Summative Exam in Science 9: Essay Refrain From Searching The Internet For Your Answers To Avoid Plagiarism Check

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PAG-ASA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Directions: Read and understand the passage carefully.

an essay on the space provided in answer to the given
SUMMATIVE EXAM IN SCIENCE 9 question below. Your essay will be graded based on the
NAME: ___________________________________ rubrics presented. (Refrain from searching the internet for your
GRADE AND SECTION: _____________________ answers to avoid plagiarism check.)

“COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by SARS-

PART I CoV-2 or the coronavirus. It directly affects our respiratory
and circulatory systems.
Directions: Read and answer the questions carefully. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
Encircle the letter of your answer. most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will
1. Which of the following are the component parts of the experience mild to moderate respiratory illness, and others
circulatory system? have no symptoms at all. In some cases, however, COVID-
A. Blood, blood vessels, lungs 19 can lead to respiratory failure, lasting lungs and heart
B. Blood, blood vessels, heart muscle damage, nervous system problems, kidney failure
C. Blood, alveoli, heart, lungs or death.
D. Blood vessels, lungs, nasal cavity If that is the case, how can you make your respiratory
2. Which body system or network of organs and tissues works and circulatory systems healthy to prevent being infected
directly with the circulatory system to provide oxygen to the by the virus?”
A. Digestive C. Respiratory
B. Muscular D. Skeletal
3. What does your heart do for your body?
A. It pumps the blood to move all through your body.
B. Carries the blood throughout the body.
C. Absorbs oxygen from the air and transfers it to all
parts of the body.
D. It is necessary for cell growth and energy.
4. Which of the following best describes a systemic circuit?
A. It transports oxygenated blood to virtually all of
the tissues of the body and returns relatively
deoxygenated blood and carbon dioxide to the
B. It transports blood to and from the lungs, where it
picks up oxygen and delivers carbon dioxide for
C. It turns your food into the nutrients and energy
you need to survive.
D. It gives the body its shape, allows movement,
makes blood cells, provides protection for organs
and stores minerals.
5. How do circulatory and respiratory systems work together?
A. The respiratory system is responsible for
transporting air to and from the lungs, and
facilitates gas exchange with the capillaries of
the circulatory system PART II
B. The circulatory system is responsible for
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions: Read and answer the questions
transporting blood, oxygen, nutrients, and
carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
wastes throughout the body.
C. The circulatory and respiratory systems work
together through absorbing oxygen from the air
and transferring it to all parts of the body while
absorbing carbon dioxide from the body and
releasing it into the air.
D. All of the above.

Directions: If the statement is true, write T. If it is false, replace

the underlined word(s) with the word(s) that will make the
statement correct. Write your answer on a space provided.
II. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Directions: If the statement is true,
write T. If it is false, replace the underline word(s) with the word(s)
that will make the statement correct. Write your answer on the space

____________11. Incomplete Dominance is the expression

of blended (or intermediate) traits in a heterozygous
individual or offspring.
_____________12. A and B blood types in humans and coat
color in cattle are examples of Codominance.
_____________13. Multiple Alleles, is when one gene affects
multiple characteristics.
_____________14. If purebred red plants and purebred white
plants are crossed the resulting offspring will be all
_____________15. Codominance is a pattern of heredity in
which both alleles are simultaneously expressed in the MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Directions: If the statement is true,
heterozygote. write T. If it is false, replace the underline word(s) with the word(s) that
PART III will make the statement correct. Write your answer on the space
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions: Read and answer the questions
carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer _____________11. Extinction occurs when the last number of
species dies.
_____________12. Habitat loss remains the main driver of extinction
according to Brook and Bradshaw (2014)
_____________13. Burning of fossil fuels, plastics and agricultural
activities increases water pollution.
_____________14. Factors affecting the change in sea level are the
ocean floor spreading and rising.
_____________15. Acid rain forms when sulfur dioxide / or nitrogen
oxides are put into the atmosphere which affects plant life
_____ 4. Photosynthesis occurs only in all green
PART IV plants, algae, and in some bacteria whereas cellular
respiration occurs in the cells of all living things.
Directions: Read and answer the given _____ 5. Breathing in oxygen is necessary so that our
questions/statements. Encircle the letter of your answer. cells can carry out cellular respiration and generate
1. Photosynthesis
_____________________________. III. FILL IN THE BLANKS
A. uses the energy in sunlight to make ATP. Directions: From the word pool below, select the
B. is an exergonic reaction as energy is correct word to complete the paragraph. Fill in the
released. blank with the correct answer.
C. uses the glucose in sunlight to make food.
D. is the process used by plants and some
bacteria to create energy from sunlight.
2. Which word equation best represents
photosynthesis in plants?
A. Carbon dioxide + water → starch + oxygen

B. Carbon dioxide + water → glucose + oxygen The two biological reactions that
C. Glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water complement each other in the environment are
photosynthesis and respiration that occur in a reverse
D. Glucose + water→ oxygen + carbon dioxide manner. Both involve a type of organelle inside the
3. It is the process of breaking down sugar in the cells, but photosynthesis takes place in the
presence of oxygen to release energy in the form 1. ______________which contain
of ATP, carbon dioxide and water as waste chlorophyll. Cellular respiration takes place in the
products. mitochondria which are organelles that are able to
A.Carbon fixation breakdown glucose. In photosynthesis, the energy
B.Cellular respiration that is used comes from sunlight which is converted
C. Photosynthesis into 2. ___________________energy that plants use
D. Protein synthesis to make glucose so they can grow. In cellular
4. It is an energy-carrying molecule used in cells respiration, glucose is used to create ATP which the
because it can release energy very quickly? plant needs to survive. Photosynthesis takes
3. ___________________________from air, water
A. ATP and sunlight to create sugar. The bi-product of
B. Chloroplast photosynthesis is 4. _______________ being release
C. Mitochondrion by plants. Cellular respiration takes the sugar and
D. Oxygen combines them with oxygen to release the energy as
5. Which of the following is TRUE about 5. ___________ a nucleotide essential to the body,
photosynthesis and cellular respiration? carbon dioxide and water are released.
A. Cellular respiration needs carbon dioxide,
water and energy to produce glucose and
B. Photosynthesis is just a reverse equation of ______________________________________
C. Photosynthesis needs glucose and oxygen
to produce carbon dioxide, water and _________________________________
D. Autotrophs and heterotrophs do not need
-----END OF EXAM-----
each other to be able to survive.


Directions: Write T if the statement is true, and F if the POLICY
statement is false. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number. SUMMARY OF SCORES


_____ 1. Bacteria and plants release carbon dioxide
1 15
that is required for all living organisms for respiration.
_____ 2. The interchange of oxygen and carbon 2 15
dioxide by cellular respiration and photosynthesis 3 15
helps in maintaining both atmospheric oxygen and 4 15
carbon dioxide and differ in the form of energy that is
being absorbed or released. TOTAL SCORE: _______________________
_____ 3. C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O is the
chemical reaction of photosynthesis. TEACHER SIGNATURE: ___________________

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