Names For God

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Some of the key names and attributes described for God across the passages include Almighty, Creator, Father, God, Lord, Mighty, Redeemer, Rock, Savior and Truth. The passages also describe God as eternal, faithful, glorious, gracious, just, loving, merciful, omnipotent, righteous, and wise.

Names and attributes mentioned on pages 1-3 include Almighty, Creator, Elohim, Father, God, Lord, Maker, Mighty God, most High God, one God, possessor of heaven and earth, Rock of Israel, strength and song, and true God.

Recurring themes across pages 1-8 include God as a refuge, redeemer, righteousness, salvation, shield, strength in times of trouble, and upholding truth and justice. God is also described as slow to anger, plenteous in mercy, and without iniquity.

References Names, Descriptions, and Attributes of

(partial list) God (KJV) Transliteration

(sorted in alphabetical order)

Mark 14:36 Abba, Father

Ex. 34:6 abundant in goodness and truth
Gen. 49:25 Almighty
Gen. 17:1 Almighty God El Shaddai
Rev. 21:6 Alpha and Omega
Dan. 7:9 Ancient of days
Ex. 4:14 anger
Rev. 21:6 beginning and the end
Prov. 1:7 beginning of knowledge
Gen. 9:26; Mark
14:61 Blessed
2 Sam. 22:31 buckler
Deut. 13:17 compassion
Eccl. 12:1 Creator
Isa. 43:15 creator of Israel
Is. 40:28 Creator of the ends of the earth
Ps. 62:2 defence
2 Sam. 22:2 deliverer
Mal. 1:14 dreadful
Deut. 33:27 eternal God
Rom. 1:20 eternal power
Gen. 21:33 everlasting God El Olam
Jer. 10:10 everlasting king
Gen. 15:1 exceeding great reward
Ex. 15:7 excellency
1 Cor. 1:9 faithful
1 Pet. 4:19 faithful Creator
Deut. 7:9 faithful God
Matt. 5:16 Father
Eph. 4:6 Father of all
Eph. 1:17 Father of glory
James 1:17 Father of lights
2 Cor. 1:3 Father of mercies
Rom. 15:6 Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
father of the fatherless, and a judge of the
Ps. 68:5 widows
Matt. 5:16 Father which is in heaven
Gen. 31:42 fear of Isaac
Num. 25:4 fierce anger
Rev. 19:15 fierceness and wrath
Deut. 13:17 fierceness of his anger
2 Kings 23:26 fierceness of his great wrath
2 Chron. 30:8 fierceness of his wrath
1 Cor. 1:25 foolishness of God is wiser than men
Rom. 2:4; Rom.
3:25 forbearance
2 Sam. 22:2 fortress
Ps. 78:38 full of compassion
Ex. 16:7; Rom.
1:23 glory
Gen. 1:1 God Elohim
Gen. 6:5 GOD
Gen. 14:18; Job
5:8 God El
Ezra 4:24 God Elah
Job 3:4 God Eloah
Gen. 28:3 God Almighty
God in heaven above, and upon the earth
Deut. 4:39 beneath: there is none else
God is not the God of the dead, but of the
Matt. 22:32 living
Gen. 31:42 God of Abraham
Gen. 26:24 God of Abraham thy father
God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and
Matt. 22:32 the God of Jacob
Ex. 3:16 God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob
2 Cor. 1:3 God of all comfort
Gen. 31:13 God of Bethel
Ps. 29:3 God of glory
Deut. 10:17 God of gods
Gen. 24:3 God of heaven
Ezra 5:11 God of heaven and earth
Ps. 24:5 God of his salvation
Rom. 15:13 God of hope
Amos 3:13 God of hosts
Gen. 28:13 God of Isaac
Ex. 24:10 God of Israel
Ex. 3:6 God of Jacob
2 Chron. 32:19 God of Jerusalem
Deut. 33:26 God of Jeshurun
2 Cor. 13:11 God of love and peace
Gen. 31:5 God of my father
Gen. 32:9 God of my father Abraham
Gen. 32:9 God of my father Isaac
2 Sam. 22:3 God of my rock
Ps. 18:46 God of my salvation
Gen. 31:53 God of Nahor
1 Chron. 16:35 God of our salvation
Rom. 15:5 God of patience and consolation
Rom. 15:33 God of peace
Ps. 68:20 God of salvation
Gen. 24:3 God of the earth
Ex. 5:3 God of the Hebrews
Mark 12:27 God of the living
Num. 16:22 God of the spirits of all flesh
Gen. 31:53 God of their father
