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Te n s e s

An aspect of verb which tells the time of an action is called tense.

❑ To show time of action
❑ Degree of completeness of an action
The verb may describe:
1) That an action is done at the Present time; as 'I think about you’.
2) That an action is done in the Past time; as 'I thought about you’.
3)That an action will be done in the Future time; as 'I shall think about

• 1. Present Tense
2. Past Tense
3. Future Tense
• As per state of an action, each tenses are divided into four parts- Indefinite/Simple Tense,
Continuous Tense, Perfect Tense and Perfect Continuous Tense
1 Indefinite/Simple Tense – which denotes its simplest form; as'I think','I thought','I shall think'.
2 Continuous Tense – which denotes that the event is still continuing or not completed so far; as'I
am thinking' ,'I was thinking','I shall be thinking'.
3 Perfect Tense – which denotes that the event is in a completed or perfect state; as'I have
thought','I had thought', 'I shall have thought'.
4 Perfect Continuous Tense – which denotes a time since when the event is continuing ; as'I have
been thinking since morning','I had been thinking since morning','I shall have been thinking since
Further Division
Each type of tenses has following four types of sentences:

❑Positive Sentence
❑Negative Sentence
❑Interrogative Sentence
❑Interrogative & Negative Sentence.

There are three forms of Verb. Different form of verb and different
rules are used for making all types of sentences in each Tense.

It shows following traits,

❑Regular Events
❑Nothing related to completeness
❑Universal truth
Helping Verbs Of Different Tenses
• Present Indefinite Tense: Do,Does
• Past Indefinite Tense: Did
• Future Indefinite Tense: Shall, Will
P re s e nt I n d ef i n i te Te n s e .
Type of sentence Rule

Positive Subject + Verb(s/es) + Object + (.)

What is 1st person, 2nd person and 3rd person
1st person I & We Speaking person

2nd person You Person to whom spoken

3rd person He, She, It, They, Ali Person(s) about which spoken.
Everyone except 1st and 2nd person
Present indefinite tense

Person Subject Observe addition of

‘’s/es’’ with verb
1st Person Singular I go to school daily.

1st Person Plural We go to school daily.

2nd person You go to school daily.

3rd Person Singular He, She, It, Ali, goes to school daily.

3rd Person Plural They, Boys, girls, go to school daily.

/plural noun
General rule of adding ‘s’ or ‘es’ with verb
‘’es’’ is added with verb Examples
which ends at letter
‘’o’’ Go---Goes, Do----Does, Veto----Vetoes
‘’ch’’ Teach-----Teaches, Fetch-----Fetches, Watch----Watches, Beseech, Scratch, Bewitch, Touch
‘’ss’’ Miss----Misses, Kiss------Kisses, Amass, Bless, Cross, Discuss, Toss, Access, Assess, Pass
Harass, Obsess, Stress, Emboss, Confess, Address, Depress, Dismiss, Express, Impress.
‘’sh’’ Finish---Finishes, Wash---Washes, Wish----Wishes, Crash, Flash, Crush, Unleash, Banish,
Finish, Relish, Vanish, Abolish, Anguish, Cherish, Furnish, Publish, Tarnish, Nourish.
‘’x’’ Fix--Fixes, Coax--Coaxes, Mix--Mixes, Vex--Vexes, Affix--Affixes, Admix-Admixes, Relax

❑ When last letter of verb is ‘’Y’’ and 2nd last letter is consonant, then for adding ‘’s’’ with verb, the letter ‘’Y’’ is
replaced with ‘’ies’’ as ‘study---studies, cry---cries, try----tries, dry, Fly, Ally, Body, Bury, Defy, Deny, Envy, Espy,
Rely, Vary, Apply, Bully, Carry, Copy, Edify, Empty, Merry, Marry, Worry, Comply, Codify, Occupy, Clarify, Purify,
Pacify, Ratify, Supply, Verify, Vilify, Atrophy, Beautify.
❑ When last letter of verb is ‘’Y’’ and 2nd last letter is vowel, then we add only ‘’s’’ after ‘’Y’’ as obey----obeys, play---
--plays, Lays, Pay, Play, Pray, Say, Prey, Stay, Sway, Allay, Alloy, Annoy, Spray, Betray, Conveys, Deploy, Employ,
Present Indefinite Tense
Sentence Type Structure

Affirmative Subject + Verb(s/es) + Object.

