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Tohoku University Fact Book 2020

Tohoku University Fact Book 2020

Tohoku University Fact Book 2020

Published by
Global Engagement Division

2-1-1, Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577 JAPAN

Historical Background  01
Mission Statement  02
Message from the President  03
Tohoku University Official Symbols and Songs  04
Presidents of Tohoku University  05
Japan Academy Members  06
Chronological Chart of Tohoku University's History  07
Prize Winners  09

Organization Chart  13
Administrative Staff  17
President Election Committee  19
Board of Directors  19
Management Committee  19
Education and Research Council  20
University Personnel  21
Faculties/Schools  22
Graduate Schools  22
Tohoku University Library  23
Tohoku University Hospital  23

Number of Students  24
Tohoku University Club Association (“Gakuyu-kai”) Extracurricular Activities  25
■ Historical Background
Tohoku University, formerly known as Tohoku
Imperial University, was founded in 1907. Unlike other
imperial universities of that time, it initiated an “Open
Financial Summary  26 Door” policy, accepting graduates from both technical
Research Funds  26 and regular high schools. In 1913, it went a step further
and, despite opposition from the government, became
〈Research, Education and Social Contribution〉 Japan’s first university to admit female students.
Innovation Creation Program (COI STREAM)  27
The Program for Promoting the Enhancement of Research Universities  27 At the time of its founding, Tohoku University was
Student Education Programs  28 able to attract young and brilliant researchers from around
Endowed Chairs and Research Divisions  29 the world to serve as faculty members. A “Research First”
Joint Research Chairs and Divisions  29 principle was thus established, calling on scholars to not
only pursue highly productive research, but to also put
Cooperation with Industry  30
their findings to work in the teaching of their students.
Organizational Cooperation  31
Cooperation with Community  32
Over the years, Tohoku University developed a proud
tradition of “Practice-oriented Research and Education,”
〈International Exchange〉 in which the results of cutting-edge research are put to
Student Exchange Programs  33 use for the good of society and the improvement of living
Project for Establishing University Network for Internationalization  34 standards. Achievements include the establishment of
Academic Exchange Agreements with Foreign Institutions  36 local venture businesses which have contributed to
Statistics on Personnel Exchange  47 regional industry, and the recognition of the university
University Consortia  47 as the nation’s center for research on family law.
Facilities Worldwide  48
Academic Exchanges  49 In 2011, Tohoku University was severely damaged by
Number of International Students  53 the Great East Japan Earthquake. In addition to focusing
on its own recovery, the university also responded to the
disaster by providing expertise and support to the region
through numerous reconstruction efforts. Nearly a decade
Sendai City  57 on, the university remains committed to its role in the
Location of the Campuses  58 recovery process.
Campus Map  59
List of Facilities  65
International Houses  66


■Mission Statement
Since 1907, Tohoku University has embraced its role as one of Japan’s leading institutions, developing
future leaders through academic excellence and inspiring, innovative research. The three basic tenets of
Research First, Open Doors and Practice-Oriented Research and Education have defined us for over a
century and continue to lead the way forward.

For 2020/21, Tohoku University will focus on the following goals:

1. Cultivation of leadership talent

For undergraduate education, we aim to nurture talented individuals who are learned and well-rounded
in character, and who can look at events that happen in society and nature with a “scientific mind.” We
encourage leaders who are intellectually motivated and who can apply their expertise in multiple fields with
a global perspective.
For our postgraduate education, we wish to nurture professionals who have advanced specialized
knowledge. These innovative researchers can comprehend world-class research, apply their own creative
insights and bring about new developments in their fields.

2. A university centered on ground breaking research

We aim to consistently produce high-quality research across a broad spectrum of fields, not just in the
natural sciences, but also in social sciences and the humanities. We will create and develop educational
programs that respond to a rapidly changing knowledge-based society, and host international forums to
encourage the exchange of ideas.
We will reinforce our reputation as an international research base through establishing close ties and
collaborations with local and foreign research networks. And we will continue to develop our four campuses
as places that enable students to combine the pursuit of innovation with the responsibilities of leadership.

3. Being a global university that leads

We will rise to meet global challenges and seek to make a difference wherever we can. We value
diversity and welcome talented students, instructors and researchers from all walks of life who are united
in their desire to make the world better. To that end, we will continue to promote greater collaboration
between our university and industry, to ensure that our research results make an impact in our communities
and around the world.

■ Message from the President

For more than a century, Tohoku University has groomed generations
of leaders and supported them with the most innovative technology that
the world’s best research teams can produce. And we achieved this by never
wavering from the three tenets that have defined the university since its
founding in 1907 – a “Research First” tradition, an “Open Doors” philosophy
and working in the spirit of “Practice-oriented Research and Education.”
Our research achievements and contributions, coupled with our wide
network of collaborative partners, led to us being one of the first three
institutions to be conferred the status of a Designated National University by
the Japanese government in June 2017.

Education: Fostering Creative Talent and Future Leaders in Times of Rapid Change
Tohoku University is home to some 17,800 students and 6,300 faculty members. To better
prepare our students for professional life, we have launched the Tohoku University College of Creative
Endeavor to offer practical orientation within the undergraduate general education program. This
will help students develop the kind of expertise that is in great demand today, such as AI data skills,
entrepreneurship and, above all, a global mindset.
We are also making our curriculum more international, and promoting co-learning among
students of different cultures through the Tohoku University Global Leader program. To further expose
students to different ways of life, we offer a range of scholarships and study abroad opportunities with
our growing network of partner universities.

Research: Innovations and New Academic Fields

Tohoku University is known for its innovative research, and we have continued to build on that
reputation by engaging in high level exchanges and collaborations. Our next goal is to develop new
academic fields and promote cross-disciplinary flexible learning, where students can acquire new
knowledge and unconventional, cutting-edge skills.
This interdisciplinary exchange beyond the borders of singular academic fields allows for
scientific achievements along new frontiers. For example, in the aftermath of the 2011 Great East
Japan Earthquake, we pioneered research in disaster science, giving local and global communities the
tools and knowledge to be better prepared for natural disasters.
At the same time, the Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization began the world’s first large-
scale three-generation cohort survey, to develop more effective medical treatment and personalized
healthcare for the future.
With the same world-renowned capabilities that Tohoku University has demonstrated in
researching materials science and spintronics, we will further advance the development of new
academic fields and the creation of innovation that will come to be hallmarks of the modern age.

Community Co-Creation: New Values through Partnerships with Diverse Sectors

Because Tohoku University was founded with the support of private funding as well as backing
from the government, we feel a strong connection with the community. While the university has
always been committed to social outreach – especially through volunteer work, public lectures and
community events – we have also stepped up our engagement with industry.
Industry co-creation is led by the Head Office for Open Innovation Strategy, whose role is to develop
Business-University-Business collaborations. This model, in which many companies specializing in
different areas work together with a university at the center, has been successfully implemented in
the field of spintronics, and we are now strategically expanding the model to include the life sciences
and materials science.

Contributing to a Sustainable Society During COVID-19

The year 2020 had just begun when we felt the early impact of COVID-19. As we did in 2011


when the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami devastated our region, Tohoku University took
immediate action.
To protect our students and staff, and to prevent the spread of infection on campus, we moved all
our classes online, tapping on the benefits of digital connections and resources. On the administrative
front, we installed a new online system that gives staff the flexibility to work remotely, or in shifts.
In research, Tohoku University is all-in in the fight against COVID-19. Our faculty members have
submitted research proposals covering a wide range of topics, from medicine, testing and public
health, to the various technologies that support the search for a cure. Our trusted partners too, are
collaborating with us on many fronts.
But COVID-19 is not the only challenge the world is currently facing. With climate change and
widening social disparities also a perennial threat, working towards the UN’s Sustainable Development
Goals is more important than ever. The power of academia is knowledge, and Tohoku University will
apply the solutions we find in our disciplines to help shape a better future.

Tohoku University as a Leader in the New Normal Era

In November 2018, we published our “Tohoku University Vision 2030.” Our aims were to
“Collaborate. Innovate. Activate.”
There is no doubt that COVID-19 has changed the way we live, and its impact on our societies will
be felt even after the pandemic is over. Around the world, there is a “new normal,” and we need to
embrace it. As we better understand what our “new normal” is, our Vision will be updated.
Despite the challenging times, I am confident that with your continued support, we will prevail
and emerge stronger and more united.
Going forward, we will further enhance our education and research activities, and co-creation
with society and industry, through a combination of real and virtual interactions. And we will strive to
be a university that is not only more inclusive and diverse, but also wireless, borderless and limitless.

Hideo Ohno
President, Tohoku University
July 2020

■ Tohoku University Official Symbols and Songs

◆Tohoku University Official Symbol, Logo and School Colors

  Tohoku University’s distinct logo was created in 2007, on the 100th
anniversary of the university’s founding. The key concepts behind the
design are three-fold : creativity, globalization and tradition.

  The logo shows Sendai’s native bush clover, known as Hagi in

Japanese, which grows naturally in the wild. The bush clover represents
Tohoku University’s international aspirations and globalization.

  Purple and black were selected as Tohoku University’s official colors.

Purple symbolizes intelligence and creativity, while black represents diligence.

◆Tohoku University Songs

  The official school song, Aoba Moyuru Kono Michinoku was originally sung by the Tohoku
University Students’ Association in 1953 and has been passed down through the generations since.
  In 2013, singer/songwriter and alumnus, Kazumasa Oda, composed an additional song, Midori
no Oka (Green Hill), for Tohoku University staff and students in a show of support following the
2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.

■ Presidents of Tohoku University

Presidents of Tohoku University

Number President Took office Left office

1st Masataro Sawayanagi March 24, 1911 May 8, 1913
2nd Tokiyuki Hojo May 9, 1913 August 24, 1917
(Acting President) Masataka Ogawa August 25, 1917 October 14, 1917
3rd Ryojiro Fukuhara October 15, 1917 June 20, 1919
4th Masataka Ogawa June 21, 1919 June 14, 1928
5th Jinkichi Inoue June 15, 1928 June 14, 1931
6th Kotaro Honda June 15, 1931 May 30, 1940
7th Taizo Kumagai May 31, 1940 February 11, 1946
8th Yasutaro Satake February 12, 1946 March 31, 1949
9th Satomi Takahashi April 1, 1949 June 30, 1957
10th Toshio Kurokawa July 1, 1957 June 30, 1963
11th Teruji Ishizu July 1, 1963 October 4, 1965
(Acting President) Isao Motomura October 5, 1965 November 19, 1965
12th Koichi Motokawa November 20, 1965 February 2, 1971
(Acting President) Yahiko Mizuno February 3, 1971 April 30, 1971
13th Mutsuo Kato May 1, 1971 April 30, 1977
14th Shiro Maeda May 1, 1977 April 30, 1983
15th Nakao Ishida May 1, 1983 April 30, 1989
16th Shigemori Ohtani May 1, 1989 September 30, 1990
(Acting President) Kaoru Yoshinaga October 1, 1990 November 5, 1990
17th Jun-ichi Nishizawa November 6, 1990 November 5, 1996
18th Hiroyuki Abé November 6, 1996 November 5, 2002
19th Takashi Yoshimoto November 6, 2002 November 5, 2006
20th Akihisa Inoue November 6, 2006 March 31, 2012
21st Susumu Satomi April 1, 2012 March 31, 2018
22nd Hideo Ohno April 1, 2018

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

Masataro Sawayanagi Tokiyuki Hojo Ryojiro Fukuhara Masataka Ogawa Jinkichi Inoue Kotaro Honda

7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th

Taizo Kumagai Yasutaro Satake Satomi Takahashi Toshio Kurokawa Teruji Ishizu Koichi Motokawa

13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th

Mutsuo Kato Shiro Maeda Nakao Ishida Shigemori Ohtani Jun-ichi Nishizawa Hiroyuki Abé

19th 20th 21st

Takashi Yoshimoto Akihisa Inoue Susumu Satomi


■ Japan Academy Members

(as of July 2020)

Japan Academy Members

Inducted Name Affiliation Inducted Name Affiliation

Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other 1965 Yoshie Okazaki Faculty of Arts and Letters
1922 Kotaro Honda Metals
1925 Matsusaburo Fujiwara Faculty of Science 1965 Toshio Kurokawa Faculty of Medicine

1925 Hisakatsu Yabe Faculty of Science 1965 Tomizo Yoshida Faculty of Medicine

1926 Riko Majima Faculty of Science 1965 Fukusaburo Numachi Institute of High Speed Mechanics

1932 Shukusuke Kozu Faculty of Science 1966 Teizo Ogawa Faculty of Medicine

1934 Soichi Kakeya Faculty of Science 1966 Tsuneo Hori Faculty of Law and Letters

1937 Takeo Kato Faculty of Science 1967 Kameji Kimura Faculty of Law

1937 Noburu Orui Faculty of Law and Letters 1967 Shiro Kiyomiya Faculty of Law

1937 Masao Katayama Faculty of Science 1968 Goichi Miyake Faculty of Arts and Letters

1939 Keita Shibata College of Agriculture 1968 Koichi Motokawa Faculty of Medicine

1942 Yoshio Takeuchi Faculty of Law and Letters 1970 Jun Hanzawa College of Agriculture

1943 Taizo Kumagai Faculty of Medicine 1974 Munio Kotake Faculty of Science

1944 Yusuke Hagihara Faculty of Science 1974 Giichi Yamamoto Faculty of Science

1945 Hakuju Ui Faculty of Law and Letters 1976 Heisuke Hironaka Faculty of Science

1946 Gennosuke Fuse Faculty of Medicine 1976 Masamichi Shinmei Faculty of Arts and Letters

1947 Hajime Tanabe Faculty of Science 1976 Toshio Sugi Faculty of Law and Letters

1947 Jiro Abe Faculty of Law and Letters 1976 Shinzo Takayanagi Faculty of Law

1947 Tadahiko Kubota Faculty of Science 1977 Kozo Okamoto Faculty of Medicine

1947 Matasuke Kawamura Faculty of Law and Letters 1977 Kenzo Nagai Faculty of Engineering

1947 Ikusaku Amemiya Institute for Agricultural Research 1977 Tetsuo Nozoe Faculty of Science

1949 Kochi Doi Faculty of Law and Letters 1977 Yoshimoto Yanase Faculty of Law

1979 Yunoshin Imai Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other
1950 Seiya Ito College of Agriculture Metals
1950 Sozo Komachiya Faculty of Law 1979 Yotsuo Toriyama Faculty of Engineering

1950 Yasutaro Satake School of Medicine 1981 Shinji Takahashi Faculty of Medicine

1950 Satomi Takahashi Faculty of Law and Letters 1983 Yokichi Yajima Faculty of Arts and Letters

1950 Masaichi Majima College of Science 1985 Yoshio Kato Faculty of Science

1950 Shonen Matsumura College of Agriculture 1986 Hisao Kumagai Faculty of Economics

1950 Takejiro Murakami Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other 1989 Tamaki Ogawa Faculty of Law and Letters
1951 Toyotaka Komiya Faculty of Law and Letters 1992 Hiroshi Tsuji Faculty of Engineering

1951 Hidetsugu Yagi Faculty of Engineering 1994 Hidesato Ito Institute of High Speed Mechanics

1953 Masaharu Aoki Faculty of Law and Letters 1994 Shigeru Oda Faculty of Law

1995 Jun-ichi Nishizawa Research Institute of Electrical

1953 Ken Ishihara Faculty of Law and Letters Communication
1953 Kotondo Hasebe Faculty of Medicine 1996 Takeo Yokobori Faculty of Engineering

1957 Yoshimaro Tanaka College of Agriculture 1997 Koichi Hiwatashi Faculty of Science

1957 Ryuzaburo Hara Research Institute for Non-Aqueous 1998 Rokuya Suzuki Faculty of Law
1958 Jitsusaburo Sameshima Faculty of Science 2000 Yoichi Higuchi Faculty of Law

1960 Toyojiro Kato Faculty of Medicine 2001 Ryoen Minamoto Faculty of Arts and Letters

1960 Masaakira Katsumoto Faculty of Law 2002 Osamu Kaneya Faculty of Arts and Letters
Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other 2003 Shunichi Iwasaki Research Institute of Electrical
1960 Hakaru Masumoto Communication
Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other Faculty of Engineering, Honorary
1961 Seiji Kaya 2006 Koichi Tanaka Doctor
1963 Yensho Kanakura Faculty of Arts and Letters 2006 Akihisa Inoue Institute for Materials Research

1964 Shiro Akabori Faculty of Science 2010 Sadao Koyama School of Law

2010 Sumio Iijima Research Institute for Scientific

1964 Tetsu Sakamura College of Agriculture Measurements
1964 Ryoichi Taoka Faculty of Law and Letters 2013 Tokiyasu Fujita Graduate School of Law

1964 Zennosuke Nakagawa Faculty of Law 2017 Takeshi Yasumoto Faculty of Agriculture

■ Chronological Chart of Tohoku University’s History
Aug. 1876 1907 Sep. 1907 Apr. 1918
Sapporo Agricultural College Foundation of College of Agriculture Hokkaido Imperial University
University Jun. 1907 Apr. 1919 Oct. 1947 May 1949 Apr. 1953
Tohoku Imperial University Imperial University Law Tohoku University Reorganized under Graduate Schools
enacted the National School established under the
Establishment Law new educational system

Jan. 1911 Apr. 1919

College of Science Faculty of Science

Jul. 1915 Apr. 1919

College of Medicine Faculty of Medicine
Aug. 1887 Apr. 1901 Apr. 1912 Apr. 1918 May 1939 Mar. 1944
Medical Department of Sendai Medical College Medical Closed Temporary Medical College Medical College
the Second Tertiary School Department

May 1919
Faculty of Engineering
Apr. 1906 Apr. 1912 Apr. 1921 Apr. 1944
Sendai College of Engineering Engineering Department Sendai College of Engineering Sendai College of Engineering
(Sendai Koto Kogyo Gakko) (Sendai Koto Kogyo Gakko) (Sendai Kogyo Senmon Gakko)

Apr. 1947
Faculty of Agriculture

Aug. 1922 Apr. 1949

Faculty of Law Divided into
and Letters three Faculties

 Main Gate in the early Showa Period University Archives (Old Library in the early Showa Period)

May 1949
Faculty of Education
Apr. 1887 Jun. 1894 Apr. 1919 May 1949 Mar. 1950
The Second The Second Higher School, The Second Higher School Attached to the University Closed
Tertiary School Preparatory Course for University Jun. 1949
First College of Arts and Sciences
Jun. 1949
Second College of Arts and Sciences
Jun. 1949
Third College of Arts and Sciences
Apr. 1926 May 1949 Mar. 1951
Miyagi Prefectural College for Women Incorporated into the University Closed
Apr. 1886 Apr. 1898 Apr. 1943 May 1949 Mar. 1951
Miyagi Prefectural Miyagi Prefectural Miyagi Normal School Attached to the University Closed
Normal School for Normal School Apr. 1913 Jun. 1949 Apr. 1957 Oct. 1958
Primary Education Miyagi Prefectural Women’s Normal School Education College of Renamed North College Relocated to Kawauchi
Arts and Sciences of Arts and Sciences Mar. 1951
Apr. 1945 Jun. 1949
Miyagi Normal School Attached to the University Closed
for Youth
May 1919 Aug. 1922
Iron and Steel Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other Metals
Research Institute Dec. 1941
Research Institute for Tuberculosis and Leprosy
Oct. 1943
Institute of High Speed Mechanics
Sep. 1935 Jan. 1944
Research Institute of Electrical Research Institute of
Communication affiliated Aug. 1939
Electrical Communication
with Tohoku University
Institute for Agricultural Research
Mar. 1941
Research Institute for Mineral Dressing and Metallurgy
Jan. 1943
Research Institute for Scientific Measurements
Oct. 1943 Jan. 1946
Institute of Aero-Medicine Closed
Jan. 1944
Research Institute for Non-Aqueous Solutions
Jan. 1945
Research Institute for Glass

Katahira Campus Main Gate


(as of July 2020)

1957 1982 1987 Apr. 2004 2007
The 50th Anniversary The 75th Anniversary The 80th Anniversary National University The 100th Anniversary Tohoku University
of the Foundation of the Foundation of the Foundation Corporation of the Foundation

Apr. 1953 *Jun. 1994

Graduate School of Science Graduate School of Science
Faculty of Science
Jul. 1955 Apr. 1994 *Apr. 1997
Graduate School, Division of Medicine Graduate School Graduate School of Medicine
of Medicine
School of Medicine
Mar. 1952 Apr. 1972 *Apr. 2000
Closed Graduate School of Dentistry Graduate School of Dentistry
Apr. 1965
Faculty of Dentistry School of Dentistry
Apr. 1961 *Apr. 1999
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical
Graduate School of Sciences
Pharmaceutical Sciences May 1972 Apr. 2006
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty of Pharmacy and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Apr. 1953 Pharmaceutical Sciences *Jun. 1994
Graduate School of Engineering Graduate School of Engineering

Jun. 1994
School of Engineering School of Engineering
May 1949 Mar. 1951 May 1961 Mar. 1969
Attached to the University Closed Training School of Closed
Apr. 1953 Engineering Teachers *Apr. 1997
Graduate School of Agricultural Science Graduate School of Agricultural Science
Faculty of Agriculture
Apr. 1953 *Apr. 1999
Graduate School of Arts and Letters Graduate School of Arts and Letters
Apr. 1949
Faculty of Arts Faculty of Arts and Letters
and Letters
Apr. 1953 *Apr. 2000
Graduate School of Law Graduate School of Law

Apr. 1949 Apr. 2000

Faculty of Law School of Law School of Law
Apr. 1953 *Apr. 1998
Graduate School of Economics
Graduate School of Economics and Management and Management
Apr. 1949
Faculty of Economics Faculty of Economics
Apr. 1953 *Apr. 2000
Graduate School of Education Apr. 2002
Graduate School of Education
Apr. 2018
Graduate School of Educational Informatics Education Division Merged
Apr. 2002
Graduate School of Educational Informatics Research Division
Faculty of Education

Apr. 1957 Sep. 1953 Apr. 1964 Mar. 1993

Renamed Tomizawa College of Arts and Sciences Relocated to Kawauchi and Renamed College of Closed
Apr. 1957 Kawauchi College of Arts and Sciences General Education
Closed(Incorporated into the First College of
Apr. 1952 Arts and Sciences) Apr. 1993 Graduate School of International Cultural
Closed(Incorporated into the First College of Graduate School of International Cultural Studies Studies
Arts and Sciences) Apr. 1993
Graduate School of Information Sciences Graduate School of Information Sciences
Apr. 2001
Graduate School of Life Sciences Graduate School of Life Sciences
Oct. 1958 Apr. 1964 Mar. 1968 Apr. 2003 Graduate School of Environmental
East College of Branch School of Closed Graduate School of Environmental Studies Studies
Arts and Sciences Faculty of Education Apr. 1965 Apr. 2008 Graduate School of Biomedical
Miyagi University of Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering Engineering
May 1987
Institute for Materials Research Institute for Materials Research
Apr. 1993 Institute of Development, Aging and
Research Institute for Tuberculosis and Cancer Cancer
May 1989
Institute of Fluid Science Institute of Fluid Science
Jun. 1994
Research Institute of Electrical
Apr. 1988
Closed and Institute of Genetic Ecology established in its stead
Apr. 1992 Apr. 2001
Institute for Advanced Materials Processing Closed
Apr. 2001

Apr. 1952 Apr. 1991 Apr. 2001

Merged Institute for Chemical Reaction Science Closed
Apr. 2001
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for
Advanced Materials
Apr. 2012
International Research Institute of International Research Institute of
Disaster Science Disaster Science
*Programs for expansion of Graduate Schools

■ Prize Winners
(as of July 2020)

Nobel Laureates

Year Awarded Name Affiliation

1987 Hans Heinrich Rohrer Visiting Professor, Institute for Materials Research; Honorary Doctor
1999 Ahmed H. Zewail University Professor; Honorary Doctor
2002 Koichi Tanaka School of Engineering; Honorary Doctor
2007 Peter Grünberg University Professor; Visiting Professor, Institute for Materials Research; Honorary Doctor
2011 Daniel Shechtman University Professor

Recipients of Japan’s Order of Culture / Persons of Cultural Merit Award

Japan’s Order of Culture honors significant contributions to the advancement or improvement of science, technology, the arts or culture. The
conferment ceremony is held annually on November 3 (Culture Day) at the Imperial Palace’s Matsu-no-Ma State Room and is awarded by His
Majesty the Emperor of Japan. The Person of Cultural Merit Award is the country’s second highest cultural honor. It is given to individuals for
notable achievements in the development or refinement of Japanese culture.

Persons of Persons of
Order of Culture Cultural Merit Name Affiliation Order of Culture Cultural Merit Name Affiliation
(Year Awarded) Award (Year Awarded) Award
1937 1951 Kotaro Honda Research Institute for Iron, 2007 1999 Koji Nakanishi Faculty of Science
Steel and Other Metals

2008 2002 Donald Keene Visiting Professor, Faculty of Arts

1944 1951 Kinjiro Okabe Faculty of Engineering and Letters; Honorary Doctor

1946 ― Kingo Miyabe College of Agriculture 2009 1986 Yorio Hinuma School of Dentistry

Research Institute for

1949 1951 Riko Majima Faculty of Science 2009 2003 Sumio Iijima Scientific Measurements

1949 1951 Takematsu Okada Faculty of Science 2012 2007 Shigeru Oda Faculty of Law

Research Institute of
1950 1951 Hajime Tanabe Faculty of Science 2013 1987 Shunichi Iwasaki Electrical Communication

― 1954 Shonen
1950 1951 Bansui Tsuchii Faculty of Law and Letters Matsumura College of Agriculture

1952 1952 Taizo Kumagai Faculty of Medicine ― 1958 Satomi Takahashi Faculty of Law and Letters

1953 1952 Hisakatsu Yabe Faculty of Science ― 1959 Seiya Ito College of Agriculture

1953 1952 Hakuju Ui Faculty of Law and Letters ― 1960 Yoshio Takeuchi Faculty of Law and Letters

― Research Institute for Non-

1954 1954 Yusuke Hagihara Faculty of Science 1963 Ryuzaburo Hara
Aqueous Solution

1955 1955 Hakaru Research Institute for Iron, ― 1965 Masaichi Majima College of Science
Masumoto Steel and Other Metals
Takejiro Research Institute for Iron, ― 1970 Yasushi Faculty of Engineering
1956 1956 Murakami Steel and Other Metals Watanabe

1956 1956 Hidetsugu Yagi Faculty of Engineering ― 1976 Tetsu Sakamura College of Agriculture

― Fukusaburo Institute of High Speed

1957 1953 Yoshio Yamada Faculty of Law and Letters 1976 Numachi Mechanics

1958 1958 Tetsuo Nozoe Faculty of Science ― 1978 Takeshi Takei Faculty of Science

1959 1959 Tomizo Yoshida Faculty of Medicine ― 1985 Yensho Kanakura Faculty of Arts and Letters

Research Institute for Iron, ― 1992 Yunoshin Imai Institute for Materials
1964 1964 Seiji Kaya Research
Steel and Other Metals

1965 1965 Shiro Akabori Faculty of Science ― 1992 Kinji Shimada Faculty of Law and Letters

1968 1968 Toshio Kurokawa Faculty of Medicine ― 2000 Takeo Yokobori Faculty of Engineering

― Tsuyoshi Institute for Materials

1971 1971 Takuma Yasui Faculty of Economics 2000 Masumoto Research

1973 1962 Ken Ishihara Faculty of Law and Letters ― 2003 Yasuo Iwata Faculty of Arts and Letters

― 2006 Hidesato Ito Institute of High Speed

1975 1975 Heisuke Hironaka Faculty of Science Mechanics

1984 1979 Shinji Takahashi Faculty of Medicine ― 2007 Hideki Sakurai Faculty of Science

1987 1979 Takeo Kuwabara Faculty of Law and Letters ― 2011 Akira Endo Faculty of Agriculture

Jun-ichi Research Institute of ― 2013 Fujio Masuoka Research Institute of

1989 1983 Nishizawa Electrical Communication Electrical Communication

2002 2002 Koichi Tanaka School of Engineering;

Honorary Doctor


(as of July 2020)

Japan Academy Prize

Year Awarded Name Affiliation Year Awarded Name Affiliation

1914 (4th) Shirota Kusakabe College of Science ○ 1941 (31st) Kinjiro Okabe Faculty of Engineering

1916 (6th) Kotaro Honda College of Science 1941 (31st) Terutaro Ogata Faculty of Science

1917 (7th) Riko Majima College of Science 1942 (32nd) Seiji Kaya Research Institute for Iron,
Steel and Other Metals

○ 1918 (8th) Keita Shibata College of Agriculture 1943 (33rd) Gyokujo Kihara Faculty of Medicine

○ 1919 (9th) Jun Ishihara Faculty of Science 1944 (34th) Munio Kotake Faculty of Science

1919 (9th) Koichi Ichikawa College of Agriculture 1944 (34th) Hiroshi Terao Institute for Agricultural

○ 1921 (11th) Gennosuke Fuse Faculty of Medicine Research Institute for Iron,
○ 1946 (36th) Hakaru Masumoto
Steel and Other Metals

