.017 -0.14 0.132
Sed 0.234 -0.023 0.179 0.338 0.118 0.228 -0.087
Wds -0.203 -0.323 -0.056 -0.314 0.491 -.691 -0.240 -.612
Ccs 0.664 0.728* 0.312 -0.103 0.121 0.188 0.383 -.046 0.172
Heg 0.887** .737** 0.856** 0.383 0.353 0.555 0.716* 0.118 -.058 0.616
Tor .666** .593** 590** .468* .497 .383 .196 .345 -.169 .649 .902**
Wd .612 .859** .490 .511 .033 .807* .515 .219 -.611 .410 .489 .731*
Cc .507 .351 .303 .254 .374 -.180 .088 -.196 .237 .576 .304 .417 .170 1
** Correlation is significant at 0.01 levels;* Correlation is significant at 0.05 levels

Appendix Table 8. Correlation matrixes among variables studied in the roadside
grazing areas of CBFS

fs spc bc lc se sc ag sed wds ccs heg tor wd cc

Spc 0.707**
Bc 0.497* 0.226
Lc 0.406* 0.288 0.040
Se -0.073 -0.058 -0.057 0.321
Sc 0.080 0.108 -0.240 0.021 0.014
Ag 0.132 0.138 -0.070 0.507** 0.128 0.197
Sed 0.330 0.060 0.426* 0.137 -0.070 -0.154 -0.248
Wds 0.460 0.246 0.127 -0.038 0.060 0.185 -0.183 0.395
Ccs -0.220 -0.196 0.488 0.025 0.017 0.334 -0.201 0.141 -0.003
Heg 0.482 0.306 -0.083 -0.073 0.119 0.030 -0.200 0.198 0.792* -0.275
Tor 0.462* 0.523** 0.222 0.418* 0.167 0.271 0.434* 0.235 0.380 0.457 0.199
wd 0.142 0.036 0.156 0.150 0.453 -0.295 0.149 0.240 0.392 -0.446 0.374 0.138
Cc -0.071 -0.331 0.472 0.445 0.331 0.111 0.061 0.753* -0.002 0.298 -0.310 0.469 -.203
**= correlation is significant at 0.01 levels,*= correlation is significant at 0.05 levels, Fs: arming system; Spc: species composition; Bc: basal
cover; Lc: litter cover; Se: soil erosion; Sc: soil compaction; Ag: age distribution; Sed: seedling count; Wds: woody density score; Ccs : canopy
cover score; Heg : hedging effect; Tor : total range condition score; Wd : woody density; Cc : canopy cover

Appendix Table 9. Correlation matrixes among variables studied in the
enclosed areas of CBFS

fs spc bc lc se sc ag sed wds ccs heg Tor

Spc 0.339
Bc 0.439 0.595**
Lc 0.302 -0.229 0.027
Se 0.202 0.342 0.089 -0.294
Sc 0.013 0.411 -0.050 -0.034 0.197
Ag -0.258 -0.494* -0.323 0.235 -0.548* -0.213
Sed -0.146 -0.347 -0.066 0.467* -0.115 -0.261 0.214
Wds -.968** -0.289 0.009 -0.639 -0.045 -0.069 -0.163 -0.362
Ccs -449 -219 0.747 -0.575 -0.349 -0.170 -0.265 0.180 0.509
Heg -425 0.509 -0.071 -0.702 0.730 0.697 0.041 -0.886* 0.360 0.304
Tor -0.241 0.198 -0.022 -0.621 0.250 0.155 -0.193 0.105 0.896* 0.360 0.304 1
** = correlation is significant at 0.01 levels ;* = correlation is significant at 0.05 levels Fs: farming system; Spc: species composition;
Bc: basal cover; Lc: litter cover; Se: soil erosion; Sc: soil compaction; Ag: age distribution; Sed: seedling count; Wds: woody density
score; Ccs : canopy cover score; Heg : hedging effect; Tor : total range condition score; Wd : woody density; Cc : canopy cover

