Common and Proper Nouns ENGLISH 5

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 5

I. OBJECTIVES: With the use of power point presentation, the Grade 5 pupils with at least
75% accuracy will be able to:
a) define common and proper nouns;
b) give examples of common and proper nouns;
c) differentiate noun as common or proper;
d) develop appreciation and understanding about the use of common and proper noun in
one’s daily life; and
e) recite different examples of common and proper nouns.


Topic: Common and Proper Nouns
Reference: Today’s English 5 pages 12 - 13
Materials: power point presentation, laptop, google meet, YouTube
Value: Appreciation and Understanding
Skills: Identifying, Defining, & Classifying
Method: 4A’s
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Before we start, let us bow our heads - Pupils stand and pray
and pray. In the Name of the Father…...

2. Greetings/House Rules - Good morning, Teacher!

Good morning class! - Thank you, Teacher!

You may now take your seats - Rules and Regulations

1. Sit Properly
2. Listen to the person talking in
Okay class look at the screen that I am front
sharing now, let us read it together. 3. Refrain noise and no using
cellphone during class
4. Don’t answer in chorus
- We have discussed about NOUNS last
What have we discussed last meeting?
(Calls a student)

4. Activity Proper
I have here a table with 5 columns
(persons, places, things, animals, & ideas or
events). Below the table are lists of words. If you
believe that this word is a name of person, then
place this to its column (person) and so same with
the others.
First, you need to give me the name of the
word then to be followed by it desired
Did you get it class? - Yes Teacher
- The pupils
Who wants to volunteer?


boy Philippines Table Catfish holiday
father town Cellphone dog Mother’s Day
Mario city Book bird party
teacher Pasay City Nokia Philippine Christmas
Mrs. Lina park Sampaguita cat season
5. Presentation
Look at the table we made a while ago. Any idea - Noun is a name of person, place, thing,
what is the meaning of Noun? animal, and events.
Very Good!
What do you think is our lesson for today? - Proper Nouns and Common Nouns

There are many kinds of Nouns, but today, let’s

focus on the first two kinds of nouns – Proper
nouns and Common nouns.

Now let us define what is common noun? - Common nouns are used to name
Who wants to try defining common nouns? persons, places, things, animals and
Now, let us read the definition of common noun. events in General. It refers to the class
or types of nouns without being
Examples: food, student, flower, country specific.

How about proper noun? Who can define it?

- Proper nouns are used to name specific
Now let us recheck if your classmate’s definition person, place, thing, animal, and event.
is correct. Everybody read. It always begins with a capital letter.

Examples: Adobo, Lara, Sunflower, Japan


1. Discussion

Who can differentiate the proper nouns and

common nouns? - The proper noun is specific or special
names of nouns which they begin with
a capital letter.
Yes, Dina?

How about the common nouns? - The common nouns are general names
which they do not begin with a capital
Yes Vivas? letter.

I have here again a table but this time it has only

two columns (Proper noun and Common noun).
Going back to our chart before, classify all the
words if it is a proper or common noun. Put it in
the proper column.

Are you ready class? - Yes Teacher!

Okay, volunteer - The pupils


boy father teacher Mario Mrs. Bayo
town city park Philippines Catfish
dog bird cat Pasay City Philippine Eagle
table cellphone book Mother’s Day Nokia
holiday party season Christmas Sampaguita

Okay, since we have classified the nouns as

common and proper noun, can you give me a
sentence using the examples of proper noun and
pair it with common noun in the table?
Let me give you an example.

Philippine Eagle is a bird.

It’s your turn

- Hawaii is beautiful
Yes, Jay

Okay, next?

Yes, Charm? - Elena is a girl

How about the others?

- Mother’s Day is a holiday.
Yes, Marlyn?

Excellent class!
2. Value Integration
Now, what would you do if you see specific - We must greet every specific person we
person anywhere? met.

What if you saw Mrs. Bayo in the corridor? How - Good morning/Afternoon Mrs. Bayo.
would you greet?

How about if general? Like teachers. - We must greet them in general

How? - Good morning/Afternoon teachers.

Class I want you to construct at least 3 sentences

that uses common and proper nouns. After
constructing your sentences, I will call you one
by one and recite your work so the rest of your
classmates will identify the common and proper
nouns in the sentences.

Did I made clear class? - Yes Teacher!

Very good! so I will give you 5 minutes to

construct a sentence, after 5 minutes we will
start right away.


Supply a Proper noun for the Common nouns and vice versa. The first is done for you.

1. holiday - New Year

2. month - _________________________

3. _________________ - Hershey's

4. teacher - _________________________

5. __________________ - Honda

Write at least proper nouns for each common noun in the circle.

girls teachers

Asuncion, J. S. (n.d.). Today’s English 5. Bright House Publishing.

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