1921 (11th) Faculty of Science 1947 (37th) Masaichi Majima College of Science

1925 (15th) Shinkishi Hatai Faculty of Science 1950 (40th) Fukusaburo Faculty of Engineering

Research Institute for Iron,

△ 1925 (15th) Takeshi Sone 1951 (41st) Teizo Ogawa Faculty of Medicine
Steel and Other Metals

Research Institute for Iron, Jitsusaburo

△ 1927 (17th) Takejiro Murakami 1952 (42nd) Faculty of Science
Steel and Other Metals Sameshima

○ 1928 (18th) Soichi Kakeya Faculty of Science 1953 (43rd) Yensho Kanakura Faculty of Arts and Letters

1931 (21st) Hakuju Ui Faculty of Law and Letters 1953 (43rd) Tetsuo Nozoe Faculty of Science

Research Institute for Iron,

1931 (21st) Hakaru Masumoto
Steel and Other Metals 1953 (43rd) Masao Naruse Faculty of Engineering

△ 1932 (22nd) Shintaro Uda Faculty of Engineering ○ 1953 (43rd) Tomizo Yoshida Faculty of Medicine

△ 1933 (23rd) Hiroshi Nomura Faculty of Science 1954 (44th) Koichi Motokawa Faculty of Medicine

1934 (24th) Yoshiaki Tadokoro Faculty of Science 1955 (45th) Yensho Kanakura Faculty of Arts and Letters

1935 (25th) Saburo Unno Faculty of Science 1955 (45th) Ryujo Yamada Faculty of Arts and Letters

○ 1936 (26th) Tomizo Yoshida Faculty of Medicine 1955 (45th) Hakuyu Hadano Faculty of Arts and Letters

△ 1936 (26th) Toshio Hoshino Faculty of Science 1955 (45th) Tokan Tada Faculty of Arts and Letters

Provisional Institute of
1940 (30th) Tario Kikuta Physical and Chemical 1955 (45th) Shiro Akabori Faculty of Science

* Continued on page 11

■ Prize Winners

Japan Academy Prize

Year Awarded Name Affiliation Year Awarded Name Affiliation

1956 (46th) Ichiro Hori Faculty of Arts and Letters 1975 (65th) Toshio Kitazumi Faculty of Arts and Letters

1957 (47th) Yutaka Orimo Faculty of Law 1975 (65th) Yoichi Higuchi Faculty of Law

○ 1957 (47th) Hajime Nakamura Faculty of Arts and Letters 1975 (65th) Hidesato Ito Institute of High Speed

1959 (49th) Osamu Takata Faculty of Arts and Letters 1975 (65th) Takashi Kubota Faculty of Science

○ 1960 (50th) Osamu Takata Faculty of Arts and Letters ※ 1977 (67th) Shinji Takahashi Faculty of Medicine

○ 1960 (50th) Tsugio Miya Faculty of Arts and Letters 1977 (67th) Kinji Shimada Faculty of Law and Letters

1960 (50th) Eizo Kanda Faculty of Science 1977 (67th) Shun-ichi Akasofu Faculty of Science

1961 (51st) Tomoo Sato Faculty of Engineering 1979 (69th) Taketoshi Sato Faculty of Law and Letters

Faculty of Pharmaceutical
1961 (51st) Eikichi Iso College of Agriculture 1980 (70th) Tetsuji Kametani

Research Institute for Iron,

1963 (53rd) Harujiro Sekiguchi
Steel and Other Metals 1981 (71st) Akira Kinoshita Faculty of Economics

1967 (57th) Research Institute for Iron,

Yunoshin Imai ※ 1982 (72nd) Shizuo Kakutani Faculty of Science
Steel and Other Metals

Tsuyoshi Research Institute for Iron,

1968 (58th) Yoshio Kato Faculty of Science 1983 (73rd) Masumoto Steel and Other Metals

1968 (58th) Institute for Agricultural

Makoto Kandatsu 1987 (77th) Nakao Ishida School of Medicine

Research Institute of
1969 (59th) Mitsuo Miyata Faculty of Law 1987 (77th) Shunichi Iwasaki
Electrical Communication

1969 (59th) Mizushima
Faculty of Agriculture 1987 (77th) Yoshikatsu Tsuboi Faculty of Engineering

1970 (60th) Giichi Yamamoto Faculty of Science ◎ 1988 (78th) Makoto Numata Institute of Agricultural

1970 (60th) Heisuke Hironaka Faculty of Science ※ 1989 (79th) Yorio Hinuma School of Dentistry

1971 (61st) Takeo Yokobori Faculty of Engineering ※ 1990 (80th) Koji Nakanishi Faculty of Science

1972 (62nd) Kozo Okamoto Faculty of Medicine 1990 (80th) Hiroshi Tsuji Faculty of Engineering

Research Institute for Iron, Institute for Materials

1973 (63rd) Zenji Nishiyama Steel and Other Metals 1992 (82nd) Hideji Suzuki Research

1974 (64th) Jun-ichi Research Institute of 1993 (83rd) Hajime Yamamoto School of Dentistry
Nishizawa Electrical Communication


Year Awarded Name Affiliation Year Awarded Name Affiliation

1993 (83rd) Keiya Tada School of Medicine 2007 (97th) Asahiko Taira Faculty of Science

1993 (83rd) Goro Kikuchi School of Medicine ※ 2009 (99th) Tetsumi Murakami Faculty of Arts and Letters

※ 1994 (84th) Hideki Sakurai Faculty of Science 2009 (99th) Sadafumi Kawato Graduate School of Law

Yasunari 2010 Graduate School of Life

1994 (84th) Maruyama Faculty of Arts and Letters
Hiroshi Ohrui Sciences

2010 Graduate School of Life

1998 (88th) Takane Sugihara Faculty of Law ◎ (100th) Moritaka Nishihira Sciences

※ 2002 (92nd) Sumio Iijima Research Institute for 2013 Masataka Research Institute of
Scientific Measurements (103rd) Nakazawa Electrical Communication

◎ 2002 (92nd) Yasushi Kurihara Faculty of Science 2013 Eimei Sato Graduate School of
(103rd) Agricultural Science

2002 (92nd) Akihisa Inoue Institute for Materials 2014 Masayuki

Graduate School of Medicine
Research (104th) Yamamoto

2002 (92nd) Kokichi Hinata Faculty of Agriculture (104th) Nobuo Shuto School of Engineering

2003 (93rd) Hiroshi Okamoto Graduate School of Medicine (105th) Masakuni Suzuki School of Medicine

2003 (93rd) Makoto Endo School of Medicine ※ (107th)
Akira Hasegawa Graduate School of Science

2017 Toshimitsu Graduate School of

※ 2004 (94th) Takeshi Yasumoto Faculty of Agriculture (107th) Yokobori Engineering

2005 (95th) Research Institute of 2019

Hideo Ohno Masahiro Hirama Graduate School of Science
Electrical Communication (109th)

○ The Imperial Prize (Japan Academy Prize)Recipients

2006 (96th) Atsuto Suzuki Graduate School of Science ※ Imperial Prize and Japan Academy Prize Recipients
◎ Duke of Edinburgh Prize (Japan Academy Prize) Recipients
△ Osaka Mainichi Prize (Japan Academy Prize) Recipients

Graduate School of
2007 (97th) Koji Kato

■ Organization Chart
(as of July 1, 2020)

University Governance and Academic Units

Administration Bureau

Tohoku University Library

Tohoku University Hospital

Arts and Letters



Faculties Science
(10) Medicine

 Aobayama Campus Dentistry

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Strategic Agriculture
Arts and Letters


Education Economics and Management
Head of Unit
and Research
Meeting Science


Board of Graduate
President Directors
Pharmaceutical Sciences
(15) Engineering

Agricultural Science

International Cultural Studies

Committee Information Sciences

Life Sciences
President Auditors
Environmental Studies
Committee Biomedical Engineering

Professional Law School

Schools School of Public Policy
(3) Accounting School

Institute for Materials Research

Institute of Development,
Aging and Cancer

Institute of Fluid Science

Institutes Research Institute of
(6) Electrical Communication
Institute of Multidisciplinary
Research for Advanced Materials
International Research Institute of
Disaster Science

Institutes/Organizations (9)

Inter-Department Institutes for Education

and Research (16)


(as of July 1, 2020)


Associate Executive Administration Bureau

Vice President

General Affairs Division

Executive Vice President for External Relations Division

Stategic Planning, Provost Affairs and

Legal Affairs and Compliance Division
Global Engagement Division

Public Relations Office

Executive Vice President for
Education and Student Support

Human Resources and Planning Division

Payroll and Labor Affairs Division
and Planning
Executive Vice President Department
for Research Labor and Health
Administration Division
Senior Advisor
to the President
Executive Vice President for Student Affairs Division
Vice President General Affairs, Financial Affairs
and International Relations Educational Affairs Division
Special Advisor Admission Division
Executive Vice President for Student Services Division
Strategic Outreach Activity and Earthquake Department
Planning Office Disaster Reconstruction Student Exchange Division

Administrative Office for

Career Support
Executive Vice President for Human Associate
President Resources, Personnel Administration, Executive
Environmental Security and Facilities Vice Finance Division
Property Management Division
Auditor Procurement Services Division
Executive Vice President for Department
Industry-University Collaboration
Fund Management Office
Audit Office
Travel Expenses Calculation Office

Executive Vice President for Data

Strategy and Social Co-Creation
Research Promotion Division

Research Industry-University
Promotion Cooperation Division
Vice President for Department
University Hospital Management Office for the Promotion of
Research Compliance

Vice President for

Education Reform Facilities Planning Division
and Global Engagement
Facilities Construction
Management Division
Vice President for Public
Relations, and Facilities and Environment
Promotion of Diversity Division

Vice President Digital Transformation Division

for University Reform Department
and Planning Information Infrastructure Division

■ Organization Chart

National University Corporation Tohoku University

Tohoku University Administration Bureau

Tohoku University Library Medical Library
Tohoku University Hospital Kita-Aobayama Library
Engineering Library
Agricultural Library

Faculties Arts and Letters

/Schools Education
Dentistry School of Dental Laboratory Technicians
Pharmaceutical Sciences

Graduate Schools Arts and Letters

Law Research Center for Advanced Studies of Law and Policy
Economics and Management Research and Analytical Center for Giant Molecules
Science Center for Atmospheric and Oceanic Studies
Medicine Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and
Dentistry Volcanic Eruptions
Pharmaceutical Sciences Planetary Plasma and Atmospheric Research Center

Engineering Institute for Animal Experimentation

Agricultural Science United Center for Advanced Research and Translational Medicine
Liaison Center for Innovative Dentistry
International Cultural Studies
Experimental Station for Medicinal Plant Studies
Information Sciences
Research Center for Pharmaceutical Development
Life Sciences
Fracture and Reliability Research Institute
Environmental Studies
Research Center of Supercritical Fluid Technology
Biomedical Engineering
Micro/Nano-Machining Research and Education Center
Internet School of Tohoku University (ISTU)
Field Science Center
(Joint Educational Development Center)
Research Center for Language, Brain and Cognition
Research Center for Marine Biology
Professional Law School (Joint Educational Development Center)
Graduate Schools School of Public Policy
Accounting School

Research Institutes Institute for Materials Research (IMR) *2 International Research Center for Nuclear Materials
Cooperative Research and Development Center for
Advanced Materials
High Field Laboratory for Superconducting Materials
Trans-Regional Corporation Center for Industrial
Materials Research
Collaborative Research Center on Energy Materials
Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer (IDAC) *1 Cell Resource Center for Biomedical Research
Pre-Clinical Research Center
Institute of Fluid Science (IFS) *1 Innovative Energy Research Center
Lyon Center (LyC)
Research Institute of Electrical Communication (RIEC) *1 Laboratory for Nanoelectronics and Spintronics
Laboratory for Brainware Systems
Research Center for 21st-Century Information Technology
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research Center for Mineral Processing and Metallurgy
for Advanced Materials (IMRAM) *1 Center for Advanced Microscopy and Spectroscopy
International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) Polymer・Hybrid Materials Research Center
Center for Exploration of New Inorganic Materials


(as of July 1, 2020)

Institutes Information Synergy Organization Center for Institutional Research

/Organizations Center for Data-driven Science and Artificial Inteligence Center for Professional Development
Cyberscience Center *1 Admission Center
Center for Culture and Language Education
Institute for Excellence in Higher Education Global Learning Center
(Joint Educational Development Center) Center for Interdisciplinary Studies and Education
Center for Learning Support
Organization for Advanced Studies (OAS) Center for Career Support
Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR) Center for Counseling and Disability Services

Center for Science and Innovation in Spintronics (CSIS) Student Health Care Center
Advanced Research Center for Innovations in Center for Service Learning and Extracurricular Activities
Next-Generation Medicine (INGEM) International Joint Laboratory Center
Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Division for the Establishment of Frontier Sciences
Sciences (FRIS)
Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR) ☆
Center for Science and Innovation in Spintronics (CSIS) ☆
Advanced Research Center for Innovations in
Next-Generation Medicine ☆
Advanced Research Center for Disaster Science ☆
Organization for International Initiatives Office for International Initiatives
Institute for Promoting Graduate Degree Programs Office for Overseas Offices Coordination
Head Office of Enterprise Partnerships Division for International Joint Graduate School Programs
New Industry Creation Hatchery Center (NICHe) Division for Leading Graduate School Programs
Micro System Integration Center (μSIC) Division for Academia-Industry Collaborating Graduate Programs
Center for Innovative Integrated Electronic Systems (CIES) Divison for Interdisciplinary Advanced Research and Education
Material Solutions Center (MaSC) Center for Innovation and Business
Research Center for Rare Metal and Green Innovation (RaMGI) Center for Promotion of Innovation Strategy
Clinical Research Innovation and Education Center (CRIETO) Tohoku Forum for Creativity
University Research Administration (URA) Center
Institute for Disaster Reconstruction and Technical Support Center
Regeneration Research Center for Low Temperature Science
Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization (ToMMo) The Electron Microscopy Center
Research Organization of Electrical Communication (ROEC) Center for Fundamental and Applied Research of
Center for Fundamental Research on Nuclear Novel Nanocarbon Derivatives *3
Decommissioning (CFReND) Fusion Research Laboratory for Tribology *3
Organization for Research Promotion Revitalization of Agriculture, the Food Industry and
Organization for Academic Activity Support Society in Tohoku: Creating a Comprehensive Organic
System For Northeastern Japan*3
Environment Conservation Center
Integrating Researches for Establishing Society in
Center for Laboratory Animal Research
Harmony with Nature *3
Center for Gene Research
A next-generation medical construction and correction of
the medical difference by development and the spread of
personalized medicine easy for a person *3
Inter-Department Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center (CYRIC) Q+HPC core creation of data-driven science and technology *3
Institutes for Archaeological Research Office on Campus
Education and Research Interdisciplinary Studies of Novel Values on Energy
Center for Northeast Asian Studies (CNEAS) for Sustainable Development Society *3
The Center for Academic Resources and Archives Aerospace Interdisciplinary Research Center *3
Research Center for Electron Photon Science (ELPH) * 1 Tohoku University Transdisciplinary Research Initiative
for Plastic Smart *3
Cyberscience Center *1 *4
Tohoku Quantum Aliance *3
Research Center for Neutrino Science
Center for Gender Equality Promotion (TUMUG) Center for Environmental Conservation and Research Safety
Center for Spintronics Research Network (CSRN) Division of Engineering and Technical Staff
Research Alliance Center for Mathematical Sciences (RACMaS) The Tohoku University Museum
Smart-Aging Research Center Tohoku University Archives
Advanced Institute for Yotta Informatics(AI Yotta) Botanical Gardens
Tough Cyberphysical AI Research Center (TCPAI)
Center for Data-driven Science and Artificial Intelligence (CDS) *4
International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Inovation Smart (SRIS)
Center for the Advancement of Open Online Education
International Strategy Office
External Relations Office *1Joint Usage/Research Center
Asset Management Center *2International Joint Usage/Research Center
*3Center for Key Interdisciplinary Research
Head Office for Open Innovation Strategy
*4An Inter-Department Institute under the umbrella of
Marketing & Promotion Office the Information Synergy Organization
Center for Co-Creation Strategy ☆ Core Research Cluster (CRC)


■ Administrative Staff

President Hideo Ohno Associate Executive Vice President (for

Toshio Miyata
Executive Vice President (for Strategic Interdisciplinary Research)
Takafumi Aoki
Planning, Provost) Associate Executive Vice President (for
Satoshi Sugimoto
Executive Vice President (for Education Industry-University Collaboration)
Hirotsugu Takizawa
and Student Support) Associate Executive Vice President (for
Hitoshi Saito
Executive Vice President (for Research) Motoko Kotani Reform and Compliance)
Executive Vice President (for General Affairs, Associate Executive Vice President (for
Toshiya Ueki Hitoshi Izu
Financial Affairs and International Relations) Strategic Planning)
Executive Vice President (for Outreach Activity Special Advisor (for Information Systems) Akinori Ito
Nobuyoshi Hara
and Earthquake Disaster Reconstruction) Special Advisor (for Higher Education Planning) Hiroki Shizuya
Executive Vice President (for Human Resources, Personnel Special Advisor (for Student Support) Shunji Sugawara
Yasuyuki Shimotsuma
Administration, Environmental Security and Facilities) Special Advisor (for Student Support) Naoki Odanaka
Executive Vice President (for Industry- Special Advisor (for Research) Keiko Nakayama
Takuro Ueda
University Collaboration) Special Advisor (for Research) Masaki Takata
Executive Vice President (for Data Special Advisor (for Research) Hiroki Takakura
Miwako Doi
Strategy and Social Co-Creation)
Special Advisor (for Research Integrity) Takahiko Sasaki
Auditor Kunihide Kobayashi
Special Advisor (for Disaster Management) Takeshi Sato
Auditor Yoko Ushio
Special Advisor (for International Affairs) Kazuko Suematsu
Vice President (for University Hospital Management) Teiji Tominaga
Special Advisor (for Human Resources
Vice President (for Education Reform and Masahiko Fujimoto
Masahiro Yamaguchi and Operational Reforms)
Global Engagement)
Special Advisor (for Outreach Activity) Hiroshi Kanai
Vice President (for Public Relations and
Noriko Osumi Special Advisor (for Outreach Activity) Kyosuke Yoshimi
Promotion of Diversity)
Special Advisor (for Outreach Activity) Makoto Yoshizawa
Vice President (for University Reform and Planning) Makoto Ueki
Special Advisor (for Outreach Activity) Kazuyo Matsubae
Vice President Yukinori Naruse
Special Advisor (for Earthquake Disaster
Vice President Nobuo Yaegashi Hideo Harigae
Vice President Tetsuya Nagasaka
Special Advisor (for Earthquake Disaster
Vice President Fumihiko Imamura Yutaka Watanabe
Associate Executive Vice President (for Special Advisor (for Alumni "Shuyukai") Fumihiko Hasegawa
Keiichi Sasaki
Business Creation)
Special Advisor (for Intellectual Property) Masami Ashidate
Associate Executive Vice President (for
Hiroyuki Nagahama Special Advisor (for International Strategy) Akiyoshi Yonezawa
Entrance Examinations)
Special Advisor (for Digital Innovation) Hiroaki Kobayashi
Associate Executive Vice President (for AI
Mitsuyuki Nakao Special Advisor (for Information and Evaluation) Hideaki Sone
Human Resources)
Associate Executive Vice President (for Special Advisor (for Promotion of Diversity) Mami Tanaka
Hiroo Yugami Special Advisor (for Promotion of Diversity) Mitsuru Haga
Educational Research System Reform)
Associate Executive Vice President (for Research) Masahiro Terada Special Advisor (for University Reform) Atsushi Higashitani
Associate Executive Vice President (for Special Advisor (for University Reform) Hitoshi Takamura
Yasuhisa Nemoto
Research Strategy Management) Special Advisor (for University Reform) Kenichiro Tsutsui
Associate Executive Vice President (for Planning Special Advisor (for University Reform) Shunichi Koshimura
Atsushi Muramatsu
of Next Generation Synchrotron Radiation) Special Advisor (for University Reform) Toru Nakazawa

■ Administration Bureau
General Manager Hitoshi Izu 【Research Promotion Department】
【Strategic Planning Office】 Director Yasuharu Ito
Director Takafumi Aoki 【Facilities Department】
【General Affairs and Planning Department】 Director Masaru Goto
Director Yoshitaka Taniguchi 【Information Department】
【Human Resources and Planning Department】 Director Yoshitaka Taniguchi
Director Masao Hatori 【Integrated Administration Center】
【Education and Student Support Department】 Director Hitoshi Izu
Director Takashi Yashima 【Audit Office】
【Finance Department】 General Manager Tadashi Ishigaki
Director Hitoshi Izu

■ Graduate Schools/Faculties/Schools
【Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters】 【Graduate School/School of Engineering】
Dean Toshiaki Yanagihara Dean Tetsuya Nagasaka
【Graduate School/Faculty of Education】 【Graduate School of Agricultural Science/Faculty of Agriculture】
Dean Tomohiro Yakuwa Dean Keietsu Abe
【Graduate School/School of Law】 【Graduate School of International Cultural Studies】
Dean Yukinori Naruse Dean Daiko Takahashi
【Graduate School of Economics and Management/Faculty of Economics】 【Graduate School of Information Sciences】
Dean Kenji Mori Dean Nobuaki Obata
【Graduate School/Faculty of Science】 【Graduate School of Life Sciences】
Dean Masahiro Terada Dean Asako Sugimoto
【Graduate School/School of Medicine】 【Graduate School of Environmental Studies】
Dean Nobuo Yaegashi Dean Noriyoshi Tsuchiya
【Graduate School/School of Dentistry】 【Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering】
Dean Nobuhiro Takahashi Dean Ryoichi Nagatomi
【Graduate School/Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences】
Dean Yoshinori Kondo

■ Research Institutes
【Institute for Materials Research】 【Research Institute of Electrical Communication】
Director Tadashi Furuhara Director Satoshi Shioiri
【Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer】 【Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials】
Director Ryuta Kawashima Director Masami Terauchi
【Institute of Fluid Science】 【International Research Institute of Disaster Science】
Director Kaoru Maruta Director Fumihiko Imamura


(as of July 1, 2020)

■ Tohoku University Library ■ Tohoku University Hospital

Director Noriko Osumi Director Teiji Tominaga

■ Institutes/Organizations
Information Synergy Organization 【Center for Innovative Integrated Electronic Systems】
Director Takafumi Aoki Director Tetsuo Endoh
【Cyberscience Center】 【Material Solutions Center】
Director Takuo Suganuma Director Satoshi Shioiri
Institute for Excellence in Higher Education 【Research Center for Rare Metal and Green Innovation】
Director Hirotsugu Takizawa Director Satoshi Sugimoto

Organization for Advanced Studies 【Center for Innovation and Business】
Director Motoko Kotani Director Takuro Ueda
【Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR)】 【Center for Promotion of Innovation Strategy】
Director Shin-Ichi Orimo Director Takuro Ueda
【Center for Science and Innovation in Spintronics】 Institute for Disaster Reconstruction and Regeneration Research
Director Yoshiro Hirayama Director Nobuyoshi Hara
【Advanced Research Center for Innovations in Next-Generation 【Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization】
Medicine (INGEM)】 Executive Director Masayuki Yamamoto
Director Masayuki Yamamoto 【Research Organization of Electrical Communication】
【Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences】 Director Hirohito Yamada
Director Toshiyuki Hayase 【Center for Fundamental Research on Nuclear
【International Joint Laboratory Center】 Decommissioning】
Director Motoko Kotani Director Yutaka Watanabe
【Division for the Establishment of Frontier Sciences】 Organization for Research Promotion
Director Motoko Kotani Director Motoko Kotani
Organization for International Initiatives 【Tohoku Forum for Creativity】
Director Toshiya Ueki Director Motoko Kotani
【Office for International Initiatives】 【University Research Administration (URA) Center】
Director Masahiro Yamaguchi Director Junichi Kawamura
【Office for Overseas Offices Coordination】 【Technical Support Center】
Director Toshiya Ueki Director Motoko Kotani
Institute for Promoting Graduate Degree Programs 【Center for Low Temperature Science】
Director Masahiro Yamaguchi Director Takahiko Sasaki
【Division for International Joint Graduate School Programs】 【The Electron Microscopy Center】
Director Masahiro Yamaguchi Director Kenji Tsuda
【Division for Leading Graduate School Programs】 Organization for Academic Activity Support
Director Hiroki Shizuya Director Yasuyuki Shimotsuma
【Division for Academia-Industry Collaborating Graduate 【Environment Conservation Center】
Programs】 Director Tetsutaro Hattori
Director Hiroo Yugami 【Center for Laboratory Animal Research】
【Division for Interdisciplinary Advanced Research and Director Ritsuko Shimizu
Education】 【Center for Gene Research】
Director Ken-Ichi Hikasa Director Hozumi Motohashi
Head Office of Enterprise Partnerships 【Center for Environmental Conservation and Research Safety】
Director Takuro Ueda Director Yasuyuki Shimotsuma
【New Industry Creation Hatchery Center (NICHe)】 【Division of Engineering and Technical Staff】
Director Fumihiko Hasegawa Director Yasuyuki Shimotsuma
【Micro System Integration Center (μSIC)】
Director Takahito Ono

■ Inter-Department Institutes for Education and Research

【Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center】 【Advanced Institute for Yotta Informatics】
Director Hiroshi Watabe Director Satoshi Shioiri
【Archaeological Research Office on Campus】 【Tough Cyberphysical AI Research Center】
Director Atsushi Fujisawa Director Satoshi Tadokoro
【Center for Northeast Asian Studies】 【Center for Data-driven Science and Artificial Intelligence 】
Director Hiroki Takakura Director Yoshinori Hayakawa
【The Center for Academic Resources and Archives】 【International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation
Director Hiroshi Nishi Smart】
【The Tohoku University Museum】 Director Atsushi Muramatsu
Director Atsushi Fujisawa 【Center for the Advancement of Open Online Education】
【Tohoku University Archives】 Director Hirotsugu Takizawa
Director Hiroaki Adachi 【International Strategy Office】
【Botanical Gardens】 Director Masahiro Yamaguchi
Director Masayuki Maki 【External Relations Office】
【Research Center for Electron Photon Science】 Director Nobuyoshi Hara
Director Hiroyuki Hama 【Asset Management Center】
【Research Center for Neutrino Science】 Director Toshiya Ueki
Director Kunio Inoue 【Head Office for Open Innovation Strategy】
【Center for Gender Equality Promotion】 Director Takafumi Aoki
Director Noriko Osumi 【Marketing & Promotion Office】
【Center for Spintronics Research Network】 Director Takafumi Aoki
Director Koki Takanashi 【Center for Co-Creation Strategy】
【Research Alliance Center for Mathematical Sciences】 Director Keiichi Sasaki
Director Takayoshi Ogawa 【Tohoku University Clinic】
【Smart-Aging Research Center】 Director Tadashi Ishii
Director Ryuta Kawashima

■ President Election Committee/Board of Directors/Management Committee
(as of July 1, 2020)

President Election Committee

External Members Internal Members
Tadashi Onodera Senior Corporate Advisor, KDDI Corporation Teiji Tominaga Vice President (Director, Tohoku University
Representative Director & Chairman of the Board, Hospital)
Makoto Kaiwa Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. Yukinori Naruse Vice President (Dean, Graduate School of Law)
Vice President (Dean, Graduate School of
Managing Director, Toyota School Foundation Medicine)
Hiroyuki Sakaki Member of the Japan Academy Vice President (Dean, Graduate School of
Tetsuya Nagasaka Engineering)
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
Director, International Research Institute of
Advisor, The Toyota Foundation Fumihiko Imamura Disaster Science
Director, Mt. Fuji World Heritage Centre, Shizuoka Masahiro Terada Dean, Graduate School of Science
Atsuko Toyama
Former Minister of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology
Executive Director, RIKEN
Yuko Harayama
Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University
Chairperson of the Executive Board, TIA
Tetsuro Higashi
Chairman emeritus, Tokyo Electron Limited

Board of Directors
Hideo Ohno President Toshiya Ueki Executive Vice President
Takafumi Aoki Executive Vice President Nobuyoshi Hara Executive Vice President
Hirotsugu Takizawa Executive Vice President Yasuyuki Shimotsuma Executive Vice President
Motoko Kotani Executive Vice President Takuro Ueda Executive Vice President
Miwako Doi Executive Vice President

Management Committee
External Members Internal Members
Kazuko Otani Director, The Japan Research Institute, Limited. Hideo Ohno President
Kohei Osada Advisor, Nikkei Inc. Takafumi Aoki Executive Vice President
Tadashi Onodera Senior Corporate Advisor, KDDI Corporation
Hirotsugu Takizawa Executive Vice President
Motoko Kotani Executive Vice President
Representative Director & Chairman of the Board,
Makoto Kaiwa Tohoku Electric Power Co.,Inc. Toshiya Ueki Executive Vice President
Chairman, TOHOKU ECONOMIC FEDERATION Nobuyoshi Hara Executive Vice President
Junichi Kawada Corporate Adviser, ENEOS Holdings, Inc. Yasuyuki Shimotsuma Executive Vice President
Designated Professor, Frontier Research Institute,
Chubu University Takuro Ueda Executive Vice President
Reiko Kuroda
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo Miwako Doi Executive Vice President
Hidefumi Kobayashi Representative Director and President, the 77 Vice President (Director, Tohoku University
Bank Teiji Tominaga
Managing Director, Toyota School Foundation Masahiro Yamaguchi Vice President
Hiroyuki Sakaki Member of the Japan Academy Noriko Osumi Vice President
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
Makoto Ueki Vice President
Advisor, East Japan Railway Company
Satoshi Seino
President, Japan National Tourism Organization
Grand Emeritus Advisor, National Institute of
Ryoji Chubachi Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Advisor, The Toyota Foundation
Atsuko Toyama Director, Mt. Fuji World Heritage Centre, Shizuoka
Former Minister of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology
Executive Director, RIKEN
Yuko Harayama
Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University
Chairperson of the Executive Board, TIA
Tetsuro Higashi
Chairman emeritus, Tokyo Electron Limited
Trustee, Tokyo Metropolitan Public University
Hiromichi Yoshitake Corporation
Professor Emeritus, University of Tsukuba
Director, Chirman of the Board, Dai-ichi Life
Holdings, Inc.
Koichiro Watanabe
Director, Chairman of the Board, Dai-ichi Life
Insurance Company, Limited.