Appendix Table 10. Correlation matrix among variables studied in the
grazing areas of CBFS

Grt spc bc lc se sc ag sed wds ccs heg T

Grt 1
Spc 0.665** 1
Bc 0.611** 0.671** 1
Lc 0.583** 0.697** 0.714** 1
Se 0.642** 0.644** 0.582** 0.586** 1
Sc 0.592** 0.600** 0.626** 0.386** 0.521** 1
Ag 0.579** 0.689** 0.802** 0.654** 0.620** 0.648** 1
Sed 0.790** 0.720** 0.477 0.715* 0.820** 0.701* 0.669* 1
Wds 0.124 0.048 -0.087 -0.235 -0.056 0.092 -0.139 0.147 1
Ccs 769** 0.693** 0.426 0.788** 0.866** 0.503 0.669* 0.902** -0.159 1
Heg 0.757** 0.790** 0.747** 0.764** 0.723** 0.660** 0.801** 0.878** 0.043 0.826** 1
Tor -0.281 -0.140 0.112 -0.068 -0.406 -0.096 -0.056 -0.540 0.151 -0.309 -0.233* 1
**= correlation is significant at 0.01 levels ;*= correlation is significant at 0.05 levels, Fs: farming system; Spc: species composition;
Bc: basal cover; Lc: litter cover; Se: soil erosion; Sc: soil compaction; Ag: age distribution; Sed: seedling count; Wds: woody density
score; Ccs : canopy cover score; Heg : hedging effect; Tor : total range condition score; Wd : woody density; Cc : canopy cover

Appendix Table 11. Correlation matrixes among variables studied in the
grazing areas of SBFS

spc bc lc se sc ag sed wds ccs heg tor wd

Spc 1
Bc 0.631** 1
Lc 0.718** 0.718** 1
Se 0.652** 0.615** 0.728** 1
Sc 0.833** 0.602** 0.807** 0.641** 1
Ag 0.689** 0.0.470** 0.734** 0.617** 0.732** 1
Sed 0.568** 0.784** 0.714** 0.458** 0.699** 0.437** 1
Wds 0.247 0.484 0.516 0.545 0.291 0.052 0.395 1
Ccs 0.143 0.219 -0.019 0.182 0.049 0.125 0.023 -0.624* 1
Heg 0.633* 0.574 0.563 0.718* 0.572 0.401 0.582 0.556 -0.240 1
Tor 0.846** 0.634** 0.811** 0.672** 0.819** 0.685** 0.663** 0.307 0.336 0.591 1
wd 0.162 -0.114 -0.147 -0.054 0.038 0.124 -0.168 -.835** 0.828** -0.271 0.117 1
**= correlation is significant at 0.01 levels ,*= correlation is significant at 0.05 levels Fs: farming system; Spc: species composition;
Bc: basal cover; Lc: litter cover; Se: soil erosion; Sc: soil compaction; Ag: age distribution; Sed: seedling count; Wds: woody density
score; Ccs : canopy cover score; Heg : hedging effect; Tor : total range condition score; Wd : woody density; Cc : canopy cover

Appendix Table 12. Correlation matrix among of variables studied and their
interaction effects in the range condition assessment in the district

