ENGLISH V Quarter 1 WEEK-4
ENGLISH V Quarter 1 WEEK-4
ENGLISH V Quarter 1 WEEK-4
Use formal and informal English when appropriate to task and situation,
Observe politeness at all time, EN5A-Id-16
Show tactfulness when communicating with others, EN5A-Id-17
Dialogue 1
Kate: Good morning Mrs. Javier. May I speak with Janna? I need to ask her about
our assignment.
Mrs. Javier: Sure. Please come in, I’ll call her.
Dialogue 2
Kate: Hey, Anne where’s Janna? Gotta talk to her ‘bout our assignment.
Anne: She’s inside. Come in!
1. Who are talking in dialogue 1?
2. How did Kate talk to Mrs. Javier?
3. Who are talking in dialogue 2?
4. How did Kate talk to Anne?
5. Why do you think Kate talks differently to Mrs. Javier and Anne?
6. Which is more formal and polite?
May I speak
Where’s Janna?
with Janna?
2. Have the pupils read the table on pp. 2-3 of the LM. Discuss when and
how to use formal and informal English. Emphasize the value of
tactfulness and politeness.
3. Have the pupils read “Remember”
4. Answer the exercises
Exercise 1
Raise your both hands up if the sentence is formal and clap your hands once if it is
1. I gotta go.
2. I have to go.
3. We are required to submit our projects on time.
4. Hey, what’s up?
5. How are you going?
6. Allow me to examine the facts before I make decision.
7. Let’s go!
8. I’ll catch you later.
9. May I proceed with my discussion?
10. I’m cool!
Exercise 2
Prepare a short dialogue for the given situations. Be sure to use formal and informal
words appropriately.
Group 1
You are a member of the English club and your president decided to call for a meeting to
talk about your reading project wherein you want all the slow readers in your school to
become average or fast readers. Each member will give his/her suggestions.
Group 2
Your group is running for positions for SPG in your school and you presented yourselves
to your schoolmates and tell them about your plans for the school if you win.
Group 3
You and your friends are talking about the movie you have recently watched.
Group 4
You and your classmates are planning to go swimming on weekend.
2. a. Discuss the questions on p.8-9 of the LM. Call the attention of the pupils to the
following words: misbehavior disrespectful impolite pretest retake misfortunes
b. Discuss how these words are formed giving emphasis on the prefixes
c. Call the attention of the pupils to more prefixes and their meanings on p. 9 of the
3. a. This time, have the pupils read another paragraph on p.11 of the LM.
b. Discuss what a suffix is and have them read the meaning of some suffixes.
c. Show the table on p.12 of the LM and discuss how new words are formed after
adding suffixes and what happens to its meaning.
4. a. Generalization:
What is a prefix?
What is a suffix?
What does a prefix or suffix do in a word and its meaning?
b. Read ‘Remember’
5. a. Answer Exercise 1 on p.10
b. Answer Exercise 1 on p.12
IV. Enrichment Activity
Answer Exercise 2 on p.10 and 13 of the LM.
Day 4 (July 12, 2018) Thursday
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
structures: Modals (EN5G-Id-3.6)
Write two to three paragraph composition based on the prepared outline
3. Have the pupils answer Try and Learn on p. 13-14 (Exercise 1-3)
4. a. Present the outline and the model paragraph on p. 15 “My Summer Vacation on
Grandfather’s Farm”
b. Discuss how the outline helps in writing a clear and coherent paragraph.
IV. Enrichment Activity
Do Try and Learn p.15
Day 5 (July 13, 2018) Friday
Distinguish among various types of viewing materials (EN5VC-Id-6)