Review: Nor Ha Fizah Ramli Sulong, Siti Aisyah Syaerah Mustapa, Muhammad Khairi Abdul Rashid
Review: Nor Ha Fizah Ramli Sulong, Siti Aisyah Syaerah Mustapa, Muhammad Khairi Abdul Rashid
Review: Nor Ha Fizah Ramli Sulong, Siti Aisyah Syaerah Mustapa, Muhammad Khairi Abdul Rashid
ABSTRACT: Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is one of the building material capable of enhancing the design and structural integrity of the
building. Since its recognition as conventional insulating material in 1950s, EPS has been experiencing swift progress in other new
implementations. Currently, EPS is utilized in many building structures owing to its sustainability benefit and improvement in terms of
energy efficiency, durability, and indoor environmental quality. This article provides an overview on the application of EPS as aggregates
in lightweight concrete, decorative tiles and molding, panel application (structural insulated panels (SIPs) and composite SIPs), and
embankment backfilling. Also, this article attempts to describe the properties of EPS in terms of fire behavior, mechanical properties,
chemical resistant, water and moisture absorption, and their toxicity to the human and environment. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl.
Polym. Sci. 2019, 136, 47529.
DR. NOR HAFIZAH is an associate professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Universiti Malaya. Hafizah’s
field of expertise includes structural engineering, steel and composite structure, and structural fire engineering.
Her current research focuses on fire-resistant coating for steel and composite structure derived from
sustainable materials. She has published more than 60 peer-reviewed journal articles. Also, she was involved
professionally with SIRIM in the development of standards for steel structures.
SITI AISYAH SYAERAHis a research assistant in the Department of Civil Engineering at Universiti Malaya where she
recently completed her Master’s degree. Her research interest focuses on materials and fire safety engineering.
She recently published article on utilization of sustainable material such as palm oil clinker for fire intumescent
fire protective coating of steel.
MUHAMMAD KHAIRI received his B.S. degree (Applied Chemistry) from Universiti Malaya in 2018. He is currently
pursuing his Master’s degree in Engineering Science under the supervision of Dr. Nor Hafizah. His current
research project involves the usage of waste materials in fire-resistant composite coating compound for
prefabricated lightweight panel. His research interests include materials and inorganic chemistry.
APPLICATION OF EPS IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY block with lower density and thermal conductivity. Waste material
EPS as Aggregate in Lightweight Concrete such as paper sludge ash is also added as aggregate in conjunction
Lightweight concrete (LWC) is produced by mixing lightweight with EPS aggregate to produce sustainable lightweight mortar that
aggregates, for example, vermiculite, pumice, clay, or by air- adheres to EU standards for masonry, rendering, and plastering
entraining agent in the concrete mix.14 When EPS is utilized as the mortars.16
aggregates, an LWC that is stronger and lighter than vermiculite The compressive strength of EPS concrete is governed by the
concrete is produced. Figure 2 shows the visual comparison quantity of EPS, followed by the water to cement ratio.17 Previous
between EPS and vermiculite LWCs.14 Often, more than one type studies reported that the compressive strength of EPS concrete
of aggregate is used to produce LWC with better physical and increases as its density increases.17,18 Liu and Chen19 also
mechanical properties. For example, Demirel15 added both pumice reported similar finding using ultrasonic testing whereby the EPS
and EPS aggregates in the concrete mix to construct an insulation particle size affects the mechanical properties, that is, flexural
Figure 1. Three important forms of EPS. Beads formed via expansion of Figure 2. Specimens of vermiculite and EPS LWCs.14 (Reproduced from
resin are molded into desirable shape.11 Ref. 14, with permission from Elsevier.)
strength of the EPS concrete. Sayadi et al.20 studied the effects of Many studies have been conducted on waste EPS-derived con-
EPS particles on fire resistance, thermal conductivity, and com- crete. The EPS is recycled as aggregate for LWC and its proper-
pressive strength of foamed concrete. This article concludes that ties are examined and compared with other conventional
based on the experiment involving foamed concrete and EPS materials in order to promote sustainability development. For
LWC of different densities and volumes, the volume expansion of instance, Dissanayake et al.35 constructed three single storey
EPS leads to remarkable reduction in thermal conductivity, fire houses from three different materials; burnt clay brick, cement
endurance, and compressive strength of the concrete. Application sand block, and recycled EPS. Figure 4 shows the house’s wall
of LWC allows reduction in structural dead load and cross sec- made with EPS panels. Despite their similar performances in
tional of elements, that is, columns, beams, braces, and plates. In embodied energy, carbon emission, and cost, the paper suggests
addition, LWC-derived structure is lighter thus lessen the impact that recycled EPS is greener alternative for conventional walling
of earthquake. Moreover, by using LWC, longer spans, thinner material especially in location that has short supply of sand. Her-
sections, and better cyclic load response can be obtained.21 nández-Zaragoza et al.36 also reported that recycled EPS aggre-
gates could replace sandy material to produce less permeable,
EPS is nonpermeable, hydrophobic, and has closed-cell structure.