Fs Grt spc bc lc se sc ag sed wds ccs heg tor

FS 1
Grt 0.078 1
Spc 0.509** 0.345** 1
Bc 0.443** 0.473** 0.726** 1
Lc 0.306** 0.451** 0.690** 0.727** 1
Se 0.247* 0.323** 0.630** 0.677** 0.739** 1
Sc 0.192 0.454** 0.704** 0.634** 0.703** 0.603** 1
Ag 0.157 0.328** 0.615** 0.549** 0.682** 0.513** 0.628** 1
Sed 0.207 0.576** 0.588** 0.733** 0.772** 0.577** 0.669** 0.571** 1
Wds -0.086 0.799** 0.418 0.556** 0.406 0.590** 0.520* 0.411 0.523* 1
Ccs 0.117 -0.678** 0.173 0.169 0.005 0.041 0.040 0.060 -0.024 -.359 1
Heg 0.285 0.536* 0.719** 0.677** 0.529* 0.702** 0.734** 0.515* 0.633** 0.737** -.142 1
Tor 0.282* 0.440** 0.797** 0.745** 0.732** 0.773** 0.765** 0.679** 0.756** 0.634** 0.205 0.770** 1
** = correlation is significant at 0.01 levels’;*= correlation is significant at 0.05 levels, Fs: farming system; Spc: species composition; Bc: basal
cover; Lc: litter cover; Se: soil erosion; Sc: soil compaction; Ag: age distribution; Sed: seedling count; Wds: woody density score; Ccs : canopy
cover score; Heg : hedging effect; Tor : total range condition score; Wd : woody density; Cc : canopy cover

Appendix Table 13. ANOVA for interaction effect of season and
species type on DM composition feeds

Sources DF Type III SS Mean square F value P>F

5 16.945 3.389 27.975 0.000
SS 1 144747.108 144747.108 1194831 0.000
SSxSpT 5 16.945 3.389 27.975 0.000
R squared = 0.921(Adjusted R squared = 0.888) ;DM =Dry matter; SS= season; SpT = species type

Appendix Table 14. ANOVA for interaction effect of season and species type on
ASH composition of the feeds

Sources DF Type III SS Mean square F value P>F

5 1052.147 210.429 5.421 0.008
SS 1 3713.496 3713.496 95.669 0.000
SSxSpT 5 1052.147 210.429 5.421 0.008
R square =0.693 (Adjusted R squared = 0.565), SS= season; SpT = species type; ASH = Ash

Appendix Table 15. ANOVA for interaction effect of season and species type on OM
composition of the feeds

Sources DF Type III SS Mean square F value P>F

5 1052.147 210.429 5.421 0.008
SS 1 132005.496 132005.439 3400.807 0.000
SSxSpT 5 1052.147 210.429 5.421 0.008
R square =0.693 (Adjusted R squared = 0.565); SS= season; SpT = species type; OM= organic matter

Appendix Table 16. ANOVA for interaction effect of season and species type on CP
composition of the feeds

Sources DF Type III SS Mean square F value P>F

5 401.438 80.288 72.370 0.000

SS 1 1635.157 1635.157 1473.912 0.000
SSxSpT 5 401.438 80.288 72.370 0.000
R square =0.968 (Adjusted R squared = 0.955); SS= season; SpT = species type; CP= crude protein

Appendix Table 17. ANOVA for interaction effect of season and species type on NDF
composition of the feeds

Sources DF Type III SS Mean square F value P>F

5 1896.053 379.211 154.524 0.000
SS 1 81640.323 81640.323 33267.512 0.000
SSxSpT 5 1896.053 379.211 154.524 0.000
R square =0.985 (Adjusted R squared = 0.978), SS= season; SpT = species type; NDF;
Neutral detergent fiber

Appendix Table 18. ANOVA for interaction effect of season and species type on ADF
composition of the feeds

Sources DF Type III SS Mean square F value P>F

5 550.769 110.154 59.829 0.000
SS 1 36374.439 36374.439 19756.548 0.000
SSxSpT 5 550.769 110.154 59.829 0.000
R square =0.961 (Adjusted R squared = 0.945); SS= season; SpT = species type;
ADF = Acid detergent fiber

Appendix Table 19. ANOVA for interaction effect of season and species type on ADL
composition of the feeds

Sources DF Type III SS Mean square F value P>F

5 930.415 186.883 56.451 0.000
SS 1 2495.476 2495.476 757.034 0.000
SSxSpT 5 930.415 186.083 56.451 0.000
R square =0.959 (Adjusted R squared = 0.942); SS= season; SpT = species type;
ADL = Acid detergent lignin

Appendix Table 20. ANOVA for interaction effect of season and species type on
IVDMD composition of the feeds

