The History of Functions

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The History of Functions

If today we try to answer the difficult question "What is mathematics?" we often respond
with an answer such as "It is the study of relations on sets" or "It is the study of functions on
sets". If these statements come anywhere close to the truth then it might be logical to suggest that
the concept of a function must have arisen in the very earliest stages in the development of
mathematics. Indeed if we look at Babylonian mathematics we find tables of squares of the
natural numbers, cubes of the natural numbers, and reciprocals of the natural numbers.

The idea of a function was developed in the seventeenth century. During this time, Rene
Descartes, in his book Geometry in 1637, used the concept to describe many mathematical
relationships. The term "function" was introduced by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz almost fifty
years after the publication of Geometry. The idea of a function was further formalized by
Leonhard Euler who introduced the notation for a function, y = f(x). Johann Bernoulli started
calling expressions made of a single variable "functions." In 1698, he agreed with Leibniz that
any quantity formed "in an algebraic and transcendental manner" may be called a function of x.
By 1718, he came to regard as a function "any expression made up of a variable and some
In the work of Ptolemy, we find that he computed chords of a circle which essentially
means that he computed trigonometric functions. Suggesting that Ptolemy understood the concept
of a function is again begin overly generous. Our eyes may see functions, but not his.
Oresme (1323-1382) was getting closer in 1350 when he described the laws of nature as
laws giving a dependence of one quantity on another. regarded as having foreseen and come close
to a modern formulation of the concept of function. Oresme developed a geometric theory of
latitudes of forms representing different degrees of intensity and extension. In his theory, some
general ideas about independent and dependent variable quantities seem to be present.
Galileo was beginning to understand the concept even more clearly. His studies of
motion contain a clear understanding of the relation between variables. Again another piece of his
mathematics shows how he was beginning to grasp the concept of mapping between sets. In 1638
he studied the problem of two concentric circles with center O, the larger circle A with a diameter
twice that of the smaller one B. The familiar formula gives the circumference of A to be twice
that of B. But taking any point P on circle A, then P A cuts circle B in one point. So Galileo had
constructed a function mapping each point of A to a point of B. Similarly if Q is a point on B then
OQ cuts circle A in exactly one point. Again he has a function, this time from points of B to
points of A. Although the circumference of A is twice the length of the circumference of B they
have the same number of points. He also produced the standard one-to-one correspondence
between the positive integers and their squares which (in modern terms) gave a bijection between
N and a proper subset. At almost the same time that Galileo was coming up with these ideas,
Descartes (1596-1650) was introducing algebra into geometry in La G´eom´etrie.
Descartes clearly stated that an equation in two variables, geometrically represented by a curve,
indicates a dependence between variable quantities. The idea of derivatives came about as a way
of finding the tangent to any point of this curve. It is important to understand that the concept of
function developed over time, changing its meaning as well as being defined more precisely as
time passed. Early uses of the word function did incorporate some of the ideas of the modern
concept of function but in a much more restrictive way.
Newton (1642-1727) was one of the first mathematicians to show how functions could be
developed in infinite power series, thus allowing for the intervention of infinite processes. He
used fluently to designate independent variables, relata quantities to indicate dependent variables,
and genital to refer to quantities obtained from others using the four fundamental arithmetical
It was Leibniz (1646-1716) who first used the term function in 1673. He took function to
designate, in very general terms, the dependence of geometrical quantities on the shape of a
curve. He also introduced the terms constant, variable, and parameter.
Johann Bernoulli, in a letter to Leibniz written in 1694, described a function as “... a
quantity somehow formed from indeterminate and constant quantities. In a paper in 1698 Johann
Bernoulli writes of “functions of ordinates.” Leibniz wrote to Bernoulli saying, “I am pleased that
you use the term function in my sense.” The term function did not appear in a mathematics
lexicon published in 1716. Two years later Jean Bernoulli published an article containing his
definition of a function of a variable as a quantity that is composed in some way from that
variable and constants.
Euler (1707-1793), a former student of Bernoulli, later added his touch to this definition
speaking of analytical expression instead of quantity. Euler published Introduction in analyzing
Infinitum in 1748 in which he makes the function concept central to his presentation of analysis.
Euler defined a function in the book as “A function of a variable quantity is an analytic
expression composed in any way whatsoever of the variable quantity and numbers or constant
quantities.” Though Euler gave no definition of what he meant by “analytic expression”, we
believe that he assumed that the reader would understand it to mean expressions formed from the
usual operations of addition, multiplication, powers, roots, etc. At this time the notion of function
was then identified in practice with the notion of analytical expression. This representation soon
leads to several inconsistencies.

