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Custom Three Post Progressive Stamping Die Design

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2020 Custom Three Post Progressive Stamping Die Design

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Custom Three Post Progressive

Stamping Die Design
There are special requests toward the progressive stamping die that
must be included in a tool and die design that ensures trouble free
long service as well as following guidelines set by the client.
Stamped part must be flat 
High volume production 
High speed punch press is available for the tool 
Coil will be used. No room for the exiting coil. Coil must be cut to
small pieces 
Progression is controlled by a feeder. Manual operation may be
Stamping die must be easily accessible for in-tool adjustment,

Stamped Part Must Be Flat 

When the stamped parts must stay flat, pressure plates must be Since the part is trapped between the lower pressure plate and the
used both from the top and from the bottom as well. Without the use punch, it can not exit the tool with the same stroke. The cut part is
of pressure plates, the stamped parts will be slightly bowed. As the pushed back into the strip by the lower pressure plate (usually
punch forces the part to cut out from the stock it applies a lot of partially). It then carried forward with the progression and then
force and stress to the steel. The die plate supports the cut part on knocked down in an empty station, separating it from the strip. 
its outer perimeter with no support within.  
The use of nitrogen filled gas springs can do the job well, while
As a result, the stamped part will try to bulge downward from the lasting much longer than conventional springs. E.g. a 1 inch
blanking pressure before the stock or sheet metal yields and diameter 2.5 inch long extra heavy duty spring (strongest available)
separates from the rest of the strip. This minor deformation remains can produce around 340 lbs at 15% compression or 0.375
in the part. Sometimes the flatness of the part is important, and this compressed distance. At 0.200 compression the force is less than
minor distortion is not acceptable. To overcome this problem and 120 lbs.
ensure that the part remains flat, the blanked part must be
supported well while separated or blanked from the stock. A lower A nitrogen filled gas spring, also 1 inch in diameter can produce
pressure plate with the same profile must be under the part, between 955 – 1,700 lbs.
preventing it from bulging. The top face is supported by the cutting
face of the punch, while an upper pressure plate holds the strip No pre-load is necessary, so a lot of force can go against the blanked
down, preventing from bulging upward around the cut edges. The part, preventing it from deformation. As an upside, it saves the
force behind the pressure plate  must be greater than the force that thread of the shoulder bolts and its retainer. Since no pre-load
could result deformation. Standard die springs are generally not required, the shoulder bolts could have e.g. 0.005 slack of free
powerful enough to produce so much pressure, especially when the movement with no stress on them whatsoever. 
blanked parts are small. For smaller parts smaller sprigs are used
due to space limitations.

High Volume Metal Stamping Part High Speed Punch Press 

Production  There are different punch presses with different speed. The stroke
per minute (SPM) ranges from 30 and up. Average high-speed
When the amount of parts to be produced are high, you want the tool presses run around 200 spm. Some can get much higher.
last long, without down time, without sharpening. Generally used

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tool steel for punches and dies are suitable for most applications. This speed means more friction and more heat. Not only the tool
When the stamped part is harder, and the amount is high, you want steel should be chosen accordingly, but the die set that will slide up
to use a suitable tool steel for the cutting components. At this design and down, while precision guiding the components. The die set
CPM10V tool steel was used.  should not overheat and jam. Most presses run at 30 – 80 spm can
use standard guided die sets that require regular lubrication, grease
while in production. If the same die set with standard guide pins and
bushing would be used running at 200 - 400 spm, it would not take
long before the sliding components would swell from heat
Coil will be Used  expansion and would seize.
When coil is used to stamp the parts from you need to consider what There is a solution for that. Ball bearing guided units are available.
to do with the coil as it exits the die. Either it should be wind back There is a called ball cage, a bushing and a die pin. The ball cage
again and dispose the used or stamped coil when run out, or cut the retains the hundreds of ball bearing balls. The balls are tightly roll
stock at each stroke, so only small bits are exiting the tool as scrap, between the bushing and the pin when fully engaged. This guide
system is designed for high speed production. For ball bearing guide
that is easy to collect and dispose. For this reason, a scrap cutter is
components grease is not recommended. They work better dry. This
designed to separate the exiting portion from the coil. 
special three post design allowed to use a smaller footprint die set
while giving plenty of room for the stock pusher, and more room for
in tool adjustment or maintenance 