The hydrophobic characteristic of EPS resulted in low thermal
conductivity of polymer-calcined clay complexes.22 It was intro-
duced in 1973 by Cork to address the issue possessed by conven-
tional lightweight aggregates such as pumice, fly ash, oil palm
shell, and waste rubber whose porous structures have resulted in
high absorption value and water demand.23–28 EPS concrete has
prospective application in structural elements (e.g., cladding
panels, composite flooring systems, and load-bearing concrete
blocks), insulated concrete, and protective layer due to its above-
average energy absorption.29 For instance, EPS has cushioning
properties that allows it to be utilized as buffer layer on top of
debris dam to reduce impact force and lengthen the impact time
caused by massive stones during the event of debris flow.30
When EPS is utilized as lightweight aggregate, the beads float and
integrated poorly with the cement matrix because of their low
density and hydrophobic properties.20 Hence, the low interfacial
bonding strength and poor dispersion between the beads and
matrix are solved by using bonding additive, for example, epoxy
resin or water-emulsified epoxies. Alternatively, mineral admix-
ture such as fly ash or silica fume can also works as bonding
additive.31 In contrast to normal aggregates, concrete with EPS Figure 4. EPS wall panels arranged in staggered joint manner.35
aggregates has shown to have better resistant against chemical (Reproduced from Ref. 35, with permission from Elsevier.) [Color figure
and corrosion due to inert characteristic of EPS.20 can be viewed at]
Figure 7. SIP made of polystyrene and OSB.43 (Reproduced from Ref. 43,
with permission from Journal of Engineering, Project and Production Man-
agement.) [Color figure can be viewed at]
Impregnation of wood-derived face sheets or facing material pro- Figure 8. The insulation block produced by sandwiching EPS foam between
vides protection against water, wind borne debris, and biological pumice LWCs.49 (Reproduced from Ref. 49, with permission from Springer
degradation, for example, mold build-ups and termite attack. Nature.)
OSB is a conventional facing material in the production of SIP
with EPS as a core.44 Performance-wise, SIP is considered a key decreases as its density increases. Park et al.54 constructed a study
component in modern day construction due to its high flexibility in vibroacoustic application of graphite-embedded EPS foam
and strength. Although EPS core with significant water adsorp- sandwiched between floors. Addition of graphite flakes into poly-
tion is less favored as insulation material because it will reduce styrene matrix increases the thermal insulation since the graphite
the thermal efficiency of buildings.47 particles reflect radiant energy. The foam becomes stiffer as a
Generally, the thermal conductivity of EPS core decreases as its den- result of change in morphology that restricting foam expansion.
sity increases.48 Sariisik and Sariisik49 experimented using pumice as These improvements led to production of thinner and stronger
SIP’s component. The insulation block consisted of EPS foam sand- insulation panel that diminishes the low frequency (below
wiched in between two layers of pumice LWC (see Figure 8) is 100 Hz) floor impact noises. Despite the vibroacoustic properties
found to has low thermal and sound conductivity of 0.33 W mK−1 of graphite EPS foam, the core-softening leads to decoupled
and 60 dB, respectively. Structural evaluation of SIP using computer behavior in sandwich floor which affects the insulation properties
software is also practiced by several researchers. Bajracharya et al.50 at certain frequencies.55 The reduction in dynamic stiffness of
conducted a structural analysis of EPS sandwich panels for slab graphite-EPS causes the decrease in the degree of coupling between
application using Strand7; a finite element-based software which mortar bed and base slab as well as shifting of both coupled and
produced results that are in good agreement with the experimental decoupled mode to lower frequencies.
