Unit 6 Standard Test B: Listening

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Unit 6 Standard Test B

7 I want to be a vet so I have to ________ the right

qualifications before I can study at university.
Listening 8 She could ________ for a few different nursing
jobs, so she has a better chance of finding one.
1 [1.07] Listen to a conversation between two
friends, Rea and Max, about possible jobs. 9 He’s going to ________ science at university.
Complete the sentences with two words. 10 I need to ________ good marks in this test!
(10 marks)
1 Max wants to _________ to be an _________.
2 He will have to _________ _________ a degree.
Language focus
3 Rea tells Max he’s _________ _________ 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
maths. be able to, can or could. In some cases, there is
4 Max says that many _________ airline more than one possibility. (10 marks)
_________ offer training courses for students. 1 These days, students ________________ email
5 Rea says he’ll _________ _________ to use the their teachers for help with their homework.
same skills in other jobs. 2 We ________________ do all our exams online
in the future.
3 In the future, students ________________
Vocabulary choose from a wider variety of subjects.
2 Choose the correct words to complete the text. 4 At my last school, we ________________ wear
(5 marks) our own clothes. We wore a school uniform
I’ve been studying at this school for three years
5 In the past, girls and boys ________________
now. I like my school and the teachers are friendly,
study in the same class.
but we have to take / obey / get a lot of rules. I
6 Students ________________ stay at this school
always write / make / do my homework on time after the age of sixteen. They have to go to a
and I get / pass / make good marks in my exams. college.
I do / get / go to lessons in the morning and in the 7 She ________________ speak Italian three
afternoon. I want to be a journalist, so I need to years ago, but now she’s very good at it.
study really hard to go / get / pass into college. 8 He ________________ go to his drama class
last Thursday. He was ill.
3 Complete the sentences with a verb from the 9 Jake ________________ get into college last
box. (10 marks) September because of his low marks.
10 I ________________ study a lot of different
apply (×2) do (×2) get(x2) study (x2) train (×2)
subjects when I start my new school next month.
1 You need to ________ at university to be an
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
have to, need to, must, or should. (5 marks)
2 You need to ________ to be a teacher before 1 To drive a car, you ________ have a licence.
finding a position.
2 I ________ to buy some new shoes for school.
3 I’ll have to ________ a course in business
3 It’s raining outside. You ________ wear a coat.
management to become a manager.
4 I ________ to pass this test – it’s important.
4 I want to work at a law firm where they are going
to ________ me to become a lawyer. 5 You ________ use your mobile phone in class.

5 She has decided to ________ for the job.

6 You can choose to ________ an apprenticeship,
which will give you practical training.
Unit 6 Standard Test B
6 Read the situations and complete the solutions 5 Teachers can create their own ________
with suitable forms of have to, need to, must or ________ and don’t have to follow a curriculum.
should and the verbs in brackets. (10 marks)
1 He is being bullied at boarding school.
He ________________ his teacher. (tell) Communication
2 She’s tired because she went to bed too late.
8 Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the
She ________________ to bed earlier. (go)
box. (5 marks)
3 I went running and hurt my ankle.
You ________________ before running. (warm Don’t panic Have you spoken My advice is to
should I do What would you do if
4 She didn’t wear her school uniform.
She ________________ a uniform. (wear) A: Is anything the matter? You look upset.
5 She spoke to her friend in an exam. B: I can’t find a job. What _________________?
She ________________ during an exam. (talk) A:
_________________ to a careers advisor?
B: Yes, but that just left me even more confused.
Reading A: _________________. It’s OK not to know

Learning: the Finnish way what to do.

So why are schools in Finland so successful? B: _________________ you were me?
A: _________________ research jobs online.
Students in Finland don’t have to start school until the age
of seven. They learn through playing and exploring rather B: That’s a good idea. Thanks for your help.
than having to be inside a classroom all the time. Students
start school between 9.00 and 9.45 a.m. The school day
usually ends by 2.00 or 2.45 p.m. Students usually have Writing
breaks in between classes.
Each teacher looks after and cares for a group of fifteen to 9 Write an opinion essay with the title below. Use
twenty students. They know the learning styles of all their the plan and some of the words in the box to
students and know how they can all succeed and reach help you. Write 80–100 words. (10 marks)
their goals. Students only have three to four classes a day,
which means that they have time to play outside whatever
the weather. They move around outside and get some Essay title: Are team sports at school
fresh air. important?
Teachers don’t have to follow a curriculum. They create Paragraph 1
their own exciting lessons. For example, students learn Introduce the question in the title.
how to sew, cook and clean. Finnish students have the Many people think …
least amount of homework in the world. Students get the Paragraph 2
work done in class instead. Give your opinion. In my opinion, … Firstly,
… Secondly, … Finally
7 Read the article. Then complete the sentences
Paragraph 3
with information from the text. Write two words
in each sentence. (10 marks)
End the essay by answering the question
directly. All in all, …
1 In Finland, students don’t have to start school
before the ________ of ________.
2 Children ________ ________ playing and Total marks:
Listening ____ / 10 Vocabulary ____ / 15
3 Teachers ________ ________ and care for a
Language focus ____ / 25 Reading ____ / 10
group of fifteen to twenty students
Communication ____ / 5 Writing ____ / 10
4 Students have time to ________ ________ in
any kind of weather to give them exercise. TOTAL ____ / 75

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