Sources DF Type III SS Mean square F value P>F

5 1133.193 226.639 26.887 0.000

SS 1 35363.815 35363.815 4195.352 0.000
SSxSpT 5 1133.193 226.639 26.887 0.000
R square =0.918 (Adjusted R squared = 0.884); SS= season; Spt = species type;
IVDMD = Ivitro dry matter digestibility

Appendix Table 21. ANOVA for interaction effect of farming system and grazing
types on species composition

Sources DF Type III SS Mean square F value P>F

Fsys 1 6.606 6.606 16.949 0.001

GrT 2 26.846 13.423 34.442 0.000

Fsys*GrT 2 2.133 1.066 2.736 0.097

R square= o.870 (Adjusted R squared= 0.826) , Fsys= farming system; GrT= Grazing types

Appendix Table 22. ANOVA for interaction effect of farming system and
grazing types on basal cover

Sources DF Type III SS Mean square F value P>F

0.318 0.318 0.507 0.487
Fsys 1
24.533 12.266 19.586 0.000
GrT 2
0.060 0.30 0.048 0.954
Fsys*GrT 2

R squared= 0.734 (Adjusted R squared = 0.645) , Fsys= farming system; GrT= Grazing types

Appendix Table 23. ANOVA for interaction effect of farming system and
grazing types on litter cover

Sources DF Type III SS Mean square F value P>F

1 4.720 4.720 9.077 0.009
2 16.497 8.249 15.862 0.000
2 0.709 0.355 0.682 0.521

R squared= 0.756 (Adjusted R squared= 0.675),Fsys= farming system; GrT= Grazing types;

Appendix Table 24. ANOVA for interaction effect of farming system and
grazing types on soil erosion

Sources DF Type III SS Mean square F value P>F

1 1.674 1.674 6.022 0.027
2 14.339 7.169 25.797 0.000
2 0.375 0.188 0.675 0.521

R squared= 0.784 (Adjusted R squared=0.712); Fsys= farming system; GrT= Grazing types

Appendix Table 25. ANOVA for interaction effect of farming system and
grazing types on soil compaction

Sources DF Type III SS Mean square F value P>F

Fsys 1 0.183 0.183 0.589 0.455

GrT 2 10.634 5.317 17.127 0.000

Fsys*GrT 2 2.638 1.319 4.249 0.035

R squared=0.722(Adjusted R squared=0.629) ,Fsys= farming system; GrT= Grazing types

Appendix Table 26. ANOVA for interaction effect of farming system and
grazing types on age distribution

Sources DF Type III SS Mean square F value P>F

1 0.952 0.952 2.602 0.128
2 4.427 2.214 6.052 0.012
2 0.627 0.314 0.857 0.444

R squared=0.543Adjusted R squared=0.391) ,Fsys= farming system; GrT= Grazing types

Appendix Table 27. ANOVA for interaction effect of farming system and
grazing types on Seedling count

Sources DF Type III SS Mean square F value P>F

Fsys 1 0.753 0.753 1.685 0.214

GrT 2 15.255 7.628 17.070 0.000

Fsys*GrT 2 0.134 0.067 0.150 0.862

R squared=0.720(Adjusted R squared=0.627) ,Fsys= farming system; GrT= Grazing types

Source: ILRI, 2005
Appendix Figure 1. Metema district farming systems

Source: ILRI, 2005
Appendix Figure 2. Land Use and Land cover of Metema district

Appendix Figure 3. The view of communal grazing lands at the dry season prior to
flash burning

Appendix Figure 4.The view of communal grazing lands at peak dry season

Appendix Figure 5. Partial view of communal grazing lands Sesame based farming

Appendix Figure 6. Hay storage mechanism of the farmers in open field

Appendix Figure 7. Pennisetum spheslatum grass dominated communal grazing land

Appendix Figure 8. Parts of the Enclosed site at Sesame based farming (Agam wuha)

Appendix Figure 9. Communal grazing land after unpericribed burning

Appendix Figure 10. Hyparrhenia rufa grass dominated woodland (Guange river side areas)


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