Learning Activity Sheet 3.1: Melc 1

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. MELC 1: Explain the role of hormones involved in the female and male reproductive systems.

Name Section 10-BOOKS

Subject Science 10 Date 04/20/21
SCORE Written Performanc
Works: e Task:


1. Bladder 8. Fallopian Tube
2. Prostate Gland 9. Fimbria
3. Scrotum 10. Ovum
4. Penis 11. Uterine Lining
5. Vas Deferens 12. Vagina
6. Testis 13. Cervix
7. Scrotum 14. Ovary 14. Uterus

1. E 7. D .
2. J 8. E .
3. A 9. F .
4. C 10. H ,
5. I 11. G ,
6. B .
1. Spermatogenesis is caused by testosterone, the hormone responsible for the secondary
sexual characteristics that form in males during puberty. The strengthening of the voice, the
development of facial, axillary, and pubic hair, and the beginnings of the sex drive are all
secondary sex characteristics.
2. Estrogen is a female reproductive hormone that aids in endometrial regrowth, ovulation,
and calcium absorption, as well as determining secondary sexual characteristics. Breast
growth, hip flaring, and a shorter time for bone maturation are all examples.
3. During puberty in both males and females, the hypothalamus produces
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which stimulates the production 

1. Development slows or stops if the pituitary gland does not produce enough hormones for
normal growth. The most common symptom of GH deficiency in children and teenagers is a
slowing of growth to less than 2 inches (5 centimeters) per year.
2. * an increase in sweating * changing emotions
* more oily skin * an involuntary increase in sexual feelings and
* sudden mood changes
3. Adolescent exposure to alcohol and cigarettes can lead to addiction and damage the
developing adolescent brain. This portion of the brain is fully formed in puberty, making the
adolescent drive intense. Being influenced by social media, peers, ads, and to use drugs is due
in part to this portion of the brain that is fully developed in puberty. Also discovered that
early alcohol and cigarette intake can cause pubertal development to be delayed.
4. Teenagers should be extremely careful about who they trust because in today's generation,
some people just want your body and then betray you once they have it. We must be extra
cautious when it comes to sexual intercourse because we never know whether your partner
has a sexually transmitted disease that could infect you or whether you are having an
unprotected sex that could lead in an unwanted pregnancy.


1. Why do you think there is an increase in teenage pregnancy and teenage STDs in the
Inadequate sex education (some girls do not realize that having sex will result in pregnancy or completely
understand the burden of having children) and a lack of access to birth control are the key reasons for the high
rate of teenage pregnancies.

The majority of the girls who were pregnant were between the ages of 16 and 19. Owing to a lack of
parental guidance and role models in the village, almost all of them become pregnant. The majority of them
were affected by their peers who had gotten pregnant at a young age and were unaware of contraception. Teen
pregnancy is a public health problem that affects us all. When a teenager has an infant, he or she is more likely
to face important social problems such as poverty, lack of education, risky habits that contribute to poor health,
and child welfare. The financial burden of a teen getting a child is extremely high. Sexually Transmitted Disease
is on the growing as a result of a lack of healthy sex; it is normal to develop it through sexual interaction. We
have a lot of cases of this in the Philippines because people are getting addicted to having intamacy in each
other without thinking about the consequences.

Abstinence is the only way to prevent a case like this. Premarital sex should be avoided. Another choice
is to avoid pregnancy with contraception such as condoms, the pill, and other methods. Overall, sex education
and literacy, as well as adequate parental guidance, are important factors in avoiding early pregnancy and
having STD.

2. As a teenager, how can you avoid engaging in unhealthy sexual encounters?

Sex is a normal and balanced aspect of human life. Everyone's experience of sex is different,
and there are many ways to enjoy this pleasurable activity with a partner. However, there are dangers
to revealing yourself in such a personal way. Uninformed sexual decisions can lead to sexually
transmitted diseases (STDs), unintended pregnancies, and unhealthy relationships.
Being aware is the most effective way to prevent high-risk sexual experiences. Transmission
of STDs is one of the most serious risks during sex. One of the most dangerous STDs is the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It is transmitted by sperm, vaginal fluids, and blood, resulting in an
immune system infection. This are the ways to avoid an unhealthy sexual encounter. First you to be
sure that your partner dont have a disease that can harm you. Second, as members of today's
generation, we, the teenagers, must refrain from engaging in sexual activity because it may put us in
danger. Finally, we must exercise our sexual intamacy. While there is no way to return to how you felt
when your relationship was fresh, there are many ways to reclaim the degree of relational excitement.
A few examples include improved communication, date nights, passionate kissing, and thoughtful
gestures. Sexual desire has no space to work when our minds and hearts are occupied in the right
In other words, we must seek help from our parents in such a situation because they are the
ones who have already been through it. We should inquire about how to engage in a sexual activity
that is both healthy and discreet. We must also remember that only those of legal age will experience
such intimacy because they are mature enough to manage such a situation with the help and support of
their family.