results thus expanding SIP usage in production of lighter structural
slab with better heat and sound insulation. Moreover, based on
Composite SIP. Traditional SIP is consisted of foam core and
ENISO-6946-compliance computer modeling result obtained by Ede
wood-based facing. It is easily penetrated by wind borne debris and
and Ogundiran,51 composite EPS wall panel is shown to have higher
prone to biological degradation, for example, thermite attack and
load-bearing capacity and thermal resistance thus proven as feasible
mold build-ups. The search for more effective alternative to over-
replacement for the traditional concrete hollow brick.
come this problem has led to the use of composites panel. Chen
Hopkin et al.52 conducted a research on full-scale natural fire tests and Hao56 propose that composite SIP (CSIP) with EPS foam core
on gypsum-lined SIP and engineered floor joist assemblies. SIP is applied as load-bearing elements in building, for example, roof,
was made up of two OSB facing plates and a core; polymer-based floor, and wall in order to protect the building envelope from being
foam insulator such as EPS or PUR. The lightweight panels pro- damaged by windborne debris during the event of natural disaster.
duced were applied in domestic building, for example, apartment CSIP is made by replacing OSB face sheets of SIP with thermoplas-
blocks, schools, and hotels as principal component for load-bearing tic composite face sheets to produce lighter and sustainable panel
compression.52 In this study, the fire performance of SIP buildings that are more resistant toward windborne debris and mold build-
with passive fire protection (PFP) specifications was assessed. Con- up.57 The CSIP is capable to be utilized as external wall given that
sequently, the low durability of SIPs structure is apparent regard- the experimental results obtained by Vaidya et al.57 show that CSIP
less of the type of core used. There is high possibility of floor plate wall can support the wall loads and resisting windborne missile
to collapse when PFP is poorly fixed or defined. However, system impact up to 2600 J.
redundancies and alternative load paths saved the test structures
Mousa and Uddin58 studied on the structural behavior and
from total demolition. Poorly sealed fitting components have
modeling of full-scale composite structural insulated wall panels.
allowed the fire spread mechanism to happen.
This article attempts to show that CSIP is a great candidate to
In South Korea, EPS foam is incorporated into concrete floor as replace the traditional SIP for housing applications. Thick and
resilient material to reduce noise and preserve heat, consequently lightweight EPS core is sandwiched in between thinner face
saving more energy.53 The thermal conductivity of EPS foam sheets made up of polypropylene (glass PP) laminate. This
Figure 10. EPS as bridge abutment in construction of Grimsøyvegen Bridge, Norway.70 (Reproduced from Ref. 70, with permission from Mr. Roald Aabøe.)
[Color figure can be viewed at]
backfilling must incorporated permanent drainage system to pre- cheaper alternative to increase the flame retardant of EPS foams.
vent foam’s instability due to hydrostatic and seepage pressure. Wang et al.78 introduced fly ash into phenolic resin-hydrated alu-
minum hydroxide binder which is the incorporated into EPS
As mentioned before, EPS is suitable as backfilling material
foam. This insulation material is reported to increase the loss on
because it is lightweight, stronger and has good chemical, mechani-
ignition (LOI) value of EPS foam up to 29.6% and acquired the
cal, and water stability. However, a cheaper alternative than EPS
V-0 rating. Figure 11 shows that EPS foam sample treated with
geofoam is proposed by Miao et al.68 that involves the mixture of
hydrated aluminum hydroxide and thermosetting phenolic resin
EPS beads, soil, and binder for embankment backfilling. Based on
has greater fire resistance during LOI test compared to other
the sand cone test and California bearing ratio test, the lightweight
untreated samples. The leaching of fire-retardant material into
fill passed the specification for usage in bridge abutment and high-
environment is prevented since it is polymerized into the molecu-
way embankment.
lar structure of EPS.
Also, EPS is employed as base material in combine optic fiber
The fire behavior of fire-retarded EPS is significantly different
transducer for landslide monitoring especially when it involves
from nonfire retarded EPS. When exposed to heat, fire-retarded
sandy clay slope.77
EPS shrinks away from the heat source. The probability of igni-
Properties of EPS tion of the material is reduced and welding sparks or cigarettes
Fire Behavior and Thermal Insulation Properties of EPS. normally will not ignite it. However, in the construction industry,
Polystyrene foam has similar fire behavior to most organic mate- it is mandatory to use a flame-retardant grade of EPS to reduce
rials where both are easily combustible. Thus, tiny amount (<1%) the flammability and spread of flame on the surface of EPS prod-
of fire-retardant material is added to the EPS insulation product ucts. The application of EPS in compartmentalization or fire pro-
in order to enhance the fire retardancy of EPS. Besides fillers such tection of structure is restricted without incorporation of other
as SiO2, Fe2O3, and clay, waste such as fly ash can also be used as fire-resistant material. This case was observed from previous
studies where EPS was covered with gypsum and steel in order to
address its fire behavior.79 The EPS was evaluated according to
EN 13501-1 and categorized as “difficult to ignite.” The test also
indicated that EPS gave out minimal smoke production.