 Aobayama Campus  Katahira Campus


■ Education and Research Council

(as of July 1, 2020)

Education and Research Council

Hideo Ohno President Director, Institute of Multidisciplinary

Masami Terauchi
Research for Advanced Materials
Takafumi Aoki Executive Vice President
Deputy Director, Tohoku University
Executive Vice President (Director, Kaoru Igarashi
Hirotsugu Takizawa Hospital
Institute for Excellence in Higher Education)
Director, Center for Northeast Asian
Motoko Kotani Executive Vice President Hiroki Takakura
Toshiya Ueki Executive Vice President Director, Advanced Institute for Materials
Shinichi Orimo
Nobuyoshi Hara Executive Vice President Research

Yasuyuki Executive Director, Tohoku Medical
Executive Vice President Masayuki Yamamoto
Shimotsuma Megabank Organization
Takuro Ueda Executive Vice President Professor, Graduate School of Arts and
Tsuneyuki Abe
Miwako Doi Executive Vice President
Hideki Kojima Professor, Graduate School of Education
Vice President (Director, Tohoku
Teiji Tominaga Hidenori Tozawa Professor, Graduate School of Law
University Hospital)
Masahiro Yamaguchi Vice President Professor, Graduate School of Economics
Hiroshi Yoshida
and Management
Noriko Osumi Vice President
Takahiro Obara Professor, Graduate School of Science
Makoto Ueki Vice President
Naoto Ishii Professor, Graduate School of Medicine
Vice President (Dean, Graduate School
Yukinori Naruse Yoko Aoki Professor, Graduate School of Medicine
of Law)
Vice President (Dean, Graduate School of Ken Osaka Professor, Graduate School of Dentistry
Nobuo Yaegashi
Medicine) Professor, Graduate School of
Yoshiharu Iwabuchi
Vice President (Dean, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Tetsuya Nagasaka
Engineering) Ryosuke Kainuma Professor, Graduate School of Engineering
Vice President (Director, International Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural
Fumihiko Imamura Hideki Takahashi
Research Institute of Disaster Science) Science
Toshiaki Yanagihara Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Letters Professor, Graduate School of
Toru Sato
Tomohiro Yakuwa Dean, Graduate School of Education International Cultural Studies
Dean, Graduate School of Economics and Professor, Graduate School of Information
Kenji Mori Koichi Hashimoto
Management Sciences

Masahiro Terada Dean, Graduate School of Science Professor, Graduate School of Life
Koji Tamura
Nobuhiro Takahashi Dean, Graduate School of Dentistry
Professor, Graduate School of
Dean, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Hiroshi Takahashi
Yoshinori Kondo Environmental Studies
Professor, Graduate School of Biomedical
Dean, Graduate School of Agricultural Yoshifumi Saijo
Keietsu Abe Engineering
Professor, Graduate School of Biomedical
Dean, Graduate School of International Mami Tanaka
Daiko Takahashi Engineering
Cultural Studies
Takahiko Sasaki Professor, Institute for Materials Research
Dean, Graduate School of Information
Nobuaki Obata Professor, Institute of Development, Aging
Sciences Hozumi Motohashi
and Cancer
Asako Sugimoto Dean, Graduate School of Life Sciences
Takehiko Sato Professor, Institute of Fluid Science
Dean, Graduate School of Environmental
Noriyoshi Tsuchiya Professor, Research Institute of Electrical
Studies Takahiro Hanyu
Dean, Graduate School of Biomedical
Ryoichi Nagatomi Professor, Institute of Multidisciplinary
Engineering Masahiko Takahashi
Research for Advanced Materials
Tadashi Furuhara Director, Institute for Materials Research
Professor, International Research Institute
Hiroaki Maruya
Director, Institute of Development, Aging for Disaster Science
Ryuta Kawashima
and Cancer
Professor, Institute for Excellence in
Chihiro Ito
Kaoru Maruta Director, Institute of Fluid Science Higher Education
Director, Research Institute of Electrical Professor, Institute for Excellence in
Satoshi Shioiri Kazuko Suematsu
Communication Higher Education

 Kawauchi Campus  Aobayama Campus

■ University Personnel
(as of May 1, 2020)
Executive Senior
Classification Associate Assistant Assistant Research Academic Administrative/ Grand
President Vice Auditors Professors Professors Professors Associates Staff Total Technical Staff Total
Presidents Professors
President 1 1
Executive Vice President 8 (1) 8
Auditor 2 (1) 2
Administration Bureau 3 3
Strategic Planning Office 1 1 11 12
General Affairs and Planning Department 1 1 56 57
Human Resources and Planning Department 61 61
Education and Student Support Department 92 92
Administration Finance Department 70 70
Research Promotion Department 30 30
Facilities Department 42 42
Information Department 23 23
Integrated Administration Center 18 18
Audit Office 6 6
Graduate School of Arts and Letters 48 32 14 2 96 11 107
Graduate School of Education 14 19 1 7 41 7 48
Graduate School of Law 37 13 4 2 56 11 67
Graduate School of Economics and Management 32 18 5 7 5 67 13 80
Graduate School of Science 69 84 4 85 4 246 70 316
Graduate School of Medicine 85 61 27 102 18 293 41 334
Graduate School of Dentistry 23 15 9 48 95 18 113
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences 17 12 7 20 4 60 16 76
Graduate School of Engineering 124 116 8 123 9 380 102 482
Graduate School of Agricultural Science 40 35 46 2 123 29 152
Graduate School of International Cultural Studies 20 16 1 37 14 51
Graduate School of Information Sciences 33 37 2 19 91 12 103
Graduate School of Life Sciences 27 11 2 35 75 12 87
Graduate School of Environmental Studies 16 17 15 4 52 6 58
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering 18 6 1 6 31 3 34
Institute for Materials Research 28 34 1 63 4 130 34 164
Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer 14 10 3 34 1 62 13 75
Institute of Fluid Science 17 13 16 46 11 57
Research Institute of Electrical Communication 23 21 26 70 15 85
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials 42 28 10 70 150 25 175
International Research Institute of Disaster Science 20 22 2 17 4 65 9 74
Main Library 29 29
Tohoku Medical Library 6 6
University Kita-Aobayama Library 3 3
Library Engineering Library 6 6
Agricultural Library 4 4
Tohoku University Hospital 11 25 75 244 66 421 1785 2,206
Information Synergy Organization 1 1 2 3
Institute for Excellence in Higher Education 25 37 17 23 2 104 18 122
Organization for Advanced Studies 10 10
Organization Advanced Institute for Materials Research 13 8 1 28 4 54 4 58
for Advanced Center for Science and Innovation in Spintronics 4 4 4
Studies Advanced Research Center for Innovations in Next-Generation Medicine 2 1 5 8 8
Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences 4 4 50 58 2 60
Organization for International Initiatives 1 1
Head Office of Enterprise Partnerships 2 2 21 23
Organization for Research Promotion 1 1 1 3 14 17
Organization for Academic Activity Support 1 2 1 2 6 359 365
Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center 5 1 6 3 15 15
Archaeological Research Office on the Campus 3 3
Center for Northeast Asian Studies 10 6 10 26 26
The Center for Academic Resources and Archives 3 4 1 5 13 13
Research Center for Electron Photon Science 4 6 7 17 17
Cyberscience Center 4 4 1 9 9
Research Center for Neutrino Science 3 4 8 15 1 16
Center for Gender Equality Promotion 1 1 1
Center for Spintronics Research Network 1 1 2 2
Research Alliance Center for Mathematical Sciences 2 1 4 7 7
Smart-Aging Research Center 1 1 3 1 6 6
Advanced Institute for Yotta Informatics 2 2 2
Tough Cyberphysical AI Research Center 1 2 3 3
Center for Data-driven Science and Artificial Intelligence 2 3 2 1 8 8
International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart 1 1
Center for the Advancement of Open Online Education 1 1
New Industry Creation Hatchery Center 21 17 1 14 7 60 7 67
Environment Conservation Center 1 1 2 2
Center for Gene Research 1 1 1
Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization 10 9 12 31 11 73 18 91
Micro System Integration Center (μSIC) 3 2 1 1 1 8 2 10
Center for Innovative Integrated Electronic Systems 12 3 15 4 19
Material Solutions Center (MaSC) 1 1 1
Research Organization of Electrical Communication 3 3 3
Center for Fundamental Research on Nuclear Decommissioning 1 1 1
International Strategy Office 1 1 1
Head Office for Open Innovation Strategy 1 1 10 11
Center for Co-Creation Strategy 1 1
Regular Personnel 1 8 (1) 2 (1) 894 761 195 1,212 157 3,219 3,196 6,426
※ Counts include employees on leave status. ※ ( ) indicates the number of part-time personnel.


■ Faculties/Schools

Departments Departments

Medical Sciences
Arts and Letters Humanities and Social Sciences Medicine Health Sciences

Education Educational Sciences Dentistry Dentistry

Pharmaceutical Pharmacy
Law Law
Sciences Pharmaceutical Science

Economics Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Economics Business Administration Electrical, Information and Physics Engineering
Applied Chemistry, Chemical Engineering
Engineering and Biomolecular Engineering
Physics Materials Science and Engineering
Astronomy and Geophysics Civil Engineering and Architecture
Science Chemistry
Geoenvironmental Science Applied Bio-Sciences
Earth and Planetary Materials Science
Agriculture Applied Biological Chemistry

■ Graduate Schools

Departments Departments

Japanese Studies Biological Resource Sciences

Arts and Letters Global Humanities
Life Sciences
Integrated Human Sciences Bioscience and Biotechnology for Future Bioindustries

Education Educational Sciences International International Cultural Studies

Cultural Studies
Law and Society(Law School) Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Law Public Law and Policy(School of Public Policy) Information System Information Sciences
Legal and Political Studies(Graduate School of Law) Sciences Human-Social Information Sciences
Applied Information Sciences
Economics and Economics and Management
Management Accountancy(Accounting School) Integrative Life Sciences
Life Sciences Ecological Developmental Adaptability Life Sciences
Mathematics Molecular and Chemical Life Sciences
Astronomy Environmental Environmental Studies for Advanced Society
Geophysics Studies Frontier Science for Advanced Environment
Earth Science
Biomedical Biomedical Engineering
Medical Sciences
Disability Sciences
Medicine Health Sciences Professional Law School
School of Public Policy
Public Health Graduate Schools Accounting School

Dentistry Dental Sciences

Molecular Pharmaceutical Science

Pharmaceutical Life and Pharmaceutical Science
Sciences Pharmacy

Mechanical Systems Engineering

Aerospace Engineering
Quantum Science and Energy Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Communications Engineering
Electronic Engineering
Applied Physics
Engineering Applied Chemistry
Chemical Engineering
Biomolecular Engineering
Materials Science
Materials Processing
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Architecture and Building Science
Management Science and Technology

■ Tohoku
aaaaaaaaUniversity Library

Number of Volumes (as of March 31, 2020)

Types of Medical Kita-Aobayama Engineering Agricultural

Classification Main Library Total
Materials Library Library Library Library
Japanese 1,663,382 173,205 93,922 182,743 92,918 2,206,170
Books Foreign 1,179,099 241,785 307,912 183,466 62,518 1,974,780
Number of Total 2,842,481 414,990 401,834 366,209 155,436 4,180,950
Volumes Japanese 27,509 5,434 2,884 3,739 4,381 43,947
Periodicals Foreign 17,724 9,424 8,829 4,370 2,305 42,652
Total 45,233 14,858 11,713 8,109 6,686 86,599

Usage Statistics (FY2019)

Medical Kita-Aobayama Engineering Agricultural

Classification Main Library Total
Library Library Library Library
Visitors 590,699 66,712 61,131 161,650 64,996 945,188
Books for Loan 201,483 18,044 24,003 45,004 10,042 298,576
Literature Duplication 4,692 5,144 1,288 3,474 505 15,103

1. National Treasures Shiki Kobun Hongi / Shiji Xiao Wen benji di shi v.10 (Heian Period) Ruiju kokushi v.25 (Heian Period)
2. Old and Rare Collection Japanese books: 820 items (including 574 items of the Kano Collection), Foreign books approx: 200
items, The Derge Edition of Tibetan Buddhist Canons, The Soseki Collection, The Akita Collection.
Special Collection
3. Kano Collection , Wasan (native mathematics of Japan) Collection, Bansui Collection, Kushida (Tamizo)
Collection, Wundt Collection (Wilhelm Wundt), Koeber Collection (Raphael von Koeber), Stein Collection
(Friedrich Stein), Seckel Collection (Emil Seckel), Zitelmann Collection (Ernst Zitelmann), The Ancient
documents, Wilhelm Windelbant notes directly (Wilhelm Windelband), Old Buddhist Scriptures
Other collections etc. Abe (Jiro) Collection, Orui (Noburu) Collection, Kojima (Kikuo) Collection, Ishizu (Teruji) Collection,
Umehara (Sueji) Collection, Yajima (Genryo) Collection, Wada (Saichirou) Collection, Sunaga
(Shigemitsu) Collection, Kinoshita (Akira) Collection, Takayanagi (Shinzo) Collection, Miyata (Mitsuo)
Collection, Ito (Nobuo) Collection, Kouno (Yoichi) Collection, Nakano (Tadashi) Collection, Nakamura
(Kichiji) Collection, Hirayama (Akira) Collection, Matsumoto (Kinju) Collection, Yanase (Yoshimoto)
Collection, Kanaya (Osamu) Collection, Serizawa (Chosuke) Collection, Takeuchi (Yoshio) Collection,
Würfel Collection (Georg Würfel), Documents of the Haruyama family, Saito Collection

■ Tohoku University Hospital

(as of May 1, 2020)

Divisions Clinical Departments Beds

Internal Medicine
Obstetrics, Gynecology and Urology
Medicine Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders
Sense Organ and Rehabilitation Medicine 1,160
Oral Health Enhancement
Oral Medicine and Surgery
Oral Reconstruction
Rehabilitation of Oral Function

Number of Patients (FY 2019)

Divisions/Inpatient Total Number of Average Number of

Treatments Inpatients Inpatients per day
Medicine 349,079 954
Dentistry 11,051 30
Divisions/Outpatient Total Number of Average Number of
Treatments Outpatients Outpatients per day
Medicine 569,374 2,353
Dentistry 159,934 661

We also conduct "Advanced Medical Care" in 10 special fields.  Tohoku University Hospital
(as of April 1, 2020)

( FY = Fiscal Year/ Financial Year )


■ Number of Students
(as of May 1, 2020)
Total Number
Research Students/
Number of International Students Special Auditing Student/
included in counts Special Research
Student Students/
Categories Number of Students Credited Auditors/
Quota Japanese Undergraduate
Private Preparatory Students/
Government Subtotal
Means Intensive Japanese
Language Program
Undergraduate Students 10,021 10,731 (2,829) 59 144 203 202
Graduate Students(Master's Program/

3,848 4,410 (1,157) 102 746 848
Profession Degree Program) 145
Graduate Students(Doctoral Program) 2,499 2,655 (815) 212 560 772
Subtotal 16,368 17,796 (4,801) 373 1,450 1,823 347
Attached School 20 13 (6) ― ― ― ―
Research Institutes ― ― ― ― ― ― 27
Others ― ― ― ― ― ― 5
Grand Total 16,388 17,809 (4,807) 373 1,450 1,823 379
※( ) indicates the number of female students included in counts.
※“Private Means” include foreign government funds.

(as of May 1, 2020)

Doctoral Program(Female)

Faculties/Schools Student Quota Number of Students 815 5%
Doctoral Program(Male)
Arts and Letters 840 955 (497) [17]
1,840 10% Undergraduate
Education 280 304 (156) [2] (Male)
Law 640 715 (240) [5] Master Course/ 7,902 44%
Master s Program/ Number of
Economics 1,080 1,158 (204) [10] Professional Degree Undergraduate /
Science 1,296 1,364 (214) [40] Program(Female) Graduate Students
Medicine 1,367 1,405 (605) [5] 1,157 7%

Dentistry 318 318 (151) [9]

Pharmaceutical Sciences 360 392 (129) [1] Master Course/
Master s Program/
Engineering 3,240 3,464 (382) [90] Professional Degree Undergraduate(Female)
Agriculture 600 656 (251) [24] Program(Male) 2,829 16%
Total 10,021 10,731 (2,829) [203] 3,253 18%

※( ) indicates the number of female students included in counts.

※[ ] indicates the number of international students included in counts.

(as of May 1, 2020)

Graduate Schools
Master's Program/
Doctoral Program
Graduate Schools Professional Degree Program
Student Quota Number of Students Student Quota Number of Students
Arts and Letters 178 212 (112) [89] 121 193 (87) [63]
Education 90 84 (47) [27] 45 69 (30) [7]
Law 230 198 (56) [20] 36 52 (14) [19]
Economics and Management 190 214 (90) [117] 54 49 (19) [29]
Science 524 576 (102) [58] 390 264 (47) [84]
Medicine 184 229 (122) [41] 583 737 (241) [81]
Dentistry 14 19 (13) [1] 168 182 (88) [42]
Pharmaceutical Sciences 108 122 (33) [8] 70 50 (8) [9]
Engineering 1,272 1,548 (196) [233] 522 498 (87) [207]
Agricultural Sciences 218 293 (131) [49] 111 114 (46) [38]
International Cultural Studies 70 70 (49) [57] 48 57 (35) [31]
Information Sciences 280 319 (36) [68] 126 127 (30) [46]
Life Sciences 212 208 (92) [26] 90 83 (27) [26]
Environmental Studies 200 222 (57) [47] 99 109 (39) [70]
Biomedical Engineering 78 96 (21) [7] 36 56 (11) [19]
Educational Informatics ― 0 0 [0] ― 15 (6) [1]
Total 3,848 4,410 (1,157) [848] 2,499 2,655 (815) [772]
※( ) indicates the number of female students included in counts.
※[ ] indicates the number of international students included in counts.

(as of May 1, 2020)

Attached School
Student Number of Number of
Quota Enrollees Students
School of Dental
20 x 1 years 0 (0) 13 (6)
Laboratory Technicians
※( ) indicates the number of female students included in counts.
※No longer accepting students as of April 2020.

Kawauchi Campus

■ Tohoku University Club Association (“Gakuyu-kai”) Extracurricular Activities

Tohoku University Club Association (“Gakuyu-kai”) is a university association consisting of the student body
and faculty of our university; it incorporates a membership system with fees charged to all its members. The
association covers many extracurricular sports and cultural events for the entire university as a whole; it also hosts
activities such as the University Festival and Welcome Parties events for its newcomers. We are hopeful that all
students enjoy the activities and develop a positive and refined character throughout the “Gakuyu-kai” activities.

Cultural activities

Male Chorus (Men's Chorus) Nohgaku (Japanese Opera) Light Music

Mixed Chorus Hogaku(Traditional Japanese Mandolin
Symphony Orchestra Chemistry
Literature Audio (DJ)
Amateur Radio
Fine Art Wind Orchestra
Rakugo(Traditional Japanese
Movie Storytelling) Shogi (Japanese chess)
Drama English Speaking Society Calligraphy
Photography Go Life Support
Tea Ceremony Juggling A Cappella

Sport activities

Track and Field Karate Ballroom Dance

Baseball Motorcar Archery
Semi-Hardball Baseball Wandervogel (Rambling /Hiking) Triathlon
Golf Lacrosse
Aikido Cart Racing
Soft Tennis
Fencing Shinkyokushin Karate
Cheering Party (Cheerleading) Sumo Wrestling
Cycling Softball
Bodybuilding Chinese Martial Arts
Basketball Shorinji-Kempo Bogu Karate
Table Tennis (Japanese Martial Arts)
Human-Powered Aircraft
Mountaineering Gymnastics (Birdman)
Swimming American Football Futsal
Rowing Orienteering
Ice Hockey
Horse Riding
Kyudo (Japanese Archery)



Male Chorus (Men's Chorus)

110 other circles/organizations


■ Financial Summary

Revenue FY2020 Expenditure FY2020

Subsidies for Expenses for

Reconstruction Reconstruction
3,721 2.6% 3,721 2.6%
Revenues from
Revenues from Management Grants
Expenses for
Other Competitive Funds 45,006 31.4% Other Competitive Funds Salaries and Wages
14,266 10.0% 14,266 10.0% 40,753 28.4%

Total Revenue from

University Management
Revenues from 97,640 68.1%
Contract Research
Revenue Expenses for
23,594 16.5%
Contract Research
Total Total
143,184 23,594 16.5% 143,184
(million yen) Expenses for (million yen)
Facilities Improvement
3,963 2.8%
Subsidies for
Facilities Improvement Expenses for
3,963 2.8% Debt Redemption
3,749 2.6%
Revenues from
Tuition and Fees Tohoku University Hospital Supplies and Equipment
10,034 7.0% 42,600 29.7% 53,138 37.1%

■ Research Funds
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

Number of Amount of Grants (thousand yen)
Projects Direct Expenses Indirect Expenses Total
Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research 1 56,500 16,950 73,450
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas 126 1,107,850 332,355 1,440,205
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S)or(A)or(B)or(C)
※ 1,395 4,838,620 1,451,586 6,290,206
Challenging Research(Pioneering) 14 83,300 24,990 108,290
Challenging Research(Exploratory) 219 447,800 134,340 582,140
Early-Career Scientists/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(A)or
562 721,850 216,555 938,405
(B) ※
Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up 95 96,700 29,010 125,710
Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Scientists 13 6,890 0 6,890
Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results
10 17,390 0 17,390
(Scientific Literature and Databases)
Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellow 289 264,800 13,650 278,450
Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research(Fostering
39 204,900 61,470 266,370
Joint International Research(A)or(B) )
Total 2,763 7,846,600 2,280,906 10,127,506
※ Including multi-year fund

Donations and Sponsored Research

Amount Received
Categories Number of Recipients
(thousand yen)
Donations 2,917 3,399,702
Joint Research with
1,443 5,072,003
General Funds 351 6,396,582
Funds for Sponsored Research
Sponsored Research Competitive Funds 384 6,006,700
Subtotal 735 12,403,282
Subtotal 2,178 17,475,285
Academic Consulting 354 229,631
Total 5,449 21,104,618

( FY = Fiscal Year/ Financial Year )

■ Innovation Creation Program (COI STREAM)

Period of Implementation: FY 2013-FY 2021

Theme Name Contents

We are developing a Daily Health Screening system that uses unobtrusive sensing,
so that anyone, anytime and anywhere can stay aware of their own and their loved
Center of Innovation ones’ health and everyday status, and can obtain multigenerational support going
for creation of a society beyond the family. The Daily Health Screening system consists of three elements:
The Center of
with self-help and “HaKaRu,” “WaKaRu,” and “OKuRu.” Applying various sensing techniques, the
mutual-assistance through daily system unobtrusively collects information about health and health factors. This
unobtrusive sensing and health information is combined with predisposition data and centrally managed as a big
monitoring. PDS (personal data service/store) in the cloud. Besides aiming for understanding
and sharing of this information, it is put to various uses from the standpoints of self-
assistance and mutual assistance.

● R&D themes that unlock results

 ■Lineup of innovative sensing devices to realize unobtrusive sensing of environmental factors and life factors
 ■Genome analysis technology capable of evaluating physical constitution, disease risk, and drug responsiveness
due to genetic factors quickly and at a low cost
 ■Innovative PDS platform to centrally manage data on life factors, environmental factors and genetic factors
 ■Service to provide predictive health information based on analysis of healthcare big data: Lifestyle advice and
preventive support by doctors and health concierges
 ■Creation of many different kinds of businesses by integrating sensor data and byconnecting services through AI
analysis and open API provision

■ The Program for Promoting the Enhancement of Research Universities

Period of Implementation: FY 2013-FY 2022

Name Contents

In recent years, various statistics such as Japan’s world share of publications, have shown a declining trend.
The Program for To counteract against this trend, immediate actions for boosting Japanese universities’ global competitiveness
Promoting the are mandatory. Necessary actions and efforts include the progressive improvement of whole environments
Enhancement of surrounding research activities, including support, management and promotion systems, in particular the
Research Universities establishment of a strong research administration system by securing skillful research management personnel.
This ten-year-period project supports such efforts.

● Tohoku University Initiatives

 ■We will improve the Research Administration Center, which is part of the Organization for Research Promotion,
and conduct analysis of worldwide research, social trends, and our university’s research capacity. By “surfacing”
our research strategy, we will provide planning support and the selection of benchmark universities, research
institutes, and researchers. We will then increase the number of visiting/resident researchers from these
universities etc.
 ■We will establish the Tohoku Forum for Creativity as a visiting/resident research center to develop pioneering
fields of research that will contribute to solving problems common among all human societies.

Name Contents

The Tohoku Forum for Creativity (TFC) is an international visitor research institute which was established in
2013 at Tohoku University to facilitate collaborative research. In order to identify important problems across
all of the sciences and humanities, the TFC brings together both junior and senior researchers in a stimulating
Tohoku Forum for environment that promotes creative approaches to new and interdisciplinary research areas.
Creativity (TFC) The TFC especially encourages junior researchers, such as graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, to
participate in the thematic programs. Through discussions and close contact with distinguished researchers,
including Nobel Laureates and Fields Medallists, junior researchers will be stimulated to develop their own
original ideas and to eventually become pioneers in new research areas.

 ■We will establish Overseas Research Stations, which will allow young researchers(potential global leaders)to
conduct mid/long−term studies at overseas research institutes. International research cooperation/collaboration
projects will dramatically accelerate the ideas they incubate overseas.
 ■A reception system, comprised of the Research Reception Center and International Cooperation Bureau, will be
created to facilitate the smooth arrival of visiting/resident researchers. The International Affairs Center (IAC),
which also has the function of the Research Reception Center, will play a central role in accelerating the
internationalization of administrative staff at Tohoku University.


■ Student Education Programs

Tohoku University promotes the following educational programs with support from the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
WISE Program (Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education)
These five-year integrated doctoral programs make use of the world’s most outstanding education and research capabilities,
and are run in cooperation with outside organizations. In addition to fostering individuals with excellent doctorate degrees, this program
also promotes efforts to create outstanding hubs where the development of talented individuals, exchanges and the creation of new
joint research can be continually promoted.
Year Department Program Contents
This program aims to foster excellent professionals who are capable of promoting
13 graduate schools and institutes, interdisciplinary approaches to integrate medicine, healthcare, engineering, economics and
Advanced Graduate Program
FY2018 - including the Graduate School of social sciences in order to develop, implement and lead the next-generation of medicine –
for Future Medicine and
FY2024 Medicine and Graduate School of “Future Medicine supported by Data Science, Technology and Society (DTS)” that Tohoku
Health Care
Dentistry University is proposing, and contribute to building a sustainable aging-friendly society where
aged people are able to live self-sufficiently while maintaining their quality of life.
This program aims to drive the doctoral student to acquire the “vision” to examine all technological
layers in AI Electronics (AI spin device “hardware layer”, AI data science “software layer”, and
10 graduate schools and institutes, AI processor “architecture layer”) and all spaces from the “physical space” to “cyber space”, and
FY2018 - including the Graduate School of WISE Program for AI to gain practical skills for implementing solutions for social problems and the creation of new
FY2024 Engineering and Graduate School of Electronics values taking into consideration business-academia collaboration. As a result, this program has
Information Sciences the potential to produce talented doctors who can produce continuous innovations by combining
technologies from different fields.
In order to build a safe, secure, and sustainable society, we will develop talented individuals who
11 graduate schools and institutes,
WISE Program for are able to respond to a variety of risks, including not only those of an environmental nature but
FY2019- including the Graduate School of
Sustainability in the also information, social, and economic factors. They will possess cutting-edge knowledge and
FY2025 Science and Graduate School of
Dynamic Earth practical skills, endowing them with a seamless understanding of everything from the earth to
Engineering humankind.

