OET B1 Short Test Unit 1 A + B

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Short test 1A (Unit 1)

Vocabulary Grammar
1 In each group (1–5), find a word that does not fit 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
in. the verb in brackets (present simple, present
continuous or future continuous).
1 uncle niece nephew mother
1 We have to hurry. The train __________________
2 only child baby teenager adult (leave) in 90 minutes.

3 anxious satisfied depressed worried 2 They __________________ (meet) their friends

outside the cinema on Saturday.
4 argue with get on well split up break up
3 He __________________ (study) maths in an hour’s
5 Christmas Halloween Mother’s Easter time.
Day Sunday
4 What time __________________ (exam / start)
Mark: ___ / 5 tomorrow?
5 I __________________ (not / visit) my grandparents
2 Complete the sentences with the correct missing
this weekend.
1 Tom and Brenda got married. The w_________ took Mark: ___ / 5
place at the local castle.
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
2 When a couple get married, they become h_________ the verb in brackets (will or be going to).
and wife. 1 The bags are too heavy, Mum. I
3 Tina wants to try bungee jumping. Her mother is __________________ (help) you.
naturally a_________ about it. 2 Look, over there, the car __________________
4 They can never agree on things; they (crash)!
a_________ a lot. 3 In ten years, most people __________________
5 Do you prefer to call your friends or do you rather (ride) e-bikes.
t_________ them? 4 __________________ (Liz / study) abroad next year?
Mark: ___ / 5 5 This time next week, I __________________ (travel)
to Spain.
3 Complete the sentences with the appropriate
prepositions in the correct place. Mark: ___ / 5
1 How do you get with your brother?
6 Complete the sentences with the correct
2 Jill and Ben fell in love first sight. prepositions (in, on, at or – no preposition).
3 Mia’s grandpa retired work last month. 1 Are you meeting Andy _________ the playground?

4 Jim’s grandfather is a scientist, the whole family look 2 We visited England _________ last September.
to him. 3 Jason lives _________ 25 High Street.
5 We take care the neighbours’ dog when they are on 4 They are on their way to school _________ at the
holiday. moment.
Mark: ___ / 5 5 _________ the right, there’s a large park.

Mark: ___ / 5

Total: ___ / 30

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Oxford Exam Trainer B1 tests / Short test 1A (Unit 1)
Short test 1B (Unit 1)
Vocabulary Grammar
1 In each group (1–5), find a word that does not 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form
fit in. of the verb in brackets (present simple,
present continuous or future continuous).
1 mother nephew father daughter
1 We __________________ (move) house this
2 boyfriend adult baby child summer.

3 depressed guilty satisfied jealous 2 At noon on Sunday, I __________________

(travel) to France.
4 break up split up have an have a
3 My little sister __________________ (have) an
argument relationship
English test tomorrow.
5 Easter Father’s Christmas Thanksgiving
4 What time __________________ (you / meet)
Day Eve
Kevin on Saturday?
Mark: ___ / 5 5 I __________________ (not / go) to the cinema
tonight. I have to study.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct
missing words. Mark: ___ / 5
1 Jill is p_________! The baby will be born in May. 5 Complete the sentences with the correct
2 We’ll all get together on grandpa’s birthdays – it will future form of the verb in brackets (will or be
be a big family c_________. going to).

3 Millie looked with e_________ at Meg’s new jeans. 1 It’s too difficult, __________________ (you / help)
They were great but very expensive. me, please.

4 American families often d_________ the Christmas 2 He’s very good at sports. I think he
tree a week or two before Christmas. __________________ (win) the race.

5 Jane and Ben spent a happy c_________ in the 3 What __________________ (John / do) after the
country. Later the family moved to London. holidays?
4 Tomorrow night, I __________________ (listen) to
Mark: ___ / 5
my favourite band.
3 Complete the sentences with the appropriate 5 Look! The engine is on fire. The plane
prepositions in the correct place. __________________ (crash).
1 Do you often argue your brother?
Mark: ___ / 5
2 Louise graduated university in spring.
6 Complete the sentences with the correct
3 Who do you take, your mum or dad? prepositions (in, on, at or – no preposition).
4 On Halloween, children dress as ghosts and 1 We’re going to the mountains _________ the
witches. weekend.
5 Do you sometimes invite your girlfriend to eat in a 2 Will you be at home _________ next week?
good restaurant?
3 Jason lives _________ High Street.
Mark: ___ / 5
4 What can you see _________ the picture?
5 We get Christmas presents _________ the 24th

Mark: ___ / 5

TOTAL: ___ / 30

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Oxford Exam Trainer B1 tests / Short test 1B (Unit 1)

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