According to Yucel et al.,80 studies were conducted on thermal
insulation properties of EPS as construction and insulating mate-
rials. Thermal conductivity test provides information that deter-
mines the performance and suitable application for the insulating
material. As construction equipment, insulation material has to
comply with parameters such as temperature, humidity, and over-
all assembly condition. The laboratory test results are vital factor
in characterization of structure and selection of total insulation-
building assembly. The framework of the insulating material is
evaluated based on its class, thermal conductivity, density, and
mechanical properties. Using the plate method with thermal con-
ductivity detection between 0.036 and 0.046 W mK−1, the EPSs
Figure 11. Photos of EPS samples before and after LOI test. Samples with fire- with densities between 10 and 30 kg m−3 were tested for its
retardant additives (middle and right) have greater fire resistance thus burned construction-grade insulating performance. The results conclude
less compared to neat EPS (left).78 (Reproduced from Ref. 78, with permission that the insulating performance of EPS is influenced by material
from Elsevier.) [Color figure can be viewed at] composition in cell, that is, homogenous, porous, or multilayer.
Mechanical strength (kPa) EPS 70 EPS 100 EPS 150 EPS 200 EPS 250
Compressive strength @ 10% compression 70 100 150 200 250
Compressive strength @ 10% nominal strain 20 45 70 90 100
Bending strength 115 150 200 250 350
Production of Smoke. Smoke is described as visible suspension compressive stress that material can bear before fracturing. Num-
of solid or liquid particles in the gas as product of combustion ber is assigned to EPS product based on its compressive stress at
and pyrolysis.81 Production of smoke can be suppressed by 10% compression as shown in Table I. Jablite is one of the many
restricting the ability of material to ignite and reducing the flame brands of EPS.
spread and heat released.82
The surface area of EPS insulation must be protected using non- Water and Moisture Absorption. EPS has very poor water
combustible material in order to minimize smoke production absorption which decreases as density increases as shown in
during event of fire.83 EPS begins to soften at temperature above Table II. EPS with 9–12 years of usage period has 8–9% of its
100 C and upon further heat exposure, it will shrink, melt, and volume filled under groundwater table.93 The cellular structure of
decompose to produce flammable gases which ignitable by spark EPS is water resistant, vapor permeable, and possesses zero capil-
or flame at certain condition and temperature. larity though neither liquid water nor water vapor influences its
mechanical properties. However, absorption of moisture is still
Mechanical Strength of EPS. Studies were conducted to under- possible upon complete immersion of EPS due to fine interstitial
stand how grain size of EPS and additives such as fly ash and channels between molded beads.
silica fume can enhance the mechanical properties of EPS- EPS geofoam is prone to moisture absorption which causes dete-
aggregated concrete.24,84,85 Ferrándiz-Mas and García-Alcocel86 rioration of thermal properties. Less than 10% volume of
performed a research on the durability of EPS mortar. In this lightweight-fill geofoam is absorbed during its lifetime usage.94
article, several methods were used to observe microstructure in Also, high density EPS possesses high water vapor diffusion resis-
order to analyze the effect of EPS type and concentration on the tance factor due to better moisture properties. Table III shows
strength of Portland cement mortars. Methods employed were moisture properties of EPS of different numbers.
capillary absorption of water, mercury intrusion porosimetry,
impendence spectroscopy, and open porosity. The first method
showed that EPS decreases the capillary absorption coefficient Chemical Resistance. Chemical resistance of EPS is affected by
while the rest of the methods demonstrate inadequacy in eluci- the reaction time, temperature, and applied stress. It has iden-
dating the microstructure of EPS in mortar due to polymeric tical resistance to general polystyrene. EPS is sensitive toward
and spongy nature of EPS. Furthermore, both heat cycles and solvent attack which leads to softening and cracking of itself
freeze–thaw cycles showed that EPS’s insulator property due to its thin cell walls and large exposed surface. Table IV
increases the compressive strength of the mortar. The workabil- summarizes the chemical resistance of EPS with respect to the
ity of mortar is increased by adding air-entraining agent, water common reagents and solvents.