The Program for Leading Graduate Schools

To guide excellent students to become global leaders able to work in the wide industry-university-government sectors, this
program constructs and develops credit programs that guarantee interdisciplinary world-class education, supports far reaching reforms
of postgraduate education and promotes the forming of graduate schools worthy of a top educational institution.
Year Department Program Contents
Graduate School of Engineering, This program aims to produce leaders for global safety capable of contributing in
Graduate School of Science, Graduate Inter-Graduate School
FY2012 - protecting human lives, society and industry from global disasters such as the Great East
School of Art and Letters, International Doctoral Degree Program on
FY2018 Japan Earthquake, not only in the academic field, but also in other fields such as global
Research Institute of Disaster Science Science for Global Safety enterprises and international organizations.
etc., 12 graduate schools and institutes
Interdepartmental Doctoral The objective of the MD Program is to cultivate human resources through creating leaders
Graduate School of Engineering, Degree Program for Multi- whose understanding of materials is based on a diverse range of perspectives and a firm grasp
FY2013 -
Graduate School of Science etc., 11 dimensional Materials Science of the fundamentals of materials science. When combined with extensive research experience,
FY2019 graduate schools and institutes Leaders these leaders will be able to envision how their concepts of materials for the future will change
(MD Program) society and to bring about those changes.

Training “Cancer Professionals” to meet a Variety of New Needs

The purpose is to further promote cancer treatment in Japan through the training of outstanding “cancer professionals” who
can deal with new necessities in medical treatments.
Year Department Program Contents
This program trains cancer specialists, in collaboration with other organizations, who
The Professional Plan for can deal with the various medical necessities caused by cancer at each life stage, from
FY2017 -
Graduate School of Medicine Future Cancer Medicine in young to old. It develops in students the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out the
FY2021 Tohoku latest cancer treatments, and also gives them the ability to promote international-level
clinical research.

Problem-Solving Oriented Training Program for Advanced Medical Personnel

The aim of this program is to train advanced medical personnel capable of providing evidence-based treatment for various
medical issues that Japan faces.

and Social Contribution

Year Department Program Contents

Research, Education
This program trains medical personnel in Conductor-type Disaster Health Care Management,
“Conductor-type” Human developing their ability to respond to natural disasters and CBRNE disasters, and also
FY2018 - Resources Development complex disasters that combine both natural and CBRNE factors. The program ensures that
University Hospital
FY2022 Program for Disaster Medicine participants can work as a team with people in various occupations, cooperate with other
and Health Care organizations, and carry out their functions from the acute phase to the chronic phase, both
on location and behind the scenes.

Sustainable Industry-Academia Cooperation Program for Human Resource Development

In order to promote open innovation which goes beyond the boundaries of individual companies and industries, we aim to
develop a virtuous cycle of learning and social activity in which working adults can move back and forth freely between academia
and society, including brushing up on what they already know. The aim is to build a system to develop talented individuals through
industry-academia collaboration that can respond to the demands of society in the medium to long term and on a sustainable basis.
Year Department Program Contents
In order to pursue practical, wide-ranging, and deep learning through industry-academic
collaboration, to realize a society where students and working adults can continue to learn
FY2019 - Institute for Excellence in Higher Business to Academia and challenge themselves, and to develop forward-looking talented individuals in a range of
FY2023 Education Teaching Innovation System fields, this program will train faculty members with careers in their specialism who will play
a central role in connecting learning and society at the university.

Education Network for Practical Information Technology (enPiT)

The purpose is to form a nationwide industry-academic collaborative education network, and to promote practical education,
such as the use of problem-based learning, in order to improve the nurturing of talented individuals who can solve social issues by
making the most of information technology.
Year Department Program Contents
Development and The developing field of cybersecurity is an urgent issue for the nation. This course will
FY2016 -
Graduate School of Information Sciences implementation of a practical provide students with a practical education in the understanding and application of
course in information security information security, in addition to a general knowledge of advanced technology.
Tohoku University also independently promotes the following program.

Initiatives for Distinctive Education

In order to promote the training of young researchers, the DIARE selects outstanding students as “DIARE master’s course
students” and “DIARE doctoral course students”, and provides financial aid and an improved research environment.
Year Department Program Contents
Division for Interdisciplinary Advanced The DIARE is active in the international arena, and provides university-wide education and
Research and Education (DIARE), DIARE master’s course research support to develop young world-class researchers equipped with distinguished
FY2007 -
Institute for Promoting Graduate Degree DIARE doctoral course knowledge and the ability to create “comprehensive intelligence” in new interdisciplinary
Programs research areas.

( FY = Fiscal Year/ Financial Year )

■ Endowed Chairs and Research Divisions
Endowed Chairs and Research Divisions are established to facilitate and enhance research and education at
Tohoku University through contributions from businesses and other organisations. Endowed Chairs are organized at
the graduate schools and Endowed Research Divisions are organized at the research institutes as listed below.

(as of May 1, 2020)

Endowed Chairs
Year Graduate School Chair Duration
FY 2020 (Continued) Graduate School of Medicine Reconstruction in Sports Activity and Motor Function Apr. 1, 2020-Mar. 31, 2023
FY 2020 Graduate School of Agricultural Science Laboratory of Animal Health Science Apr. 1, 2020-Mar. 31, 2023
FY 2020 (Continued) Graduate School of Environmental Studies Control of Environmental Materials (Dowa Holdings Co., Ltd.) Apr. 1, 2020-Mar. 31, 2023
FY 2020 Graduate School of Environmental Studies Innovative Analytical Pyrolysis (Frontier Laboratories Ltd.) Apr. 1, 2020-Mar. 31, 2023
FY 2019 (Continued) Graduate School of Arts and Letters Practical Religious Studies Apr. 1, 2019-Mar. 31, 2022
FY 2019 (Continued) Graduate School of Medicine Sciences for Aortic Disease Apr. 1, 2019-Mar. 31, 2022
FY 2019 (Continued) Graduate School of Medicine Ophthalmic Imaging and Information Analytics Apr. 1, 2019-Mar. 31, 2022
FY 2019 Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Department of Social Pharmacy Management Apr. 1, 2019-Mar. 31, 2022
FY 2018 Graduate School of Medicine Intelligent Network for Infection Control Oct. 1, 2018-Sep. 30, 2021
FY 2018 Graduate School of Agricultural Science Laboratory of Fermentation Microbiology Oct. 1, 2018-Mar. 31, 2024
FY 2018 (Continued) Graduate School of Medicine Clinical Hypertension, Endocrinology and Metabolism Jun. 1, 2018-May 31, 2021
FY 2018 (Continued) Graduate School of Medicine Advanced Opthalmic Medicine Apr. 1, 2018-Mar. 31, 2021
FY 2018 (Continued) Graduate School of Medicine Retinal Disease Control, Ophthalmology Apr. 1, 2018-Mar. 31, 2021
FY 2017 Graduate School of Medicine General Practitioner Development Oct. 1, 2017-Sep. 30, 2020
FY 2017 (Continued) Graduate School of Medicine Innovative Cardiovascular Medicine Oct. 1, 2017-Sep. 30, 2022
FY 2017 (Continued) Graduate School of Medicine Evidence-Based Cardiovascular Medicine Oct. 1, 2017-Sep. 30, 2022
FY 2016 Graduate School of Life Sciences Microbial evolution and function research Oct. 1, 2016-Mar. 31, 2022

Endowed Research Divisions

Year Institute / Center Research Division Duration
FY 2020(Continued) Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization Division of Cognitive Neuroscience (Kumon Institute of Education Co., Ltd.) Apr. 1, 2020-Mar. 31, 2023
FY 2020 University Hospital Future Medical and Healthcare Design Program Apr. 1, 2020-Mar. 31, 2025
FY 2019 International Research Institute of Disaster Science Earthquake Disaster Prevention for Urban Areas (OYO Corporation) Nov. 1, 2019-Oct. 31, 2022
FY 2019 (Continued) Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization Department of Traffic and Medical Informatics in Disaster Apr. 1, 2019-Mar. 31, 2022
FY 2018 (Continued) International Research Institute of Disaster Science Earthquake induced Tsunami Risk Evaluation (Tokio Marine) Apr. 1, 2018-Mar. 31, 2021
FY 2017 (Continued) Center for Northeast Asian Studies Department of The Uehiro Tohoku Historical Materials Research Apr. 1, 2017-Mar. 31, 2022

■ Joint Research Chairs and Divisions

Joint Research Chairs and Divisions comprise a system to promote joint research focusing on the utilization
of research results etc. by accepting researchers and funding from companies etc., and sharing the university’s
faculty staff and objectives under the establishment of “Joint Research Chairs” (for Graduate Schools etc.) or “Joint
Research Divisions” (for Research Institutes etc.).
(as of May 1, 2020)
Joint Research Chairs
Year Graduate School Chair Duration
FY 2020(Continued) Graduate School of Dentistry
Next‐Generation Dental Material Engineering Apr. 1, 2020-Mar. 31, 2022
FY 2020(Continued) Graduate School of Dentistry
Advanced Free Radical Science Apr. 1, 2020-Mar. 31, 2023
FY 2019 Graduate School of Medicine
Kampo and Integrative Medicine Apr. 1, 2019-Mar. 31, 2024
FY 2019 Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Electromagnetic Neurophysiology(RICOH) Apr. 1, 2019-Mar. 31, 2022
FY 2019 Graduate School of Engineering
Laboratory for Interconnect Advanced Technology (ICAT) Apr. 1, 2019-Mar. 31, 2024
Joint Laboratory of Tribological Material Research for Advanced
FY 2019 Graduate School of Engineering Apr. 1, 2019-Mar. 31, 2022
Automobile (Toyota Motor East Japan, INC.)
FY 2019 Graduate School of Agricultural Science J-Oil Mills Innovation Laboratory Apr. 1, 2019-Mar. 31, 2022
FY 2018 Graduate School of Medicine Department of Advanced MRI Collaborative Research Oct. 1, 2018-Sep. 30, 2023
FY 2018(Continued) Graduate School of Engineering Advanced Power Engineering Apr. 1, 2018-Mar. 31, 2021
FY 2017 Graduate School of Medicine Ophthalmic Drug Discovery Oct. 1, 2017-Sep. 30, 2020
FY 2017 Graduate School of Medicine Antibody Drug Development Apr. 1, 2017-Mar. 31, 2022

Joint Research Divisions

Year Institute / Center Research Division Duration
Institute of Multidisciplinary Collaborative Research Division of Advanced Analysis of
FY 2020 May 1, 2020-Apr. 30, 2023
Research for Advanced Materials Iron- and Steelmaking Processes (JFE steel Corporation)
FY 2020 (Continued) University Hospital Hematopathology Apr. 1, 2020-Mar. 31, 2023
FY 2020 Graduate School of Engineering Multi-scale Material Research and Engineering Laboratory (NIPPON STEEL) Apr. 1, 2020-Mar. 31, 2022
Center for Fundamental Research Cooperative research division on innovative technologies for 1F
FY 2020 Apr. 1, 2020-Mar. 31, 2025
on Nuclear Decommissioning decommissioning
FY 2019 (Continued) University Hospital Chronic Kidney Disease and Dialysis Treatment Feb. 1, 2020-Sep. 30, 2022
Institute of Multidisciplinary
FY 2019 Collaborative Research Division of Advanced Synchrotron Radiation Metrology Nov. 1, 2019-Oct. 31, 2024
Research for Advanced Materials
FY 2019 Smart-Aging Research Center Joint Research Division for Nutrition & Cognitive Health (Toyo Rice Corp.) Jun. 1, 2019-May 31, 2022
FY 2019 Graduate School of Engineering JSW Joint Research Division for Next Generation Material Process Technology Jun. 1, 2019-Mar. 31, 2022
FY 2019 Graduate School of Engineering Mitsubishi Fuso Laboratory for Practical Engineering Education Program May 1, 2019-Apr. 30, 2021
FY 2019 (Continued) Research Center for Electron Photon Science Condensed Matter Nuclear Reaction Apr. 1, 2019-Mar. 31, 2023
FY 2018 Institute for Materials Research JAMPT Advanced Additive Manufacturing Oct. 1, 2018-Sep. 30, 2021
FY 2018 Institute for Materials Research Tokyo Electron Additive Manufacturing for Multimaterials Oct. 1, 2018-Sep. 30, 2021
FY 2018 University Hospital Systematic Tumor Molecular Target Therapeutics Jul. 1, 2018-Jun. 30, 2022
FY 2018 (Continued) Cyberscience Center High Performance Computing(NEC) Jul. 1, 2018-Jun. 30, 2020
Institute of Multidisciplinary
FY 2018 Non-ferrous Metallurgy and Environmental Science Apr. 1, 2018-Mar. 31, 2023
Research for Advanced Materials
FY 2018 (Continued) Institute of Fluid Science Fundamental Research of Advanced Vehicle Technology (KEIHIN) Ⅱ Apr. 1, 2018-Mar. 31, 2021
FY 2018 (Continued) Graduate School of Engineering Advanced Electric Power Energy System Apr. 1, 2018-Mar. 31, 2021

( FY = Fiscal Year/ Financial Year )


■ Cooperation with Industry

Industry-University-Government Cooperation Policy

Tohoku University has been committed to the “Research First,” the “Open-Door” and the “Practice-Oriented
Research and Education” policies since its foundation, and is internationally recognized for its outstanding research
and education. The university contributes to the peace and prosperity of human society by devoting itself to research
useful in solving societal problems, and by educating human resources in leadership skills.
The university aims to become a “World-class university” which contributes to human society by applying the
knowledge it has accumulated over the past century, and by devoting itself to continuous research and education for
the next century.
Moreover, under its policy of “global and regional openness,” Tohoku University will contribute to the growth of
human society as a whole through the collective strength of its human and intellectual resources, and cooperation
with regional and international communities. “Industry-University-Government Cooperation” is the core of our “Social
Contribution,” our university’s third mission, after “Education” and “Research,” and an important means of delivering
the benefits of knowledge to society. Our university follows an active policy of Industry-University-Government
Cooperation as described below.
1. Ever since its founding, Tohoku University has had a tradition of “practice-oriented research and education.”
Based upon this, the university shall increase the added social value of its education and research by widely
disseminating its academic achievements to society and promoting the transfer of technology to industry.
2. In addition to technology transfer and cooperative research, the university shall promote world-leading research
into technological innovations within the context of international Industry-University-Government Cooperation.
3. The university shall continuously promote Industry-University-Government Cooperation toward solving problems,
including those specific to the region, and contribute to Japan’s economic and social development as a driving
force behind innovation.
4. There shall be an organization within the university for the promotion of Industry-University-Government
Cooperation, and it shall further such cooperation with an international perspective through the mobilization of
university resources and coordination with pertinent domestic and foreign institutions.
5. In promoting Industry-University-Government Cooperation, social accountability shall be fundamental — i.e.
ensuring transparency, and complying with international and domestic laws and international treaties.

Joint Research with Industry Sponsored Research

Fiscal Year No. of Projects Amount of Funds Fiscal Year No. of Projects Amount of Funds
(million yen) (million yen)
2019 1,443 5,072 2019 735 12,403
2018 1,348 4,821 2018 789 14,024
2017 1,195 4,211 2017 740 14,869
2016 1,106 3,878 2016 758 13,638
2015 1,012 4,040 2015 731 12,963
2014 974 3,549 2014 692 11,140
2013 897 4,127 2013 661   9,216
2012 831 3,084 2012 666   9,587

and Social Contribution

Research, Education
2011 862 2,840 2011 742 11,397
2010 854 2,956 2010 589 10,008
2009 837 2,692 2009 611   9,563
2008 786 2,459 2008 596   9,131
2007 698 2,086 2007 554   9,101
2006 519 2,028 2006 591   7,927
2005 479 1,827 2005 483   7,358
2004 392 1,675 2004 456   6,149
2003 284 1,129 2003 373   3,450

Joint Research with Industry (FY 2019)

〈Breakdown by No. of Projects〉 〈Breakdown by Amount of Funds〉
Frontier Others Others
20 1.4% 65 4.5% 291 5.8%
98 1.9%
Infrastructure Infrastructure
60 4.2% Life Science 157 3.1%
Life Science
455 31.5%
Manufacturing 1,625 32.0%
Technology Manufacturing
127 8.8%
412 8.1%

Energy Total: Total:

131 9.1% 1,443 Energy 5,072
projects 491 9.7% (million yen)

Information & Information &

Communication Communication
127 8.8% 532 10.5%

Nanotechnology & Nanotechnology &

Materials Environment
Materials Environment
390 27.0% 68 4.7%
1,325 26.1% 141 2.8%

■ Organizational Cooperation

Tohoku University facilitates organized cooperation with private enterprises and research institutes, and promotes
practical cooperation in all areas where mutual cooperation is possible, such as research and development, human
resources development, and in its responsibilities to the regional community. (as of July 1, 2020)

Company/ Institute Objective
Collaborative research and mutual exchange in the fields of electricity, information, materials and
Jan. 19, 2006 Hitachi, Ltd.
National Institute of Advanced Collaborative research in the fields of environment, materials, information and telecommunication,
Jan. 31, 2006 Industrial Science and and electronics, etc. and promotion of "AIST-TohokuU Mathematics for Advanced Materials - Open
Technology (AIST) Innovation Laboratory (MathAM-OIL)
Promotion of collaborative research, mutual exchange of researchers, education and development of
human resources, and international student assistance for the advancement of international exchange.
Work together effectively and efficiently in the areas of research and investigation, event co-sponsorship
KAHOKU SHIMPO and collaboration, human resource development, etc. while connecting the educational and research
Dec. 26, 2006
PUBLISHING CO. functions of Tohoku University and the news coverage and information service functions of Kahoku
Provide support and exchange information regarding Tohoku University-based start-ups; coordinate
Jan. 31, 2007 The 77 Bank, Ltd. matching between Tohoku University’s seeds and regional companies; and provide technical advice
and promote exchange of human resources.
Promote joint research and mutual exchange of researchers, foster young researchers, and establish
Mar. 6, 2007 DOWA HOLDINGS CO., LTD.
mutual use of research institutes and facilities.
Central Institute for Experimental Collaborative research in the fields of life science, biological science, materials science, psychology
Jul. 25, 2008
Animals and social science, and the cultivation and interaction of human resources.
High Energy Accelerator Promotion of cooperative research in the fields of elementary particle/nuclear physics, physics/life
Feb. 19, 2009
Research Organization (KEK) science and accelerator science, and strengthening cooperative research systems.
National Institute for Fusion
Mar. 9, 2009 Promotion of fusion reactor research, education and exchange of human resources.
To develop diverse academic fields such as theory and experiments, and the fusion of computational
Apr. 14, 2009 RIKEN science and computer science; create innovations through computational science; foster human
resources who will be active globally; and promote the exchange of faculty and researchers.
Further expansion of coordinated cooperation in the fields of information and communications, extension
Feb. 12, 2010 NTT, NTT East and revitalization of educational and research activities, and promotion of interdisciplinary research and
Further expansion of collaborative research, mutual exchange and human resource development in
Jun. 4, 2010 Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.
order to promote research relating to nonferrous metal materials.
Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Promotion of cooperation and collaboration in research and development, human resource development
Jul. 26, 2011
Insurance Co., Ltd. and other fields of mutual interests related to risk evaluation of earthquakes and tsunamis.
Promotion of research and development of algal biomass capable of producing petroleum components
Sendai City, University of
Nov. 10, 2011 from household wastewater, aiming for realization of a fuel production model and new circulation
National Institute of Information Effective and efficient promotion of research on information communication technologies to reinforce
Jan. 19, 2012 and Communications information communication networks and its disaster-proof applications towards creation of a more
Technology (NICT) disaster-resilient society.
Japan Agency for Marine- Promotion of cooperation and collaboration in the area of collaborative research and projects; mutual
Oct. 16, 2012 Earth Science and Technology exchange of students and researchers and fostering human resource; Information exchange on
(JAMSTEC) academic materials and research reports etc.; utilization of facilities and equipment.
Foster cooperation and coordination in areas with potential synergy, such as research and development,
Aug. 1, 2013 TOSHIBA CORPORATION human resources development etc. in research areas related to “Research and Development of Health
Care Big Data.”
Contribute to the promotion of science and technology and societal development through cooperative
National Institute for Materials
Nov. 12, 2013 research and development, shared use and management of research facilities, and personnel exchange
Science (NIMS)
etc. in material science fields.
Tohoku Regional Bureau Ministry Promote and enhance cooperation and coordination to improve disaster protection functions, and
Dec. 18, 2013 of Land, Infrastructure and facilitate sustainable development of local communities by building on the long-term trust fostered
Transport between the parties.
Japan Atomic Energy Agency Mutually utilize the research facilities, research results, human resources etc., and collaborate and
Mar. 28, 2014
(JAEA) cooperate to enhance mutual research and development and human resources development.
Japan Agency for Medical
Promotion of cooperation and collaboration in novel drug discovery aimed at creation of innovative
Aug. 1, 2014 Research and Development
National Institutes for the
Apr. 1, 2016 Comprehensive promotion and development of research on the Northeast Asian region.
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Mutually utilize the assets, capabilities, human resources etc. fostered between the parties, and
Oct. 31, 2016
Devices Agency (PMDA) contribute to the promotion of regulatory science in Japan.
National Institutes for Quantum
Training professionals in advanced specialties of molecule imaging research PET (Positron Emission
Nov. 9, 2016 and Radiological Science and
Technology (QST)
Organization for Small & Medium
Strengthen industry-university collaboration through creation of university-ventures, and promotion of
Feb. 14, 2017 Enterprises and Regional
regional innovation, etc.
Innovation, JAPAN
Contribute to sustainable regional development by improving regional activities and human resource
Tohoku Regional Advancement
Mar. 1, 2017 development through cooperation in various fields, for revitalization of industry and cultivation of human
resources in the Tohoku region.
Contribute to the promotion of the electronic parts industry and the development of society as a whole,
Mar. 28, 2017 ALPS ALPINE CO., LTD. through creation of new advanced technology businesses and cultivation of human resources to foster
innovation for sustainable regional industry growth.
Apr. 20, 2017 JFE Steel Corporation Contribute to the advancement of the steel industry and the development of society as a whole.


Collaborate and cooperate in programs such as education to foster global human resources, overseas
Japan External Trade
Jun. 29, 2017 development of agriculture, fisheries, and food industries, and utilization of University technologies
Organization (JETRO)
Oct. 3, 2017 Contribute to the promotion of the steel industry and the development of society as a whole.
Contribute to regional economic revitalization and development through growth support of venture
The 77 Bank, Ltd., Tokyo Stock
Nov. 8, 2017 companies and regional companies as well as promotion of human resources development of
Exchange, Inc.
Contribute to the development of academic and technological development in Japan related to
Japan Oil, Gas and Metals
Dec. 14, 2017 resources and energy by utilizing supplementary mutual research and development capabilities, human
National Corporation (JOGMEC)
resources and facilities.
Contribute to the enhancement of the universities’ education and research functions with regard to
the inheritance and creation of historical culture in regional communities in Japan. Three collaborating
Kobe University, National
Jan. 26, 2018 organizations are promoting this project, which is designed as a national wide-area network project
Institutes for the Humanities
for the purpose of research and the preservation of historical cultural data in regional communities in
Focus on the use of digital technology (ICT) to study "human behavioral changes" to provide innovative
Jun. 26, 2018 Philips Japan, Ltd.
healthcare solutions that aim to create new values improving preventive care and quality of life.
With regard to researching the fundamentals and applications of information science centered on
quantum computing, the Tokyo Institute of Technology and Tohoku University aim to form a base in
Jul. 18, 2018 Tokyo Institute of Technology
Japan and also to demonstrate global leadership by cooperating in a systematic fashion while making
use of the strengths of both universities.
Promote sustainable and organizational cooperation in all aspects such as research and development
JX Nippon Mining & Metals
Sep. 5, 2018 and human resources development in the non-ferrous metal industry to contribute to the further
development of the whole society.
Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Addressing social issues by implementing the findings of the world-leading research in the field of
Sep. 19, 2018
Insurance Co., Ltd. disaster science and healthcare.
The Research Institute of Contribute to the promotion of academic research and the forming of policies using the results of
Oct. 9, 2018
Economy, Trade and Industry research, thereby contributing to society.
Contribute to the promotion of science and technology in Japan by effectively implementing cooperation
Mar. 20, 2019 RIKEN and collaboration in research, education and the development of human resources, in a spirit of mutual
Leverage knowledge and assets in various fields such as healthcare, medical care, robotics and human
Apr. 2, 2019 Rakuten, Inc.
resource development to create outstanding innovation and accelerate those social implementations.
The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Cooperation and collaboration in research and development, fostering human resources, venture
Aug. 27, 2019 Company, Limited, NTT DATA business support including investment, and enhancement of the asset utilization that aim to address
Corporation social challenges through innovation and regional revitalization.
Our aim is to use the research facilities owned by both parties to form research linkages in the field of
Mar. 6, 2020 RIKEN SPring-8 Center synchrotron radiation in order to accelerate research and development, to train talented individuals in
this field, and to contribute to the further stimulation of science and technology in Japan.

■ Cooperation with Community

The Science Café・Liberal Arts Salon

and Social Contribution

Research, Education
The Science Café provides an opportunity for high school students and the general public to get up close with
university scientists in a casual setting. Participants can hear about scientific research developments at the university
and learn how they contribute to our wider community.
The Liberal Arts Salon invites all those interested in themes related to humanities and social sciences to join
in these talk sessions. Liberal arts often focus on topics of human interest to cultivate critical thinking and general
intellectual ability.

Tohoku University Regional Cooperation Innoavation Fair 2020

Date Program Content Venue
Organized the exhibition with the cooperation of the local organizations related to industry-
academia collaboration, and widely introduced our initiatives such as Joint Research with local Sendai
January 17, 2020 companies or Research Seeds and Results. The exhibitors from 13 departments/laboratories also International
made presentations and supported the visitors to meet Technology Seeds connecting to new Center
innovation and to have opportunities for Joint Research.

Extension Courses
Tohoku University is constantly making efforts to play a leading role in educational and academic activities in
the Tohoku region. Meeting the community’s needs, it provides extension courses and public lectures for the lifelong
learning of citizens. In FY 2019, the University organized 96 extension courses including on-demand high school
classes and 2 public lectures, which were well received in various academic fields. Tohoku University has continued
these educational activities made understandable for the public to strengthen cooperation with the community and for
the purpose of disseminating information. As a result of these activities Tohoku University has maintained its position
as a well-respected university.

Tohoku University MOOCs

Tohoku University MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) allow any member of the community to watch free
online lectures on demand, with certificates awarded to those who satisfy the requirements for completion of the

■ Student
aaaaaaaaExchange Programs

JYPE, COLABS, IPLA and DEEP https://www.insc.tohoku.ac.jp/english/exchange/

Double Degree https://www.insc.tohoku.ac.jp/english/degree/doubledegree/

Junior Year Program in English (JYPE)

The core of JYPE is the Individual Research Training (IRT) course. Students will research current topics related
to their fields of study with the support of their assigned research groups.
The program also offers courses on language, culture and society aimed at understanding of Japanese language
and social customs. Cultural and intellectual exchange with professors and students is an integral part of this program
and will be accomplished through class work and participation in group activities.

Cooperative Laboratory Study Program (COLABS)

COLABS is a graduate-level research oriented program that gives international students from partner universities
the opportunity to take scientific research training in their assigned research laboratory as well as basic education
courses taught in English at Tohoku University. COLABS offers a wide range of research topics in all fields of natural
science and students are encouraged to conduct their research in new, interdisciplinary, and scientific fields.

International Program in Liberal Arts (IPLA)

IPLA provides an opportunity for students to study a variety of Liberal Arts classes taught in English, including
Economics, Management, Education, Law, History, and Literature. The program also offers Japanese language and
culture classes designed to assist students in understanding Japan in depth. Students who have attained adequate
Japanese proficiency may take content area classes taught in Japanese. Cultural and intellectual exchange with
Japanese students is an important part of the program and is achieved through frequent interactions both in classes
and in extracurricular activities. Committed faculty, staff, and the student support group, "IPLANET" provide extensive
support for IPLA students throughout the academic year.

Direct Enrollment Education Program for Natural Science Students (DEEP)

DEEP for Natural Science Students allows international undergraduate students to take classes and perform
research activities alongside domestic students. Undergraduates will be able to experience the wide range of fields
and highly specialized courses Tohoku University offers through taking General Education and specialized subjects.

Double Degree Program with Overseas Institutions

Tohoku University is conducting master’s level double degree programs with elite institutes of higher education
in France and Sweden to nurture human resources who could contribute to the advancement of the global society. In
fiscal year (FY) 2006, the Écoles Centrale Group (composed of five Écoles Centrale[Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes,
Paris] ) and the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA-Lyon) became our program partners
in France, both of which are grandes écoles, leading institutes which attract top students from France and other
countries around the world, offering the finest in education. KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), Sweden and Tohoku
University signed their MOU for Double Degree program in March, 2009. KTH is a leading technical institution in
Europe and conducts extensive international student exchange. The Double Degree Programs of Tohoku University
deal with the fields of science, engineering, agricultural science, information sciences and environmental studies.
Furthermore, most of Tohoku University’s graduate schools also offer departmental-level Master’s/Doctoral
Double Degree programs with their overseas partners.