He plays cricket.
Negative Subject + Do not/Does not + Verb(s/es) + Object.
He does not play cricket.

Interrogative Do/Does + Subject + V1 + Object + ?

Does he play cricket?

Interrogative + Do/Does + Subject + Not + V1 + Object + ?

Negative Does he not play cricket?
Positive Negative Interrogative
I learn English daily. I do not learn English daily. Do I learn English daily.
I go to masjid five times a day. I do not go to masjid five times a day. Do I go to masjid five times a day?
He completes his homework daily. He does not complete his homework daily. Does he complete his homework daily?

He studies in 7th class. He does not studies in 7th class. Does he study in 7th class?

His son goes to college daily. His son doesn’t go to college daily. Does his son go to college daily?

My teacher loves good students. My teacher doesn’t love good students. Does my teacher love good students?

Girls love to gossip. Girls don’t love to gossip. Do girls love to gossip?

I love to help the needy. I do not love to help the needy. Do I love to help the needy?
He works very hard. He doesn’t work very hard. Does he work very hard?

Teachers support him. Teachers do not support him. Do teachers support him?

He loves to speak Urdu. He does not love to speak English. Does he love to speak English?
'Do / Does' is also used to emphasize something in
Present Indefinite Tense

He does get up at five every morning.

I do know how to drive.

They do like mathematics.

She does speak truth.

I do love Pakistan.

We do appreciate to donate for the poor.

Sometimes Present Indefinite Tense is used for Future Tense mostly when
future action is considered as already fixed program.


We start tomorrow.

Our school closes for summer vacation tomorrow.

I reach Lahore tomorrow.

Does her marriage come off next Sunday?

• Features:
❑Completed Action
❑In recent past
❑A short time ago.
❑E.g. he saw her face.
❑Time may also given like 3pm, yesterday, last evening, last month,
past years
Helping Verb Of Past Indefinite
• Did
Past Indefinite Tense
Sentence Type Structure

Affirmative Subject + V2 + Object + (.)

He helped them.
Negative Subject + Did not + V1 + Object + (.)
We did not help them.
Interrogative Did + Subject + V1 + Object + ?
Did we help them?
Interrogative + Did + Subject + Not + V1 + Object + ?
Negative Did we not help them?
Past Indefinite Tense
Positive Sentence
He went to school.

I completed my homework.
She deposited her tuition fee yesterday.
He jumped into the river.
His car stuck in the mud.
He laughed at me.
He laughed with me.
The sun rose at 6pm.
He forget even the name of his friend.
I made good use of time in university.
He always carried the red umbrella.
It rained yesterday.
I helped my friend in his plight.
Past Indefinite Tense
Negative Sentence
Person Subject Did not + 1st form Object

1st Person Singular I Did not harm Your pet dog.

1st Person Plural We Did not harm Your pet dog.

2nd Person You Did not harm Your pet dog.

3rd Person Singular He, She, It, Singular name Did not harm Your pet dog.

3rd Person Plural They, Boys, Girls, Students Did not harm Your pet dog.
Past Indefinite Tense
Interrogative Sentence
Did I lend him some money?

Did I convey your message?

Did my letter reach there?

Did I meet you somewhere?

Did I accompany him to Lahore?

Did they receive their luggage?

Did we call them here?

Did she wash her clothes?

Did you reply curtly?

Past Indefinite Tense
Interrogative + Negative Sentence
Did I not play my role as a responsible citizen?

Did we not repay to our country?

Did we not serve humanity?

Did you not attend summer coaching session?

Did he not answer the question?

Did she not respond you?

Did they not snub the poor?

Did Ali not express his bravery?

Did Mehtab not boast before his colleagues?

Did Safina not pick your bag?

Did Sadia not collects the coins?

'Did' is also used to emphasize something in Past Indefinite
Tense. First form of verb is used with 'Did'.
He did learn his lesson thoroughly.

He did speak the truth.

He did call a spade a spade.

He did hang his coat on the peg.

He did remove their names from the list.

She did drive a bike.

They did cross the river.

We did accuse them of robbery.

I did refuse their offer.

You did play truant from the school.