Progression of Metal Stamping

Die Controlled Feeder
Manual operation may be required 
When coil is used to produce the parts from, it is necessary to use a
feeder that can be set for the proper progression. The feeder
advances the stock forward by the amount of the progression it was
set to. To control the progression as precisely as possible, internal,
mechanical components are used in conjunction with a feeder.
These are e.g. French stop, also called side trim or side notch. Pilot
punches are also used for precision positioning. The pilots are about
0.002 smaller than the hole diameter that they go into and were
pierced usually at the 1st or 2nd progression. Progressive metal
stamping dies can have easily over 10 progressions before the
finished part is complete. From this point a complete part is made at
every stroke. As part of the of the proper progression and its To prevent such events and when the feeder is in use, a misfeed
effectiveness, stock pushers should be used to keep the coil or strip sensor can be used. In this design instead of using a French stop
coaxial with the feed direction and at a relative position, e.g. datum based pivoting electro- mechanical misfeed sensor, a different one
face, in this case the rear edge of the coil. was designed. It eliminates moving components as well as gives
more free space at the front. The sensor was placed above the strip.
French stops are the first line in progression control. Its distance is When the coil is passing through it makes the sensor give out
set by the design and manufactured accuracy. IT does not change signals, either when it detects metal under or does not detect
from time to time. The feeder could slightly over feed while allow anything because there is a hole. When the proper progression is
slipping to prevent strip buckling. If used properly the progression reached, the sensor can give signal to the PLC and then to the feeder
amount always equals the dimension of the French stop which has and to the press to go ahead and make the next stroke. When the
the dimension for the progression. Many feeders have options for strip is e.g. jammed for any reason and could not fully reach the set
pilot release. This is to temporarily release the grip the holds the coil progression, the sensor will not give out the signal to proceed,
to be advanced. At that moment, the pilots can freely position the therefore both the feeder and press is stopped until corrections
strip for the optimum position before the next hit. Feeders without a were made and cleared the jam.
pilot release can fight the pilots, easily under or over feed, that can
cause error and crashes. Another advantage of the use of French Such event should not happen ever but if it does, it means tool crash
stops is that the tool or rather the strip advance can be done with considerable down time, repair costs and possible injuries.
manually in case the feeder is out of commission.

The French stop or side trim cuts a portion off the edge of the strip
with the length of the progression. You advance the strip until it can
not go any further. The back end of the notch reaches a stationary
stop block. The block is made thicker than the stock thickness to
prevent the strip going over the stop. It is not possible to over feed
or make the progression more than the cut notch length. However, it
can be under fed, when the back end of the notch does not reach the
stationary stop.

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Tool and Die Design Workflow Benchtop Pneumatic Box Frame Punch Press Options
Progressive Tool Design Features AirHEAD 5 - 4 ton Benchtop Pneumatic Press
Three  Post Progressive Tool Design AirHEAD 5 - 4 ton Shop Air Press
Re-design Progressive Metal Stamping Dies AirHEAD 5XL - 3 ton Box Frame Press
Tool and Die Design Documentation Long Mandrel Press Station
Tool and Die Design Projects 7.5 ton Portable Air to Oil Cylinder Press Station CALL 604-239-7218
Time Estimates Laboratory Punch Press
Air to Oil Three Platten Punch Press
Portable Air to Oil  C Frame Modular Punch Press


Tool and Die Manufacturing CUSTOM PRODUCTS
Die Set Up Solutions Jigs and Fixtures Canada
Tool and Die Repair Die Shut Height / Limit Stop
Custom Tube / Pipe Notcher Tooling
Ball End Wire Rope Swaging Di
Embossing Stamp Sets
Metal Spinning Dies
Progressive Metal Stamping Die
High Speed Progressive Tools
Blanking Die
Multi Station Tube Die
Multi Station Mandrel Die
Metal Stamping Die Projects
Slug Retention

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