Summer Programs
Tohoku University STEM Summer Program (TSSP)
The Tohoku University STEM Summer Program (TSSP), Exploring the Frontier of Science & Technology is
designed specifically for freshmen and sophomores majoring in science and engineering (STEM). We will provide
students with insight on what world society needs based on advanced science and technology in the future and how
they can contribute to society through research, and we will offer cutting edge classes in advanced sciences and
Tohoku University Japanese Program (TUJP)
TUJP is for undergraduates who have a strong interest in Japanese language and culture. The proficiency-
based Japanese language classes and special seminars are designed to help participants understand Japan in
depth. Various activities such as field trips, service-learning opportunities, home-stays and interactions with domestic
students provide the participants with many eye-opening experiences.
Tohoku University Immersion in Japan Program (TUIP)
TUIP provides students with an opportunity to explore Japan through diverse learning experiences in English and
Japanese. The highlight of the program is participation in a local traditional festival called ”Sendai Aoba Matsuri” as
performers of the “Suzume Odori,” or Sparrow Dance, combined with the intensive Japanese language classes for
pre-intermediate learners, topical seminars about Japanese culture and society, various cultural workshops, field trips
including a homestay, and interactions with domestic students in both curricular and extracurricular activities.
Tohoku University Engineering Summer Program (TESP)
TESP is designed to inspire students in the field of Engineering. The program provides a series of lectures and
hands-on activities on the advanced topics which are all taught in English. In addition, the program includes various
activities that expose the participants to Japanese culture and enrich their academic experience. The program overall
gives participants insights for their academic future and prepares them to be competent global engineers.


■ Project
aaaaaaaafor Establishing University Network for Internationalization

The Future Global Leadership (FGL) program at Tohoku University offers outstanding undergraduate and
graduate degree courses that are taught in English. All courses provide curricula that help students to build a solid
foundation in the fundamentals of their chosen fields and to encounter the very latest cutting-edge research. High
quality academics combined with horizon-expanding cultural experiences make FGL an excellent choice for students
who hope to become international leaders during their academic careers and beyond.
* The email addresses for "Inquiries" in the section below have been abbreviated. When you wish to make an inquiry, please
append "tohoku.ac.jp" to the end of the appropriate email address.

24 Courses Taught in English (3 undergraduate level and 21 graduate level)

Advanced Molecular Chemistry Course (AMC)

Fields of Study: Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Polymer
Chemistry, Biochemistry, Materials Science
Degree: Bachelor of Science URL: http://web.tohoku.ac.jp/amc/ Inquiries: amc@grp.

International Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Course-Undergraduate (IMAC-U)

Fields of Study: Fluid Dynamics, Thermal Engineering, Materials Engineering, Micro/nanotechnologies, Aerospace Engineering,
Robotics, Biomedical Engineering, Information Science, Quantum Science and Energy, Environmental Studies, etc.
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering URL: http://g30.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/imac/ Inquiries: : imac-u@mech.

Applied Marine Biology (AMB)

Fields of Study: Ecology, Oceanography, Physiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics
Degree: Bachelor of Agriculture URL: https://www.agri.tohoku.ac.jp/amb/ Inquiries: kokusai@bios.

International Graduate Program for Advanced Science (IGPAS)

Fields of Study: Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Geophysics, Chemistry, Earth Science
Degree: Master of Science / Doctor of Philosophy (Science) URL: http://www.sci.tohoku.ac.jp/english/igpas/
Inquiries: [email protected].

International Post-Graduate Program in Human Security (IPHS)

Fields of Study: Food and Agriculture, Public Health, Environment, Society
Degree: Master of Agricultural Science / Doctor of Philosophy (Agricultural Science), Master of Environmental
Studies / Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Studies), Master of Medical Science, Master of Public Health
URL: http://www.human-security.tohoku.ac.jp

International Environmental Leadership Program (IELP)

Fields of Study: “Sustainability Sciences” involving Innovative Technology, Policy Planning and Management
Degree: Master of Environmental Studies / Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Studies),
URL: http://www.kankyo.tohoku.ac.jp/ielp/
Inquiries: ielp_admin@grp.

International Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Course-Graduate (IMAC-G)

Fields of Study: Mechanical Systems and Design, Nanomechanics, Aerospace Engineering, Bioengineering and
Robotics, Quantum Science and Energy Engineering
Degree: Master of Engineering / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)
URL: http://g30.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/imac/graduate/ Inquiries: imac-g@mech.
International Exchange

International Materials Science and Engineering Course (IMSE)

Fields of Study: Metallurgy, Materials Science, Materials Processing
Degree: Master of Engineering URL: http://g30.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/imse/ Inquiries: eng-in@grp.

Global Program in Economics and Management (GPEM)

Fields of Study: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics, Political Economy, International Finance, Environmental
Economics, Comparative Economic History, Development Economics, Global Business History, Japanese Business History,
International Business, Regional Enterprise, Nonprofit Organizations, Comparative Management, Decision Making, etc.
Degree: Master of Economics, Master of Management / Doctor of Philosophy (Economics), Doctor of Philosophy
URL: http://www.econ.tohoku.ac.jp/english/page-gpem.html Inquiries: gpem@grp.

Information Technology and Science Course (ITSC)

Fields of Study: Computation Science, Software Science, Firmware Science, Computer Architecture, VLSI System,
Communication Theory, Information Security, Information Processing Algorithms, Intelligent Systems, Intelligent
Robotics, Communication Technology, Information Networks, etc.
Degree: Master of Information Sciences
URL: https://www.is.tohoku.ac.jp/en/ Inquiries: is-kyom@grp.

■ Project for Establishing University Network for Internationalization

Interface Oral Health Science Course (IOHS)

Fields of Study: Integration of Molecular Biology, Cellular Biology, Microbiology, Immunology, Materials Science,
Biomechanics, Social Science, etc.
Degree: Master of Dental Science / Doctor of Philosophy (Dental Science) 
URL: http://www.dent.tohoku.ac.jp/english/ Inquiries: international@dent.

International Course of Life Sciences (ICLS)

Fields of Study: Biomolecular Sciences, Developmental Biology and Neurosciences, Environmental Life Sciences
Degree: Master of Life Sciences / Doctor of Philosophy (Life Sciences)
URL: https://www.lifesci.tohoku.ac.jp/en/ Inquiries: lif-kyom@grp.

International Graduate Program in Language Sciences (IGPLS)

Fields of Study: Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Language and Culture
Degree: Master of International Cultural Studies / Doctor of Philosophy (International Cultural Studies)
URL: http://www.intcul.tohoku.ac.jp/ls/ Inquiries: int-kkdk@grp.

Basic Medicine Course (BMC)

Fields of Study: Basic Medicine, Molecular Biology, Immunology, Biochemistry and Physiology
Degree: Master of Medical Science URL: http://www.med.tohoku.ac.jp/english/index.html
Inquiries: m-daigakuin@grp.

Network Medicine Course (NMC)

Fields of Study: Biomedical Sciences and Network Medicine
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Science) URL: http://www.med.tohoku.ac.jp/english/index.html
Inquiries: m-daigakuin@grp.

Data Sciences Program II (DSP II)

Fields of Study: Data Sciences
Degree: Master of Information Sciences / Doctor of Philosophy (Information Sciences), Master of Life Sciences / Doctor
of Philosophy (Life Sciences), Master of Economics or Master of Management / Doctor of Philosophy (Economics) or
Doctor of Philosophy (Management), Master of Biomedical Engineering / Doctor of Philosophy (Biomedical Engineering)
URL: https://www.is.tohoku.ac.jp/_eng/dsp2/index.html Inquiries: ilo@is.

International Robotics Program (IRP)

Fields of Study: Engineering, Information Sciences
Degree: Master of Engineering / Doctor of Engineering
URL: http://g30.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/imac Inquiries: eng-in@grp.

Graduate Program in Global Governance & Sustainable Development (G2SD)

Fields of Study: Social Science, Social Engineering, Environmental Studies, International Relations
Degree: Master of International Cultural Studies / Doctor of Philosophy (International Cultural Studies)
URL: http://www.intcul.tohoku.ac.jp/g2sd/ Inquiries: int-kkdk@grp.

International Biomechanics Program (IBP)

Fields of Study: Biomechanics Degree: Master of Engineering / Doctor of Engineering
URL: http://g30.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/imac Inquiries: eng-in@grp.

International Civil and Environmental Engineering Course (I-CEEC)

Fields of Study: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Degree: Master of Engineering / Doctor of Engineering
URL: http://www.civil.tohoku.ac.jp/english/I-CEEC/index.html Inquiries: eng-in@grp.

Cross-National Master’s Course (CNMC)

Fields of Study: Law, Politics Degree: Master of Laws
URL: http://www.law.tohoku.ac.jp/english/graduate/cndc/ Inquiries: law-kyom@grp.

Cross-National Doctoral Course (CNDC)

Fields of Study: Law, Politics Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (Laws)
URL: http://www.law.tohoku.ac.jp/english/graduate/cndc/ Inquiries: law-kyom@grp.

International Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IGSPS)

Fields of Study: Pharmaceutical Sciences
Degree: Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
URL: http://www.pharm.tohoku.ac.jp/english/join.html#graduate Inquiries: [email protected].


■ Academic Exchange Agreements with Foreign Institutions

University Level Agreements
Total of 249 institutions
* Kyung Hee University(2010.3.5)
〈Asia〉 * Sungkyunkwan University(2012.3.15)
* Kookmin University(2012.4.10)
China * Korea Institute of Science and Technology(2016.8.23)
* Northeastern University(1983.8.5)
* University of Science and Technology of China(1998.6.15) Sri Lanka
* Tsinghua University(1998.8.31) * University of Moratuwa(2015.9.16)
* Nanjing University(1999.9.1)
* Peking University(1999.11.10) Taiwan
* Jilin University(2001.3.1) * National Taiwan University(2000.11.18)
* Zhejiang University(2001.4.9) * National Chung Cheng University(2003.11.14)
* Fudan University(2001.4.19) * National Cheng Kung University(2005.8.9)
* Wuhan University of Technology(2001.4.30) * National Chiao Tung University(2005.12.15)
* Chongqing University(2001.7.4) * National Chung Hsing University(2009.3.30)
* Tongji University(2002.8.13) * National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu(2009.12.2)
* Ocean University of China(2002.10.21) * National Chengchi University(2011.4.22)
* University of Science and Technology Beijing(2002.10.25) * Soochow University(2014.8.8)
* Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics(2003.3.10) * National Central University(2015.2.24)
* Xiamen University(2005.6.29) * National Taipei University of Technology
* Huazhong University of Science and Technology(2005.10.12) National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center(2020.3.13)
* Xi'an Jiaotong University(2006.8.31)
* East China Normal University(2006.9.20) Thailand
* Beihang University(2006.12.16) * Asian Institute of Technology(1998.11.9)
* Lanzhou University(2007.4.17) * Suranaree University of Technology(2001.3.1)
* Tianjin University(2007.6.8) * King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang(2004.4.15)
* Dalian University of Technology(2007.6.16) * Chulalongkorn University(2011.2.3)
* Yangzhou University(2008.6.20) * Thammasat University(2012.4.5)
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(2008.10.15) * Chiang Mai University(2012.4.10)
* Southeast University(2009.6.29) * King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi(2012.11.26)
* Shanghai Jiao Tong University(2009.10.15) * Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology(2014.8.19)
* Beijing University of Technology(2010.10.16)
* Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(2010.10.17) Vietnam
* The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(2011.2.1) * Vietnam National University, Hanoi(2009.7.6)
* Shanghai Ocean University(2011.12.5) * Foreign Trade University(2013.8.15)
* China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)(2012.2.6) * Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology(2014.10.14)
* City University of Hong Kong(2012.3.17) * Thuyloi University(2019.2.23)
* Dongbei University of Finance and Economics(2013.3.19)
* Shanghai University(2014.5.7) 〈Middle East〉
* Southwest University(2018.1.3)
* Sichuan University (2018.6.26) Iran
* The University of Hong Kong(2019.3.16) * University of Tehran(1999.8.25)
* Nankai University(2019.8.30)
India * Istanbul Technical University(2011.10.3)
* Indian Institute of Technology Bombay(2000.8.21) * Ege University(2017.7.13)
* Indian Institute of Science(2008.12.18)
* University of Indonesia(2004.3.19) Morocco
* Gadjah Mada University(2006.12.16) * University Mohammed V in Rabat(2001.4.30)
* Institut Teknologi Bandung(2008.6.4)
* Bogor Agricultural University(2010.3.23) South Africa
* University of Brawijaya(2014.9.24) * The University of KwaZulu-Natal(2010.12.20)
Padjadjaran University(2016.1.21) * University of Johannesburg(2016.8.19)
* Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology(2018.12.21) African Institute for Mathematical Sciences -Next Einstein Initiative(2019.8.27)

Malaysia 〈Oceania〉
* University of Malaya(2016.1.21)
Mongolia * The University of Sydney(1993.1.8)
The Mongolian Academy of Sciences(2000.8.21) * The University of New South Wales(2001.4.7)
International Exchange

* Mongolian University of Science and Technology(2001.11.16) * The Australian National University(2002.7.16)

* The University of Melbourne(2014.11.7)
Singapore * Macquarie University(2017.7.13)
* National University of Singapore(2000.9.16) Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)(2020.4.8)
* Nanyang Technological University (2019.8.23)
New Zealand
South Korea The University of Auckland(2002.11.15)
* Chonbuk National University (1991.11.12) Victoria University of Wellington(2019.9.25)
* Seoul National University(1998.7.8)
* Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology(2000.8.21) 〈North America〉
* Pukyong National University(2000.8.21)
* Pohang University of Science and Technology(POSTECH)(2000.9.22) Canada
* Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST)(2001.4.24) * University of Waterloo(2006.10.30)
* Chungnam National University(2001.7.9) * University of Ottawa(2009.6.26)
* Kyungpook National University(2002.9.2) * Queen's University(2016.8.24)
* Yeungnam University(2003.12.3) * The University of British Columbia(2018.8.17)
* Chosun University(2004.3.18)
* Korea University(2004.3.31) United States of America
* Changwon National University(2005.10.2) * Pennsylvania State University(1988.11.29)
* Sogang University (2007.2.2) * University of California, Berkeley(1990.3.15)
* Yonsei University(2007.5.29) * University of California, Davis
* Kongju National University(2007.7.29) * University of California, Irvine
* Chung-Ang University(2008.3.27) * University of California, Los Angeles

■ Academic Exchange Agreements with Foreign Institutions
(as of May 1, 2020)
University Level Agreements

* University of California, Merced * Technische Universität Darmstadt(2003.4.30)

* University of California, Riverside * University of Göttingen(2003.10.23)
* University of California, San Diego * Technische Universität Dresden(2006.6.26)
* University of California, San Francisco * Berlin University of Technology(2009.8.26)
* University of California, Santa Barbara * Technische Universität München(2010.8.3)
* University of California, Santa Cruz * Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(2011.1.18)
* University of Washington(1996.7.3) * Technische Universität Kaiserslautern(2012.2.1)
* Purdue University(1997.9.23) * Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg(2012.2.2)
* University of Alaska(1999.1.12) * Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz(2012.2.6)
* Colorado School of Mines(2004.1.7) DLR, German Aerospace Center(2013.3.1)
* Syracuse University(2008.11.19) * Universität Paderborn(2013.8.21)
* Institute of International Education(2009.1.27) * Chemnitz University of Technology(2013.10.31)
* Temple University(2010.6.7) * University of Regensburg(2017.3.16)
Harvard University(2010.7.22) * Carl von Ossietzky Universtät Oldenburg(2017.7.13)
* Texas A&M University(2011.9.13) * Ulm University(2019.10.11)
* University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa(2012.3.11)
National Institutes of Health of the Department of Health and Human Services(2013.5.9) Italy
* University at Albany, State University of New York(2014.5.1) University of Rome "La Sapienza"(1990.9.27)
* University of North Carolina, Charlotte (2014.12.25) * University of Florence(2009.8.21)
* Case Western Reserve University(2015.7.29) * Politecnico di Torino(2010.11.24)
* Michigan State University(2015.9.25) * University of Naples Federico II(2012.3.28)
* University of Maryland, College Park(2016.2.22) * Politecnico di Milano(2013.5.14)
* University of Montana(2016.9.22) * Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (2018.3.14)
Rice University(2017.7.21) * Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore(2019.5.6)
* University of Denver (2017.10.17) Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.P.A.(2019.8.1)
* Baylor University(2018.2.26)
* Georgia Institute of Technology(2018.3.16) Netherlands
* Stony Brook University, The State University of New York(2019.2.8) * University of Groningen(2011.11.17)
* University of Oregon(2019.4.16) * University of Twente(2015.8.21)
APS/Argonne National Laboratory (2020.2.28) * Delft University of Technology(2016.1.11)
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Advanced Light Source(2020.4.20) * Radboud University(2019.5.6)

〈South and Central America〉 Portugal

* Nova University of Lisbon(2017.9.18)
* Simon Bolivar University(2008.1.8) Russia
* Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences(1992.8.10)
〈Europe〉 * Lomonosov Moscow State University(1998.2.19)
* Novosibirsk State University(2003.7.4)
Austria Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Science (FEB-RAS)(2012.1.23)
* Ge4 – Global Education: Exchanges for Engineers and Entrepreneurs(2002.11.14) * Far Eastern Federal University(2012.3.19)
* Universität Wien(2010.2.24) * National Research University Higher School of Economics(2014.9.30)
* Saint Petersburg State University(2014.10.1)
Belgium * St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University(2019.11.22)
Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK/CEN)(2005.6.16)
Czech Republic * University of Granada(2012.9.27)
* Czech Technical University in Prague(2016.5.9) * Universidad de Valladolid(2014.6.11)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid(2017.12.28)
Finland * University of Salamanca(2018.5.20)
* Aalto University(2001.11.5) * University of Seville(2019.8.5)
* University of Oulu(2004.8.9)
* Tampere University(2006.1.31) Sweden
* University of Turku(2016.11.29) * Umeå University(1997.8.18)
* Royal Institute of Technology(2000.9.20)
France * Uppsala University(2002.3.20)
* Sorbonne University(1999.8.19) * Stockholm University(2003.1.14)
* Université Rennes 2 Haute Bretagne(1999.12.3) * Chalmers University of Technology(2006.4.19)
* Communauté Université Grenoble-Alpes (2000.3.31) Lund University MAX IV Laboratory(2019.8.15)
* University of Strasbourg(2000.3.31)
* Université de Rennes 1(2000.12.20) Switzerland
* Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA-Lyon)(2004.7.13) * Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne(2000.11.20)
* University of Bordeaux (2005.7.28) Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH Zurich)(2010.7.21)
* École Centrale de Lille(2006.2.13) * Université de Genève(2015.10.20)
* École Centrale de Lyon * University of Zurich(2019.8.15)
* École Centrale de Marseille
* École Centrale de Nantes Ukraine
* CentraleSupélec * National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (2004.6.2)
* École des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux(2006.9.12)
* Institut d’Études Politiques de Lyon(2008.6.6) United Kingdom
* École Normale Supérieure de Lyon(2008.8.11) The School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London(1989.4.10)
* Université Lumière Lyon 2(2009.10.20) The University of Nottingham(2001.5.15)
* Université de Technologie Compiègne(2010.3.15) * The University of York(2004.6.7)
* École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne(2012.4.5) * The University of Sheffield(2009.8.21)
* Bordeaux Institute of Technology(2013.7.5) University College London (UCL)(2013.11.21)
Université de Lyon(2013.9.9) * University of East Anglia(2018.12.14)
* Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales(2017.1.31)
* Université Paris Diderot(2017.9.21) 〈International Organization〉
* University of Lorraine(2018.2.26)
Synchrotron SOLEIL(2018.6.27) International Organization
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)(2019.8.22) ITER International Fusion Energy Organization(2013.12.24)
United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS)(2017.10.17)
Germany United Nations University - Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS)(2018.3.8)
* Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen(1998.5.19)
* Technische Universität Dortmund(1999.3.2) (* indicates institutions with which TU has mutually agreed to waive fees.)
* Universität des Saarlandes(1999.10.5) (indicated in parentheses is the date on which the agreement was concluded.)


Department Level Agreements

†* indicates institutions which agree upon a mutual application, matriculation and tuition waivers for students from the partner institution.
††Where a partner institution's department has not been identified, the agreement has been concluded with the entire institution.

64 countries and regions, 478 institutions (as of May 1, 2020)

Area Country / Region Partner Institution Department Year

at Tohoku
Department of Accounting and Information GS Economics and
Asia Bangladesh(2) * 2015/04/24
University of Dhaka Systems Management
Faculty of Biological Science GS Agricultural Science 2014/04/27
China(81) Beijing Hospital GS Medicine 1994/11/16
Beijing Institute of Technology School of Information and Electronics * GS Engineering 2019/08/08
Beijing Normal University Faculty of Education * GS Education 2013/05/08
Capital Normal University School of History * GS Arts and Letters 2019/05/29
China Medical University GS Medicine 1982/09/29
China University of Mining and Technology School of Mechatronics Engineering * GS Engineering 2019/10/09
College of Mechanical and Electronic
China University of Petroleum (East China) * GS Engineering 2019/02/27
GS Economics and
Business School * 2015/06/10
China University of Political Science and Law
School of Political Science and Public GS Economics and
* 2015/05/15
Administration Management
Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine
IMRAM 2000/12/26
Mechanics and Physics
Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Chemistry * GS Engineering 2006/11/06
Institute of Physics IFS 2001/05/21
Institute of Semiconductors RIEC 2007/04/12
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Law GS Law 2003/07/03
Chongqing University of Technology College of Vehicle Engineering * IFS 2012/07/09
Dalian Stomatological Hospital GS Dentistry 2013/04/01
Dalian University of Technology Graduate School * GS Engineering 2000/06/12
GS Economics and
Dongbei University of Finance and Economics School of Accounting * 2005/05/01
Faculty of Education * GS Education 2013/11/29
East China Normal University
School of Psychology and Cognitive Science * GS Education 2013/11/29
School of Mechanical and Power
East China University of Science and Technology * GS Engineering 2010/07/25
Fudan University Department of History * GS Arts and Letters 2019/08/01
Fujian Medical University School of Stomatology * GS Dentistry 2013/04/01
Guangdong Institute of Ethnic and Religious Studies CNEAS 2001/06/25
GS Economics and
Guizhou University School of Management * 2015/06/30
Hangzhou Normal University * GS Education 2013/03/29
* GS Engineering 1996/08/03
Harbin Institute of Technology GS Information
School of Computer Science & Technology 2010/07/05
Harbin Medical University * GS Medicine 2000/06/21
GS Economics and
Hebei Normal University Business College * 2016/01/11
Huaqiao University College of Material Science and Engineering IMRAM 2001/06/05
GS Economics and
Hunan University College of Finance and Statistics * 2009/04/26
Mongolia Study Institute CNEAS 2008/04/01
Inner Mongolia Normal University
Tourism College CNEAS 2011/09/28
Inner Mongolia University College of Mongolology CNEAS 2008/09/22
Jiangnan University Junyuan College * GS Engineering 2016/03/10
Liaoning Cancer Hospital and Liaoning Cancer Institute IDAC 1998/12/07
Department of Mongolian Language and
Minzu University of China CNEAS 2014/02/25
International Exchange

GS Economics and
Nanjing Audit University School of Audit and Accounting * 2015/04/15
School of Education Science * GS Education 2010/11/25
Nanjing Normal University
School of Psychology * GS Education 2013/11/27
College of Economic and Social GS International
* 2017/06/30
Development Cultural Studies
* GS Arts and Letters 2015/12/16
Nankai University
College of Foreign Languages GS International
* 2015/12/16
Cultural Studies
Institute of Japan Studies * GS Arts and Letters 2016/02/25
Faculty of Education * GS Education 2014/11/14
MBA Education Center, Master of GS Economics and
* 2015/09/29
Northeast Normal University Professional Accounting (MPAcc) Management
GS Economics and
School of Business * 2015/03/17
Northeastern University GS Engineering 1981/11/23
Center for Nanoscale Science and
IMRAM 1998/11/05
Peking University Technology
Center of Japanese Studies GS Education 1999/05/18
College of Environment and Safety
Qingdao University of Science and Technology * GS Engineering 2017/02/24
GS Economics and
Renmin University of China School of Business * 2004/10/14
Shandong University School of Foreign Languages and Literature * GS Arts and Letters 2018/10/25

■ Academic Exchange Agreements with Foreign Institutions
Department Level Agreements
†* indicates institutions which agree upon a mutual application, matriculation and tuition waivers for students from the partner institution.
††Where a partner institution's department has not been identified, the agreement has been concluded with the entire institution.

Area Country / Region Partner Institution Department Year

at Tohoku
China(81) College of Stomatology * GS Dentistry 2016/05/12
Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Environmental Science and GS Environmental
* 2013/11/12
Engineering Studies
GS Economics and
Business School * 2015/08/14
GS Economics and
School of Economics * 2015/09/08
Sichuan University GS Economics and
School of Public Administration * 2015/09/06
West China School of Pharmacy 2010/02/17
West China School of Stomatology GS Dentistry 2006/09/28
GS Pharmaceutical
Soochow University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences * 2014/12/22
School of Electronic and Information
South China University of Technology School of Architecture * GS Engineering 2016/07/07
School of Mechanical and Automotive
GS Economics and
Southeast University School of Economics and Management * 2010/07/27
GS Economics and
Southwest Jiaotong University School of Public Administration * 2015/04/16
Southwest University Faculty of Materials and Energy IMRAM 2017/03/22
Southwest University of Political Science and Law * GS Law 2016/06/07
Sun Yat-sen University Guanghua School of Stomatology * GS Dentistry 2018/03/12
Faculty of Dentistry * GS Dentistry 2015/11/16
The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Engineering * GS Engineering 2019/08/19
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine * GS Medicine 2013/11/01
Tianjin Medical University Dental College and Dental Hospital * GS Dentistry 2010/07/08
Tianjin Medical University and TEDA International
* GS Medicine 2015/05/05
Cardiovascular Hospital
University of Electronic Science and Technology of
* GS Engineering 2009/06/22
* GS Arts and Letters 2015/03/19
School of Philosophy GS Economics and
Wuhan University * 2018/05/31
School of Stomatology * GS Dentistry 2018/12/21
Xi'an International Studies University School of Japanese Culture and Economy * GS Arts and Letters 2017/05/10
School of Environmental and Municipal GS Environmental
Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology * 2013/12/19
Engineering Studies
Xidian University * GS Engineering 1999/08/12
Zhengzhou University College of Materials Engineering IMRAM 2003/06/16
Cambodia(1) National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) GS Medicine 2019/09/06
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research GS Biomedical
India(4) * 2019/04/05
Bhopal Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras * GS Engineering 2013/12/16
National Chemical Laboratorym, Pune GS Engineering 1999/04/28
Vokkaligara Sangha Dental College and Hospital * GS Dentistry 2014/07/01
Indonesia (21) Aceh Tsunami Museum IRIDeS 2016/11/22
Airlangga University Faculty of Dental Medicine * GS Dentistry 2015/02/16
Al-Khairaat University and Anutapura Hospital School of Medicine * GS Medicine 2017/07/05
GS Environmental
Faculty of Agriculture 2014/06/11
Gadjah Mada University
Faculty of Cultural Sciences * GS Arts and Letters 2016/02/10
Graduate School * GS Arts and Letters 2016/06/30
GS Economics and
Ganesha University of Education 2019/03/26
Hasanuddin University Faculty of Agriculture * GS Agricultural Science 2015/03/16
Indonesian Institute of Sciences * GS Engineering 2006/03/14
* GS Engineering 2000/03/24
Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) GS Environmental
Islamic State University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences * GS Medicine 2016/09/29
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Padjadjaran University * GS Engineering 2011/01/31
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) * GS Engineering 2006/12/21
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
IRIDeS 2014/06/01
Syiah Kuala University
Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Research
IRIDeS 2016/11/22
Center (TDMRC)
Universitas Jember Faculty of Dentistry * GS Dentistry 2017/06/15
Faculty of Education and School of Graduate
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia * GS Education 2017/03/10
Universitas Sumatera Utara Faculty of Dentistry * GS Dentistry 2018/10/22


(as of May 1, 2020)

Area Country / Region Partner Institution Department Year

at Tohoku
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Indonesia (21) University of Brawijaya * GS Science 2013/11/17
University of Mataram * GS Engineering 2016/08/16
GS Biomedical
Malaysia(2) Monash University Sunway Campus 2014/01/06
GS Environmental
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Faculty of Civil Engineering 2015/12/21
GS Economics and
Mongolia(4) Mahdakh Burtgel University Department of Accounting and Finance * 2015/04/16
Mongolian Academy of Medical Sciences * GS Medicine 2010/03/24
Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences School of Dentistry * GS Dentistry 2015/01/05
Mongolian University of Science and Technology Geoscience Center CNEAS 2000/10/02
Nepal(1) Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine IRIDeS 2016/11/01
Philippines(4) Angeles Unviersity Foundation IRIDeS 2014/11/03
Mindanao State University Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT) * GS Engineering 1999/09/09
Research Institute for Tropical Medicine GS Medicine 2013/01/25
University of the Philippines Manila IRIDeS 2014/06/20
Singapore(5) College of Engineering * GS Engineering 2010/10/12
Nanyang Technological University School of Mechanical and Aerospace
IFS 2000/04/14
National Dental Research Institute Singapore * GS Dentistry 2020/04/02
Center for
Singapore Spintronics Consortium (SG-SPIN) Spintronics 2017/03/27
Research Network
Temasek Polytechnic IDAC 2013/07/15
South Korea(34) College of Engineering * GS Engineering 2007/11/12
Chonnam National University
School of Dentistry GS Dentistry 1991/08/30
GS Pharmaceutical
Chungbuk National University College of Pharmacy 1998/11/23
Chungnam National University College of Engineering * GS Engineering 2000/07/20
Korea Institute of Robot and Convergence
Disaster Robotics Center (DRC) TCPAI 2019/06/17
Dongguk University College of Liberal Arts * GS Arts and Letters 2012/07/04
Hallym University Institute of Japanese Studies GS Arts and Letters 2018/12/15
Institute of Hybrid Materials for Information
Hannam University IMRAM 2003/01/17
and Biotechnology
College of Engineering and Graduate School * GS Engineering 2007/01/09
Hanyang University
College of Engineering Science * IFS 2012/04/03
Jeju National University College of Agriculture GS Agricultural Science 1984/08/07
Graduate School
College of Engineering
College of Architecture
Konkuk University * GS Engineering 2010/07/22
College of Information and
College of Life and Environmental Science
Kookmin University College of Social Sciences * GS Law 2004/07/22
Electronic Components Materials Design
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology IMR 2000/05/11
Education Center (EMDEC)
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute IMR 2018/11/14
Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) IMR 1989/11/15
Korea Maritime University College of Engineering IMR 2009/04/15
Korea Polar Research Institute GS Science 2017/12/11
Center for Japanese Studies CNEAS 2008/04/25
Korea University Chinese Studies Institute CNEAS 2008/04/25
College of Education * GS Education 2011/12/10
International Exchange

Research Institute of Radiological and

Korean Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences CYRIC 2017/12/18
Medical Science
Kumoh National Institute of Technology * GS Engineering 2015/04/27
Kyung Hee University School of Dentistry * GS Dentistry 2019/12/12
Myongji University Social Education GS Education 2000/03/17
Pukyong National University * GS Engineering 1995/02/13
Pusan National University Institute for Materials Technology IMR 1996/10/28
College of Education * GS Education 2014/03/28
Seoul National University School of Mechanical and Aerospace
IFS 2013/06/20
College of Life Science and Natural
Sunchon National University GS Life Sciences 2002/08/07
Advanced Materials and Process Research
Sungkyunkwan University IMRAM 2003/06/09
Center for IT
Woosong University College of Health and Welfare * GS Education 2010/04/23
College of Dentistry / School of Dentistry * GS Dentistry 2016/09/08
Yonsei University
College of Engineering * GS Engineering 1999/08/24
GS Economics and
Sri Lanka(1) University of Sri Jayewardenepura Department of Public Administration * 2017/02/16

■ Academic Exchange Agreements with Foreign Institutions
Department Level Agreements
†* indicates institutions which agree upon a mutual application, matriculation and tuition waivers for students from the partner institution.
††Where a partner institution's department has not been identified, the agreement has been concluded with the entire institution.

