PESTLE ANALYSYS-education Indutry

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Education industry



Education industry.......................................................................................................................2

Political factors................................................................................................................................3

Many schools are being privatized thus affecting profitability.......................................................3

Economic factors.............................................................................................................................4

Social & cultural factors...................................................................................................................5

Technological factors.......................................................................................................................6

Legislative factors............................................................................................................................8

Environmental (natural) factors......................................................................................................9

Demographical factors...................................................................................................................10



Education industry will undergo in the future- 2025....................................................................11

The ability to learn anywhere and at any time..........................................................................11

Real-time video collaboration with real teachers......................................................................11

Improving the quality of teacher-learning, and personalized and contextual learning should
be the main focus.......................................................................................................................11

More online access to education materials...............................................................................11

More resource sharing online and self-learning for teachers...................................................12





Education industry

The education industry is expanding rapidly and its many businesses are eager for new talent,
including experienced professionals and enthusiastic individuals just entering the
workforce. The education industry can be described as the collection of organizations and
businesses that provide products and services aimed at enhancing the quality of education in
society.  Read more to gain a complete overview of education industry

In the section we will discuss the drivers of education industry. Business drivers are influences,
both internal and external, that significantly impact the direction of an industry. This will help
the learner understand the internal and external factors that have a significant influence on the
education industry.

Political factors

Many schools are being privatized thus affecting profitability

 Government initiatives create risks that a school may not be able to deliver the policy as
expected or, it can be easily diverted away from local relevant authorities
 Changes to skills needed from a teacher
 There are also changes in curriculum especially with short lead times
 Requirements to be self-financing and self-managing

The common characteristics of its educational system include the monopoly of state

control over education, secularism, physical and military training political indoctrination
inside and outside the school and also a greater emphasis on science subjects.

Political instability has hindered effective implementation of the national policy

on education by inadequate provision of resources. There an object lack of funds,
personnel equipment and infrastructure almost in all secondary school in particular and
other higher institutions in general especially in the east.

As an academic discipline the study of politics in education has two main roots: The first
root is based on theories from political science while the second root is footed in
organizational theory.

The political philosophy that controls the government of a country often has its
inevitable impact on education. The political factor dictates the type of administration
that the educational system will have. Behind the characteristics of the education
system and how it works. For example, the fundamental ideas of socialism as political
philosophy referred to the exploitation of labor by capital and this gave rise to the mass
of the class.[ CITATION Sar17 \l 1033 ]

Economic factors

 Local or central government funding decisions that affect schools and establishment of
 Closure of a local education industry that can affect fund raising plans
 Ability of parents to raise finances for extracurricular activities

 Ability to invest surpluses and savings

 The need to operate and manage after school clubs
 The cost of different resources is also relatively high including resources for staff,
technology solutions and staff

As the labor supply increases, more downward pressure is placed on the wage rate. If
the demand for labor by employers does not keep up with the supply of labor, wages
usually fall. An excess supply of workers is particularly harmful to employees working in
industries with low barriers to entry for new employees, they don't have a degree or any
specialized training.
Conversely, industries with higher education and training requirements tend to pay
workers higher wages. The increased pay is due to a smaller labor supply capable of
operating in those industries, and the required education and training carries significant
A successful economy has a workforce capable of operating industries at a level where it
holds a competitive advantage over the economies of other countries. Nations may try
incentivizing training through tax breaks, providing facilities to train workers, or a
variety of other means designed to create a more skilled workforce. While it's unlikely
an economy will hold a competitive advantage in all industries, it can focus on a number
of industries in which skilled professionals are more readily trained. [ CITATION Bre19 \l
1033 ]

Social & cultural factors

 Decline in birth rate thus reducing the number of children joining schools
 Changes in local population causing decrease or increase number of students
 Demographic changes also affect pupil enrollment
 Closure of local companies offer employment
 Risk of inability to attract the right staff
 Emergence of social networks that can be used to fulfill different educational needs

In such competitive world, education is a very significant tool for every person to succeed in
life. Education is must for both women and men equally as both together make an educated
and healthy society. It gives many purposes to the lifelike as the development of the
personal advancement, increases social status and health.

Much of what goes on in society disclosures into the school method, impacting students
and their learning and knowledge experience. School systems should identify what kinds of
social problems are of main anxiety, and educate students regarding ways to fight them.
Parents and teachers can cooperate on plans for reducing social issues in schools.