Future Indefinite Tense
• Something will happen in near future
• Helping Verbs(will & shall)
• In Future Tense helping verb ‘Shall’ is used with ‘I’ and ‘We’. Helping verb
‘Will’ is used with all others.
e.g. I shall come with you. He will come with me. We shall go to Jaipur. You
will not come with us.
When you are to make a commitment or warn someone or emphasize
something, use of 'will/shall' is reversed. ‘Will’ is used with ‘I’ & ‘We’ and
'shall' is used with others.
• In general speaking there is hardly any difference between 'shall & will' and
normally ‘Will’ is used with all.
Future Indefinite Tense

Affirmative Subject + Will/Shall + V1 + Object

He will play cricket.

Negative Subject + Will/Shall + Not + V1 + Object

He will not play cricket.

Interrogative Subject + Will/Shall + V1 + Object + ?

Will he play cricket?

Interrogative + Negative Subject + Will/Shall + V1 + Object + ?

Will he not play cricket?
Future Indefinite Tense

Person Subject Will/Shall + V1 Object

1st Person Singular I Shall take A decision soon.
1st Person Plural We Shall take A decision soon.

2nd Person You Will take A decision soon.

3rd Person Singular He, She, It, Singular name Will take A decision soon.

3rd Person Plural They, Boys, Girls, Students Will take A decision soon.
Future Indefinite Tense
Negative Sentence
Person Subject Will/Shall + Not + V1 Object

1st Person Singular I Shall not go to Pub

1st Person Plural We Shall not go to Synagogue

2nd Person You will not go to Cinema

3rd Person Singular He, She, It, Singular name will not go to Club

3rd Person Plural They, Boys, Girls, Students will not go to Temple
Future Indefinite Tense
Interrogative Sentence
Person Will/Shall Subject Verb Object + ?

1st Person Singular Shall I Drink Soft drinks?

1st Person Plural Shall We Need Your support?

2nd Person Will You Call at Him?

3rd Person Singular Will He, She, It, Singular Devise A plan?
3rd Person Plural Will They, Boys, Girls, Conclude The matter?
Future Indefinite Tense
Interrogative + Negative Sentence
Person Will/Shall Subject Not + V1 Object + ?

1st Person Singular Shall I Not Back up Culprits?

1st Person Plural Shall We Not Help The poor?

2nd Person Will You Not blame Others?

3rd Person Singular Will He, She, It, Singular Not crack This book?
3rd Person Plural Will They, Boys, Girls, Not deceive Them?
Sometimes Present Indefinite Tense is used for Future Tense mostly when
future action is considered as already fixed program.


We start tomorrow.

Our school closes for summer vacation tomorrow.

I reach Lahore tomorrow.

Does her marriage come off next Sunday?

We are meeting today in the evening.

He retires in 2009.
Use of Will be / shall be : 'Be' is a verb also and its three forms are - Be, Was/Were &
Been. To express possibility of something also, 'will be/shall be' is used.

He will be in office now.

My cousin will be at home now.
This winter will be very cold.
House cost will be less in Chishtian.
Tomorrow will be holiday.
He will be fifty on his next birthday.
I will be happy to attend the lecture.
They will be there in time.
Present Indefinite Tense
Sentence Type Structure

Affirmative Subject + Verb(s/es) + Object.

He plays cricket.
Negative Subject + Do not/Does not + Verb(s/es) + Object.
He does not play cricket.

Interrogative Do/Does + Subject + V1 + Object + ?

Does he play cricket?

Interrogative + Do/Does + Subject + Not + V1 + Object + ?

Negative Does he not play cricket?
Past Indefinite Tense
Sentence Type Structure

Affirmative Subject + V2 + Object + (.)

He helped them.
Negative Subject + Did not + V1 + Object + (.)
We did not help them.
Interrogative Did + Subject + V1 + Object + ?
Did we help them?
Interrogative + Did + Subject + Not + V1 + Object + ?
Negative Did we not help them?
Future Indefinite Tense

Affirmative Subject + Will/Shall + V1 + Object

He will play cricket.

Negative Subject + Will/Shall + Not + V1 + Object

He will not play cricket.

Interrogative Subject + Will/Shall + V1 + Object + ?

Will he play cricket?

Interrogative + Negative Subject + Will/Shall + V1 + Object + ?

Will he not play cricket?

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