Area Country / Region Partner Institution Department Year

at Tohoku
Institute of Chinese Literature and
Taiwan(43) GS Arts and Letters 2004/09/24
Institute of Earth Sciences GS Science 2008/12/04
Academia Sinica
Institute of History and Philology GS Arts and Letters 2003/08/05
Institute of Physics CYRIC 2008/02/27
Institute of Sociology GS Arts and Letters 2013/04/15
College of Engineering * IFS 2011/07/20
Chang Gung University
Healthy Aging Research Center IDAC 2018/12/18
Fu Jen Catholic University College of Foreign Languages * GS Arts and Letters 2008/12/24
Information and Communications Research
Industrial Technology Research Institute ROEC 2013/11/22
Industrial Technology Research Institute Southern GS Engineering 2010/01/25
Region Campus IMRAM 2009/11/27
GS Information
Kainan University School of Informatics * 2009/05/05
Kaohsiung Medical University College of Dental Medicine * GS Dentistry 2018/03/29
Kaohsiung University College of Humanities and Social Sciences * GS Arts and Letters 2012/04/01
Metal Industries Research & Development Centre IMR 2015/12/18
National Applied Research Laboratories National Nano Device Laboratories IFS 2004/07/21
GS Economics and
National Changhua University of Education College of Management * 2018/03/05
College of Education * GS Education 2012/09/03
National Chengchi University GS Economics and
College of Social Sciences * 2010/06/10
National Cheng Kung University School of Dentistry * GS Dentistry 2020/02/10
GS Information
National Chi Nam University College of Science and Technology * 2015/02/26
Center for Innovative Research on Aging
National Chung Cheng University IDAC 2019/07/08
GS Economics and
National Dong Hwa University College of Management * 2015/07/13
National Sun Yat-sen University College of Liberal Arts * GS Arts and Letters 1999/04/03
College of Law * GS Law 2017/07/03
GS Information
College of Public Affairs * 2008/09/05
National Taipei University Sciences
GS Economics and
School of Business * 2010/07/26
* GS Science 2015/05/02
National Taipei University of Technology College of Engineering
IMRAM 2018/04/23
National Taitung University Teachers College * GS Education 2008/12/05
National Taiwan Normal University College of Education * GS Education 2011/03/04
Center for Artificial Intelligence and
RIEC 2018/07/31
Advanced Robotics
Center for Weather Climate and Disaster
IRIDeS 2015/03/17
National Taiwan University Research
GS Economics and
College of Social Sciences * 2015/03/23
School of Dentistry * GS Dentistry 2016/10/07
National Yang-Ming University School of Dentistry * GS Dentistry 2016/10/07
GS Economics and
Soochow University School of Business * 2007/09/27
College of Medicine * GS Medicine 2013/05/27
College of Oral Medicine * GS Dentistry 2017/04/15
Taipei Medical University GS Pharmaceutical
College of Pharmacy * 2013/11/15
College of Nutrition GS Agricultural Science 2006/04/28
Taiwan Judges Academy GS Law 2019/05/16
Tamkang University College of Engineering * GS Engineering 2015/12/10
Thailand(20) Faculty of Dentistry * GS Dentistry 2019/01/11
Chiangmai University Faculty of Science * IMRAM 2008/06/09
Plasma and Beam Physics Research Facility ELPH 2016/12/06
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences * GS Medicine 2018/01/23
Chulalongkorn University Faculty of Dentistry * GS Dentistry 2014/12/09
Faculty of Psychology * GS Arts and Letters 2019/06/21
GS Engineering 2013/11/11
Kasetsart University Faculty of Engineering * GS Environmental
Faculty of Dentistry GS Dentistry 2015/02/19
GS Economics and
Khon Kaen University Faculty of Management Science * 2010/08/02
Faculty of Public Health * GS Engineering 2019/01/09
Mahidol University Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital * GS Medicine 2013/11/01
National Institute of Development Administration GS International
Language and Communication 2019/03/04
(NIDA) Cultural Studies


(as of May 1, 2020)

Area Country / Region Partner Institution Department Year

at Tohoku
Thailand(20) Faculty of Dentistry * GS Dentistry 2015/01/05
Prince of Songkla University
Faculty of Engineering * GS Engineering 2001/01/16
Siam University Faculty of Liberal Arts * GS Arts and Letters 2016/02/24
GS Economics and
Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology * 2007/10/23
Faculty of Medicine * GS Medicine 2018/04/03
GS Information
Thammasat University Sirindhorn International Institute of * 2008/01/21
Technology (SIIT)
* GS Engineering 2015/12/22
GS Economics and
Vietnam(7) Foreign Trade University Faculty of International Economics * 2010/01/14
Hanoi University of Science and Technology * GS Engineering 2009/03/27
Thuyloi University * GS Engineering 2007/01/30
University of Science, Vietnam National University
* GS Engineering 2009/07/20
- Ho Chi Minh City
Graduate University of Science and
* GS Engineering 2017/05/12
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology Technology
Institute of Materials Science * GS Engineering 2008/02/14
Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute * GS Engineering 2017/11/16
Middle East Iran(1) Shiraz University Engineering School * GS Engineering 2002/03/01
Kuwait(1) Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) IMRAM 2013/02/18
United Arab
United Arab Emirates University College of Medicine & Health Sciences IDAC 2016/07/10
Smouha Emergency and Accident
Africa Egypt (2) Alexandria University IFS 2017/11/30
Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology
* GS Engineering 2013/05/12
GS Economics and
Kenya(1) KCA University School of Business and Public Management * 2015/05/05
Nigeria(1) University of Nigeria, Nsukka Faculty of Physical Sciences * GS Science 2016/02/26
South Africa(2) Rhodes University Faculty of Science * GS Science 2013/09/16
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg * GS Science 2017/04/19
Zambia(1) The University of Zambia School of Medicine GS Medicine 2019/10/16
Oceania Australia(4) Griffith University School of Medicine GS Medicine 2015/07/02
* GS Engineering 2015/06/17
Macquarie University
Australian School of Advanced Medicine IDAC 2014/04/15
The University of Sydney IDAC 2017/02/14
New Zealand
Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited GS Science 2008/03/19
(GNS Science)
IRIDeS 2014/09/01
Massey University GS Science 2020/03/10
Canada(9) Concordia University of Edmonton GS Medicine 2016/02/08
McGill Metal Processing Center IMRAM 1998/11/30
McGill University
Montreal Neurological Institute IDAC 2010/06/08
Polytechnique Montréal * GS Engineering 2017/10/12
University of British Columbia Faculty of Dentistry GS Dentistry 2001/04/23
Department of Metallurgy and Materials
IMRAM 1998/12/01
University of Toronto
Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering * GS Engineering 2016/09/07
Institute for Aerospace Studies IFS 1994/06/20
GS Information
University of Victoria Faculty of Engineering * 2009/12/21
International Exchange

U. S. A.(31) Carnegie Institution of Washington Geophysical Laboratory GS Science 2008/12/01

The City College of New York The Grove School of Engineering * GS Engineering 2010/12/13
Department of Chemistry IMRAM 1995/11/22
Department of Earth and Environmental
Columbia University Engineering
IMRAM 1998/10/15
Fu Foundation School of Engineering and
Applied Science
The Forsyth Institute GS Dentistry 2005/12/09
The Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of
Harvard University IRIDeS 2014/06/13
Japanese Studies
GS Engineering 2015/01/09
Research Laboratory of Electronics and IMR 2015/01/09
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Microsystems Technology Laboratories RIEC 2015/01/09
IMRAM 2015/01/09
Northeastern University College of Engineering IFS 2013/09/19
Faculty of Arts and
* 2016/08/01
The Ohio State University College of Arts and Science Letters
* GS Arts and Letters 2017/08/01
GS Economics and
Portland State University 2014/12/09
Rutgers University WINLAB (Wireless Network Laboratory) RIEC 2009/12/09

■ Academic Exchange Agreements with Foreign Institutions
Department Level Agreements
†* indicates institutions which agree upon a mutual application, matriculation and tuition waivers for students from the partner institution.
††Where a partner institution's department has not been identified, the agreement has been concluded with the entire institution.

Area Country / Region Partner Institution Department Year

at Tohoku
GS Economics and
U. S. A.(31) State University of New York University at Albany * 2012/08/06
Syracuse University College of Engineering IFS 2001/06/15
Texas A&M University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences GS Agricultural Science 2018/02/06
Colleges of Agricultural and Environmental
University of California, Davis GS Agricultural Science 2019/10/17
Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) AIMR 2012/08/02
University of California, Riverside Bourns College of Engineering GS Engineering 2017/03/22
GS Economics and
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa College of Social Sciences * 2017/03/27
Bioacoustics Research Laboratory, College GS Engineering 1988/08/29
University of Illinois
of Engineering IDAC 1988/08/29
University of Illinois at Chicago GS Science 2000/05/01
Department of Electrical and Computer GS Biomedical
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign * 2013/07/29
Engineering of College of Engineering Engineering
University of Kentucky College of Engineering IFS 2008/11/17
University of Utah Department of Metallurgical Engineering IMRAM 1998/11/15
* GS Engineering 2016/12/01
University of Wyoming
College of Engineering * GS Engineering 2005/06/22
Wayne State University School of Medicine GS Medicine 2019/11/07
and South Argentina(1) Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos * GS Agricultural Science 2016/10/17
Brazil(1) Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Faculty of Law and LL.M. Program GS Law 2002/09/02
Chile(2) University of Atacama * GS Engineering 2006/03/22
University of Concepcion * GS Engineering 2009/04/07
Cuba(1) Cuban Neuroscience Center IDAC 2008/03/11
GS Environmental
El Salvador(1) University of El Salvador Faculty of Engineering and Architecture * 2019/11/18
Mexico(1) National Polytechnic Institute * GS Engineering 2000/03/30
Centro Peruano Japonés de Investigaciones
Peru(1) Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería IRIDeS 2018/03/20
Sísmicas y Mitigación de Desastres
GS Economics and
Europe Austria(1) The Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) * 2019/01/25
Belarus(1) National Academy of Sciences of Belarus A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute IFS 2016/02/05
Belgium(7) Ghent University Faculty of Arts and Philosophy * GS Arts and Letters 2014/12/16
Faculty of Engineering Science * GS Engineering 2015/04/30
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven GS Medicine 2017/10/23
GS Life Sciences 2017/10/23
Université catholique de Louvain Faculty of Sciences * GS Science 2007/08/29
Ecole Polytechnique de Bruxelles * GS Engineering 2016/10/12
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Faculté d'Architecture La Cambre - Horta * GS Engineering 2010/09/02
Croatia(1) Juraj Dobrila University of Pula * GS Arts and Letters 2016/04/01
Czech Republic
Institute of Plasma Physics IFS 2000/01/25
(6) Czech Academy of Science
Institute of Physics IMR 2017/03/24
* GS Medicine 2008/05/28
Faculty of Medicine
Masaryk University IDAC 2008/05/28
Faculty of Science GS Life Sciences 2002/10/22
VSB-Technical University Ostrava * GS Engineering 1997/11/10
Denmark(4) Aalborg University Center for TeleInfrastractur (CTIF) * GS Engineering 2010/11/26
Technical University of Denmark * GS Engineering 2000/04/13
Center for Healthy Aging IDAC 2012/09/26
University of Copenhagen GS Economics and
Department of Economics * 2014/06/12
Tallin School of Economics and Business GS Economics and
Estonia(1) Tallin University of Technology * 2015/05/27
Administration Management
Finland(6) Aalto University The School of Arts, Design and Architecture * GS Engineering 2018/03/05
Faculty of Business, ICT and Chemical GS Biomedical
* 2017/12/06
Turku University of Applied Sciences Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Business * GS Engineering 2010/02/22
Faculty of Health Sciences, School of GS Pharmaceutical
University of Eastern Finland * 2016/07/13
Pharmacy Sciences
University of Oulu Institute of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine GS Dentistry 2007/04/13
University of Turku Faculty of Social Sciences * GS Arts and Letters 2011/11/01
France (22) Albi-Carmaux School of Engineering IMRAM 1999/10/04
Ecole d'Ingénieur du Littoral Côte d'Opale (Université
* GS Engineering 2017/02/14
du Littoral Côte d'Opale)
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes * GS Science 2016/01/04
École Nationale Supérieure de l'électronique et de ses
* GS Engineering 2016/09/19
applications (ENSEA)


(as of May 1, 2020)

Area Country / Region Partner Institution Department Year

at Tohoku
École Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique pour
France (22) * GS Engineering 2013/05/29
l’Industrie et l’Entreprise (ENSIIE)
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse * GS Engineering 2006/06/13
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (INPT) * GS Engineering 2015/12/09

Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace * GS Engineering 2013/12/18

National and Superior School of Architecture of

* GS Engineering 2007/07/12
The Interdisciplinary Center on Nanoscience
National Center of Scientific Research RIEC 2005/10/24
of Marseille
Orange ROEC 2013/01/09
Synchrotron SOLEIL IMRAM 2013/06/27
Telecom Paris TechTelecom ParisTech (Ecole
RIEC 2017/10/25
Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications)
* GS Science 2011/09/09
* GS Engineering 2016/04/25
University Claude Bernard-Lyon 1
Physical Chemistry of Luminescent Materials
IMR 1999/11/25
Université de Montpellier * GS Engineering 2017/09/26
University of Nantes Institute of Materials Jean Rouxel IMRAM 2014/12/08
GS Pharmaceutical
University of Rouen Normandie Faculty of Science and Engineering * 2016/09/19
University of Technology of Troyes * GS Engineering 2008/06/13
University Paris1 * GS Law 2018/05/03
Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University * GS Engineering 2011/03/09
Germany(30) DLR, German Aerospace Center DFD, German Remote Sensing Data Center IRIDeS 2012/05/23
Department of Aerospace Engineering * GS Engineering 2016/10/17
FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences GS Biomedical
Institute of Nano- and Biotechnologies (INB) * 2019/04/14
Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems
AIMR 2011/11/08
Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing * IFS 2012/09/26
Free University of Berlin Department of Physics IMRAM 1997/11/03
Friedrich Schiller University of Jena Institute of Solid State Physics IMRAM 1999/07/27
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf * GS Life Sciences 2019/10/30
Cecile and Oskar Vogt Institute of Brain
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin IMR 2018/07/02
IHP-Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics RIEC 2001/01/22
Institute for Crystal Growth IMRAM 2006/10/17
Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz * GS Science 2012/05/03
Computer Science
GS Information
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology * 2009/10/26
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids
IMR 2017/03/10
Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics IMRAM 2009/12/24
GS Economics and
Reutlingen University ESB Business School * 2017/01/10
Technical University Hamburg-Harburg * GS Engineering 1997/05/15
Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu
* GS Engineering 2018/01/08

University of Bayreuth * GS Science 2016/02/05

International Exchange

GS Economics and
University of Bonn Faculty of Arts * 2013/06/26
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Faculty of Engineering Sciences * GS Engineering 2004/10/05
University of Freiburg Institute of Microsystem Tecnology * GS Engineering 1999/06/08
University of Göttingen Faculty of Law GS Law 2000/11/27
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
GS Pharmaceutical
University of Greifswald Sciences * 2017/03/16
Institute of Pharmacy
University of Heidelberg Faculty of Law GS Law 2003/09/16
Faculty of Cultural Studies and Aesthetic
University of Hildesheim * GS Arts and Letters 2018/03/13
Faculty of Business Administration and GS Economics and
University of Paderborn * 2011/01/20
Economics Management
University of Regensburg Department of Physics * GS Engineering 2009/09/22
Faculty of Energy Technology, Process
University of Stuttgart * GS Engineering 2011/04/26
Engineering and Biological Engineering
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Wuppertal University * GS Science 2012/01/23
Research Institute for Technical Physics and
Hungary(3) The Hungarian Academy of Sciences IFS 1999/04/26
Materials Science
Semmelweis University Faculty of Medicine * IFS 2014/09/04
Faculty of Materials Science and
University of Miskolc IMRAM 2014/06/19

■ Academic Exchange Agreements with Foreign Institutions
Department Level Agreements
†* indicates institutions which agree upon a mutual application, matriculation and tuition waivers for students from the partner institution.
††Where a partner institution's department has not been identified, the agreement has been concluded with the entire institution.

Area Country / Region Partner Institution Department Year

at Tohoku
GS Information
Iceland(1) Reykjavik University School of Computer Science * 2010/06/26
Department of Education Studies "Giovanni
Italy(19) Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna GS Arts and Letters 2015/04/20
Maria Bertin"
Elettra-Sincrotorone Trieste S.C.p.A. IMRAM 2007/08/29
Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De
Scuola Normale Superiore * GS Science 2013/06/25
Dipartimento di Studi sull’Asia e sull’Africa
Università Ca’Foscari Venezia * GS Arts and Letters 2014/06/05
University of Ferrara * GS Science 2012/06/27
Department of Life, Health and
University of L'Aquila * GS Agricultural Science 2004/02/09
Environmental Science
Faculty of Law GS Law 2003/06/12
University of Milan GS Pharmaceutical
Faculty of Pharmacy * 2003/07/16
University of Napoli "L'Orientale" * GS Arts and Letters 2014/07/18
Department of Philosophy, Sociology,
University of Padova * GS Arts and Letters 2015/08/01
Education and Applied Psychology
Faculty of Architecture * GS Engineering 2012/04/05
* GS Engineering 2010/07/26
Faculty of Information Engineering,
Informatics and Statistics GS Information
* 2010/07/28
University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Faculty of Literature and Philosophy * GS Arts and Letters 2010/03/15
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural
* GS Science 2017/03/24
Faculty of Oriental Studies * GS Arts and Letters 2008/02/28
Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Trento Department of Information Engineering and * GS Engineering 2017/10/06
Computer Science
University of Trieste Department of Engineering and Architecture IFS 2002/06/28
University of Turin Department of Psychology IDAC 2011/07/21
Kazakhstan(1) Institute of Combustion Problems IFS 2016/04/15
Kyrgyz GS International
International University of Kyrgyzstan 1998/02/20
Republic(1) Cultural Studies
Faculty of Sciences, Technology and
Luxembourg(1) University of Luxembourg * GS Engineering 2017/11/29
GS Information
Netherlands(10) Eindhoven University of Technology * 2016/03/30
Erasmus Medical Center, Department of
ToMMo 2014/08/11
Erasmus University Rotterdam
GS Biomedical
Thorax Centre Erasmus MC * 2010/03/23
Leiden University Faculty of Humanities * GS Arts and Letters 2011/02/15
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life
Maastricht University * GS Medicine 2014/05/30
University College Utrecht * GS Arts and Letters 2018/09/26
University of Amsterdam Faculty of Science * GS Science 2013/07/11
Utrecht University Focus Programme Future Food Utrecht * GS Agricultural Science 2017/01/19
Graduate School Wageningen Institute of
* GS Agricultural Science 2016/01/28
Animal Sciences
Wageningen University
Graduate School Wageningen Institute of
* GS Agricultural Science 2016/10/26
Experimental Plant Sciences
Norway(4) * GS Medicine 2017/04/27
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Norwegian University of Science and Technology * GS Life Sciences 2017/04/28
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Faculty of
* GS Engineering 2017/10/16
University of Bergen Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry IDAC 2017/05/10
Poland(8) AGH University of Science and Technology * GS Engineering 2017/06/07
Institute of Vacuum Technology IMR 2000/06/09
Jagiellonian University Faculty of International and Political Studies * GS Arts and Letters 2015/09/30
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Faculty of Law GS Law 2003/09/19
IMR 2000/12/08
Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics
RIEC 1976/08/03
* GS Engineering 2013/02/27
Wroclaw University of Technology
* IFS 2014/06/10
Portugal(1) Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico * GS Engineering 2017/05/12
Romania(1) National Institute for Lasers Plasma and Radiation Physics IMRAM 2006/08/04
Institute of Radio Electronics and Laser
Russia(20) Bauman Moscow State Technical University Technology / Research and Educational * RIEC 2014/06/26
Center “Photonics and Infrared Technology”
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Institute of Physics and Technology * FRIS 2015/01/30
IFS 2018/06/08
Faculty of Physics RIEC 2018/06/08
Lomonosov Moscow State University
IMRAM 2018/06/08
Faculty of Psychology * GS Arts and Letters 2013/10/09


(as of May 1, 2020)

Area Country / Region Partner Institution Department Year

at Tohoku
Russia(20) Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy * GS Agricultural Science 2015/04/21
General Physics Institute IMR 1993/01/27
Institute of Solid State Physics IMRAM 1993/10/01
Russian Academy of Sciences
IMRAM 2000/07/21
P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute
IFS 2017/10/15
Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and
Russian Academy of Sciences
Analytical Chemistry (GEOKHI) IMRAM 2013/09/02
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Chemistry Department
Economic Research Institute CNEAS 2005/09/01
Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of
Sciences Institute for Automation and Control
IMRAM 2005/12/01
Institute for Humanities Research and
CNEAS 2009/09/30
Indigenous Studies of the North
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest CNEAS 2002/10/01
V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and
GS Science 2008/11/07

Smolensk State Medical Academy IDAC 2003/07/18

St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University * RIEC 2016/11/22

Tomsk Polytechnic University Research Institute of Nuclear Physics IMRAM 1997/12/01
Slovakia(1) University of Zilina Faculty of Electrical Engineering * GS Engineering 2017/06/13
Slovenia(2) Jozef Stefan Institute Ljubljana IMR 2000/10/05
University of Ljubljana Engineering Related Four Faculties * GS Engineering 1998/06/03
GS Pharmaceutical
Spain(8) Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) * 2016/08/01
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Chemistry Department IMRAM 2013/06/26
Universidad de Alicante Materials Institute IMRAM 2014/02/21
Escola Tècnica Superior D'enginyeria
* GS Engineering 2016/04/11
Industrial de Barcelona
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Escola Superior d’Enginyeries Industrial,
* GS Engineering 2017/07/18
Aeroespacial i Audiovisual de Terrassa
University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) IDAC 2017/12/19
RIEC 2011/02/25
University of Vigo
Faculty of Science GS Agricultural Science 1996/11/26
Sweden(5) KTH Royal Institute of Technology * GS Engineering 1990/05/22
The Institute for Analytical Sociology GS Arts and Letters 2015/05/07
Linköping University
The Institute of Technology * GS Engineering 1998/04/02
School of Innovation, Design and
Mälardalen University * GS Engineering 2016/03/10
Sahlgrenska Academy Institute of
University of Gothenburg * GS Dentistry 2018/05/25
Switzerland(1) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne GS Engineering 1994/07/29
Ukraine(1) National Academy of Science of Ukraine Institute for Problems of Materials Science IMRAM 2006/09/20
King's College London Dental Institute GS Dentistry 2006/08/01
Science and Technology Facilities Council Daresbury Laboratory IMRAM 1996/10/01
Department of Chemistry AIMR 2011/01/18
Department of Engineering * GS Engineering 2016/11/11
University of Cambridge
Department of Materials Science and
AIMR 2010/01/26
Metallurgy (MSM)
School of Health Sciences * GS Medicine 2018/09/24
GS Pharmaceutical
School of Pharmacy * 2017/11/29
University of East Anglia Sciences
School of Politics, Philosophy, Language &
International Exchange

* GS Law 2018/06/29
Communication Studies
GS Economics and
University of Leicester Faculty of Social Sciences 2001/02/12

University of London Institute of Education GS Education 1999/04/26

School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil

The University of Manchester Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and * GS Engineering 2007/03/26
Physical Science
School of Pychology and Clinical Language
University of Reading IDAC 2016/09/14

University of York Department of Educational Studies GS Education 2005/02/04

GS International
Uzbekistan(1) Tashkent State University of Economics 1998/03/04
Cultural Studies
International International
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) IRIDeS 2015/08/04
Organization Organization(2)

The United Nations University International Institute for Global Health GS Medicine 2019/08/19

■ Statistics
aaaaaaaa on Personnel Exchange

Academic Exchange Number of International Students

8,000 4,000
Visiting research fellows from overseas
Academic staff studying overseas 3,548
7,000 6,910 6,928 6,854 3,500 3,405
6,427 3,208

5,976 3,000 2,938


5,000 2,500

4,000 2,000

3,000 1,500
2,658 2,729 2,621
2,000 1,000

1,000 500

0 0
FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019

■ University Consortia
For further information, see:
https://ie.bureau.tohoku.ac.jp/consortia-2/apru?lang=en (as of July 1, 2020)

AEARU AEARU was established in 1996 with the goals of forming a forum for the presidents
(The Association of East Asian Research Universities) of leading research-oriented universities and carrying out mutual exchanges between
Established: 1996  Membership since: 1998 major universities in East Asia.
Countries/Regions: 4  Participating Institutions: 19 Expectations are that this regional consortium, on the basis of common academic
cultural backgrounds among member universities, will contribute not only to the
development of higher education and research but also to the opening up of a new
era leading to cultural economic and social progress in the region.

APRU APRU was established in 1997 with the aim of fostering cooperation in education
(Association of Pacific Rim Universities) and research contributing to the economic, scientific and cultural advancement,
Established: 1997  Membership since: 2008 and it has grown rapidly to become a reputable international organization of leading
Economies: 18  Participating Institutions: 55 research universities in 17 economies of the Pacific Rim.
As the Voice of Knowledge and Innovation for the Asia-Pacific region, APRU brings
together leaders, researchers, and policy-makers to exchange ideas and collaborate
on effective solutions to the challenges of the 21st century.
As part of Tohoku University's active participation, we have taken on the role of
regional program hub for APRU's Multi-Hazards Program from 2013.
HeKKSaGOn HeKKSaGOn, a German-Japanese University Network founded in 2010, is a bilateral
The German-Japanese University Alliance: university network composed of three Japanese and three German research-intensive
Heidelberg, Kyoto, Karlsruhe, Tohoku(in Sendai), universities (Kyoto, Osaka, Tohoku; Göttingen, Heidelberg and Karlsruhe) that aims
Göttingen, Osaka-network to further develop international cooperation and the exchange of ideas in education,
Established: 2010  Membership since: 2010 research and innovation to further advance science, technology, industry and culture
Participating Institutions: 6 between member universities. It brings together two of the world's high-tech countries
facing similar challenges in society like Global Change and Adaptation.

