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ENGLISH V Quarter 1 WEEK-4

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Day 1 (July 9, 2018) Monday

 Use formal and informal English when appropriate to task and situation,
 Observe politeness at all time, EN5A-Id-16
 Show tactfulness when communicating with others, EN5A-Id-17

II. Subject Matter

A. Speaking: Formal and Informal English
B. Attitudes: Politeness and tactfulness
C. Materials: Teacher-Made LM Week 4, charts, index cards/activity

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Do you have friends? How often do you communicate with them?
What are the usual topics that you enjoy talking about together?
B. Lesson Proper
1. Study the dialogue and be able to answer the questions that follow.

Dialogue 1
Kate: Good morning Mrs. Javier. May I speak with Janna? I need to ask her about
our assignment.
Mrs. Javier: Sure. Please come in, I’ll call her.
Dialogue 2

Kate: Hey, Anne where’s Janna? Gotta talk to her ‘bout our assignment.
Anne: She’s inside. Come in!
1. Who are talking in dialogue 1?
2. How did Kate talk to Mrs. Javier?
3. Who are talking in dialogue 2?
4. How did Kate talk to Anne?
5. Why do you think Kate talks differently to Mrs. Javier and Anne?
6. Which is more formal and polite?

Compare the words, phrases and sentences used in the dialogues.


Good morning Hey

May I speak
Where’s Janna?
with Janna?

I need to ask Gotta talk to

her about our her ‘bout our
Which words are used in a formal conversation? In an informal conversation?

2. Have the pupils read the table on pp. 2-3 of the LM. Discuss when and
how to use formal and informal English. Emphasize the value of
tactfulness and politeness.
3. Have the pupils read “Remember”
4. Answer the exercises
Exercise 1

Raise your both hands up if the sentence is formal and clap your hands once if it is

1. I gotta go.
2. I have to go.
3. We are required to submit our projects on time.
4. Hey, what’s up?
5. How are you going?
6. Allow me to examine the facts before I make decision.
7. Let’s go!
8. I’ll catch you later.
9. May I proceed with my discussion?
10. I’m cool!

Exercise 2

Prepare a short dialogue for the given situations. Be sure to use formal and informal
words appropriately.

Group 1
You are a member of the English club and your president decided to call for a meeting to
talk about your reading project wherein you want all the slow readers in your school to
become average or fast readers. Each member will give his/her suggestions.

Group 2
Your group is running for positions for SPG in your school and you presented yourselves
to your schoolmates and tell them about your plans for the school if you win.

Group 3
You and your friends are talking about the movie you have recently watched.

Group 4
You and your classmates are planning to go swimming on weekend.

Which groups use formal English in their presentation?

Which groups use informal?
IV. Enrichment Activities
Fill in the conversation balloon below using formal or informal English.

Day 2 (July 10, 2018) Tuesday

 Identify elements of literary texts (EN5LC-Id-2.17.3)
 Summarize narrative texts based on elements (theme, setting, characters, plot)
 Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words
(Art) (EN5F-Id-

II. Subject Matter

A. Listening: Elements of literary texts
B. Reading: Summarizing narrative texts based on elements
C. Oral Reading Fluency: Reading frequently occurring Art words
D. Materials: Teacher-Made LM Week 4, charts, index cards/activity
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review on formal and informal language
2. Show the painting of rose on p.4 of LM and discuss about beauty and
B. Lesson Proper
1. Pre-listening Activity
What for you is the most beautiful flower? Why?
Which is more important for you: physical beauty or inner beauty?
2. Listening to the story: “The Proud Red Rose” and identifying its
3. (Reading) Say: “After listening to the story, it is now time for you to read
the story yourself. Read the story carefully and discuss with the class or
group your answers to the questions that follow.”
 Discuss the story: Talk About It
 Discuss how to write a summary based on the given elements
4. Answer “Do and Learn”
5. Talk about painting and other words related to arts. Have the pupils
read the list of words on p. 8 of the LM. Emphasize the need to read
with automaticity.
IV. Enrichment Activity
Use the following art words in sentences.
1. blending
2. perspective
3. portrait
4. abstract
5. gallery