The functions considered in those times are called today differentiable functions. For this
type of function, one can talk about limits and derivatives; both are measurements of the output
or the change in the output as it depends on the input or the change in the input. Such functions
are the basis of calculus. Functions were not explicitly considered in antiquity, but some
precursors of the concept can perhaps be seen in the work of medieval philosophers and
mathematicians such as Oresme.

Functions in the 17th century

In 1778 the first two parts of Condorcet’s intended five-part work Trait´e du calcul
integral was sent to the Paris Academy. It was never published but was seen by many leading
French mathematicians. In this work, Condorcet distinguished three types of functions: explicit
functions, implicit functions given only by unsolved equations, and functions that are defined
from physical considerations such as being the solution to a differential equation.
According to Dieudonné and Ponte, the concept of a function emerged in the 17th century
as a result of the development of analytic geometry and the infinitesimal calculus. Nevertheless,
Medvedev suggests that the implicit concept of a function is one with an ancient lineage.
Functions in the 18th century
Mathematicians of the 18th century typically regarded a function as being defined by an
analytic expression. In the 19th century, the demands of the rigorous development of analysis by
Weierstrass and others, the reformulation of geometry in terms of analysis, and the invention of
set theory by Cantor, eventually led to the much more general modern concept of a function as a
single-valued mapping from one set to another.

Functions in the 19th century

In the 19th century, however, the notion of function underwent successive enlargements
and clarifications that deeply changed its nature and meaning. Introduction in analyzing Infinitum
changed the way that mathematicians thought about familiar concepts. Until Euler’s work the
trigonometric quantities sine, cosine, tangent, and others were regarded as lines connected with
the circle rather than functions.
It was Euler who introduced the functional point of view. The function concept had led
Euler to make many important discoveries before he wrote Introduction in analyzing Infinitum.
However, a more serious objection came through the work of Fourier who stated in 1805 that
Euler was wrong. Fourier showed that some discontinuous functions could be represented by
what today we call a Fourier series.
The distinction between continuous and discontinuous functions, therefore, did not exist.
Fourier’s work was not immediately accepted and leading mathematicians such as Lagrange did
not accept his results at this stage. Fourier’s work would lead eventually to the clarification of the
function concept when in 1829 Dirichlet proved results concerning the convergence of Fourier
series, thus clarifying the distinction between a function and its representation. Other
mathematicians gave their versions of the definition of a function. Condorcet seems to have been
the first to take up Euler’s general definition of 1755.
Other mathematicians gave their own versions of the definition of a function. Condorcet
seems to have been the first to take up Euler’s general definition of 1755. In 1778 the first two
parts of Condorcet’s intended five-part work Trait´e du calcul integral was sent to the Paris
Academy. It was never published but was seen by many leading French mathematicians. In this
work, Condorcet distinguished three types of functions: explicit functions, implicit functions
given only by unsolved equations, and functions that are defined from physical considerations
such as being the solution to a differential equation. Cauchy, in 1821, came up with a definition
making the dependence between variables central to the function concept in Cours d’analyse.
Despite the generality of Cauchy’s definition, which was
designed to cover the case of explicit and implicit functions, he was
still thinking of a function in terms of a formula. In fact, he makes
the distinction between explicit and implicit functions immediately
after giving this definition. He also introduces concepts that
indicate that he is still thinking in terms of analytic expressions.
Fourier, in Th´eorie analytique de la Chaleur in 1822, gave a definition
that deliberately moved away from analytic expressions. However,
despite this, when he begins to prove theorems about expressing an
arbitrary function as a Fourier series, he uses the fact that his
arbitrary function is continuous in the modern sense! Dirichlet, in
1837, accepted Fourier’s definition of a function, and immediately
after giving this definition, he defined a continuous function (using
continuous in the modern sense). Dirichlet also gave an example of a
function defined on the interval [0, 1] which is discontinuous at every
point, namely f(x) = ( 0 if x is rational 1 if x is irrational Around this
time many pathological functions were constructed. Cauchy gave an
early example when he noted that f(x) = ( e −1/x2 for 6= 0, 0 x = 0, is a
continuous function which has all its derivatives at 0 equal to 0. It,
therefore, has a Taylor series that converges everywhere but only
equals the function at 0.

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