MIRAI 2.0 project MIRAI, which connects Swedish and Japanese universities through research,
education and innovation, was started as a three-year project addressing scientific
Established: 2017 Membership since: 2020 issues within Ageing, Materials Science and Sustainability between 2017 and 2019.
Participating Institutions: 19 From 2020, the MIRAI collaboration has entered a new phase, called MIRAI 2.0
(2020-2021) and Tohoku University is a new participant in this project. This project
aims to contribute to long-term collaborations and research excellence between
Sweden and Japan through activities in research, education and innovation and
preparing the next generation of researchers. From 2020 until 2022, MIRAI 2.0 aims
to develop further and expand the collaboration activities started in the MIRAI project
in a new context, to meet what the society today expects of research universities.
RENKEI RENKEI, the Japan-UK Research and Education Network for Knowledge Economy
(Japan-UK Research and Education Network for Initiatives, is a bilateral consortium that was formed in 2012 by leading universities
Knowledge Economy Initiatives) from Japan and the UK with the support of the British Council. Its aim is to further
Established: 2012  Membership since: 2012 knowledge exchange and research collaboration between institutions and individuals.
Participating Institutions: 12 This group of leading research intensive universities in the two countries will also
develop collaborations with industry, governments and society to address global
research challenges.
The six participating Japanese universities are Osaka, Kyushu, Kyoto, Tohoku,
Nagoya and Ritsumeikan. From the United Kingdom, the six members are Edinburgh,
Southampton, Newcastle, Nottingham, Leeds and Liverpool.


■ Facilities Worldwide
(as of May 1, 2020)
Representative Offices
Name (Location) Date Established
① Tohoku University China Office (Beijing) (April 20, 2007)

② Tohoku University Thailand Office (Bangkok) (March 14, 2016)

③ University of Washington-Tohoku University: Academic Open Space (UW-TU: AOS) (Seattle) (April 14, 2017)

Liaison Offices
Institution (Location) Country/Region (Starting Date) Name Department/Institute of TU
The University of New South Wales Australia Institute of Fluid Science
④ (International Office) (May 17, 2002)
Liaison Office of Tohoku University
Graduate School of Law
Russia (June 21, 2002)
Moscow State University ※Expanded from the office with Institute of Fluid Science
⑤ (Faculty of Physics) the Institute of Fluid Science
Liaison Office of Tohoku University
Graduate School of Engineering
(September 19, 2001)
Syracuse University USA
⑥ (L. C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science) (November 11, 2003)
IFS Syracuse Office Institute of Fluid Science
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology South Korea
⑦ (Department of Mechanical Engineering) (December 18, 2003)
Liaison Office of Tohoku University Institute of Fluid Science
Tohoku-RITM Collaborating Research Center
⑧ Research Institute for Tropical Medicine
(May 1, 2007)
on Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Graduate School of Medicine
International Environmental Leadership Program,
Indonesia Graduate School of Environmental Studies Graduate School of
⑨ Institut Teknologi Bandung
(August 2, 2011) ※Program name changed on the occasion of Environmental Studies
the agreement (effective March 23, 2015)
The Partnership Offices of the Schools of
Seoul National University South Korea Engineering, etc., of the Four Japanese
⑩ (College of Engineering) (December 1, 2011) Universities, Japan and the College of
Graduate School of Engineering
Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea
Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Institute of Fluid Science
⑪ (School of Engineering Sciences) (June 28, 2012)
Liaison Office of Tohoku University
Graduate School of Engineering
USA Institute for Excellence in Higher
⑫ The University of California, Riverside
(February 1, 2013)
Tohoku University Center
France Institute of Fluid Science
Université de Lyon
(June 2, 2015) Graduate School of Engineering
(Materials Science and Physical Metallurgy
⑬ Laboratory, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées
※Encouraged by the existence of Liaison Office of Tohoku University Institute of Development, Aging
the INSA Lyon - Tohoku University and Cancer
de Lyon)
Liaison Office since July 13, 2004 Graduate School of Medicine
Vietnam Institute for Excellence in Higher
⑭ Foreign Trade University
(December 19, 2015)
TU-FTU Cooperation Office
Institute of Fluid Science
New Industry Creation Hatchery Center
Graduate School of Engineering
National Chiao Tung University Taiwan
⑮ (College of Electrical and Computer Engineering) (May 4, 2017)
Liaison Office of Tohoku University Graduate School of Science and
Faculty of Science
Advanced Institute for Materials
Sichuan University China Liaison Office of Tohoku University Graduate
⑯ (West China School of Stomatology) (March 1, 2018) School of Dentistry
Graduate School of Dentistry
Taiwan Liaison Office of Tohoku University Graduate
⑰ National Yang-Ming University (School of Dentistry)
(May 28, 2019) School of Dentistry
Graduate School of Dentistry
Mongolia Liaison Office of Tohoku University Graduate
⑱ Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences
(June 6, 2019) School of Dentistry
Graduate School of Dentistry
Taiwan Liaison Office of Tohoku University Graduate
⑲ Kaohsiung Medical University (School of Dentistry)
(December 13, 2019) School of Dentistry
Graduate School of Dentistry

International Joint Laboratories

Institution (Location) Country/Region (Starting Date) Name Department/Institute of TU
CNRS, University of Lyon (INSA-Lyon, École France The France-Japan Joint Laboratory Organization for Advanced
⑳ Centrale de Lyon) (October 27, 2015) (ELyTMaX) Studies
China The OAS/Tohoku U-NCMS/USTB Joint New Industry Creation Hatchery
㉑ University of Science and Technology Beijing
(November 5, 2015) Research Laboratory Center
Taiwan The Tohoku U-National Chiao Tung
㉒ National Chiao Tung University
(August 20, 2018) University Joint Research Center
Institute of Fluid Science
International Exchange

● ③



● ⑯

● ⑭
● ●●

● ⑧

■ Academic Exchanges
Number of Visiting Research Fellows from Overseas

Arts and Letters



Economics and Management




Pharmaceutical Sciences


Agricultural Science

International Cultural Studies

Information Sciences

Life Sciences

Environmental Studies

Biomedical Engineering

Institute for Materials

Aging and Cancer

Institute of Development,

Institute of Fluid Science




Asia Bangladesh 18 1 1 4 2 1
Cambodia 1
China 545 28 8 3 6 44 10 20 77 10 6 19 1 3 12 57 2 29
India 45 3 1 1 8 2 1 8 1
Indonesia 63 1 3 3 6 4 2 5 1 6 2 7
Malaysia 9 4 1 2
Mongolia 8 4
Myanmar 1 1
Nepal 2 1
Pakistan 2
Philippines 24 9 5 1
Singapore 25 2 2 1 1
South Korea 161 8 2 4 19 31 4 4 7 2 3 4 1 8 1 11
Sri Lanka 4 1 1 1
Taiwan 157 4 1 1 2 1 7 3 16 1 2 1 2 3 6 44
Thailand 35 2 1 6 1 6 1 1 2
Vietnam 29 3 1 1 2
Middle Iran 9 1 1 1 3
East Israel 6 1
Jordan 1 1
Palestine 1 1
Saudi Arabia 3 3
Turkey 3 1
UAE 2 1 1
Yemen 1 1
Africa Algeria 1 1
Botswana 1 1
Cameroon 1 1
Egypt 10 4 1 2
Ghana 1 1
Kenya 1 1
Nigeria 3 2
South Africa 9 1 4
Tunisia 1
Zambia 1 1
Oceania Australia 37 1 1 2 7 1 3 2 1 4
New Zealand 7 1 3 1
North Canada 33 1 4 2 2 4 4
America USA 288 4 5 25 52 18 1 6 10 2 5 2 15 3 16
Central Argentina 6 2 1
and Brazil 5 1
South Chile 6 1 1 2
Colombia 1 1
Cuba 2 1
Dominican Republic 1
El Salvador 13 13
Guatemala 1 1
Honduras 2 1
Mexico 17 1 1 5 1 1
Peru 2
Venezuela 3 1 1 1
Europe Austria 7 1 1
Belgium 5 1
Croatia 4
Czech Republic 7 1 6
Denmark 5
Estonia 1 1
Finland 13 3 2
France 111 1 1 12 1 6 1 8 1 22
Germany 130 2 1 13 4 8 4 1 1 4 4 11 5
Greece 1 1
Hungary 2 1 1
Ireland 2
Italy 31 3 5 11 3 1 2 1
Kazakhstan 2 1 1
Lithuania 2 1
Luxembourg 1
Netherlands 26 3 2 1 5 1 4 1
Norway 7 2 1
Poland 16 5 1 5 3
Romania 1 1
Russia 47 4 1 2 1 1 6 8
Slovakia 2
Slovenia 2 1 1
Spain 26 2 2 2 1 1 2
Sweden 25 2 4 6 1 1
Switzerland 22 1 2 6 2
Tajikistan 1 1
Turkmenistan 2 2
UK 109 4 1 6 5 19 7 1 9 5 3 3
Ukraine 3 1 1
Total 2,221 69 14 7 29 153 189 39 7 215 36 24 58 5 38 30 166 23 177

( FY = Fiscal Year/ Financial Year )

International Exchange

(FY 2019)








Administration Bureau


International Strategy Office

Tough Cyberphysical AI


Research Center

Smart-Aging Research Center
Research Alliance Center for


Mathematical Sciences
Center for Spintronics


Research Network (CSRN)

Research Center for Electron

Photon Science (ELPH)
Center for Northeast Asian



Cyclotron and Radioisotope




Organization for Research




Research Organization of

Electrical Communication
Tohoku Medical Megabank


Center for Innovative


Integrated Electronic Systems
Center for Science and Innovation in


Spintronics (CSIS)
New Industry Creation



Hatchery Center (NICHe)
Frontier Research Institute for




Interdisciplinary Sciences
Advanced Institute for




Materials Research (AIMR)
Organization for Advanced

Institute for Excellence in






Higher Education

Cyberscience Center

Tohoku University Hospital
International Research Institute


of Disaster Science
Institute of Multidisciplinary







Research for Advanced Materials
Research Institute of










Electrical Communication
■ Academic Exchanges
Number of Academic Studies Overseas

Arts and Letters



Economics and




Pharmaceutical Sciences


Agricultural Science

International Cultural

Information Sciences

Life Sciences

Environmental Studies

Biomedical Engineering

Institute for Materials
Aging and Cancer
Institute of Development,

Institute of Fluid Science

Electrical Communication
Research Institute of
Research for Advanced Materials
Institute of Multidisciplinary
of Disaster Science
International Research Institute


and Region
Asia Bangladesh 14 7 1 1 2 1
Bhutan 6 2 1 2
Brunei 1 1
Cambodia 13 9 1 1 1
China 736 51 8 3 8 38 14 19 7 151 11 6 85 8 11 6 55 27 7 28 16
India 86 13 1 7 2 2 1 10 1 4 2 1 7 1 5
Indonesia 129 7 2 3 1 26 2 2 10 10 4 6 6 1 3 28
Laos 3 1 1 1
Malaysia 68 2 1 2 9 4 5 3 1 3 1 7 5 3 3 4
Maldives 1 1
Mongolia 15 1 3 4 1 2 1
Myanmar 17 1 1 1 3 2 4 5
Nepal 5 2 1 2
Philippines 85 1 56 1 2 2 23
Singapore 106 1 2 10 10 33 1 1 4 3 6 1 5 1 5 5
South Korea 317 66 15 2 12 22 10 8 42 3 3 16 8 1 21 1 8 6 19 4
Sri Lanka 5 3 1 1
Taiwan 276 19 4 5 11 10 10 17 4 47 11 6 8 3 5 4 4 11 15 15 26
Thailand 100 3 2 1 1 4 3 12 3 4 3 4 2 1 4 13
Vietnam 73 1 3 2 1 5 1 21 3 6 2 3 1 2 1
Middle Azerbaijan 1 1
East Bahrain 1 1
Iran 1 1
Israel 5 2 1 1
Oman 1 1
Saudi Arabia 2 1
Turkey 8 1 2 1 3
Turkmenistan 1 1
UAE 16 2 3 2 1 2 1
Africa Botswana 3 1 2
Egypt 6 1 1
Ethiopia 7 2 1
Ghana 2 2
Ivory Coast 2 2
Kenya 8 2 3
Madagascar 2 2
Mauritius 3 2 1
Morocco 2 1
Mozambique 1 1
South Africa 11 3 1 1 2 2
Tunisia 2 1 1
Zambia 4 4
Oceania Australia 139 3 1 3 2 9 21 8 4 16 1 1 6 1 6 1 7 14 3
Fiji 5 3 2
New Zealand 39 1 8 8 1 3 3 1 2 3
Tonga 1 1
North Canada 154 3 2 1 11 17 19 3 21 5 1 5 2 1 9 1 8 4 11
America USA 1261 18 6 30 7 77 111 15 23 196 18 7 52 15 10 10 77 14 49 64 62 66
Central Argentina 9 1 1 1 3
and South Bolivia 1 1
America Brazil 17 1 2 1 4
Chile 13 6 1 1 4
Colombia 9 1 5
Costa Rica 1
Ecuador 1
El Salvador 10 10
Guatemala 1 1
Mexico 22 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 2
Panama 3 3
Peru 9 4 1 1 2
Europe Austria 57 1 8 7 3 8 2 8 2 2 1 3
Belgium 34 1 5 3 3 4 4 1 3 1 1 1
Bosnia and
Bulgaria 1 1
Croatia 6 1 2 1
Cyprus 4 1 2 1
Czech Republic 31 2 1 2 5 1 1 2 2 7 2 2 2
Denmark 54 1 1 7 1 2 1 1
Estonia 4 1 1 1
Finland 47 9 1 10 2 2 1 1 1 2 1
France 409 9 3 2 21 10 1 1 76 3 1 29 3 1 42 5 78 10 23 8
Germany 373 9 1 3 6 38 16 3 3 61 8 3 31 1 6 4 27 3 7 9 22 5
Greece 24 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 4 1
Hungary 19 3 1 1 1 5 1 2 2 2
Iceland 2
Ireland 9 1 5
Italy 184 44 1 4 14 12 19 5 1 6 4 3 7 10 4 5 2 11
Kazakhstan 5 1 2 2
Latvia 3 1
Lithuania 2 1
Luxembourg 1 1
Malta 2 1 1
Netherlands 90 2 6 4 3 11 17 3 1 3 11 1 1 3
Norway 22 6 2 3 3 1 1 2 1 2
Poland 64 15 6 4 2 12 2 1 1 2 1
Portugal 40 1 2 2 3 7 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 2
Romania 5 3 1
Russia 107 25 1 4 1 1 3 2 3 9 3 18 4
Slovakia 5 1 2
Slovenia 4 1 1 1
Spain 110 1 15 12 1 1 16 1 1 2 1 10 3 3 5 3 5
Sweden 61 1 7 5 6 11 1 2 2 1 1 2 7
Switzerland 83 1 3 4 2 5 2 9 5 3 4 1 1 7 1 8
UK 264 6 1 10 16 11 12 3 4 39 10 7 5 6 1 20 1 4 16 5 11
Ukraine 7 4 1 1
Uzbekistan 1
Others 1 1
 Total 5976 329 61 72 72 358 446 129 69 919 132 66 312 67 101 29 357 56 228 204 254 283

( FY = Fiscal Year/ Financial Year )

International Exchange

(FY 2019)






Administration Bureau




International Strategy Office
Tough Cyberphysical AI


Research Center
Research Alliance Center

for Mathematical Sciences
Research Center for



Neutrino Science
Research Center for Electron




Photon Science (ELPH)
The Center for Academic



Resources and Archives








Center for Northeast Asian Studies
Cyclotron and


Radioisotope Center
Organization for Academic



Activity Support
Organization for Research



Research Organization of



Electrical Communication
Tohoku Medical Megabank





Center for Innovative




Integrated Electronic Systems
Center for Science and


Innovation in Spintronics(CSIS)
New Industry Creation






Hatchery Center (NICHe)
Head Office of Enterprise Partnerships


(Industrial Liaison Division)
Organization for

International Initiatives
Frontier Research Institute for 6





Interdisciplinary Sciences
Advanced Institute for








Materials Research (AIMR)
Organization for Advanced


Institute for Excellence in









Higher Education




Cyberscience Center
Center for Data-driven Science


and Artificial Intelligence









Tohoku University Hospital

Tohoku University Library
■ Number of International Students

Number of International Students by Funding Status and Student Levels

Funding Status Student Levels
Japanese Graduates Research Students Others


Language Program
Intensive Japanese
Government Private Means

Master's Program

Professional Program

Doctoral Program

(4-year course)
Doctoral Program

Graduate Schools

Research Institutes

Special Auditors

Special Research

Special Students

Country and

Area Foreign
Region Government Others




Asia Bangladesh 15 6 3 7 31 1 8 20 2
Cambodia 1 1 2 1 1

China 30 29 25 18 612 568 1,282 62 621 22 368 69 78 15 12 13 22

India 14 5 13 6 38 10 11 12 2 1 2

Indonesia 44 29 4 3 30 22 132 27 30 60 7 2 3 2 1

Laos 1 1 1

Malaysia 3 2 1 6 5 17 6 5 5 1

Mongolia 3 5 1 4 13 4 2 5 2

Myanmar 3 2 5 2 1 1 1

Nepal 1 1 2 4 2 1 1

Pakistan 6 4 2 2 14 4 8 2

Philippines 4 6 1 2 2 15 1 5 5 3 1

Singapore 1 3 1 5 3 2

South Korea 15 1 14 3 43 16 92 52 10 27 2 1

Sri Lanka 2 2 3 7 2 4 1

Taiwan 1 45 24 70 5 21 21 2 2 2 1 9 7

Thailand 14 8 16 11 49 9 11 14 7 1 1 5 1

Vietnam 10 5 9 11 35 6 16 10 1 1 1

Middle East Iran 1 2 2 4 9 1 1 5 1 1

Jordan 1 1 2 1 1

Kuwait 1 1 1

Saudi Arabia 1 1 1

Syria 5 1 6 2 2 1 1

Turkey 1 3 3 1 8 3 4 1

UAE 1 1 1

Africa Algeria 1 2 3 3
Botswana 2 1 3 1 2

Burkina Faso 1 1 1

Cameroon 2 1 3 1 2

DR Congo 1 1 1

Egypt 4 3 1 8 2 4 2

Ethiopia 1 1 1

Ghana 1 1 1 3 1 2

Kenya 1 1 2 1 1

Morocco 2 1 3 1 1 1

Mozambique 2 2 1 1

Nigeria 4 1 2 3 10 7 3

South Africa 2 2 1 1

Sudan 3 1 4 1 2 1

Tanzania 1 1 2 2

Tunisia 1 1 1

Zambia 2 2 1 1

Zimbabwe 1 1 1

Oceania Australia 2 2 1 1
Fiji 1 1 2 2

North America Canada 2 1 3 2 1

USA 4 1 9 4 18 3 2 8 4 1


(as of May 1, 2020)

Funding Status Student Levels

Japanese Graduates Research Students Others


Language Program
Intensive Japanese
Government Private Means

Master's Program

Professional Program

Doctoral Program

(4-year course)
Doctoral Program

Graduate Schools

Research Institutes

Special Auditors

Special Research

Special Students

Country and

Area Foreign
Region Government Others




South and Central Argentina 2 2 4 2 1 1
47(2.3%) Barbados 1 1 1

Bolivia 1 1 1

Brazil 10 1 1 1 13 1 6 5 1

Chile 1 1 2 2

Colombia 2 2 4 3 1

Costa Rica 1 1 1

Cuba 1 1 1

Ecuador 1 1 1

El Salvador 1 2 3 1 1 1

Guatemala 1 1 1

Haiti 1 1 1

Mexico 2 1 1 4 4

Panama 1 1 1

Paraguay 3 3 2 1

Peru 3 1 1 5 1 3 1

Venezuela 1 1 1

Europe Austria 1 2 3 3
Belgium 1 1 1

Croatia 2 2 2

Denmark 1 2 3 1 1 1

Estonia 2 2 1 1

Finland 1 1 1

France 2 2 25 13 42 1 20 10 5 6

Germany 1 9 4 14 2 3 3 6

Greece 1 1 1

Hungary 1 1 2 1 1

Ireland 1 1 1

Italy 1 1 3 4 9 1 2 1 3 2

Netherlands 1 2 3 6 2 1 3

Norway 1 1 1

Lithuania 1 1 1

Poland 2 1 3 1 1 1
International Exchange

Romania 1 1 1

Russia 5 2 7 2 4 1

Slovakia 1 1 1

Slovenia 1 1 1

Spain 1 1 3 5 1 4

Sweden 3 2 5 1 4

Switzerland 1 1 1

UK 2 1 1 4 2 1 1

Total 245 149 48 25 870 744 2,081 203 825 23 661 111 89 21 18 5 66 59

■ Number of International Students

Number of International Students by Discipline

Arts and Letters


School of Public Policy

Economics and Management

Accounting School




Pharmaceutical Sciences


Agricultural Science

International Cultural Studies

Information Sciences

Life Sciences

Environmental Studies

Biomedical Engineering

Educational Informatics

Institute for Materials Research

Aging and Cancer

Institute of Development,

Institute of Fluid Science

Research for Advanced Materials

Institute of Multidisciplinary
Higher Education
Institute for Excellence in

Academic Affairs Council



Country and

Asia India 38 9 1 1 17 1 5 2 2
Indonesia 132 4 29 2 6 26 18 6 6 27 4 2 1 1
South Korea 92 12 1 3 3 7 2 1 48 10 2 1 2
Cambodia 2 2
Singapore 5 1 1 2 1
Sri Lanka 7 1 1 2 1 1 1
Thailand 49 4 5 5 5 1 15 2 3 6 1 2
Taiwan 70 9 1 4 6 7 3 3 16 3 4 4 2 3 2 1 2
China 1,282 190 41 39 2 117 20 79 97 30 19 325 66 68 74 32 59 10 1 3 2 7 1
Nepal 4 1 2 1
Pakistan 14 1 3 5 3 2
Bangladesh 31 11 2 5 2 3 2 3 3
Philippines 15 2 1 8 1 1 2
Viet Nam 35 6 7 5 1 7 2 2 1 3 1
Malaysia 17 1 2 1 1 10 2
Myanmar 5 2 2 1
Mongolia 13 3 1 2 3 1 3
Laos 1 1
Middle UAE 1 1
Iran 9 2 1 3 1 1 1
Kuwait 1 1
Saudi Arabia 1 1
Syria 6 2 3 1
Turkey 8 1 1 3 1 2
Jordan 2 1 1
Africa Algeria 3 1 1 1
Egypt 8 1 1 1 3 1 1
Ethiopia 1 1
Cameroon 3 2 1
Ghana 3 1 1 1
Kenya 2 2
Congo 1 1
Zambia 2 1 1
Zimbabwe 1 1
Sudan 4 1 1 1 1
Tanzania 2 1 1
Tunisia 1 1
Nigeria 10 1 4 1 1 2 1
Burkina Faso 1 1
Botswana 3 2 1
South Africa 2 1 1
Mozambique 2 1 1
Morocco 3 1 1 1
Oceania Australia 2 1 1
Fiji 2 1 1
North USA 18 2 9 2 1 2 1 1
Canada 3 1 1 1


(as of May 1, 2020)

Arts and Letters


School of Public Policy

Economics and Management

Accounting School




Pharmaceutical Sciences


Agricultural Science

International Cultural Studies

Information Sciences

Life Sciences

Environmental Studies

Biomedical Engineering

Educational Informatics

Institute for Materials Research

Aging and Cancer

Institute of Development,

Institute of Fluid Science

Research for Advanced Materials

Institute of Multidisciplinary
Higher Education
Institute for Excellence in

Academic Affairs Council




Country and

Central Argentina 4 2 1 1
and South
America Ecuador 1 1
El Salvador 3 1 2
Cuba 1 1
Guatemala 1 1
Costa Rica 1 1
Colombia 4 1 1 1 1
Chile 2 1 1
Haiti 1 1
Panama 1 1
Paraguay 3 1 1 1
Barbados 1 1
Brazil 13 1 2 4 1 4 1
Venezuela 1 1
Peru 5 1 4
Bolivia 1 1
Mexico 4 1 1 1 1
Europe Ireland 1 1
UK 4 3 1
Italy 9 7 1 1
Estonia 2 1 1
Austria 3 1 2
Netherlands 6 3 2 1
Greece 1 1
Croatia 2 2
Switzerland 1 1
Sweden 5 1 2 1 1
Spain 5 3 1 1
Slovakia 1 1
Slovenia 1 1
Denmark 3 1 2
Germany 14 1 1 2 3 1 5 1
Norway 1 1
Hungary 2 2
Finland 1 1
France 42 3 5 23 1 7 1 2
International Exchange

Belgium 1 1
Poland 3 1 2
Lithuania 1 1
Romania 1 1
Russia 7 2 1 1 1 2
Total 2,081 251 43 58 2 146 21 196 134 54 20 579 117 93 129 54 119 27 1 3 2 5 8 5 14

■ Sendai City

Sendai is a city of charming contrasts, where tradition meets modernity,
and tranquil nature and busy urban life exist side by side. The stunning
modern architecture is complemented by an abundance of natural wonders,
and the arrays of zelkova trees which line the streets and avenues have
led to Sendai becoming known as “Mori no Miyako” - the City of Trees.
Sendai is also known as a “City of Academia,” as it boasts a great number of
universities and colleges relative to its size.

The history and tradition of the city date to its founding in 1600 by
famous feudal lord Masamune Date, and over the centuries it has prospered
to become the economic and political center of Tohoku, the northeastern region of Japan. Sendai has a population
of over one million people, who are rightly proud of the city’s history, arts and culture, and they welcome visitors to
join in celebrations such as the annual Tanabata Festival and Jozenji Street Jazz Festival.

Away from the bustling center, the wondrous nature and peaceful environs of coastal Matsushima, the mystical
volcanic crater of Zao and the bountiful hot springs have enchanted locals and visitors alike for generations.


38N Sendai Lisbon Sendai Washington D.C.

Tohoku Athens San Francisco

Kyoto Nagoya

1. Flight
Sendai International Airport (SDJ) offers flights to a broad range of destinations.
Destinations Journey Time Destinations Journey Time
Beijing (via Shanghai) 7hr 10mins. Osaka-Itami 1hr 10mins.
Shanghai 3hr 35mins. Osaka-Kansai 1hr 30mins.
Seoul 2hr 30mins. Nagoya 1hr 15mins.
Taipei 3hr 45mins. Hiroshima 1hr 35mins.
Sapporo 1hr 10mins. Fukuoka 2hr
Tokyo-Narita 60mins. Okinawa-Naha 2hr 50mins.

2. “Tohoku Shinkansen” (Bullet Train)

From Tokyo to Sendai: 1hr 31mins.

3. Airport Access
Haneda Tokyo Monorail Hamamatsucho JR Yamanote Line
Haneda-Sendai (approx. 2hrs 10mins) Airport approx. 6 mins
Narita-Sendai (approx. 2hrs 30mins) 20 mins Tokyo Tohoku Shinkansen Sendai

Station 1hr 31mins Station

Narita JR Narita Express
Airport 55 mins

Provided by the Miyagi Prefecture Commerce, Industry and Tourism Department, Tourism Division


■ Location of the Campuses

Campuses in Sendai City

1 Katahira ku
i JR Kitayama

Fu . Aramaki Elementary School
Sendai u Stn

ino St
2 Kawauchi
High School ho ae

ha n.
To aim

JR d Se
3 Aobayama Tohoku Fukushi n
Rinnoji zan Ki
University Temple Li -S
n e en
4 Seiryo Aoba Shrine
St dai
St R K
n. ita
Sanjo - Se
JR Kunimi Stn. ai
JR Kuzu

Namboku Line
Sendai Subway
Osaki Hachimangu Miyagi University of
Shrine Education Affiliated
Elementary School
Miyagi University of
Education Affiliated
Junior High School

Route 48 Kita-Yobancho
Miyagi First Senior Stn. E
High School J
Bridg oe
e Shokei Gakuin Aoba Ward Office
St. Dominic High School
Sendai Nishi Senior High School Yodomi Bridge Sendai City Hall
Road Miyagi Prefectural Office
Tokyo Electron Hall Miyagi
Miyagi Museum

(Miyagi Prefectural Auditorium)

Talk net Hall

Miyagi University of Art Sendai
of Education Affiliated School Sendai Daini Jozenji-dori Avenue

Miyagi University

for Special Needs Education

of Education Kawauchi High School

Nishikoen-dori Avenue
Stn. Mitsukoshi

Na ridge





Aobayama Aobayama Hirose-dori Avenue
Aoba no Stn. Stn.
Mori Sendai International Nishi Park
Center AER
IOmachi Nishi-koen Fujisaki JR Aoba-dori
Stn. Stn.
Ohashi Aoba-dori Avenue J
e IAoba-dori St R S
Sendai City Bridg JR n. en

Sendai St
Sendai Ichibancho Stn.
Aobayama Campus' New Extension Se Send da
To nda
Museum Baseball Ground High Court Minamimachi-dori Avenue Stn. a i i
za i S Itsu

i L ub Athletic Field Hyojogawara tsub JR S

ine wa Aobayama ash e nsek
y Bridge

Miyagin .
Park i- dor i

Ruins of Sendai i Av SS30

Castle e

ma Katahira
Zoological Park Yagiyama ya

ri Aven
Benyland Zuihoden B r idg
Stn. e Itsu
Yagiyama Zoological of Date Masamune) Stn. tsubash

Park Tohoku

JR onse
Tohoku Institute Broadcasting

JR hinkn

To n L
of Technology Miyagi Technical Tohoku Gakuin

To se

ho ine
High School University

ho n L

Sendai Jōnan At

ku ine
Hirose River ag
Subway Namboku Line High School
St oba
n. sh
Subway Tozai Line Sendai Mukaiyama
High School

High School Mikamine Park
Sendai Minami
Post Office
Route 2

Ward Office

Sendai City

Tomizawa Stn.