Social problems in education are the degree of difference treatment delivered on the cause
of gender. In certain parts of the society, girls are delivered few opportunities for studying,
in comparison to boys. Expectations from girls to achieve high in studies or study further

Children have its place in certain ethnic groups, are incorrectly evaluated as being slower
learners when measuring up to other competitions.  This is, obviously, not true for the
reason that one’s learning capabilities not straightforwardly connected to their customs.
Though by reason of social or even geographical aspects, students from certain ethnic
groups lack sufficient disclosure to sources of learning.  It puts the students belonging to
them at risk of increasing low self-esteem.[CITATION CMc52 \l 1033 ]

Technological factors

There are many changes to educational tools required in modern day. There is also risk of
choosing the wrong technology such as open source and windows.  Others include;

 New computer viruses that can also affect school operations

 Internet poses disturbing information, illegal images online thus affecting ICT Security
measures among others
 Shift from paper based books to e book readers
 Risk of computer hardware and software being outdated and lack of enough time for
management of IT systems

Considering the impact of technology in education almost every academy throughout

world moving towards a technology base education. Professors are not using projector
screens instead of blackboards. Your grades are uploaded on your digital university
account. Teachers are searching for information on the Internet and students are finding
innovative new ways to solve problems online. Collaboration between academics and
between students is now easier than ever. So, there is a clear and very strong impact of
technology in education.
Today, schools are being pressured more and more to improve the technology they use
and teach in the classrooms as example most schools have started smart classrooms.
Parents are placing this pressure on schools so that their students have the skills needed
to compete in the real-world job market. Students are placing pressure on the schools
to improve technology by having more knowledge of current technology than the
school’s staff. Teachers in turn are placing emphasis on the schools to improve
technology they want to increase efficiency of information sharing, grading, and
communication in the classroom. Businesses place an emphasis on technology in
schools so that the schools adequately prepare their future employees, the students.

The government is also placing pressure on schools to improve technology in the
classrooms so that students can compete, along with helping prepare successful
employees to help improve the economy in the future. These pressures are welcomed
however, as schools are eager to improve their current use of technology in the
Of course, there are some things that can be regarded as a negative impact of
technology on education. As stated previously, technology not only gives college
students easy access to information; it also gives them easy access to all kinds of things
that distract them (games, for example). Also, there is no guarantee that they
information one finds online is accurate. A book written by an established author will
always contain accurate information, whereas Wikipedia pages may contain errors.
[ CITATION Vaw19 \l 1033 ]

Legislative factors

 New legislative systems can easily pose noncompliance risks

 There are many child protection legislation changes
 School leaving age has been raised and that of joining school has been lowered
 Change in school opening and closing hours
 Changes to financing of charity based organizations
 There are also health and safety legislation

School legislation includes any federal, state, or local regulation that a school, its
administration, teachers, staff, and constituents are required to follow. This legislation is
intended to guide administrators and teachers in the daily operations of the school
district. School districts sometimes feel inundated by new mandates. Sometimes a well-
intended piece of legislation may have unintended negative ramifications. When this
occurs, administrators and teachers should lobby the governing body to make changes
or improvements to the legislation.

In education, timing does matter. In recent years schools, administrators, and educators
have been bombarded with well-intended legislation. Policymakers must be attentively
aware of the volume of education measures allowed to move forward each year.
Schools have been overwhelmed with the sheer number of legislative mandates. With
so many changes, it has been almost impossible to do any one thing well. Legislation at
any level must be rolled out in a balanced approach. Trying to implement a plethora of
legislative mandates makes it almost impossible to give any measure a chance to be
successful.[ CITATION der19 \l 1033 ]

Environmental (natural) factors

 A new highway layout near institutions can increase dangers for students
 Disposal of waste
 Reduction of green space available for different school activities
 Changes to local bus routes
 Using a good amount of paper and photocopier toner to produce printed details

This free course, the environmental impact of teaching and learning, discusses the
impact on the environment of carbon based teaching and learning in Higher Education
Institutions. It introduces a suite of innovative tools and resources which have been
designed to help assess and identify ways to reduce these impacts.

This study examined the relationship between environment‐based education and high
school students' critical thinking skills and disposition toward critical thinking. Four
hundred four 9th and 12th grade students from 11 Florida high schools participated in the
study. A Pretest‐Posttest Nonequivalent Comparison Group Design (9th grade) and a
Posttest Only Nonequivalent Comparison Group Design (12th grade) were used.
Interviews of students and teachers were used in the classic sense of triangulation. Data
collection took place over the 2001–2002 school year. When controlling for pretest
score, grade point average (GPA), gender, and ethnicity, environment‐based programs
had a positive effect on 9th grade students' critical thinking skills (p=.002). When
controlling for GPA, gender, and ethnicity, environment‐based programs had a positive
effect on 12th grade students' critical thinking skills (p < .001) and disposition toward
critical thinking (p < .001). The results of this study support the use of environment‐based
education for improving critical thinking and can be used to guide future
implementation.[ CITATION Jul04 \l 1033 ]