. MELC 2: Describe the feedback mechanisms involved in regulating processes in the menstrual
Name Section 10-BOOKS
Subject Science 10 Date 04/20/21
SCOR Written Performanc
E Works: e Task:


1. MYTH 2. MYTH 3. FACT 4. MYTH .

1. The other reproductive pituitary hormone, luteinizing hormone (LH), helps in egg maturation and
provides the hormonal catalyst for ovulation and egg release from the ovary.
2. Estrogen allows the uterine lining to thicken and expand in preparation for pregnancy. An egg is
released from one of the ovaries in the middle of the cycle (ovulation).
3. Follicle stimulating hormone deficiency causes incomplete puberty and poor ovarian function in
women (ovarian failure). Ovarian follicles do not mature properly and do not release an egg in this
case, resulting in infertility.
4. Prostaglandin is a hormone produced by the uterine lining during the menstrual cycle. The uterus
contracts as a result of this hormone, which is also painful. Women who have extreme cramps may
produce more prostaglandin than normal, or they may be more vulnerable to its effects.

1. According to the graph, high levels of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) trigger the maturation
and release of an ova (egg cell) during the ovulation period.

2. High progesterone levels are thought to play a role in premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms
including breast tenderness, bloating, and mood swings. It's possible that you're missing a cycle
because you didn't ovulate, resulting in low progesterone levels.

3. The corpus luteum degenerates and estrogen and progesterone levels drop if no fertilized egg is inserted into
the uterus. As progesterone levels fall, the endometrium starts to degenerate, signaling the start of the next
menstrual cycle. The reduction of progesterone also helps the hypothalamus to transmit GnRH to the anterior
pituitary, which releases FSH and LH and resets the cycles.


Guide Questions:
1. The length of a woman's menstrual cycle varies, but on average, she has a period every 28 days. It's
natural to have periods that are longer or shorter than this, ranging from 21 to 40 days.
2. The ovary releases estrogen during the first 14 days of egg development, which allows the uterine
lining to thicken in preparation for the fertilized egg's attachment. The egg has matured and is ready to
be released into the ovary.
3. Ovulation occurs as the sperm and egg cells unite and the egg reaches the uterus after fertilization.
In order to prepare for pregnancy, the ovary releases progesterone into the uterus.
4. The egg is fertilized and starts to develop if one of the sperm cells penetrates it. The egg travels
down the fallopian tube and into the uterus for many days. A fertilized egg normally binds to
(implants in) the uterine lining after it enters the uterus (endometrium).
5. The menstrual cycle supplies vital body chemicals known as hormones that help you stay healthy.
Every month, it also prepares your body for pregnancy. From the first day of one period to the first
day of the next period, a loop is counted. The menstrual cycle lasts an average of 28 days.


. MELC 3: Describe how the nervous system coordinates and regulates these
feedback . mechanisms to maintain homeostasis.
Name Section 10-BOOKS
Subject Science 10 Date 04/20/21
SCORE Written Performanc
Works: e Task:


A.1 “ Stability Under Pressure”
According to the diagram, if one stone is removed from the entire arc, the other stone will be
excluded as well, and the entire arc will be broken.

A.2 Positive vs Negative

1. Burst of FSH, LH, and estrogen
2. Progesterone rises as the corpus luteum in the ovary matures and produces this hormone
3. Fairly constant. 6. Triggers
4. Complaints 7. Reinforcing
5. Increase 8. Balancing

Guide Questions:
1. It is called negative feedback machanism because when a change in a regulated variable
causes a reaction, the response reverses the initial change and returns the regulated variable to
its set point.
2. The five important elements to regulat the body temperature are Stimulus, Receptor,
Control center, Effector, and Response.

3. Your body reacts to hot and cold conditions, and these reactions assist you in preventing
your body temperature from rising too high or dropping too low. Negative feedback is
exemplified by these bodily responses. When a change in a regulated variable causes a
reaction, the response reverses the initial change and returns the regulated variable to its set

Guide Questions:
1. It is called the positive feedback mechanism because a positive feedback loop is a
mechanism in which a change in the system's state causes the system's state to change even
2. The positive feedback loop in these cases is often ended by counter-signaling, which
suppresses the original stimulus.
3. The example is used to illustrate the concept. Positive feedback leads to the rapid
development of a platelet plug in an infected blood vessel when you have a cut on your
finger. Platelets are drawn to the injured area, and each one secretes chemicals that attract
more platelets. As a result, a large number of platelets collect rapidly, plugging the void in
the damaged blood vessel and preventing further blood loss.

Situation 1
Q1: The structured complaints process is designed to ensure that all complaints are treated
equally, consistently, and, where appropriate, to the satisfaction of the complainant. It will be
your responsibility to handle the complaint in a fair and sensitive manner, and to take
appropriate action when necessary.
Q2: Increased cloudiness cools the atmosphere, resulting in a negative feedback, on the other
hand, clouds reflect infrared radiation, warming the climate, resulting in a positive feedback.

Situation 1
Q1: Government spending can be a valuable weapon for governments in terms of economic
policy. Governments may use expanding economy to improve the economy during a crisis.
Increases in government spending, for example, directly raise demand for goods and services,
which can help improve production and employment.
Q2: As a greenhouse gas, higher amounts of water vapor will consume more thermal IR
energy radiated from the Planet, allowing the atmosphere to warm even more. As a result, the
warmer environment will carry more water vapor, and so on. A 'positive feedback loop' is
what this is called.

C. One for All, All for One!

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