retainer, and superplasticizer additive. Hence, the paper con-
EPS does not react with water, salt, or alkali solution. The
cludes that EPS-aggregated mortar has enhanced durability and
insolubility of EPS in most organic solvent influences the
is feasible for more sustainable usage in masonry, stucco, and
selection of adhesive, label, and coating of EPS product. In
plaster mortar.
general, substance is tested for its compatibility with EPS by
Several studies on characterization of EPS concrete using simulta- exposing molded polystyrene to it at 120–140 F. Despite the
neous optimization of both mechanical and thermal properties with ultraviolet radiation resulted in superficial yellowing and fria-
respect to EPS parameters were performed.86 Recent articles have bility on molded polystyrene, its physical properties remain
demonstrated the capability of self-compacting lightweight structure unaltered.
produced from nano-SiO2 and EPS.87 Other studies have attempted
to combine EPS beads as filler with foamed cement paste matrix in Table II. Percentage (%) Volume of Water Absorption93 Adapted from
order to synthesize thermal insulator composite. Additives are added Ref. 93
to increase adhesiveness and reduce segregation of EPS beads from
concrete matrix.88 EPS is utilized in the production of gypsum and Density (kg m−3) After 7 days After 1 year
plaster plates and panels.89 Fillers such as PP fiber and mixture of
15 3.0 5.0
fly ash and metakaolinite are added to strengthen the plastic matrix
20 2.3 4.0
as seen in the production of industrial components and lightweight
inorganic polymer.90,91 25 2.2 3.8
30 2.0 3.5
The EPS product is classified based on compressive strength and
35 1.9 3.3
compressive stress. Compressive strength is maximum uniaxial
Table III. Moisture Properties of Jablite EPS92 (Adapted from Ref. 92)
Moisture properties EPS 70 EPS 100 EPS 150 EPS 200 EPS 250
Water vapor diffusion resistance factor, μ 20–40 30–70 30–70 40–100 40–100
−1 −1 −1
Water vapor permeability, δ mg Pa h m 0.015–0.030 0.009–0.020 0.009–0.020 0.006–0.015 0.006–0.015
Vapor resistivity (MNs/g) 145 200 238 238 238
Table IV. Selected EPS Resistant Behavior93 (Adapted from Ref. 93)
produces significantly less toxic fumes as compared to natural
material, for example, wood, wool, or cork.95
Source of attack Resistant behavior
Salt water (sea water) Resistant
Alkali solutions Resistant
EPS is a well-established insulation material that is used for var-
ious applications such as LWC, decorative molding, backfilling,
Soaps Resistant
and as a core in panel application for buildings. EPS is used for
Caustic soda solutions Resistant applications over a range of both combustible and noncombus-
Bitumen (air blown) Resistant tible materials. EPS is a light yet rigid foam with good thermal
Silicon oils Resistant insulation, impact resistance, load-bearing capacity at low
Alcohol Resistant weight, absolute water and vapor barrier, air tightness for con-
Micro-organisms Resistant trolled environments, long life, low maintenance, fast, and eco-
Paraffin oil, Vaseline, diesel oil Limited resistance nomic construction. This article establishes the feasibility and
benefit of EPS as insulator that satisfies all insulation require-
Petrol (super grade) Nonresistant
ments in building design process, including fire safety. Flame
Strong oxidizing acids Nonresistant
retardant grade EPS is imperative in order to oblige with the fire
Fuming sulfuric acid Nonresistant safety regulation and addressing the flammability and flame
Organic solvents Nonresistant spread on the surface of EPS product. Consequently, EPS is
Saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon Nonresistant implemented in building design in collaboration with other
material capable of resisting fire.
Toxicity and Environmental Effect
EPS is a polymer derived from styrene monomer, a hydrocarbon ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
with molecular compound of C8H8 that burns completely in the This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia
presence of excess oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, CO2, and under FRGS Grant FP050-2017A.
water as shown in eq. (1).
C8 H8 + 10O2 ! 8CO2 + 4H2 O ð1Þ
The authors declared that there is no conflict of interests regard-
ing the publication of this article.
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