Day 3 (July 11, 2018) Wednesday

 Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (affixed) based on given context clues
(synonyms, antonyms, word parts and other strategies) (EN5V-Id-12 and 13)

II. Subject Matter

A. Prefixes and Suffixes
B. Materials: Teacher-Made LM Week 4, charts, index cards/activity

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Practice reading of words related to arts
2. Ask: ‘How does your teacher feel when your classmates are noisy?’
how should a student behave inside a class? What would probably
happen if pupils misbehave in class?
B. Lesson Proper
1. Present the paragraph below:
Teacher Nena was sad because of the misbehavior of her pupils. Tito was
disrespectful and impolite. He laughed at the misfortunes of his classmates. He teased the
unfortunate ones. Allan, Tito’s seatmate was dishonest during the pretest. He copied
answers from Tito. Teacher Nena called their attention and advised them to behave
properly. She told Allan to retake the test. The two boys promised to be good boys and to
obey their teacher always.

2. a. Discuss the questions on p.8-9 of the LM. Call the attention of the pupils to the
following words: misbehavior disrespectful impolite pretest retake misfortunes

b. Discuss how these words are formed giving emphasis on the prefixes
c. Call the attention of the pupils to more prefixes and their meanings on p. 9 of the
3. a. This time, have the pupils read another paragraph on p.11 of the LM.
b. Discuss what a suffix is and have them read the meaning of some suffixes.
c. Show the table on p.12 of the LM and discuss how new words are formed after
adding suffixes and what happens to its meaning.
4. a. Generalization:
What is a prefix?
What is a suffix?
What does a prefix or suffix do in a word and its meaning?
b. Read ‘Remember’
5. a. Answer Exercise 1 on p.10
b. Answer Exercise 1 on p.12
IV. Enrichment Activity
Answer Exercise 2 on p.10 and 13 of the LM.
Day 4 (July 12, 2018) Thursday

 Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
structures: Modals (EN5G-Id-3.6)
 Write two to three paragraph composition based on the prepared outline

II. Subject Matter

A. Writing sentences using modals
Writing two to three paragraph composition based on the prepared
B. Materials: Teacher-Made LM Week 4, charts, index cards/activity

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review on modals:
Practice reading these sentences:
 May I join you?
 I can do it!
 They might be able to come.
B. Lesson Proper
1. Present this paragraph:
There are some things that I can do to help save our Mother Earth. I could
join some groups that promote environmental care such as Bantay Kalikasan, Alay
Tanim, Coastal Clean Up Drive and many more. I might also be able to contribute
some ideas in minimizing garbage through 3Rs – Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle. I
would also encourage my fellow students to help in keeping our environment safe
and clean.

2. a. Have the pupils to identify the modals used in the paragraph.

b. Ask the pupils to tell whether the paragraph is clear and coherent.
c. Discuss how to write a clear and coherent sentence or paragraph.

3. Have the pupils answer Try and Learn on p. 13-14 (Exercise 1-3)
4. a. Present the outline and the model paragraph on p. 15 “My Summer Vacation on
Grandfather’s Farm”
b. Discuss how the outline helps in writing a clear and coherent paragraph.
IV. Enrichment Activity
Do Try and Learn p.15
Day 5 (July 13, 2018) Friday

Distinguish among various types of viewing materials (EN5VC-Id-6)

II. Subject Matter

A. Viewing: Types of Viewing Materials (CDs and DVDs)

III. Learning Activities

A. Pre-Viewing Activity
1. Discuss how technology and innovation change the way movies
are watched nowadays.
B. Viewing Proper
Present some CDs or DVDs for the pupils to watch. Assign one viewing
material for each group and have them watch it and discuss about it.

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