Gen. 46:3 God of thy father
Isa. 17:10 God of thy salvation
Deut. 32:4; Is.
65:16 God of truth
Gen. 31:29 God of your father
Ex. 3:13 God of your fathers
1 Tim. 1:1 God our Saviour
Titus 2:10 God our Saviour in all things
God that made the world and all things
Acts 17:24 therein
John 6:27 God the Father
1 Chron. 13:6 God the LORD
Ps. 68:20 GOD the Lord
Eccl. 11:5 God who maketh all
God, which hast made heaven, and earth,
Acts 4:24 and the sea, and all that in them is
Acts 17:29;
Rom. 1:20; Col.
2:9 Godhead
1 Chron. 16:34 good
Ex. 18:9; Ex.
33:19; Rom. 2:4 goodness
Ezra 9:8 grace
Ex. 34:6 gracious
2 Sam. 7:22; Ps.
135:5 great
Ps. 48:1 Great
Dan. 9:4 great and dreadful God
Deut. 10:17 great God
Prov. 26:10 great God that formed all things
Nah. 1:3 great in power
Deut. 29:28 great indignation
Neh. 9:17 great kindness
Ps. 48:2 great King
Ps. 95:3 great King above all gods
Ps. 47:2 great King over all the earth
Num. 14:18 great mercy
Ex. 32:11 great power
Ex. 18:11 greater than all gods
Job 33:12 greater than man
Ex. 15:16 greatness
Ex. 15:7 greatness of thine excellency
1 Cor. 11:3 head of Christ
heaven and heaven of heavens cannot
1 Kings 8:27 contain thee
Matt 6:14 heavenly Father
Ps. 115:9 help and their shield
Isa. 57:15 high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity
Micah 6:6 high God
Ps. 78:35 high God their redeemer
2 Sam. 22:3 high tower
Ps. 18:13 Highest
him that maketh the seven stars and Orion,
and turneth the shadow of death into the
morning, and maketh the day dark with
night: that calleth for the waters of the sea,
and poureth them out upon the face of the
Amos 5:8 earth: The LORD is his name
him that rideth upon the heavens by his
Ps. 68:4 name JAH
Lev. 11:44 holy
Isa. 57:15 Holy
John 17:11 Holy Father
Job 6:10 Holy One
Ezek. 39:7 Holy One in Israel
Isa. 1:4 Holy One of Israel Qadosh Israel
Isa. 29:23 Holy One of Jacob
2 Sam. 22:3 horn of my salvation
John 15:1 husbandman
Ex. 3:14 I AM
Isa. 41:4 I am he
Ex. 3:14 I AM THAT I AM
Isa. 44:6 I am the first, and I am the last
Isa. 48:12 I am the first, I also am the last
Deut. 32:39 I, even I, am he
Job 10:17 indignation
Deut. 10:9 inheritance
Col. 1:15 invisible God
Ps. 68:4 JAH
[N.B. The name, Jehovah
(Yahovah, Yahowah), comes
from the work of rabbinic
scholars (Galatinus, et al.)
editing the Old Testament text
circa 1520. It consists
approximately of the consonants
of YHWH, the sacred name of
Ex. 6:3 JEHOVAH God, and the vowels of Adonai.]
Judg. 11:27 Judge
Gen. 15:14;
Judg. 11:27; 1
Sam. 24:15; Ps.
50:6; Is. 33:22 judge
Heb. 12:23 Judge of all
Gen. 18:25 Judge of all the earth
Ex. 12:12 judgment
Deut. 32:4 just
Ps. 121:5 keeper
Ruth 2:20; Titus
3:4 kindness
Ps. 5:2 King
Ps. 145:1; Is.
33:22 king
Ps. 29:10 King for ever
Ps. 10:16 King for ever and ever
Ps. 47:7 King of all the earth
Ps. 24:7 King of glory
Dan. 4:37 King of heaven
Isa. 44:6 King of Israel
Jer. 10:7 King of nations
Ps. 74:12 King of old
Rev. 15:3 King of saints (nations, ages)
Ps. 47:2 King over all the earth
1 Sam. 2:3 knowledge
Job 38:4 laid the foundations of the earth
Is. 33:22 lawgiver
Gen. 2:7; John
5:26 life
1 John 1:5 light
1 Thess. 1:9 living and true God
John 6:57 living Father
Matt. 26:63 living God
Ex. 34:6; Rom.
2:4 longsuffering
YHWH/YHVH (Yahweh,
Yahovah, Yahowah) [N.B.
Gen. 4:1 LORD Hebrew Tetragrammaton]
Gen. 20:4 Lord Adonai
Ex. 15:2 LORD Yah/Jah
2 Cor. 6:18 Lord Almighty
Gen. 2:4 LORD God Yahweh Elohim
Gen. 15:2 Lord GOD Adonai Yahweh
Rev. 4:8 Lord God Almighty
LORD God of Abraham thy father, and the
Gen. 28:13 God of Isaac
2 Chron. 30:6 LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel
LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of
1 Kings 18:36 Israel
Josh. 22:22 LORD God of gods
2 Sam. 5:10 LORD God of hosts
Ps. 69:6 Lord GOD of hosts
Ex. 5:1 LORD God of Israel Yahweh Elohim Israel
Gen. 24:12 LORD God of my master Abraham
Gen. 9:26 LORD God of Shem
Ex. 3:18 LORD God of the Hebrews
Lord GOD of the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
Ezek. 12:19 and of the land of Israel
Ps. 31:5 LORD God of truth
Ex. 3:15 LORD God of your fathers
Ps. 23:1 LORD is my shepherd Yahweh Roi
Ps. 7:17 LORD most high
Num. 22:18 LORD my God
Matt. 11:25 Lord of heaven and earth
1 Sam. 1:3 LORD of hosts Yahweh Sabbaoth
Deut. 10:17 Lord of lords
Ex. 3:18 LORD our God
Dan. 9:9 Lord our God
Ps. 95:6 LORD our maker
Jer. 23:6 LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS Yahweh Tsidkenu
Ex. 31:13 LORD that doth sanctify you Yahweh M’Kaddesh
Ex. 15:26 LORD that healeth thee Yahweh Rapha
Ezek. 7:9 LORD that smiteth
Ex. 10:7 LORD their God
Gen. 27:20 LORD thy God
Deut. 28:58 LORD THY GOD
Lev. 20:8 LORD which sanctify you
Ex. 6:7 LORD your God
Isa. 41:4 LORD, the first, and with the last
Deut. 7:7 love
Ps. 17:7 lovingkindness
1 Chron. 29:11;
Ps. 29:4 majesty
Job 36:3 Maker
Prov. 22:2 maker of them all
Ex. 15:3 man of war
Eph. 3:10 manifold wisdom
Hos. 12:5 memorial
Gen. 19:16 merciful
Gen. 19:19 mercy
Deut. 10:17 mighty
Deut. 7:21; Ps.
50:1 mighty God
Jer. 32:18 Mighty God
Gen. 49:24 mighty God of Jacob
Job 9:4 mighty in strength
Isa. 1:24 mighty One of Israel
Num. 24:16 most High
Gen. 14:18 most high God El Elyon
Ps. 83:18 most high over all the earth
neither can the number of his years be
Job 36:26 searched out
James 1:17 no variableness
Rev. 19:6 omnipotent
1 Cor. 8:6 one God, the Father, of whom are all things
Deut. 6:4 one LORD
John 17:3 only true God
Deut. 32:4;
Matt. 5:48 perfect
Ps. 86:5 plenteous in mercy
Ps. 86:15 plenteous in mercy and truth
Gen. 14:19 possessor of heaven and earth
Ex. 9:16; Mark
14:62; Rom.
1:16 power
Ps. 19:14 redeemer
Isa. 48:17 Redeemer
Isa. 49:7 Redeemer of Israel
Deut. 33:27 refuge
Gen. 18:25;
Deut. 32:4 right
Ex. 9:27 righteous
John 17:25 righteous Father
Job 35:2; Job
36:3 righteousness
Deut. 32:4 Rock
1 Sam. 2:2 rock
2 Sam. 23:3 Rock of Israel
Ex. 15:2 salvation
2 Sam. 22:3 saviour
Isa. 43:3 Saviour
1 Tim. 4:10 Saviour of all men
Rom. 11:22 severity
Ps. 121:5 shade upon thy right hand
Gen. 15:1 shield
Neh. 9:17 slow to anger
Ex. 15:2 strength and song
Ps. 37:39 strength in the time of trouble
strength of my heart, and my portion for
Ps. 73:26 ever
2 Chron. 16:9;
Rev. 18:8 strong
Ex. 6:1; Ex.
13:9 strong hand
Isa. 40:26 strong in power
Ps. 84:11 sun
Deut. 7:21 terrible
Job 37:22 terrible majesty
Jer. 42:5 true and faithful witness
2 Chron. 15:3;
Jer. 10:10 true God
Gen. 32:10;
Deut. 32:4 truth
Rom. 1:23 uncorruptible God
Ps. 147:5 understanding is infinite
Ps. 25:8 upright
1 Cor. 1:25 weakness of God is stronger than men
Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and
Job 9:8 treadeth upon the waves of the sea.
Which commandeth the sun, and it riseth
Job 9:7 not; and sealeth up the stars.
Which doeth great things past finding out;
Job 9:10 yea, and wonders without number.
Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and
Job 9:9 Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.
Which removeth the mountains, and they
know not: which overturneth them in his
Job 9:5 anger.
Which shaketh the earth out of her place,
Job 9:6 and the pillars thereof tremble.
1 Kings 3:28 wisdom
Job 9:4 wise in heart
Deut. 32:4 without iniquity
Gen. 31:50 witness
Ex. 15:7 wrath

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