■ Campus Map

●Land: 229,613㎡ ●Buildings: 199,457㎡ (as of May 1, 2020)

1-1, Katahira, 2-chome, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577
Administrative Office
Research Institutes to Higashi-ichibancho
5 15
12 17
6 8

7 13
3 11
14 10
Extended Education & Research Building 9 50

Administration Bureau
Strategic Planning Office 26 30 20
General Affairs and Planning Department 73
General Affairs Division 26 19 21
External Relations Division 28 29
Legal Affairs and Compliance Division 27 25
Global Engagement Division 29 77 22
Public Relations Office 28 24 27
Human Resources and Planning Department 28
Human Resources and Planning Division 29
Lecture Hall
where Lu Xun 41
Payroll and Labor Affairs Division 29 Studied
Labor and Health Administration Division 29 Main Gate
Center for Environmental Conservation and Research Safety 40 33 32
Finance Department 29 46
36 43
Research Promotion Department 29

Facilities Department 34 35
Digital Transformation Division, Information Department 27

Audit Office 27 37 34
Graduate School of Economics and Management 47

Regional Innovation Research Center 41 40


38 48
Graduate School of Life Sciences
Administration Office 36
Graduate School of Life Sciences Building 37 56 52
Life Sciences Project Research Laboratory 36 58 57
Environment Control Experiment Building 38 39
Law School, School of Public Policy 55

Administration Office 41

Accounting School
Administration Office, laboratory 35

Lecture Room 41
Institute for Materials Research (IMR) 53 54
Honda Memorial Hall (Administration Office) 9 South Gate
Building No. 1, 2, 3, 4 10, 11, 12, 17
Cooperative Research Project Laboratory 4
Super Computing Center 5 79
76 74
Laboratory of α-Ray Emitters 6
Technical Plant I,II 7, 8
Multi-Use Laboratory 15 63 64 65
International Center of Educational Research 16
Cooperative Research and Development Center for 62
Advanced Materials 13
High Field Laboratory for Superconducting Materials 14
High Field Laboratory Annex 75 61 66
Center for Low Temperature Science 3
Institute of Fluid Science 70
Administration Office 42
Building No. 1, 2, 3 42, 44, 45 72 67
High Speed Flow Experiment Building 46 71
Interdisciplinary Shock Wave Research Building 47
Low Turbulence Wind Tunnel Building 70
Flow Dynamics Building 43
Joint Laboratory Building 48
Innovative Energy Research Center (IER) 44
Research Institute of Electrical Communication
Administration Office 76 Administration Office 30
Main Building 76 AIMR Main Building 30
Building No.1, 2 61, 62, 63 AIMR Laboratory Building 17
Laboratory for Brainware Systems 64, 65 AIMR Annex 20
Fundamental Technology Center 66 University Archives 33
Common Research Facilities Building 67 Technology Center for Research and Education
Laboratory for Nanoelectronics and Spintronics 59 Activities 36
Research Center for 21st Century Information The Electron Microscopy Center 32
Technology 71, 72 Office of Cooperative Research and Development 29 Sakura Kitchen, Restaurant Hagi
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials Archaeological Research Office on the Campus 34, 39 Katahira Hall 2
Administration Office 51 Campus Design Office 34 Sakura Hall 56
East Building 19, 21, 22 Infornation Disclosure Room 27 Gymnasium 69
West Building 23, 24 Material Solutions Center 73 TOKYO ELECTRON House of
West Technical Plant 25 Extended Education & Research Building 41 Creativity 77
South Building 52, 53, 54 Cultural Property Storage 49 Center for Gender Equality Promotion 41
South Multidisciplinary Research Laboratory 57, 58 Katahira Kitamon Commons 50 Resilient ICT Research Center 74
Cooperative Research Building 55 University House Katahira, Espace, Cerisier, Former IMR Building No.10 1
Library 31 Kitamon Lounge Education and Research Base Support
Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR) Sakura Shop Building 79


●Land: 817,777㎡ ●Buildings: 140,373㎡ (as of May 1, 2020)

Kawauchi-Kita Campus: 41 Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8576
Humanities and Social Sciences Kawauchi-Minami Campus: 27-1 Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8576

First Two Years of Undergraduate Education

Kawauchi Athletic
Kitauracho, 14
Kawauchi Kawauchi Stn.
Kameoka 11 15
10 17 Athletic Ground
1 2 13
33 8

Court 34 4 38
Kawauchi Kameoka 37 5
to Graduate School
of Science / Pharmaceutical 20
Sciences / Engineering


25 26 36
to Tenshudai


Administration Bureau Student Health Care Center 4 Kawauchi Sub Arena 14

Education and Student Support Department Center for Counseling and Disability Services Kawauchi Gymnasium (Kawauchi Arena) 15
(Education and Student Support Center) 7 (Counseling Office) 38 Kawauchi Extracurricular Activity Shared
Admissions Division, Education and Student Admission Center 19 Facilities B 16
Support Department 19 Center for Counseling and Disability Services Kawauchi Extracurricular Activity Shared
Graduate School / Faculty of Arts and Letters (Disability Services Office) 33 Facilities A 17
Administration Office 22 Center for Career Support 7 Education and Research Base Support
Arts and Letters / Law Joint Building 24 Center for Professional Development 3 Building No. 4, 5 33, 34
Graduate School / Faculty of Education Center for Learning Support (SLA) 11 Kawauchi Circle Club Building 18
Administration Office 25 Global Learning Center 1, 7 Kawauchi Circle Club Building Ⅱ 37
Graduate School / School of Law Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences 1 Kawauchi Extracurricular Activity Shared
Administration Office 23 Facilities (Kawauchi Hall) 35
Arts and Letters / Law Joint Building 24 Botanical Gardens Tohoku University Centennial Hall
Graduate School of Economics and Management / Garden Hall 30 (Kawauchi Hagi Hall) 21
Faculty of Economics Memorial Herbarium 31 Welfare Facilities (cafeteria) 32
Administration Office 28 Center for Information Technology in Education 11
Seminar Rooms 28, 29
Graduate School of International Cultural Studies Laboratories for Students 2
Administration Office 6 Kawakita Joint Building 3
Research Center for Language, Brain and Lecture Rooms A, B, and C 8, 9, 10
Cognition 6 Multimedia Education and Research Complex 11
University Library (Main Library) 20 Multidisciplinary Research Building 36
Center for Northeast Asian Studies Lecture Rooms 26
Administration Office, laboratories 3 New Humanities Building 25
Branch Office 19 Humanities Building 27

Institute for Excellence in Higher Education Circle Club Room E 5

Administration Office 3 Circle Club Rooms F. G 12
Welfare Facilities (cafeteria) 13
 Springtime in Kawauchi Campus

■ Campus Map

Science and Engineering


5 17
8 6

7 16
to Miyagi University
of Education
10 20
21 22 18
11 12 19

26 25

28 101

99 27
30 114

104 Aobayama
98 51
33 Athletic Ground 109
Aobayama Stn. 53
Aobayama Campus’ New Extention 100
31 (North 1 Exit)
108 39 54

36 110 113
111 37 55
112 81

32 82
34 83
110 105 35 84 85
108 96
43 44 86
120 Aobayama Stn.78 106

109 97
(South 1 Exit) 121 87
102 56 57
107 42 122 64
38 48
49 40
41 47 Aobayama
65 Botanical Gardens Gate
118 66
46 60
128 103
123 88

45 89


126 90
91 93
79 92

67 95



to Miyagi University
of Education
10 20
11 12

26 25

28 101

99 27
30 114
104 Aobayama
98 51
33 Athletic Ground 109
Aobayama Stn.
Aobayama Campus’ New Extention 100
31 (North 1 Exit)
36 110 113
111 37
Administration Bureau 32 111
Information Infrastructure Division, Information 105 35
Department 29 108
Industry-University Cooperation Division, Research
120 Aobayama Stn.78 106
Promotion Department 35 109 (South 1 Exit) 121
Graduate School / Faculty of Science 107 42
Administration Center 12
Science Complex A, B 24 38 48
Science Complex Annex 25 49 40
Science Lecture Hall 5 41
Science Complex C 101
Mathematics Building 7 Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, Research
Physics Building 2 Building No.2 100
128 Lecture Hall 3
Physics Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, Research
Chemistry Annex 4
Physics & 123 Building No.3 31
Chemistry Building 8 Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, Education
Earth Science Building 11 and Research Base Support Building 6 33
Biology Building 10 Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, Education
124 and Research Base Support Building 7 51
High Resolution NMR Systems Building 13
Kawai Hall 6 Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, Education
126 125 and Analytical Center for Giant Molecules 9
Research and Research Base Support Building 12 53
Center for Atmospheric and Oceanic Studies 2 Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, Education
Planetary Plasma and Atmospheric Research Center 2 and Research Base Support Building 11 54
Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, Education
Volcanic Eruptions Building A 68 and Research Base Support Building 10 55
Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Applied Chemistry / Chemical Engineering / Materials Evolution Research Building 73
Volcanic Eruptions Building B, C 69 Biomolecular Engineering, Research Building - Main, Research & Machining Building 79
Machine Shop & Glass Laboratory 77 Administration Office 37 Materials Experiments Building, Department of Metallurgy,
Applied Chemistry / Chemical Engineering / Materials Science, and Materials Processing 115
Graduate School / Faculty of Pharmaceutical Biomolecular Engineering, Laboratories for Students 108 Materials Science and Engineering, Lecture Hall 118
Sciences Applied Chemistry / Chemical Engineering / Civil Engineering and Architecture 102
Administration Office 15 Biomolecular Engineering, Complex Building of CLT Demonstration Building 121
Pharmaceutical Sciences A, B, C, D Experimental Research Laboratories 109 Education and Research Base
15, 16, 17, 18 Applied Chemistry / Chemical Engineering / Support Building 19 [A1] 48
Experimental Station for Medicinal Plant Studies, Biomolecular Engineering, Lecture Hall 110 Laboratory Building of Civil and Environmental
Administration Building 19 Applied Chemistry / Chemical Engineering / Engineering 49
Biomolecular Engineering, Lecture Room Building 111 Engineering Laboratory Complex Building 40
Graduate School / School of Engineering Applied Chemistry / Chemical Engineering / Innovation Plaza 43
Administration Office(CENTER HALL) 46 Biomolecular Engineering, Research Building - Annex 112 Laboratory of Architecture and Building Science 27
Administration Office(Administration Building) 41 Applied Chemistry / Chemical Engineering / Laboratory Building of Architecture and Building
Lecture Room Building - Mechanical Engineering, Biomolecular Engineering, Research Building No.2 113 Science II 38
Mechanical Systems Engineering / Finemechanics Supercritical Fluid Research Laboratory 114 Fracture and Reliability Research Institute 40
/ Aerospace Engineering / Robotics, Administration Materials Education and Research Building, Experimental Laboratory of Division of Advanced
Office 57 Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Electric Power Research (Fracture and Reliability
Electrical, Information and Physics Engineering Materials Processing, Administration Office 103 Research Institute) 72
Building No.1 39 Materials Collaborative Research Building 60 Research Center of Supercritical Fluid Technology 40


●Land: 1,577,169㎡ ●Buildings: 390,302㎡ (as of May 1, 2020)

Graduate School / School of Engineering / Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, New Industry Creation Hatchery Center(NICHe):
6-6 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8579
Graduate School of Environmental Studies,International Research Institute of Disaster Science: 468-1 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8572
Graduate School of Agricultural Science / Faculty of Agriculture / Graduate School of Environmental Studies, International Research
Institute of Disaster Science: 468-1 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8572
Other than those above: 6-3, Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578

17 17
15 15
16 16

Aobayama Campus  CENTER HALL

22 18
22 18
19 19

Research Center for Early Living Environment

Recovery 92
Integrated Laboratory for Advanced Fusion Reactor
53 53
Engineering 93
39 39 54 54 Fast Neutron Laboratory 94
Subcritical Assembly 95
55 55 81 81 Nano-Biomedical Engineering Research Laboratory 96
82 82 Nano-Biomedical Engineering Research Building 97
83 83
84 8584 85
72 72 Graduate School of Information Sciences
43 4344 96 96 Research Building, Administration Office 32
44 86 86
97 97 Laboratories 31, 32, 39, 51, 80, 86, 87, 100,
87 87 102
56 56 57 57
2 42 122 64
122 64
58 58 Graduate School of Life Sciences
Laboratories 8, 10, 24, 25
80 80
41 47 47 Aobayama
Aobayama Graduate School of Environmental Studies
65 65 Botanical
Gate Gate Research Building 56
118 118 66 66 Ecollab. 58
46 46 60 60 103 103 Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
115 115
88 88 Administration Office 41
45 45 Laboratories 39, 41, 80, 100
89 89
Kita-Aobayama Library 21
Engineering Library 44
73 73 Research Center for Neutrino Science 22
90 90
The Tohoku University Museum 23
91 91 93 93 Museum of Natural History 23
79 79 92 92 Division for Interdisciplinary Advanced Research and
Education 28
Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences 28
94 94
67 67 95 95 Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center 26

New Industry Creation Hatchery Center (NICHe)

68 68 Main Building 35
Fluctuation Free Facility 34
69 69 Annex 78
Hatchery Square 42

Center for Low Temperature Science 1

Micromachining Facility Micro / Nano-Machining Cyberscience Center 29
Research and Education Center 64 Cyber Science Center 2 104
Nanomachining Facility Micro / Nano-Machining Mechanical Engineering 85 Environment Conservation Center 67
Research and Education Center 122 Mechanical Engineering Research Building No.2 86 Gymnasium 30
Management Science and Technology 40 Research Building - Mechanical and Aerospace Cafeteria Keyaki Dining 36
Kita-Aobayama Commons 20

Mechanical Engineering Research Building No.1 80 Engineering 87

Mechanical Engineering Research Laboratory I 81 Research Building - Quantum Science and Energy Cafeteria Aoba Dining 46
Mechanical Engineering Research Laboratory J 82 Engineering 88 Aoba Memorial Hall 45
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Building 83 Lecture Room Building - Quantum Science and Cafeteria Komorebi Cafe / Convenience Store “Daily
Laboratories for Students - Mechanical and Aerospace Energy Engineering 89 Yamazaki” 65
Engineering, Nano - Precision Machining Shop 84 Radioisotope Laboratory 90 Automobile Museum 66
Environmental Strength Research Laboratory - Early Living Environment Recovery Laboratory 91 Convenience Store / Book+cafe “BOOOK” 47

■ Campus Map

●Land: 1,577,169㎡ ●Buildings: 390,302㎡ (as of May 1, 2020)

Graduate School / School of Engineering / Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, New
Science and Engineering Industry Creation Hatchery Center(NICHe): 6-6 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8579
Graduate School of Agricultural Science / Faculty of Agriculture / Graduate School of
Environmental Studies, International Research Institute of Disaster Science: 468-1 Aoba, Aramaki,
Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8572
Other than those above: 6-3, Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578


5 17
8 6
7 16
to Miyagi University
of Education
10 20
21 22 18
11 12 19


<Aobayama Campus’ New Extension>


28 101

Graduate School of Agricultural Science/Faculty of Agriculture

99 27
30 114
104 Aobayama
98 51

 Administration Office 110

33 Athletic Ground 109
Aobayama Stn. 53
Aobayama Campus’ New Extention 100
31 (North 1 Exit)
108 39 54
36 110 113
111 37 55

 Agricultural Research and Administration Facility 110

112 81
32 111
34 82 83
110 105 35 84 85
108 96
43 44 86
120 Aobayama Stn.78 106 97

 Animal Research Facility 111

109 (South 1 Exit) 121 87
102 56 57
107 42 122 64
38 48
49 40

Graduate School of Environmental Studies

41 47 Aobayama
65 Botanical Gardens Gate
118 66
46 60
128 103

 Main Building 108

123 88
45 89

International Research Institute of Disaster Science

126 90
91 93
79 92


67 95


 Main Building 105


Aobayama Commons 109

 Agricultural Library
 Midori Cafeteria
 Midori shop
Center for Innovative Integrated Electronic Systems 98
Energy Center 1
Innovation Center for Creation of a Resilient Society 106
Laboratory 3for Rare Metal 77 Research 107
Aobayama Midori Welfare 4 Facilities 120
University House Aobayama
1 123 17

2 124
University House Aobayama
to Miyagi University
13 House Aobayama 3 125
of Education University
House Aobayama 4 126
University House Aobayama215 127 22 18
11 12 19
University House Aobayama 6, Interaction Building 128
26 25 Security Hut 129

28 101

99 27
30 114
104 Aobayama
98 51
33 Athletic Ground 109
Aobayama Stn. 53
Aobayama Campus’ New Extention 100
31 (North 1 Exit)
108 39 54
36 110 113
111 37 55
112 81
32 111
34 82 83
110 105 35 84 85
43 44 86
120 Aobayama Stn.78 106
109 97
(South 1 Exit) 121 87
102 56 57
107 42 122 64
38 48
49 40
41 47 Aob
65 Bota
118 66
46 60
128 103
123 88
45 89
126 90
79 92





●Land: 179,214㎡ ●Buildings:334,449㎡ (as of May 1, 2020)

Tohoku University Hospital: 1-1, Seiryo-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8574
School of Medicine School / Graduate School of Medicine: 2-1, Seiryo-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8575
School / Graduate School of Dentistry: 4-1, Seiryo-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8575
School of Dentistry Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer: 4-1, Seiryo-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8575
Tohoku University Hospital Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization: 2-1, Seiryo-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8573

1 48 46
49 4
3 40
39 8
5 6 7

12 23
24 27

25 28
15 30

41 16 17
21 32
20 19

18 33
45 36




Graduate School / School of Medicine Clinical Dental Science Building 10 Advanced Medical Training Centar 43
Administration Office 19 Clinical Dental Science Building Ⅱ 40 Seiryo Residence 46
Building No.0 16 Advanced Medical Care Center 30
Building No.1 19 Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science Center for Laboratory Animal Research 26
Building No.2 33 Laboratory 44
Building No.3 34 Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering Center for Gene Research 3
Building No.4 17 Laboratory 3, 10, 17, 19, 21, 33, 34, 44 Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization
Building No.5 20 Laboratory 21 Building 45
Building No.6 44 RI Seiryo Subcenter 25
Health Sciences Building D 42 Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer Seiryo Club House 1
Education and Research Base Support Administration Office 4 Seiryo Gymnasium 2
Building 41 Center for Basic Aging Research 3 Japanese Archery House 49
Health Sciences Building A 13 Center for Clinical Aging Research 4 Dormitory for Nurses 50
Health Sciences Building B 12 Center for Smart Aging Research 39 Seiryo Hall (Welfare Facilities)
Frontier Research Building 14 Laboratory for Brain Imaging Research 6 Centennial Hall -Seiryo Auditorium- 15
Prion Research Building 23 Laboratory for Brain Dynamics Research 7 Gonryo Hall 38
Institute of Animal Experimentation 24 Facility for Tumor and Animal Experiment 5
Lecture Rooms 18 Laboratory for Advanced Frontiers Research 11
Clinical Lecture Building 35 Pre-clinical Research Center 47
United Centers for Advanced Research and Center for Laboratory Animal Resources 48
Translational Medicine (ART) 20
Autopsy Imaging Center 12 Medical Library 37
Environment and Genome Research Center 44
Comprehensive Education Center for Tohoku University Hospital
Community Medicine 38 Temporary Administration Building 31

Tohoku University Clinical Skills Laboratory 38 Clinics for Outpatients 36

Operation & Medical Check Building 32
Graduate School / School of Dentistry West Ward 28
Administration Office 10 East Ward 29
Basic Dental Science Building 8 Clinical Research, Innovation and Education
Education and Training Building 9 Center 27
Seiryo Campus

■ List of Facilities

Academic Facilities and Others

Facility Address
Jun-ichi Nishizawa Research Center
① 519-1176 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-0845
Micro System Integration Center (μSIC)
② Research Center for Electron Photon Science 1-2-1 Mikamine, Taihaku-ku, Sendai 982-0826
③ Tohoku University Kenko Plaza 6-6-5 Minamiyoshinari, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 989-3204
④ Planetary Observatory of PPARC (Onagawa) 15-3-1, Kirigasaki, Kirigasaki, Onagawa-cho, Oshika-gun, Miyagi 986-2204
⑤ Field Science Center (Onagawa) 2-10-1 Konori, Onagawa-cho, Oshika-gun, Miyagi 986-2248
⑥ Field Science Center (Kawatabi) 232-3 Yomogida, Naruko-onsen, Osaki, Miyagi 989-6711
⑦ Kawatabi Seminar Center 75 Hara, Naruko-onsen, Osaki, Miyagi 989-6711
⑧ Graduate School of Life Sciences, Farm Station 134-2 Uchinoura, Hironaga, Kashimadai-cho, Osaki, Miyagi 989-4104
⑨ Planetary Observatory of PPARC (Zao) Nanokahara, Togatta-onsen, Zao-machi, Katta-gun, Miyagi 989-0916
⑩ Research Center for Marine Biology (Asamushi) 9 Sakamoto, Asamushi, Aomori 039-3501
⑪ Botanical Gardens, Mt. Hakkoda 1-1 Minamiarakawayama, Arakawa, Aomori 030-0111
⑫ Akita Branch Observatory of RCPEQVE 1-14-46 Shougunno-minami, Akita 011-0936
⑬ Honjo Branch Observatory of RCPEQVE 4 Nishinosumi, Ohyana, Yurihonjo, Akita 015-0091
⑭ Sanriku Seismological Observatory, Graduate School of Science 114 Kodomari, Okirai, Sanriku-cho, Ohfunato, Iwate 022-0101
⑮ Tono Branch Observatory of RCPEQVE 4-120-74 Komagi, Matsuzaki-cho, Tono, Iwate 028-0545
⑯ International Research Center for Nuclear Materials Science 2145-2 Narita-cho, Oarai-machi, Higashiibaraki-gun, Ibaraki 311-1313
Trans-Regional Corporation Center for Industrial Materials Research 8th floor, Research Organization for University-Community Collaborations, Osaka Prefecture
(Osaka) University, 1-2 Gakuen-cho, Naka-ku, Sakai, Osaka 599-8531

Trans-Regional Corporation Center for Industrial Materials Research
2nd floor, Incuvation center, University of Hyogo, 2167 Shosha, Himeji, Hyogo 671-2280
⑱ Planetary Observatory of PPARC (Iitate) Maeta, Iitate-mura, Soma-gun, Fukushima 960-1636
⑲ KamLAND, Research Center for Neutrino Science 408 Kamimachi, Higashi-mozumi, Kamioka-cho, Hida, Gifu 506-1205
⑳ Tohoku University Liaison Office (Tokyo) 10th floor, SapiaTower, 1-7-12 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005
㉑ Tokyo Site 2-3-11 Nihonbashi-honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023
Accounting School, International Graduate School of Accounting
㉒ 6-1-17 Hirai, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan 132-0035
Policy (IGSAP)
Tokyo Site,Clinical Research, Innovation and Education Center,
㉓ 2-3-11 Nihonbashi-honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023
Tohoku University Hospital(CRIETO)
㉔ Tohoku University Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization Nihonbashi Branch 7th floor, Nihonbashi Muromachi Mitsui Tower, 3-2-1 Nihonbashimuromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023
㉕ Tokyo Office, Head Office for Open Innovation Strategy 7th floor, Nihonbashi Muromachi Mitsui Tower, 3-2-1 Nihonbashimuromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023
RCPEQVE: Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions
PPARC: Planetary Plasma and Atmospheric Research Center

Student Residence / University House / International House

Facility Capa Address
Nisshu Ryo (for Japanese male students) Capacity: 103 persons 16-3 Midori-cho, Yagiyama, Taihaku-ku, Sendai 982-0832
Ibun Ryo (for Japanese male students) Capacity: 96 persons As Above
Seifu Ryo (for Japanese male students) Capacity: 81 persons As Above
Joshun Ryo (for Japanese female students) Capacity: 64 persons 19-1 Sanjo-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 981-0935
Meizen Ryo (for Japanese male students) Capacity: 160 persons 6-3-2 Kamisugi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-0011
Matsukaze Ryo (for Japanese male students) Capacity: 150 persons As Above
University House Aobayama(for Japanese and international students) Capacity: 752 persons 468-1 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8572
University House Sanjo (for Japanese and international students) Capacity: 416 persons 19-1 Sanjo-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 981-0935
University House Sanjo Ⅱ (for Japanese and international students) Capacity: 216 persons As Above
University House Sanjo Ⅲ (for Japanese and international students) Capacity: 208 persons As Above
University House Kamisugi (for Japanese and international male students) Capacity: 32 persons 6-3-2 Kamisugi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-0011
University House Nagamachi (for Japanese and international students) Capacity: 48 persons 8-6-10 Nagamachi, Taihaku-ku, Sendai 982-0011
University House Katahira
Capacity: 81 persons 1-14-15 Ichibancho, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-0811
(for Japanese and international students and researchers)
International House Sanjo 1 (for international students and researchers) Capacity: 254 persons 19-1 Sanjo-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 981-0935
International House Sanjo 2 (for international students) Capacity: 108 persons 10-15 Sanjo-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 981-0935
International House Higashi-sendai (for international students) Capacity: 70 persons 6-14-15 Higashi-Sendai, Miyagino-ku, Sendai 983-0833

Facilities for Extracurricular Activities

Facility Address
Hyojogawara Athletics Field / University Hostel 2-1 Kadan, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-0815
Kamafusa Boat House 10-5 Nishida, Ono, Kawasaki-machi, Shibata-gun, Miyagi 989-1505
Toda Boat House / University Hostel 5-50 Todakoen, Toda, Saitama 335-0024
Shichigahama Yacht House 61-1 Hamayashiki, Yoshidahama, Shichigahama-cho, Miyagi-gun, Miyagi 985-0802
Shusetsu Hütte 820-1 Arashiki, Zao-onsen, Yamagata 990-2301
Seikei Lodge 305 Ro Rinshohan, Kokuyurin, Kuraishidake, Zao-machi, Katta-gun, Miyagi 980-0800
Katahira Gymnasium 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577
Katahira (2・5・6) Hall As Above
Tomizawa Baseball Ground 1-5 Mikamine, Taihaku-ku, Sendai 982-0826
Tomizawa Driver Training Circuit 1-6 Mikamine, Taihaku-ku, Sendai 982-0826
Aobayama Riding Ground 6-3 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578
Kawauchi Sub Arena 41 Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8576
Kawauchi Extracurricular Activity Shared Facilities (Kawauchi Hall) As Above
Kawauchi Circle and Club Building, Kawauchi Circle and Club Building Ⅱ As Above
Kawauchi Extracurricular Activity Shared Facilities A As Above
Kawauchi Extracurricular Activity Shared Facilities B As Above
Circle Club Rooms E・F・G As Above


■ International Houses
Tohoku University has a number of dormitories for international students and
researchers for the purpose of promoting international exchange in education
and research, such as International House and University House.

International House Sanjo 1

Residents Room Type Floor Space Number of Rooms
Single 18㎡ 147
Married 46㎡   44
Family 48㎡   21
Family 56㎡    8
Subtotal 220  International House Sanjo 1
Single 18㎡   12
Researchers Married 48/49㎡   14
Family 60㎡    8
Subtotal   34
Grand Total 254

International House Sanjo 2

Residents Room Type Floor Space Number of Rooms
Single 16㎡   93
Students Married 32㎡   12
Family 46㎡    3
Total 108
 International House Sanjo 2
International House Higashi-Sendai
Residents Room Type Floor Space Number of Rooms
Single (Main) 9㎡   45
Students Single (Annex) 18㎡   18
Married (Annex) 36㎡    7
Total   70

University House Aobayama

Residents Room Type Floor Space Number of Rooms
Students Single 10㎡ 752
Total 752*  International House Higashi -Sendai
*376 rooms for international students, 376 rooms for Japanese students

University House Sanjo

Residents Room Type Floor Space Number of Rooms
Single (Type A) 10㎡ 256
Single (Type B) 13㎡ 160
Total 416*
*130 rooms for international students, 286 rooms for Japanese students

University House Sanjo Ⅱ

Residents Room Type Floor Space Number of Rooms
 University House Aobayama
Students Single 12㎡ 216
Total 216*
*135 rooms for international students, 81 rooms for Japanese students

University House Sanjo Ⅲ

Residents Room Type Floor Space Number of Rooms
Students Single 15㎡ 208
Total 208*
*88 rooms for international students, 120 rooms for Japanese students

University House Katahira

Residents Room Type Floor Space Number of Rooms  University House Sanjo

Students Single 12㎡   48

Single 28㎡   21
Researchers Married 44㎡    9
Family 56㎡    3
Subtotal   33
Grand Total   81*
*30 rooms for international students, 18 rooms for Japanese students

University House Nagamachi

Residents Room Type Floor Space Number of Rooms
Students Single 15㎡   48
Total   48  University House Sanjo Ⅱ

Tohoku University Fact Book 2020
Tohoku University Fact Book 2020

Tohoku University Fact Book 2020

Published by
Global Engagement Division

2-1-1, Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577 JAPAN


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