Demographical factors

Family income left students struggling to achieve in class. Factors that a school is able to
control, such as educational level and teaching experience of the staff, have little to do with
student performance; but socioeconomic factors present in schools seem to significantly
influence a student’s ability to succeed. If a student is in a low income family they may need
more attention than others in order to reach success. [ CITATION Aly14 \l 1033 ]

A student’s culture and family ties will impact the way they will learn. Americans constantly live
in the future and often this is how we motivate students; however, many immigrants have a
better connection with the past and this may be a better motivator for some. In certain cultures
a teacher is seen as an authority figure. To show respect students will then look at the floor. To
promote individuality most teachers would prefer to be looked in the eye or for students to
disagree with them, but this is often a major sin in many cultures.[ CITATION Aly14 \l 1033 ]

Families come in various different forms: 7.3% of the household population in the area
surrounding Chugiak High School with students under the age of 18 are composed of single
parents and 27.4% are a part of a dual parent family. Single mother’s that have fallen below the
low income poverty line in 2012 constitute 17.9% of the 99567 area code population while
married couple families below the poverty line was only at .9% . Single parents struggle more to
keep a solid income for their students. Teachers must be receptive to this as it may influence
the way a student learns. They bring their family life into the classroom walls each day they
walk in and it is the teacher’s job to knowingly understand this and to then act on it.
[ CITATION Aly14 \l 1033 ]

Education industry will undergo in the future- 2025

As education progresses, expect to see more and more opportunities for learning in unique
ways. Along with curriculum innovation and unique time and place opportunities, education of
the future will be packed full of more personalized learning experiences. We can discuss future
education industry under five main forces.

The ability to learn anywhere and at any time

Accessibility for all those who want to learn is considered to be the most important factor in the
future of education success. School professionals from around the globe (25%) ranked
accessibility above all other factors; this view was most pronounced in respondents from the
UK (31%). In the context of education, accessibility refers to the geographical aspect: that
distance is overcome in order to deliver education to where it is needed. Convenient access to
education is also factored in: that students and professionals have the ability to learn anywhere
and at any time.

Real-time video collaboration with real teachers

67% of school professionals consider the focal point of education delivery to be the teachers
and lecturers themselves.  However, the use of remote learning technologies in teaching is
expected to rise significantly: 53% of professionals believe real-time video collaboration and
mobile devices will be the primary way students engage with content by 2025. Despite this
shift, many professionals still believe that the teachers and lecturers will continue to play an
important mentoring role in 2025.

Improving the quality of teacher-learning, and personalized and contextual learning should
be the main focus

A majority of teaching professionals across the globe are convinced that the main focus, after
deregulation and revised compliance standards, should be on improving the quality of teacher

learning. Those in North America (18%) and in India (21%) feel that the creation of a more
personalized and contextual learning would also be worth focusing on.

More online access to education materials

According to 47% of the people interviewed (the majority being from North America and the
UK) online access to content and lectures is what students and parents are demanding more of,
from the   institutions.

More resource sharing online and self-learning for teachers

In 2025, resource sharing via online channels will better facilitate teachers’ professional
development. School professionals see teachers sharing resources within online environments
and becoming more independent in identifying their own professional learning needs.
[CITATION pol16 \l 1033 ]


From the above analysis of education industry, there are many challenges facing the sector. This
is largely attributed to the fact that learning takes place every day in education. Knowledge also
evolves as time goes by. New technologies require that the sector embraces advancements for
quality education.

Therefore, relevant stakeholders need to invest enough money in technology and in construction
of quality infrastructure. This will help to ensure that learning takes place smoothly and that
students stay knowledgeable for a better future.

For a stable education industry, there is also need to understand external environment effectively,
so that the state can create an ideal and modern learning environment for students and teachers.
Despite the many challenges, there are many opportunities to explore for quality education.

Digital Life in 2025 is a set of predictions, guesses really, but educated guesses given the
expertise of the respondents. The Pew Internet Research Series holds great value for educators
—it demonstrates that change is coming, is inevitable. Though it doesn’t provide a blueprint by
any means, it does provide glimpses into what education might look like, could become in a few
short years, for better or worse.

allice, S., 2017. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 3 november 2017].

Anon., 2016. s.l.: sample essay papers.

Anon., 2016. vivaling. [Online]

Available at:

betts, p., 2016. globalization. [Online]

Available at:

Himmelsbach, V., 2019. top hat. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 19 march 2019].

meador, d., 2019. ThoughtCo. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 11 february 2019].

Radclffe, B., 2019. Investopedia. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 9 september 2019].

Stanek, J. (. E. &. D., 2004. The effects of environment‐based education on students' critical thinking skills and
disposition toward critical thinking. enviromental education research, 10(4).

VanderStel, A., 2014. The Impact of Demographics in Education , s.l.: s.n.


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